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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  August 23, 2019 11:00pm-11:34pm PDT

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he says he was bound, beaten and held against his will. >> the accused say they were trying to protect their daughter. one story with two sides and three people in jail tonight because of it. private property turned neighborhood nuisance. the bay area city stepping in to tell one homeowner to clean it up. the town was leveled after the campfire but the spirit tonight is alive and well. news at 11:00 starts right
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now. the parents of a teenager were arrested tonight charged with a hate crime. the alleged victim, their daughter's boyfriend. >> police say the parents tied up the 17-year-old boyfriend with a rope in their house and threatened him. but there's a lot more to the story. sergio? >> reporter: well, what would you do if you got home from work at 2:00 in the morning and you found a 17-year-old man that you have never met hiding in your 15-year-old daughter's bedroom closet? san bruno police say the parents in this case went too far. catherine gomez showed us her 15-year-old sister's closet where her parents found the 17-year-old alleged victim. did he jump out at them or anything? >> yeah, he did. >> reporter: she says her mother and stepdad were caught off guard. they didn't know who the 17-year-old was. >> he held him. who are you?
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we don't know who you are, like what are you doing in my house. >> reporter: gomez showed us their back yard where we notice add chaa chair below her window. after the parents found the teen in her closet, think called the birth father to help. the 17-year-old then went to the police department and told them he was attacked. >> these family members ultimately restrained the victim using rope, held him against his will, as assaulted him multiple times and even threatened to kill him. >> the three parents are now facing multiple felony charges including a hate crime. the 17-year-old alleged victim is black and police say the parents used racial slurs during the incident. >> i'm upset. they're saying that it was a
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hate crime because he was african-american. it was nothing like that at all. we're not racist at all. >> reporter: her older sister says her family has never caused any problems. police say the victim was taken to the hospital where he was treated and released. those parents remained in custody tonight. they were supposed to be arraigned today but that has been postponed until monday. the san mateo district attorney tells me tonight they have not yet received the paperwork on this case. >> we will stayn several hdays prison riot in san diego. it's still going on.van state this is video from outside the prison. you see those emergency vehicles arriving. it's not clear what started the riot or how many inmates are involved. new at 11:00, thousands were
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without power tonight after a tesla crashed into a power pole sparking a fire. we spoke with a witness who says he was behind the driver when her car suddenly started to accelerate and then lost control. >> went up on top of the curb, hit some trees, there was pieces of car flying. she basically kept accelerating until she hit the final pole that stopped her. >> he says the driver told him she was on automatic pilot when it happened. re ok of caution pg&e turned of power to more than 3,000 customers while they repairede . pour containment is now 50% in shasta county. that is good news. 600 acres have burned north of
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reading. not far from that fire is the town of paradise, ravaged by last year's fire. tonight was opening night of the football season, a lot of hugs, a lot of smiles for a community that still needs them. >> absolutely. paradise high school was one of the only buildings spared from the flames. the football team hit the field for the very first time since that deadly wildfire. >> reporter: it was a great game and very emotional for this paradise community. and the team won big but tonight it wasn't all about winning. it was about taking to the field. there was a lot of love on the field and in the stands.
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>> it's home and because we're all living in so many different places and football is so important to our community to be able to all come together. >> reporter: the team has been through a lot. almost everyone on the field lost their home in the catcmpfi. >> being back in here and all the all the normalcy and everything being back to normal, it's just absolutely great. >> reporter: and tonight the players feel they have a lot to prove. >> of course we want to win for the town. don't get me wrong when i'm saying this. it's just don't let that get too much built up in you putting pressure on you. >> reporter: pressure or pride. this football team is all about paradise strong and they proved it with a win even though they were winners before they even played the game. >> it's emotional knowing this could have all been gone, you
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know and the resilience of these kid to get back up and fight. >> reporter: now, the opposing team did something pretty remarkable tonight. they donated their lunch money for the entire week to the team, which shows this community is in this together. a security guard is now acquitted after she found herself in handcuffs for shooting out the tires of a get-away car. she says in december twoed to t groceries from this foodco in contra costa county without paying. she says one of the men punches her in the face. she followed both men to the parking lot to get their license plate number. as the burglars tried to get away she fired three shots. instead of arresting the burglars, they arrested page. she's also an army trained
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expert marksman. the d.a.'s office issued a statement saying page went too far. page says she was just doing her job. >> i didn't pull the trigger other crab meat. i pulled the trigger because i was punched in the case and i thought that car was going to run me over. >> last week page's case went to trial and the jury needed only 40 minutes to find her not guilty. the race for the white house is coming right through the bay area. tonight a dozen presidential candidates made their pitch at the democratic national committee's summer meeting. each one highlighted their differences in this crowded field. hot topics included student debt, immigration and reversing many trump administration initiatives. but not everyone was interested in what the candidates had to say. dozens of democrats came to protest, saying their party isn't spending enough time discussing climate change. others worry that all this in-party fighting and divisions could damage all the candidates,
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leaving president trump in office. >> of course it's important to be cohesive. and i hope the democrats don't lose an election that is theirs to win. >> this is all happening in san francisco. senators kamala harris, bernie sanders and elizabeth warren are among the 12 candidates in town. also tom steyer. it is the latest clash between the united states and china, president trump raising tariffs on chinese products. all this comes before the president's trip to the g7 summit. it is a tit for tat move that comes after china raised tariffs on billions of dollars in american goods. earlier today the president ordered american companies to alternatives to fight is no dropping more than 600 points. the g7 summit starts this weekend. an odd sight especially in one of the most exclusive cities in the country. neighbors in palo alto are complaining about a house littered with trash and junk
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right there in the front yard. now the city is stepping in. ian cole joins us in palo alto with the dirty details. >> reporter: the public complaint was made to the city earlier this week. some say they worry about the fire risks at the home as well as the potential for rats and debris. tonight the homeowner is responding. in this south palo alto neighborhood where homes are worth $2-3 million, residents say one sticks out. >> this isn't a landfill. this is a neighborhood. >> the house has boxes and stuff piled up in the front that's spilling onto the lawn. neighbors say it's been a battle for 12 years. >> this isn't a photo shoot for sunset. there's all kinds of yards here. but this is trash. >> reporter: a woman who owns a home nearby complained to the city council monday saying it's. she says rats are coming onto her property and demanded code enforcement investigate. on thursday they did.
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while it may be a nuisance for some, the city says it's not an immediate hazard but they're sending him a notice to clean up his front yard. >> clearly it's a very different living establishment i guess you could probably say. >> reporter: the owner did not want to be on camera but said there are more serious issues than having extra things in the yard. >> it doesn't appear that anything's off the premises so it's one of those things i just walk by it. i try tot ignore it. >> reporter: the homeowner also insists that he minds his own business and is not a hoarder, end quote. the city says he has 30 days to clean it up or he could face a fine we are back in 90 seconds with a family of mountain lions that have prompted the shutdown of an entire park for the weekend. why rangers say they're not taking any chances.
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a contra costa family about to be homeless after getting caught in a rental scam. that fog is rolling back into san francisco right now. we'll show you where we'll be for tomorrow morning coming up in about six minutes. my experience with usaa
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lions prowling around the cupertino hills. >> they're getting dangerously close to people. the popular park is closed this weekend. >> reporter: it's a require sight in the south bay. someone walking at the preserve captured a mountain lion and her three cubs on camera. that mountain lion family has been roaming the park for days. >> yesterday we had to expand our closures because we had five sightings in a day of the lions. >> reporter: he says these big cats are bold, not afraid to come close to people. that unusual behavior is what prompted the closure of the entire park this morning. >> we've had some behavior where they just kind of stood off with them no matter how much noise they made, they kind of stood their ground. that behavior is unacceptable. at that point we want to remove the people from the lions. >> reporter: today would be hikers were greeted by red signs
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and park rangers telling them why they were being turned away. >> i'm happy that they have a handle on it because that's pretty dangerous. people don't realize how dangerous they are, that they're even out there. >> reporter: pennington believes this may be a mom teaching her cubs to hunt. these sightings also gave park staff a reason to remind everyone what to do if you ever come across a big cat. >> put your arms up, make yourself big, make a lot of noise and they should run away. we now know why that hawaiian airlines plane from oakland to hawaii made an emergency landing in honolulu. you can see that smoke starting to fill the cabin moments before passengers evacuated on the emergency chutes when that plane finally touched down. today hawaiian airlines tweeted that a seal failed in the left engine and triggered an oil leak. it created smoke when it leaked onto hot parts of the engine and air-conditioning system. a developing story out of
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the east bay tonight. an arrest has been made in a triple shooting. that shooting happened early this morning in a south sacramento home. that home has ties to golden state warriors center will hie collie stein. a man called 911 saying his roommate shot him. he said the roommate was wearing body armor, had multiple guns. when deputies arrive they found three minutes in the home suffering from gunshot wounds. a swat team cleared the home. they found a handgun but they didn't find a shooter. authorities began searching for the suspect. the suspect was tracked to the eastbound. our sky ranger was overhead. authorities arrested this man trey hallman in antioch this afternoon. an east bay family could be out of a home after they say an online home rental scam wiped out their savings. what makes the scam so unusual, the victim says the scammer knew
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the smart lock code to the home and was letting unaware families tour the property. elizabeth says it all starts when she found a richmond house for rent on craigs list. she said the man she believed was the landlord told her he lived in southern california but sent her a smart lock code so she could tour the house. after touring the home, she wired the man nearly 2,000 bucks as a deposit. she realized she'd been ripped off when the landlord stopped responding and the house showed up on a real estate site. >> my daughter was like what happened and now i have to tell her we don't have nhe actually for the first time ever, san department is making history. jose's police chief raised the rainbow flag over his department. community leaders call it a 180. they say this was a time when the police doors were closed to the lgbtq community. chief eddie garcia says the department doesn't ask officers to check their identity at the door when they put on their
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uniform. >> at the end of the day, this flag does not only represent the fact that we are allies and supportive of our lgbtq community but that we are really striving to be as inclusive as possible for anyone. >> the chief says added patrols will be on hand to keep the celebration safe especially in light of the recent mass shootings. a reported case of measles at disneyland and universal studios. health officials say a teenager with measles visits the theme parks in southern california this month, possibly exposing everyone there to the disease. the girl is from new zealand but was at the theme parks from august 11th-15th. as august, almost september, but still feeling very much like summer. >> it's hot. >> lots of 90s. >> out in freemont earlier. >> it was fun. we missed you guys earlier, free ice cream and a lot of our viewers. so fun to see everyone.
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>> they like the drumsticks. >> that's a hot item. >> we've got ice cream weather for some of us and cool weather near the coastline. it's a classic summer forecast for you as we bring you into our micro climate weather tonight. i wanted to start off with the big story and what's happening with weather. it's all about this warm area of hi colder air. and because of this fog at the immediate coastline, that's going to help to keep us out of the 100s. let's get a closer view of that fog tomorrow morning. it will be widespread, a little bit thicker than we've been used to lately. right here at the immediate coastline, also possibly some drizzle. berkeley, oakland and hayward and could see some of that move on down to freemont. by the average we get sunshine moving across the bay area with still fog lingering at the immediate coastline.
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as we head through tomorrow morning with that fog right at the coast, we're going to start off instead of mid to upper 70s like we've had lately ayou head out the door, 60s. 65 in the south bay, 62 in the peninsula, the tri valley at 67. the north bay 62. we'll warm up for the afternoon but not too hot. no 100s in the south bay. san jose 87. gilroy 88. it's going to get warm in the east bay but i only have anolad antioch. back to oakland at 78, freemont 88. the peninsula also looking mighty fine tomorrow, 82 here in redwood city and san mateo at 77. san francisco, lots of 60s. but the you head to the mission, we'll be at 70 degrees. right through the north bay, 75 in mill valley. up to santa rosa,83.
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notice it's going to be hotter right up here through clear lake in the low to mid 90s. sunny and warm weather tomorrow. looks a little bit hotter for sunday. once we hit next week, i want you to be aware of something we're following behind the scenes right now. it's a tropical system off to our south. we could actually see a little bit of that moisture make it close to the bay area. right now we're looking at humidity, some cloud cover. i'm not seeing any rainfall right now but we are closely monitoring it. once again, next tuesday could feel a little bit tropical for us and lots of 70s here in san francisco. inland valleys better day to be outside doing gardening on saturday. up to 96 on sunday. 97 on monday. at least this is like a short burst of heat. if you don't have a.c., just
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hang on, it will get better. >> always glass half full. >> turn the tide. >> glass is overflowing. >> there you go, jeff. thank you so much. good dog. the one reason researchers say you should own a dog. that's next. and we have jimmy. >> my guest is dana carvey tonight. it's a great show. stay tuned. happening now, sonoma county will test an evacuation plan tomorrow. people will get an alert when that drill starts as part of the county's effort
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uh-oh, looks like someone's still nervous about buying a new house. is it that obvious? yes it is. i didn't know geico could helps with homeowners insurance. you know, ma yep, they've been doing it for years. what are you doing? big steve? thanks, man. there he is. get to know geico and see how much you could save on homeowners and renters insurance.
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for better or worse, the google takeover of downtown san jose. tonight we have a much better idea of what google plans to build in san jose. take a look at an outline of the proposed downtown campus. the buildings in blue will be google offices. the ones in orange will be housing. google also says it plans to set aside a half a million square feet for retail, restaurants and
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other services. google says it will address traffic by expanding the train station with more bus service as well as caltrain and bart. >> that makes it really good for bay area workers to not have to drive into san jose and commute and instead be able to use public transportation. >> it's all happening these next several years. critics say the new campus will make san jose too crowded while pushing out low income the czech republic claim that new data shows having a dog is good for your heart. they tracked the habits of nearly 2,000 adults with no history of heart disease. researchers found dog owners were likely to be active, eat well and it's been linked to better mental health. >> i totally agree. up next, one of the bay area's biggest stars shows up at a high school football game tonight. we'll tell you who and where. it's time for the biggest sale of the year on the
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sleep number 360 smart bed. can it help keep us asleep? yes, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. and now, all beds are on sale! save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus free home delivery. ends saturday.
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friday night means friday night lights for communities across the country. high school football season is back. >> you love high school football, don't you? >> i love it. >> tonight two stars from the raiders and 49ers making an impact on campus.
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jimmy g sending out love for a play player. >> just wanted to wish you luck, man. >> jimmy g wishing luck to cannon dote who's recovering from the same type of knee injury that jimmy g had. how about this? raiders star antonio brown tonight hanging in the student section at de la salle high. they lost the game. >> i think he made up for it. >> tomorrow a big night for bay area baseball, the giants against the red hot a's. you can watch the game right here on nbc bay area tomorrow night at 6:00. >> we'll be right back. we are here to discuss jessie's online time.
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here's a good way to close the week. the newest member of the san jose sharks learned a new trick today, how to swim. that's fin, the new four legged friend for the sharks. fin is a yellow lab and a guide
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dog in training. he even got a brand new sharks vest to help him with his swimming lessons. >> he's doing such a good job. >> with a fin on the back. >> that's a great shot. thanks for joining us and have a great weekend. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: welcome to "the tonight show!"anhere's your hos jimmy fallon ♪ [ cheers and applause


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