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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 22, 2021 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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right now at 4:30, could the race to vaccinate be slowing down? the big discrepancy when it comes to appointment availability in the bay area. plus, kids head back to school in san francisco. still need to have their laptops handy. the reason they still have zoom for in-person learning. "today in the bay" begins right now. a very good thursday morning to you. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. of course we'll get to that commute in a bit with mike. first, let's start with the forecast, kari. good morning. i know a lot of people are getting ready to head out the
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door and we're checking out the forecast for some of our commuters traveling a longer distance. in fairfield clouds passing by. temperatures in the upper 40s. as we go into the day we'll see the sky clearing and it will be another nice one. checking out our high temperatures, we're headed back to the low 70s for the south bay as well as much of the east bay into the north bay. along the coast those clouds linger and our temperatures stay in the 50s. we'll talk about our microclimates and some rain in the weekend forecast. that's coming up. mike, how is it looking for that early morning commute? well, kari, you talk about a longer drive. if you were coming to the san francisco bay and you're east of discovery bay this is what you'll find, a disabled vehicle blocks at least one lane getting over here for highway 4, discovery bay, byron. vasco is fine down to 580. no delays. slowing as folks jam up off the merge.
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closure for highway 84 until about 5. the rest of the bay all clear. we begin with developments surrounding the danville officer facing felony charges. now investigators say he was involved in two deadly shootings. prosecutors charging him at this hour with one of them. this as we await him to turn himself in. cheryl hurd is following the latest developments. >> reporter: there is a $220,000 warrant out for andrew hall's arrest. his attorney says his arraignment date has not been set. also released, dash cam video of his most recent fatal shooting. i want to warn you the video you are about to see in this story is graphic. you are looking at dash cam video showing then sheriff's deputy andrew hall firing several shots into the car as he moved past hall during a pursuit. hall is facing manslaughter charges in connection with the
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fatal shooting. >> these charges are felonies. and due to officer hall's unreasonable force used during the 2018 shooting. >> reporter: the d.a. diana becton said this case was one of eight officer involved incidents being investigated by a team of ten lawyers in her office. andrew hall is named in two of them. the 2018 shooting and a new fatal shooting in march. >> if the officer had been charged earlier and removed from the streets, my latest client would not be dead. >> reporter: john burris represents arbaleta's family and the family of tyrell wilson. wilson was shot and killed by hall at a danville intersection in march. edited body cam video released by the sheriff's department shows hall, now working for danville's police department, confronting and shooting wilson who is holding a knife. a confrontation that lasted just
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seconds. burris believes the video shows hall didn't need to shoot. the officer's attorney says in the statement the contra costa county district attorney's office originally deemed deputy hall's use of force as justified given the fact that he was defending himself from a lethal threat. the timing of their sudden reversal in deciding to file charges seems suspect and overtly political. the political climate surrounding police shootings is why dozens of people gathered in oakland's fruitvale district. derek chauvin's guilty verdict for the killing of george floyd brought them here. they are worried about police shootings here in the bay area. >> we're being pushed out of oakland, out of san francisco, and we're landing in the danvilles, in the antiochs, and, unfortunately, contra costa has seen a spate of police murders in the last few weeks. the movement needs to go to
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contra costa. >> reporter: cheryl hurd, "today in the bay." hundreds of people continue to bring attention to the shooting death of a 16-year-old girl in columbus, ohio. protesters blocked traffic for several hours last night while staging a sit-in for makhia bryant in front of the state house. these demonstrations come as police body camera video of the incident was released. we want to warn you this video is disturbing as well. officers responded after reports of a girl threatening others with a knife. it appears to show bryant pushing the woman to the ground. bryant then turns around and pulls out a knife. the officer then fires a shot killing her. ohio is launching a criminal investigation. demand might be dipping in the race to doses but not enough people showing up and that's prompting one county to make a shift to make it more convenient to get your shot. "today in the bay's" ian cull has more. >> reporter: now is the time to
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get a vaccine. i found multiple appointments throughout the day, so many, in fact, you can make an appointment on your phone outside and walk in five minutes later and get your shot. some smaller vaccine sites say they're struggling to get enough patients. two weeks ago the mexican heritage plaza in san jose had lines around the corner. not anymore. >> we're used to a higher volume for sure. we're not seeing that high volume. >> reporter: the county maintains it's not due to hesitancy or low demand but a because it has more doses including 100,000 more from the feds coming in. however, in the next two weeks the county will start transition ing clinics from operating during the day to nights. >> not only ourselves but our partners are shift to go evening hours. we're thinking 8:00 or 9:00 p.m. to ensure we're able to get to as many people as we can, the working people. >> reporter: about 53% of californians 16 and up have at least one dose.
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the challenge may be convincing the others, says ucsf dr. monica gandhi. >> i would say i'm getting a little nervous but i'm not going to get nervous yet about the line. >> reporter: she says a 70% vaccination rate should be enough for herd immunity. we'll still have to wait and see if demand truly levels off. >> people really wanted the vaccine, they did everything they could to figure out how to get an appointment before. and now people are busy, they'll get there, they'll take their time, and some are hesitant. >> reporter: she is encouraged by a federal study that shows only about 10% of the bay area is hesitant to get the vaccine. still, other counties like san mateo are running low on supply. if you live there you'll have to go to san francisco or the oakland coliseum. ian cull, "today in the bay." 4:37.
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now to a follow-up. san francisco parents are raising concerns over the school lesson plans for the children. so they call it zoom in a room. "the chronicle" is reporting parents are complaining that many of their kids are still not getting the in-person one-on-one attention. parents say their kids are on the computer for most of the day in their class talking to their teacher via zoom. the district says the lesson plan is up to the teacher and it varies from classroom to classroom. san francisco unified is required to spend more than $40,000 per day for substitutes. happening now if you're planning on going to yosemite this summer you can start booking those tickets. park rangers say starting next month anyone visiting the park will need a day use reservation to enter. the day use reservation is valid for three days. the new system will help control capacity levels to control the spread of covid-19. the system will be in effect through september 2021.
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wouldn't it be nice to get away to such a gorgeous place? yet another beautiful vista in our lovely state of california. and that includes great weather, too, right, guys? >> yeah. i'm loving it. >> absolutely. we've been loving it. i need to get on that reservation system because i really want to go this summer. if we just want to head out for a hike around the bay area let's check out our south bay forecast like alum rock. we'll see temperatures in the upper 40s to start. a few clouds here and there. overall turning mostly sunny. and look at our temperature trend. by this afternoon upper 60s. it is going to be perfect. this weekend, though, we will have some changes and we'll talk about that coming up in a few minutes. mike, any problems right now for the commute? >> looking over here we don't have any major problems, but this is an issue going on all week over in the tri-valley. green sensors all around the
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bay, always a good sign and expected. slowing out of the altamont. if you plan on cutting through niles canyon out of sunol you'll have to go down 680 and back up 238 which is mission boulevard because of that closure. it should be clear in the next 15 minutes. this is not clear. west 80 at gilman. someone has been waiting for a couple of hours and it's pretty rough over there. highway 4, vasco road, all looking at speed. coming up a southern california city soon to house 1,000 migrant children. what we're learning about what their new home will look like. plus, check your bank account. the promise the state is soon set to deliver on.
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♪ ♪ experience all the deals. in-store and online. at lowe's first annual springfest. home to any budget. home to any possibility. i embrace getting older. i'm so much more confident now. but i don't love that as i age, i could develop gum issues. new colgate renewal reverses early gum damage, for a beautiful, revitalized smile. i can't wait to see what comes next! reverse early gum damage with new colgate renewal. reynolds wrap makes this whole cooking and cleanup thing so easy. it speeds up this... so i can get to them. easy prep, cook and clean with reynolds wrap.
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happy thursday. take a look at our high temperatures for today. reaching 70 degrees in antioch. san francisco, it's going to stay mostly cloudy and cool with some upper 50s and for morgan hill expect another beautiful day. a lot of changes in our forecast. we'll talk about rain and drought. all of that coming up in a few minutes. >> and i'm still tracking that disabled vehicle. it may be a distraction if you're driving from contra costa county to the bay bridge. in fremont, alameda county, flags blowing because of a breeze. check the conditions with our friend bertha.
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i'm bertha coombs from cnbc. conditions on wall street this morning are pointing towards another flat open. a little bit to the down side following yesterday's gains. companies tied to the reopening of the economy led the way higher. the dow rising more than 300 points while the nasdaq and s&p 500 both up about 1%. the dow and s&p are less than 1% away from reclaiming their record highs. reports on unemployment coming up and earnings from at&t which were better than expected. southwest and american airlines were mixed. both airlines posting losses. we'll hear from intel later today. taco bell has started testing its own meat alternative giving vegetarian customers another option. they have been hesitant to add plant-based meat, potatoes and beans are already available as
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substitutes. in january product but first has been testing its own plant-based option, a meat substitute made from a blend of peas and chickpeas only available in one location in the los angeles area through the end of the month. you can sub the meat alternative into burritos or chilupas. lowe's is giving away 500,000 tree saplings for those who registered in advance. the offer is part of the home improvement chain's spring fest event which features free garden to go kits that can be picked up curbside every thursday in april from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. local time. there's one more spring fest freebie next thursday, and that's a lowe's butterfly quest kit to help families create their own butterfly garden. registration is now open for those free kits on those are the latest headlines
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from cnbc, marcus. plant a butterfly garden, i can't think of anything bet they are spring. >> that would be nice. i was just thinking, all i need is a house and some property. hmm. i will work on that one, bertha. >> yeah, that would be helpful. >> thanks, bertha. coming up here on "today in the bay," new developments in the murder case involving the disappearance of kristen smart and the man prosecutors say helped bury her body. he could walk out of prison before his trial even gets under way.
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and spicy for the best of both worlds. only at jack in the box. and good morning to you. here we go, thursday. a live look at dublin right now. you can see folks on the road getting started with their day. a lot of people on the road at 4:49 this morning. where are they going? they're not watching "today in the bay." that's an issue. >> what? >> i know. say it isn't so. >> maybe they're streaming it on their phone. >> that's what it is. >> while driving? they're probably headed to work this morning. a lot of people have to do that to get ready for the weekend. we are going to have more of this nice but cooler weather. take a look at where we're headed again for today with our high temperatures in the mid-70s reaching that warm in clear
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lake. i say warm because mostly we'll see some 60s near the coast. 72 will be the high in livermore and morgan hill we're looking at a high of 70 degrees today. heads up that we'll see some rain moving in. most of us will see rain on saturday. there will be the chance that some spotty showers will start to move through. we can see that over to fairfield and in concord early on saturday morning. and then we go throughout most of the day with a few lingering clouds as well as some spotty showers especially near the coastline. we're pretty much covered with some rain off and on throughout the day and it's going to be moving through not only the morning but into the afternoon. by monday it starts to clear out. there may be a few lingering
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showers. rainfall totals are looking more like half of an inch for parts of the north bay up to a quarter of an inch for parts of the east bay and south bay. the sierras will get a good amount of snow with some totals reaching over a foot. and along with that cooler temperatures. we've been watching our rainfall deficits that continue to grow. that half inch of rain will not help us out too much with this drought situation. we'll be watching that. mike, what are you watching right now for the commute? well, kari, we're watching more folks get on the roadway. we have the speeds holding up pretty steady as we look at a big view of the map. no major issues. the green sensors, the south bay, great stuff for santa clara county heading up into the tri-valley. should be picking up. no delays and no surprises out of the altamont pass.
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we have a car partially in the water. no major injuries. a disabled vehicle on the shoulder now. as we look at the toll plaza on this early drive. >> thanks, mike. a follow-up on the recent arrest of what is now the kristin smart murder case. the primary suspect's father had his bail lowered. flores is called an accessory to the crime. they say he helped his son bury the body of kristin smart which has never been found. she was last seen nearly 25 years ago on the central coast where she attended cal-poly. the pair, the father and son, were arrested. paul flores is being hel without bail. authorities consider him a leading suspect, and they've done that for years. reuben flores is now -- bail has been set at $50,000.
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as soon as today a new site will open in southern california for unaccompanied migrant children detained at the border. leaders in long beach recently approved the city's convention center as a shelter for up to 1,000 minors. children will arrive about 150 at a time. they'll receive beds, food, clothing and health and human services department is assisting as well. the community is stepping up with donations including an owner of a popular restaurant. >> my immediate thought was how can we provide hot meals to these children? >> and it looks like they're helping out. a possible new life line will soon become available for dozens of mothers struggling to make it in the bay in marin county. leaders in oakland and this week
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los angeles approved similar plans. the pilot program will provide $1,000 monthly grants. it's been approved for 125 randomly chosen. it will run for two years and will start next month. stimulus checks now being sent to californians. nearly 6 million people considered low income are now eligible, meaning those earning less than $30,000. people who filed their taxes before march 1st may have already received that payment. those started going out last week. people receiving the maximum income will include people who received an earned income tax credit last year. you have to file taxes to qualify. the deadline is may. besides being an absolute icon, cher also a pretty nice
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person. a surprise call with a fan getting a lot of attention. one song she said she didn't even like at first. happening now india struggling to contain the pandemic. the country recorded the world's highest daily tally of covid-19 infections today. it's almost at 315,000 cases. health officials across northern and western india say they were in crisis with most hospitals full or running out of oxygen. the health minister says there was a shortage of icu beds. india's total cases are now at almost 16 million with more than 184,000 deaths. we'll be right back.
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♪♪ tex-mex. tex-mex. ♪♪ termites. go back up! hang on! i am hanging on. don't mess up your deck with tex-mex. terminix. hi. the only way to nix it is to terminix it. at lowe's, spring is a season of possibilities. hi. a time for growth. and a time for a fresh trim. it's where new projects begin. and curb appeal takes on new meaning. come celebrate lowe's first annual springfest - a festival of fun and savings for your garden and total home. home to any budget. home to any possibility.
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welcome back. trending this morning cher surprised one of her biggest fans who has alzheimer's on face time. >> her fan told cher her favorite song was "i've got you babe." listen to what cher had to say about the hit song. >> you know what i said? i said this is crap. >> set up that call with the singer saying it was her mom's dream to meet her. you can hear her mom flaunting her cher shirt there and says cher's songs have been medicine for her. >> food banks need our support to meet that need. spring into action with nbc bay area and telemundo 48 and volunteer to help hunger disappear.
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together, we can make a difference in our communities by helping our neighbors in need. i embrace getting older. i'm so much more confident now. but i don't love that as i age, i could develop gum issues. new colgate renewal reverses early gum damage, for a beautiful, revitalized smile. i can't wait to see what comes next! reverse early gum damage with new colgate renewal. ♪♪
5:00 am
reynolds wrap makes this whole cooking and cleanup thing so easy. it speeds up this... so i can get to them. easy prep, cook and clean with reynolds wrap. right now at 5:00 two east bay cities grappling with the deadly police encounters. an alameda family seeking answers after a death in police custody. and a danville officer now charged for his involvement in two deadly shootings. a live update on both of these emotional cases. the department of justice will be unwavering in its pursuit of equal justice under law. >> the push for police reform gaining ground on capitol hill after the guilty verdict in the derek chaufrn case.


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