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tv   NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt  NBC  April 24, 2021 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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site. he's raised over 14,000 bucks on that site and is asking the public to help him identify a charity that should receive that money. he is asking for your input. >> well, donating to charity and exercise. >> and looking really cool doing it. >> thanks so much for watching. nightly news is next. and then, we will be back here at 6:00. >> see you then. tonight, shots of the johnson & johnson vaccine going back in arms already half of u.s. states getting ready to administer it. but do people want it? the cdc say the benefits far outweigh the small risks. but some americans aren't so sure >> i don't know when my number is up. i don't know if i'm that rare case the catastrophic surge in india nearly a million covid cases in just three days hospitals overwhelmed. the desperate effort to get lifesaving oxygen tanks in by air and train. an historic policy shift from the biden white house. how the president's use of one single word
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is reverberating across the world the new demands to release body camera footage after this black man was killed by police outside his home seven officers put on leave. tragedy at sea why the military now believes that all 53 on board that indonesian submarine are lost touchdown. a massive tornado tears through texas. 14 million at risk of severe storms tonight. back up. a crippling shortage of new cars has sent prices soaring what you need to know. and american dreaming why the whole school came out to cheer on this cafeteria worker. >> usa usa! >> announcer: this is nbc "nightly news" with jose diaz-balart. good evening every step of the way in the monumental task of vaccinating america there have been challenges first, to develop and test the vaccines.
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then, to distribute them remember the long lines in those early weeks? now begins a new challenge. convincing a large majority to get it only 41% of the population has received one dose. and as you can see here, number of people receiving a first dose plummeted in the past two weeks. complicating all of this is the johnson & johnson vaccine, pulled for safety concerns, then reinstated late yesterday. we begin our coverage tonight with sam brock. >> reporter: after ten days on pause, johnson & johnson is back, following a handful of serious blood clot cases. but as people lined up for their vaccine appointments, some expressed concern. >> i don't know if i'm that rare case >> i don't want to get it >> reporter: this despite strong backing from the cdc that it's safe. >> the american public should feel reassured about the safety systems and protocols that we have in place around the covid-19 vaccine. >> reporter: j&j has
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been linked to three deaths and 15 cases of severe blood clots, all involving women. the cdc says a deeper dive shows 1.9 adverse outcomes out of every million doses for women 18 to 49 for those 50 and up it's a microscopic 0.9 cases. >> unfortunately, i could be that 0.9. that's the way i -- you know, that's the way i'm thinking about it >> reporter: but even for those who want it, finding the single-dose vaccine right now proved elusive. >> we actually asked them whether they had it and they told us that it was approved but they would get it between two and three days >> reporter: roughly half of all states have notified the public they are but for some, redistribution will take time. though some local providers, like ivan's pharmacy on new york's upper west side, had surplus j&j ready to go
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and tonight ivan jordain is vaccinating his customers. >> this vial in here is the key to life and to your future and the health and well-being of our community and our society. period especially for people of color we have to go out and get this vaccine >> reporter: cvs and walgreens tell nbc news they'll make appointments available for j&j starting next week but the true battle may be combating overall vaccine hesitancy. vaccination sites from north carolina to texas and ohio to georgia are closing due to lack of demand. >> and sam joins us now from miami sam, many states have signed off on the j&j vaccine but what's holding back others? >> reporter: yeah, florida says it is still reviewing cdc guidance, jose, and hasn't picked a resume date yet and states like missouri, the health department there has signed off on vaccinations but they are not expecting federal shipments until next week, which is to say logistics plays a role in all this, too. jose? >> sam brock in miami. thank you. our senior medical correspondent, dr. john torres, is with us dr. torres, we talked to a lot of people
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today who don't want the j&j vaccine. how do you address their concerns >> jose, the best way to look at it is with what we call the risk-benefit profile so the risk from the vaccine is extremely low. and these blood clots in women who have the johnson & johnson vaccine were in very, very rare cases. so compare that to the benefit from all three vaccines they're very good at preventing covid and extremely good at preventing hospitalization and deaths and remember, to date, here in the u.s., covid has caused over half a million deaths, jose >> dr. torres, how critical is the j&j vaccine in getting us to herd immunity >> although the white house has said that they have enough secured vaccine doses for 300 million americans, that's enough to reach herd immunity the johnson & johnson vaccine could certainly help especially with populations like in jails or with the homeless where it would be difficult to get them that second shot that the other vaccines require jose
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>> dr. john torres, thank you. and you can make a plan for when and where to get vaccinated visit for more and now to india, where the pandemic is truly out of control the unfolding disaster only getting worse. with nearly a million new cases in just three days and the deaths are growing as well, as oxygen and medicine become almost impossible to find matt bradley reports >> reporter: tonight, an entire subcontinent is gasping for air as india breaks another world record for new daily infections, nearly 350,000 on saturday alone. hospitals are turning patients away for lack of oxygen. many arrive barely able to walk this young girl watched her mother die minutes after arriving at the hospital >> when you walk outside the hospital and you see that rus and people calling frantic calls, you know, crying on the phone that please, can you help me for a bed and all i can say is yes, i am trying >> reporter: the
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government flying in oxygen tanks on air force planes and sending special oxygen-express trains around the country. >> who would ever think there would be a shortage of oxygen to breathe? it's terrible. >> reporter: crematories are overflowing with corpses. so families have been allowed to bury their loved ones wherever they can even in their backyards. desperate to find medical care, some are resorting to the black market. >> i am also covid positive person but i am searching on the streets for medication for my mother. >> reporter: the black market price for one shot of the covid treatment remdesivir, about $1,000 as much as vichal earns in a month. >> people are standing 2:00, 3:00 in the morning. people are dying on the roads. people are crying. please, give us one dose of injection. >> reporter: only two months ago, it looked like india had avoided the worst. >> we thought we had won the war against covid. you know, we had done beautifully. >> reporter: the government relaxed rules. even allowed a huge hindu festival just a few weeks ago. a complacency that's
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turned india's unexpected second wave into a tsunami matt bradley, nbc news president biden made history today by saying one single word, risking future diplomatic relations with one of our key allies kelly o'donnell joins us from the white house. kelly, this goes back 100 years. >> reporter: and jose, this issue is both deeply emotional and diplomatically complicated. today president biden took a step that previous presidents did not by formally labeling the 1915 massacre and deportation of 1 1/2 million armenians a genocide that enraged the modern government of turkey, risking the u.s. relationship with a nato ally in the middle east. president biden writing "the word genocide is not to cast blame but to ensure what happened is never repeated. but turkey fired back that he has neither s to
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meet in person with turkey's president erdogan in june. jose >> kelly o'donnell at the white house. thank you. outrage is growing tonight following another officer-involved shooting death of a black man. this time a father in north carolina now family, city officials, and even the governor calling for the release of body camera footag showing just what happened that day. kathy park is following this story >> no justice! >> no peace! >> what's his name >> andrew brown! >> reporter: tonight, calls for justice and growing pressure to release body camera footage after deputies shot and killed andrew brown jr. >> we are demanding that we have transparency and accountability a formal request with the sheriff's department monday, requesting the footage be turned over to them and the public. >> and if denied, th request is to be forwarde rt >> reporter: sheriff tommy wooten wants the footage released, too. >> our county will
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file a motion in court, hopefully monday >> reporter: wednesday pasquotank county sheriff's deputies were attempting to serve brown a search and arrest warrant on felony drug charges when shots were fired. >> got one male, 42 year of age, gunshot to the back. >> seven deputies are now on administrative leave and the sheriff said three other deputies have left the department but their decision was not related to the shooting none of the individuals have been identified >> if evidence shows that any of my deputies violated the law or policies, they will be held accountable. >> reporter: but as more time passes, frustration is building, especially for family who are waiting to see what happened during brown's last moments >> my nephew did not deserve that say his name. >> andrew brown. >> reporter: the governor joining the calls for accountability tweeting "the death of brown is extremely concerning and the footage should be made public as quickly as
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possible." elizabeth city now the latest community on edge after a deadly law enforcement shooting. >> kathy joins us now. kathy, is there anything that could prevent the body cam footage from being released >> reporter: well, jose, that footage has been handed over to the north carolina state bureau of investigatio and the sheriff is just waiting for confirmation saying that releasing the footage will not undermine the ongoing investigation. jose? >> kathy park, thank you so much. overseas now and an update on that missing submarine off the coast of indonesia. officials say the vessel with 53 people on board has sunk. a high-tech scan shows it could be nearly 3,000 feet under the sea. lindsey reiser reports. >> reporter: tonight, all signs off the coast of bali now point to tragedy a desperate search for the submarine with 53 sailors on board now a recovery mission indonesia's navy says they have discovered an oil slick near the vessel's last dive and
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debris, including prayer rugs. they believe the 40-year-old submarine, which first slipped from radar wednesday after rehearsing torpedo drills, sunk to three times the depth that would be survivable the water pressure too much for the hull to handle and air likely running out. a u.s. reconnaissance plane now in the region joining an international fleet, including a warship equipped with sonar. officials had previously said an electrical failure could be to blame. while the family members of those on board, including a newly married sailor, now have some heartbreaking updates, still no definitive answer to the most pressing question. why this happened. lindsey reiser, nbc news and coming up affewer cars to buy, and why they're costing you more also, the ceos who say you don't need to go to college for a good career.
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we're back with the rising cost of cars if you are looking for a new vehicle, you may have trouble finding one. but if you're thinking of selling your old car, now might be the time guad venegas has details. >> reporter: as the country reopens, car shoppers are facing an unusual problem. dealerships running low on inventory one shopper has been looking for the perfect car for weeks. >> not a single chevy dealer in california had one. and when we asked if we can order one, they said it could take six to eight months or
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longer >> reporter: now he's turning to ford and might have to pay more than expected. >> usually, we see a 1% to 3% increase in new vehicle pricing. it generally keeps -- tracks with inflation. but in the last year, we've seen an 8% increase in new vehicle pricing. >> reporter: by one estimate, the average cost for a new vehicle is up almost $2,000 compared to last year. in part, because of a worldwide shortage in computer chips car manufacturers forced to pause production for weeks, affecting a million vehicles. >> chips have become even more important in cars as you've added infotainment, back-up cameras, safety features >> reporter: the chip shortage a result of the pandemic, when auto demand fell and factories overseas redirected supply to cell phones and computers. now the white house wants to intervene and allocate $50 billion to help boost u.s. production. >> chips like the one i have here, these chips, these wafers,
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our batteries, broadband, it's all infrastructure. >> reporter: so what's your advice for someone who's in the market for a new car >> right now the really hot vehicles that are trucks, suvs, those prices are up. dealers aren't willing to deal on those but lower-selling vehicles like sedans, you may be able to find some deals on >> reporter: so the flip side to low supply is if you're looking to sell your used car according to kelley blue book, they have seen a 13% increase in used car prices, so now is the time to sell jose >> guadvenegas in los angeles, thank you still ahead, is college worth it the big money major companies now recruiting workers without degrees. and the monster texas tornado. where this storm is heading next
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we are back with a look at a massive tornado caught on camera it happened in north central texas last night you can see the dark churning skies and the twister touching down, then spinning across the area the severe storm system also brought rain, flash floods, and hail that will continue throughout parts of the southeast tonigh before rain hits the northeast tomorrow the spacex endeavor capsule has made it to the international space station. the four-astronaut team docked with the iss this morning after a stunning liftoff from florida yesterday. they are the first crew to ever be propelled into orbit by a rocket booster recycled from a
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previous flight. golf legend tiger woods is letting the world know he's on the mend he released this photo on social media yesterday. there you see him, standing on the green with crutches and a cast it's a first look at the pro, following his serious car crash near los angeles in february it's one of the biggest investments you can make in yourself or in your children going to college the conventional wisdom is a four-year degree will lead to a more successful career but major companies and ceos are challenging that they are now asking, do you really need to go to college? senior business correspondent stephanie ruhle reports. >> reporter: 30-year-old ali ocala has it all an apartment in new york city, a thriving career in hr at j.p. morgan chase, and more than $70,000 a year in income what she doesn't have is a college degree. >> did you assume that investment banks were only for college
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grads, even ivy league school grads >> i had no notion that you would be able to even get a foot in the door without a degree >> reporter: the global bank is actively recruiting people without college degrees through programs that pay them to train in careers like operations and consumer banking. >> i didn't have a degree my future was extremely uncertain. and the program kind of provided a way, a clear way, where i would be able to pursue a career path or journey. >> i only went to college because my parents made me go to college. >> reporter: marc benioff is the founder and ceo of salesforce. >> everybody thinks that if you don't have a college degree you can't be successful in the united states and it's not true. >> reporter: the average cost of a four-year degree has risen to more than $10,000 a year for a public university and 37,000 for private and more than half graduate with an average of $29,000 in student debt then is college even worth it e incredible value for the world without a college degree. >> i came to this country with a lot of aspirations. >> reporter: after immigrating from
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colombia, juan medina worked several jobs including construction and car sales. college was out of the question. >> if i went part-time, it was going to take me like eight years to finish college. and possibly from that >> reporter: a much better alternative for juan and his growing family free online training with salesforce that led not only to a job. >> now i feel like i have a career. there are a lot of opportunities out there. >> reporter: more major corporations are abandoning the requirement of a four-year degree at apple half of their employees don't have college degrees. but this path is untested many jobs still require a bachelor's degree and on average, a college graduate makes 67% more than a high-school graduate but as the cost of college rises, some say the returns aren't keeping pace the idea that to make a lot of money you need to go to college, that's a thing of the past >> to make a lot of money you just need to get the skills you don't need to go to college
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you can do it all online >> reporter: allie alcala sees only one reason why she'd pursue a diploma now >> just to have it framed >> reporter: stephanie ruhle, nbc news. when we come back, a touching celebration for a school cafeteria worker on the big day her dream finally came true >> usa usa!
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there is good news tonight, about achieving the american dream.
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and the school celebrating a beloved cafeteria worker on one of the most special days of her life for school cafeteria manager jeanette lopez, each day starts with prepping, cooking, and serving meals to over 250 kids at prairie vale elementary in edmond, oklahoma >> this is the best rice ever! >> it's a lot of work but we make it with love for them. >> reporter: her love and dedication so appreciated that when she passed her u.s. citizenship test this month the entire school celebrated her incredible achievement. [ applause ] >> usa usa! >> jeanette, what was it like when you turned that corner and all of a sudden everyone was out applauding you >> i was in shock. seeing the students clapping for me was re studen. and more and more, every time more. >> reporter: the show of support bringing the beloved lunch lady to tears
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school principal michelle anderson says jeanette's achievement inspires them all. >> to have something positive to focus on and somewhere positive to be focusing all our attention for just a little while i think means a lot to anybody. >> reporter: born in cuba, jeanette and her family moved to the u.s. in 2016 for a life in freedom for her three children >> jeanette, what does the united states mean to you >> this country has everything you can find your dreams here. you can work for everything >> reporter: after years of hard work - >> we are so thrilled today to host this naturalization ceremony. >> reporter: this week she achieved her american dream her students and family watching as she was sworn in as a u.s. citizen. >> so help me god. >> so help me god. >> congratulations to our newest u.s. citizens [ cheers and applause >> reporter: the school the first to welcome ms. jeanette home >> usa usa!
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>> i had my flag, my american flag in my hand i put it in my chest like me, this is mine. >> and it was a dream come true? >> yeah. my dream come true finally. >> usa usa! usa! >> when dreams come true that's "nbc nightly news" for this saturday, i am jose diaz-balart. thank you for the privilege of your time, and good night >> usa usa! . right now at 6:00, get ready for rain. for the first time in quite some time, we are tracking some wet weather. the news at k starts right now. good evening and thank you so much for joining us.
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i'm nutritionally anoushah. >> i'm terry mcsweeney. no rain so far in april. that's about to change. rain is slowly, slowly moving in. please come in. please take note, if you got any plans for sunday. >> rob mayeda is tracking it for us. >> the chances will be there, especially around the north bay, inland around contra costa county and solano county with clouds. san jose down to 62 after sunshine earlier. you see the cloudy skies there. 57. we'll take you up to healdsburg. starting to pick up a bit of drizzle or light rain. you can see it on our storm ranger, mobile doppler radar. the main event with this storm still offshore. an interesting look here. these cotton ball popcorn-like clouds offshore is cold air aloft that will drop snow levels to 4,000 to


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