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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 16, 2021 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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now at 4:30, breaking news. eight people dead along with the gunman after another mass shooting, this time indianapolis. new for you this morning, hear from the man who had to go into hiding. plus -- >> i had people from sacramento coming in, walnut creek, pleasanton. >> the bay area county that has openings and is already ready to give you your shot possibly today. also, the new hotline opening to report hate crimes against san francisco asian community. "today in the bay" starts right now.
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and it is friday, and good morning to you. thanks so much for making us a part of your morning. i'm marcus washington. >> and i'm cierra johnson in for laura garcia. we'll get a look at the traffic in a moment. first, let's get our friday forecast with meteorologist kari hall. good morning. >> happy friday. it's going to be a nice one, and we're getting you ready to head out the door in brentwood, parts of the east bay. it's going to be another cool one, with our temperatures starting out pretty much where we've been all week in the upper 40s and low 50s. a clear day, and it's going to be a very pleasant afternoon, with temperatures in some spots reaching into the mid-70s. that's what we'll see today in concord, and santa rosa, we'll reach 71 degrees, so that's the weather for the commute. vianey, how are the roads moving? >> so far that friday light is definitely staying true, but it is of course still early. so our green sensors on our map means there's no major slowing. we have a little bit of slowing to the south bay 101 due to overnight construction, aside
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from that, bridge drive times moving along smoothly, westbound 80 toward the bay bridge seven minutes. westbound 82 toward the san mateo bridge, 12 minutes. breaking news out of indianapolis, where there's been a deadly shooting inside of a fedex facility. we've just learned within the past hour that president biden has been made aware of the situation and here's what we know right now. at least eight people were killed after a gunman opened fire, police say the gunman then killed himself. another six people were hurt, four were taken to the hospital. new this morning, one worker recounts how they were told about the active shooter. >> by the time we go out to break, about to get my cell phone, you can't go to the lockers, you have to stay in the break room, we have an active shooter. at that time, just took a while to process. >> police have not said if the gunman worked at the facility and a motive so far is unclear. fedex released a statement "our focus at this time is on the safety and well-being of our team members and cooperating
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with investigators." in california, now the tireless search to find an appointment, now that everyone 16 and up is eligible for a covid-19 vaccine. so contra costa county seems to be the place to go if you're looking to get a vaccine. the antioch community center open yesterday and administered 150 shots and there's a lot more to go around so the site can accommodate 500 shots. >> people are trying desperately to get in on an overloaded system where they can come and get the shots right away. >> san mateo county, however, hasn't been so lucky. county supervisor david canepa says opening up eligibility is creating more problems for his county, the latest blow a pause on the johnson & johnson vaccine. he's actually begging the state for more help. in a few hours another mass vaccination effort begins in the north bay. kaiser permanente in partnership with napa county is holding a clinic in napa beginning at 9:00
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this morning at the meritage resort and spa. this is for people who need their first dose. a second appointment will be administered for you at the same time and location from next month. got your vaccine? great. but you may not only need a second one but a third. pfizer says after being fully vaccinated you may need a booster within a year and every year after that. "today in the bay's" tracie potts has more from washington, d.c. >> reporter: get ready for a third pfizer shot. >> there would be likely a need for a third dose somewhere between 6 and 12 months and from there, there will be an annual vaccination. >> reporter: moderna is working on a booster that may be combined with the flu vaccine. the white house says even with johnson & johnson's one-dose vaccine on hold, there's plenty available. >> because we are overprepared and oversupplied, we remain confident in that. >> reporter: the nation's top
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health experts in a testy exchange on capitol hill about the impact of the pandemic. >> what measures have to be attained before americans get their first amendment liberties back? >> we're not talking about liberties. we're talking about a pandemic that has killed 560,000 americans. >> the only way we're going to get out of this especially with this increase in variants, sir, is to get people vaccinated. >> reporter: but the cdc reports 5,800 people, a small fraction, who got vaccinated, later got covid. >> i was in bed very sick, just sleeping all day. i had to cancel all my work phone calls. >> they're going to have mild illness, maybe moderate illness and should be able to recover at home. >> reporter: that's far better protection than the flu shot, but still worrisome for a nation where most adults are still unprotected. tracie potts, nbc news. 4:35. protests in san francisco last
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night calling for closer look at police shootings across the country including one in daly city. "today in the bay's" sergio quintana is in san francisco, where demonstrators say that they are calling for an end to police violence. >> reporter: the group shouted in front of san francisco police mission district calling for change. >> no justice, no peace! >> reporter: following the group of about a couple hundred demonstrators the sister of roger allen, one of those being memorialized joined the demonstration. >> that was my only brother. my mom passed away seven years ago, my sister passed away two years after my mom died so now it's just me. >> reporter: roger allen was killed april 7th in daly city, a vigil was held after the san mateo county district attorney released new information on his case. allen was shot by a daly city police officer while holding a fake gun as he was sitting inside a truck with a flat tire. >> i never want my brother to be no hashtag. >> reporter: the demonstration
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in san francisco was part memorial and part protest. some brought flowers to lay before photos of wright and allen. >> my heart breaks every time this happens. i'm a black person myself. >> reporter: this event is in solidarity with ongoing protests in brooklyn center, where daunte wright was killed this weekend. the officer who pulled the triger in that incident mistook her taser for her pistol and since resigned and has been arrested, along with support and solidarity for the families killed this group is calling for radical change. organizers have moved on from chants of defunding the police, now calling for abolishing them and the entire justice system. >> as a person who does not believe in prisons, i think that there needs to be a reimagination of how we deal with these cases. >> reporter: to be clear most of the families of people killed by police have been calling for officers to face the same justice as everyone else. sergio quintana, "today in the bay." >> for the black community both
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of these shootings are reopening wounds they say never seem to heal. we talked about the events unfolding in minnesota last night during our episode of "race in america: the conversation." that was the 12th episode. we also discussed the anger and fear still palatable in the asian-american community in the bay area. if you missed that episode, we posted the entire thing on our website, just visit happening today, san francisco police plan to take another step to boost protections for the asian-american community. they're rolling out a new hotline specifically for people of chinese descent, it will allow potential victims to more easily report crimes and include options for people who only speak cantonese or mandarin. leaders plan to talk about it today at noon. coronavirus and the return to the classroom. still ahead on "today in the bay," the intense debate playing out at two bay area school districts over in-person learning and the new looming threat of a lawsuit. plus, get ready to place your bets. the nfl announcing its first
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sports betting partnership, the three companies it's teaming up with this morning. you're watching "today in the bay." need better sleep? try nature's bounty sleep 3 a unique tri layer supplement, that calms you helps you fall a sleep faster and stay a sleep longer. great sleep comes naturally with sleep 3 only from nature's bounty ♪♪ reynolds wrap makes this whole cooking and cleanup thing so easy. it speeds up this... so i can get to them.
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easy prep, cook and clean with reynolds wrap. i'm morgan, and there's more to me than hiv. more love,... more adventure,... more community. but with my hiv treatment,... there's not more medicines in my pill. i talked to my doctor... and switched to... fewer medicines with dovato. prescription dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment or replacing their current hiv-1 regimen. with... just 2 medicines... in 1 pill,... dovato is as effective as a 3-drug regimen... to help you reach and stay undetectable. research shows people who take hiv treatment as prescribed... and get to and stay undetectable... can no longer transmit hiv through sex. don't take dovato if you're allergic to any of its ingredients... or if you take dofetilide. hepatitis b can become harder to treat while taking dovato. do not stop dovato without talking to your doctor,... as your hepatitis b may worsen or become life-threatening. serious or life-threatening side effects can occur, including... allergic reactions, lactic acid buildup, and liver problems. if you have a rash and other symptoms of an allergic reaction,... stop taking dovato and get medical help right away.
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tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis b or c,... or if you are, may be, or plan to be pregnant. mar y prescribe including hepatitis b or c,... a different medicine... than dovatrmed during the first trimester. dovato may harm your unborn baby. use effective birth control... while taking dovato. most common side effects are headache, nausea,... diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. so much goes... into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. ask your doctor about dovato—i did. happy friday. it is 4:41. let's get you out the door in san jose. temperatures starting out at50 degrees and a few clouds. the clouds will get out of here by 8:00 and sunny the rest of the day with highs near 70 degrees. we'll talk about a warmer weekend in the forecast coming up in a few minutes.
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a quick check of your east bay drive times. northbound 880 from marina boulevard to broadway looking at 9 minutes. westbound 580 estudillo avenue to grand avenue 7 minutes. we'll have a full report in a few minutes. frank? good morning. i'm frank holland from cnbc. here are your money headlines for the morning. wall street's set for a mixed open this morning following yesterday's rally. the dow rising more than 300 points to close above 34,000 for the very first time. the s&p ending at a record high, the nasdaq gained more than 1%. investors were really boosted by blowout retail sales data and fewer people filing for unemployment benefits in the past week. it is the fourth 1,000 point milestone for the dow this year, the most since 2017 when there were five. in focus today reports on howing starts and consumer sentiment and earnings from morgan stanley. the nfl announcing its first
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sports betting partnership with caesar's, fan duel and draft kings. the sports books will integrate content into and the mobile app and popular nfl red zone show. i'm a big fan of the show. apple is adding a new of workouts to its fitness plus service, designed for beginners as well as pregnant women and even older adults and adding a special time to walk episode for earth day featuring jane fonda. the service costs $9.99 a month. cierra, i know you're working out. marcus, step it up man. you need to do better. >> come on. i have been working out quite a bit, frank. i'm going to get my suits adjusted. brother is shedding the pounds. >> okay. >> okay, all right. see, you know what? maybe i was looking at old pictures you were just getting
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over covid and now you're back. >> how you judge me on my weight, brother? how you do that? thanks. >> hey, man, we're fraternity brothers. i got to keep it real. >> you do keep it real. thanks, frank. this moment a covid curveball thrown at bay area little beaglers. next on "today in the bay," what they're being asked to do and what they're not eligible for. we'll be right back. check out my new mini munchies with mac & cheese bites. ♪ one more bite- ♪ ♪ just ♪ ♪ gimme one ♪ ♪ more bite. ♪
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friday morning, here we go. a live look at sfo as we get started with the day. why go anywhere when you can stick around, the weekend weather we're hooked. you don't want to go anywhere? meteorologist kari hall has been giving us a snippet of it all week. i'm excited about it. >> you're excited about warmer temperatures. we're going to briefly go to summertime and then come back to spring, but it feels very nice and cool as we start out this morning, in napa you're stepping out the door to 38 degrees, but you compare that to the 50 we have in san jose, and it's 48 degrees in oakland. so with this cool start, it's still going to warm up and be a nice one. why not make plans to head out to the park. toward campbell and the south bay we'll see temperatures at 10:00 at 55 degrees and reaching into the upper 60s later today with the sunshine. it's going to be so nice. look at our microclimates and high temperatures. martinez 71 and 69 in palo alto.
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san francisco will get warmer air for the weekend. we look at our forecast for the a's game tonight, if you're going this evening, first pitch at 6:40, it's going to be in the upper 50s and continuing to cool off as we go through the evening. those breezy winds picking up. will you need a warmer jacket out there at the game. high pressure nudging in to warm up our temperatures, but it's going to start to back off and allow for some storms to pass to our north. unfortunately, it doesn't look like we're going to be able to squeeze enough rain out of any of those weather systems passing by, but it will at least bring in some cooler air, so as we go through the forecast, we're in the mid-70s today and then our inland areas in spots like livermore and morgan hill, we're going to reach into the upper 80s as we go into the end of the weekend, but then early next week we have that big cooldown coming on tuesday and that's also going to kick up some of the high winds and bring in a few more clouds. we'll be watching that.
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vianey, what are you watching for the morning commute? >> you know, the traffic reports are pretty quiet. chp has shown us a couple of overnight crashes that have cleared out and so far, our speed sensors are all green. i wish it meant rain for me but it does only just mean clear roads. friday light commute in the south bay as well, northbound 101 from highway 85, looking at 18 minutes. northbound 280 from highway 101 to highway 85 about seven minutes and northbound 85 from highway 101 only 20 minutes. so smooth commute so far. cierra? >> that's what we like to hear, thank you. people in the north bay town of windsor now wondering what the future holds for their leadership. this after wednesday's contentious emergency meeting surrounding sex assault allegations against mayor dominic foppoli. that despite numerous calls to step aside he insisted he would not. later he texted the "press democrat" he'd talk with
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residents thinking and praying and deciding what comes next. no one is sure if he was hinting at a change of heart. that was the statement provided. angry parents over continued distance learning. the district weeks ago pulled the string keeping kids in the schools closed for the rest of the school year, inability to reach agreement with teachers. s "the mercury news" parents sent a letter threatening to sue the school if the classrooms would not open by april 26th. the union leader did not comment on a potential lawsuit but believes teachers' demands are not to blame for the stalemate. parents are also frustrated in santa rosa, the city school district superintendent tells "the press democrat" it's unlikely a full in-person return to the classroom will happen before the school year is over. some parents are threatening to sue over the lack of urgency. three-quarters of elementary school students returned to campus in a hybrid model
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beginning april 1st, secondary, middle and high school are set to resume in-person learning two days a week starting april 26th. and it's a dream come true for thousands of kids around the country to play at a baseball tournament in new york and hall of fame but it's requiring everyone 12 and up to be vaccinated. that's not allowed yet. "today in the bay's" ian cull explains. >> reporter: the south bay's cali baseball team is made up of 12-year-olds who want to play like the pros. they've worked years toward this, a summer trip to cooperstown, new york, for a week-long camp and tournament. >> these kids it's almost like the world series. >> reporter: teams book a year out and put down deposits. >> cooperstown, new york, right next to the hall of fame, about 102 teams go out there, the kids get an opportunity to play teams from all over the country. >> reporter: but the pandemic has thrown a major curveball. the site cooperstown dreams park says all kids 12 and up must
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have a covid vaccine to participate. the problem is the fda hasn't approved the vaccine for use in anyone under 16 yet. dashing the dreams of players like dominic chavaria. >> we have to get a vaccine even though there is not a vaccine available to us. it's unfair. we've been working really hard. >> reporter: no set date when the fda could approve it. the tournament is offering refunds >> a letdown. you're asking us to do something we can't comply with right now. >> reporter: cooperstown dreams park didn't return our request for comment but in a press release states in part "our plan is the only responsible course of action at this time to prevent the possibility of a camp shutdown and displacement of families due to covid-19." >> unfair to the players. we just want to go out there and have fun. talk about one proud
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grandma, just ahead, video you have to see showing her representing her family in a huge way. also the warriors season-long feel-good story gets better. their hometown hero who worked so hard to get this point now coming up for huge for the dubs. happening now, final preparations under way in the english town of windsor for prince philip's funeral. no one from the public is allowed, although the event has been scaled down because of covid-19 restrictions, many traditional elements remain with the military procession inside the castle and pallbearers with close links to philip. watch the funeral live on nbc bay area when it happens tomorrow morning at 6:30. we'll be right back. 4:53.
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. the former castro valley high school star scored a career high 20 points came with the game on the line. warriors win 119-101. >> that's what we like to see. >> trending this more than, check out this grandma stealing the show during last night's wnba draft, she was dressed up as her granddaughter, the sixth overall pick. the 21-year-old is now heading to play for the new york liberty. grandma is really getting it. her grandmother is already making fans, people took to social media after seeing her cheer her granddaughter on, one person wrote "grandma is the star of the draft. change my mind." >> okay. >> she is not playing.
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>> we need to have grandma on this show. >> we do. >> 4:56 this morning. in the fight against the pandemic, new spring wave of infections. next on "today in the bay," what's causing the increase as hospitals in many states near capacity. plus we continue to follow that breaking news, multiple people shot at a fedex facility in the midwest. what we're just finding out about the growing number of victims as we hear for the first time people who were there. we'll be right back.
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♪ ♪ experience all the deals in-store at lowe's first annual springfest. home to any budget. home to any possibility. need better sleep? try nature's bounty sleep 3 a unique tri layer supplement, that calms you helps you fall a sleep faster and stay a sleep longer. great sleep comes naturally with sleep 3 only from nature's bounty ♪♪ reynolds wrap makes this whole cooking and cleanup thing so easy. it speeds up this... so i can get to them. easy prep, cook and clean with reynolds wrap.
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emotions are high here. there are a lot of people, not just officers but family members still arriving and still learning about this incident. >> now at 5:00, breaking news, another shooting rampage, eight people are dead in indianapolis, along with the gunman. the new details we're learning about the chaos that unfolded overnight and what authorities say so far about that motive. new signs more shots may be needed even after you're fully vaccinated. industry leaders acknowledge vaccine booster shots may be in our future. the new time line being laid out by some experts. plus a live look in san francisco this morning, where more vaccinations combined with fewer covid restrictions should be a perfect weekend combination. what you'll now be able to do that has not been allowed in months. "today in the bay" continues right now. >> good friday morning. i'm cierra johnson in for laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. we begin with the breaking news in indianapolis and a live look
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from the scene of america's latest mass shooting. this happened last night inside fedex facility. they have that area roped off as investigators continue to try to figure out what happened here last night and certainly still a morning where the city is still mourning. at least eight people died before police say a gunman turned the gun on himself. another six people are injured, four now in the hospital. president biden has already been briefed on that the shooing. one eyewitness this morning telling the "today" show about what he saw. >> i'm sitting on a bench and so i stand up. i see a man, a hooded figure. i was unable to see his face in detail. however, the man did have an ar in his hand, and he started shouting and then he started firing at random directions. >> scary


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