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tv   NBC Bay Area News  NBC  February 22, 2018 4:00pm-4:31pm PST

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photos that caused the uproar. >> the district board voted to release this investigation report publicly and that means sexually explicit photos at the center of this dispute are also public. now another big issue looms. who actually won this fight? the board is mainly known for the maverick surf contest but it has gotten better known after a claim of sexual harassment against the fellow commissioner. >> wasn't until the me too movement that i really recognized that it was important that i take leadership role. >> brennan accused him of saying he would take her off key committees after she complained of harassment. there was a 54-page report that says he sent her eight sexually explicit photos. we've only showed you a few of them. the others are too graphic.
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he said he believed she would think it was funny because she is a lesbian. >> i was shocked by his response which was to sort of laugh it off as a joke. nbc news has learned that action cannot be taken because he is an elected official on a special board. >> i don't reget it. >> reporter: i got a response from him. he says he believes the allegations were unfounded and while he says he regrets sending the e-mail photos, he said he did apologize but he said he believes all this makes a mock rift me too movement. robert handa, nbc bay area news. >> this story was tweeted out just before we came on air. his shanl another r handa.
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>> meteorologist rob mayeda tweeted this from dublin about an hour ago. what is it looking like right now? take another look at san francisco. rain is coming down. we've got the storm ranger scanning the skies. other parts getting some rainfall. it has been very heavy at times. we look at our storm ranger scan along with the other radars. you can see wet weather at this point, all of it is moving off toward the south. it will probably last the next two to three hours. so the first zone we want to move into is along the peninsula. the light to moderate rainfall could contribute some showers along the 101 corridor, down 280. the second complex of wet weather we're tracking is right
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here across 101. moving into gilroy. still wet weather, may hang on to about 4:42. also some low snow this evening right across mt. hamilton. we've seen a little as well for the santa cruz mountains. so cold air. isolated storms. also the cold temperatures. when the wind kicks up today, we have temperatures felt like the 40s. 45 is what it feels like. we'll talk more about the chill tomorrow morning. >> you can track the rain from the palm of your hand. >> another chance for the women's ice hockey. maybe not miracle on ice but just as sweet. for the first time in 20 years, the women's hockey team is
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simply golden. the american women came from behind to force overtime. then came the shoot-out in a gold medal game against canada. the u.s. scored the goal ahead in the shoot-out is that then one final stop there for gloria. look at this. team usa pulls off an emotional victory. watch this. she wanted nothing to do with her silver medal. she took medal off immediately afterwards. placed it around her neck. a lot of players said the sting of coming so close to gold made the time after the game almost unbearable. the u.s. men's team advanced to the gold medal fire after beating the canadians in the semifinal. p0h2uv1 o and al$9,v cx% eyesó7ad wi" yes. kare2s1y6 in tenth place and will need a super performance to have a shot
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f you want to watch karen go for gold, we )ve got you covered. join our nbc bay area watch party. it )s at campo di bocci n fremont. it all begins in less than an hour. a conversation in the white house about gun violence -- spirals into an attack on california. president trump saying quote "we )re getting no help from california" -- and then warning he could yank federal resources such as "ice" and border patrol agents from our state. in san francisco -- the threat failed to inspire fear at city hall. some leaders say the president s comments are an attempt to scapegoat undocumented immigrants -- at a time when the country is grieving. are an attempt to scapegoat undocumented immigrants at a time when the country is @nyvakxcm4 thaqkpf cares about immigrant rnia gangs, as well as dangerous 0á8
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assau a statement saying inlt california, we protect all of our people from criminals and the statement closed with, we do our job, mr. president. at one point the audience stood up & began chanting, demanding the officer who pulled the trigger on shaleem tindle be fired. nbc bay area )s jodi hernandez was the first reporter to obtain a clip of the body camera video....that led to today )s fiery meeting.... she )s live at the west oakland bart station. jodi? it )s going viral -
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% i can see my wrote defending himself to take someone's gun. but him holding a gun, i've never known him to hold a gun. >> and b.a.r.t. hasn't heard the last from them. >> they were hiding it. hiding the truth. now the truth is out. >> reporter: the family is planning more protests. meanwhile, b.a.r.t.'s police chief said he is now considering putting him on desk duty for his own safety. reporting live in oakland, i'm jodi hernandez, nbc bay area n a news. >> thank seat speaking of b.a.r.t., it is poe going viral.rnek, sa a picture of a hypodermic needle found a train seat. a person said he saw it on the way home from work. he put night baggy and gave to it a station agent. >> i panicked at first.
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i didn't know what to do. i thought i would have to stay d on the train untilvi pittsburghd and make sureon no one sat on i. >> b.a.r.t. told us it is not uncommon. the agency advises in this situation, don't touch needle. g instead report to it an intercom. >> a san jose mom satisfies big retailer wouldn't honor the return policy. one >> judy bought two pairs of schools in the macy's store.. eh eight months later, he still hadn't worn one pair so she decided i'll bring it back and i'll get my $87 back. eight months is a long time. but julie says macy's website ic said she hadal a year to return the shoes. the store said no, you only havs
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45 days. it denied refund. the store enforced the 45-day return policy.arch julie escalated her complaint. t unsuccessfully. so she asked us "finis for help. did i a simple internet search and i found two macy's pages. one accepts returns for a year.$ the other87 said 45 days.nvenie so we contacted the store. macy's gave julie her $87 back c and said we have apologized forr theea inconvenience she experienced. what about those he two could fligting return policies? macy's said the page that read one year was an arrest kai and e was loutdated. the store pointed out the error and removed the page from the website. p.s., by state law, you are onl- entitled to a seven-day window back merchandise. most stores are much more icy be generous.s. not head over e heels in love with what you're
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buying, it is best to check out the return policy before you check out of the register. >> kudos to julie for keeping those shoes for eight months after the kid didn't wear the shoes."the oa >> thank you, google. >> saying goodbye to an institution in the heart of plu: silicon the reason theic a oasis is shu down. some showers over the peninsula right now that would continue rain into los altos. we're tracking when it moves out and the frigid morning ahead fo tomorrow. plus, what do olympic cook. athletes eat before going for gold? in for a behind the scenes look aton )t team usa's personal cook.
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switch to at&t internet for business. more & less - that's the power of &. hello again from pyeongchang for the winter olympics. they have a little korean food, a little western food but a pretty limited menu. if you are a team usa athlete, that's a different story. they flew out their own chef from chicago and they converted what is normally a ski rental
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shop into a fully functioning kitchen for their 100 athletes. the chef balances their nutritional needs and providing them with food they're used to and some local flavor. it is a job to find the many things he requires. they spent months shipping items. he was certainly doing something right. stay tuned to nbc bay area news after the olympics for complete coverage of everything happening in pong chan. >> makes me hung riflt don't want to police any of our olympic stories. scroll to the bottom of the page and click on contact us. just announced, a restaurant
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closing but the local community says it will fight to keep this place open. oasis. where janelle used to go for dinner as a girl. they said they're shutting it because of a lease dispute. long time fans grabbing lunch for what could be a long time. >> a petition is circling asking them on reconsider. snap chat stocks took a dive because of one tweet. reality star kiley jenner posted this tweet. she said she doesn't use the app nil. they redesigned it and she doesn't seem to be a fan. they are circulating a petition to bring the old style back and stock is down 7%.
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>> here's a man who likes the stay on the good side. >> i think i follow kylie jenner. >> she's not missing mine. we have a lot of weather coming our way. our mobile doppler radar which we had positioned in the south bay. and did catch some of the more intense cells as they passed on by. the first one is through the peninsula. we have some showers moving to the south. the other top concern is the slickest roads, on highway 101 from morgan hill to gilroy.
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off toward the south. drying out morgan hill but probably about another half-hour left of some rainfall in gig roy. i think we're getting on the dry side. by 10:00, we'll see all of this activity moving out. with maybe just a spotty snow shower left throughout mt. hamilton. it will set us one a cold morning. we're going to an average of 31 in the tri-valley with many patchy fog. 38 in the peninsula and clear, 37 degrees for the south bay. also an average of 36 in the east bay. san francisco, chilly 39 degrees. for the north bay, we are at 30. throughout the day tomorrow, we keep the sunshine. it will give as you slight windchill and that could make it feels like the upper 40s. we have 59 in concord, 59 in
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pleasanton. san francisco also, excellent day if you're here visiting to get any kind of sightseeing videos. and right throughout the north bay, we have novato at 57 degrees and very similar temperatures for sonoma and napa. i want to you keep an eye out for the next two best chances of rainfall. as we head throughout next wednesday night and thursday, possibly another quarter of an inch on tap. just what we need. it won't solve all of our problems. it is five to ten degrees below our average for rainfall. lighting unour bay area skies. did you see this? the spacex rocket launch that had people in the bay area looking up in amazement. the lat
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graham will lie in "honor" in the nation )s capitol in washington d.c. next week. the last person to lie in honor at capitol hill was rosa happening now, the reverend billy graham will lie in honor at capitol hill. the last person was rosa parks. and a gold medal swimmer, the high school named its new aquatic high school after her.
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hi, we're alaska airlines, and we give you more than just peanuts. we give you all sorts of amazing stuff, like european biscoff cookies. hundreds of free movies and tv shows, that you can watch for free, right on your phone. and our rewarding mileage plan that gets you to over 900 mind-expanding destinations. if you want peanuts, check out our prices. alaska airlines. that's how we fly.
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coast guard helicopter made an emergency landing at big rec baseball field. you )re looking at video taken from our n-b-c bay area skyranger. this is something you don't see every day. a coast guard helicopter made an emergency landing in goldengate park. the pilot said he was forced to land. crews repaired it right there at the sxark then took off again. spacex successfully launched another rocket today. we have ignition. it blasted off from van den bergh air force base in california. it might bring the net to
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billions of people. people in the bay area got a chance to see it blast into space without having to go down there. this is photo taken by one of our nbc bay area staffers. a viewer saw it while driving on 880 in the east bay right there. the u.s. raked in a lot of hardware. who are these people?
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the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing.
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how much money do you think you'll need in retirement? then we found out how many years that money would last them. how long do you think we'll keep -- oooooohhh! you stopped! you're gonna leave me back here at year 9? how did this happen? it turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. we have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. let's plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. prudential. bring your challenges. norway is absolutely running away with the top spot... with 35 total medals. germany and canada are a distant
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second and third. it's time to check in on the medal count leaderboard. norway is running away with it with 35 medals. where does that leave us? we're fourth! moving up to fourth. we were way down the list. now we have 21 gold. don't forget, tonight is a special night. the night when medals will be decide in the women's figure skating. we've mentioned it throughout the newscast. fremont karen chen will be competing. all the action begins at 5:00 tonight before the a half-hour from right now. >>-team usa ladies sitting in ninth, tenth and 11th. they have to skate perfectly cleanly. >> we have to hope. >> a little bobble and here and there with the top contenders. the olympic zone is next. we can't wait to watch.
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sport they shine in -- for the south koreans -- it )s all about short track -- but what sets them apart the most? nbc )s rich lerner looks at how the culture tonight, south koreans have dominated the short track competition in pyeongchang. find out how korean culture molds success stories in sports and beyond. plus -- >> it's quiet. no ringing. no phones. >> jeff steps away from the frenzy of the olympics. it's a place where fans can search for peace, solitude and spiritual enlightenment. and nobody is having more fun in pyeongchang than mommy bynum. we traveled all over one to the teenage short track star. >> this is delicious. >> next, on olympic zone.


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