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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 26, 2021 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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francisco zoo and zookeepers say they all have very different, very distinct personalities. penguin fossils date back to 50 million years ago. their ancestors were bigger than what we know as emperor penguins. those guys are pretty big, almost four feet. aside from their size, penguins haven't changed much in 50 million years. that would be something to run into a four-foot penguin. right now at 6:00, getting back to school on this monday morning. sorry, kids. but happening today, thousands of kids are actually getting the green light. could be exciting for them to get back into the classroom in two bay area school districts, but the key question, will families choose to willet them return? we'll have a live report talking about it next. plus president joe biden getting high marks from americans for his speedy vaccine rollout but as the president nears the completion of his 100 days in office this week, there are some weak spots. a live report next on the
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challenges that lie ahead. and happening today, the shark tank in san jose will be swimming with fans, as team teal takes to the ice. we are live this morning with what shark fans need to know before heading to the big game. the third hour of "today in the bay" continues right now. good monday morning to you. thanks for starting your morning with us. i'm marcus washington. >> even and i'm laura garcia. the rain event we were hoping for over the weekend didn't amount to too much. taking a beautiful, live look outside at the golden gate bridge on this monday morning. meteorologist kari hall is tracking the rain totals and as well our new work week forecast. we'll check in with her in about eight minutes. first in the north bay with more on the school reopenings. "today in the bay's" cierra johnson is live in santa rosa at santa rosa high school. thousands of kids in that city returning to the classroom today.
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>> reporter: good morning. april a couple of days away from may kids would be waking up this first day of school jitters but that's exactly what's happening for the students returning to this school as well as several others within the district after months and months of waiting, the time has footbally come. we checked with the website to break down exactly who is returning to school today. it's not just high schoolers. there's five middle schools as well as the high schools returning for hybrid learning. students will do in-person learning two days and online the other three. half of the 10,500 students in grades 7 through 12 will take place in hybrid learning and in san francisco, students in grades 3 through 5, some middle schoolers and high school students in moderate or severe special classes are returning to in-person learning in san francisco unified school district. each school will follow specific safety directions laid out by the district.
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one of the major rules each cohort will have the same students and the same staff each day. they'll stay together for activities and help them avoid contact with people outside of the cohort. this practice as you could imagine would lower the risk of exposure reducing the number of folks the students interact with. this round of in-person learning coming a long time after waiting, specifically for san francisco the high school students we followed the elementary school students and they venture back and the high schoolers were actually able to return for athletic practices and sporting events on april 12th, so this is really completing their high school experience now that they're able to have sports and in-person learning. a lot of families excited to get pack in the classroom, exactly what's happening for students in san francisco and here santa rosa. cierra johnson for "today in the bay." >> thanks, cierra. new details on how many
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students are choosing to return to the classroom and one of the east bay's largest school districts. west contra costa unified says more than 6,300 students returned to school last week. children in tk through second grade were allowed back. the district serves richmond and surrounding cities and has more than 32,000 students. starting today, high schools will welcome back some students and all classrooms are expected to fully reopen next fall. berkecally school leaders are reportedly weighing the future of their school resource officer. berkeley unified has a deal with berkeley police to staff a single officer. he works at three schools, including berkeley high and tutors student athletes. in the wake of last year's defund police movement some argue his role should end. backers say that most students support his role. the school board is taking feedback and may ultimately reimagine his role. to vaccinations by the
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numbers. more than 11 million californians are now fully vaccinated, and the state has given out more than 28 million shots. here in the bay area, it's more than 6 million, with santa clara, alameda and contra costa counties at more than 1 million shots each. over the weekend, cdc said it is safe to resume giving out the johnson & johnson vaccine. coming up for new 30 minutes, which bay area county also put shots into arms and which ones won't. the covid situation critical in parts of india where front line workers are being overwhelmed by skyrocketing cases. for a fifth straight day, a nation today recorded some 350,000 new cases, and crematoriums pushed back their limits. covid is blamed for more than 00,000 deaths. one man went to play at a hindu temple, 20 family members in india are now positive with the
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virus. >> my father and brother and family, they are all infected. >> the white house is authorizing new assistance by donating raw materials to boost vaccine production along with sending test kits and ventilators. in washington, president biden is waking up to a new report card this morning. americans are elevating his performance as he approaches his first 100 days in office this week. the new survey covers guns to immigration to the vaccine rollout. tracie potts is reporting from washington this morning. tracie? >> reporter: as president biden prepares to address congress this week, a new nbc news poll gives him a 53% approval rating for his first 100 days, ahead of donald trump, but behind barack obama at the same point. his highest rating, 69% for handling the pandemic. >> i certainly think he's taken the leadership role i was hoping that he would.
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>> reporter: more than half the country gives biden a thumbs up on the economy, but he fares much lower on gun policies and immigration, with only a third approving of how he's handled the crisis at the border. >> it's not going to be solved overnight. it's a complex issue. listen, if this were easy, it would have been handled years ago. >> reporter: arizona's governor declared a state of emergency deploying 250 national guard troops. he wants more resources from the federal government. >> if the administration isn't going to do anything, then arizona will. >> reporter: in his first joint address to congress wednesday, biden is expected to push for immigration reform, police reform, and stricter gun laws. tracie potts, nbc news. the bay area's filipino-american community celebrating the state's first filipino attorney general. rob bonta and closest supporters held a virtual celebrate yesterday.
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bonta thanked family and friends who supported him throughout his career. he and his mother took time to reflect on the community's support through his journey. >> this is an opportunity to say thank you to all of you. i'm someone who remembers, who was there at the beginning and you guys were there at the beginning, you know, pushing me and making me believe i could do things that i didn't think i could do myself. >> this is a celebration for rob, but i think we should also celebrate the power that the community so obviously is showing. >> bonta made california political history before. he was the first filipino-american to serve in the california state assembly. 6:08. happening tonight, the shark tank is coming alive with a lot of fans. a few hundred people will be allowed into s.a.p. center for the first time in more than a year. >> "today in the bay's" kris sanchez is live with a look at the restrictions you're going to encounter if you're going out to
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the game. kris? >> reporter: good morning to you both. the san jose sharks had a small but special fan crowd over the weekend, their families got to come out and watch them play in person for the first time since march 8th of 2020. tonight about 500 fans get to come into the arena. fewer than the s.a.p. center can technically allow. they'll increase capacity depending how it goes tonight. fans have to show proof they are fully vaccinated or show a negative covid test and no surprise here, there are masks and social distance requirements. in san francisco, the chase center was alive with excitement, as many as 2,000 fans got to watch the warriors friday night, 3,200 fans on friday night. fans had to sit in pods with social distance and could not eat in the stands. so fans also had to take rapid covid tests on the spot as they arrived there, because their vaccine cards weren't clear. >> we had the shot but the only
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problem is like with mine there's a sharpie in so it looks different. >> they forgot to put the date on mine. i took it a month ago and there's no way to clarify that. >> reporter: the warriors win was obviously the icing on the cake. we're hoping for the same when was the icing on the cake. the puck drops at the shark tank at 7:30 tonight but there are a lot of proof of vaccine situations arising, that johnson & johnson vaccine could be more appealing for folks because you are fully vaccinated two weeks after your final dose, so with a johnson & johnson vaccine, that means you could be fully vaccinated within two weeks. it's back on the market, our bay area counties are going to start using it again and we'll talk more about that coming up in the next half hour. in san jose, kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> a lot of people saying with all that, they still want it done. >> there you go. all right, so what will the week hold for us? earlier, kari, you were talking about a little winter, a little spring, a little summer, sounds like a little bit of something
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for everyone. >> we do. we have it all in the forecast, as we go into the next few days. we're waking up heading out the door to a clearing sky in dublin right now, andday. this is our starting out in the low 40s. we'll see it slowly warming up today with a mix of sun and clouds and only reaching into the low 60s by this afternoon, as we go around the bay, beautiful start to our morning, in san francisco, we'll reach up to 62 degrees. you'll see clouds rolling by, a breezy day in brentwood, as well as santa rosa as we reach into the low 60s this afternoon. we'll talk about where we may still see some rain and the warm-up in our forecast coming up in a few minutes. mike, how is it looking for the morning commute? >> kari, the big problem is still coming through fremont, southbound 880 more backup, building from just before or say at the dumbarton bridge or dakoto off-ramp. southbound 880 slows down out of
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union city. nimitz toward stevenson you can make cut-throughs, folks know alvarado niles gets you close to mission and 680. the arrow i showed you, we saw the sensors change but there was more focused slowing toward mission boulevard for south 680. there may have been more folks jumping on there instead of the nimitz. we' continue to track a. once you're south of stevenson you're okay into the south bay. san jose slowing. castro valley y shows more volume and the bay bridge toll plaza has the backup especially off the 808 overcrossing. back to you. >> thank you, mike. coming up next, if you're planning on renting a car for your summer trip, you may want to look at the prices first. we're skyrocketing. we'll tell you where cars are going for $1,000 a day and why. plus, elon musk isn't really known for his comedic timing but the electric carmaker is planning on hosting one of the funniest tv shows around. more details on that next, coming up for you on the other side of this break. 6:12 for you. you're watching "today in the
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ deposit, plan and pay with easy tools from chase. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours.
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good monday morning. it is 6:15 as you get ready to drop the kids off in school in sunnyvale, starting out with some clouds and it's going to be a cool day, definitely a heavier jacket needed, and as you pick them up later this afternoon,
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you'll see temperatures in the mid-50s. we'll get sunshine and talk about a warmup and how much rain we measured coming up in a few minutes. allow yourself another ten minutes if you are driving on the nimitz southbound at union city and past stevenson, the crash did clear lanes in the last few minutes and the recovery is looking quick, more on the speed sensors. we're seeing more slowing over in contra costa county, remember through concord, highway 4 jams up and now we're seeing a benefit if you cut down through 242 and kirker pass road looking a little slower. >> thanks so, kari and mike. 6:16. tech news for you this morning, looking at the futures for the week, kind of flat at this point ahead of a big earnings week. but maybe a lot of people out there are looking for jobs as well. the restaurant industry is actually struggling to re-hire workers. many are offering big perks to lure applicants. taco bell looking for thousands of workers and they're offering
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four weeks of vacation and eight weeks maternity leave. mcdonald's looking for thousands of workers offering incentives as well. the restaurant industry is about 1.2 million employees short right now, compared noticed this, continue to go up, right now prices are $1 higher than they were a year ago. as more people are hitting the roads, in the bay area, says the lowest price per gallon in san francisco is 3:39, with an average of 4.07. in oakland, the lowest price is about $3.39 with an average of $4.02 and in san jose $3.33 with an average of $4.02. prices have risen for five straight months and expected to keep rising through the summer. volkswagen is warning of a slowdown. the carmaker says production will take a hit because of the global chip shortage. chips are essential to run the cars. the company's been unable to
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build 100,000 cars due to the shortage last month and we know it's causing other problems, marcus. >> yes. the chip shortage is driving up rental car prices, making them higher. enterprise sold a lot of cars at the start of the pandemic. it's now having a hard time finding those new cars which is leading to the shortage. get this, in hawaii, cars are going for as much as $1,000 a day. experts say flying mite be a cheaper option. >> consumers must change their mentality around rental cars. for so long they've been an afterthought. they can be more than the cost of your flight per day rental. if renting a car is a core part of your trip, search for that first and then look for flights and hotels, because in some markets you may not even be able to get a car. >> the main reason enterprise says because it's sold a lot of the
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cars the start of the pandemic, it's having a hard time finding new cars. is elon musk funny? we'll soon find out. the tesla and spacex ceo booked to host "saturday night live," mark the calendars if you want to see this one, may 8th, that announcement came on the same day the second spacex transporter crew members arrived at the international space station. i can't wait to see that one. this was a scare for one southern california family are an intruder made them lock themselves in their bedroom and dial 911. the intruder furry four legs, creating a terrifying situation for one family in l.a. county late friday on the edge of the angeles forest. the recently shot video of the young bear, on the patio and not clear if that's the same bear, they say it entered through an open door with one thing on its mind. take a look. >> he went through my whole pantry, he pulled out the flour,
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that's all over the kitchen, he ate all the cat food from the two cat dishes. he ate prunes, what else was in there? oh, some a big thing of trail mix. >> could you make a game, hungry, hungry bears, replacing hungry, hungry hippos p remember that game? the bear eventually moseyed off as deputies tracked it from above and it left without anyone getting hurt. it was just hungry. >> yes. actually i think they're waking up out of hibernation earlier this year. >> i'm doing hungry hungry hippos. >> that was one of my favorite games. kids will never know. >> let's check the forecast, meteorologist kari hall, starting a brand new work week. how are we looking? >> we're looking pretty good. marcus, my kids still play that game.
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we have that one in our line-up there. let's get a look at what we had over the weekend, the storm system that moved through, that's now moving away from the bay area. you can see that snow also winding down for the sierra, and so we're in with some drier weather, but let's take a look at how much rain we measured and we were hoping that this would bring us a little bit more rain, but it did show what we were getting on the computer models, about a half inch of rain in spots, in parts of the north bay and that's what we got in mt. tam. berkeley hills had 0.4 of an inch of rain, san ramon about a quarter inch of rain and about 0.1 of an inch in san jose. it was just a few sprinkles in the south bay as well as some of our inland valleys, and now as we start out this week, there's still a slight chance we could see some pop-up showers in our north bay mountains, going through the rest of the week, that high pressure continues to build, and that's going to dry it out and warm it up. we're going to have a pretty significant warmup here, heading towards wednesday and thursday, but this weekend it will cool
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off, and now looking at our rainfall deficits, it's still running very big. we knew that the rain wasn't going to really put a dent in our drought, and it's not helping out with our rainfall deficits either. we're running over eight inches for san jose, up to 21 inches to catch up to normal in santa rosa. it's time to start thinking about conserving, if you're not doing so already. we have some really dry weather in our forecast, and what little rain we did get is going to be dried out and out of here by the middle of the week. look at temperatures, we go from the 60s today to the mid 80s by the end of the week, and this weekend is looking spring-like. three seasons in the seven-day forecast. mike, what do you have going on for the commute? >> well, you set quite the standard so let's just say we have some changes, subtle changes. look at the bay bridge toll plaza, we follow a build subtle. kicked in strongly in the beginning about 5:40 and held
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there with most of the back off the 808 overcrossing. the map slow on the span the bottom left-hand corner. and we see an advantage kirker pass road right now might be your best commute out of pittsburg. better speeds south 680 recovering quickly out of union city past stevenson, the earlier crash cleared but more traffic coming out of hayward, slowing for the nimitz headed down toward 92 an issue. the south bay no major problems, travel time san jose through mountain view look great. back to you. >> thank you, mike. next on "today in the bay," the bay area local bringing home gold at the oscars. ♪♪ ♪ly see it through ♪ ♪ >> h.e.r. wins the oscar for best original song, what her family is revealing about the big win. you're watching "today in the
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6:26 and trending this morning, the bay area superstar h.e.r. continuing to make history. >> that's right. winning the academy award for best original song last night. she was born gabriella sarmiento wilson in vallejo. the racial justice song "fight for you" was featured in the film "judas and the black messiah." she took her mom to the show
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while her excited father watched from home. >> my parents, my beautiful mother who is here with me today and my father at home, all those days of listening to sliding the family stone and curtis mayfield and marvin gaye really paid off so thank you, dad. >> i did text her. i was kind of shocked that she actually answered her phone. i didn't think she'd have her phone on her. she's like, yes, yes! you know, so. >> the vallejo native continues to be a force just 23 years old. "today in the bay" cheryl hurd interviewed her last week as part of our "race in america" series. >> i'm exactly where i'm supposed to be in every moment including when i was 10 years old led up to this point, and i worked hard throughout the years, and people think things happen overnight but it's been a process since i was really young so yeah, everything you know, in god's timing. i'm feeling blessed and excited. >> so humble.
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h.e.r. also said last night filmmakers and musicians had the opportunity and responsibility to tell the truth about history and that she plans to keep doing that. >> the bay area left its mark on the academy awards. in addition to h.e.r. winning best original song, the movie "soul" won for best animated feature. fun to see there. 6:28 right now. did you feel it? a 2.6 earthquake hitting the east bay overnight. we'll talk about who is reporting feeling the shaking this morning. and you remember all those people rushing out to get the covid vaccine? can you believe a number of them, millions of people skipping out on the second shot. we'll talk about the new numbers, how many people are doing just that. that and much more ahead for you this morning on "today in the bay." we'll be right back. 6:28.
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we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy.
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so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪ johnson vaccinations resume in the bay area. is the expert advice putting you at ease? >> if it's out there, i'd trust the experts on it, you know? so i trust the doctors who actually put it out there and do the research. >> i would have some concerns and i would try to see what my other options are. >> this morning, we are live with which bay area counties are receiving the j&j doses and which ones are still waiting and why they're waiting.
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and the rain outta here, the storm system really didn't deliver what we really need here in california. meteort kari hall is adding up the rain totals and has a look at our new work week forecast. it's all coming up as "today in the bay" continues right now. and good monday morning to you. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. maybe you felt a little shaking early this morning. a 2.6 earthquake hit the east bay at 4:44. some heard it more than they felt it. felt in oakland, piedmont and berkeley. kari hall is monitoring this as well. this is in the east bay so we know which fault this earthquake happened on. >> right, it was on the hayward fault and it was even though it was just a 2.6, we had a lot of
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people who felt it because it was in such a highly populated area, and so now as we take a look at what's going on, people in the east bay feeling that, and what's happened on the hayward fault, it's been a long time since we've had a significant quake, and we even watched a small one because it could possibly be a foreshock to a larger earthquake so the last major quake we had on the hayward fault was in 1868 and that was a 6.8. and so we are going to continue to monitor for that, as well as the rain that's moving away from the bay area. we'll take a look at our rainfall totals, some drought comparisons, and even talk about where we may soon have some new water restrictions, that's coming up in a few minutes. back to you. >> all right, we'll check back with you today. thank you, kari. johnson & johnson's covid vaccine once again available in bay area counties planning to offer it. will people be willing to get it after recent complications? >> "today in the bay's" kris
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sanchez live in san jose and kris, let's talk about this. what are people, what are you hearing from people out there, are they still interested in getting that shot or those who need the shot? >> reporter: you know, i'm probably hearing the same thing you guys have been hearing. a lot of folks were excited about the johnson & johnson vaccine because it was one and done. one shot, no having to go back for a second dose, being vaccinated within two weeks but that pause that the fda put on for safety research dampened the enthusiasm over that j&j vaccine. we know all but one of our bay area county also resume offering that johnson & johnson vaccine again today. contra costa county is starting today. we just haven't heard from solano county. they may be doing it, we don't know yet. santa cruz are offering the johnson & johnson vaccine. according to a new "washington post"/abc poll, fewer than one in four americans say they'd be willing to get it. two women did die from that.
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within two weeks after vaccination and several others got sick because of a rare clotting disorder. the disorder is very rare. 15 cases among 8 million people in the u.s. who got that j&j vaccine. all of them women. >> even though the cdc is saying it's totally safe, there's still that one chance that it's not. >> you are less likely as a woman taking j&j to have this blood clotting problem than to get struck by lightning next year. >> reporter: so remember, as you make your vaccine appointment you should be able to see what kind of vaccine your county is offering. contra costa says they'll offer the pfizer and moderna vaccines to people who feel concerned about the johnson & johnson vaccine. you are not fully vaccinated until two weeks after your final dose. so if you get the johnson & johnson vaccine, you are fully vaccinated two weeks from that date. so if you have a shot today, two weeks from now you are fully vaccinated. if you get a pfizer or moderna,
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you have to wait three to four weeks to get your second shot, two weeks after that, so really pushes things out, so as more people are requiring vaccination proof, maybe a lot more folks will start to reconsider that johnson & johnson shot once again. in san jose, kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> kris, thank you. more than 1 million vaccine doses headed to california this week and that includes some 575,000 doses of pfizer, and 425,000 doses of moderna, but due to j&j's pause we were talk talking about just being lifted the cdc has not allocated any doses this week. california's last j&j shipment arrived two weeks ago. new data showing you how many millions of americans are skipping out on their second vax nation shot. according to the "new york times," new cdc data shows about 8% of those who get their first pfizer or moderna not do not receive their follow-up. that amounts to more than 5 million americans.
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some fear the side effects of the second dose. others feel one shot gives them enough protection. health leaders continue to recommend getting both doses especially with the new strains popping up. 6:36. a live look at sfo and as vaccination rates climb, more americans are starting to make plans for the summer travel. european nations may soon be an option again. the eu president telling the "new york times" travelers who can document being fully vaccinated should be allowed free movement along the 27 member stations. it's welcome news but raises questions for others. >> i'm fluent in french so i've been dying to wait for them to open up their borders so i can start traveling again. >> in terms of civil liberties, i think it's kind of unfair, people who don't want to get vaccinated, can't get vaccinated maybe, to not be able to travel. >> there's no time line for the eu lifting the travel ban from
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the u.s. and not clear how the eu would actually validate proof of vaccination. some breaking news just coming in to our newsroom within the last five minutes. president biden expected to announce new cdc guidance on wearing masks tomorrow. in recent weeks, many medical professionals have weighed in on whether it's safe to go maskless outdoors. a source familiar with the announcement says it will likely be guidance for fully vaccinated people versus those who are not. as soon as more details come in, we'll pass those along for you. a former south bay teacher seen apparently coughing on a baby in a yogurt shop at the height of the pandemic is expected to make her first appearance before a judge on tuesday. prosecutors say last june, nancy norland got into an argument with a woman at a san jose yogurt land about social distancing. so norland took off her mask and coughed on the woman's baby in a
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stroller, was caught on video. then reportedly she left without paying. the incident was caught on camera at the time. she worked as a teacher in the oak grove school district. she no longer works there. norland is being charged with assault. almena is scheduled to be back in court. a hearing is set for friday. he must also pay court ordered fines and other fees. a judge sentenced him to 12 years in prson for his role in the fire that killed 36 people. he's unlikely to spend any more time in jail, already serving the rest of his term under electronic monitoring. when it comes to making it in the bay, first-time home buyers not finding it any easier. california's housing market continues to break records with bidding wars, sky-rocketing prices and quick closings mostly in the suburbs.
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new figures show the median price almost $760,000, a nearly 6% spike from a previous record of $718,000 in december. the new price is nearly 25% increase as well from just a year ago. experts say that the prices are being driven by california's longstanding housing crisis and the pandemic, which has more people leaving apartments and they are looking for homes. after the rain comes the rainbow. check this out real quick. look at that, beautiful rainbow there, in san jose, our weekend executive producer ran into that while getting some dinner this weekend. beautiful. i want to give you a still shot of that. you can just take in the beauty of it all. we can't say for sure if there was any gold at the end of that, but if so, if you found it, give me a call. i'll tell you the best way to spend it. it includes me. [ laughter ] and we're going to share it with others, of course. giving back is what we do. >> of course. >> and giving you back a little bit of that forecast, speaking
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of the rain, kari t came, gave a beautiful rainbow but didn't give us as much rain as we were really hoping for. >> yes, we needed a lot more. i wanted to also show you this picture i got on twitter, showing the rainbow in san jose from cta mike, thank you for sending in all of your beautiful photos all the time and so it was such a stunning sunset as well as after that few showers moved through the south bay. some of us got more than others and now as we wake up and head out the door today, it's clearing and as we go around the bay, it's going to be cooler behind that strong cold front that moved through. only reach up to 62 in san francisco, and santa rosa. today brentwood reaching 64. we'll talk about how much rain we measures and also our rainfall deficits coming up in a few minutes. mike, how is it looking for the morning commute? >> not as bad as i thought it might be for the fremont area. we still have recovery still have some slowing but much better than before, the last
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half hour, it was recovery time here, heading south through union city. 880 slows earlier than you this it might. slow south of dokoto toward stevenson. the ripple effect as the build and recover from the crash. no surprises for the tri-valley circling the south bay. santa clara county slows 101 through san jose, typical from 680 up to 880 and a look at the richmond toll plaza, because the bay bridge we have the steady backup there, that formed and toll plaza here on the richmond side heading toward san rafael, now starts to see more volume. back to you. >> thanks, mike. coming up next, follow the rules or else. up next, alaska airlines certainly not playing any favorites when it comes to breaking covid rules. a popular politician now serving as the latest example. plus -- >> reporter: drought emergencies declared for parts of california, the water restrictions that could be in store for over 1 million customers here in the east bay.
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and a live look at the big board this morning. the markets are open now on this monday morning. stocks opening slightly higher as investors are bracing for a big week in earnings. a lot more news ahead. 6:42. we'll be right back.
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this guy here is busy working on our state's recovery. you see he lives in california and by vacationing in california he's supporting our businesses and communities. which means every fruity skewer is like another sweet nail in the rebuilding of our economy. hammer away craftsman. calling all californians. keep your vacation here and help our state get back to work. and please travel responsibly.
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good monday morning. it is 6:45. almost time to get the kids out the door and ready for school this morning, sunnyvale starting
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out with some clouds, temperatures in the mid-40s and overall it's going to be a cool day, so make sure they keep the jackets on throughout the afternoon. we're going to talk about what's going on with our temperatures warming up, we'll compare the drought and also talk about where we could still see some rain coming up in a few minutes. and in san jose, here's that slowing we saw on the sensors north 101 from the 680 overcrossing there at the top of the screen. typical pattern here. looks like someone might be getting over to the shoulder. meanwhile at the san mateo bridge no problems on the span or in the lanes there. westbound on our right side that is our commute over to the peninsula, that is slowing coming down through hayward as well for interstate 880. >> thank you very much, mike. 6:46 right now. a follow-up on a tragic story overseas. indonesia's military confirms all 53 people on board a once missing submarine are dead. it broke apart underwater. search teams located the vessel's wreckage over the weekend, it had not been seen
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since wednesday. an underwater robot found it there lying in three pieces about 2,700 feet below the ocean floor. the cause is still not known. the navy previously said an electrical failure could have left the vessel unable to execute emergency procedures. it doesn't matter who you are, if you violate airline mask policy, you can't fly. that's a lesson an alaska state senator is learning after alaska airlines banned her. the airline says republican laura reinbold repeatedly violated the mask rules so she's temporarily not allowed to fly with alaska. the senator says she was not aware of the ban. last november she compared the company's mask policy to tyranny on social media. happening today, the supreme california law that requires charitable groups to reveal the spends at least $1 million in
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last year's campaign to confirm justice amy coney barrett. she's been asked by democrats to step aside in this case but will apparently take part. the california law, which is similar to those in other states requires charitable organizations disclosure of the names of the largest tax deductible contributors. those records are used for enforcement purposes and are usually withheld from the public but opponents to the law say those donors' names often have been disclosed. the 49er faithful everywhere are wondering, who is it going to be? which quarterback will the team select with the third overall pick in this week's draft? the niners traded up for the pick. one draft expert at the nfl network, ian rapoport, now believes they narrowed it down to mack jones of alabama and trey lance of north dakota state. one of his colleagues believes it may be a third quarterback, ohio state's justin fields. >> my models really like justin fields a lot, and fit will be a huge determination of whether we see him turn into awesome or
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whether we see him turn into a place where he's not as awesome as he could be. i actually -- like i said, justin fields for me. he's at least number two and some metrics my quarterback number one. >> a total of five quarterbacks expected to go in the first round. the draft starts thursday night in cleveland. the 49ers are also launching the start of their 75th anniversary. overnight, the team posted a video to kick off that campaign, it included a brand new logo. for some games, the teams this season will wear some special throwback jerseys. 6:49 right now. six years ago, california was in the middle of the worst drought it experienced in a very long time. we had dried up reservoirs, scorched front yards, a lot of empty swimming pools out there and severe fire danger. it was really the talk of the state and the country. >> this morning, after another disappointing rain event over the weekend, there's talk of a new water restriction going for
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much of the east bay. "today in the bay's" bob redell is live for us in san ramon. and certainly not the best news we could get. break it down. what does this mean for us, bob? >> reporter: marcus and laura, if these water restrictions go in place, it would impact 1.4 million water customers of east bay mud in alameda and contra costa county, including places like berkeley, oakland, danville, san ramon, where i'm at right now. not the eastern parts of contra costa county, not places like martinez, pittsburg, antioch, brentwood. tomorrow the board of directors for east bay mud is one of the bay area's largest water providers, will decide whether customers will have to conserve water for the rest of the year. staff there found that the current water supply is just not enough to meet demand. last week in the north bay, the marin municipal water district and the north marin water district decided to put in place mandatory use restrictions on its customers, because there's been so little rain. restrictions will include not
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being able to wash your car at home, not washing down or pressure wash your driveways and sidewalks, things like that. the marin municipal water district could limit your water engagement to one day a week. something they have not yet decided upon. last week governor newsom declared drought emergencies in sonoma and mendocino counties as california is expected to face another devastating wildfire season. >> we need to think, act with a sense of urgency, think differently, and approach the challenges with a laser-like recognition that you can't focus this state as a one-size-fits-all solution. >> reporter: also the south bay could enact water conservation restrictions. the south bay already asking customers to conserve voluntarily. reporting live in san ramon, bob redell, "today in the bay."
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>> thank you very much, bob. it's 6:51 right now. now a look at weather and traffic together. kari's got a look at our forecast right now. >> and as we take a look at back at how much rain we measured over the weekend, we were hoping that we would get a little bit more than what the models were showing but it really just panned out and was very typical of what we've seen all season. we did get a half inch of rain on mt. tam, berkeley hills getting 0.4 of an inch of rain and san ramon a quarter inch of rain there, while san francisco only got a tenth of an inch, and barely some sprinkles in san jose. we saw that in the tri-valley and a lot of our valleys as well. as we go into today, there's still a slight chance that the north bay especially over the mountains could see some rain as we go toward 5:00 to 6:00, we could see some pop-up showers and possibly some heavier downpours there, while the rest of the bay area will have a dry day, and we'll see the sky clearing and as we take a look at the drought, and what we've
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seen earlier this month, we had most of where we see the red shading, the extreme drought in parts of the north bay, but then on thursday, the update of the drought monitor expanded that drought across much more of the north bay, even down into contra costa county, and the reason why we're now really talking about those water restrictions, as we go through the rest of the forecast. it is also going to be dry and at this point, we are used to seeing some rain in april, but we are transitioning ato some of our dry summer months and the chance of us really getting back on track is very slim. seeing now that we need over 21 inches of rain in santa rosa to catch up to normal. over eight inches of rain in san jose to catch up to the normal amount, and it's going to go from winter-like temperatures to summer by the end of the week. we're reaching 84 degrees this thursday and slightly cooler for the weekend. mike, what's going on right now the commute? >> we have i guess good trend
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for many of our commuters, which is odd because we're approaching 7:00 now at 6:53 as we see the maps. good recovery now, south bay, we just have that slowing for north 101 through san jose, there may be a fender bender around capitol expressway. so far no slowing shows up there and no more slowing as you head down between union city and fremont for south 880. slow around stevenson. the earlier crash showed slowing for the nimitz. a slower drive through concord. you see the advantage cutting through kirker pass road and over at the bay bridge toll plaza, we have the backup that has been there pretty much expected time. now really starting to clear up. back to you. >> thanks, mike. happening now, apple heading east. the cupertino company is constructing a new campus and engineering hub in north carolina. at least 3,000 jobs will be created. the hub will focus on machine learning, artificial
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intelligence, and software engineering. coming up next a quick look at happening today, thousands of additional students getting the green light to return to the classroom in two bay area school districts. but the key question? will families choose to return? a live report is next. you're watching "today in the bay."
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back. our step to stories this morning, finally the solder students' turn to get back in the lass croom. >> cierra johnson is live in santa rosa this morning. no doubt a day a lot of them have been waiting for. >> reporter: good morning, yes, it's been a long time coming. it's hard to believe we're just a couple of days from the first day of may and kids have the first day jitters, because some students here at santa rosa in the santa rosa school district will be returning to school. we did have a chance to check the school district's website and it's not just the high schoolers, the five middle schools and all of the high schools will open for hybrid learning, that means students will do in-person learning two days a week, the other days online. the district estimates about half of the students between grades 7 through 12 will take place in hybrid learning. same thing for san francisco, more students returning to school, some students in grades 3 through 5, some middle schoolers and some of the high schools will also return to in-person learning so it's a story we've been following really all school year and today
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is the day for those students to return. we're live in santa rosa, cierra johnson for "today in the bay." >> thanks so much. we're finding out the supreme court will consider how much protection the second amendment provides for carrying a gun outside of the home, the first time in more than a decade that the high court is taking up the central issue of gun rights debate. supreme court is going to hear a challenge to a new state law that basically bans carrying a handgun openly. let's head out to kari to get a look at the final forecast. >> yes we are going to see some sunshine for much of the bay area, but also a chance of some afternoon showers in parts of the north bay. cool today but warming up as we go through the week. what's the update on the commute, mike? >> looks like i just deleted my report so let's take you over here if we can over to my camera, guys. sorry, i deleted that in the system. the bay bridge is starting to
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backup. i switched sources, that's the problem. sorry, i changed lanes. >> all right, thanks, mike. that does it for us this morning. >> that's right, the "today" show is coming up next, but we leave you with a glorious shot of san francisco this morning. be back in half an hour for a local news update. good morning. back in business. johnson & johnson goes wide once again. states resuming the one shot dose, as officials offer a dose of reality to vaccine skeptics. >> if you're opting to wait and see, what are you waiting for? >> just ahead, the new campaign just launched to fight vaccine hesitancy, and the changing guidance on outdoor masks expected in the coming days. we'll have the very latest. progress report. president biden set to hit the symbolic first 100 days in


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