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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  August 18, 2019 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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right now at 11:00, weekend repairs on a stretch of b.a.r.t. track has interrupted service for the last two days and led to delays for drivers. now the morning commute is just hours away. >> the news at 11:00 starts right now. good evening everyone. lanes on highway 24 expected to reopen by 7:00 tomorrow morning, but tonight the work continues. sergio live in la fayette tonight. how does it look? >> reporter: well, the lafayette stop has been like a ghost train station the last couple of days because there have been no
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trains passing through herement but b.a.r.t. says the trains will resume beginning at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. they say the closed lanes on highway 24 should be reopening on time. the first stage of replacing track is wrapping up. the old tracks have been there nearly 50 years. this is a project that's been planned quite a while, but there are more than a few b.a.r.t. riders that didn't know about it. >> i have been out of town. it worked out well. i didn't have any complaints. >> he just came in from chicago. >> we had to take a bus and basically got hear. it was not too bad. >> reporter: how long did it take? >> five minutes. >> reporter: this map released by b.a.r.t. details the three stations affected. three bus bridges connect the stations.
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throughout the weekend, two eastbound lanes were closed to give the crew room to work. even late tonight freeway traffic came to a crawl through that stretch, so some have been raising concerns about the morning commute. the plan is to reopen by 5:00 a.m. and reopen the lanes by 7:00 a.m. b.a.r.t. doesn't expect that to cause much of an issue since most riders are in the lane into the city. >> they've done this stuff in the past and said it's not going to affect the commute, but sometimes it runs over. >> reporter: this is the first of six weekends that b.a.r.t. is planning these shutdowns. they'll continue every other weekend until the end of october. and so the next scheduled shutdown of this station affecting all three stations in fact is going to be in two weeks over labor day weekend. reporting live in lafayette, nbc bay area news. >> thanks allot. tune in tomorrowing morning for
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"today in the bay." coverage starts at 4:30 in the morning. one last warning for b.a.r.t. riders, when using the station in san francisco, paper tickets are a thing of the past. they're done. starting tomorrow, they will be clipper card only sales at the embarcadero stations. it's part of eliminating tickets at four stations. there will be outreach stations all week to help with the transugs. new at 11:00, crews searching for a missing jet skier. eddie young. he was last seen last night on a green and black jet ski near grizzly island. young is about 6 feet tall, 210, 20 pounds. you see he's got the gray and brown hair which he wears in a pony tail. >> a man caught on camera attacking a woman as she entered her san francisco condo is scheduled back in court
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tomorrow. tonight austin james vincent has been in complete compliant with the conditions of his release. the debate of the homeless center being built has become personal for the woman attack. she was grabbed and tackled by vincent outside her condo. now she wants the city to stop construction on the embarcadero navigation center. she points to a drug and mental illness problem in the city. they filed a lawsuit to stop it. >> please take action. you don't have capability to properly manage it. you don't even know who these people are. >> reporter: the mayor's office says other navigation centers in the city do not lead to increase in crime. in san jose a man worked on his burning man creation for months only to have it stolen
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from his driveway just days before he heads to the big event in the desert. marianne with new developments. >> reporter: the good news is that the artist got a tip and he was finally able to get his art on wheels back. unfortunately, it was missing critical pieces including two mountain bikes. and he says he simply doesn't have enough time to make repairs before burning man. instead of adding the finishing touches to his burning man creation, eric is tearing it down. >> it's crazy. it takes like probably 20 minutes to dismantle something, but months to build. >> reporter: early friday morning, two thieves stole what he calls his bike car. mounted to two mountain bikes. the surveillance video shows two people pushing the bikes down the street. >> it's all our experiences for ten years, 11 years all wrapped up in this thing.
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really just a good -- you can't replace it. >> reporter: for more than a decade, eric's art bike has been a staple at burning man. last year's version had a misting system to cool people in the black rock desert of nevada. this year he was hoping to add this chariot to the back. >> it's built around two chopped up ends of mountain bikes. >> reporter: after this year's creation was stolen, eric spent hours combing the neighborhood and posting pleas on social media asking people to look for it. it paid off. someone reached out on facebook telling him to check the parking lot of a nearby apartment complex. eric found his creation, or at least what's left of it. >> they got the batteries, the solar panels. >> reporter: he still plans to leave for burning man, but won't be taking his labor of love with him. he doesn't have time to restore it. he says because of the theft, he won't be bringing his giant t rex either. >> i just don't have the heart
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to bring it. >> reporter: he says now that his art was stolen and stripped he's forced to change the way he experiences burning man. ironically, that change may reflect this year's art theme, metaph metaph metamorphosis. >> marianne. thanks very much. a follow up to the story we covered yesterday. a water mane break in valet yo damaged cars. people had no water service throughout the day. crews were able to fix the break and here's what the scene looked like today. this was not the only problem. just before the 11:00 news cast last night, we learned of dwret another break nearby. this one on fresno street between tennessee and nebraska streets. the good news, today water service has been fully restored to everyone in that area. well, we are heading into our third week of jury
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deliberations in the ghost ship trial, jury trying to figure out if they are guilty of involuntary manslaughter. each man faces one count for the people killed in the warehouse. president trump and his top trade adviser are playing down fear of a looming recession after last week's nose dive in the financial markets. the trump administration predicts the economy will stay strong through 2020. jennifer johnson reports from washington, investors remain jittery, especially with the ongoing trade war with china. >> reporter: president trump resisting fear of an impends recession despite a key economic indicator signalled a reegs is. >> we're doing well. our consumers are itch are. i gave a tremendous tax cut. they're loaded up with money.
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>> reporter: another white house official predicts the economy will stay strong. >> the federal reserve will be lowering rates significantly. >> reporter: president trump has blamed the fed's interest rate hikes for wall street woahs warning voters the economy will tank if he doesn't get reelected. >> you have no choice but to vote for me because your 401ks down the tubes. >> analysts say americans are nervous about the president's ongoing trade war with china and say his delay of tariffs to chinese electronics to mid december is a sign he's nervous. >> the only thing he has to run on is the economy. he never built a wall. he didn't come to a deal with china. he didn't come close to doing anything with health care. all he has is the economy. >> reporter: 64% of americans believe free trade is good for america while just 43% approve of the job the president is
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doing. also from that nbc news and "wall street journal" poll, how people feel about gun control in the wake of three mass shootings and the results are striking. 89% of americans favor expanded background checks on all firearm sales and transfers. 76% back red flag laws that help law enforcement temporarily remove guns from those deemed a danger to themselves or others. 75% of those polled support the idea of the government buying back unwanted guns. and 62% of americans favor banning the sell of assault weapons. in the south bay tonight, this could be the last time. ♪ it's indeed the rolling stones spent the night together with maybe 50, 60,000 fans at levi stadium. happened earlier tonight. wrapping up just fou had. the concert was scheduled for may 18th but postponed because mic jagger had to have heart
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valve surgery in april. stones are stopping in 13 u.s. cities, part of the no filter tour. posttraffic concert predicted to be a beast, a burden. i think we got all the songs in there. levi stadium's curfew for sunday night but the city extended the curfew until 11:00. they worked it out ahead of time. a big change coming to fso this week. what you won't be able to bring to the airport. also it's back, big announcement from elon musk that could help you save on your energy bill. >> right now we're watching low clouds in san francisco, a sneak preview of the morning commute which could include drizzle. but the week ahead will be bringing 90s back and sticking around for a while. the changes when we come right back. an appliance delivery
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mishap. our response team helps fix the issue. >> thousands of students went back to school last week. share your pictures with us so we can shout out monday morning.
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tesla wants to make its solar powered business more attractive by letting people rent rooftop systems rather than buy them. elon musk will allow the people
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in six states to rent solar power systems. the cost, as low as 50 bucks a month. in california $65 a month. you can cancel any time you want, but it will cost you $1,500 to remove the panels and restore your roof. he said california rentals will be offered in arizona, connecticut, massachusetts, new jersey, and new mexico. starting tomorrow streets in the south bay will be undergoing a massive make over. the city will begin repaving and repairing 300 miles of streets. the work is expected to be finished by the end of the year. improvements are part of a nine-year project to repave every residential and neighborhood street in san jose. it's 2,400 miles in all. we'll host a kick off event tomorrow at noon. change is on the way to sfo this evening. starting tuesday, passengers won't be able to buy plastic water bottles there anymore.
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won't find them in restaurants or caves or vending machines anymore. sfo is the first airport in the nation to ban single use water bottles. if you have a glass water bottle or an aluminum one like that one there, you're in luck. the airport has installed more than 100 water fountains for you to use and fill up for free. there will also be reusable bottles for sale. hundred of thousands of protesters marched peacefully in hong kong today defying a ban against demonstrations. they're demanding reform. they marched through the streets chanting they're going to keep fighting. >> we are not demanding for something else or something extra. >> last week police and protesters battled each other at the airport. hundreds of flights had to be cancelled. police said they were largely hands off, a sign both sides are trying to step back from that
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ugly violence. strong words this afternoon from raider general manager mike mayock aimed at antonio brown. brown is not practicing with the team today. he says he's still angry with the nfl because the league won't let him ware his helmet of choice. >> from our perspective it's time for him to be all in or all out, okay? so, we're hoping he's back soon. we got 89 guys busting their tails. we are really excited about where this franchise is going. and we hope a.b.'s going to be a big part of it. >> it appears mr. mayock's patience has run out. first brown missed time with frostbitten feet followed by a spat with the nfl over his helmet. >> comic-con just came to an end. celebrities came to greet tech fans. today it was the terminator. arnold schwarzenegger was there.
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jason ma mmowa, aquaman. they had 75,000 visitors. across the bay area, a lot of animals sleeping in new beds tonight. the clear the shelters event proved to be a massive success. we have seen many friendly faces from nbc bay area and sister station telemundo 48. they were at shelters all across the bay area yesterday. more than a thousand pets adopted over the weekend. for more information on participating shelters, going to our website has complete coverage on saturday's big event. rob might have got adopted out yesterday. >> yes. and the weather was great for the your forever pet going outside for a walk today.
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we're going to have one or two more days of the mild temperatures before the heat makes a come back midweek. you might be surprised how long it'll stick around. san jose not much in the way of clouds. we've got moonlight. high today of 79. and you'll appreciate that temperature compared to where things are ed hadded. you're getting a sneak preview in the seven dow forecast for the valleys coming up. san francisco you've got the fog moving in. 59 degrees, managed the high of 72. on shore winds, that's going to bring the low clouds which over the peninsula and san francisco push them pretty far inland by the morning. in addition to that as the low clouds are forced to climb over the coastal hilltops, that will give us areas of drizzle at times for the morning, especially on the west slope of the santa cruz mountains around the highways and san francisco. notice those low clouds all the way into the strait, maybe up to sacramento in fact.
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you can see pleasantness in the tric tri-valley. sunshine inland. low 80s around downtown san jose. up towards the tri-valley, conquered numbers in the low to mid 80s. oakland, caster valley into hayward. we'll watch the sea breeze pick up in the afternoon. highs in the upper 60s in san francisco. north bay temperatures in the 70s to low 80s. this is why temperatures will be on the rise. wednesday and thursday, inland temperatures climbing back into probably the mid 90s even though we're seeing rain in the pacific northwest wednesday and thursday. the ridge is holding strong this week. now let's fast forward beyond next weekend all the way through the middle of next week. look how that high is anchored across the west. that's the reason why the two-week outlook here -- we're
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taking you beyond ten days -- keeps above average temperatures around the west coast. once things warm up in the seven day forecast, you'll probably notice that starting wednesday and thursday, we're going to see this sticking around for a while. san francisco plenty of opportunities to be in the 70s from midweek to next weekend. notice how the valleys climb, the hottest days of the week, thursday. and this point looks like next sunday will be the hottest day in the 7-day forecast. and it will carry through. right now looks like to the middle of the following week. so, the heat is here to stay once it arrives midweek and beyond. >> all right. thanks very much. a wild chase in hollywood ends in a dramatic crash. the person behind the wheel barely a teenager. parent of that teen are asking for understanding. later new hope for patients, the groundbreaking science that was just used on mic jagger who's in town tonight. and this procedure could be safer than open heart surgery. it's time for the biggest sale of the year on the
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it was quite the wild ride for a 13-year-old boy in southern california this weekend. this is how it ended. stolen truck plowing into an apartment complex. the boy wandered away from a relative's home, then ended up leading police on a chase in a stolen truck. there's a lot more to the story. lapd says the teen side swept several cars and crashed the car. the family is apologizing but also asking for understanding. >> we do our best but he's 13 and he's curious, and autism just adds that. >> let me just apologize to everyone affected, everyone
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involved. >> the boy was in the hospital after the crash. back home tonight. it is not clear what charges he is going to face. every year for the past ten years hundreds of volunteers come together in the east bay to give back to underprivileged kids. roughly 200 people gathered in berkeley today to do just that, give school supplies to students in need. the nonprofit teamed up with uc berkeley students. they gave away almost $200,000 worth of school supplies to students. >> making ends meet in the bay area is harder than it's ever been. it's something that's impacted anyone who's lived here a substantial period of time. this doesn't solve anything, but it makes the fist day of school brighter for kids. it reminds them school is where they belong. >> it started ten years ago as a
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philanthropy project by the cal sorties and communities. way to go. a loophole allowing people to turn their homes into a full-time hotels. it's a move that's taking valuable housing off the market. nbc bay area investigating how this is legal next. here's one you guys will like. show me making it. oh! i got one. the best of amy poehler. amy, maybe we could use the voice remote to search for something that you're not in. show me parks and rec. from netflix to prime video to live tv, xfinity lets you find your favorites with the emmy award-winning x1 voice remote. show me the best of amy poehler, again. this time around... now that's simple, easy, awesome. experience the entertainment you love on x1. access netflix, prime video, youtube and more, all with the sound of your voice. click, call or visit a store today.
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recapping our top stories tonight, burning man begins a week today. a san jose man has been worki on his creation only to have it stolen. early friday morning two thieves stole what he calls his bike car. this surveillance video showing the thieves pushing the bikes down the street. he found his art in a nearby parking lot. the bad news is critical pieces remain missing. it's a shell of what it was. eric still plans to leave for burning man saturday but won't
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be taking the labor of love with him. he doesn't have time to restore it. b.a.r.t. service promises services will be normal in the morning. two eastbound lanes of highway 24 have been closed as crews replace a stretch of rail and components that have been in use since 1972. the lanes are supposed to reopen at 7:00 a.m. they could open earlier if crews finish ahead of schedule. it's the first of six weekend closures through october that b.a.r.t. is planning for the track upgrade projects. it was shocking video that shows a woman getting attacked right outside her home in san francisco by a homeless man. tonight the victim is trying to stop a homeless navigation center from being built right next to her building. >> it's a drug problem. this is mental illness. and you're putting them right next to our house. how can you put us in that
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danger? >> reporter: this woman made an emotional plea to san francisco's city leaders over a navigation center for the homeless going in on the embarcadero near her condo. >> take action. you have the capability to properly manage it. you don't even know who these people are. >> reporter: a man attacked her outside of her condo last week and it was caught on tape. the suspect is 25-year-old austin james vincent. >> we're here today to give a wake up call to san francisco. >> reporter: she stood along side the group who has been opposed to plans to build the navigation center. they filed a lawsuit. >> the city has dug in its heels and built a 200 bed homeless shelter in front of us despite the public safety concerns. >> reporter: he talked about recent crime and encampments, but one homeless advocate did
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not see how the issues are related to a center that's not yet hope. the mayor's office says data shows no link between the center and crime adding she's trying to expand the conservatorship laws. she says in part halting this building and shelter beds is not the solution. and the plan is to do what we can to try and build as many beds as we possibly can so we can address this issue in a humane way. >> chrissy smith reporting. san jose firefighters fok hadded down small brush fire in the bay. the fire broke out north of tremble. at least three lanes of freeway had to be shut down. they were quickly reopened. a paperwork backlog at san francisco's city hall is creating a loophole allowing people to bend the law. this is all about short term rentals like air bnb.
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how some are gaining the system in a city where affordable housing is already at a premium. >> reporter: renting out your home for a few days has an hailed as a great way to meet new people and make extra money, especially here in high-priced san francisco. but some are taking advantage of a loophole to turn their home into pretty much a full-time hotel. they're skirting city laws and getting away with it while taking valuable housing off the market. monica kruger and jim delaine are heading to court to sue their former land lord. the couple lived in the lower part of this san francisco duplex for four years but say it became unbearable after the land lord turned the top apartment into a sort of full-time hotel, regularly listing it on air bnb. >> we would never know what the group was going to be like upstairs as far as loudness -- >> or sobriety.
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>> epspecially. >> one night there was a huge fight and people were arguing andfurniture was falling down. it was 2:00 in the morning. >> in san francisco any home rented out for less than 30 days must be registered with the city and someone has to live there full-time at least 275 nights a year. the home above jim and monica's apartment tried to get approved as a short-term rental by submitting application to the city stating a woman named lee yang was the full-time renter paying $4,000 a month. but jim and monica say lee yang was their property manager who did not live in the unit. they say no one lived there while the home was being rented out nonstop online. the city agreed and denied the rental application twice, telling the homeowner and property manager it does not appear you reside in the unit where short-term rentals are being hosted. that was last year. but at the beginning of this year, a neighbor complained to the city saying the apartment was still being rented out.
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this woman owns the home. she lives in china but travelled to san francisco to be questioned by monica and jim's lawyer. >> why, if you knew you could not do air bnb at the property, you kept doing it for more than a year after the application was cancelled with the city? >> translator: because i have heard from the friends around me that they have been doing air bnb, so i continued to do that. >> she and her property manager declined our interview request. >> there's people who want to stay in the system and not play by the rules. >> reporter: omar is in the office of short term representals, the agency in charge of permitting and investigating rentals. >> it's just a one bedroom, right? >> reporter: he says about 45% of new short term rentals include false information on their application.
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most claim someone is living in the home when it's not actually their primary residence. do people come back and try to do it again? >> we get people who reapply and reapply. >> reporter: his office is now working through a monumental backlog. maz ri is one of only a team of four in charge of regulating the city's 1,300 approved short-term rentals. 1,100 more are still end approximate pending. it takes up to nine months to review rentals for sites. during that limbo period, the city allows rentals to be posted online immediately. that means because of the backlog people can continue running you will legal rentals and profiting potentially for months before ever getting caught. >> correct. you still have people gaming the system. >> reporter: three years ago, san francisco unveiled a new law that allows the city to fine home sharing companies up to a
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thousand dollars per day for posting illegal rentals. but we learned san francisco hasn't issued a single fine. the city tells us that once it learns about illegal listings, it asks companies to take them down and cancel all future bookings. the city says home sharing sites including air bnb have done just that. >> i think the system is working. >> matt middlebrook heads public policies for air bnb. >> does your company bear any responsibility for getting these listings taken down sooner? >> we take them down as soon as the city identifies them. would we like them to have more adequate resources to be able to process those faster? absolutely. we have a mutual interest with the city to have these operators off the platform. >> what's your interest in taking these down? >> our -- >> because you're making more money while they're up. >> but i -- the system is the city notifies us when they
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identify a fraudulent operator or somebody has an incorrect number. >> i didn't hear an answer there. what is the vested interest for you to take down these listings? you're just profiting as long as they're on the line. >> that's the law. that's the agreement we have with the city. they notify us. we take them down. that's how the system works. typically about six days they'll cancel pending reservations. >> if this continues to happen, does that tell you something in the system needs to be fixed? >> it's important to take a look back at it. that's a decision that would have to be made by the mayor's office and board of supervisors. >> the mayor's office is looking in into how to reduce the backlog of applications but didn't say when it expects to make changes. we also reached out to every member of the board of supervisors. so far no one is commenting. >> the over site is lacking. >> monica and jim ended upset lg with their land lord for an undisclosed amount but say no
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sum of money could make up for what they went through. they wouldn't afford another place in san francisco so they moved out of town. >> you wonder how many more people this happens to. >> reporter: the concern if land lords are able to take advantage of the loophole, to run illegal rent ms out of their homes, more long-term tenants could be forced out of theirs. >> still ahead, a desperate search for two firemen who vanished. tonight the one key piece of video that could lead search crews to these men.
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afghanistan celebrates its independence day tomorrow just two days after one of the worcester error attacks in
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years. isis claimed the suicide attacks at a wedding. nbc sarah harmon reports the violence is raising renewed concerns about the trump administration's plan to withdraw troops from the region. >> reporter: today burials began for some of the 63 victims. guests at a kabul wedding that turned into a blood bath. workers set about clearing away the uneaton feast and collecting shoes. a suicide bomber blew himself up inside the packed hall. the grief stricken groom has lost hope and is mourning his brother and friends in the wedding party. the attack was claimed by isis who carried out a number of deadly attacks in afghanistan and opposed both the afghan government and the taliban. it comes as the trump administration pushes to end involvement in the afghanistan
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while negotiating a deal with the taliban. >> we're having very good discussions with the taliban. we're having very good discussions with the afghan government. we have things under control very well. with a small force we can make it a little bit smaller and then decide. >> reporter: afghanistan is the u.s.'s longest running war and 14,000 troops are still in the country. a key taliban demand is withdrawal of all u.s. forces. saturday's deadly attack, a stark reminder of the difficulties afghans face even if the u.s. reaches agreement with the taliban. secretary of state mike pompeo said earlier this summer he hoped for a deal with the taliban before september 1st. but the last round of talks ended without agreement being announced. and in the meantime, the taliban continue to stage near daily attacks across afghanistan. sarah harmon, nbc news, london. a story you just don't hear,
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these two firefighters you see here, they're missing. the coast guard is looking for them. no one has seen them since they went fishing off the florida coast on friday. brian mcclueny and walker. this is the last footage anyone has of them. they're on a boat ramp near port canaveral. the families were expecting them back that night. they never came back. coast guard says its covering as much ground as possible in that search. new hope for patients, new groundbreaking science that was just used on mic jagger. could be safer than open heart surgery. right now starting to see low clouds across the bay. 62 in emoriville. a big warm up on the way in the forecast with had we come back.
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we switched from ford. i switched from ram. i switched to chevy. we switched to chevy. we switched to chevy. for dependability. for these guys. and just look at it. we switched to chevy. see for yourself why people are switching at the chevy all-star open house. get 20% below msrp on all 2019 silverado double cab pickups that's over $9,750 on this silverado. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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new hope for heart patients. the same procedure mick jagger had a few months ago is going to be available for all patients who need it here in the united states. the groundbreaking practice may safe people from having to undergo risky open heart surgery. >> thanks to a medical break through, this man is stronger than ever. >> i had a lot more juice than i had before the operation. >> reporter: two years ago while enjoying a night out with his wife, he suddenly collapsed. >> i felt light-headed. that's the last thing i remember. >> reporter: he suffers from
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aortic stenosis. without treatment, it can be deadly. rather than having open heart surgery to treat it, he had a catheter aortic valve replacement. it's the same surgery mick jagger had this year. now the fda is making the procedure available to all patients who need an aortic heart valve replacement. dr. matthew williams is the director of the heart center. >> is this going to change the way this procedure's done across the country? >> it's certainly going to change how we treat these patients. >> reporter: here's how it works. a small incision is made in the groin and a catheter is inserted. the catheter travels up to the heart and to aortic valve. it inserts the new valve within the damaged one. the procedure takes less than an hour. >> they're walkingen with two and a half hours, the procedure. and the overwhelming majority of
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them go home the next day. >> it's a perfect night. you can see crystal clear. the lights are sparkling. the stones. we're just hearing about mick. >> he was looking good out therement he was loving things around insanity clara. the fog over san francisco, that's part of the weather story for tomorrow morning. we're going to have misty skies, possibly drizzleme. some areas will probably see drizzle nrt commute. the low clouds rise up over the coastal hilltop and we'll likely start off the morning with low clouds all the way through the pass, strait, and into parts of the valley around morgan hill. that's the way morning starts.
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cloudy start. temperatures in the mid to upper 50s. highs tomorrow thanks to all day sea breeze. low to mid 80s in the east bay valley. mid 80 up towards ukiah and clear lake. low 70s around oakland. if you've got outdoor plans, all day tomorrow should be fine. good air quality. comfortable temperatures. but things will be changing towards the middle part of the week as we begin to see the desert southwest high which gave us the hot temperatures last week will build back towards california. maybe not as strong as what we saw last week. if you've got plans towards portland and seattle, there's a chance of seeing rain to the north while high pressure here keeps things trending warmer. we're just going to miss out on the shower chances. to the south, we've got these temperatures warming up not only through midweek and next weekend but look at the time stamp there at the top of the screen as we
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go through august 28th. climate prediction center is showing that these above average temperatures once they set up midweek to be sticking around for seven to ten days. you can see the blocking pattern now in place of strong high pressure. that will take us into and through your seven day forecast. san francisco coolest days of the week likely to be tomorrow and tuesday. not out of the question. we could see some up erp 70s around midweek and into next weekend. valley temperatures as well. you could see mid to upper 90s thursday and next sunday, warmest days in the 7-day forecast. we'll show you the extended forecast. notice how the numbers keep going up through next weekend. you see the five days in the 90s. more so for livermore as you continue to see the temperatures climbing. in san jose there's a distinct trend in the forecast. as we can see through the weekend, downtown san jose -- we
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see 90s in san jose. that means this time next weekend could be looking at numbers in the upper 90s. we'll be watching that second half of the week. those temperatures not just in the 7-day forecast but 10-day forecast staying pretty high. >> big jump tuesday to wednesday. >> absolutely. >> turning to sports now. anna has more. >> reporter: bay area baseball teams had a chance to get four teams over division fauxes as the giants continue their playoff pushes. we'll let you know if they can get it done. wouldn't you know it? antonio brown is causing problems for the raiders again. mike mayock weighed in on the situation and had critical comments about the star receiver. we'll show you what he said coming up next in sports. my experience with usaa
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sweep of the diamond backs and figured they had a good chance of madison bumgarner on the hill. adam jones hits a sinking liner to center. kevin pillar can't make the play. the ball gets by him. two runs score. jones rolls into third with a triple. on to the fifth inning, 3-0, d-backs wilmer flores hits one deep left. that was flores's sixth home run of the season. he hit three of those just this weekend. giants trying to rally. scooter jeanette singles. giants on the board 4-1. seventh inning. diamond backs go on to win 6-1. oakland to a's, astros fourth inning no score. to that point with a solo shot to left, simeon's 21st of the
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year. 1-0 a's. alex bregman digs out. astros in front 3-1. sixth inning astros looking to add on and ewe ri gurrielmokes one down. ka rhea races around to score. news out of the nfl. at raiders camp, it's time for another edition of as the helmet turns. antonio brown is still angry with the nfl over the helmet issue. it looks like the raiders have had enough as mike mayock delivered the ultimatum. >> here's the bottom line. he's upset about the helmet issue. we have supported that. we appreciate that, okay? but at this point, we've pretty much exhausted all avenues of relief. so, from our perspective, it's
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time for him to be all in or all out, okay? so, we're hoping he's back soon. we got 89 guys busting their tails. we are really excited about where this franchise is going and we hope a.b.s going to be a big part of it starting week one against denver. >> the 49ers take on the broncos tomorrow on monday night football. the giants are off monday as they travel to chicago for a series with the cubs. and a's welcoming the yankees on tuesday. more news after the break. uh-oh, looks like someone's
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you know, erin needs a helping hand from time to time especially if you're a dog and you're stuck on a balcony. not exactly an old saying, but firefighters have rescued cats
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from trees countless times as you know. but today firefighters had a save a dog. this is san mateo. crowd gathered, watching these guys. nice job. dog from a balcony on south b street. dog was okay. safely returned to its owner. truck 21, nice job. >> how did he get up there? >> we do not have the details. we just have the happy ending. we're hoping that's enough for the viewers. thanks for watching. have a great night. have a great week. take care.
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this week we're on the warner brothers lot with ray romano. >> this was our sitcom tv legacy and we want to protect it and go out with dignity. >> the "everybody loves raymond" actor remembers the last-minute decision that put him on the matt. >> the story i'd like to tell you, probably has no lidity, but in my head it does. >> and saying good-bye to his hit show. >> after a couple months wasn't that much fun. >> it wasn't? >> no, and i kind of crashed. >> romano continues to evolve as an entertainer, tackling dramatic roles and even returning to stand up. and his love of golf remains constant. the amateur golfer jokes about his run-in with tiger woods. >> at the time i was devastated, but now it's f


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