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tv   NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt  NBC  April 17, 2021 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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of the campus. momma bird laid the eggs in march. streaming online so people can watch the miracle of life without disturbing the animals. very well done. beautiful pictures too. thanks for watching. nightly news is next. tonight, the final farewell the british royal family reunited for the funeral of prince philip the military procession the nationwide moment of silence princes william and harry, together, again. as the queen is forced, by covid, to sit alone. and the card she left on her husband's casket the victims of the fedex shooting in inanapolis what we're learning tonight about the eight people who lost their lives. and why police had previously taken away the suspect's gun. his family speaking out tonight. massive protests across the midwest, after multiple-police shootings, including a 13-year-old boy. the police union says
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the officer did nothing wrong. >> that officer's actions were actually heroic 3 million dead the new global death toll from covid as the u.s. hits a new milestone in vaccinations the urgent warning to peloton users, as a terrifying video of a child trapped underneath one of their treadmills a federal agency calling on anyone with children to stop using the tread plus immediately. plus, tribute to their hero why the whole community came out to celebrate this courageous young girl. >> this is >> announcer: this is nbc "nightly news" with jose diaz-balart. good evening the royal family reunited today for a funeral service steeped in tradition, but with major changes due to covid the queen forced to sit alone as she said good-bye to her husband. her family spread out throughout the church. only 30 guests were allowed. princes william and harry did walk behind their grandfather's casket
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the first time they have been seen in public together in more than a year that image so similar to this one at princess diana's funeral 24 years ago we begin our coverage tonight with keir simmons in windsor ♪ >> reporter: united in grief, the royal family came together to honor their father and grandfather today. and tonight, many reflecting on this unifying moment. william, kate, and harry talking as they left the chapel. the ceremony began this morning, afternoon in the uk. with the two princes walking behind prince philip's hearse. ahead of them, prince charles, visibly emotional. his father's personal standard sword and naval cap placed on the coffin carried on a green land rover designed by prince philip and a deeply personal letter from the queen. its contents will
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remain private as a bell tolled, and guns fired, the queen seen for the first time since losing her husband and consort of 73 years following the procession, in her bentley. in life and in public the prince always walked behind her. on the west steps of st. george's chapel, the coffin carried by royal marines. prince philip's royal navy piping a salute to signal an officer has left the ship. then a minute's silence. ♪ inside the chapel 30 royal guests were masked for a solemn and moving ceremony. nine cushions displaying his many military honors >> we have been inspired by his unwavering loyalty to our qu
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by his courage, fortitude and faith. >> reporter: queen elizabeth, at times her head bowed, seated alone. a scottish piper playing the lament then, from royal marines buglers, the last post. ♪ prince harry himself seated alone across from his brother and sister-in-law, kate. meghan's said to be watching from home in california then, as harry left, he appeared to strike up a relaxed conversation with william and kate the brothers kept talking, as they walked through windsor castle, brought together by their grandfather, who in life so often helped the royal family through tense times. >> keir, how is the royal family mourning tonight?
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>> well, jose, tonight the queen is holding a private gathering for a few members of the royal family here at windsor castle have william and harry taken the opportunity to continue their conversation, maybe even had a heart to heart? it's what prince philip would have wanted jose >> keir simmons in windsor. thank you. today, service unlike any other the family closely following the country's strict covid protocols. it was a dramatic turn from a royal remembrance that would typically draw massive crowds kelly cobiella reports. >> reporter: a royal funeral like no other. the queen wearing a mask her lady in waiting, lady susan husie, part of her windsor household and by her side for decades, the only one allowed to get close. inside the enormous st. george's chapel, a downsized choir of just four. all socially distanced. instead of 800 mourners on the pre-pandemic list, there were just 30
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the queen, her four children, her eight grandchildren, all separated by the covid-required six feet only royals who live together could sit together they couldn't sing only pray, in silence. even the pomp and ceremony stayed behind palace walls so it wouldn't draw a crowd. the entire funeral happened just on the other side of that gate for people who did come here, there was nothing to see a dedicated few felt they owed it to the queen. >> a very emotional time. >> i'm almost in tears over it. >> reporter: england is finally easing its way out of a nearly four-month lockdown. covid infections and deaths are low families across britain have lost loved ones, missed funerals, and grieved alone like the queen how important was it for the royal family to follow covid rules to the t >> it was really important for the royal family they want the rest of the country to know that whatever rules we
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are obeying or having to obey, they are too. that it is not one rule for the royal family and a different rule for their subjects >> reporter: the queen, like so many around the world, mourning in a pandemic and now leading without her closest confidante her strength and stay for 73 years >> kelly, what has the royal family said about the public's response to prince philip's passing >> reporter: well, jose, the royal family said they're touched by all of the support they've received not just here in the uk but really around the world. and the palace said that this funeral was televised so that people could take part so that they could mourn and celebrate what the palace said was a truly extraordinary life jose >> kelly cobiella in windsor. thank you. we turn now to the latest in that deadly mass shooting in an indianapolis fedex facility tonight we're learning more about the eight people killed thursday
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night and the heartbroken loved ones they left behind kathy park is there. >> reporter: tonight, eight families grieving loved ones who went to work at this indianapolis fedex facility thursday and never returned home. gary sekhon lost his mother-in-law. >> we were just planning about my daughter's birthday party. going to go -- held today. and she's supposed to take the day off the day she died. >> we were going to have a party at this time and now we're arranging a funeral. it's hard. it's sad >> reporter: rimpi grn knew two of the victims. amarjit sekhon and jasvinder kaur they weren't related by blood but still considered each other family among the victims, half were members of the sikh community. >> all they wanted to do was just provide a good life to their family >> reporter: and heartache for the family of samaria blackwell, just 19 years old, an athlete who was active in her community. while john weisert was just months away from celebrating his 50th wedding anniversary. some employees and their families
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returned to retrieve their cars, riddled with bullet holes. kristen johnson's father was shot and is now recovering. >> looking at his car, he has 12 bullet holes in it. so the fact that he's even still alive is -- it's a lot >> reporter: the suspect was no stranger to law enforcement. according to the fbi, they were alerted by his own mother last march about possibly killing himself, attempting suicide by cop. they seized a shotgun at his home, which was not returned his family, breaking their silence, apologizing for the senseless tragedy. adding that they tried to get him the help he needed tonight, a community shattered and still seeking answers. >> they took his gun away how come that kid had access to gun again? >> kathy joins us now from indianapolis. kathy, where does the investigation go from here
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>> reporter: well, jose, the big question is motive. and that's still under review and you might notice that most of the crime scene tape tha surrounded the facility where the shooting took place has since been removed. and operations at the site have been temporarily suspended. jose >> kathy park, thank you. what unfolded at that fedex warehouse is one of several deadly high-profile mass shootings in our country in just the past month kelly o'donnell joins us from the white house. kelly, how is the president responding to these shootings >> jose, consider this president biden has already called for lowering flags three times for mass shootings in his first 100 days friday he called these repeated tragedies a national embarrassment that must end. the president did authorize executive actions related to gun sales. but he is urging congress to change laws on background checks and assault weapons. pressed about whether he makes gun violence a priority, the president said, "it's never not a priority."
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jose >> kelly o'donnell at the white house. thank you. parts of the midwest are bracing for another night of violent protests the calls for justice growing, following ron allen has the latest. >> there's no reason why a mother should be burying her kid! >> reporter: overnight, chicago erupting in anger over the death last month of 13-year-old adam toledo at the hands of chicago police. >> adam, we love you >> reporter: hundreds demanding accountability after seeing this disturbing police body camera video. an officer responding to a call of shots fired. chasing toledo down an alley. >> show me your [ bleep ] hands! drop it! >> reporter: the boy appears to show his hands are empty. officer eric stillman fairs one fatal shot edited police video from sometime before the shooting appears to show toledo with a gun. but the family's attorney says he complied with the officer's commands.
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>> he said show me your hands the child did, and there was nothing in his hand when he got shot >> reporter: stillman's attorney says the boy was with an older gang member just after a drive-by shooting and the officer fired, fearing the boy was armed. >> and this is the hardest part these officers need to make split-second decisions of life and death. >> it is 100% justified. that officer's actions were actually heroic >> reporter: in brooklyn center, minnesota protests over the killing of 20-year-old daunte wright began with no curfew in effect for the first time but authorities say the peaceful gathering changed. >> we started to see individuals dressed with helmets, with respirators, and gas masks. we were notified that a part of the fence had been breached. >> reporter: dozens of officers arresting more than 130 people the most in six straight nights of clashes. with worried nearby residents caught in the middle >> scary traumatizing especially when everybody has kids >> reporter: while some residents have fled, others remain trying to protect their homes. >> and ron joins us now from brooklyn center ron, we understand
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city officials have already said there will be a curfew tonight. >> reporter: that's right, jose. 11:00 p.m. it's the weekend so a lot of people are out, as you can see. the chauvin trial is about to come to an end in minneapolis but there is a lot of concern that these gatherings could get even bigger. jose >> ron allen in brooklyn center. thank you so much. still ahead tonight, the urgent warning about a line of peloton home workout equipment. equipment. we didn't stop at computers. we didn't stop at storage or cloud. we kept going. working with our customers to enable the kind of technology that can guide an astronaut back to safety. and help make a hospital come to you, instead of you going to it. so when it comes to your business, you know we'll stop at nothing. [ heavy breathing ] allergies with nasal congestion overwhelming you?
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there is an urgent new warning tonight about a peloton product. a federal agency says one of the company's treadmills pose a serious risk to children and pets. erin mclaughlin has details. and a warning, some of the video is disturbing >> stay with me, peloton. you got it >> reporter: tonight, a rare and urgent warning from the agency charged with keeping consumers safe stop using the peloton tread plus immediately if you could have a pet, child, or object around this device noting the popular treadmill poses serious risks to children for abrasions, fractures, and death. >> we hope that we will reach a voluntary recall and a stop sale >> reporter: a consumer product safety commission releasing this disturbing video showing two children, unsupervised, playing on a peloton tread plus you see the little boy pulled under the 450-pound machine. eventually, the child escapes uninjured. >> we've had 39 incidents of objects, a pet, and worst of
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all children being sucked underneath this device and we believe that the public health and safety warrants putting this warning out. >> reporter: peloton released a statement refuting the warning from the cpsc. saying it's troubled by the unilateral press release, alleging that it's inaccurate and misleading, adding that there is no reason to stop using the tread plus as long as all the warnings and safety instructions are followed, noting that children under 16 should never use the tread plus and members should keep children, pets and objects away from the tread plus at all times. >> if i just spent over $4,000 on a treadmill, one of these treadmills at this point, what do i do >> first of all, stop using the peloton tread plus if you have kids at home if people have bought a $4,000 treadmill, they really need to know that it's safe. they deserve to have a safe product and peloton needs to make them whole. >> reporter: the cpsc says absent a voluntary recall, the only other option? to take peloton to court. a process that could drag out for years erin mclaughlin, nbc
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news, los angeles. up next, a surprising reason some unemployed workers say they don't want a job. plus, the dramatic crash landing along a florida beach today. the dramatic-crash landing along a florida beach today. ♪ just to let me down ♪ ♪ (let me down) ♪ ♪ and mess me around ♪ ♪ and then worst of all ♪ ♪ (worst of all) ♪ ♪ you never call, baby ♪ ♪ when you... ♪ ♪ say you will... ♪ carl. what have you done? think anyone will notice? yes. yeah. if you ride, you get it. yeah, they will. geico motorcycle. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. [♪♪] when you have diabetes, managing your blood sugar is crucial. try boost glucose control. the patented blend is clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels. boost glucose control products contain high quality protein and key nutrients to support immune health. try boost.
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may be life-threatening. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis. other serious side effects include dehydration, sudden kidney problems, genital yeast and bacterial infections in women and men, urinary tract infections, and low blood sugar. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis which is serious and may lead to death. more time with her? sounds good to me. ♪far-xi-ga♪ if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. a plane performing in a florida air show made a crash landing today. it happened on cocoa beach. the plane flew in low over the water and went down just off shore. a post on the cocoa beach air show facebook page said a mechanical issue
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forced the water landing. the pilot is reportedly okay. now to news about the pandemic today, the death toll topped a staggering 3 million worldwide. while here in the u.s. the race to vaccinate hit a new milestone today. more than 200 million doses have now been administered as the u.s. reopens, a new and surprising challenge for businesses, filling open jobs. senior business correspondent stephanie ruhle explains why people aren't applying. >> the u.s. is in a vaccination job boom. >> there are now more job postings online across the u.s. than there were before the pandemic. >> but that doesn't mean people are applying 42% of small business owners say they couldn't fill positions last month matt thinks he knows why. >> unemployment. benefits >> reporter: he's ready to open his pennsylvania bar and restaurant seven days a week but only has staff for four. >> we are getting
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super desperate. i'm already paying 10, 20 hours' overtime to the employees that i have because i can't get anybody to work. >> reporter: with extended pandemic unemployment benefits millions of americans are receiving around $600 a week, or about $15 an hour. if you increased if you increased wages again, do you think that would bring them back >> we can only go to a certain point. and -- and, you know, without raising prices >> reporter: those unemployment benefits meant to provide a safety net during the pandemic have shifted the job market >> it is a very unusual situation. this has really put job seekers in the driver's seat, to a large degree >> reporter: now 19 states have reinstated a requirement to look for work while on unemployment and another four plan to do the same the industry is taking a big hit. >> reporter: alex abdulis runs a floral design company in new york city. weddings were big business and when that market disappeared overnight -- >> we had to sacrifice some of our staff as a result so that was very tough. >> reporter: couples are booking weddings again and alex wants to bring back part-time employees.
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>> are you able to find them? >> that's a challenge because most people are receiving the benefits that they need to survive and part-time employment is not going to pay the bills. >> small businesses like hers are at a disadvantage as larger companies offer incentives to attract workers. walmart is moving 2/3 of its hourly workers to full time while uber launched a $250 million driver's stimulus initiative. recovering from a difficult year, alex is making due. >> are you forced to turn away business right now? >> i'm a little bi concerned about taking on any more weddings that's my bread and butter, so turning away that kind of business is very difficult. we're just all pulling a lot more of the weight and it's stressful for my team. >> reporter: extended unemployment benefits run out in september until then, those "help wanted" signs may continue to stay up stephanie ruhle, nbc news, new york when we come back, what this teenager did for her community. and then, what they did for her. for her community. and then, what they did for her.
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ancestry helped connect us to our ancestors to treat acute, non-low back muscle and joint pain with topical nsaids first. a formulation they recommend can be found in salonpas. a formulation they recommend can be found in salonpas. salonpas. it's good medicine. hisamitsu. there's good news tonight about the healing power of community and how one seattle neighborhood is supporting a remarkable teenager, during her most difficult day. for 16-year-old mercy hobb helping others has been a lifelong mission. >> how can i help contribute my time, my efforts, my passion to better the community >> reporter: starting at just age 7, she dedicated herself to raising money for cancer research.
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it was a goal ignited by a loved one's tragedy. >> my best friend's father was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. and then died. >> reporter: with that fighting spirit mercy's raised tens of thousands of dollars for the leukemia and lymphoma society, even shaving her head in solidarity with patients but last september she and her family got they own heartbreaking news. >> take me back to when you first found out. >> we got the call and they said, hey you have lymphoma. >> reporter: mercy documented her struggles on social media. >> getting my second chemo out of my four right now. >> cancer was this elephant in the room no one wanted to talk about. so i thought, hey, what if i try to, you know, break that stigma >> reporter: her bravery so inspiring that on the way to her final round of chemotherapy last month mercy's seattle-area community went above and beyond. [ cheers ] hundreds lined the streets, making sure she was supported, after doing so much for others with
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cancer. >> mercy's a special person i mean, it's like this once-in-a-generation almost type person that's so passionate about something. >> reporter: mercy's parents say the celebration was a turning point. >> it was so wonderfuler reem, as w to re-emerge as we took that corner and know okay, there was the strength returning to her to climb this last hurdle still. >> reporter: for now mercy is done with her treatments, in remission, and has a new goal in mind >> tell me about your dreams. >> i would want to be a pediatric oncologist i could be talking to this kid who just was diagnosed. and i could be like look, i have a scar here, too. >> reporter: it's a dream her family knows she'll achieve >> she has such a compassionate heart that, you know, to see that, i want to change the world, and if anyone's going to
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do it, it's her, right? >> mercy is extraordinary. and i'd like to share with you tonight my latest episode of "american dreaming" featuring two young nasa engineers who helped land that rover on mars. you can watch it at films or listen wherever you get your podcasts i'm jose diaz-balart thank you for the privilege of your time good night time. good night. right now at 6:00, a deadly mystery in oakland. a young father and his toddler daughter found dead inside a burning home. tonight the crime that could be connected to. the news at 6:00 starts
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right now. good evening, everyone. thanks for joining us. i'm terry mcsweeney. >> i'm cierra johnson. that fire claimed a father and his little girl. >> bay area's thom jensen. >> reporter: just a tragic fire here and family members who are here, some of them, are here trying to salvage what they can, and now we have a picture from one of the family members of the man who died in the fire. a 37-year-old man and his 1-year-old daughter. she was about to turn 2 later this month. they were preparing for her birthday. her name is alia and now they are salvaging some of those birthday gifts from the fire and wondering why this happened. a man who lived here said he was out having dinner with a friend. they were all celebrating and observing ramadan. he said he came home and he fo


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