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tv   NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt  NBC  February 19, 2018 3:30pm-4:01pm PST

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it just didn't quite work last night for fergie. up next, lester holt joins us with "nightly news." tonight, an " "accused mass killer in court. president trump signaling he's open to changes as students take a stand rallying at the white house and planning 0 march on washington. plus, the family who says they had no idea a teen was plotting to kill while living under their roof. >> the nick we knew was not the monster he turned out to be. and on the trail of a man called putin's chef. the russian oligarch accused by mueller of interfering in the 2016 election. the irs warning about a new tax scam. people tricked, swindled out of their money. the alert you need to hear. and high drama on ice. team usa brother/sister duo
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twizzling their way into contention as a medal as one of the favorites suffers a wardrobe malfunction mid-performance. and we're with the american woman living her olympic dream high atop the zamboni. >> announcer: this is "nbc nightly news" with lester holt. good evening, everyone. 245u6r7k for starting your week with us. the trail grows tonight of potential red flags and missed opportunities about nikolas cruz. the accused florida school shooter including an instance of self-inflicted harm dealed in a psychiatric report. today as cruz made another court appearance the family who provided him a place to live in the last few months broke silence about the nikolas cruz they remember looking backwards wondering what signs or hints they might have missed. kerry sanders in florida with details. >> reporter: confessed gunman nikolas cruz keeping higs eyes and head down in court today. this as a leaked 2016 state report reveals croods received psychiatric
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evaluations after he posted a video on snapchat in which he cut himself and said he wanted to buy a gun. >> the nick we knew was not the monster he turned out to be. >> reporter: the snead family says they knew nothing about the reports when they took kroo cruz into their home after his mother died. >> i've been racking my brain if something should have said in my head maybe we should have paid more allegation. i can't -- i don't know. had cass a completely normal week. >> he told me two weeks ago, this is the happiest he's ever been. >> reporter: james and kimberly snead gave cruz a room when their son said the teenager had nowhere else to live. >> when he moved into your house, did you know he had an ar-125. >> -- a rsh-15. >> i knew he had guns. i respect guns. part of the stipulation he had to get a gun safe and he did. i thought at that time
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i had the only key to the gun safe. >> reporter: investigators now reviewing approximately 20 calls deputies received about cruz over the last few years and florida governor rick scott called for the fbi to release all details regarding the bureau's failure to take action after receiving a call just last month detailing cruz would become a suspected shooter. >> lots of anger and guilt. >> reporter: tonight the snead's lawyer says some are blaming them for not knowing. >> is there something we missed? something we could have done? we don't know. we have no clue. we don't know -- we don't know what put him in this state. we knew he was depressed. we didn't realize he was this lost, though. >> reporter: so tonight niklas cruz remains here in the jail. a judge ruling today that a social service case file about cruz may now be made public. this on another emotional day here in south florida with more funerals as four
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of the wounded remain in the hospital. lester? >> kerry sanders, thank you. as that community laid to rest two more victims today we saw many young survivors and fellow teenagers driving a movement for tougher gun laws as the debate rages in washington. we have it all covered beginning with nbc's gabe gutierrez [ chanting ] >> reporter: in broward county, florida, today, a focus fury. >> it's important we come together now since adults are not doing it for us. >> reporter: a rally for tougher gun laws led by teenagers who say they're fed up with being the mass shooting generation. >> i remember the first time i heard about sandy hook, talking about virginia tech. >> reporter: since late last week, the never again movement exploded on social media. >> they say tougher gun law doss not degree keys gun violence, we call. >> all: b.s.! >> reporter: douglas high school junior is one of the organizers. >> this time it will be different because those deeply affected
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are the people speaking out. >> reporter: today students pro test ed in california, new jersey. >> we don't want it to be us. >> reporter: she's going to the capitol to meet with lawmakers tomorrow. >> we've grown up with this. we were born after columbine and are basically tired of it and don't want to see our kids and the generation after us to grow up like we have. >> reporter: it's been 19 years since the columbine massacre. the student response to this latest rampage is dramatically different. >> in 1989 we were in shock. no frame of rrchs what was going on. this is the generation it has become normal and they're speaking up and not willing to accept that. >> reporter: they're now planning a march on washington next month and student walkouts across the country. an uphill ballottle they're prepared to fise. for nbc news, parkland, florida. i'm hallie jackson with the president
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back in washington, a small sign of movement, maybe, in the gun debate. the white house now saying he supports a bipartisan plan to strengthen federal back ground checks. so do other republicans. >> i have no issue with more extensive background checks. >> reporter: a ranarrow proposal forcing federal agencies to improve reporting of things like criminal convictions making sure they come up on background checks. it would not have stopped flat shooter but another proposal might have. >> why is an 18-year-old, a 19-year-old, not allowed to purchase a beer in a restaurant, not allowed to purchase a handgun, but can purchase an assault rifle? >> okay. so -- >> makes no sense. >> reporter: exactly why senator dianne feinstein plans to propose annage requirement. 21 and older buying guns like an ar-15. often's weapon of choice for places lie florida and orlando. one of the most
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popular guns in america. in some places, raffle off in fundraisers led for firefighters in sacramento this weekend. nancy luggo walked out. >> the timing of seeing that weapon after reeling in the grief with the rest of the country. of the death of the children in florida. >> reporter: but in kansas, where tyler tannehill is running for congress, he has no plans to stop his own ar-15 giveaway. >> i believe in the second amendment. there's a solution to protecting our students and teachers while still letting people have firearms and guns. >> reporter: at the state level, 22 saints are looking at allowing guns on school and college campuses, while asset states expanded background checks for gun buyers. action locally on both sides of the debate, despite almost none federally. many polls show people mostly favor some gun reforms but until that motivates voters, there may not be much political incentive for lawmakers to act, and while president trump might support this latest back ground check bill, his
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proposed budget actually cuts funding for states to improve their own background check reporting. and this weekend president trump attacked the fbi for missing warning signs about the florida suspect accusing the agency of spending too much time trying to prove russian collusion with the trump campaign and again insisting there is no collusion. the president spent much of the weekend defending himself from the russia probe. and late today, questioned president obama's response to russia's interference, which began as early as 2014, according to mueller's indictment. 13 russians were named in that indictment. among them, a secretive nicknamed putin's chef, one of russia's wealthiest men who helped cook up propaganda. new details ar the chef's shadowing world. nbc chief foreign correspondent has more. >> reporter: been at
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vladimir putin's side for years. yevgeny prigozhin, a secretive oligarch duped putin the chef because his company oversees catering for the kremlin and other state agencies and apparently it's been lucrative. instagram posts since taken down allegedly from prigozhin's adult children show lives spent on yachts and travel by a private jet. the mueller indictment linked him also to a russian disinformation campaign to discredit hillary clinton and help donald trump in the 2016 election. >> yevgeny prigozhin -- >> translator: he is the person who does the dirty work for putin. >> reporter: and this man investigating prigozhin. >> how close is he to the kremlin? >> translator: so close he's assigned work that putin wouldn't trust to anybody else. >> reporter: sobel and a colleague flew a drone over a compound outside st. petersburg. multiple homes and a
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hilly pad. it may have come at a cost. this security coverage is from a month after they were posted online. the man in blue holding flowers is waiting in front of sobel's apartment building. sobel's husband approaches him, takes notice. then the man, sobel says, stabs her husband with a syringe filled with a powerful tranquilizer. her husband collapses on the street. he later recovered. sobel claims the attack was ordered as retribution. he denied wrongdoing. sobel says her husband's alleged attacker was never caught and today putin the spokesman says there was no evidence they were involved to sway the u.s. election. >> richard engel in moscow. back ot home, flood watches are up in the middle of the country including dallas, chicago and detroit. rain already falling, and heavy rain expected to continue overnight into tomorrow from texas to ohio. and that combined with
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snow melt will cause rivers to rise and that's making forecasters nervous as they watch it all play out. turning now to the olympics where two american ice dancing pair, in the top four after the short program, and will try to made the podium tonight. but for one of the favorites from france, what should have been a night to remember turned into a night she called her worst nightmare. miguel almaguer has the latest from pyeongchang. >> reporter: rising high in short dance, americans madison hubble and zach donohue are headed into the finals in third place. setting up a battle for the bronze with siblings maia and alex shibutani who sizzled with their twizzles. their trademark move landing in em in fourth. >> we're proud of our work. >> reporter: the french team almost came undone on the ice. gabriela papadakis' dress coming unhooked.
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the duo in second place for now. in the gold medal game, the u.s. women's hockey team maces rival canada who beat them in sochi and vancouver. >> we're the underdog in the tournament and to know all the pressure is on them. >> reporter: after winning bronze in mixed curling, russian alexanderkrush lin krushelnytsky tested positive for a banned substance. if the russian doping suspicion is confirmed, that bronze medal will likely go to norway. and as for ice dancing tonight, medals will be on the line. and now to a closer look at an american with a shot at olympic glory. in fact, bobsledder evans is aiming for her second olympic medal as our ron mottmott found out, every member in her family made it in the sports world and now it's her turn to shine. >> reporter: when push comes to shove these
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days, evans itches for a fight. for her country, for gold. >> guarantee add medal! yes! >> reporter: winning bronze at the sochi olympics but her ambition into overdrive. >> holy crap! like, i really won a medal. and it was heavy. it was completely the most exhilarating moment of my life. >> reporter: but her first trip down the icy bobsled track was a far different experience. >> you weren't so sure at the beginning. right? you actually called your mother? >> i definitely wasn't sure at the beginning. i ducked off in the corner, called my mom. hey, so, did we tell too many people about this sport? i don't know why they do this. i'm ready to come home. go back up and try again. i'm like, fine. >> reporter: she succeeded at just about everything she tried. star high school sprinter. collegiate all-american in the shot put, excellence is the what her dna demands. dad, the first african-american swimming champion,
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brother fred, former nfl player and her cousin and father ex-major leaguers. >> a baseball for my dad's career. >> which one? right here? >> the family is extremely proud of her. i'm very proud of her. >> reporter: her mom is a former track star and her biggest inspiration. >> i literally would go to certain points on that track where nobody else was at to cheer her on by myself. >> keep it up! pick up your arms. >> i knew that was the point i used to break down at. >> reporter: she even trained we her brother fred and his nfl buddies in the off-season. >> if you've seen my sister then you've seen by no means does she lack the ability to keep up with anybody, weller male or female. >> reporter: it's said to be the best one la to beat the best. >> the cool thing about our family and our dynamic, we're competitive. >> go, go, go! >> all the way to the end. we would probably race down the street. >> reporter: whether running in the backyard or speeding down, twisting narrow tracks, she was born
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to race. ron mott, nbc news, chicago. >> a lot of talent in that family. still ahead, irs fraud ay lert. if you get a tax refund you didn't file for yet, it might not be a mistake. it could be a new twist on an old scam. we'll tell you how to protect yourself. also, caught on patrick woke up with back pain. but he has work to do. so he took aleve. if he'd taken tylenol, he'd be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill.
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back with a new warning from the irs about an elaborate trip that actually involves depositing bogus tax refund money into your bank account and demanding you return the cash to them. it's not irs at all. it's scammers that have already targeted thousands. nbc's tom costello now with the alert regard new twist on an old scam. >> the reason of this call is to inform you that irs is calling about tax fraud. >> reporter: threatens arrest if the taxpayer doesn't return an irs
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refund. what's different, the victim actually has received an irs refund that the scammers have filed on his or her behalf. and now the scammers want the money. >> call our department number 202-629. >> reporter: how it works, hack into computers stealing personal and bank account information and then file a false tax return and request a refund check or direct deposit into the real taxpayer's bank account and posing as the irs or collection agency, the scammers cabinet the victim by e-mail or phone to go after the money. >> indicating that they, you know have a refund in their bank account that is by mistake and demanding it be returned to them. >> reporter: the scammers tell the victim to electronically transfer the money to the scammers' bank account or face arrest. don't believe it. >> we will not contact you from an e-mail. we will not act you by phone. >> reporter: if you receive a refund you didn't file for, the
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irs says, tell your bank to return the direct deposit funds to the irs, and then call the irs 800 number. for checks write void across the check and mail it with an explanation to the nearest office listed at if you cash the check, reimburse the irs with a personal check. if you receive a refund for which you did not file, the irs says rush th says return the money or could you be forced to pay interest on it. and a new king at the box office. "black panther" shattering records. tell you about that jarngsd it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. th liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night. hold on dad... liberty did what? yeah, liberty mutual 24-hour roadside assistance helped him to fix his flat so he could get home safely. my dad says our insurance doesn't have that. don't worry - i know what a lug wrench is, dad. is this a lug wrench?
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unscheduled stop in australia to kick 23 people off. all reportedly part of a very large family. a new record at the box office. "black panther" proved to be a bigger smash hit than expected. it could hit $23 million before the long holiday weekend is over. it's already the fifth highest grossing debut ever. and a beloved kids tv show celebrates a milestone. today marked 50 years since fred rogers invited us all to be his neighbor. when the first episode of "mister rogers neighborhood" aired in the u.s. it began a long run that lasted until 2001 given generations of fans life lessons in kindness and understanding. rogers died in 2003, but his legacy lives on in rerun. when we come back a very cool been jimmy's longest. jimmy (shouting): james! he's survived record rain and a supplier that went belly up.
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traffic. so how popular is it w/ the people? that )s next. right now at 4: freezing temperatures and finally tonight, it takes a lot of work to pull off the olympics games. sometimes the people in what seem like the smallest roles can have a big impact on an athlete's success. kate snow catches up with a pair of american whose aren't skaters but still have their own routines on ice. >> reporter:s so in is it? your home? >> this is my home. where i work. where i live. >> reporter: it's the olympics, barb. >> exactly. and it's beautiful. >> reporter: for barbara, beauty is a clean sheet of ice. it's her first olympics, and she just might be as proud as any athlete to be here in pyeongchang. eight americans drive the zambonis at this rink. she's the only woman. we talked between sound checks and skating events. >> barb, how did you
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get here? >> by chance! [ laughter ] >> got a phone call about eight months ago and said, yeah. you're in. get time off. here we go. >> reporter: at the university of colorado, boulder, she manages the pools and rink where she first set eyes on a zamboni. >> i was like, i want to do that, try that. i got the chance and opportunity and they threw me the keys, said, go drive. ♪ >> reporter: for this pair to succeed, this pair has to be perfectly choreographed. her partner is from minnesota. >> we synchronize. >> reporter: practices for weeks to make sure they get the ice consistently exactly right. for figure skating the ice needs to be warmer and softer. speed skating, cold and hard. >> if you didn't get the ice right, you're in trouble? >> big trouble. big, big, big, big trouble. yeah. >> reporter: no pressure? >> a little bit. >> reporter: she had to bring her a game. >> nothing is better than when you come off and somebody tells
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you, that's a great sheet of ice. >> reporter: a gold medal to you for you? >> ultimate. >> reporter: biggest compliment. >> reporter: for nbc news, pyeongchang. don't forget, olympic primetime coverage beginning at 8:00 eastern.and it )s gonna gr in the next few hours.. the news at 4 starts right now: good afternoon -- and thanks for joining us for this olympics edition of nbc bay area news. i )m raj mathai. and i )m jessica aguirre. we )ll go live to south korea in just a few minutes. but first, we begin with our good afternoon, thanks for joining us. we'll go to live to south korea in a few minutes, but first we begin with the micro climate. it is cold outside. let's begin with jeff and what to expect in the next few hours.
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you can see the forecast tomorrow morning for 32. the last time we saw temperatures of this was about a year ago. keep in mind the average low is 45 degrees. so who's in the most danger? that's all in purposing here. it's for the north bay, east bay and also for the south bay. remember to dress in layers, bring your pets inside. in terms of the coldest, the top three. the number one spot is here in marin, napa counties. second coldest contracogsa and alameda, 27 to 35. the third colders is the south bay where temperatures will range 29 to 36. will we be close to records? it looks like it right now. dropping down to


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