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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  August 22, 2019 11:00pm-11:32pm PDT

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right now at 11:00, football practice ends in gunfire in the east bay. >> what one mother says happened as her son was on the field. a raging wildfire in shasta county. hear from a bay area couple who escaped one fire, only to do it again. also, you could be ready for an evacuation, but is your neighborhood ready? the one thing experts say you need to keep in mind during an emergency. the news at 11:00 starts right now. we begin with breaking news
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in hayward. shots fired during a pop warner football practice right behind tenson high school. a 17-year-old was hit. the parents and players obvious hi shocked and shaken up. sergio, what do we know at this hour? >> reporter: this happened around 6:15 this evening, and as you mentioned, it was a 17-year-old victim. it's not yet clear, however, if he happened to have been on one of the teams that was practicing at that field this evening. in cell phone video taken after a gunshot, you can shooting at son's football practice. >> reporter: a 17-year-old was hit by gunfire and rushed to eden medical center. three other men were seen running from the restroom area from the park. this parent was startled by what
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she heard. >> we heard a gunshot. we looked, people were screaming. >> reporter: she says there were about 30 children in the park, including a cheer squad. her son, nolan, was getting ready to take the field when he heard the gunfire. >> we were practicing, and the coaches just told us to hide. >> reporter: none of the players on the football teams or the cheer squad were injured. as regters continued to collect evidence, parents are wondering how their kids will react. >> i'm hoping he's okay. i'm just going to have to talk to him. >> reporter: do you want to return to prapractice? >> yeah. >> reporter: the coaching staff has sent out a note to parents saying that practice is going to be postponed at least through next week for both the football teams, and for the cheer squad. and when it resumes, they are looking into the possibility of
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having them be at a different field. sergio quintana, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, sergio. breaking news near sacramento. a train derailment in the past hour. at least 22 people are hurt. two of them with moderate injuries. this is the winter street light rail station near american river college. we'll bring you updates as we get them in. as the weather heats up, this is the concern. a major wildfire. tonight, a fire in shasta county is 20% contained with more than 1,000 homes evacuated. so far, 800 acres have burned. this is about 15 miles north of redding. you can see the map there not far from i-5 in jones valley. cheryl hurd joins us near the fire line in shasta county with the u ve a wildfire like this, cal fire,
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and local crews throw everything at it. no one wants to see wildfires like we did last year. just before 10:00 tonight, highway 299 opened up, and some people were allowed to go home. those who weren't allowed in live on bear mountain road. crews are keeping a close eye on burning embers. pg&e is working on restoring power to evacuated homes. >> things can change quickly. so we ask everyone to heed the warnings when we say it's time to go. get in your car and hit the road. >> reporter: those were the orders when the mountain fire started around 11:00 this morning. fire crews using water tankers and bulldozers on the ground and several air attacko flames from jumping the road. >> it is kind of scary, because it looked to be heading our way. >> reporter: the swift
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ago. they had to be evacuated again from their home here. >> when that fire was going, the wind was wloeing pretty good. from the fire towards our house. so we were nervous about that. >> i was upset in the beginning, but i'm calmer now, knowing our house is standing. unlike our house in san ramone. and everything will be there when we get there. >> reporter: the fire is 20% contained. even though they started opening up some of the roads, power is expected to be restored by tomorrow morning. reporting live, i'm cheryl hurd, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, cheryl. we saw what happened in the redding area just last year.ff . what are the conditions on the fire lines in the next 24 hours? >> the biggest threat to firefighters will be the hot temperatures and the low humidity. i'm not seeing a major wind event over the next two days. that is at least a little bit of
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good news. it's a warm 82. humidity at 33%. tomorrow, a hot 10 the south at miles per hour. gusts up to 20. humidity down to 14%. the way the smoke is blowing now, it's pushing off towards the stout. i don't see any of the smoke reaching the bay area tomorrow, and into saturday. into at this point, it would be contained to this immediate area. we'll talk more about the bay area temperatures coming up. we're going to be updating this fire 24/7. download our free nbc 7 app. and our twitter feed is a great resource. for many bay area a wildfire can lead to gridlock on the road. e that can be deadly. many local communities don't have escaperoutes.
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if 7,000 people here all had to evacuate and did it by car, it would be gridlock. tonight, city planners are planning to avoid that scenario. >> go! >> reporter: glridlock as peopl try to escape. it happened last year. the mayor doesn't want that to happen in his down during an emergency. pacifica, cherry land in the east bay, and pinole to the north are among the high risk areas. >> nightmare. you can't get out on friday nights. >> this isg easily get horse planning for it. the fire department held a drill in agencies are in july, identifying escape
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routes. >> we do have two, three exits off the highway. we have the boats. and then we have this major arty here. >> reporter: in an emergency, the golden gate bridge district will provide ferries. some can use stairs to get to the highway or the water. he's encouraging residents to have two routes in mind. >> if it was blocked, which it probably would be, then it's an issue. you know, then i might just head for the water. >> reporter: jean elle, nbc bay area news. no word on what caused that hawaiian airlines plane from oakland to hawaii to make this emergency landing in say they were terrified on the h and the cabin filled up with smoke. so we all just had to go like to do breathe. >> there were 184 people on board. seven passengers, including two
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kids, were taken to hospitals and treated for smoke inhalation. a bike shop robbery turned into a high speed chase. it started this morning when someone noticed two men breaking into the family cycling center in santa cruz. they made off with about $30,000 worth of bikes in a mental van. deputies spotted that van. they led deputies in a high speed chase. the cops found them and arreste candidates are in san francisco tonight. but only one of them a lot of cheers and energy for senator bernie er his plan calls climate change. he says he agrees with the skeptics that his plan is expensive. but he says doing nothing would be far more costly. earlier today, senator sanders
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was in butte county. senator samdzers is in san francisco tonight among the president i presidential candidates. >> the most important part here is cali register. they'll meet briefly, go out, and have a fund-raiser or two or three. they'll bring in lots of money and the work will be done. come thing weekend. he's campaigning instead in new hampshire. 90 seconds away from a story impacting thousands of people in the bay area. empty mailboxes and plenty of questions. the reason one neighborhood hasn't gotten its mail delivered in days. it could be the most
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expensive court case in california history. we just learned the trial won't be starting any time soon. after a hot 97 in concord today, we're dropping to 71. i'll show you what to expect as you head out the door and the weekend. that's coming up.
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no mail delivery for days in one san jose neighborhood. but that changed after we started asking questions. ian cole has the story from the silver creek area.
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>> reporter: people say their mailboxes have been empty all week. his emails shows a package was delivered but he says it never happened. >> i was waiting for the package, but it's showing delivered at 7:36. that's a he box,nd it hasn't been picked up. spokesperson withered. the postal service says silver creek's regular carrier has been out with a personal emergency, but says other carriers have been splitting the route. the postal service insists mail was delivered this week, just later in the day than some don't believe it. >> not good. because mail is very important. >> reporter: usps admits the carriers may not have made it to every single house. a few hours after we showed up, so did the mail. residents are glad they finally got bills, letters and packages
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but question what happened, especially dang, who is still waiting. >> how can you tell me a package was delivered when there was no -- i don't have no package. >> reporter:' yan cole, nbc bay area news. growing years of an arsonist. of fires, and a woman eeping in her car yesterday when someone it will it on fire. she had to break the window to get out and suffered serious burns. police released a photo of a person of interest. they hope to catch the arsonist as the rising temperatures will only fuel any future fires. slg golden state killer, joseph de'angelo, charged with 13 counts of murder. dna evidence linked him to the evidence of the golden state
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killers. those killings happened between 1975 and 1986. with so much evidence to review, prosecutors say it could be years before the case is brought to trial. he is due back in court in january. we have a sad update. divers have located the body of 53-year-old of ping chan in a canal behind her home. she was last seen tuesday night gardening at her home. crews have been searching for her using everything from canines to a drone. sheriff's announced that drowning appears to be the cause of death. a new chapter the debate over safety on the embarcadero after another attack caught on tape. a man was hit in the face outside that same condo complex where a come was attacked last week. a group against a new homeless center is renews calls to stop the construction of that
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homeless center, which is across the street. but the mayor stressed the navigation centers will help people get off the streets. >> in the meantime, we added more officers to the embarcadero area, and in place where is we know there have been challenges. >> opponents say they think navigation centers are a solution overall but don't agree with the location and question how the city operates them. new at 11:00, keeping patients safe. john its plans for active shooter in the first month. week of september. patient care will not be impacted. police are warning those living in the area, there will be loud noises but no live ammunition will be used. the show just might go on. new developments from the m
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melpedes community has used this space for seven years, but this summer, the city did not renew the contract. so they're doing a study to see if the entertainment, the residents want at the community center, if they want ks. with their fall shows as the they may be able to ue study is completed. >> this is my second family. so it would be sad to see it go away. but i'm hoping that these meetings and talks with the city are going to help us get there. >> the city gives the cspa $76,000 each year to put on the productions. the city council will make a final decision on the contract in october. it doesn't open to the public until next month, but a few got instead to the chase center this evening. it looks amazing. tonight was the first event inside the new big arena. for warriors employees and families. that's it. they were able to eat, shoot
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some hoops. it was essentially a private open house. the opening night for the rest of us will friday, september 6. sorris, we could have got in. >> super high end bay area style, of course, we'll continue to have coverage as we get closer to all the events. a lot of you have friends, family, a vacation house. so an update on the fire, called the mountain fire. the fire is to the north and the east. at least 600 acres, a warm 82 currently. 102 and low humidity at 14%. wind gusts of 20 miles per hour. so it's the heat and low humidity that would be the biggest concerns.
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more updates on twitter and facebook and it should be said most of the smoke would be contained to the immediate area. maybe down to about chico at this point. the bay area weather forecast, a lot of different moving thwarts. high pressure hoping t some heat. and just a tough of humidity today. there's a possibility of a little bit more humidity tomorrow. we have this system passing off to the east. the counterclockwise circulation is helping to bring in some humidity. we also have fog, as well. so the most important thing tomorrow morning, we'll start off mild for a few of you and lots of sunshine. i think the tri valley will be 74. and for the south bay, sunshine and 69. a little bit of fog there in san francisco with 63 degrees. for the east bay, closer to the water, 66. and for the inland valleys for the east bay, starting off at a
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milder 75. we do have a warm day coming our way tomorrow. but the good news, i have kept it out of the 100s. so that will set you up with 89 here and right over to the east bay near the water, oakland at 80. hayward 82. antioch at 95. and the peninsula anywhere from 80 in san mateo to 87 in palo alto. fr 60s. headed to the mission, a little milder and 74 degrees. more off to the north, clearlake, hot at 97. napa 89, and a breeze from the water and the bay, 83 in mill valley. so sunny and warm tomorrow. something we're watching out over the next couple of days. tropical storm ivo to the south. there's a chance maybe next tuesday and wednesday, we could see humidity, maybe some cloud cover move in from this. i don't have any rainfall from that at this point.
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but certainly something interesting by next tuesday. lots of 70s hereor days. inland valley, sunday at 96. next week, a little bit up and then back down again. it's august, so, you know, summer is trying to push right in there. >> and we have to look forward to labor day, as well. still ahead at 11:00, a frightening crash as a driver slams into a restaurant down in san diego. also, we have jimmy. hey, guys, rachel is here for a new game called seven seconds. ♪ happening now, a warning from the cdc about a possible drug resistance strain of salmonella. 255 people from 32 states were infected over the past nine months.
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60 people were hospitalized. the cdc said the infections were linked to beef from the u.s., and soft cheese from mexico. scientists say the strain may not respond to antibiotics. back in a moment. from the couldn't be prouders
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take a look. that's a car coming right through a restaurant. this is in san diego. two customers and employee were hurt. the car shattered an aquarium. all those fish died. no word on what triggered the krashg. disruptive students may get a break in california. a bill that would prohibit disoh be -- disobedient children from being expelled. it would also prevent stounlts of any grade for being expelled for disobedience. a $100 million makeover in oakland. and it's about time. ty leaders and the department of transportation have announced a new plan called the great pave. the plan is to repave about 100
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miles of oakland streets over the next three years. crews starting repaving street, is idreplacing the so we don't see potholes. >> the mayor grew up here. she knows all about it. the plan is to repair neighborhood streets neglected for years. something bizarre before the raiders game tonight. and the a's do it again to the yankees. back this a moment. my experience with usaa has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family
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save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. always some sort of drama with the raiders. not only was tonight's preseason game in winnipeg, canada, they were forced to play on an 80-yard field. no kidding. there was a hole in one of the end zones. they tedetermined it was unsafeo play, so they shortened the field to 80 yards. jon gruden as intense as ever. nathan peterman, great hookup here. he had two 20ud passes. the game came down to the final seconds. carlson with the game field gold. raiders beat the packers 22-21. raiders are the a's continue to impress. this is the high point top of the third inning, well,
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how about that for a beard. yeah, they're bleeding green. here is the third inning. matt chapman with the rbi single. slams the door here in the ninth inning. a's win 5-3. they are the top seeded wild card team as of tonight. the giants are fading fast in the playoff race. in chicago today. bruce bochy honored by the cubs. he's retiring at the end of the season. this is the kind of day it was. kevin pillar loses a nibl fly bn the sun. that runner scores. back in a moment. here's one you guys will like. show me making it. oh! i got one. the best of amy poehler. amy, maybe we could use the voice remote to search for something th y from netflix to prime video to live tv, xfinity lets you find your favorites
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jeff, we've made it to friday. we'll be at the fremont festival at 5:00 p.m. tomorrow. >> come on out. >> good night. [ cheers and applause ♪ >> steve: from 30 rockefeller plaza here in new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." and now, here he
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