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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  April 14, 2021 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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the johnson & johnson also called johnson vaccine has an extremely high safety profile as well but there is a rare complication that we're trying to understand. >> now at 4:30, on pause. johnson & johnson vaccine doses out of rotation, one day before the state eligibility widens. how it will affect your chances of getting vaccinated. and setting the table, for a new lifeline. the big change for restaurants in one bay area city. why today will be crucial for a plan to move forward. plus the countdown to the tokyo olympics is on. live coverage on major changes coming to the games, now just 100 days away.
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"today in the bay" starts right now. and it's wednesday morning, happy hump day to you. i'm marcus washington. mike has a look at the commute coming up in a bit. first we want to start out with meteorologist kari hall, with a look at that forecast for you today. kari? >> good morning. a lot of people are getting up and getting ready to head out the door. let's get a look at your commute, starting out in the east bay as we head over to pittsburg, we're going to see our temperatures in the mid-40s and it's going to be a mostly clear start. a lot of sunshine today and not expecting many problems here, those breezy winds are starting to calm down oz our temperatures today head for the upper 60s and low 70s. we'll talk about what's ahead in a warmer weekend forecast in just a few minutes. mike, how is it looking for that commute around the bay area? >> well, kari, we'll take one look. i looked at the chp report and they did give a few notes overnight for some gustier winds but as you said, things are calming down, looking at the san mateo bridge, no reports of any problems over the last couple of
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hours. we're looking at the high-rise potentially where the gusts were overnight again, chp calls those in. as we look at your map, we're seeing the san mateo bridge, the dumbarton bridge, all of them smoothly. notes for the san mateo bridge, the altamont pass where things are moving very smoothly, the bay bridge no problems from contra costa county. no, we have one issue for contra costa county, i'll pull that one out coming up, marcus. one of the country's main weapons against the coronavirus is sidelined. the use of the johnson & johnson vaccine on pause after a half dozen severe reactions including one death. the development creating new concerns among the vaccinated and unvaccinated. "today in the bay's" terry mcsweeney has more. >> reporter: six women who received the johnson & johnson vaccine the past few weeks developed blood clots. the cdc and fda are recommending it be pulled from circulation. alison schottmeyer had her one
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week ago. >> on a scale of one to ten, maybe a three. >> would she have gotten a dose? >> i'm pretty sure i would have still gotten it, maybe not. maybe not, maybe i'd wait for the other. >> reporter: march ta castillo of nevada who was so rattled by the news she's having second thoughts about getting her second moderna shot. >> a couple of days i have my second shot. i don't know what's going on. >> reporter: what are you going to do? >> i don't know. i still think about it. >> reporter: the medical community doing all it can to counteract a new outbreak of vaccine skepticism. >> people need to realize the moderna and pfizer are perfectly safe, johnson & johnson also called johnson vaccine has an extremely high safety profile as well but there is a rare complication that we're trying to understand and figure out and give the best advice for. >> reporter: many experts supporting the move to pull the j&j vaccine at least for now.
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>> one of my daughters was going to get it on wednesday and i said don't. sit tight, see what happens. >> reporter: terry mcsweeney, "today in the bay." windsor town council members hold an emergency meeting today in the wake of recent allegations against mayor dom make foppoli, following the decision yesterday by sonoma county supervisors to ascend him to the golden gate district. they are investigating accusations of sexual assault made by half a dozen women. to pollie denied all claims and refusing to resign. here he is recent online events. the "press democrat" providing new allegations first reported last week by "the chronicle." people emailed warnings about his past behavior including one sent last year. the complaints did wind up in the hands of police but police declined to open an investigation. a pollup on the homeless man accused in the attack of an
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asian woman last month in san francisco. a preliminary hearing is scheduled for steven jenkins accused of attacking an elderly woman who bravely tried to defend herself before a nearby security guard intervened. last week san francisco's deputy public defender released new video, shows jenkins being targeted in separate unprovokeed atacks prior to the incident on market street. he does not believe hate crime charges should be filed. a live look in san francisco this morning, as we want to see where eating out late night may soon be back on the menu. so later today, health leaders plan to consider repealing the current 11:00 p.m. curfew and the move would be welcome news for diners who say they have gotten way too used to making it an early night, ever since the pandemic took hold. if approved, it would lift the curfew on indoor dining starting tomorrow. bars that don't serve food are still only allowed to open outdoors.
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all right, you know what? today marks 100 days until the start of the tokyo summer olympics. one year late, due to the pandemic, of course, and with the stage set for athletes from around the world, there will also likely be a summer games with no shortage of setbacks. nbc's liz mclaughlin is in charlotte, north carolina, where olympic trials are now under way. >> reporter: for past and aspiring olympians it's been an extra year of anticipation for tokyo. >> the olympics are happening. you know, it gives me goosebumps, just saying it. >> reporter: now 100 days out from the games, athletes are antsy to compete. >> all of our training has geared us for this moment, so i'm just super excited for the journey. >> reporter: gymnasts, track athletes and swimmers are preparing now for olympic trials in june. >> that's kind of the next big marker for us swimmers, and what we're preparing for, so it feels like it's coming up soon.
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>> reporter: with many already made the cut, more than 115 athletes have qualified for tokyo, with rowing and canoe kayak slalom trials currently under way. >> it's been really, really cool to get people of the united states in three olympic games and hoping to make it a fourth games. >> reporter: more than 11,000 athletes from around the globe are expected to compete in tokyo, but only fans from japan will be allowed to attend due to the pandemic. >> i have no hesitation in saying the games will take place, and they'll be the safest games possible. >> reporter: as the olympic torch winds its way through the host country, the path forward looks a little brighter, after a year of uncertainty. liz mclaughlin, nbc news. 4:37. this morning, all new fallout on capitol hill, the capitol hill siege, still ahead for you on "today in the bay," the vast new list of mishaps and missteps critics say left police unprepared. plus, making and marking a
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milestone, shares in one of the nation's largest cryptocurrency exchange will now be available for you to own. oh, yes, how wall street is already reacting. you're watching "today in the bay." welcome to jack in the box. hey, jack, i heard your chicken- who told you that? it was jimmy wasn't it? no, i heard your chicken comes with classic and spicy in the same box, so i don't have to choose. ah yes. best of both worlds. my 50/50 popcorn chicken. only at jack in the box. need better sleep? try nature's bounty sleep 3 a unique tri layer supplement, that calms you helps you fall a sleep faster
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and stay a sleep longer. great sleep comes naturally with sleep 3 only from nature's bounty ♪♪ reynolds wrap makes this whole cooking and cleanup thing so easy. it speeds up this... so i can get to them. easy prep, cook and clean with reynolds wrap.
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♪♪ refuse to choose and get my $6.99 50/50 popcorn chicken with both classic and spicy for the best of both worlds. only at jack in the box. happy wednesday. it's going to be another great day for making plans to enjoy more time outside in all of this beautiful weather. going hiking in the south bay,
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temperatures start up in the upper 40s and it will not be as windy as yesterday so it will feel more comfortable. we'll talk about more of what's ahead as our temperatures warm up and the weekend forecast coming up. >> some might be trying to get warm by a roadside fire being taken care of by the fire department off 101 in mckee. no disturbance to the flow of traffic, on the westbound side, no slowing shows up on our sensors either. good morning. i'm bertha coombs from cnbc. we've got wall street looking like it's going to open in the green, after a mixed session yesterday. we saw the dow fall as stocks linked to the reopening of the economy came under pressure. johnson & johnson was also a drag on the dow after the news about the pause of its vaccine, but traders for the most part shrugged that off and also shrugged off a report that showed inflation had picked up a
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bit more than expected last month and we saw the s&p 500 close at a record high. we'll set a new record this morning and the nasdaq up more than 1%, led by gains in apple and paypal. this morning, we're looking to get a report on import prices and we've gotten earnings from jpmorgan and goldman sachs better than expected, not such a good report from bed, bath & beyond. coin base the nation's largest cryptocurrency exchange is going public on the nasdaq today. it marks a milestone for the industry as digital coins go from niche technology to a mainstream asset. coinbase is valued at about $65 billion, that would make it worth more than the parent company of the nasdaq and roughly the same as the owner of the new york stock exchange. coinbase has seen profits explode amid rally in the price of bitcoin which topped $60,000.
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bitcoin hitting that record earlier in the session. sales of champagne starting to bubble up again. the country reopens, folks are turning to the bubbly. sales up 88% in march, according to nielsen iq. a big producer of two brands reported a 22% increase in the first quarter of the year and posted a 17% decline last year as its two biggest markets in the u.s. imposed widespread lockdowns. some distributors are having trouble securing cases, maybe partly due to so much demand especially as restaurants are back in the game, reopening for indoor dining. there's the latest headlines from cnbc. marcus, i know you're a champagne guy. i'm a sham pin person, too. i'm partial to both.
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>> you and me both. i'm so upset about a lot of the things with the pandemic but the polo classic every year, i was hoping to go last year, but you know, because of the pandemic that was all wiped out. maybe when it opens back up we can have a glass together. >> another thing to look forward to. >> yes. thanks, bertha. 4:44, a huge break in the cold case that gained national attention. next here on "today in the bay" the new arrest 25 years after disappearance of a college student on the central coast. why authorities are convinced they cracked the case.
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wednesday morning, happy hump day to you. taking a live look in san francisco this morning, a little bit cloudy out there from my point of view but we'll leave that to the expert, coming up in a bit. the team's all here this morning. you see mike look at traffic, kari has a look at the forecast and engineer laura garcia working away. >> yes, i got to figure out some things, some of my equipment wasn't ready for this wednesday morning. but now it is. >> you got the answer to it all. good to see you with us this morning. >> i changed cameras. >> oh, see, she's an engineer, i told you, she's got it taken care of. >> i had to set the whole thing up but here we are and now a new
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day and how is the folk looking, kari? >> it's going to look just as beautiful as it did yesterday, except those winds really picked up yesterday evening. today the winds will gradually calm down. let's get you a live look outside in the south bay, san jose starting out with those temperatures in the upper 40s, as you get ready to head out the door, it is a cool start to the day, but we're going to take a look at that trend and where we're headed for late this morning. we'll reach up to about 60 degrees at 11:00, and then it continues to warm up from there. seven-day forecast is coming up at the bottom of the screen. let's head over to the east bay with wednesday is the day that a lot of kids are doing the distance learning, in between that hybrid schedule. we're going to start out this morning with our backyard home school recess forecast in the upper 50s for virtual learning and going to make it into the upper 60s, so another beautiful day for more time outside, maybe take that laptop out there, too. you're going to see our high temperatures reaching 73 in
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concord, and 70 in napa, with palo alto reaching 69 degrees. a nice and seasonable day. the low that produced the gusty winds is moving away. we're left with our high pressure that's been here a long time, not going anywhere, and it has been blocking our rain chances. but then as we go into next week, it is showing that it may move just a little bit west enough to allow for a low to drop in that could bring in slight rain chances but it doesn't look all that likely at this point. our temperatures will be heating up as well. check out sunday, it's going to feel like summer. some spots inland reaching into the upper 80s. of course we'll keep you up to date on that. mike, what is the update on the morning commute? >> since you and laura talked about computers first, i think it's this part of the hand that you hit the side -- just kidding. looking on the roadways to, kari, to answer your question green traffic flow. one note there is a note from chp about the bay bridge, this
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is not new news. overnight wind advisory there north of the altamont vasco road did get a note, brentwood, byron, discovery bay, all these folks may get wind pushing them around a bit. 580 about 17 minutes to get down there without a problem. typical slowing for the tri-valley and highway 84, getting down to port sunol and the south bay, peninsula it's clear. the disappearance of kristin smart on the central coast has been a mystery for nearly 25 years. two men are behind bars charged in her death even though her body has not been found. ian cull explains some of the questions now answered. >> reporter: kristin smart was 19, a student in 1996 when she disappeared walking from a party back to her dorm. for decades there have been theories and few answers, now
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44-year-old paul flores was arrested at his san pedro home. he was the last one seen with her that night and has long been considered a suspect. his father, ruben, also arrested as an accessory to murder. >> it's my hope that we're able to take the first step toward justice for the smart family. peace for the community, some justice out there for all of us, and most especially for kristin. >> reporter: investigators found evidence in 2016 that led them back to flores as a suspect and in 2019, they tapped his cell phone after another witness came forward in all more than 18 locations were searched. >> forensic physical evidence was located and yes, we believe it's linked to kristin and yes, we did find physical evidence at at least two homes. >> reporter: her remains still haven't been found. we talked with our legal
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analyst, steven clark, about the break in the case. >> they may have gotten information from the defendant's cell phone, somehow tracking him to communicating with someone else about the crime. >> reporter: clark says there are similarities between trying this case and the murder of sierra lamar, the 15-year-old who disappeared in morgan hill in 2012 on the way to school. her body was never found but the suspect was convicted and sentenced to lifeprison without parole. >> you don't have a murder weapon and crime scene and a body, those are going to be big challenges for a prosecutor to overcome when you're trying to prove a case beyond a reasonable doubt. >> reporter: accusedily canner paul flores is being held without bond. the smart family releasing a statement saying in part "it is impossible to put into words what this day means for our family. we pray it is the first step to bringing our daughter home."
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ian cull, "today in the bay." a new development this morning in january's capitol hill riots. a scathing new report by an internal watch dog group cites multiple missteps made by capitol police that left officers unprepared, it includes ineffective riot shields, expired, unusable weapons, inadequate training and failing to take steps to improve intelligence. the revelations come ahead of a congressional hearing slated for tomorrow to address what happened. new pandemic relief will soon be on the way for parents with little ones. next on "today in the bay," the irs preparing to offer new child tax credits, just ahead, how much it may mean for you and when you can expect it. happening now, a desperate search is under way in the gulf after a commercial boat with 19 people on board capsized. it happened yesterday afternoon off the coast of louisiana. rescuers have pulled six people from the water so far but as of
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early this morning, 13 others still missing. still not clear what caused that boat to capsize. 4:53 we'll be back. majestic mountains... scenic coastal highways... fertile farmlands... there's lots to love about california. so put off those chores and use less energy from 4 to 9 pm when less clean energy is available. because that's power down time. if you printed out directions to get here today, you're in the right place. my seminars are a great tool
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welcome back. 4:56. the, plans to boost protections for families of children who have been struggling during the pandemic, that's what leader, telling u.s. lawmakers in the form of stimulus enhanced child tax credits obtained online. the, hopes to launch that system in july. struggling families can receive a credit of $3,600 for each child under the age of 6 and $3,000 for each child under 18. big changes are coming to security screenings at oakland
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airport finally rolling out the tsa biometric screening system made by clear, same technology being used in a lot of other airports including sjc. it's a premium service. you have to pay for it but it gets you through airport screening quicker. screeners scan passengers' eye and matched to a security. the warriors giving everyone a peek inside the chase center ahead of the first game. the first fans back in the stands next friday. yesterday they welcomed the media to detail the efforts to keep people safe. seat something limited to 35% capacity or about 6,300 people. expect to see expanded disinfection, no food or paenchz beverages in the stands. wear masks and proof of vaccination or negative covid test. 4:57 this morning. johnson & johnson vaccines on hold. next here on "today in the bay," america's top doctor offers advice for those who received
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the vaccine and what this stoppage may mean for vaccine supply next in a live report. you're watching "today in the bay."
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right now at 5:00, pushing to stop the hate and violence against asian-americans. ahead in a live report from washington, the new legislation lawmakers hope leads to change.
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assessing the big seth back. >> for johnson & johnson's covid vaccine, the impact of the nationwide pause and the new bay area covid cases raising concerns some people may be more hesitant to ever get their shots. say his name! >> daunte wright. >> they murdered my nephew. she killed my nephew. >> a third straight night of unrest in minnesota, the protest after police shooting of an unarmed black man and the new fallout for the veteran officer involved. "today in the bay" continues right now. >> good wednesday morning. i'm laura garcia. >> and i'm marcus washington. and this morning, we are celebrating 100 days until the tokyo olympics, raise 'em up, because now it is time to show our medals. oh, yes, we've already won gold. at least we like to think. we're going one on one with bay
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