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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  February 22, 2018 4:30am-5:01am PST

4:30 am
welcome to thursday morning. a live look outside overlooking san jose. you may notice sol rain on that morning commute if you're heading out the door early this morning. sprinkling in some parts. we'll check the full forecast with kari. slick roads. good morning. i'm laura garcia. >> i'm marcus washington. it was sprinkling and then, oh! >> the south bay and the east bay is where we're seeing the rain this morning. other parts of the bay area it is cloudy. right to storm ranger. we are tracking this rain as it continues to move through the santa cruz mountains and parts of the south bay above the east bay. a closer look at san jose and what's happening right now hit or miss.
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one part of san jose you're seeing dry streets and then other areas you have to turn on the windshield wipers. this is the kind of weather we'll see throughout the next couple of hours. light rain coming down 101 as you head from morgan hill into san jose. also a little cluster of rain right over fremont. we'll take a closer look at storm ranger. are you seeing rain on your camera lens, too? >> a little bit. here is the san jose camera. a little bit left over there. droplets all over but some dribbled off the lens. wet roads, 101 and 680. some green blotches all over the south bay, kari, talking about snow on mt. hamilton. over here highway 24 there is actually another crash right here at highway 13. it sounds like one vehicle and a second one joined in. no major injuries. we'll track that and get more details from chp. the rest of the roadways are moving smoothly. over here a much more serious situation so, marcus, i will
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hand that back to you. we have breaking news to tell but out of contra costa county. two people are dead after this crash involving two cars. the force of the impact woke up people inside the home. it happened in bay point around 1:00 a.m. on wharf drive. pete suratos is getting more information right now. he'll have a live report in the next half hour. meantime in the south bay -- this is new this morning. a lengthy slow speed chase comes to a dramatic end overnight. >> "today in the bay's" kris sanchez with how officers were finally able to get the driver to stop but it wasn't easy. >> reporter: hi there, laura and marcus. it was a spike strip, something we usually see in a more high-speed chase. this was a low-speed chase that finally came to an end on 680. look at how long this driver managed to elude chp officers. this all started with calls to
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911 about a suspected drunk driver. officers were redwood city tracked that driver of a honda weaving across lanes of traffic on southbound 101 in palo alto f. you've ever wondered what to do if you see an impaired driver, this is it. call 911. when officers tried to stop the woman behind the wheel, she took off again. officers continued to follow her from southbound 101 to highway 85 to i-280 before she made it on northbound 680 where officers had the spike strip waiting for her. the car came to a stop but chp tells us the woman still would not get out of her car. officers broke out the windows, took her from the car, and put her into cuffs. chp tells us once they had their hands on the woman they could tell she had very definite signs of impairment. we don't know what she'll be charged with but do suspect it will be driving under the influence. in san jose, kris sanchez, "today in the bay." >> a good thing no one was hurt in the situation. >> you're right.
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thanks so much, kris. new this morning a strip mall goes up in flames in hayward. take a look. you can see the fire. the smoke barreling out of the building. it happened off mission boulevard. firefighters did manage to get it under control before it spread any further. police tell us there were about ten abandoned businesses there. transients are known to hang out. the cause is still under investigation. this morning an oakland man is missing in the frigid mountains of yosemite while friends and family are holding out for hope that he will be found alive. 36-year-old allen chow went for a week backpacking trip by himself but hasn't been heard from since. that search began on tuesday when chow didn't show up for work. marin county search and rescue team went out last night to assist in the ground and aircrews already in place. >> i know he has his compass. he's the type of guy who will probably try to figure it out himself, have a compass and, oh, okay, this has to be the right
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way, and he would just move that way. >> right now a major concern is that chow may be injured. the forecast is another thing to worry about. it was 14 degrees overnight and snow is in the forecast for today. the warriors appear ready to put their own stamp on a longtime champion tradition. next tuesday the ws make their one and only trip to washington. according to "the chronicle" the team has another plan involving a tour that will include d.c.-area children but will not involve politics. our bob redell is looking into the story and will join us at 5:30. now to the olympic games in pyeongchang. people are riding high celebrating team usa's late-night hockey win. >> if you weren't watching the game was tied 2-2 after three periods. then a scoreless overtime. finally the american women beat canada in a dramatic shoot-out to win that gold. overnight we heard from fans and
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players. our garvin thomas joins us live in south korea at 5:00 a.m. with that reaction. >> now looking forward tonight in prime time tune in to see who wins the ladies figure skating competition. karen chen is currently in 10th place. >> and a quick look at the medal count for you. norway continues to lead with 34 total medals. germany and canada round out the top three. team usa alone in fourth place this morning. coming up next on "today in the bay," if you're not a huge fan of the uber pool there's a new version being tested that will cost you a little less. we'll tell you about the new features coming up. >> plus, move over mr. whopper. there's a new king in town.
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my name is cynthia haynes and i am a senior public safety specialist for pg&e.
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my job is to help educate our first responders on how to deal with natural gas and electric emergencies. everyday when we go to work we want everyone to work safely and come home safely. i live right here in auburn, i absolutely love this community. once i moved here i didn't want to live anywhere else. i love that people in this community are willing to come together to make a difference for other people's lives. together, we're building a better california.
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good morning, i'm landon downey, here are today's top business headlines. wall street is set to open higher after the markets fell yesterday. stocks gave up big gains following the release of minutes from last month's fed meeting which sparked a fresh wave of volatility as bond yields jumped multiyear highs. a stronger u.s. economy than at the end of last year and more interest rate hikes are in the cards. the dow, which had been up more than 300 points closed down 166 to 24,797. the nasdaq 16 points. a new section dedicated to home products such as furniture and
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decorative items. curated collections in nine different styles including modern, mid century and bohemian. the move takes aim at target which has been investing in exclusive home brands as well as amazon, wayfair and ikea. it's part of a broader overhaul as it tries to combat slow and online sales. and uber is drawing out a cheaper version of its car-pool service called express pool. riders wait to be matched with other passengers to be picked up and dropped off in the vicinity of their destination. it makes shared trips faster for passengers. express pool is now available in san francisco, washington, boston, l.a., denver, san diego, miami and philadelphia. back to you. >> some bigger cities. it makes sense. >> we'll see how that works. thanks, landon. so if you're not a fast food burger person, listen up.
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we found out that more and more people are actually choosing a chalupa over the whopper. taco bell has now surpassed burger king in sales. now this puts taco bell as the fourth largest american restaurant brand. the top spot still belongs to mcdonald's, starbucks and then subway. taco bell is up 5% last year, the company bringing in nearly $10 billion. they sell fries now. >> they're so mexican. 4:41. coming up next on "today in the bay," the windy forecast. i guess people are thinking outside the bun, right? we do have some wet roads out there as we take a look at palo alto. you do have to turn on the windshield wipers and we're going to have more rain as we go through the day off and on. we'll talk more about this in a few minutes.
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we have the folks waiting in the cash lane. this is typical as not all the cash lanes are open. how things are shaping up there and a spinout over in the east bay. welcome back - you )re watching today in the bay.
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it )s thursday and it )s still cold out there -- welcome back. the time 4:44. "today in the bay" on this thursday morning. we look at the top of the san bruno mountains. you're going to have to bundle up today because there will be a breeze this morning. you'll need all those things that keep you warm as you head out the door. >> how about this, happening today it is national margarita day. >> that will keep you warm. >> is it my birthday or something? lots of places offering great deals. there's one over in milpitas having some specials on margaritas all day. the first margarita created in 1938 in tijuana. the restaurant owner came up with a recipe for customers who was allergic to spirits except for tequila. remember to drink responsibly. >> sometimes i'll have anything but tequila.
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>> i do hear that. very foreign to me. >> definitely the margarita will keep you warm if you have enough responsibly. >> at home, right? >> at home. >> or with a driver. we're talking about keeping safe today and keeping warm, too. i want to show you storm ranger, our red beam you see going around from san jose across the bay area. th it's cold enough to snow this morning. the whites and the pink shades you see there, some snow coming down. and then as we get a closer look at what's happening in san jose, around milpitas, those roads are wet as you head out the door. make sure you do grab the umbrella and we are seeing some of the rain south of san jose as you're driving down 101 and moving just out of morgan hill just a few minutes ago and also in fremont right now some rain that's been moving off to the south and east. we will see the spotty activity
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throughout the morning and afternoon. so make sure you're prepared. looking at temperatures now only at 32 degrees in napa. it's 30 in santa rosa. 44 degrees in livermore where we do have more clouds. it is a little bit milder and our highs today bringing it down a couple degrees from yesterday. and we will still at times have some clouds and a chance of rain as we go into the afternoon. the morning starts out with clouds and on and off rain. it is cold and also the umbrella. now as the day goes along you still need the layers, long sleeves and pants a good option today. getting dressed feels like winter out there as we finally have gotten into a winterlike pattern. we're still going to have rain in the forecast through late morning for the north bay of as the day goes along we will have a chance of a few isolated thunderstorms, maybe even ice pellets coming down from that rain. and the showers that we'll see throughout the day with some gusty winds. heading into the weekend it
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dries out. tracking another storm system early next week and, mike, you're saying there's a spinout if fremont. >> chp says the original crash was a spinout. as we look at our fremont camera you can get the angle right, look at the sheen on the roadway. 880 by the fremont truck scales. we'll look at your map and it shows up in many spots. over here mt. hamilton overnight, maybe some snow up there. just stay away if you can. look at over here, also the green blotches around the area where we see the report of a spinout and slowing sensors approaching the area northbound 880. we can confirm the slowing because one of our photographers called in as well and said it's jammed up right there. that's good stuff over there and we are looking at one car in the middle of the roadway. that's why it's still slow there. cash lanes are recovering at the bay bridge toll plaza. no major issues.
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they haven't opened all the cash lanes. back to you. >> recent attacks on tourist spots in manhattan and europe by lone terrorists have great terence that law enforcement is not prepared for an attack. >> cooperation among many agencies is indeed lacking. >> reporter: while there has been public debate over san francisco's refusal to be a part of the joint terrorism task force here, we dug further and we found dozens of other local agencies who don't participate either. in fact, out of 14 different counties covered by the jttf only agencies representing two-counties have any officers on the task force at all. >> the bay area has targets and everybody knows that. whether it's the golden gate bridge, transamerica building, other parts of the bay area have
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played out in the media and been part of propaganda material pushed out through social media. >> reporter: that's why the fbi is pushing to get more local agencies to participate in this region's jttf. opponents say there's a good reason they don't want local police to become sworn federal agents. i'll have their take on this plus a breakdown on the current situation all in our special investigative report tonight after the olympics. >> thanks, steven. you can call that number right there on your screen, 888-996-tips, or e-mail them. pretty simple. send that e-mail to new video to show you this morning, a ferry exploding at a mexican resort. you see it there. the tourists were trying to make their way on when the massive explosion happened. it happened about an hour south of cancun. about two dozen people were injured.
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remarkably all are expected to survive. some americans were also among those injured. no word on what caused that explosion. coming up on "today in the bay," nbc bay area responds. she is well within a store's return policy but she's refused at the customer service desk. we want to know why. i'm consumer investigator chris chmura nbc bay area responds. f f but first, happening now, a california deputy finds himself on the wrong side of the law. the deputy is accused of sexually assaulting six female inmates. the victims all say it happened while they were in custody. if convicted of all the charges the deputy faces up to seven years in prison. southwest investigating after an emotional support dog allegedly bit a child. it happened on a flight from phoenix to portland, oregon, last night. the airline sent out a release saying the support dog's teeth scraped the child's forehead as the young passenger approached
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causing a minor injury. emts checked out the child and allowed him to fly. the dog's owner and dog stayed behind.
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even if no one in your home smokes, secondhand smoke can be closer than you think. secondhand smoke from a neighbor's apartment can enter your home through air vents, through light fixtures and even through cracks in the walls and the floors. secondhand smoke is toxic. especially to children. protect your family. visit
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good thursday morning to you. a live look outside overlooking the san mateo bridge. you'll notice some spotty showers in the south bay and the east bay. kari has been telling us this morning. mike has his eye on all those roadways for you. 4:54. nbc bay area responds, a san jose mom who says a big retailer would not honor its return policy. >> our team stepped in and chris chmura found a bit of a glitch. good morning, julie woodall bought two pairs of shoes in
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macy's for her son. eight months later he still hadn't worn one pair so julie tried to return them and get her $87 back. eight months is a long time to try and get an $87 refun, but julie says macy's website said she had a full year to return the shoes. but the store said, no, she only had 45 days to do that. julie escalated her complaint unsuccessfully so she contacted us for help. i did a simple internet search and i found two macy's pages. one said it accepts those finish line returns for one year. the other said 45 days. there's our problem. so we contacted the store. macy's gave julie her $87 refund and said that they have apologized for the inconvenience. but what about those two conflicting return policies? macy's says the webpage that says one year was an archive and
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was outdated. the store thanked us for pointing out the error, removed the page from its website. ps, by state law you're only entitled to a seven-day window to bring back to the store. most stores are still generous. if you're not head over heels in love with whatever you're buying it is best to check the return policy before you check out. if you have a consumer complaint please call us 888-996-tips or online at you'd better get your rain boots out. hope you didn't return those. >> i hope not. you'll be able to use them in some sparts. >> especially milpitas as you step out the door. storm ranger tracking some of the rain that's starting to move off to the south and east. i'll have a look at that and what else is going on coming up. >> and looking at palo alto, just fine here for 101. 101 in the south bay. we have a crash that's really affecting the flow and another
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crash -- a potential crash north. >> breaking overnight, a crash in the east bay leaves two people dead. the nearby homeowner hears it all happen and rushes outside. what we're learning about the victim's condition. a golden mom.
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i can't even talk. i can't believe it. this is awesome. so awesome. >> it is awesome. a golden moment.
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the big story that has some people in tears. everyone talking about it today. the u.s. women's hockey team. america has another gold medal thanks to a dramatic late night win over canada led in part by a peninsula native. really cool. welcome to "today in the bay." thanks so much for joining us on this thursday, february 22nd. i'm laura garcia. i wanted to relive valentine's day again. >> and i'm marcus washington. we'll get to kari and traffic in a moment. garvin thomas is live from south korea. people there celebrating that big win, emotional tears of joy last night. >> reporter: marcus and laura, i don't know how many americans traveled to south korea for the olympics, but each and every one of them is still smiling this morning. i don't think they'll stop until after the closing ceremony after what was one of the greatest moments in u.s. olympic history. we'll give you the action and
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reaction. >> it's been since the '80s. thank you very much. you did stay up. >> i did until 11:00. >> oh, wow. >> and then i had to go to sleep. >> now you can celebrate. >> i'm happy. >> good deal. it's a little drizzly out there depending on where you are in the bay area. >> the south bay and the east bay where we're seeing rain as you get ready to head out the door and still some wet roads in parts of the bay area even after the rain has moved on through. you're not seeing a lot of activity here but as we get a closer look we are seeing some rain as you head out of morgan hill right now and around the bay area. you're going to see some of the showers coming through and it's also going to affect your drive this morning. heading through milpitas and fremont we've had some rain. a chance of rain through the morning and afternoon as well. we'll talk more about this and, ,


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