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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  April 18, 2021 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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marching along the coast. people in san francisco standing with the asian-american community as one supervisor calls for more protections in wake of violent attacks. an important up date from the nation's top doctor about the pause on j and j vaccine. the changes that might be on the horizon for some north bay businesses.
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bay area christy smith smans how they are trying the make that happen. >> we are here today because this is a historic moment of reckoning on racism and violence against asian-americans. >> reporter: the message was clear. supervisor gor dan was among those who addressed those gathered along the upper great highway. >> to support our asian community that's really been struggling under the escalation in crime and violence incident. my kids and having them have prides. attacks against seniors really hit home. >> reporter: many people thought it was really important to bring
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the message into the neighborhood. >> we're here. we're organized. >> i called on the city department to create a comprehensive plan to prevent violence. i've called for increasing investments in asian community organizations. >> reporter: they plan to keep the momentum going. in san francisco, christy smith, nbc bay area news. police say a bizarre crime in north bay is related to trial of former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin. the photos are disturbing. police are trying to figure out who threw blood and a pig's head on the home. it was previously owned by police officer barry broed who moved out of the city. he stephed for the defense in the death of george floyd. police chief issued a statement
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following his testimony making clear broad's comments do not reflect the value and beliefs of the santa rosa pd. a large crowd of people gathering at george floyd square in chauvin faces three murder,thur third-degree manslaughter. prosecution argued floyd died by lack of oxygen. the video that's been around for while and caused such a rebellion among many in the streets. the defense argues floyd's drug use and bad heart were to blame for death. chauvin declined to testify last week. you can join our ongoing conversation about race in america led by jessica and marcus washington. if you missed this week's episode, you can watch it on our
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website, just go do we're learning new details about the pause of the johnson & johnson. firm answer this week. >> i think by friday we'll know which way we're going. hopefully we'll get back on track. i don't think it will be anything that will linger beyond that. i hope not. i don't think so. >> the j and j pause was a put in place after six women developed an extremely rare blood clot. fauci explained not only does the pause give health leaders time to make sure more aren't arvegted but the patients shouldn't be given the standard treatment. he talked about the possibility of needing a booster shot in future. >> it's going to be a public health decision. it's not going to be a decision that's going to be made by a pharmaceutical company. we're partners with them because
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they are supplying it. it will be an fda, cdc decision. >> we laerd that vaccination against coronavirus could become annual like the flu vaccine. we have new helpful information when it comes to trying to maybe and get to a covid vaccine appointment. just a couple hours, 7:00 tonight, the last free shuttle to the coliseum vaccination site will run. if you're still trying the make an appointment check out a full day of appointments for tomorrow. open earlier today, at the coliseum. it sounds like the place to go. one to consider any way. in the south bay,
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vaccinating one of the neighborhood's hardest hit. health officials and city leaders offered a pop up clinic where people can easily get it. >> we want to make sure that they are vaccinated so we can get on with our normal lives. >> city leaders say only about 36% of people living in foxdale neighborhood have received the vaccine. we'll see how the bay area is doing with the vaccine roll out. we have been showing you the number of people who have gotten one shot. today let's take a look at how many people are fully vaccinated. most of the region in the 30s and the 40s. santa clara lagging a bit. only 31% of the people in santa clara county fully vaccinated.
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if you're still looking for an poim, we know a will the of you are, we can help. consumer investigator is vaccine hunting. he's really good hunter. he has tips on where to look and the most strategic times to log on. it's part of his how to series. go to our website, and click on how to get vaccine appointment in trending bar. more students in the oakland unify school district are heading back tomorrow. oakland's phase two starts tomorrow meaning students in grades 3 through 6 join the younger students back in the classroom. the district is reassuring parents that the stalled negotiations will not affect students returning to school this week. we have reached out for an update on those talks but have not heard back. last week the oakland education association declared an em pass -- impasse. this week marin county could become the first county to slide into the yellow tier.
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the county has to have less than two new case per 100,000 people and a positivity rate below 2%. according to the latest numbers on the state covid dashboard, marin county meets that criteria moving to yellow. good news for businesses. most are already open. gyms can increase up to 50%. so can family entertainment centers like bowling alleys. same goes for wine ris and breweries. indoor dining, movie theaters and places of worship are already allowed at 50% capacity. coming up, it's another way the pandemic is making it more difficult for people the make it in the bay. the also, 115 years after san franciscoans mark the earthquake and fire. april or is it august outside. feels like it. temperatures in the upper 80s.
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cooler changes ahead and rain chances in the seven-day forecast. we'll come right back. ahead, as states open up vaccine appointments for all eligible adults, will there be enough covid shots to go around? the important one one college president moved into campus dorms with students. all that ahead on nightly news. plap machine
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. now the a story in our making it in bay series on the housing crisis ov live here in
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the bay area. here is a look at downtown san jose. one of the many areas that saw a dramatic decline in housing construction. according to data, residential permits fell 29% in santa clara county. 37% in alameda county. 36 in san mateo county. 34% in san francisco. contra costa county was the one outlier with construction holding steady. the future looks bleak. new homes are expected to take longer and cost more to build this year. bad news for a region in a housing crisis. scare for a saratoga neighborhood overnight. fire started about 2:00 this morning. only person who lived at the home got out safely. the firefighters had to call in additional help so the flames were dangerously close to other structure and brush. took about an hour to get the fire under control. no one hurt and just that one home damaged. on this day 115 years ago
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just a few minutes after 5:00 a.m., most of san francisco was levelled after a massive earthquake shoot the city. originally 700 people were estimated to have died in the 1906 earthquake. experts now say that number is way too low. city leaders commemorated the day. the major was joined by former mayor willie brown. mayor breed found similarities for the earthquake and pandemic we're experiencing. >> we're san franciscoans. we go through earthquakes. we go through pandemics. we go through things. when the time comes and we need to rise up like the phoenix we are, we stand strong, proud and together that's what the people of san francisco did in 1906 when we rebuilt this city. >> a wreath was place at the fountain and a moment of silence
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was made for those who died. i think this summer it will be extra magical. >> up next, something kids and parents are looking forward to this summer. look at what camps are doing to keep your children safe. get ready to roll up your sleeves. nbc is hosting a star studded vaccination special from russell wilson to j-lo to matthew mcconaughey. watch it right here on nbc bay area at 7:00. i'm morgan, and there's more to me than hiv. more love,... more adventure,... more community. but with my hiv treatment,... there's not more medicines in my pill. i talked to my doctor... and switched to... fewer medicines with dovato. prescription dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment
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or replacing their current hiv-1 regimen. with... just 2 medicines... in 1 pill,... dovato is as effective as a 3-drug regimen... to help you reach and stay undetectable. research shows people who take hiv treatment as prescribed... and get to and stay undetectable... to any of its ingredients... research shows people who take hiv treatment as prescribed... or if you take dofetilide. hepatitis b can become harder to treat while taking dovato. do not stop dovato without talking to your doctor,... as your hepatitis b may worsen or become life-threatening. serious or life-threatening side effects can occur, including... allergic reactions, lactic acid buildup, and liver problems. if you have a rash and other symptoms of an allergic reaction,... stop taking dovato and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis b or c,... or if you are, may be, or plan to be pregnant. your doctor may prescribe a different medicine... than dovato if you plan to be pregnant or if pregnancy is confirmed during the first trimester. dovato may harm your unborn baby. use effective birth control... while taking dovato.
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most common side effects are headache, nausea,... diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. so much goes... into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. ask your doctor about dovato—i did.
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it's a sign we're on the road to recovery. many summer camps are getting ready to welcome kids back this summer. last year an estimated 40% of camps nationwide were shut down to curb the spread of covid. this summer, things will be different. one camp in maine was one of the few that was able to stay open and welcoming back campers this summer. the camp's director says theypr include a two week quarantine before campers arrive with a daily symptom screening and testing. once at camp, kids and staff are placed in a bubble at camp. activities are a little different too. >> what's different about this year? >> in previous year we would go indoors and this summer we did it outside. there will be one camper at each corner. they were outside and socially distant. >> masks are mandatory.
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campers and staff are tested during each session. >> bet a lot of kids are ready for that. cleared for take off. nasa plans to pull out of a historic test flight on mars tomorrow. hover for 30 second and safely land. that's challenge because the atmosphere is so thin. you can watch the test flight live. you'll have to get up extra, extra early. the flight is set for 3:15 a.m. it's a problem that's putting our climate in crisis. tech tie sans are top investigators. it's called direct air capture.
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it's then turned to stone. >> reporter: it's going mainstream fast. the plant here in southwest ice land is the largest direct air capture site. technology is headed to the united states as well. >> coming up on nightly news, more on why this could be an incredible tool to combat climate change. it's earth week so we're talking about climate change solutions. lot of people showing up at farmer's market. enjoying the beautiful weather. get fresh food. she's having a little fun. she would have fun no matter where she is, i think. children enjoying the day. today sunny sskies, a bonus for
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every one. >> every one thinks it's foggy all the time. it's foggy all the time. yeah, we have a beautiful day out here in the sunset. i love living out here pause we have beautiful days like this. >> organizers have seen a steady amount of people every sunday during the pandemic because they felt it was a safe and fun way to get their food. >> looks like a good time. there's enough of that fog to keep things cool during the day and it's really more summer like micro climates as. san francisco now down to 57 degrees. jacket weather if you around france but if you're around the tri-valley, still t-shirt weather for you. you see 84 degrees. the camera bouncing a bit due to the there around that 586,
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interchange. 79 right now in san jose. northwest wind close to 18 miles an hour and another spot, looks like the inland area is staying comfortably warm. mid-60s by 9:00 tonight. light jacket should be just fine around san jose. you might want to keep that pocket size kleenex ready. the allergies is not good now. the hills are starting to turn brown. tree pollen is running high. moderate air quality around the bay area tomorrow. best air quality around the south central bay for tomorrow. we should see the numbers improve a bit as the sea breeze turn stronger and temperatures cool off for first half of the week. temperatures in the 40s the low 50s. we'll see patch of misty skies. our highs tomorrow with the
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strongest sea breeze around the great highway. you may get sand blown around with gusts close to 30. notice how highs have dropped. low to mid-80s out toward the tri valley. 76 in san jose. 66 in san francisco. 76 afternoon san raphael. obviously the reservoir situation. we're on our second dry year now. number continue to come down. the big four reservoir at about 70% of historical average and locally we're seeing the numbers too especially around the santa clara valley. any chance of late season rain would be welcome. both for short term fire danger concern and hopefully to get a bit of rain in forecast and that's possiblily where things could be headed. stay tuned. looks like possibly sunday into early next week we could be looking at some opportunities for some showers. the good news to take that into account that
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perhaps the pay area could see a slight chance of above average rain chances. we hope that's the case by next weekend. cooler and breezy tomorrow. that should carry us through wednesday. thursday probably the warmest day of the week as we jump briefly back up to 80. all eyes on next weekend. we hope we deal with more than just april showers. we could use it. it will be welcome give tennessee way the year has gone so far. back to you. >> push off the fire season, even a few more weeks would be great. coming up, warriors get ready to welcome fans back to chase center. what you need to know if you're heading to game this week. machine plap
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. happening tomorrow, marin
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county is roping most of its libraries this person since the first time the pandemic began. visits will be limited to 30 minutes and masks are required. the branches reopening are the ones you see on your announce roping days for other branches soon. bad news if you're planning on go to the a's game tomorrow. a covid outbreak on the minnesota twins mean they won't be playing at all. they had to have their games last night and today postponed. four member offense thes last night and today postponed. four member of twins, including two players have tested positive for the virus. the game might be rescheduled on tuesday. they will base the decision on test results. if you had a ticket to tomorrow's game, you'll automatically be given a refund.
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the warriors in the middle of a road trip but when they return home this week, it will be very special. they will be playing in front of fans at the chase center. fans will return for friday's name game against denver. about 6,000 people will be allowed in, well short of capacity. they will have to be fully vaccinated or proof of a negative covid test. we'll have full team coverage beginning in the bay with chase center. here is a look at which teams are letting fans back for in person games and when. the giants and a's allowing fans at their ballpark. warrior fans will be welcome back friday the a limit m number will be allowed back at the san jose earthquake game on saturday and shark tank, 27th.
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machine plap which shows will you be getting into tonight? how about all of 'em. netflix. cuz xfinity gets you really into your shows. when someone burns for someone who does not feel the same. oh, daphne. let's switch. from live tv to sports on the go. felix at the finish! you can even watch your dvr from anywhere. okay, that's just showing off. you get all of this with x1. so go on, get really into your shows. you need a breath mint. xfinity. it's a way better way to watch.
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good cause. that's what leading one man to swim the lake tahoe every day for a full year. >> 200 days into his yearlong goal. he's raising money for the sis lee fund that brings in money for orphaned children. he jumps in three minutes at time. he said it was 20 degrees out of the water, 41 in. pe doesn't mind the brisk temperature. >> it gives you a real boost of energy every day. if you're feeling lee that are -- lethargic, a bit tired. >> it will wake you up.
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an average temperature around 43 have swam in that lake many times. middle of august, it's cold. it wakes you up. >> it's so pretty. >> gorgeous. >> thanks for watching. "nightly news" is next. see you at 6:00. >> see you then. tonight, yet another deadly shooting a massive manhunt in austin, texas. three people killed. an entire neighborhood put on lockdown. >> we are concerned that he might hit the hospice. >> joining the search. the suspected killer, a former detective there. indianapolis, new questions tonight about how the shooter who killed eight peoe at a fedex facility was able to purchase guns legally after his mother warned authorities about him. also, a weekend of protests over police shootings, now the derek chauvin closing arguments tomorrow
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