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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  April 17, 2021 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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. right now at 5:00 tragedy in the east bay. why police are treating the investigation as a homicide. plus. >> our community is under attack, and we will not stand for it. >> asian people standing together. we'll take you to a rally on the peninsula support can bay area asian community. >> sheriff deputies open fire on a man killing him. what we are learning about the suspect and what he was holding when officer shot him.
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the news at 5:00 starts right now. thank you for joining us. >> between an armed man and deputy turned deadly. alameda county sheriffs said they were forced to open fire after a man fired a gun at a depcy. >> happened at about 4:00 a.m. this morning hayward high. said the man was banging on neighbor's doors with a gun. bay area smith with the investigation under way. >> woke me up, the gunshots woke me up. >> reporter: lori frantz was woken up. >> sounded like firecrackers outside my window and that's all i hertd. and of course the lights start flashing. >> reporter: she didn't hear anything before. they said they received 911 qualls about a man with a gun.
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>> he was banging on doors and multiple callers at 3:40 a.m. in the morning people woken at of their sleep. this wasn't a random. this individual was actively had a gun in their hand. threatening to shoot people. >> reporter: they said they established a perimeter and located him behind a fence. but horizontal fence boards made it hard to see. and what happened next happened fast. >> the individual had a gun. our officers told that individual to drop the gun. they tried to de-escalate it as quick as they could. but he grabbed the gun and he reached up and fired the weapon. we know that a bullet went past our deputy's head narrowly missing him. >> reporter: they say he was graced and in a matter of inches could be struck. deputies returned fire striking him multiple times. they began first aid. the man died at the scene. this is a picture of the gun they recovered.
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>> it's a 26-year-old male. we believe he is filipino maybe white mix race but looking at criminal history. very extensive. >> reporter: they say his connection to the area sun clear but residents are shaken up. >> a little uneasy. >> reporter: investigations are under way. they say they have body camera footage. officers are on administrative leave which is customary in a shooting. bay area news. >> follow up now to protests in oakland while most of the demonstrations were peaceful. some engaged in violence and vandalism. you are looking at some of that aftermath. they say the trouble started when about 300 protesters left frank plaza around 9:00 p.m. last night. the crowd took to the streets and in the next two hours community member was a ult saed, windows broken, businesses fired, and officers pelted with objects. around 11:00 p.m. the crowd was
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ordered to disburse. police say everyone went home and no arrests were made. this came after a peaceful march for daunte wright and adam toledo both shot and killed by police. also violence in brooklyn center minnesota last night which is why there is a curfew in effect tonight. the curfew goes from 11 to 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. this is where daunte wright was killed last sunday. protests started out peaceful but night wore on 100 people arrested when they tried to tear down fencing. police say some of the demonstrate oars wearing helmets and carrying baseball bats. wright being remembered in oakland. saying they wanted to give the community a place to heal. >> we have been on a very intentional course to pull together community in a way where we are coming up with the solutions that will help to save us, will improve our overautopsy
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public safety here in oakland and set a model and an example for the rest of the country. over all. >> council member lauren taylor was part of the event. virtual event was black women for political action. more than 100 people turned up in united action with asians began with rousing speakers including city council member anders fong. >> we will not stop working for you until you all feel safe again. >> lieutenant governor eileen says her own family experienced racism when they first immigrated to the people she made the parallel to the community now having a new wave of racism and bias. >> when we look at the united states of america, our history is this story of immigrants
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coming to america and making this the greatest country in the world. the asian-american community in the united states and here in california is the backbone of our beautiful country and our beautiful state. >> leaders talked about plans to improve over all safety and increase awareness and protection of the aapi community. smart phone technology to make reporting hate crimes easier. you can join our ongoing conversation about race in america led by them this week we talked about the events unfolding in minnesota. and the anger and fear being felt in the asian american community here in the bay area. if you miss this week's episode catch it on your website go to nbc bay in america. >> and in oakland a father and daughter are dead vic tempts of a fire that could be arson.
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police say the fire 457d on sterns avenue just after midnight. firefighters tweeted out this video of them arriving at the scene. they found several people trapped inside. and they were able able to rescue many some of the family members but father and 20 month old girl found inside. they say they believe the fire was set intentionally and could be related to recent shooting nearby. >> somber moment against covid more than 3 million have lost their lives. to put things in perspective number of people died from covid is more than the people of people currently living in the city of chicago. >> doctors say vaccinations along with continued testing will be krushlg in ending the pandemic. today they hosted a vaccination clinic at the masters senior center. you can see people lining up. everybody 16 or older is eligible but ended up mostly older people sign up today. >> now we were in the community,
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we are right here that they can take advantage of us being here without trying to find a site that can provide it to them. >> the county health department will be back in about a month to deliver those second doses. and tomorrow is the last day for free rides to get your shot at the coliseum. you may remember transit buses were taking people to the site to help get them vast nated a little easier. they started the service in mid-february but now say it's no longer necessary. ac transit says they have helped more than 3500 people get to the coliseum for a vaccine. last bus ride tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. >> well, tonight the state says at least 60% of californians are partially vaccinated but in much of the bay area that number is even higher. take a look for yourself. take a look at marin county. 72% have received at least one shot there. the rest of the bay area, 50s, low 60s, contra county 63, 55,
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solano county only county below 50%. and you can see that they are at 47. nationwide making progress there too. we have a graph to show you right now. the average number of doses given each day. you can see we had a bit of a slump in february dropping down to 1.4 million. but coming in strong 3.2 million people after 2.9 million shots on april 1st. u.s. averaging 3.2 million doses per dachlt as of today one in four americans is fully vaccinated. that's about 82 million people. 127 million people have at least one shot. and if you are still looking for a vaccine appointment, we can help. consumer investigator is vaccine hunting. tips on where to work and times to log on to look for appointments. all part of how to series g to website nbc bay area daum and
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how to get a vaccine appointment in the trending bar. the investigation into the mass shooting at an indianapolis fedex facility continues. former employee opened fire killing 8 people leaving five others hurt before turning the gun on himself. tonight we are learning more about the victims as their families and investigators try to answer the question why. nbc's chris has the latest. >> reporter: the shooting victims at the indianapolis fedex ranked in age from 18 to 74. people that went to work but this time did not come home. five others are expected to survive their injuries after a former employee with a rifle opened fire. >> i couldn't believe the shot. i couldn't believe it until i saw it. >> reporter: his mother is expected to make it. so is his father. his car constant chilling reminder. >> in looking at his car he has two bullet holes in it. so the fact he's still alive
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says a lot. >> reporter: they searched the home of the former fedex. already known to agents. mother warned them he might want to be killed by a police officer the killings drawing an emotional response from president biden. >> this has to end. it is a national embarrassment what's going on. >> reporter: congressional democrats say it will steps that would immediately impact the number of mass shootings in the u.s. but hitting rod blocks in the congress. >> just closing the boyfriend loophole. closing the charl stop loophole. simple ways to make people across this country safer. >> reporter: now yet again eight more american families are left to mourn. >> she left her kids the night before, and then she's not going
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to come back ever, 13 and 19-year-old, they are going to look for answers every day. >> reporter: answers that might never come. chris, nbc news. >> coming up the world family says their final good-byes to prince philip. >> also young southern california girl volunteers to get her covid vaccine. how she got involved in this clinical volunteer by chance. >> and cool 50s near san francisco but more taste of summer sunday forecast, a look at that when we come right back.
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the royal family said their final good-byes to prince philip. queen elizabeth sat alone dressed in black and with her head bowed in prayer honoring her husband of 73 years. the funeral was parred down because of the pandemic. only 30 members of the royal families attended. but the service was broadcast around the world. nbc ann thompson reports from windsor castle. >> reporter: this was a day devoted to commemorating the life of prince philip. queen elizabeth on her own mourning her husband of 73 years. following prince philip's coffin in a car. her children walk behind the land rover with his body.
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as with oldest grandchild of the prince. only 30 people were allowed at the ceremony because of covid regulations. much of the ceremony was designed by prince philip himself. he chose all the music, including the royal navy hymn. the service was relatively short. just 15 minutes without all the fuss that prince philip famously disliked. >> we have been inspired by his unwavering loyalty to our queen. by his service to the nation and the commonwealth, his courage, fortitude, and faith. >> afterwards, william and harry could be seen walking together and chatting with william's wife kate. going in private to remember the man they said stood by them in good times and bad. i'm ann thompson at windsor
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castle. now back to you. >> well, one person not in attendance was prince harry wife meghan markle. she did pay tribute to the late prince. wrote a card and national flower of greece heritage. also flowers simba lyse love. and roses in honor of june, phillip's birth note. our coverage continues on our website. posted a photo gallery of his life over thes years. also how the royals are remembering him. it's also on nbc bay >> well, doing it for science, a girl is taking part in a covid vaccine trial. this is ee have i. well, she was denied because the trial was only for people 12 to 15. her response, i'll do did instead.
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>> we always hang in. and we want to get back into being able to hang out apart from just like outside social distance with masks on. and actually start going places together. >> i trust pediatricians i talk to, including her pediatrician. so i feel good about it and i hope i can share that with other parents. >> well, evi and her family aren't sure they are sure she has gotten the placebo or vaccine yet. and get ready for tomorrow the celebs will join president biden in encouraging people to get the vaccine. watch it tomorrow at 7:00 p.m. right here on nbc bay area. >> right now with the forecast. he's talking about summer like temperatures, rob. >> yeah, extra reason to roll up your sleeves tomorrow or wear a tee shirt. we have some 80s today. i think we'll see more this time around. right now inland east bay.
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84 degrees for late saturday afternoon. 69 in jose. notice the cooler 50s still in san francisco sort of like a summer spread of fog on the coast. a little different story san jose a little closer to 70 degrees. also seeing the on shore wind at 14-miles-an-hour and a taste of summer ongoing here around walnut creek northwest 17, which means if you have evening dinner plans outside, broadway plaza would not be a bad place to be today. and cooling through the sixth by 10:00 later on tonight. so show you the forecast, heading towards tomorrow morning, area of clouds inner bay and coastline. notice the jump in afternoon temperatures, even san francisco, close to the low 70s tomorrow, upper 70s in oakland. and mid to upper 80s could be possible same story in the north
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bay. so bay and air valleys warming up for sunday. perhaps as hot as oakland a's. 1:00 tomorrow. upper 70s a little pitcher's ballpark. warm air could get the ball to move farther out to the outfield tomorrow. that's what we are tracking seven-day forecast, i do want to point your attention to next weekend. because what's happening right now in the pacific, the west pacific as you can see out here philippines, typhoon moving to the north and west. why we care about this particular storm is energy could get absorbed into the jet stream and on occasion that can buckle it downstream closer to california. so one of the changes we are seeing in seven-day outlook could have rain sources maybe. but this weekend is summer like temperatures. san francisco in the low 70s. valleys tomorrow, a few spots
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mid to upper 80s, we begin to cool down monday. cooler week. then stay tuned for next weekend. back to you. >> thanks very much. up next a bird's-eye view of climate crisis. we'll at the you about the new feature google launched that let's you see how much the earth has changed.
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attention, california. new federal funding of $3 billion is available to help more people pay for health insurance — no matter what your income. how much is yours? julie and bob are paying $700 less, every month. dee got comprehensive coverage for only $1 a month. and the navarros are paying less than $100 a month. check to see your new, lower price. the sooner you sign up the more you save. only at covered california. this way to health insurance.
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come experience the grand opening of floor and decor's newest location in pleasant hill! the sooner you sign up the more you save. our expansive store is fully equipped with safe distancing guides, so you can browse our wide aisles and be amazed with our even wider selection. or easily order online, and pick up all the products you need for your flooring project curbside! so come discover the perfect floor at the perfect price in whatever way is perfect for you. floor and decor, now open in pleasant hill for safe in-store shopping and curbside pickup. also open in milpitas, burlingame and san leandro. a big announcement from nasa the space agency has awarded
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spacex a $2.9 billion contract to build a spacecraft to bring astronauts to the moon. this is illustration of the winning design elon musk private space company beat out bezo for the job. the new contract is a part of the program first commercial carrying astronauts to the moon. of course the test flight must be successful before they can make that journey. google earth got a big update and showing us how much our planet has changed over the last four decades. check this out time lapse feature thanks to more than 24 million satellite pictures you can compare what it looked like in 1984 compared to how it looks today. this is the columbia gray sher in alaska and you can see how it has shrunk over the years
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because of global warming. >> now, this ship bays tribute to the bay area city. we'll tell you which one next. ao the bay area city. we'll tell you which one next. p to the bay area city. we'll tell you which one next. w to the bay area city. we'll tell you which one next. oe to the bay area city. we'll tell you which one next. w tribute to the bay area city. we'll tell you which one next. . tribute to the bay area city. we'll tell you which one next. n the bay area city. we'll tell you which one next. i'm morgan, and there's more to me than hiv. more love,... more adventure,... more community. but with my hiv treatment,... there's not more medicines in my pill. i talked to my doctor... and switched to... fewer medicines with dovato.
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prescription dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment or replacing their current hiv-1 regimen. with... just 2 medicines... in 1 pill,... dovato is as effective as a 3-drug regimen... to help you reach and stay undetectable. research shows people who take hiv treatment as prescribed... and get to and stay undetectable... can no longer transmit hiv through sex. don't take dovato if you're allergic to any of its ingredients... or if you take dofetilide. hepatitis b can become harder to treat while taking dovato. do not stop dovato without talking to your doctor,... as your hepatitis b may worsen or become life-threatening. serious or life-threatening side effects can occur, including... allergic reactions, lactic acid buildup, and liver problems. if you have a rash and other symptoms of an allergic reaction,... stop taking dovato and get medical help right away. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis b or c,... or if you are, may be, or plan to be pregnant. your doctor may prescribe a different medicine... than dovato if you plan to be pregnant or if pregnancy is confirmed during the first trimester.
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dovato may harm your unborn baby. use effective birth control... while taking dovato. most common side effects are headache, nausea,... diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. so much goes... into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. ask your doctor about dovato—i did. an east bay high school student is getting a big boost with college tuition. emma crandall awarded $200,000. here she is accepting that check. she was selected to receive the naval rotc scholarship. plans to attend university of
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san diego which four years costs $200,000. after that she hopes to officer in the navy. congratulations. >> yeah. good deal. u.s. navy has combat ship named after oakland. here's a look in the ship a couple days ago. but the u.s.s. oakland was commissioned in oakland. and because of the pandemic it was live streamed. this is the third ship to bear the name oakland. this is fast and agile and designed to operate near the show but also capable of being in the open ocean. the ship's home port will be in san diego. we'll be back in a moment.
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and finally tonight u.k. berkeley welcomed some new furry friends today. >> today was hatch today for falcon chicks. here they are. they say the falcon live on top
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of the campus. momma bird laid the eggs in march. streaming online so people can watch the miracle of life without disturbing the animals. very well done. beautiful pictures too. thanks for watching. nightly news is next. tonight, the final farewell the british royal family reunited for the funeral of prince philip the military procession the nationwide moment of silence princes william and harry, together, again. as the queen is forced, by covid, to sit alone. and the card she left on her husband's casket the victims of the fedex shooting in inanapolis what we're learning tonight about the eight people who lost their lives. and why police had previously taken away the suspect's gun. his family speaking out tonight. massive protests across the midwest, after multiple-police shootings, including a 13-year-old boy. the police union says


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