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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  August 9, 2019 11:00pm-11:33pm PDT

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♪ ♪ the next american chinese original is here. new sichuan hot chicken. for a heart breaking limited time only at panda express. right now at 11, bold and brazen, police say this prowler broke into a home and made off with priceless heirlooms. and her dream trip ruined before it even began. >> i remember being angry and frustr >> how a 12-year-old said an airplane disrespected her before boarding a plane on sfo. >> and a system that could bring
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rain to the bay area. the news at 11 starts now. >> breaking news in the south bay, a live look at the walmart in milpitas. within the last hour police gave the all clear. a suspicious device was discovered inside but not a threat. right now a sweep is underway with a bomb-sniffing dog to make sure that everything is okay. it began around 4:00 p.m. and the walmart was evacuated as a precaution. >> a burglar on the prowl inside a san jose house. the owners are inside and unsuspecting until they saw the home surveillance video and realized precious missing. >>:'xú here is the security vi new at 11. >> reporter: here he is in the video you can see the man puts on a sweater. that is not his.
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belongs to joanna. this is her parents' house. >> nobody was injured but just the idea of somebody coming while they are in the house. >> it happened around 10:00 wednesday morning. ed cruz and his wife are the only ones home. ed was clearing out his neighbor's drive way. eight minutes the intruder plodded around their house. ed told me it is supposed to go in his bedroom. >> what was here? >> what is more disturbing his wife was in the next room. >> the jewelry was three feet away from where she is taking a shower. >> the cruzs are happy they are okay but joanna's mom is devastated they lost the jewe. sentimental >> n the only intruder took. he put on a cap, a warriors house. they got it in the final season the team just played at oracle
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arena. >> good news after the complicated cliff rescue earlier tonight. this is part of our breaking news coverage. father and son this evening expected to be okay. the boy fell off of his bike and down the cliff near aquatic park this evening. the father climbed down to save him. firefighters were lowered down the cliff. they put the boy on a backboard and on to that boat and transported him to safety. >> angry and frustrated after being forced to remove her red scarf in public. a muslim girl said she was singled out by an air canada wao make sure it does not happen to anyone. it is really a question of security versus religious rights. >> well, about to canada an agent me w pulled her aside telling her to
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remove her head scarf. >> i remember being angry and frustrated. >> reporter: this 12-year-old is speaking up after being singled out by an air canada employee at sfo. the squash player was traveling with the u.s. national team. an employee stopped her at the gate telling her to remove her head scarf. >> he said you are going to need to take that off. i was confused at first. he said that. i said i can't. he said you have to. >> a female employee took her into a corner, not a private room. >> i was scared. be separated from mym teammates. i didn't want to be late. >> she boarded the flight she texted her family. her sister tweeted about the incident askingplain. >> i want to make sure it does not happen to anyone again. we don't want it to happen
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again. >> air canada apologized on twitter and said although such checks are required by law we will review this situation with our airport agents to ensure better care is taken in the future. the council on american islamic relations said she was unfairly targeted. >> i am concerned muslims continue to complain of harassment and intimidation at our airports. >> the family is not interested in getting money from air canada but asked the to donate money to the shooting victims in el paso. jean elle, nbc bay area news. all right, the weekend is here and rain might be on the way for some of us. here is a live look in let's bring in jeff joining us
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with a unique weekend forecast. >> it is unusual for august to get rainfall but not totally unheard of. we have a storm system to the north with a slight chance of spotty showers tomorrow. checking the timeline on this. 2:30 in the morning, showers near the coast.bay. 11:00 would be the best chance near the coast line and near the north bay. this is what we know right now about the storm. just off to the left again. slight thunderstorm risk with a possibility for the bay. california and oregon border, quarter to a half inch there we will go over the totals, take a look at the full weekend forecast and when temperatures reach near 100 degrees again in abut jeff. a fast-moving brush fire in alameda county got dangerously
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close to homes. people were ready to evacuate. that didn't happen. it did not come to that. live with the story of one family feeling very lucky tonight cheryl. >> reporter: that's right. the couple is feeling really lucky tonight. the fire got really close to their property line. they were not at home and got a call from a neighbor, a call that nobody really wants to get. >> i didn't even think it would be this close, you know. i thought top of the hill or er the fire really did get that close. a scary sight when they ended upcoming home to a sh right behind their house. >> soon as the guy tellin tght up to the house. i starteddog, oscar and firefiger rest. attacking the brush fire from the ground and the air. >> the fire burned 248 acres. smoke was visible for miles
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away. there is an air quality advisory out this evening as smoke will travel to different parts of the trivalley area. >> air quality officials telling people with preexisting health conditions if they smell smoke. all the y can they say are thankful their home was ke a lk morning. this fire at a warehouse. inside the warehouse, artist ny aud sobering reminder of the deadly ghost ship killing 3. >> fire is different than that one. >> it is not a live/work studio. individuals work during the day and go home at night. >> this fire, no injuries. more than 50 firefighters
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managed to contain it keeping it from destroying the building. >> first responders receiving special recognition at the san francisco giants game tonight. responders from six different agencies threw the first pitch together, a sign of unity. >> the first response, it is heartbreaking at first. i am born and raised here. when you hear something like that come over the radio and you are responding, you really just take a second, take a deep breath and you remember santa c department. in the eastumanity rally. the goal to provide a safe space for community members to express their fears after the mass shootings.
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>> the gunman who killed 22 people in el paso said he targeted mexicans. the suspect admitted to driving from the dallas area to el paso in west texas where more than l 80% of the population is hispanic. detectives say he admitted going into the walmart with an ak-47 and shooting people. he is being charged with capital el paso investigators said they will seek the death penalty. >> golden gate park, the festival that draws 200,000 people is undergoing certain. tighter security, extra police officers and tighter fencing. some expressed being nervous after the shootings, a group from el paso say they are refusing to let the fear hold them back. >> no reason for us to be fearful all of the time and to
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give somebody the power to let us live in fear. >> you have a big change, marijuana can be sold and smoked in a designated area called grass lands, the first major u.s. festival to legally buy and smoke marijuana. >> we are back in 60 seconds. still ahead he was on a ride along with an officer when they encountered trouble. how a quick-thinking teenager jumped into action. >> where are they going? a disappearing student body, an nbc bay area exclusive. >> i am tracking rain right now moving over northern california. headed right towards mount shasta. we will tell you about our bay area rain chances this weekend. from the couldn't be prouders
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check out this video. this is a rescue mission on tomales bay. a sailboat got stuck, they made it for the first responders difficult to get the stranded sailors. the life boat eventually reached the boat and towed it to shore and everybody is okay. >> a plan straight pride rally in modeshapn, at least not for now. the city denied the permit. organizers did not have the right insurance for the nt. coalition. the founder of the group national straight pride defended his -- >> we have not done anything. we are a totally peaceful racist group. >> apparently unintended. right outside the meeting hundreds of protesters that say the group has a hidden white supremmist agenda.ueqq
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organizers have until next tuesday to get the right insurance and a new location. >> a san francisco man shot while volunteering abroad. he is in critical condition after someone shot him four times in the philippines. his family maintains it was an assassination attempt philippine government. the trump administration is blocking california's plan to add new warnings to the weed killer, roundup. after the rulings california ordered the product's owner montsanto to have a label -- >> check the calendar for many students. school starts next week.
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superintendents in the south bay show enrollment is dropping dramatically costing them millions of dollars in funding. >> children watch in visible agony as their parents are led away in handcuffs by immigration agents in mississippi. many saw the images here say that it felt like a punch in the stomach. >> it was horrible. >> the superintendent thinks the similar action here is forcing parents to pull their kids from school. she saw a large drop last year and this year another 276 will not be coming back. 68% of the parents said they are leaving the state. >> that tells me families are moving up north somewhere or
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many of them might be going back home to the country of origin. >> that is a $3 million hit in state funding for the economically challenged district. the east side district said they will have at least 250 fewirnlh students this year and san jose unified said they will also see a drop. she is as she knows the pain firsthand. she is the child's legal guardien after the father was deported by ice. she sees the fear in childrens eyes every day. fear their parents won't come home and on the first day of school their best friend's desk will be empty. >> well, a quick thinking
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teenager helped a sacramento police officer. 18-year-old sam korb was on a ride along when he acted a few men acting suspiciously. he used the car radio, the patrol car to call for backup. >> backup helped officer bradley get everyone in custody. >> you are fighting with someons it is a scary moment. >> he wanted to be in law enforcement since he was little and apparently is well on his way. >> he is hired. >> oh, man. >> at least for training for sure. >> jeff is here with 4,000 people and music on the square. >> you were having such a good time. how many ice creams did you give out? >> 1,200. >> you didn't bring any/%f] bac. it melts. >> you were having a good time. >> it was a nice evening out there. ]v the fan.
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>> we were redwood city specific forecast. >> we will get you covered. the thing we are starting off with is that it is unusual for august, a storm system that is starting to move in right now. what i want you to know about this is that we have the possibility of spotty rainfall ms but the main part of the storm will remain off to the north. we areki the bottom edge of this. okay. now we have got that out of the way let's look at the radar. we do have cloud cover over the north bay, the coast and yes rainfall right here to the north. if you are heading off to the north tomorrow that is really where you should expect the better chance of wet weather.
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8:00 in the morning. you can see the storm moving over, it will bring us a slight chance of wet weather here near the coast line. i know it looks impressive with the big green blob offshore but as it tries to move in, it falls apart. we have spotty chances and for the about 11:00 here on saturday morning. totals, we told you it was more of a northern storm system. half inch in redding, eureka. just be ready for a few raindrops. otherwise it will be a nice day. >> you can see down there tomorrow. not too hot. happening right near average
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here. looking good in oakland at 74. 79 in paloalto. it will be chilly at the beach at 64 degrees. 69 in the mission. the north bay. napa and sonoma counties, don't wtyou. 79 and napa at 80. my extended forecast shows in san francisco the numbers start s by thursday and friday. take a breath here for a second. things are go to get hotter. here is the deal. we are at 84 tomorrow. a slight chance of spotty shower. mid-90s, thursday and friday.
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a hot start to the school week. next time we are in the treat truck check us out. >> i want to go next time. i will go. >> yes. >> we have more in a few minutes. i am not done yet. the fiveioof cash to stop this. >> happening now, the wake of the garlic festival mass shooting, the san jose jazz fest is stepping up security. they will require everyone to wear a wristband. police are asking if you see something tell a security officer immediately. we are back with more news in a moment. can my side be firm?
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and my side super soft? with the sleep number 360 smart bed it can... can it help keep me asleep? it your last chance to save up to $600 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. ends wednesday.
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police departments are getting a lot of money to crackdown on car break-ins. officers say the money will be invested in cameras, improving communication with apartments. police say the best way to prevent break-ins is not to leave anything where thieves can see it. >> i left my guitar. the guy broke in, took my guitar and backpack. my corporate laptop and my checkbook. >> all right. there is a lesson. don't leave anything in the car. not a guitar. >> video games are out but guns can stay. walmart is pulling violent video games after the mass shooting. the company says they have no plans to stop selling firearms
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or ammunition. the move about the violent video games is temporary. >> amazon taking steps towards selling spirits. if it goes through amazon can deliver alcohol to their customers. people would buy the wine, beer or spirits it to your door and someone over 21 has to be there to sign for it. >> you ready for football? two games. major headache. we will tell you about it next. my experience with usaa
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all right. think back to the old days. >> like 50 years ago? >> barry bonds used to hit home runs out in the water. >> now not so much. beautiful views from every seat. grateful dead night. what a long strange trip it's been. giants and phillies. stephen vogt a home run into mccovey cove.
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that was a shot. seventh the phillies get into it. bryce harper, also into mccovey cove. giants wanted to sign bryce harper in the off-season. thanks but no thanks. tonight two home runs for harper as the phillies beat the giants at the ballpark. the a's have been in chicago all week. first a series against the cubs and now the white sox. matt chapman with his 26th home run of the season. stanford alum stephen piscotty gets into the home run act today. the a's blank the white sox 7-0 your final. >> all right. odd story of ernation. their new high-priced receiver, antonio brown not practicing, upset with the nfl's new helmet. his old one no longer meets the safety standards. brown said he will not play again unless he can use his old
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helmet. >> this is strange. by the way the raiders host the rams tomorrow night at the coliseum. the lights are on as they prep the field. >> 49ers kicking off preseason. they tweeted off the crews putting the footage. >> jimmy g will be there but not playing tomorrow night. giants, 9-6 the phillies won. here's one you guys will like. show me making it. oh! i got one. the best of amy poehler. amy, maybe we could use the voice remote to search for something that you're not in. show me parks and rec. from netflix to prime video to live tv, xfinity lets you find your favorites with the emmy award-winning x1 voice remote. show me the best of amy poehler, again. this time around... now that's simple, easy, awesome. experience the entertainment you love on x1. access netflix, prime video, youtube and more, all with the sound of your voice. click, call or visit a store today.
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>> monday it is back to school. >> and the latest on the gun debate as political pundits square off. well, it's been a long couple of weeks and tonight we needed smiles. what makes everyone smile, free ice cream of course. our nbc bay area team had our treat truck, ice cream and hugs and the whole deal. this is inghq redwood city and y know how to have a good time. we gave away 1,200 units of ice cream. >> looks like she is having such a good time. >> with the mustache. >> jeff, you had so many adoring fans out there and you played well. >> mustache harbor was playing.
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the dedicated fans had mustaches and i grabbed one of them. >> have a good evening. and now, here he is, jimmy fallon


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