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tv   2020 Republican Convention  NBC  August 26, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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>> announcer: from nbc news, the republican national convention. here are lester holt and savannah guthrie. >> good evening, everyone. the third night of the republican convention is underway against a backdrop of several major storiethat touch on issues that could impact the selection. >> there's a big weather story unfolding at this hour. hurricane laura now a category 4 storm just hours away from landfall on the gulf coast. and the community of kenosha, wisconsin, on edge again tonight. a curfew in effect there and the national guard called out after
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the shooting of a black man led to protest and violence there. and the protests have now reached the world of sports tonight. the nba's three playoff games suspended as well as three major league baseball games postponed for the night. >> and the rising death toll in the covid pandemic, surpassing 180,000 deaths in this country according to the latest count by nbc news. we are likely to hear more about these topics tonight and our team of correspondents will dig into how all these issues could shape this election. >> the convention has been underway tonight for 90 minutes. we heard from several white house staffers in the last hour, and we are waiting any moment now. laura trump, the daughter-in-law of president trump. but the main event, vice president pence, chief white house correspondent hallie jackson is at fort mchenry where the vice president is speaking. hallie, what are we expecting? >> reporter: savan saw, you talked about all the news happening as we come on the air tonight. the vice president, of course, is aware of all that. i just spoke with a source familiar with the vice president's speech. he said even late into tonight,
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tweaks were being made because of the avalanche of news. everything from the hurricane which i'm told the vice president is likely to address, to issues surrounding race and the police shootings that we've been talking about, which i'm told the vice president will speak broadly about. expect this speech, though, to hit heavily on themes of patriotism. when you keep in mind the setting, we are here at fort mchenry, the site that inspired francis scott key to write the star-spangled banner. the vice president will also talk policy. he will, according to sources, really try to draw contrasts and be more policy heavy than we've seen with previous speakers. and talk about the terrors of a joe biden administration from that policy perspective. we've seen several staff members as you reference including many who talk about their experience as a woman working with donald trump, and that is a theme we're going to hear as well when laura trump takes the stage. i'm told by a source familiar with her speech she'll share her personal stories about joining the trump family and getting to know a different side of president trump. savannah? >> we're just moments away from
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that and women have definitely been a theme of the night with karen pence, the second lady of the united states, talking several staffers really vouching for his personal character. let's turn to andrea mitchell on this. on the anniversary of women's suffrage, it's ladies night at the republican convention. >> it actually has been the subject of great focus. laura trump is a great example. she married into the family. she's not a trump. she's from north carolina. she has a working class background. she is certainly part of this appeal to the suburban women who have been abandoning the president in droves. the gender gap now in our latest poll was 21 points. that is a gender grand canyon, not just a gap. and with that, she is going to be talking about her roots in the south and as a working class person. and she will be a tough, tough speaker. >> and we should point out we noted that the number of news events happening around the country right now, some of the things you'll be seeing around taped, some will be live. references are going to have to
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be taken with that in mind. i believe laura trump's remarks are on tape, so we'll see what she has to say. let's go right now to the rnc feed. >> good evening, america. i'm laura trump. daughter of bob and linda, sister to kyle, mother to luke and carolina, and the daughter-in-law of our 45th president, donald j. trump. but tonight i come to you simply as an american. my life began like many in our country. i grew up in north carolina. my parents were small business owners and worked hard to make sure my brother and i had everything we needed, but not everything we wanted. my parents raised me to believe that in america, i could achieve anything with hard work and determination. but the opportunities available to me were limited only by the size of my ambition. that i should dream big, and i did. those very dreams are what led me to new york city.
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i had heard the adage, if i can make it there, i can make it anywhere. and i intended to do just that. never in a million years did i think that i would be on this stage tonight, and i certainly never thought that i'd end up with the last name trump. my 7th grade english teacher mrs. b used to tell us, believe none of what you hear, half of what you read, and only what you're there to witness firsthand. the meaning of those words never fully weighed on me until i met my husband and the trump family. any preconceived notion i had of this family disappeared immediately. they were warm and caring. they were hard workers. and they were down to earth. they reminded me of my own family. they made me feel like i was home. walking the halls of the trump organization, i saw the same family environment. i also saw the countless women executives who thrived there year after year. gender didn't matter. what mattered was the ability to
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get the job done. i learned this directly when in 2016, my father-in-law asked me to help him win my cherished home state and my daughter's name sake, north carolina. though i had no political experience, he believed in me. he knew i was capable, even if i didn't. so it didn't surprise me when president donald trump appointed so many women to senior level positions in his administration. secretary of the united nations. secretary of the air force. the first female cia director. the first female black director of the fish and wildlife service, and countless ambassadors just to name a few. under president trump's leadership, women's unemployment hit the lowest level since world war ii. 4.3 million new jobs have been created for women in 2019 alone. women took over 70% of all new jobs. female small business ownership remains at an all-time high, and
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600,000 women have been lifted out of poverty all since president trump took office. he didn't do these things to gain a vote or check a box. he did them because they're the right things to do. 100 years ago today, the 19th amendment was ratified granting the right to vote to every american woman. and since that day, incredible strides have been made by women in america. from amelia earhart to rosa parks and sally ride, women shaped our history and is what has made our country the most exception at nation in the world. i often think back to my 24-year-old self, driving alone in my car from north carolina to new york city. and i think about what i'd tell myself now as we head towards the most critical election in modern history. this is not just a choice between republican and democrat, or left and right. this is an election that will decide if we keep america
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america, or if we head down an uncharted frightening path toward socialism. abraham lincoln once famously said, america will never be destroyed from the outside. if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. while those words were spoken over 150 years ago, never have they been more relevant. will we choose the right path and maintain the unique freedoms and boundless opportunities that make this country the greatest in the history of the world? will we remain the beacon of hope for those around the world fighting oppression, communism and tierney? the choice is ours. i know the promise of america because i've lived it. not just as a member of the trump family, but as a woman who knows what it's like to work in blue collar jobs, to serve customers for tips, and to aspire to rise. when i look at my son luke and my daughter carolina, i wonder
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what sort of country will i be leaving for them, for our future generations. in recent months we've seen weak spineless politicians seek control of our great american cities to violent mobs. defund the police is the rallying cry for the new radical democrat party. joe biden will not do what it takes to maintain order, to keep our children safe in our neighborhoods and in their schools, to restore our american way of life. we cannot dare to dream our biggest dreams for ourselves or for our children while consumed by worry about the safety of our families. president trump is the law and order president, from our borders to our backyards. president trump will keep america safe. president trump will keep america prosperous. president trump will keep america america. if you're watching tonight and wrestling with your vote on november 3rd, i implore you,
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tune out the distorted news and biased commentary and hear it straight from someone who knows. i wasn't born a trump. i'm from the south. i was raised a carolina girl. i went to public schools and worked my way through a state university. mrs. b from my 7th grade english class was right. what i learned about our president is different than what you might have heard. i learned that he's a good man. that he loves his family. that he didn't need this job. that no one on earth worked harder for the american people. that he's willing to fight for his believes and for the people and the country that he loves. he is a person of conviction. he is a fighter and will never stop fighting for america. he will uphold our values. he will preserve our families. and he will build upon the great american edicts that our union will never be perfect until opportunity is equal for all, including and especially for
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women. our 40th president, ronald rebegr regan, said it best. the dreams of people may differ, but everybody wants their dreams to come true. an america, above all places, gives us the freedom to do that. it's up to us to keep this country a place where no dream is out of reach for our children and generations beyond. to my father-in-law, thank you for believing in me. thank you for bravely leading this country. and thank you for continuing to fight every day for america. may god bless and protect the gulf states in the path of the hurricane. may god bless our troops. and may god continue to bless this incredible country. >> laura trump concluding her remarks, the daughter-in-law of the president, also a campaign adviser. as we said in the outset, there is a lot going on tonight that's reverberating in the convention.
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you heard her mention the hurricane. there is also fallout from the shooting on sunday of a black man, jacob blake, in kenosha, wisconsin that has triggered the same grief and outrage we saw after the killing of george floyd three months ago. >> it's reverberated in the world of sports. milwaukee bucks boycotted the game. there is a curfew in effect in kenosha. the attorney general, son of a law enforcement official, gave information the first time about what happened. and we want to go to the ground there. nbc's gabe gutierrez in kenosha. gabe, how is the evening looking so far? >> reporter: hi, savannah. you mentioned that the shooting is ricochetting across the country in the sports world. here in kenosha, this is a city in virtual lockdown. it has been for the last several days. this is the fourth night of protests. right behind me several hundred protesters are gathered once again in front of the county courthouse, ignoring the curfew. so far things tonight have remained peaceful so far.
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it's when you get deeper into the night that these protests have often turned violent. now, savannah, you mentioned authorities did speak today for the first time. we really hadn't heard a lot from local authorities. today the u.s. department of justice confirmed it is opening a federal civil rights investigation into the shooting. also the wisconsin state attorney general identified the officer who shot jacob blake for the first time today. he also revealed that investigators had found a knife inside of blake's car. however, many of these protesters say that that should not make any difference. they see this as part of a long history of mistrust between police and communities of color. of course, as you mentioned, w vanna and lester, this comes after the death of george floyd. there are several flash points over the last several months including portland, now here in wisconsin, a crit corral swing state. you heard laura trump's speech where she talked about a violent
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mob that president trump would protect americans from. she said that president trump would be the president that keeps american cities safe. clearly a central part of their reelection strategy. but again, right here in kenosha, wisconsin, lester and savannah, this is another violent -- this is another night of protests. last night turned violent. two people shot and killed, and this community is wondering what's next. savannah? >> all right, gabe, thank you. >> and we're fortunate to have with us tonight eugene robinson, "washington post" columnist, associate editor and nbc news contributor. good to have you with us. we have heard over the last couple of days in this convention talk about danger in the streets and riots in the streets and the future under the democratic party. can you frame -- can you frame what's happening there with what's happening on the ground where gabe is? >> well, it's a total disconnect, lester. i suspect we'll hear more about violent mobs and about president trump being the only, the only
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thing standing between the united states and anarchy. we heard not a word in that laura trump speech about jacob blake who was shot seven times in the back. police responding to a domestic call and he ends upshot seven times in the back and apparently paralyzed for life. we heard not a word about the two protesters who were shot, apparently by a young white vigilante who came from illinois to self-appointed to patrol the streets of kenosha. and ended up killing two people, and grieve usually injuring one. we heard nothing about racial justice and the reckoning with 400 years of systemic racism that majority of americans, according to polls, are ready to undertake, are ready to talk
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about and grapple with. this convention is not ready to grapple with any of that. this convention is ready to frighten voters. hopefully trump voters from their point of view, into going to the polls and they're trying to frighten them of what they describe as anarchy and violent mobs in the streets for no given reason. we have no idea, no context, no sense of what's happening in the country. >> eugene, let me jump in here. i want to point out what people are seeing in the top right of their screen is the rnc feed. they're listening to clarence henderson who at that wool worth lunch counter in 1960 protested segregation. he's speaking as a supporter of donald trump. we've seen that, several speakers, african americans, who have come out. some democrats saying i support trump and this is why. we'll show you a portion of what's been said tonight and in
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the last couple of nights. >> growing up in the deep south, i've seen racism up close. i know what it is, and it isn't donald trump. just because someone loves and respects the flag, our national an social justice. i'm part of a large and growing segment of the black community who are independent thinkers, and we believe that donald trump is the president that america needs to lead us forward. >> i think often about my ancestors who struggled for freedom. and as i think of those giants and their broad shoulders, i also think about joe biden who says, if you aren't voting for me, you ain't black. who argued that republicans would put us back in chains. who says there is no diversity of thought in the black community. >> i remember my dad's bravery when he personally stood up against a kkk rally in my town. and my house, my father taught
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me to back down from no one. i know what racism looks like. i've seen it firsthand. in america, it has no resemblance to president trump. and i'm fed up with the way he's portrayed in the media, who refuse to acknowledge what he's actually done for the black community. >> let's turn to our white house correspondent kristen welker on this. this has been one of the most striking aspects of the republican convention so far, an array of black speakers who are coming in and saying, we support trump and the democrats have taken you for granted all these years. talk about the strategy here. and i'll remind our viewers that black men were the key to the hillary clinton's loss in michigan and wisconsin in 2016. they didn't show up in the numbers they had before. >> reporter: that's an important point, savannah. it has been striking to hear from all of these black speakers and black men in particular. so, to break down a couple of points, one, they are trying to make the case that democrats do
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not own the black vote. that it is still up for grabs and should not be taken for granted. they are also trying to blunt some of the criticism that president trump has gotten, particularly against the backdrop of these nationwide protests that he has been tone deaf when it comes to what the protesters are calling for, which is racial justice and equality. and then to break down that vote that you just talked about, savannah, black men have made up about 5% of the vote, according to exit polls, going back to 2008, and increasingly democrats are getting less of that share. so the strategy to try to peel away some of those votes from joe biden, will it work? we'll have to see. it is worth noting that president trump had said that he's sending in the national guard to kenosha, but has not commented on that shooting that took place there yet, savannah. >> all right, chris tekristen, you. >> it will be interesting if we
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hear the name jacob blake as we go forward. let's bring in "meet the press" moderator chuck todd. will events have a way of disrupting the best laid political plans? what do you think so far? >> i do. i think in two weeks, you know, it's very possible we're still talking about wisconsin, we're still talking about hurricane recovery and we're not talking about this convention. let's just be realistic. that could very well be the case. i think what's happening on the ground in kenosha and frankly we know perhaps what's going to happen with this storm is something that is going to linger. but you know, there's been another thing that has been striking about this sort of attempt to sort of remake the president's image, particularly when it comes to his views on african americans and on police reform and things like that. one of the things that has not happened during this convention is not a single speaker comes up and says, you know, look, donald trump thought this and he did this, but he's evolved. he's changing. or, you don't hear, you know, he's become a more compassionate this or he's more empathetic on
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that. it really is a message of, take it or leave it. this is who donald trump is. take it or leave it. and i just wonder, not showing some willingness to change is not going to have -- is not going to sit well with sort of swing voters. >> all right, john. >> when we come back, mike pence accepts the republican vice-presidential nomination live from fort mchenry. but first we want to share this moment from the last hour. >> young and old, be a radical for freedom. be a radical for liberty. and be a radical for our republic, for which i stand, one nation under god, with liberty and justice for all. thank you, and may god bless america. feel the cool rush of claritin cool mint chewables.
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welcome back as we await mike pence speaking tonight from baltimore's historic fort mchenry. let's go again to howallie jackn who is there tonight. hallie, what are you seeing? >> reporter: there is set to be an appearance from president trump, we understand. this is going to happen at some point either during or after the vice president's remarks. we were at fort mchenry a couple hours ago, what sounded like marine one landing. the chief of staff mark meadows is in the audience along with president trump's advisors, allies of the vice president well. the chief of staff about tomorrow night's speech said the president's remarks could be comprehensive and straightforward. tonight does belong to vice president pence. i want to give you a sense of i would say the room, but it's actually again, this historic site administered by the national park service. in the audience you have a number of gold star families. you have members whose families were killed in military service
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in combat service, and you have people who work with a terrible group that creates exo skeletons for former members of the military as well. we are waiting for the vice president's speech who will draw contrast between joe biden and kamala harris. >> halle, thank you. let's turn to kristen welker as we await the vice president's speech. we've been showing on the radar up the coast, the storm is bearing down, very much on the mind of the president. and by the way, his speech tomorrow night planned with the speech to go forward. is the president watching this situation? >> reporter: watching the situation very closely, savannah. and i can tell you that officials at the white house throughout the day have said at this point in time there are no plans to delay the president's speech tomorrow night. i just got off the phone with a source who reiterated that. said at this point in time, they are planning to have this president's speech tomorrow night. but obviously this is a very fluid situation, savannah, and it is worth noting that in the
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past, if you go back to 2012, they actually delayed the start of the republican convention due to a hurricane then. so this is a situation that can be quite fluid, but bottom line, at this point in time the plans are moving forward as initially planned for. >> so many things we are watching right now. and we are waiting for the vice president. he is just moments away from making his live appearance there at fort mchenry in baltimore. he has been at the president's side since the beginning, and by all accounts, they have a very strong relationship. >> yeah, he is going to give an impassioned defense of the first four years and a plea for the next four. let's listen to vice president pence as the tape starts and his presentation begins. >> by dawn's early light, millions of americans give thanks for this land. our liberties, and those who defend it. that same pride inspired the words of our national anthem,
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penned here as the smoke of battle lifted over two centuries ago. when those american soldiers bravely fought and died, repelling the british onslaught, they did so not only for our people, which that flag represented, but for our principles for which the flag stood. our god-given freedoms, the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. equality under the law, government by the people. these are the threads that bind us together as americans, for we are not a nation born of blood, but of belief. and even though that old flag has sometimes been battered and beaten, faded and forgotten, fired upon and set ablaze, there are heroes throughout our history who have picked up those tattered strands, mended them and raised our flag anew. just as the soldiers at fort mchenry fought in defense of the beliefs that bind us today, there are new leaders who have
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devoted their life to do the same. >> greetings across the amber waves of grain. this is mike pence. >> across indiana highways and homes, his voice welcomed hoosiers each morning. mike pence filled the radio waves with conservative commentary, guarding our american ideals. but much like the man who inspired him, mike didn't grow up a republican. >> as president regan said, freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. >> his grandfather was a hard working irish immigrant who drove a bus to provide for his family. his father served our nation bravely in the korean war and earned a bronze star. mike was the third of six children raised here in columbus, indiana, with the cornfield in his backyard. >> the foundation of america is freedom, and the foundation of freedom is faith. >> it was in this small indiana
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town, his foundation of faith in jesus christ was laid. and from that conviction sprung his love of people and service to others. it was at a church service where mike met the love of his life, karen. they married and have three children, michael, charlotte, and audrey. >> i'm a christian, a conservative and a republican. in that order. >> mike became the president of a free market think tank, the host of a statewide conservative radio show, and then a congressman. in washington, mike quickly became known as a foremost defender of freedom. he led conservatives in the fight to protect our time-honored values of family, faith, life, liberty, and limited government. >> our nation's strength begins at home because strong families make a strong america. >> mike earned the trust of the people of his state and became the 50th governor of indiana. he delivered the largest state tax cut in indiana history, expanded school choice, led the
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country in manufacturing, and helped more hoosiers get to work than ever before. but he wasn't through. >> abc news has learned that donald trump will choose indiana governor mike pence to be his running mate. >> i would like to introduce a man who i truly believe will be the next vice president of the united states, governor mike pence. >> as our vice president, mike pence has held tightly to those threads of freedom, woven through our history. leading with those principles alongside president trump, our nation experienced prosperity like never before. >> he is solid as a rock. he has been a fantastic vice president. >> and now in these uncertain days, we are equipped to overcome. in times of trouble, some call to retreat from those ideals. but americans throughout history have lifted them and triumph,
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hope and resilience. mike pence knows those "stars and stripes" do not merely represent who we are, but more importantly, what we can be. as the sun rises again on america, we lift our eyes to those lofty truths to guide our country, and every one of us to greater heights. in this land of the free and home of the brave, vice president mike pence. [ applause ] >> and the vice president will walk out in front of a live audience at fort mchenry. we should see him in the style of the first lady last evening. >> the vice president of the united states, mike pence. accompanied by the second lady, mrs. karen pence.
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[ applause ] >> a crowd, approaching the distance crowd, or one that is covid safe at fort mchenry, a historic site, and connected to the writing of the star-spangled banner. i think we may hear it tonight. >> i think so. [ applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> four more years. four more years. four more years. four more years. >> good evening, america. it's an honor to speak to you
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tonight. from the hallowed grounds of fort mchenry, the site of the very battle that inspired the words of our national anthem. those words have inspired this land of heroes in every generation since. it was on this site 206 years ago, when our young republic heroically with stood a ferocious naval bombardment, from the most powerful empire on earth, they came to crush our revolution. to divide our nation. and to end the american experiment. the heroes who held this fort took their stand for life, liberty, freedom, and the american flag. and those ideals have defined our nation.
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but they were hardly ever mentioned at last week's democratic national convention.. joe biden said that we were living through a season of darkness. but as president trump said, where joe biden sees american darkness, we see american greatness. [ applause ] in these challenging times, our country needs a president who believes in america, who believes in the boundless capacity of the american people, to meet any challenge, defeat any foe, and defend the freedoms we hold dear. america needs four more years of president donald trump in the white house.
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[ cheers and applause ] before i go further, allow me to say a word to the families and communities in the path of hurricane laura. our prayers are with you tonight, and our administration is working closely with authorities in the states that will be impacted. theme fema has mobilized resources and supplies for those in harms way. this is a serious storm, and we urge all those in the affected area to heed state and local authorities. stay safe, and know we'll be with us every step of the way to support, rescue, respond, and recover in the days and weeks ahead. that's what americans do. [ applause ] four years ago i answered the call to join this ticket because i knew that donald trump had the leadership and the vision to
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make america great again. and to the last four years, i've watched this president endure unrelenting attacks, but get up every day and fight to keep the promises that he made to the american people. so with gratitude, for the confidence donald trump has placed in me, the support of our republican party and the grace of god, i humbly accept your nomination to run and serve as vice president of the united states. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> four more years. >> serving the american people in this office has been a journey i never expected. it's a journey that would not have been possible without the support of my family. beginning with my wonderful wife karen. [ applause ] she's a lifelong school teacher, an incredible mother to our three children, and she is one outstanding second lady of the united states. [ applause ] i'm so proud of you. and we couldn't be more proud of our three children. marine corps captain michael j. pence and his wife sarah. [ applause ] our daughter charlotte pence bond, an author and the wife to lieutenant henry bond who is currently deployed and serving our nation in the united states navy.
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[ applause ] and our youngest, a recent law school grad, our daughter audrey and her fiancee, who like so many other americans, had to delay their wedding this summer. but we can't wait for dan to be a part of our family. [ applause ] in addition, my wife and kids, the person who shaped my life the most is also with us tonight. my mom, nancy. [ cheers and applause ] she is the daughter of an irish immigrant, 87 years young. and mom follows politics very
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and the truth be told, sometimes i think i'm actually her second favorite candidate on the trump/pence ticket. thank you, mom. i love you. over the past four years, i've had the privilege to work closely with our president. i've seen him when the cameras are off. americans see president trump in lots of different ways. but there's no doubt how president trump sees america. he sees america for what it is. a nation that has done more good in this world than any other. a nation that deserves far more gratitude than grievance. and if you want a president who falls silent when our heritage is demeaned or insulted, he's not your man.
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[ applause ] now, we came by very different routes to this partnership, and some people think we're a little bit different. [ laughter ] but, you know, i've learned a few things watching him. watching him deal with all that we've been through over the past four years. he does things in his own way. on his own terms. not much gets past him. and when he has an opinion, he's liable to share it. [ laughter ] he's certainly kept things interesting. but more importantly, president donald trump has kept his word to the american people. [ applause ] in a city known for talkers, president trump is a doer. and few presidents have brought
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more independence, energy, or determination to that office. four years ago we inherited a military hollowed out by devastating budget cuts, an economy struggling break out of the slowest recovery since the great depression. isis controlled a land mass twice the size of pennsylvania. and we witnessed the steady assault on our most cherished values, freedom of religion and the right to life. that's when president donald trump stepped in. and from day one he kept his word. we rebuilt our military. [ applause ] this president signed the largest increase in our national defense since the days of ronald regan, and created the first new branch of our armed forces in 70 years, the united states space force.
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[ applause ] and with that renewed energy, we also returned american astronauts to space on an american rocket for the first time in nearly ten years. [ applause ] and after years of scandal that robbed our veterans of the care that you earned in the uniform of the united states, president trump kept his word again. we reformed the v.a., and veterans choice is now available for every veteran in america. [ applause ] our armed forces and our veterans fill this land of heroes, and many join us tonight in this historic fort. tonight we have among us four recipients of the medal of honor.
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[ applause ] six recipients of the purple heart. [ applause ] a gold star mother. of a gallant navy s.e.a.l. [ applause ] and wounded warriors from soldiers strong, a group that serves our injured veterans every day. [ applause ] we are honored by your presence and we thank you for your service. [ applause ] >> usa. usa. usa. >> with heroes just like these, we defend this nation every day. and under this commander in chief, we've taken the fight to
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radical islamic terrorists on our terms on their soil. last year american armed forces took the last inch of isis territory, crushed their caliphate, and took down their leader without one american casualty. [ applause ] and i was there when president trump gave the order to take out the world's most dangerous terrorist, iran's top general will never harm another american because qassim soleimani is gone. [ applause ] my fellow americans, you deserve to know. joe biden criticized president trump following those decisions, decisions to rid the world of two terrorist leaders. but it's not surprising. because history records that joe biden even opposed the operation
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that took down osama bin lauden. it's no wonder that the secretary of defense under the obama/biden administration once said that joe biden has been, and i quote, wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades. so we've stood up to our enemies, and we've stood with our allies. like when president trump kept his word and moved the american embassy to jerusalem, the capital of the state of israel. [ applause ] setting the stage for the first arab country to recognize israel in 26 years. [ applause ] closer to home, we appointed more than 200 conservative judges to our federal courts. we supported the right to life and all the god-given liberties
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enshrined in our constitution, including the second amendment right to keep and bear arms. [ applause ] and when it came to the economy, president trump kept his word and then some. we passed the largest tax cut and reform in american history. we rolled back more federal red tape than any administration ever had. we unleashed american energy and fought for free and fair trade. and in our first three years, businesses large and small created more than 7 million good-paying jobs, including 500,000 manufacturing jobs all across america. [ applause ] our country became a net exporter of energy for the first time in 70 years. unemployment rates for african americans and hispanic americans hit the lowest level ever recorded. and on this 100th anniversary of a woman's right to vote, i'm
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proud to report that under president donald trump, we achieved the lowest unemployment rate for women in 65 years. [ applause ] and more americans working than ever before. in our first three years, we built the greatest economy in the world. we made america great again. [ applause ] and then the coronavirus struck from china. before the first case of the coronavirus spread within the united states, the president took unprecedented action and suspended all travel from china, the second largest economy in the world. now, that action saved untold american lives. and i can tell you firsthand, it bought us invaluable time to
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launch the greatest national mobilization since world war ii. president trump marshalled the full resources of our federal government from the outset. he directed us to forge a seamless partnership with governors across america in both political parties. we partnered with private industry to reinvent testing and produce supplies that were distributed to hospitals around the land. today we're conducting more than 800,000 tests a day, and we have coordinated the delivery of billions of pieces of personal protective equipment for our amazing doctors, nurses, and health care workers. [ applause ] we saw to the manufacture of 100,000 ventilators in 100 days. and no one who required a ventilator was ever denied a ventilator in the united states.
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[ applause ] we built hospitals, served military medical personnel and enacted an economic rescue package that saved 50 million american jobs. as we speak, we're developing a growing number of treatments known as therapeutics, including convalescent plasma that are saving lives all across america. now, last week joe biden said that no miracle is coming. well, what joe doesn't seem to understand is that america is a nation of miracles. [ applause ] and i'm proud to report that we're on track to have the world's first safe effective coronavirus vaccine by the end of this year.
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[ cheers and applause ] year like no other, all the hardship, we're finding our way forward again. but tonight our hearts are with all the families who have lost loved ones, and have family members still struggling with serious illness. in this country we mourn with those who mourn, we grieve with those who grieve. and this night, i know that millions of americans will pause and pray for god's comfort for each of you. our country doesn't get through such a time unless its people find strength within. the response of doctors, nurses, first responders, farmers,
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factory workers, truckers and everyday americans who put the health and safety of their neighbors first has been nothing short of heroic. [ applause ] veronica put on her scrubs every day. day in and day out went to work in one of new york city's busiest hospitals. she stayed on the job, put in the long hours until it was done. and then got back in her neighborhood and helped neighbors and friends struggling. her brother william is a new york city firefighter, and they're both emblematic of heroes all across this country. they're with us tonight. and i say to them and to all of you, you have earned the
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admiration of the american people, and we will always be grateful for your service and care. [ applause ] thanks to the courage and compassion of the american people, we're slowing the spread. we're protecting the vulnerable. and we're saving lives. and we're opening up america again. because of the strong foundation president trump poured in our first three years, we've already gained back 9.3 million jobs in the last three months alone. [ applause ]
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and we're not just opening up america again. we're opening up america's schools. [ cheers and applause ] and i'm proud to report that my wife karen, that school teacher i've been married to, will be returning to her classroom next week. and so to all of our heroic teachers and faculty and staff, thank you for being there for our kids. we're going to stay with you every step of the way. [ applause ] in the days ahead as we open up america again, i promise you we'll continue to put the health of america first. and as we work to bring this economy back, we all have a role to play, and we all have a choice to make.
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on november 3rd, you need to ask yourself, who do you trust to rebuild this economy? a career politician who presided over the slowest economic recovery since the great depression? or a proven leader who created the greatest economy in the world? the choice is clear. to bring america all the way back, we need four more years of president donald trump. in the white house. [ cheers and applause ] >> four more years. four more years. four more years. four more years. four more years. >> my fellow americans, we're passing through a time of testing. but in the midst of this global pandemic, just as our nation had begun to recover, we've seen violence and chaos in the
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streets of our major cities. president trump and i will always support the right of americans to peaceful protest, but rioting and looting is not peaceful protest. tearing down statues is not free speech. and those who do so will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. [ applause ] last week joe biden didn't say one word about the violence and chaos engulfing cities across this country, so let me be clear. the violence must stop, whether in minneapolis, portland, or kenosha. too many heroes have died defending our freedom to see americans strike each other down. we will have law and order on the streets of this country for every american of every race and creed and color.
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[ cheers and applause ] president trump and i know that the men and women that put on the uniform of law enforcement are the best of us. every day when they walk out that door, they consider our lives more important than their own. people like dave patrick underwood, an officer in the department of homeland security's federal protective service, who was shot and killed during the riots in oakland, california. dave's heroism is emblematic of the heroes that serve in blue
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every day. we're privileged tonight to be joined by his sister angela. angela, we say to you we grieve with your family. and america will never forget or fail to honor officer dave patrick underwood. [ applause ] the american people know we don't have to choose between supporting law enforcement and standing with our african-american neighbors to improve the quality of their lives, education, jobs, and safety. and from the first days of this administration, we've done both, and we will keep supporting law enforcement and keep supporting our african-american and
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minority communities across this land for four more years. [ applause ] joe biden says that america is systemically racist, and that law enforcement in america has, and i quote, an implicit bias against minorities. when asked whether he'd support cutting law enforcement, joe biden replied, yes, absolutely. joe biden would double down on the very policies that are leading to violence in america's cities. the hard truth is you won't be
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safe in joe biden's america. under president trump we will always stand with those who stand on the thin blue line, and we're not going to defund the police, not now, not ever. [ cheers and applause ] my fellow americans, we're passing through a time of testing, but soon we will come to a time for choosing. joe biden has referred to himself as a transition candidate, and many were asking, transition to what? but last week democrats didn't talk very much about their agenda. and if i were them, i wouldn't either.


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