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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  February 27, 2018 11:34pm-12:37am PST

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over the next days 200 films will be screened and two dozen vr experiences featured across the south bay. among the many hollywood stars in town, william h. macy. >> i've been here a couple of times. it's a wonderful film festival. film festivals are the lifeblood of the indy world. couldn't do it without film festivals. and everybody here is so nice and they've treated me really well. >> i'm starstruck. >> there have r so many good movies. >> some of the other big names attending andie mcdowell and nicolas cage who will receive a maverick award tomorrow. we do have a red carpet somewhere. >> movies are really entertaining and very deep. check it out. >> thanks for joining us. have a great day tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- bruce willis,
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retta, musical guest, towkio. and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 822! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's what we want right there. welcome, everybody. thank you so much. welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show." this is it, baby.
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[ cheers and applause ] thank you very much. here's what people are talking about. some big news out of washington, you guys. president trump is expected to announce that he's running for reelection in 2020. [ audience boos ] he's even got a great slogan -- "pretend the last four years never happened." [ cheers and applause ] that's right, trump is running for reelection. he said that he'll be sticking with mike pence as a a cellmate -- i mean, running mate. [ laughter and applause ] trump actually says that he will "soon" announce that he's running for reelection. maybe it's just me, but if you announce that you're going to announce something, isn't that the announcement? [ laughter ] i mean, you can't announce -- you can't announce the announcement! [ applause ] of course trump is still talking about his border wall. he's going to go to california next month to get construction updates. here's the plan. they're going to lead him around to the other side of the border, then quickly build the wall. [ applause ] interesting. this is an interesting story in april, the white house will host france's president macron for his first state dinner, or as trump has been telling
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people, "we're having macaroons for dinner." [ laughter and applause ] macron -- macaroni. trump is thinking about recommending his personal pilot, john duncan, to lead the faa. some people are saying duncan isn't qualified and that this has been a problem with a lot of trump's nominees. i think they might have a a point. i'll show you what i mean. for example, to lead the department of transportation, trump recommended steve, his uber driver from last week. [ laughter ] then for the department of homeland security, trump recommended claire danes. [ laughter ] next, for the state department, trump recommended flo rida because his name is also a a state. [ cheers and applause ] and finally, for the food and drug administration, trump recommended chef boyardee and seth rogen. [ laughter and applause ] i'm not sure -- who knows? a little business news. after years of bad publicity, seaworld's ceo is stepping down. he wasn't sure what was worse -- emptying his desk, or the seals clapping as he left.
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[ laughter and applae ] this is cool. i saw that there's a a live-action "dora the explorer" movie in the works. >> steve: oh! >> jimmy: yeah, and there's one big "dora" fan who has already been practicing his spanish so that he can audition for a a role. take a look at this. [ speaking spanish poorly] [ laughter ] puerto rico. we love puerto rico. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: obviously, his spanish is better than his english. [ laughter ] hey, with more and more people driving electric cars, the department of transportation says that by 2020, all quiet cars will have to make artificial engine-like sounds. it's supposed to keep pedestrians safe, but i'm not so sure about the fake engine sounds car companies are using. check out this ad for tesla i saw today. >> introducing the all new tesla model s electric car. with state-of-the-art engine sounds, it's just like listening to a gas engine. [ imitating engine sounds ]
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[ laughter ] hear the road like you've always remembered it. [ imitating engine sounds ] tesla. listen to the difference. >> skkrrrrt! beep beep! >> jimmy: even the horn sounds weird. [ applause ] hey, guys, i saw that bernie sanders' son is running for congress in new hampshire. bernie released a statement saying, "i am very proud of my son. i wish him the best of luck with his campaign." then his son said, "thanks, dad." [ laughter ] >> steve: aw. >> jimmy: finally, a mail carrier in florida is refusing to deliver mail to a nudist community. he said, "sorry, but i'm just tired of seeing people's packages." there you go. we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we have got a fun show tonight. he stars in the new movie "death wish." bruce willis is here tonight! [ cheers and applause ] he's a movie star. he's a stud. plus from the brand-new nbc show "good girls," retta is stopping by. >> steve: oh! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and we have great music from towkio, everybody. >> steve: whoa! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: guys, i always say we're very lucky to have the greatest band in late night, the roots right there. [ cheers and applause ] but it isn't always fun and games. from time to time we put the roots to the test. we pick people from our audience and have the roots make up songs about them on the spot. it is time for "freestylin' with the roots." here we go. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ time to freestyle with the roots ♪
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♪ >> jimmy: thanks. hey, roots! you ready to do this? all right, let's pick someone. raise your hand if you want the roots to write a song about you. [ cheers ] you don't want the roots to write -- okay, very good. [ laughter ] here you go. stand up. sure. how you doin'? >> hi. >> jimmy: what is your name? >> sylvia. >> jimmy: sylvia, very nice name. sylvia. sylvia, where are you from? >> new jersey. >> jimmy: you're from new jersey. hey. we love new jersey. hey, shout out to new jersey out there, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] okay. the olympics just ended last week. what is your favorite winter olympic sport? >> figure skating. >> jimmy: really? not even hesitating. [ light laughter ] you love figure skating? >> yes. >> jimmy: who do you love, anyone in particular? >> nathan chen. >> jimmy: nathan chen. he's fantastic. absolutely. i love it, too. love it. guys, we have sylvia, she's from new jersey. her favorite olympic sport is figure skating. yeah. so for this first one, i thought drake has the number one song for the fifth week in a row. can you guys do like a drake style song?
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♪ ♪ ♪ okay sylvia new jersey is where you came from ♪ ♪ jimmy asked a question and your answer was sick so skating's your favorite olympic game huh ♪ ♪ well i think we should probably call this dance nathan chen we like figure skating ♪ ♪ stop playing figure skating stop playing ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: stop playing. thank you, pal. appreciate it. thank you for being here. who else we got, who else we got? this guy right here. hey, buddy. how are you doing? >> i'm doing well. how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing fantastic. what is your name? >> my name is billy. >> jimmy: billy. very good, billy. billy, the oscars are this weekend. if you were going to the oscars, who would you bring as your date?
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[ sighing ] [ laughter ] >> sandra bullock. >> jimmy: no, you have to say -- >> my wife, my wife, that's what i said. [ laughter ] i said nothing else. nothing to the contrary. >> jimmy: sandra bullock. [ light laughter ] my wife, smart answer. if you won the oscar, what would be the first thing you shout the moment they announced your name? [ unintelligible ] >> it's awesome! [ laughter ] [ unintelligible ] >> steve: what? >> jimmy: this should be easy for you, tariq. should be very easy for -- [ laughter ] >> there's a lot that rhymes with that. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: like a young -- >> i'm also a freestyle rapper, so -- i don't know -- no. >> jimmy: you want to rap? you want to rap about your own situation? >> maybe. [ light laughter ] >> tariq: this will be a first. you know. let's have him do his own freestyle. >> i'll try. >> jimmy: okay, yeah. so your name is billy, you're going to take your wife to the oscars, and the first thing you shout is --
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[ mumbling ] [ laughter ] do you want to give him a beat? >> you gotta lose yourself, right? >> tariq: that's what he wants? ♪ [ light laughter ] >> whatever you -- ♪ >> yo yo. my man tariq. i just sat for ten minutes to flow. i'm gonna try to do it. just a minute. right here? ♪ >> here it is. ♪ you got to lose yourself in the music the moment you own it♪ ♪ you better never go i flow jimmy standing next to me saying hey billy b ♪ ♪ you go to the oscars and see sandra bullock you're my lady ♪ ♪ she's next to me she's smiling buck wildin i'm bout to flip the script tariq cause you're the man ♪ ♪ i've idolized you for like ten decades my man i'm only 40 that's kinda weird ♪ ♪ the math doesn't work if i win the oscar i twerk and i say [ giberrish ] ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: there we go. [ cheers and applause ] not bad. not bad! >> tariq: i was worried for a a second. >> jimmy: not bad, yeah. not bad. i like it. billy, thank you, buddy. makes it easy. it makes it easy for you.
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excuse me, can i get through here? how are you doing? thank you. that was good stuff, billy, i like it. [ light laughter ] hey, how are you? how are you doing? hey guys, how are you? how are you doing, man? >> good, how are you? >> jimmy: great. [ laughter ] love your paper towel. by the way, they're fantastic. [ laughter ] hey, how are you? hey, how are you doing, pal? how are you? all right, now i'm on the side over here. [ cheers ] who wants it right there? how about this guy right here? how about this guy here? stand up. what is your name? [ cheers ] >> bruce. >> jimmy: bruce, okay. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: bruce, okay. >> bruce. >> jimmy: bruce, what do you do for a living, bruce? >> i am an actor. >> jimmy: okay, you're an actor. cool, i like actors. what happened to your arm? >> i had been working out to
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look like a big strong man. and then after the third dip, i heard a little ping. >> jimmy: oh, yes. >> boi-oi-oi-oi-oing! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yep. third dip. that happens on the third dip. and what is a movie that you're -- that you have ever been in? >> starring in a movie called "death wish." it opens this week on friday. >> jimmy: yeah, there you go! [ cheers and applause ] sounds fun. >> you're gonna like it. >> jimmy: i want to see it. all right. as i said, "the voice" returned last night. there's a lot of great music on that show. what is your favorite musical instrument? >> wind instruments. i started out with a very small little harmonica. you blow wind through it and make the sound, and i started a a career on that. but then i looked at the band and i said, forget it. >> jimmy: yeah, he's got the good stuff. yeah, the roots have got -- >> oh, the roots. >> jimmy: oh, come on. give it up for the roots. if you could write a song about yourself, what would it be called?
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>> "the man who forgot what his job was." [ laughter ] you know, talking. >> jimmy: "the man who forgot what his job was." >> and still getting paid for that job. >> jimmy: exactly, yeah, exactly. guys, we have this guy bruce here, he says he's an actor. his favorite instrument is a a wind instrument. you use that by exhaling wind through an instrument and it makes a sound. yeah? and if he could write a song about himself, it would be called "the man who forgot --" and i forgot the rest of what he said. [ laughter ] yeah, "what his job was." that was my job. for this last one, justin timberlake's album "man of the woods" is billboard's number-one selling album. can you guys do a fun justin timberlake kind of song? ♪ ♪ okay bruce is his name i don't mean any harm but i hope acting strong ♪ ♪ ain't how you broke
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your arm ♪ ♪ movies are good even though it is time a harmonica is is an instrument you like ♪ ♪ and if you wrote a song about yourself it would be called the man who forgot what his job was ♪ ♪ and he could have freestyled like my man bill it was hot ♪ ♪ if you wrote a song about yourself it would make people get loose ♪ ♪ and you know it's really you cause you called him bruce ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you very much, bruce. thank you, roots. we are talking to bruce willis after the break. stick around! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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introducing the npower jean aka the perfect straight. and introducing the new relaxed slim for men. power up with up to 50% off all jeans. adults from fifteen dollars, kids from ten dollars. at old navy. no, please, please, oh! ♪ (shrieks in terror) (heavy breathing and snorting) no, no. the running of the bulldogs? surprising. what's not surprising?
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how much money aleia saved by switching to geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. pizza pringles. you made bbq, pizza. wow. add a jalapeño. spicy, bbq, pizza. wow. wow. wowwww. woww. wawawawow. wow. woww. stack flavors. make new ones. go. yes! go. yes! nice play. still buffering. mine too. what happened? hey, joy, you should let your new pals know that according to a leading independent study, the most awarded network is now best in streaming. i think you just did. you both can get a much better view of the game on the iphone on verizon unlimited. thanks. thanks. hey, thomas, when's your flight? (gasps) someone stole my watch. hey! (avo) unlimited is only as good as the network it's on. so get the best unlimited on the most awarded network. and right now, when you buy iphone 8, you'll get one on us with no trade-in required.
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a gun, taken from a car near fisherman )s wharf. it belongs to an out of town law enforcement officer. we still don )t know how the weapon was stored in the car. the warriors are in washngton dc tonight... instead of meeting w/ president trump...they chose to take a group of kids on a private tour of the museum of african american history. 1/2 a mile from the whote house. we )ve posted the photos on our twiter feed
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is one of the biggest movie stars in the world. his new film "death wish" opens this friday. please welcome the one, the only, bruce willis! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ >> jimmy: what is going on? you really did hurt yourself? >> i actually did. >> jimmy: you did. >> it's slowing down. it's slowing down. >> jimmy: thank you for coming on the show even though you're injured. >> i mean, i couldn't -- not come. >> jimmy: you could -- you could have -- >> i like this. >> jimmy: oh, i mean, you could have canceled on me, i would understand. we love you, buddy. come on -- that's a a professional right there, that's what you do. you get hurt -- [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, thank you. >> jimmy: it was working out? it was -- >> it was working out doing dips. and the fourth death dip -- [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: the name not to be accused with your new film.
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>> don't confuse it with the film. no, it was the -- >> jimmy: that's "death wish" not death dip. >> the bad noise, that it was kind of like that cartoon boing. it did spring up. >> jimmy: good gosh. >> but, i'm here. >> jimmy: well, thank you for being here. because i know, we were off for two weeks because of the olympics. i heard that you're a big olympic fan. >> i love the olympics, i love the olympics. i couldn't get enough of the events on tv. i'll couldn't get enough -- i tell you what i couldn't get enough of. >> jimmy: yeah? >> women's curling. >> jimmy: i did love women's curling. they were great. [ cheers and applause ] did you watch it? i loved them. they were great. >> they were unbelievable. >> jimmy: yeah? >> and those outfits they had? whoa. i was like, you never see people curling. they would -- all had those -- you just never see people curling. [ talking over each other ] my outfit was really horrible. >> jimmy: what do you mean, your outfit? >> i went -- i went to the opening ceremonies. >> jimmy: you were in the opening ceremony at the olympics? >> yes, yes. i brought a photo -- oh, you didn't see that photo? >> jimmy: no.
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>> yeah. [ laughter ] [ applause ] just in the nick of time. >> jimmy: oh, down here. that's you there. oh, my god. the country of tonga. there's a flag bearer of the country of tonga? >> i am the only tongan in south jersey. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how did you get to -- this is a great gig. what is this -- what an honor. [ talking over each other ] you're from new jersey. >> i had a whole bunch of oil, crazy, crazy oil. baby oil -- and trying to get baby oil through customs. what a problem that was. >> jimmy: yeah, i couldn't even imagine. you did have a lot of baby oil there. [ light laughter ] you did have a lot of baby oil. but how -- how would you ever get this gig to be the flag bearer of tonga? congratulations. >> my mom. my mom made the dress. did you see that? >> jimmy: is that right? >> she put that little panel in there. >> jimmy: aww. >> if you look very closely, you can see my flip-flops out on the ice. >> jimmy: oh, of course.
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that's a hard thing to do on the ice, yeah. >> a little nippy. [ talking over each other ] >> jimmy: shirtless, yeah. you can kind of tell how cold it was. [ light laughter ] how are the kids, how is the family? you've got two little girls. they're just the best, right? >> love of my life. awesome, awesome. >> jimmy: a photo of you, 'cause you're a tough guy in all their movies, a big action hero, but then when it comes to the babies, here's your daughter painting your nails. [ audience aws ] that's exactly what you've got to do, right? >> yes, very nice. yes. >> jimmy: you have to do that kind of stuff. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i also saw a photo of you -- i mean, a video that your wife posted of you making your kids laugh. i do anything to make the kids laugh. >> it's a crazy little funky game we like to play upstairs on the third floor. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> stinky toes. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: okay, now how do you -- stinky toes. >> stinky toes. >> jimmy: and how old is your daughter? how old is she? >> three and a half. >> jimmy: three and a half -- >> and five and a half. >> jimmy: i have a video of the game stinky toes.
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here's dad, bruce willis. check this out. >> you got that, huh? [ screaming ] >> whoa, this is the one right here. put the foot down. [ screaming ] holy -- run! run for your life! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: isn't that the greatest feeling in the world? to have a kid laugh at you? that's the best, dude. i love that they're adorable. i didn't know that you also had twins though. who are those? [ laughter ] this one looks just like you. i mean, exactly. >> yeah. >> jimmy: could you explain what's happening here? >> that's pretty disturbing. >> jimmy: yes. [ laughter ] what was this from, what is this for, who is this person? >> he's my best friend. and we -- made a bet. >> jimmy: made a bet, yeah. >> we had just watched "the shining." [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: did you both lose the bet? >> oh, we both lose -- with
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both lose that bet. but you can see down here these nice white socks. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> patent leather shoes. >> jimmy: did they have patent leather shoes in your size? >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you took it to the next level on this. >> yeah. >> jimmy: was this for a a costume party, or halloween party? or just did that for fun? >> halloween party. >> jimmy: oh, okay. >> halloween party with m. night shyamalan. >> jimmy: and did you -- oh, really? >> yep. >> jimmy: that's fun. what's a halloween party at m. night shyamalan's house like? >> very freaky. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] oh, my gosh. i want to talk about your new movie "death wish." i also want to talk about rumors of a new "die hard." more with bruce willis after the break. i want to hear about it. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i've had three people try to eat me today.
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12:01 am
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: welcome back, everybody, we're hanging out with our good friend bruce willis right here. [ cheers and applause ] he has a new film "death wish" in theaters friday. but i would like to talk about this, first of all, i love, we all do, "die hard," one of your first big blockbuster films. it's the 30th anniversary of that film. >> yup. >> jimmy: wow. >> yup. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: do you believe it's been 30 years? >> like that. >> jimmy: it just goes like that. >> like that. >> jimmy: this is a big deal, it just got added to the national film registry by the library of congress. how great is that? [ cheers and applause ] that's an honor. >> thank you. yeah, really. really. >> jimmy: when you did it, did you expect that it's going to be the biggest thing in the world, or you just -- every movie you do? >> no, there was a -- a slow start on that one. >> jimmy: really? >> but then it -- it arced. >> jimmy: it really did, it's unbelievable. and now there's rumors, just saying -- >> yeah, and i'm gonna -- >> jimmy: of a "die hard 6." >> i'm about to wing out to california to start to see what the script looks like.
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>> jimmy: so it will? >> so, yeah. i think so, yeah. >> jimmy: it is going to happen. [ cheers and applause ] you'll do it? >> yup. >> jimmy: do you like doing the sequels and the action things, is that like a thing? or do you -- or do you go like, why don't i just get a career of just being a guy that doesn't really run around or jump or shoot or do anything like that? [ light laughter ] you could have just been like, i want to play a guy who lives on the beach, and that's my type cast. >> oh. >> jimmy: and you're type cast in every movie you have to go to the beach and lay there. >> that would be a very nice time. >> jimmy: it would be, yeah. >> it would be a wonderful time. >> jimmy: because here you are in "death wish," just flipping around. by the way, it's fantastic, and i think people are going to love this. it's a revenge story. well, it's based on the charles bronson "death wish." your character, your wife and your daughter. >> yes, my family gets -- gets taken away from me. i'm a doctor, and save people's lives.
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and what happens to my family causes me to take a a different -- a different line of -- of work. >> jimmy: you lose it. you lose your marbles, yeah, absolutely. >> i go nuts. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. you really do go crazy. [ light laughter ] there's one scene in the film where you have this hoodie on, and you're walking through, 'cause you're just going crazy. i mean, you just start going like, "hey, if the cops aren't going to do something, i'm going to do something about it." and your head is down and it almost looks like your eyes are glowing, that's how crazy you are. it's like -- yeah, but you really go on a tear. but i want to show everyone a a clip here. here's bruce willis in "death wish." take a look at this. >> you're that doctor. >> i am that doctor. but right now i'm your doctor. your friend fish is already dead. you can thank him for giving you up. ♪
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>> so you're not going to kill me? >> no. jack is. [ screaming ] >> jimmy: yes! [ cheers and applause ] that's how you do it right there. bruce willis, everybody! "death wish" in theaters this friday. we'll be right back with retta, everyone. stick around. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ -i've seen lots of homes helping new customers bundle and save big, but now it's time to find my dream abode. -right away, i could tell his priorities were a little unorthodox. -keep going. stop. a little bit down. stop. back up again. is this adequate sunlight for a komodo dragon? -yeah. -sure, i want that discount on car insurance
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just for owning a home, but i'm not compromising. -you're taking a shower? -water pressure's crucial, scott! it's like they say -- location, location, koi pond. -they don't say that. it's like they say -- location, location, koi pond. try to read me like a book. but i leave em all shook. because you can't judge a book by its cover. this campaign and this project is all about us not wanting to be boxed in. to let people know that you cant just place labels without learning who they are as a person first. ♪ you know we have always ♪ but now we have new ribs and they are ridic ♪ been known for our ribs ♪ ♪ they're large and in charge of our smokehouse combo ♪ ♪ and they come on a giant rectangular tray ♪ ♪ chili's is back, baby, back, baby, back ♪ mmm-hmm! ♪ or take your chili's to go ♪ ♪ baby, go, baby, go ♪ go. yes! go. yes! nice play. still buffering. mine too. what happened? hey, joy, you should let your new pals know that according to a leading independent study, the most awarded network is now best in streaming. i think you just did. you both can get a much better view of the game on the iphone on verizon unlimited. thanks. thanks. hey, thomas, when's your flight? (gasps)
12:08 am
someone stole my watch. hey! (avo) unlimited is only as good as the network it's on. so get the best unlimited on the most awarded network. and right now, when you buy iphone 8, you'll get one on us with no trade-in required. [ j♪ lend me your ears ande hei'll sing you a song ♪ ♪ i will try not to sing out of key ♪ ♪ oh baby i get by with a little help from my friends ♪ ♪ all i need is my buddies vw drivers have always put others first. now we're returning the favor, with the people first warranty, america's best bumper to bumper limited warranty. 6 years or 72 thousand miles transferable coverage.
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♪ introducing the npower jean aka the perfect straight. and introducing the new relaxed slim for men. power up with up to 50% off all jeans. adults from fifteen dollars, kids from ten dollars. at old navy.
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(door bell rings) (cell phone vibrating) ♪ hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. hello, i got your package. you can just leave it, thanks. (cell phone vibrating) hello, can i help you? hello. hello. hello. hello. hello. ♪ sure. momwhat's up, son?alk?
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i can't be your it guy anymore. what? you guys have xfinity. you can do this. what's a good wifi password, mom? you still have to visit us. i will. no. make that the password: "you_stillóhave_toóvisit_us." that's a good one. seems a bit long, but okay... set a memorable wifi password with xfinity my account. one more way comcast is working to fit into your life, not the other way around. ♪ >> jimmy: our next guest stars on the brand-new show "good
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girls" which airs mondays at 10:00 p.m. right here on nbc. please welcome retta. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: retta, always great to see you. >> hi, james. >> jimmy: every time we get together, we have fun. >> how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing great. >> i haven't seen you in so long. >> jimmy: welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> jimmy: thank you for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> jimmy: we always have fun. we both started in stand-up. i heard something about you. you said that -- was chris rock one of your -- >> yes. >> jimmy: did you listen to him before? >> i used to -- to pump myself up, i used to watch "bring the pain" and -- on hbo. i used to -- before i started doing the open mikes, just to get, like, geeked and get amped for it. then i noticed i started taking on his cadence.
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and i had to stop. because it looked like i was fighting his style. >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. [ light laughter ] i mean you watch a comedian and then go out and do -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: your own stuff. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's like you're just sounding like chris. yes. has chris ever seen you? >> i don't think so, no. >> jimmy: oh no, really? >> no. >> jimmy: just amazing. he's the best. do you have a memorable -- do you have a memorable gig that's something like -- cause i -- i remember, like, i had just crazy gigs. i've done stand-up with no microphone. >> yes. >> jimmy: where i'm like, "you forgot the mike?" >> yeah, nothing makes me -- now at least you're used to the lab. i was never used the lab when they had to give us the mikes that are on here. >> jimmy: oh, yeah. >> but i've had some crazy -- i've had some crazy gigs. but there was nothing crazier than -- so a couple that was a a friend of mine, they were having trouble conceiving. and so they had had some issues. so they finally decided they were getting a surrogate. and the husband had been doing a lot of research. he loved his wife. and he was like -- he's going
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to make this happen for her. one of the things he learned was that if you -- if the woman is laughing during insemination -- >> jimmy: oh, no, no. [ laughter ] no, no, no, no, no, retta, no, no. please -- maybe the story might change. what's happening? >> the likelihood of -- [ laughter ] goes up! so i get this e-mail -- and at the time we weren't that close. and i get this e-mail and he says -- he sends me the articles, the links to all these articles that tell you what works and what's helpful. and he's like, so do you think you could do stand-up at our insemination? >> jimmy: that's what i was hoping you wouldn't say. oh, my god. and you said yes? >> no, at first i said, "yo, what's up?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's a good response. >> i was like, "for realsies?" and he was like, "yeah, i understand." he's like, "i mean --" his wife was so sweet. and i loved her so much. i was like, "well, i'll do it if dana does it." it was another friend of mine who does stand-up. and i was basically like, "dana is not going to do it." [ laughter ] and so i was like, "i'll do it
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if dana does it." and dana was like, "would you really put me in that position?" so she said she would do it. >> jimmy: wait, so you got an opener as well? [ laughter ] >> no, i was like, "yes --" [ laughter ] i was like, "i'm opening. you're closing." >> jimmy: oh, okay. oh, okay. that's a good friend right there. yeah, exactly. >> i was kind of laughing -- >> jimmy: ladies and gentlemen, give it up for dana. yeah. >> so -- he set up this whole thing. >> jimmy: where were you? >> we were --it was in beverly hills. it was a clinic -- one of the high tech, expensive ass places. >> jimmy: you're in like a a hospital? >> no, well -- >> jimmy: basically. >> it's just for -- it's an infertility clinic. >> jimmy: yeah. >> a huge place. so he's like, "we're going to go back first. and then, i'll come get you." >> jimmy: so you're not doing it right then and there. >> no, not while they're -- >> jimmy: okay, gotcha. [ laughter ] >> but it's right after. it's the time where she's, you know, in the bed and laying there. and kind of elevated a little bit. so he's like, "come back now." so we walked back. and then i noticed he has like a laptop set up. he's set up a music intro. next thing you know, he comes
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out with a rainbow afro, like a a clown afro. and he's doing a whole intro, like a thing. he was opening the show. >> jimmy: wow, i thought i had a bizarre gig in my life. but this is unbelievable. >> yeah, and we were in the hallway like -- and nurses are going by like, "what is happening?" [ laughter ] so i go in first and, you know, i do my opener. and so some nurses come in and some stay to watch and they're laughing. the doctor is coming in from the other room, she's like, "what is going on? this is a very trying time in couples' lives. and you guys are in here laughing." i was like, "bra, this wasn't me." [ laughter ] this was the last gig i wanted. >> jimmy: it's a paid gig! it's the clown's fault. it's not my fault, yeah. >> so i finished. dana finished. >> jimmy: and they laughed. >> yes, and it worked. so i'm funny, apparently. >> jimmy: it works! >> it works. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: they have a baby. they have a baby. that's great news. it works. you are funny. >> yeah. >> jimmy: let's talk about
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"good girls." explain what this show is about. >> it's basically about three moms who feel kind of backed in a corner financially. and the only way to save their families is to commit a crime. and it backfires on them. because the crime was the least of their problems. >> jimmy: and it's a great cast, christina hendricks, mae whitman. i heard that there was a -- was it you were doing a robbery in the show? >> yes, we were shooting the robbery scene. and next door, there was a a robbery. [ laughter ] i mean, i swear. >> jimmy: that's a genius, first of all. that's fantastic. >> they were like, "we're going to use their cover." so, you know, one of our p.a.s, bobby who is hilarious -- there was a thing was like, "everybody, everybody down. everybody down." we're like, "bro, relax." he was like, "no, no, there's a a real robbery. stand down. stand down." i was like, "i'm going to need you to settle." [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: i can act, okay? stop directing me. that's a little crazy. >> for real, there was a a robbery next door. we were like, "aw snap!" taking off our stuff so we didn't get caught up like thinking we were doing it. >> jimmy: oh, of course. >> started passing our guns to props like, "that's not us homie." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh my. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you got to be kidding me. >> it was stressful. >> jimmy: is it fun working with these girls? >> oh, it's so great. >> jimmy: yeah? >> we clicked very early on. actually the first time we met, we met for drinks with two of our e.p.s. and then we were like, "oh, we're going to order more drinks." and so we went and had dinner and had more drinks. and then ended up at christina's having more drinks. >> jimmy: and there you go. >> and then it was a mess. >> jimmy: then it was a mess. yeah, then the authorities were called. i want to show a clip. here is retta in "good girls." take a look at this. >> they're looking for him. >> do they know he's missing? >> i don't know. >> or is it just about the robbery? >> i don't know. >> what did you tell them? >> that you bashed his head in with a whiskey bottle. >> what, you think i did? >> so i got $18 in tips. i had to sell sam's favorite set of cufflinks for $250. sarah is playing her first
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soccer game in a t-shirt instead of the team uniform, which gives us a grand total of $343. which means, we now owe $59,657 to the violent street gang. please tell me you did better. what's going on? >> there's been a development. >> what kind of development? [ applause ] >> jimmy: wow. it's a big deal. i also want to say i love seeing you in person. but your face is everywhere. >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you know that you're -- there's billboards all over the place? there's a giant one in times square. >> i know. i was like, "you know what? i made it."
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[ laughter ] so -- but the bigger deal was yesterday my mom said she was going to come into town to take pictures of the billboards. and so she came in with her two besties. and then she took two pictures of the billboards. but then they took, like, 20 pictures of themselves on the digital because it was the camera that was facing them. so they sent me 20 pictures of them and two of me. i was like, "thanks." >> jimmy: very, very proud, mom. retta, everybody. congratulations. [ cheers and applause ] come back whenever, pal. "good girls" airs mondays at 10:00 p.m. on nbc. we'll be right back with a a performance from towkio. stick around. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: be sure to tune in tomorrow night. he's a star of the huge new movie "black panther," chadwick boseman will be dropping in. [ cheers and applause ] plus marlon wayans will be here. oh, he's always so fun. and later in the week, we have alicia keys and lin-manuel miranda coming on with "weird al" yankovic. it's going to be good. you guys, performing "symphony" featuring teddy jackson off of his new album "www.(world wide wave)", give it up for towkio. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ you and your friends watch videos try and dance like beyonce you was raised ♪ ♪ a church girl now you always
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find yourself out on sunday and do on monday the same thing you did tuesday ♪ ♪ and wednesday feel the same now you feel uncool like your aunty husband but you don't want ♪ ♪ to feel that lame but you don't know that much it's okay go pour that up ♪ ♪ if you got your drink then hold that up cause you ain't pay for it 'cause you got a big ol' ♪ ♪ and somebody bought it you ain't gotta pay that back i'm like each night and it don't get old ♪ ♪ but just know everything that glisten ain't gold so don't believe everything you've been told ♪ ♪ just know that your future ain't sitting in stone like rolling stone i rock like granite ♪ ♪ hit the stage rock the mic like janet if i say things they might just happen ♪ ♪ turn stars to seeds i might just plant it no ring just a saturn whip used to get your son ♪ ♪ from baby daddy i ain't judging beauty pageants but time ain't never moving backwards ♪ ♪ so okay guess you sent for me i just feel all the vibes that you sent for me ♪ ♪ if god sent me an inquiry about angels and instantly you fell out of the sky ♪ ♪ with a pair of some angel wings you believe in a thing called destiny would you live for me ♪ ♪ die for me sin for me or play along baby girl like a symphony ♪ ♪ would you live for me die for me sin for me cry for me ♪ >> alright new york, i need
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your hands up. let's go. hands up, yo. we are going to have some fun. it's okay to get out your seats. hey, one, two, three. let's go. ♪ come on hey play along play hey come on ♪ ♪ play along hey come on come on come on ♪ ♪ play along hey play along play along ♪ ♪ play along play along play play ♪ ♪ play play along play along like it ain't that hard ♪ ♪ don't act too cool play your part and if your card declined then you claim fraud ♪ ♪ and if your man's dead then he gonna take that charge but if it's never ♪ ♪ your fault then it's never your fault and if you don't got money you can say that thought ♪ ♪ you ain't learn that thing that you payback loans for that diploma to sit on your wall ♪ ♪ who you owe and what you own you say you're grown but i can't tell pop out best fit you gonna put that on ♪ ♪ but you still out here taking them big l's broken nail cracked your screen worked at noon slept til 3 ♪ ♪ at the club you risked it all cause you stay there til they turn the lights on ♪ ♪ looking for that love and basketball like why really no i'm just saying you be looking ♪ ♪ for the right things in the wrong places like a man catches you for your body language ♪
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♪ at this point get lost in translation know they got it in for me i can feel all the vibes ♪ ♪ that you sent for me it's scientific chemistry you wifey wifi you connect to me ♪ ♪ let me be adam and you be eve really girl i'm just tryna feel ♪ ♪ your energy would you live for me die for me sin for me ♪ ♪ or play along baby girl like a symphony would you live for me die for me ♪ >> alright new york, let hear the club going. ♪ sin for me cry for me baby if i wrote you a symphony ♪ ♪ would you play along >> we goin' double time. double time. ♪ play along play along play tell me would you ♪ ♪ play along come on play along hey tell me would you play along ♪ ♪ if god told me the mood that matches and he gave me every chance to make it happen there's no doubt ♪ ♪ i can't imagine now i'm on your tv set on jimmy fallon whew baby it's you ♪ ♪ play along hey it's your move tell me what you want to do ♪ ♪ come on play along tell me what you want to do tell me what you want to do
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yeah ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> great job, man. thank you. fallon, thank you guys. >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. teddy jackson, oh! fantastic. "www" -- go, give it up. www. -- >> thank you new york. i love you guys. >> jimmy: (world wide wave) is out now. we'll be right back, everybody. ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to bruce willis, retta, towkio, teddy jackson and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great night. i hope to see you tomorrow. bye-bye! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- kelly clarkson, from "designated survivor," actor kal penn,e music from kelly clarkson. featuring the 8g band with jim riley. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. ♪ >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how is everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] that is fantastic to hear. in that case, let's get to the news. former white house communications director anthony scaramucci today called for chief of staff john kelley to


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