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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  June 27, 2018 6:00pm-6:58pm PDT

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we're told this happened at around 4:15, 4:30. i spoke with a woman a short time ago. she says as far as she knows, a family took a ride in two different pedi cabs, heading south town the embarcadero. and when they got to the cross here of san some, a car ran into them. one of the pedi cabs hit the other one and that's how the injuries happened. the mom who was in one of the pedi cabs is change of pain. san francisco fire described serious injuries. i did have a chance to speak with police. they tell us the driver took off in a light-colored sedan, possibly tan or light brown. they were trying to get more information on that, that the car as far as they knew was headed towards the bridge.
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now the woman who said she worked at a company says this is highly unusual. the one with the sious injuries was actually the driver in the pedi cab. she was trying to head to the hospital to get more information on how he is doing. at this point, we are trying to get an update from san francisco police, but you can see, they are still here investigating. the pedi cab is still here, and they are still at this point looking for that hit-and-run driver. that's the latest from here, reporting live from san francisco, christie smith. >> you should know we sent out a push alert as soon as news broke of it. you can sign up for breaking news updates through our firefighters are continuing to gain the upper hand on a number of grass fires in san jose. the fires ignited near ba burng near a homeless encampment. some say it may be deliberate.
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the firefighters have set up a hose line. and the public is asked to stay away from the area. some neighborhood streets in the south bay have become racetracks. for several nights in a row, people have been kept up by street racers. robert handa joins us, and that's not an area where you usually see people having these kind of intruders or people coming out. >> reporter: well, not before anyway. seems to be that way now. we're here along pine avenue in willow glen, a long, straight street with very few stops, as you can see now, plenty of tire tracks. while we heard complaints about speeding sideshows, the intersections near river glen are where of hand. street racing sideshows pop up all around the bay area, crea create havoc and roar off
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usually before neighborhoods or policean much about itcept asse. these are scenes from several sideshows last year. here's what pine street in willow glen looks like today after the screeching of squealing tires woke up casey. >> you see people racing by at high speed. i'd come down and take a look. i saw kids doing donuts out there. you see the doughnut marks out front. >> reporter: casey took this video of one vehicle speeding off until the guys inside saw him shooting. >> a couple of them got out of the car and sort of dancing around me and threatening me to get the phone, and they did threaten to come after me. >> reporter: casey says he was able to run away. other residents also took pictures of hi neighborhood wat group, so far the only detectable license plate was from a stolen car. a willow glen act i getting mor.
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>> it's all hours. it can happen during the day. it can happen at night. >> reporter: what's your biggest fear about all this? >> someone getting killed. >> reporter: well, the neighborhood watchers say police cautioned residents about confronting racers. police are investigating and are try being to li trying to link some of the vehicles with other crimes in the area. nbc bay area news. we are learning an elderly woman who was robbed and assaulted in a bank parking lot in concord has died. 93-year-old ann marie peterson was hospitalized with a broken hip a man knocked her to the ground and stole her purse. it happened at the sun valley mall last month. the suspect eventuallyned himself in. police tell us they cannot say whether peterson died as a direct result of her injuries from that robbery.
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a boy who was nearly killed after a tree fell on him will receive a $47 million settlement. in 2012, zachary rowe was camping with his family. a 72-foot-tall tree fell on his tent while he slept. his leg and pelvis were amputated. in the suit, they claimed pg and e failed to miami tape taintain around its power lines. now to new details about a massive fireworks bust. the illegal fireworks were discovered in a storage unit in hayward. more than 3,000 pounds of fireworks, street value of $50,000. police made an arrest in the case. this time of year people selling illegal fireworks remain a big
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problem in the bay area. >> their time is time of year w illegal fireworks are profitable. we have people selling illegal fireworks to children. it can be very dangerous. >> during the fourth of july there will be more officers in the areas known for illegal activity. officers in the ingleside area have set up a special hotline. the goal is to prevent emergency lines from being swamped with illegal fireworks reports. call kaboom task force. it will be open from 5:00 p.m. to 2:00 in the morning. a white nationalist group is recruiting here in the bay area. it calls itself identity europa. some are taking action.
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scott budman is in san jose with the details on these flyers. >> reporter: good evening. this is one of those postings on west san carlos here in san jose where people say they are very surprised this group is reaching out in this city. this one is small. posted on a board along san jose's busy west santa clara street. it promotes a group called identity europa. >> i think they're stupid. because this is a very diverse city. >> i think it's very diverse city we're in. it's a melting pot of everyone. >> reporter: flyers from the group went up in gilroy, morgan hill and campbell. within days, campbell city leaders took them down. they say any public posting on public property violates the city code. officials told us they also plan to remove the posters for the
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same reason. >> a very diverse area, so everybody has there opinion. >> they need to get out. i don't see how they're going to find people here. >> there is freedom of speech. people should be able to post anything. even if it's something we disagree with. overall, i don't think a message of hate is something we should welcome. >> reporter: we also heard from identity europa. the group is reaching out all over the place, both via postings like this and social media. scott bud mp, nbc bay area news. last month he was in san francisco. now a visit to the peninsula. former president barack obama in the bay area this week. mr. obama is scheduled to attend at a private fund raiser in atherton. he was with the ceo for airbnb last month. former president bill clinton's
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going to be at the s.a.p. center talking about his new book "the president is missing". the event begins at 8:00. expect extra traffic in the area around that time. a rollercoaster of emotions for fans of mexico's world cup soccer team. an agonizing loss quickly tempered when help came from an unexpected source. all mexico had to do was tie sweden today and the team would advance to the next round of the tournament. but mexico lost. however, south korea upset defending world cup champion germany, which does mean mexico advances despite the loss. >> i was really glad to be able to watch itere. see the stadium erupt with such emotion. every single goal, every single play, people get crazy here, and i love it.
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>> cra >> crazy it was. we'll have much more on world cup action in a few minutes. and telemundo 48 is your home for world cup coverage. the reason children separated from their parents at the border wall will not be coming to an east bay facility. plus, making good progress. crews making strides on the fire burning in lake county as some homeowners get better news. >> tomorrow plan on some 80s making a come back with 90s and 100 degree temperatures just around the corner.
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i am extremely proud of jackie, gaby and stephanie. we worked with pg&e to save energy because we
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wanted to help the school. they would put these signs on the door to let the teacher know you didn't cut off the light. the teachers, they would call us the energy patrol. so they would be like, here they come, turn off your lights! those three young ladies were teaching the whole school about energy efficiency. we actually saved $50,000. and that's just one school, two semesters, three girls. together, we're building a better california.
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bay. the former "concord naval it was a proposal that caused an uproar in the east bay. the former cop cord weapons station eyed as a possible tent city for thousands of people seeking to enter the u.s. illegally to be housed. now it appears the navy has changed its mind and city leaders aren't quite ready to believe it yet. jodi hernandez is live at concord city hall where a meeting has wrapped up. >> reporter: dozens of people spoke out. the meeting here lasted several hours as people expressed their outrage. some say while they've got positive news today they're not convinced the fight's over.
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>> i couldn't live with myself if i wasn't here denouncing it. i think it's absolutely terrible. here or any place. >> reporter: for a second straight day people in contra costa county gathered at concord city hall to voice opposition to reported plans to build a detention camp on the grounds of a concord naval weapons station. >> our goal is to welcome families and to be that family-friendly community. this is definitely not something that would promote that. >> reporter: leaders have gotten word the plan has been halted. congressman mark desaulnier told us he's cautiously optimistic but is waiting for official verification. >> we're very glad we seem to have people saying it's not going to happen. we just would like verification from the department of defense. >> while there is hope, i feel like we still need to continue to bring it to the table. >> reporter: while people are relieved to hear the new
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developments they say they won't back down quite yet. down the one person who showed up to speak in favor of detention camps. >> i'm for a temporary one here until they can build a more permanent structure. >> reporter: city leaders say they have much different plans for the land once the navy transfers the land to the city. >> families should be moving in there, new parks, shopping centers and a sports complex. that's what needs to go out there. >> reporter: folks here are still waiting for official v verification. city leaders expect the land will be transferred from the navy to the city within months. reporting live in contra costa . a trong san mateo county sh office says this man has been arrested after he allegedly
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threw his 2-year-old chihuahua against the wall killing the animal. it happened at his home in san bruno. the department, the humane society and spca are investigating the case. after much anticipation, a new bilingual sub station opened up. people have been asking for the sub station for some time. the main request, more access to police and more bilingual officers. >> we not only want to increase the amount of foot patrol officers, but we want cantonese speakers, mandarin speakers. >> you can find the sub station on san bruno. it will be open wednesday and saturday afternoons, staffed by two bilingual police officers, languages include can't niec
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languages include cantonese, spanish and english. >> some homeowners are allowed to go back to their houses after they level during mandatory evacuation. anousha rasta joins us live from spring valley with more on the evacuations. and i know there's been quite a lot of animal rescues as well, aknewsha. >> reporter: lake county animal control telling us they've taken a number of animals into their facilities, but they're also going to the evacuated neighborhoods to check on animals left behind there. >> we have horses, goat, some pigs. we've got about ten, 12 dog, and three or four cats. >> reporter: california's first massive fire of the season didn't just put people in danger. >> the community can't get back in. they'll call us and say my animals have been left behind. can you go in and check on them and make shush they're okay. >> reporter: william davidson is the director of leak -- lake
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county animal pawnee fire has bn devastating. >> there are five or since dozen other addresses where the animals are fine, the property's fine, and we're just going back on a daily basis and feeding and watering. >> reporter: meanwhile, 20 miles west of the animal control at the moose lodge. >> my husband came and brought us some stuff. and they gave us another tent for the dogs. >> reporter: dozens of families living in their cars and under tents and canopies with their kids and pets. families who were told they had to get out once the fire started to rage on saturday. the pawnee fire has burned almost 14,000 acres, destroyed 22 structures and is still threatening about 600 more. some evacuees were allowed to return home today, but it isn't clear when theseill get to leave.
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they just hope it's soon. >> it was rough, but we're just managing. >> reporter: the pawnee fire is moving east, that means it's moving further and further away from homes and from businesses. that is good news. but we are expecting triple digit temperatures this weekend and wind gusts. that could be a bigger problem for firefighters trying to battle with things. anousha rasta, nbc bay area news. >> those are always conditions that fiefrts are concerned about. >> very similar to when the fire got started. we're seeing containment going up because weather conditions haven't been that bad. the numbers in the 80s, a lot better than if you fast forward about 48 hours. already at this hour, lake county and solano counties, fire
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watches, and wind gusts of 20-30. hilltops higher than that. and hot temperatures friday through sunday. it's very likely, with that wind out of the north, whole a see the fire make a run to the south and the upper level wind flow may try to bring smoke into the bay area for the weekend. temperature wise right now, fire danger lower in san francisco because it's cooler and misty skies. 56 degrees. even in san jose, you're feeling the ocean air conditioning. high of 78 degrees. as we head through the evening, jacket weather all the way around. tomorrow's temperatures start the upward climb. mid-80s returning to the east bay valleys and around the north bay. but from there, friday and saturday, strong ridge of high pressure maxes out on saturday, likely to be our hottest day. and we've seen some relief sunday into monday. but likely today and tomorrow, ite the fact temperatures risin
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for the start of the weekend and fire danger rising for the hilltops where valley temperatures climb close to 100 degrees again just like last saturday. coming up at 6:45, a closer look at estimated high temperatures in the bay area for the outdoor weekend plans coming up in about 20 minutes. thank you, rob. it is the latest video gone viral. this one on b.a.r.t. it involves a burrito and a 911 call. and it's getting a lot of attention. on our twitter feed -
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a contra costa county sheriff shot and killed a dog after it attacked its owner. it happened this morning in discovery bay. the owner had severe bite wounds and was rushed to the hospital by helicopter. and ever wondered where your favorite movies were filmed? check out the top ten filming locations in southern california on our website. more news in a minute.
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occurrence. a video goes viral, of someone disagreeing okay. here we go again. it's seemingly ycurrent. >> you don't get it? the sign says no eating and drinking. >> you doesn't gn't get it. you must be stupid. >> on the b.a.r.t. train, it
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shows a man admonishing another man for eating a burrito. but the man in the hawaiian shirt gets so frustrated that he gets on the intercom on the train and calls for a police officer. the man eating the burrito eventually left the train at the coliseum station, maybe with his burrito but without the situation escalating. the video surfaces a few days after another one with "permit patty" after an 8-year-old girl sold water in front of her apartment building. the girl did not have a permit. and another one of a woman dubbed "barbecue becky." she called the police on someone using a charcoal grill at merritt park. you can see this swarm of police cars right there on campus. firefighters involved in this as well. it happened overnight. a woman sped away
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>> a traffic stop. she didn't get far before being caught and taken into custody. police say officers had a warrant out for her. 34 year old suspect, you see her here. police say she made an obscene gesture at the camera, that's why that blackout area is there. officers swarmed a neighborhood in mountain view after a man allegedly pointed a gun at construction workers. the workers were directing traffic when a driver got upset, started yelling and then pulled a gun. police posted this photo of the scene on twitter. the gun was never fired. the suspect has been arrested. so when will the seat be filled and who will it be? the debate on capitol hill as justice anthony kennedy announces retirement. and a plan to stop soda taxes. the state-wide push and backlash from health advocates. explore a digital world.
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that could ripple far into the future - justice anthony kennedy is retiring. right now at 6:30, an annoce into the future. justice kennedy is retiring. >> blayne alexander has more on the potential shift of the balance of power. >> reporter: justice kennedy announcing he is retiring, a major shakeup that could open the door for president trump to
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fundamentally change the makeup of the highest court in the land. >> a man who's displayed great vision. he's displayed tremendous vision and tremendous heart, and le he will be missed. >> reporter: president trump praising kennedy while already making plans to find his successor. >> and we will begin our search for a new justice of the united states supreme court. that will begin immediately. >> reporter: this will be the second supreme court nominee for president trump. last year he picked neil for su -- gorsuch to replace antonin scalia. justice kennedy favored gay rights and abortion rights. >> if you get someone who is much more inclined toward a conservative jurisprudence that might swing it in the other direction.
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>> reporter: republicans urging a quick confirmation for his replacement. >> we will vote to confirm justice kennedy's successor this fall. >> reporter: the democrat not in such a rush. >> this is the most important supreme court vacancy for this country in at least a generation. >> reporter: an intense political battle brewing over the future of the nation's highest court. blayne alexander, washington. justices ruled unions cannot force non-union workers to pay due, even though negotiate. they say it's a hit to workingu benefit from contracts they it will allow non-union workers from paying dues to an organization they don't agree with. teams from the u.s. office of inspector general will head to facilities in the u.s. and government teams will check on
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the health and safety of the kids along with the conditions of those shelters. on capitol hill, house moderates failed to pass an immigration bill for the second time in two weeks despite last-minute support from the president. the deal offered a path to citizenship for so-called dreamers, a no-go for conservative hardliners and offer offered $25 billion for the president's border wall. >> this is not about our families or injustice. this is about him gng $25 billion for a wall and another $7 billion to hold families in detention facilities. >> the bill failed by a lopsided vote of 121-301. republican moderates sayhet the. president trump and president putin will hold a formal summit work out the details. the two presidents have never held a formal summit. putin said today relations between the u.s. and russia are
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bad. in large part because of internal u.s. politics. he added russia has never sought direct confrontation with the u.s. the white house and kremlin are supposed to announce simultaneously tomorrow when and where they will hold the summit. nearly a year after a protest in charlottesville, virginia turned deadly, the suspect is facing. -- one woman died, heather haerm killed. >> balls >> now field, a former teacher has a history of espousing white supremacist views. he could face life in prison or
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the death penalty. he was already facing second degree murder charges as well. an east pittsburg police officer charged in the shooting death of a teenager, office rosfeld gunned down the teenager as he ran away from a traffic stop. attorneys for the teen's family say they want a conviction and proper sentencing. joe jackson, patriarch of the jackson family, has died. a representative for jackson's son tito made the announcement. he formed the jackson five with his children in the mid '60s. they became international stars, primarily balls primarily because of the youngest member, michael jackson. he was battling pancreatic cancer. more than two dozen grand kids. he was 89.
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another battle is brewing over soda taxes. this week california lawmakers advanced a bill that would ban cities and counties from creating new taxes on sugary drinks for the next decade. it would make it much harder to raise the cost of existing taxes. health advocates say cities have the right to make decisions that benefit the health of their communities. >> the soda companies are declining the bills. they are in business to make money. what i think is they need to find a different way to make money. >> right now, berkley, san francisco and oakland have soda taxes. if this bill passes, the cities with the taxes would still be t okay, we told you earlier mexico advanced in the world cup despite losing today many . unfortunately, that's where the good news ends. >> we are joined with the world
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cup update. well as they live to fight another day, south korea was too much for the german side. both goals came in stoppage time. the first one needed to be confirmed by the video-assisted referee, then with the goalie out, it made the goal wide open. japan looks to beat poland on one of the biggest disappointments. senegal and colombia will play. the colombian side needs a win to make it to the next round. later, panama will face tunisia. and the big game of the day. >> let's go, korea! thank you!
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>> that is -- he is from sunnyvale. and like mexican fans around the world, he wanted to show some love to the korean people. and all i can say is -- which means "thank you" in korean. >> you're brushing up on your korean? >> one semester in high school. thank you many. >> well, telemundo 48 is your home for the world cup. a huge scare for a planeful of passengers. why an s.w.a.t. team showed up on their plane. bay highway.
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a deadly car crash on an east bay highway happened at just after 5:00 this morning near the broadway exit in oakland. this is the view we had from skyranger. chp says one car rear ended another, it caused a rollover and the driver ejected.
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another car went over him and killed him. we don't know what caused that crash. another crash on the east bay september two people to the hospital. a person intensetionally drove their car into a residential care facility where the person lives. someone inside was hurt but is going to be okay. the driver also injured, taken to the hospital. he is under psychiatric evaluation now. the red cross is helping eight people displaced by that crash. scary moments during a los angeles-bound flight at j fk airport. there was concern that a hijacker attacked the flight. it was a false alarm. officers came onto the plane. it can be scary. passengers say they were terrified. >> two guys walked past me with a pistol. and some guys were holding rifles. it was pretty scary.
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>> air traffic controllers were not able to get in touch with the pilot. turns out there was a radio communications issue there. it was a false hijacking alarm sent out. this is an only in southern california story. a shirtless man stops traffic on a busy los angeles freeway with his dance moves and a back flip. okay. there he is on top of the sign on 110. police say the man put up a banner protest tolu a yoga move.sign. there he goes, doing a back flip onto that inflatable cushion. police took him into custody after that for holding up traffic and for very bad dancing. >> very bad dancing is a felony in los angeles. i don't know if you know that. it was a beautiful day for back flips in los angeles. >> it could have gotten to him. >> you have evening plans?
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bundle up at least for now. get ready for 100s and 90s. making a big come back. the forecast straight ahead. they corrupted your desk tops and lap totops, now bad bo are infiltrating your smartphone. you could generate your own energy,
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at home. or to save energy, unplug unused appliances. do your thing, with energy upgrade california.
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criminal? the answer might be yes. . okay, a curious pne helping criminal? believe it or not, the answer may be yes. >> let's turn to chris camora who is working on a story about bots. >> local security experts have a warning that these bots might be infecting people's phones. they are hidden computer programs that let bad guys
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commit crime online. here in san francisco they found bots had weaseled their way onto far more cell phones than they expected, possibly millions of them. and those subscribers likely have no idea what's going on. tonight at 11:00, what the bots are doing with your data without your permission and how they get onto your phone in the first place. >> it's very possible to get bots and other malware installed on mobile phones and the easiest way is to trick the user to do it. >> we'll expose their tricks and give you options to battle bad bots tonight at 11:00. in the meantime, you'll find a special section on our website and a video that explains how these bots work posted right now on while you're there, you can send us any consumer complaints or call us. the phone number, 888-996-tips. that is if you can make a phone
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call on your phone if there isn't a bad bot on there. more at 11:00. >> look forward to seeing you. okay. we've all heard of a high-speed train. what about a high-speed plane. aerospace engineers want to fly you to japan in three hours. >> whoa. >> boeing is a company that has broken the sound barrier in the past. now they reveal details about the first-ever commercial hypersonic plane. it could go from 11 hours to just 3 hours on that flight. don't get excited. it's not expected for another 25 years, which is good, because i'll be dead by then. i don't want to do it. >> we just want to give you a heads up. >> if you want to make a reservation right now. wise? >> chilly if you're heading out to the sfo airport.
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the ocean air conditioning on overdrive, dropping on ydown or temperatures. you have the wind out of the northwest, close to 10-20 miles per hour. look at dublin, 68 degrees. try to burn that into your memory. we'll likely see 90s through 6:00 on the weekend. and a view from san francisco right now, that's the color of the city camera, but it looks black and white. nothing but fog. look at the wind speeds. gusts up to 25 miles per hour. now back into the color here. all the blue you see over my shoulder, that is the temperature change in the last 24 hours. you see the winds bringing in the cool air, drizzle in a few spots. san francisco into oakland,
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hayward and some of those east bay hilltops may see misty skies to start the day. the change we begin to see tomorrow will be some of the valleys. mostly 70s inland. tomorrow downtown san jose, tri valley, back into the low to mid-80s, about the seam fame fo concord and belmont to palo alto. mid-60s in san francisco. and one spot that couldm wd be shift right around 4:00 and 5:00 like we think it wi, will be santa rosa. winds start to peick up out of the north. hour by hour, temperatures tomorrow a little warmer inland. not much change. patches of low clouds. friday's temperature progression looks warmer, as bay side temperatures look as warm as the
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valley highs you're seeing tomorrow. you'll see it on friday the valleys make a move into the 90s and warm evenings ahead. the four-day temperature progression, the red shows you where the 90s are likely to be found. and areas around saratoga and campbell. the pink you see on the map is not good if you are in some of those areas, those are areas close to 100 valleys. high fire danger friday into saturday. san , back. still might stay hot in the santa clara valley. as the sea breeze kic into monday, things start to cool off. it all depends on how high this ridge of high pressure and how long it stays in place. sunday, probably one more hot day. then by monday as the low pressure system drops down the coast, sea breeze comes back. but before we get there, friday and saturday look hot. even san francisco could see
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80s, and we'll be closely watching the north bay and east bay hilltop wind speeds as we'll probably have fire weather watches. we'll see if that elevates up to red flag warnings as we start the weekend. so 20 to 30 degrees warmer in a couple takes the mound in albuquerque, and we have answers comirts. hi! are you two getting along? oh, yeah, yeah. [ hiss ] [ gasps ] [ birds chirping]
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hello. last summer klay thompson earned the nickname china klay due to summer antics in china. he's back there now but not having as much fun. he took exception when his friend was undercut during a pickup game in china. and hoerere's how it all went d.
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>> [ bleep ]. [ bleep ], [ bleep ]. [ bleep ]. >> meanwhile, the shark is on the mound. and the sacramento river cats. he struck out six. samardzja will presumably join a big club in arizona over the weekend for a bull pen session before it's determined whether he's fit to return from the dl. here's bruce bochy on his pitcher. >> he feels great, feels fine, just you know, have to get him up five or six times. i think we, cover ourselves a little bit better. just got to be sure on this one.
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make sure that we have him to a point where we don't have to be concerned with how many times he gets up. >> and that's it for sports. okay. thank you, dave. a scary fall for a san francisco dog. it happened just before 10:00 this morning. the dog fell almost 200 feet from a cliff and landed on the beach below. firefighters carried it to a stretcher and it is going to survive. new cool video. mars. this is mars in living color. italy's space agency is sharing the clip today. very cool. 3 d color video of mars surface, craters, hills up there on the red planet. kind of looks like earth. in places. i guess we can trust it. they wouldn't kid us, would they? >> i believe it's mars. >> what's weather like here?
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>> from the red planet to red on the seven-day forecast. temperatures heat up. but before we get there. tomorrow comfortably cool day. the coolest day we'll probably see till next tuesday. the issue to watch, friday notice winds out of the north. that is going to elevate fire danger, very similar to last week when we saw the pawnee fire get started. so we have to watch that lake county and solano county, friday into the start of the weekend. >> thanks very much. and thanks for watching nbc bay area news at 6:00. >> we hope to see you at 11:00.
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maybe you could save energy by weaving your own shoes... out of flax. or simply adjust your thermostat.
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♪ now on next. whitney houston, the explosive new untold stories.
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was she or wasn't she gay? >> i think people want to hear that she was gay. >> inside the new documentary, who really got her hooked on drugs. her secret celebrity feud. >> i am with whitney houston's inner circle shedding light on her life and legacy. and joe jackson, dead days after a tribute. >> his final days, the final interview with the jackson patriarch. >> when you hear michael's get? >> very emotional. what's wrong with ts


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