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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  August 10, 2019 11:00pm-11:28pm PDT

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right now at 11:00, he was a wealthy financier facing serious allegation the of sexual abuse until he was found dead in his jail cell. what the death of now means for alleged victims and a local congresswoman demands answers. the news at 11:00 starts right now. good evening, everyone. thanks for joining us. i'm terri mcsweeney. anoushah has the night off. questions after convicted sex offender and financier jeffrey epstein was found dead
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in his jail cell. two investigations want to know why he was left unsupervised after an apparent attempt to harm himself two weeks ago. nbc's bay area sergio quintana live now. sergio. >> reporter: he had been held in solitary confinement so it is not clear how he was able to harm himself. 66-year-old jeffrey epstein was accused of child sex trafficking and was awaiting his trial set for next year. his death comes a day after a trove of documents were unsealed detailing charges against peo his suicides means his alleged victims may not get their chance to tell the story in court. >> forcefully raped me. he knew exactly what he was doing. >> reporter: jennifer spoke to nbc news after epstein pleaded not guilty to the sex trafficking charges. in a statement she wrote tonight, i'm angry jeffrey epstein won't have to face his survivors of abuse in court. we have to live with the scars
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of his actions for the rest of our lives. multiple law enforcement sources tell nbc news he hanged himself in his cell. according to the u.s. bureau of prisons he was rushed to a local hospital where they were unable to resuscitate him. u.s. attorney general barr says he is appalled that this happened. >> there is something wrong. when he attempted suicide on july 28 was not on suicide watch in his cell when he did commit suicide. >> reporter: multiple people familiar with the investigation say epstein was on suicide watch afte incident but not on suicide watch overnight. a retired warden from three federal prisons questions how epstein's case may have been handled. >> if my chief psychologist was contematbe discussed among the facilities' executive staff. >> reporter: an inspector general of the department of
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justice and the fbi have both lodged investigations into his suicide. reporting live in san francisco, i'm sergio quintana, nbc bay area news. >> sergio, thanks very much. we are following breaking news out of san francisco tonight where a woman is dead, run over while walking downtown. police say right around 9:00, a car hit a woman in the street near the corner of 5th and market. she was pronounced dead at the scene. supervisor matt haney posted on twitter, the woman was hit by a taxicab. the driver of that vehicle cooperating with police, investigators say it does not appear drugs or alcohol were a factor in the crash. resiliency and peace in gilroy. white doves released at the gilroy rodeo in honor of the three people killed in the garlic festival shooting. organizers weren't sure how many people would show up after the tragic and terrifying events just two weeks ago. tonight the doves rose above the stands filled with crowds who decided to come out anyway.
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as the south bay mourns those three people killed during the gilroy garlic festival shooting, dozens came together in campbell for a town hall meeting on gun violence including the family of one of the victims. nbc bay area's marianne favro with more on the emotional meeting. marianne. >> reporter: terri, tonight the aunt of the 13-year-old girl killed during the gilroy garlic festival shooting spoke out. she said gun laws absolutely need to change to prevent other families from losing their children. mass shootings in gilroy, el paso, texas, and dayton, ohio, brought more than 60 people to campbell tonight. her 13-year-old niece like to s strong uniform gun laws that apply to every state. >> we wanted to come here to bring our story, the story of
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keyla and ask what they can do to support victims and what we can do to prevent this from happening again. >> reporter: state assembly members agreed lawmakers need to do more. >> it's really about getting weapons that are designed to kill people that are wartime military weapons out of the hands of ordinary people. >> we should also be looking at interstate come pacts and opportunities to review the second amendment. >> reporter: many in the audience asked what can be done to keep kids safe and prevent them from living in fear. this woman shared her story of shielding her young son from gunfire at the garlic festival. >> i hope every agrees no one needs an assault rifle. >> reporter: the main message tonight was that people need to take more i trying to curb gun violence, and they can start by contacting their local lawmakers.
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reporting live in campbell, marianne favro, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, marianne. more than a hundred democratic presidentful hopefuls attended this afternoon. he called for a cultural shift in how the country thinks about gun ownership. >> who in god's name needs a weapon that can handle hundreds of rounds? for god sake. >> all agree campaigns from the nra has prevented congress from movementing forward on gun control. california senator and presidential candidate kamala harris picked up a note worthy endorsement early this morning. party chairwoman sue and her husband former senator threw their weight behind harris. the announcement came just hours before harow forum on gun violence. she joined the call for reforms and more activism. >> history is going to show that you were the leaders who made something happen. >> harris joined several other candidates in calling for
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walmart to stop selling guns, urging walmart customers to shop elsewhere until the company makes that change. be sure to catch "meet the press" tomorrow morning. chuck todd will have an exclusive interview with senator harris and acting secretary of homeland security kevin mcaleenan. "meet the press" a 350erz on nbc bay area at 8:00 a.m. the follow-up on the plan to paint over that controversial mural at a san francisco high school chronicles reporting san francisco school board president steve cook is proposing a compromise. don't paint over it, just cover it up with panels. we're talking about the decades-old mural of ge that is named after him. critics point out it includes images of slaves as well as a dead native american. in june the school board voted to paint over that artwork. that decision sparked controversy. now cook is proposing to cover the objectionable parts of the mural with panels. school board it is official, aly
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buses will return to the new salesforce transit center in san francisco tomorrow and moves almost a year ago, crews found large cracks in the fly-over on the street. the lower level of the center reopened and san francisco muni bus has moved back in. tomorrow the upper level reopens and a-c transit service will resume. for the second time in two days, rescue crews were called to a san francisco cliff. at 12:30 this afternoon, two men hiking decided to go over the edge of the steep embankment and they couldn't get back up. by the time first responders arrived, one of the men had reached safety. the firefighters had to use pull is to rescue the second man. >> we respond out her a lot. a lot of times a dog will get over the side and the owner will try to help them. a lot of times we end up getting the owner back up and the dog gets itself back up. otherwise somebody gets too close to the edge of the cliff and finds they can't get them self back up.
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>> no one was hurt in today's incident. a possible shark sighting prompts a warning at half moon bay. they sent out a text through the alert system saying a great white shark what was spotted a quarter mile south of pill harbo harbor. the beach was not evacuated but they wanted everyone at the beach to be careful. follow-up tonight on the suspicious device found inside a milpitas walmart. police say they are looking for the person who left it there. this all started yesterday afternoon at the walmart on ranch drive. milpitas police responded to reports of a out and determined it was fireworks. the bomb sniffing dog went through the store and gave it the all clear. hearts are heavy for officers in solano county. today marks one year since the officer was killed along i-80 in fairfield. officer and another man jaime manuel were both killed when a car slammed into them during a traffic stop. that driver sean matthew walker currently faces two counts of
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gross vehicular manslaughter. investigators say he was looking at his phone at the time of the crash. this summer it was announced a portion of interstate 505 in vacaville will be named in officer gilchrist's honor. and get this, a similar crash today one year since that tragedy, this morning investigators say an impaired driver hit a solano c.h.p. sergeant on the side of the roadway right next to that crash site. the sergeant was released from the hospital and is expected to be okay. a serious accident along the coast, but this didn't happen in the ocean. it was on land. the new warnings about umbrellas at the beach. and lady gaga helping those who lived through tragedy. the project she has planned for several schools in gilroy. >> and we're seeing a sneak preview of your sunday morning. as you see the fog has swept back in with some drizzle to start the y. few areas climbing closer to 90 degrees. look at that when we come right back. from the couldn't be prouders
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day two of outside lands is in the books. tens of thousands o people foodd of course the music. in response to mass shootings across the country, security is tighter at that venue in golden gate park. more police, more fencing, one festival goer says she is extra like to be on the outside of the crowd in case something happened. there was an exit we could escape to.
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>> the last day of outside lands is tomorrow. some of the artists performing, paul simon. kego, and anderson pack. beach umbrellas can pose a serious and deadly risk when the wind kicks up and they blow away. a teenage boy is the latest to be seriously injured after being hit by one yesterday. nbc's jo ling kent reports. >> reporter: it was the scene of horror on this beach in gloucester, massachusetts. >> it was really scary. there's a lot of blood. >> i saw the kid on the ground laying down. >> reporter: after high winds picked up a beach umbrella and drove it right into the shoulder of a 13-year-old boy, seriously wounding. time i got over there there was about three or four people there. >> reporter: medics treated him on the scene before he was rushed to the hospital. scenes like this aren't uncommon. this toddler almost hit in july last year. the same month a metal umbrella spike pierced the ankle of a
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british woman in a new jersey beach. and in 2016, another woman was killed when an umbrella struck her in the chest at virginia beach. medical researchers later calculated the umbrella hit her with a force equal to 800 pounds. you're prepared. why are you so prepared? >> because we're tired of getting almost killed on the beach with umbrellas. >> reporter: in fact, the consumer product safety commission says around 2800 people were injured by beach umbrellas between 2010 and 2018. it's recommended to get an umbrella like this and stick it 12 inches into the ground. as you can see here, it's not that easy especially in the eslook,up. you're always looking for an umbrella? >> absolutely. >> i wish moreld really think about the safety of it and how they're putting their umbrellas ter: jo ling kent, nb news, coney island, new york. >> oscar and grammy winning superstar lady gaga plans to help those impacted by the shootdings across the country. it's going to fund 162 school
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classroom projects and communities impacted by the violence and that includes 23 classrooms in gilroy. on facebook, the singer/song writer posted yesterday about the project saying she's still trying to cope with emotions and is saddened for families who lost lochlds ones. new photos into the newsroom, a humboldt county sheriff vehicle crashed and caught fire all thanks to a falling bear. you heard me correct. the sheriff's department says the bear fell or jumped from an embankment onto the deputy's car. it smashed the hood and windshield. hit the embankment and burst into flames. deputy got out. no injuries. apparently the bear got out and got away and is fine tonight. i can't quite picture what the bear was thinking about. >> we need the dashcam video. >> we do. we need the video. not sure what's going on there. what
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what's going on here? we have a warming trend. >> some fog coming in, drizzle to start off tomorrow morning. but we will see temperatures in the second half of the weekend tomorrow trending a bit warmer, probably 5 to 10 degrees inland. let's talk about the low clouds right now. you can see san jose has some low clouds and it's a little sticky outside. we had some humidity come in with some tropical moisture out of the south courtesy of the weather system that brought some thunderstorms inland to our north today. right now we've got enough moisture at the lower levels for some areas of low clouds to spill around the santa clara valley for you. this is why it's tougher to sd 60s. highs today 69 degrees in san francisco. we should see some low 70s to wrap up the weekend. right now 50s and 60s outside. on shore winds bringing in the low clouds we're seeing in san francisco and across the inner bay. and likely inland for the morning. so few areas, especially around san francisco and the peninsula, could be waking up to some drizzle, but things will quickly change for the afternoon as our highs tomorrow should be about 5 to 10 degrees warmer inland.
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so mid to upper 80s south of downtown san jose. morgan hill probably closer to 90 degrees. tri-valley, too, if you're up around livermore or to the north out towards concord and pittsburg and antioch, very close to 90. for your sunday afternoon, mid to upper 80s around the 680 corridor. mid 70s to oakland and hayward, upper 70s expected closer to hayward tomorrow. 76 degrees for san mateo, redwood city, palo alto, you see the temperatures for tomorrow in san francisco. winds will still be out of the west. this isn't much of a warm up for to wrap up the weekend. 90s a little bit further to the north around ukiah and clear lake. so very interesting. satellite radar view doesn't look like august. we have this weather system here, upper-level low, thunderstorms off to the north. moving on through. and now high pressure is set to build in behind it so we'll get a little taste of that warm up tomorrow. but monday, tuesday and wednesday we'll see temperatures at their highest, and then for the second half of next week we'll watch the winds pick back
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up, but those could be some north winds. so it should be dry as opposed to the chilly foggy breeze we have now moving into san francisco. so we'll see temperatures in san francisco, chances are getting more 70s at least to start the week, then the winds will start picking up towards thursday and friday. and valleys probably looking at some 90s for about two to three days. no upper 90s or 100 degree temperatures, but again, a bit warmer than the weather we saw today. then breezy and dry as we e head towards thursday and friday. >> rob, thanks very much. football is back in the bay area, 49ers and the raiders both in action. one rookie had a dazzling debut. here's your buick sir.
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third round pick jalen hurd catches his first touchdown from nick mullens. it was the first of two touchdowns for hurd on the day. the 49ers win 17-9. over to oakland we go, the raiders hosting the rams. head coach jon gruden hoping for a bounce back year. picking up the second half, nathan peter man drops back. nothing happening. he's going to scramble and he's going to run. look at this guy. picking up 50 yards, his teammates love it. finally they bring himow inside the 10. raiders go on to win 14-3. wow. for a look at other here's brodie brazil. >> good evening, brodie brazil at the sports desk. the white sox have gone undefeated against the outsiders and scored 28-5. could the green and gold continue their dominance? this evening in chicago, it's game two of three in this
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series. we head right to the 7th inning. white sox leading 2-0 on the scoreboard. bases loaded for chad pinder. that's john jay in right field making a great catch for the white sox. probably saving a run or two or maybe the game for chicago. top nine, runners at second and third. a's down 3-0. chapman gets one past the third base man. two-run score on the error. it' game. bases loaded for khris davis. the white sox win by the slimmest of the margins 3-2. back here in the bay area, giants hosting the 1-0. evan longoria, the giants take a 2-1 lead. fast forwarding to the bottom of the 5th, kevin pillar, nobody on, 0-2 count, solo shot to left center. his 15th long ball on the season, and the giants extend their lead to 3-1. now top of the 8th. tying run at the plate.
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jeff somarja, the double dipper, he pitched eight innings, at one point retiring 20 batters in a row as the giants go on to win 3-1 the final score. that's all your sports on a saturday evening. more news after these messages. here's one you guys will like. show me making it. oh! i got one. the best of amy poehler. amy, maybe we could use the voice remote to search for something that you're not in. show me parks and rec. from netflix to prime video to live tv, xfinity lets you x1 voice remote.riteswinng sh this time around... now that's simple, easy, awesome. experience the entertainment you love on x1. access netflix, prime video, youtube and more, all with the sound of your voice. click, call or visit a store today.
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his hot air balloon crash landed at the galt new at 11:00, the man is injured tonight after his hot air balloon crash landed at the gault balloon festival today. this is video of the festival before thegault about h san fra. the accident happened at 9:00 this morning. officials say the hot air balloon which was tied to the ground caught fire. so they released it and it crashed into a corn field. no word on what caused that malfunction. the pilot was injured in the crash, but is expected to survive. not all heroes wear capes, but they can still fly. this is a stranger holding a woman's hand on a flight from
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san diego to nashville. the woman who took the pictures noticed the elderly woman tightly clutching the young man's arm as the flight took off. turns out the elderly woman told the man next to her she hadn't flown in 15 years and she was scared out of her mind. that man comforted her the entire flight. the 96-year-old said she was flying to celebrate her birthday with family in kansas city. there are some really nice things going on in the world. >> great story. >> and we have a nice gorgeous summer kind of forecast going for us. >> yeah, you know, we had some kind of humidity around here today and some showers up to the north. forecast tomorrow kind of sets things back to the way they should be for august. we have numbers in, when you notice ukiah, clear lake to the north. to the east, antioch, livermore, concord. to the south morgan hill, near 90 degrees tomorrow. that's about a 7 to 8 degree jump today. 85 in san francisco. should see 70s tomorrow, if not tomorrow definitely monday and
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tuesday. probably the warm est days of the week. and then the second half of the week we'll be watching some breezy conditions. notice the trend inland also, hotter to start the week and turning cooler as we get towards thursday and friday. what will be interesting to watch will be those winds, say, friday. it's going to bring temperatures down, but they could be a toast of those north winds which we typically get closer to fall. those will be some dry winds at times. something we'll watch closely across in the higher elevations the end of the week. point out we have lightning strikes and thunderstorms. we had more than a dozen fires in shasta county put out in the last 24 hours. any time you have lightning and wind you have to watch that around the hills. >> all right, rob, thanks very much. and thanks for watching. saturday night live coming up next. next. have a great night. my experience with usaa has been excellent. they really appreciate the military family and it really shows. with all that usaa offers why go with anybody else? we know their rates are good, we know that they're always going to take care of us. it was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago.
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[ nbc theme plays ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> hello. thank you, and hello, again. i'm laura ingraham and you're watching "the ingraham angle," which re-airs on telemundo as "la madre del diablo."


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