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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11AM  NBC  July 27, 2018 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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carr fire in redding -- right now at 11:00, flames too much for one firefighter battling the carr fire in redding. plus, dozens of structures destroyed, thousands more in immediate danger. the fire continues to burn at this hour after already excuse ming an area the size of oakland. good morning, everyone. thank you for joining us for the midday new cast. i'm scott mcgrew in for marcus. >> i'm laura garcia. we brought you live breaking coverage of the fire all morning long on "today in the bay." we have learned a firefighter from the city of redding died in the fire fight. earlier this week, a dozer operator was killed new this morning, three marin county
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firefighters were injured. the fire burned more than 44,000 acres, that's 75 square miles. >> it's only 3% contained. we just called that out of control. 65 structures gone. nearly another 5,000 threatened by flames. so far, thousands of people evacuated from their homes. nbc's pete suratos is live in corte madera. >> reporter: you're seeing the containment number go down and why a number of firefighters from the bay area including from here are heading up there to battle the growing carr fire. i want to show you the video. this is what they're facing and the residents evacuating from. frgt fire officials, saying it began on monday with officials say it was called by a mechanical failure of a car. fire officials say it's the wind, the hot temperatures and the humidity in that area
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yesterday that's causing this fire to grow in size. now, that fire's already tore through shasta and keswick before reaching redding. as you mentioned, two people have passed away as a result of the fire. the first reported death was a private contractor working the bulldozer, working a bulldozer along fire lines and that second death that we're learning about just this morning, a firefighter with the city of redding. also, three firefighters locally from here in marin are being tree treated for burns, as well. now the office of emergency services. this is an important command center working with different agencies as the fire, the carr fire, near redding continues to grow. the agency informs us which fire teams leave from the bay area to batting this carr fire. i want the show a small sample of the bay area agencies up there. that is list as of 12:00 p.m.
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yesterday. we can see more as the fire continues to grow. fire agencies on that list. you want to stay with nbc bay area for the latest developments with crews heading to the redding area as we speak. live here, pete suratos, nbc bay area news. >> thank you. social media, of course, also giving us an up close view of the fire. we have this video from sergio redding. following the #carr fire and images are powerful. if you have relatives or friends in the redding area taking pictures and videos, hopefully they're safe. they can share the videos with us, as well. send them to ic@nbc bay >> you can download the nbc bay area app. our digital team sends out alerts as news breaks and keeps you updated during the breaking news. of course, the weather playing a big role in redding. been so hot lately and all that dry vegetation. let's check in with kari hall
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now for a look at the latest conditions. >> checking the weather conditions, unfortunately, it is already starting do get very hot. current temperature at 93 degrees. and we do have some very light winds, low humidity and only at about 23%. look at these temperatures. as we go through the day. i mean, that heat just gets unbearable in those areas and that's what makes it so difficult for those crews trying to get some containment on that, really can't do too much when it's 110 degrees outside. we're going to see more of that weather as we go through the next few days. here's a live look outside in san jose with all clear skies and going to be a nice and warm afternoon. little bit cooler than yesterday heading up 2086 degrees at 3:00 to 4:00 and then cooling down nicely for the evening with mid-70s. going to santa cruz, expect lows with sunshine. across the bay area with a wide range in temperatures, at 62
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today in half moon bay and 95 in concord. san jose 85. also 85 today in napa. we'll take a look at the weekend forecast coming up. >> thank you very much. we are following developing news this morning in oakland. two people are dead after an early morning shooting. it happened on bancroft and 73rd avenue in east oakland. witnesses with the video suggest multiple rounds fired. police aren't saying if they know the motive and so far no arrests. three deaths linked to the b.a.r.t. system over a one-week period has people concerned now about passenger safety. one of the suspects accused in the fatal stabbing at an east bay b.a.r.t. station set to be arraigned this morning but it's been changed. >> anser hassan joins us. >> reporter: that's right. he was supposed to be arranged at 8:30 but the judge agreed to
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a postpone. the new date is set for august. i spoke with the contra costa county district attorney's office this morning and wouldn't comment on camera but said last weekend the 20-year-old got into a fight with a man that lives in pittsburgh and began as an argument which turned physical. the two got off at the pleasant hill b.a.r.t. station and when bay allegedly stabbed bisby. treated for a cut to the knee and found dead in the bed last friday. a statement of b.a.r.t. police atrib attributes the death to the death from an infection in his knee. his lawyer just received the court case yesterday. the new trial date is set for august 10th. anser hassan, nbc bay area news. >> thank you very much. here are other top stories to follow on this friday
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morning. chp looking into what sounds like a freak accident. reporters responded to a crash. they found someone in a car towing a mechanical cart. now, that cart rolled back as one of the chp officers approached. it struck and injured him. the officer on the gurney upright and with an injured foot. the chp not telling us the specific injuries. the man driving the car ran from the scene. well, the by the end of the year might be a plan in place for a sort of secondary downtown in walnut creek. for years developer trs trying create a north downtown area. planners held a study session, the goal is a final draft by november. in san francisco, another headache for commuters beyond the usual delays and crowds. muni said there's an operator shot and and they're getting a
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lesson on new trains and buses and radio system and while they're training fewer operators can run scheduled service. some buses aren't even hitting the streets which officials say means longer waits. but it won't last forever. muni says delays and crowding lasts a few more weeks. president trump denied he knew ahead of time that his son and others in his campaign would meet with russians. the president tweeted, i did not know of the meeting with my son don jr. sounds to me like someone is trying to make up stories in order to get himself out of unrelated jam. taxi cabs maybe? he even retained bill and hillary's crooked loor. gee, i wonder if they helped him make the choice. the president talking about his own former lawyer michael cohen. reports are cohen will tell prosecutors trump did know about the meeting at trump tower ahead of time. private e-mails show the russians promised the trump
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campaign dirt on hillary clinton. the president maintained all along he did not know about the meeting ahead of time but he did write a memo afterwards disguising the true point of the meeting. president trump went out of the way to announce the u.s. economy surged 4.1% in the second quarter. the highest growth rate since 2014. >> once again, we are the economic envy of the entire world. when i meet the leaders of countries, the first thing they say invariably is, mr. president, so nice to meet you. congratulations on your economy. you're leading the entire world. >> speaking outside the white house, the president said he believes that growth will continue. he did not address the latest news about his former lawyer and the new allegations of collusion. coming up next, a look at markets and how facebook shares are doing this morning after a sharp decline yesterday. plus, we're helping send thousands of bay area kids back to school with supplies they need. chris chmura on shopping duty.
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>> reporter: hey, there, yeah. i'm out here with iheart radio 80s 103.7, jamba juice and pizza my heart and family giving tree and allowing you to stuff a backpack for a kid in need. we'll show you how it works and we'll -- you could save energy
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by living off the grid. completely. or... just set the washing machine to cold. do your thing. with energy upgrade california.
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welcome back to your markets trading lower this morning. you know, we were talking about facebook yesterday. that stock's fallen another 1% and the big story is twitter. it is down 18%. pretty much matching percentage-wise facebook's loss yesterday. dow industrials losing 87 points. >> rough couple of days for those bay area tech companies. all right. cooling down in the weather. not that much that you'll feel it but at least a little cooler in time for the weekend. >> cooler inland areas. it is much cooler for the coast. where it's already been cool and getting a live look outside
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right now in dublin, we are seeing a lot of sunshine and temperatures starting to warm up there. air quality will be one big issue today because we are going to have moderate air quality for the north bay, as well. all the way down to santa clara valley. if you have breathing sensitives in the hottest time of the day you will need to take it easy, maybe limit your time outside. here's a look at the temperatures right now across the bay area. we're feeling the warmest air right now in morgan hill. 75 degrees. livermore 71. 64 right now in napa. getting a look at the microclimate and highs, 81 degrees today in milpitas and 90 in morgan hill. ready for the garlic festival and up to about 91 degrees. that's starting out already. and then as we get a look at the east bay temperatures, up to 92 in walnut creek. oakland 70 degrees. 91 today in livermore.
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as we get a look at the coastal temperatures for the peninsula, at 62 degrees and 79 today in redwood city. upper 60s in san francisco and mostly sunny skies with brisk westerly winds at 18 miles per hour. in santa rosa, a high of 84 degrees. so what are you going to do this evening? how about checking out music on the square in redwood city? that's going on this evening and at about 80 degrees at the time that the music starts. getting the spot and then cools off into the 70s for the latest this evening and much cooler out at at&t park. we still have those low clouds and the drizzle going on now. there will be some clearing for the middle of the afternoon as you head to the park. and then as we go into first pitch, it'll be turning mostly cloudy again and very cool. 60 degrees at first pitch. watch it from the comfort of your couch right here on nbc bay area. and then if you're going to the gilroy garlic festival tomorrow,
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still hot. we are talking highs in the low 90s. mostly sunny skies. hottest time of the day will be right at about 3:00. and if you are out there at that time, if you find some shade, find something nice cool to drink and may not have the crowds you will have early and late in the day. and then if you're going to the benicia waterfront festival that's tomorrow. the storm ranger will be there and the temperatures reaching into the upper 80s during the middle of the day. we're going to be slightly cooler once again compared to the weather we had just a couple of days ago and then early next week we're back in the 90s for the inland valleys. san francisco, not changing much. we have a pretty good marine layer here to keep it foggy and a little bit of some clearing during the afternoon. and then the fog rolls back in and going to be cool into the weekend, some gusty westerly winds and our high temperatures only reaching into about 66 degrees on sunday. upper 60s and low 70s for early
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next week. so we'll check out some more things going on around the bay area as you try to make some weekend plans, that's coming up next. scott and laura? >> thank you. all too often students don't have the school supplies they need. and teachers struggle to do their job without the necessary resources. but you can help. >> nbc bay area and telemundo 48 teaming up to help in the second annual supporting our schools back to skochool drive. chris? >> reporter: good morning. we have been showing you assembly lines around the bay area all week. you can participate live right here. we're outside the jamba juice and pizza my heart. if you feel compelled to help a student in need, come down here, take a backpack and run down the line and put everything kids need inside that backpack. donate it to the family giving tree and deliver it to kids as
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soon as school starts. you know, this is a really big job because the need is actually a lot greater than a lot of people realize. >> erasers, glue sticks, pencils, pens. >> reporter: this is a mini assembly line. both at samsung in san jose. >> samsung is really committed to the community. providing these backpacks to these families helps them have funding for other items their family needs. >> reporter: and dob -- dolby laboratories. family giving tree, a nonprofit, teams up with companies to fill hundreds of backpacks for low income students. separated by grades, kindergarten through 12th. >> education is a key to breaking the cycle of poverty and really important to us at dolby. >> those kids are doing homework or trying to with no supplies so typically by the third grade they're already two years behind. >> reporter: family giving tree
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started the drive in 1995. >> over the 20 years, we have given away over 325,000 backpacks. >> reporter: but 325,000 barely puts a dent in the bay area's need. >> annually, there's a need of over 350,000 so with our goal of this year of 37,000, we're going to reach about 10%. of course, we would like to do way more than that but with community support hopefully we can. >> reporter: and this is the very first backpack donated this morning. we are very happy to that this is the first one. like to see lots and lots more. you can donate on our website. it's nbc bay there you can basically build a virtual backpack or donate cash if you want. to do it in person, face to face with us, we're out here in mountain view 10:00 a.m. we got here at 10:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. you can take one of these notes and put it inside the backpack
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that you donate and you can say this is from you. come on down if you like. mountain view. elmonte avenue. we are here until 7:00 p.m. thousands of kids count on you and please try to come down here or visit the website. back to you in the studio. >> it's been nice, too, you have had great support out there, too, from these bay area companies, lending a hand. >> reporter: absolutely. we have been at those companies all week long and the assembly lines are full of enthusiasm and the fact of the matter here is we have a goal of 37,000 backpacks and the vaereality ise need is 350,000 and hope to far surpass the goal this week. >> you're right. build on it, too. thank you, chris. coming up, another historic lunar event. the bay area going to have a hard time seeing this one, though. but our mike inouye with viewing
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options for us joining us next. wikileaks founder assange might be kicked out of the embassy in london. ecuador granted him asylum in 2012 after accused of sexual assault in sweden and british officials said he broke the terms of the bail. he could be extradited to the u.s. radioshack is back. the 97-year-old company is partnering with hobby town. the new express stores will start popping up inside 100 hobby town locations across the country. we're back right after this break. fire danger - high across
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california.. monday morning - we )ll update you on all the wildfires burning. plus: our consumer team plays "guitar hero" for a north bay music shop. how they strung together some missing instruments! )today in the bay. ) 4:30 to 7. you know when you're at ross shopping for backpacks... ...and mom also gets a back-to-school bag? that's yes for less. ross has the brands you want for back to school. and it feels even better when you find them for less. at ross. yes for less.
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you know when you're at ross and you'rhello.... ...and then the price is like, helllooo! that's yes for less. find the latest trends and styles at prices that are a perfect fit. it feels even better when you find it for less. at ross. yes for less.
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area dot com. welcome back, everyone. we are staying on top of what's trending online and nbc bay mike joining us with a twist on tgif. >> tgi blood moon friday. doesn't sound good. >> it's okay. >> i wanted to show you a look. we are talking about a lunar eclipse, blood moon lunar eclipse. it's going to make the moon a deep, deep red color. over here, you see over my shoulder it says space is awesome. it's going to be live at 4:00 eastern. that's 1:00 p.m. for us. you can watch the web cast. right now there's nothing to watch here and if you go outside, there's nothing for us to watch either. it is daytime here. you have to go on the other side of the earth. here we are. geography lesson. the united states.
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you have to go on the other side of the earth where it's dark and then you have a chance of seeing the moon in the eclipse. show you a map closer up. i pulled down a couple of spots on the other side of the world. egypt. the pyramids of giza. look at the beautiful view of the village there in greece, as well. dubai, modern and ancient. clear skies and high-rises close to the moon and then we have a national park in zimbabwe. a great way the see the lunar eclipse, all five nice locations do go and see the lunar eclipse. >> i don't think i'm going to make it in time. >> it's not even 11:30. last time it was here. >> i remember that. >> there's ivey from the diner! first eclipse ever. we had to get the special glasses. we tried them on and used them. you don't have to use them.
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for two reasons. one, because it's lue mnar. >> yeah. >> the moon. you can't see it here because it's daytime here. >> right. >> that's solar eclipse i drove up to oregon. >> that's right. >> phenomenal. one of the sort of once in a lifetime things and five seconds but it was awesome five seconds. >> you didn't go for a major meet-up there's people -- >> packed. >> shared the energy. >> we walked through the parking lot and it was packed. >> i'll post the pictures. it was a big group happening. you know what in melissa, a visitor there in the back, a cousin from melbourne, australia. >> off camera. >> you can't -- don't go behind the tv. she said people in melbourne to watch it, as well. >> very cool. watch it on the web. >> good day or good night. hey, good doughnut. something tweet right now. a special day at krispy kreme. this week the iconic doughnut
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chain is celebrating an 81st birthday today. in honor of the occasion, there's special days. if you buy a dozen doughnuts, you can buy a second dozen for just a dollar and also a special edition glazed confetti doughnut for a week only starting today. six former major league hall of fame players will be inducted. today in new york. more than 50 returning hovers on hand tomorrow for the induction. coming up, the fire burning out of control in the heart of redding in northern california. melissa colorado just arrived. >> reporter: guys, we just arrived to this community here in redding and this carr fire destroyed over 65 buildings including these homes, homeowners just arriving to this neighborhood and coming face to face with this heartbreak.
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we'll have a live report right after the break. shasta county.
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a redding firefighter died this morning battling the we continue to follow breaking news this shasta county, a redding firefighter died this morning after battling what is called the carr fire. it is a second death related to that blaze. >> thousands of people evacuated after the fire exploded last night. 44,000 acres burned. it is only 3% contained, basically out of control. the fire burning in redding which is a few hours north of the bay area. >> nbc bay area's melissa colorado just got to redding. gosh, the devastation behind you just looks horrible. reminds us of the north bay fires. >> reporter: absolutely horrific. we have seen the video on social media but seeing this face to face is just a whole other thing. i want to show you the
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devastation that the homeowners living along turquoise court and harland drive are returning to. 65 buildings have been destroyed. but these are the homes that are absolutely charred beyond recognition. we are starting to see homeowners return to the homes, trying to find out what exactly they can salvage. the carr fire has destroyed over 45,000 acres. it is only 3% contained. as you mentioned, the carr fire has already killed two people, including a bulldozer operator and a firefighter with the redding fire department. and the reason why this fire is so destructive is because of the erratic winds. you saw this video on social media. the fire, the flames jumping across the sacramento river and it is a ve voracity of the winds. it shows you the power of the strong winds that are carrying the flames.
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it is just 3% contained at this point. three marin county firefighters were treated for burns to their face, hands and ears. and really all of west redding has been told to evacuate asap. as you can see, this community here in redding is just absolutely destroyed and we are going to be seeing a lot of heart break today, unfortunately, when the homeowners return to this neighborhood and they see what is left of their homes. we'll be having -- have a live report at 5:00 and 6:00 later tonight. back to you guys. >> so sad. thank you very much. a redding television station became part of the story last night. it forced the news team to evacuate. >> it played out on television on air. take a look. >> right now, we are being evacuated. that's why we are kind of closing out right now. we are going to leave the station because it is now unsafe to be here. >> that's what people watching krcr saw a little after 10:30 last night.
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the station providing updates on station and reporters with updates from the field to their facebook page. no matter where you live, our free nbc bay area app is a great tool to have in emergencies, whether fire or weather or anything else. our digital team sends out alerts as news breaks constantly keeping you updated in the emergency news. >> in other news, barring a successful legal appeal as of next week, you know download and print guns in your home. these are pictures of both downloads and weapons people will be able to produce. the company that came up with the designs called it defense distributed debuted in 2013 and the state department shut it down. the white house allowed that airport to start operating again. anyone with a 3d printer can assemble the guns made of hard plastic. experts maintain the materials still run into the thousands of
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dollars and often fall apart quickly and easily. gun control add ro kates say it's untraceable and filed an appeal to block the blueprints from being downloading. three chickens tested positive in martinez and two dead crows tested positive for west nile. vector control found mosquitos with the virus. they did fogging in the south bay cities. good news, no human case of west nile since 2016. more backlash against san francisco based salesforce. the chronicle reports wrecking ball coffee roasters turned down a contract because salesforce with a contract with the border patrol. the coffee shop would have served drinks at the annual conference. they announced the contract in march. the ceo of salesforce said it's nothing to do with separating
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families. nonetheless, the news prompted protests outside the headquarters and led one charity to return salesforce donations. pg&e said it lost nearly $1 billion in the second quarter. in part due to cleanup, repair and legal costs of last fall's wildfires. the earnings announcement comes as lawmakers question whether to ease the liable for future browns. governor brown is asking for softening and those opposing that say pg&e is trying to pass the buck to the rates. facebook saw an overall value fall $100 billion in just 1 day. >> the sharp drop came as the giant deals with a drop in users and privacy concerns. and, as nbc's jo ling kent reports, it is just the latest hit to the company's billionaire founder mark zuckerberg. >> reporter: this morning, a social network at a crossroads.
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>> facebook absolutely tanking. >> reporter: reeling from the worst day ever on wall street. >> biggest decline ever. >> reporter: giving up $119 billion in market value, after years of rapid growth. on wednesday, facebook revealed its user base and revenue grew more slowly than expected. zuckerberg personally losing a staggering $17 billion. that's equivalent to the value of companies like miller coors or ralph lauren. facebook's downward spiral accelerated when he and chief financial officer said this week the losses won't stop any time soon. >> we're investing so much in security that it will significantly impact our profitability. we're starting to see that in this quarter. >> reporter: also learning from a filing that facebook shelling out big bucks, nearly $10 million to increase personal security for zuckerberg and his family due to specific threats.
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facebook has been grappling with two years of massive scandal of russian election meddling to the aftermath of the cambridge analytica privacy scandal of 2013 and 2014. zuckerberg attempting to own the problems on capitol hill earlier this year. >> you as a company welcome regulations? >> i think if it's the right regulation then, yes. >> reporter: this is not the first time facebook shares have tanked. the stock previously plum meted as much as 14% after the cambridge analytica scandal broke in march and recovered. as facebook struggles with its past, the question now may be is how much users and investors like them in the future. >> that was jo ling kent reporting. an investment company voted to oust the ceo but zuckerberg owns a majority of the stock and makes it pretty much impossible the fire him. today, garlic lovers can
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probably taste or smell the garlic. the start of the garlic festival happens in gilmore. >> fires up later this morning. over the next three days, more than 100,000 visitors are expected to descend on the normally severe city of gilroy. it's everything garlic and live entertainment and celebrity chef appearances. the gates opened a short time ago. >> if you want to impress your friends with the extensive knowledge of all things garlic, nbc bay area digital team with a video featuring fast facts. you can look for it on the facebook, twitter and instagram pages today. well, you can go home again or maybe you can get back. >> get back to where you once belonged even if it happens to be known -- it is that you're the best beatle on the planet. >> liverpool! >> how cool is that? sir paul mccartney going back to his roots. fans loving it. the music legend played a
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surprise gig for a select crowd yesterday at liverpool's cavern club where they got their start. more than 50 years ago. the club only holds about 350 people and rather intimate crowd with sir paul. tickets went out on a first come first serve basis. well, let's talk about garlic and weather. will be warm in gilroy. >> very warm there. looking at low 90s. hope floi your weekend is off to a great start. comfortable in palo alto. the temperatures into the low 80s today. we'll reach up to about 82 degrees at 4:00 this afternoon. we'll take a look at all of our my ro climates and events going on coming up next.
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at at&t, we believe in access. the opportunity for everyone to explore a digital world.
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connecting with the things that matter most. and because nothing keeps us more connected than the internet, we've created access from at&t. california households with at least one resident who receives snap or ssi benefits may qualify for home internet at a discounted rate of $10 a month. no commitment, deposit, or installation fee. visit to learn more.
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welcome back to you on this fine friday. >> a warm one, as well. but a little bit of cooling today. >> we have a little bit of cooling today. a little bit more tomorrow and the weekend looks pretty good but it's still hot as the microclimates are in full affect across the bay area. cloudy and cool an wishing for sunshine. full day of sunshine in san francisco but today is not that day. cool there. head up to healdsburg with
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sunshine now. north bay clear. maybe going out for a workout in cupertino, middle of the day, better today than compared to the middle of the week with upper 80s and low 90s and at 83 degrees at 3:00 today and much more comfortable waiting until 6:00. 78 degrees. here's a look at the south bay temperatures and the highs for today. milpitas, a high of 81 degrees and downtown san jose up to 85 degrees. 94 in danville today. martinez 88 degrees and oakland 70 degrees. we'll be up to 58 in daly city. cool and windy there. palo alto up to 80 degrees. ad in san francisco outer sunset reaching 63. heading up to the north bay we have 62 in point reyes. 79 in mill valley and napa reaching 85 degrees. what are you doing this weekend? maybe going to the sonoma
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raceway for the drag races. for tomorrow, going on to all weekend long and tomorrow's highs heading up to about 87 degrees. during the middle of the day and mostly sunny skies and wear your sunscreen and maybe a hat. going to the kite festival in berkeley, you may start out with the long sleeves with the temperatures in the low 60s and it will be a nice and comfortable day, only reaching at about 70 degrees there for the kite festival, breezy winds, too. and then wrapping up the weekend at the art and soul festival in oakland on sunday expect a high there to reach at about 69 degrees. mostly sunny skies and also breezy and a lot of sun. if you're heading to napa valley this weekend, it is still pretty warm all weekend long even into the end of the weekend and on monday we're up to 90 degrees so we're expecting those temperatures to start to heat up again early next week and stays cool in monterey. now, we are still having to deal with these clouds and the fog. it looks like we'll get more sunshine tomorrow but expect a
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fog and clouds to return again on sunday. our inland temperatures have been so warm and it will still be warmer than normal heading into the weekend. but this is a little bit of a break compared to the upper 90s we had. and then as we go into next week, we're still looking at some 90s in the forecast so no major changes to this pattern and that means that san francisco, we're still going to have the cool temperatures, gusty winds and the clouds and fog for most of the day and clearing into the afternoon and the coolest day today as well as sunday reaching 66 degrees, upper 60s next week and of course you really won't feel feel too much of a difference there and chilly over the next several days and a quick look at the forecast coming up later. laura and scott? >> thank you, kari. as you get around this weekend, a lot of people thinking how safe exactly is b.a.r.t.? question many asking after a series of violent crimes.
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armed robberies, fight, the stabbing death of a teenaged girl, cheryl hurd spoke to a woman who was robbed at gun point. >> i looked at him. and i realized that something bad was going to happen. >> reporter: wednesday morning in this parking garage when a man cut her off with his car. >> he started to open the door door and i said, don't you dare. i kicked his car door and i ran away. and while i was running away, i was thinking oh my god, what if he has a gun? >> reporter: as it turned out, he had a weapon. >> running out i heard a blood curdling scream and a pop. >> reporter: the robber shot out that woman's window taking a phone and $20. both uninjured. >> i keep going over in my head how wrong that situation could have gone. >> reporter: he said she was never afraid to ride b.a.r.t. until now. three people killed in five days at b.a.r.t. stations. drug use on trains and drug
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addicts passed out at a san francisco station leaving people wondering how safe is it to ride b.a.r.t.? >> you have to be alert. you know? pay attention. you know? things happen. a lot of things happen. your just got to be on your ps and qs. >> encouraging people to ride b.a.r.t., they need to make sure there's adequate security and police presence there to ensure the public safety. >> reporter: that was cheryl hurd reporting. here's tips. know your train car number in case of emergency. try to avoid looking distracted. and they say don't sleep on the train. we'll be back in a minute.
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in 2017, california had the worst wildfire season on record. scientists say, our weather is becoming more extreme and we all have to be better prepared. that's why pg&e is adopting new and additional safety precautions to help us monitor and respond to dangerous weather. hi, i'm allison bagley, a meteorologist with pg&e's community wildfire safety program. we're working now, to enhance our weather forecasting capabilities, building a network of new weather stations to identify when and where extreme wildfire conditions may occur, so we can respond faster and better. we're installing cutting edge technology to provide real-time mapping and tracking of weather patterns. and we use this information in partnership with first responders and california's emergency response systems. to learn more about the community wildfire safety program and how you can help keep your home and community safe, visit
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supporting our schools all this week. our go nbc bay area and telemundo 48 supporting our schools all this week. we support them all the time, too. our goal to help 37,000 bay area kids with school supplies, back to school is almost here. >> oh, as a kid i hated hearing
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that. you can help as an adult. chris chmura live in mountain view. >> look who i found. the forecast is looking sunny, right? >> nice and warm out here. we couldn't have asked for a donating, supporting the schools weather. >> how important is when? >> very important. supporting the schools and thinking back as a student, i used to come to events like this with my parents for backpacks and think about supporting the students and gives them extra confidence this they might not have if they go to school maybe with a ripped, old backpack and all the parents afford. hand me downs. help us out, guys. >> here's what's happening. this is the assembly line. pick a backpack. load it full of supplies and drop it in the box with a note inside to say who it is from. if this doesn't fall into your plans, we get it. >> $24. don't get three starbucks for a
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month or so and help out the community. >> there we go. you can go to the website nbc bay build a virtual backpack there or donate in cash and out here until 7:00 p.m., right? >> yes. >> out here until 7:00 p.m. >> spanish speaking, as well. >> exactly. yeah. all right. see ya, guys. >> thank you. did you know there is a san francisco bay trail goes around the bay? it's 500 miles long. >> hearing that, you might think that's interesting. one peninsula woman had a different thought. >> garvin thomas explains in today's "barr proud." >> reporter: eileen's reaction is 500 miles? i'll run that. in one month. and in the process, help some animals in need. >> okay. so i think i'm set. i don't think i need anything else. >> reporter: of all the things eileen francisco bought to get
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ready, the shoes, the water, the sunscreen, one thing, one thing, we'll tell you more about the 46-year-old than any other. eileen bought these. >> i bought crutches. i'm going do buy them because if it comes to this, i finish on crutches. >> reporter: the word can't is probably in eileen's vocabulary. >> i was like, i can run this. this is runible. >> don't expect to hear it. ever. >> anything is possible. absolutely. anything is possible. >> reporter: she says she learned that at age of 28 when without any athletic background she finished a marathon. she moved on to ultra marathons and 100-mile runs and proving to herself that, yes, anything was possible. and so, last march when her nephew asked her a seemingly innocent question, how many miles is it around the bay? the answer -- 500, sounded to
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eileen like a challenge. >> this is so obvious. this is what i need to do. it was very clear that this is what i needed to do. >> reporter: for the month of july and with a help of a rotating crew of friends, she is running every one of the 500 miles. not just with that goal but with a mission. eileen is using it as publicity for animal run, a series of road races she is organizing starting this august in fremont. they will raise money for eileen's other passion -- animal welfare organizations. eileen says that while there have been tough times on the trail, the thought of giving up has never occurred to her. the good company, and the beautiful surprises make this the right thing to do. particularly for the type of person who doesn't say can't. >> that's the hard part in life. right? knowing what you want. so this is what i want. and then, after that everything kind of became easy. >> reporter: eileen's dream is
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that animal run is a nationwide organization and she already has two more runs set up outside of california. garvin thomas, nbc bay area news. >> nice story there. if you have a story idea for the "bay area proud" series, let garvin know about it on the facebook page. look up garvin thomas nbc bay area. >> we'll be back in just a minute. you know when you're at ross shopping for backpacks... ...and mom also gets a back-to-school bag? that's yes for less.
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ross has the brands you want for back to school. and it feels even better when you find them for less. at ross. yes for less.
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...and you suddenly realizes you're really into art? that's yes for less. every trend. every room. on any budget. it feels even better when you find it for less. at ross. yes for less. filled with photos and videos of the
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destruction. back to the breaking news in northern california, we have photos and videos of destruction of the carr fire. two people are dead. a firefighter of redding was killed. >> 44,000 acres burned in shasta county, 65 homes gone, thousands of people evacuated. melissa colorado there right now and will have live reports at 5:00 and 6:00. of course, we followed the story as it happens and check out nbc bay >> we have been tweeting updates, as well. three marin county firefighters were burned and they were injured, as well and taken to the hospital and treated. it is a tough one out there. >> the heat is not helping. we are looking at highs there up to 110 degrees today and very low humidity. the good news is we don't have much wind and should have good recovery overnight as far as the humidity. inland areas in the low 90s in the bay area today and some upper 80s for the weekend. we're back in the low 90s early
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next week. only a slight dip in temperatures for the inland areas while san francisco pretty much stays the same with a lot of low clouds and fog, mist and drizzle and a couple of hours of clearing in the middle of the day. >> all right. >> a giants game tonight. >> that's right. speaking of it, a live look at at&t park. nice right now. giants hosting the wall of wall induction ceremony. remember these names? brian wilson, matt kaine, ryan vogelsong added to the wall an wall of fame is a tribute to the team's best players and the public intended to attend for free at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon. i'm sure brian wilson will be up to some kind of antics. >> thank you for joining us. the next newscast is 5:00 and we have the information about the fire online. >> that's right. nbc bay all online socially, as well. see you back here monday morning 4:30 to 7:00 a.m.
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. we are live, in five, four, throw, two, one! all right, you sent this tweet out. >> yeah. >> actually, i was hacked. no, i am kidding. >> you are kidding. you have not lost your sense of humor. >> that's how ate all began. roseanne on hannity last night on her first interview as she's spicy as ever. >> welcome to "access live." nina parker is


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