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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  September 21, 2017 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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thanks for joining us. as we get ready on this thursday, we want to check in and see what's going on with the weather. very cool mornings. >> it's cool this morning. going to be cool this afternoon as well. all thanks to the front that rolled through yesterday evening. brought some of us light rain. all of that has cleared out. high temperatures today. check this out. only 71 degrees. upper 60s to lower 70s. really nice, but doesn't stay this way. as we go into the weekend. i'll talk about what to expect coming up in five minutes and get us out there on the roadwayings with a look at if there's any slow spots.
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speed sensors picking up red and yellow. looks like we are seeing slowing along southbound 680. not reporting any accidents in that area. could just be that 6:00 a.m. hour early morning commute. we're also seeing some slowing along southbound. 880 as well for the east bay. if this is typical morning commute, head out now. even drive times are starting to slow down a bit. especially east bay. in palo alto. that early morning commute heading out near the area. desperately searching for survivors after massive earthquake in mexico. there's a glimmer of hope. crews working around the clock to find a girl alive, but buried
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under the crumbled school. >> here's where the situation stands right now. 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit on tuesday. death toll is climbing this morning. it now stands at 230 people. 21 of those victims are children who died in that collapsed school. just talking about where that young girl was found alive. wiggling her fingers to rescuers. >> today in the bay miguel is at the scene of the search this morning. bring us up to speed of what's going on. marcus and laura, good morning. elementary school behind me has become a symbol of hope and loss. dozens of bodies pulled from the rubble there. just as many rescues have been made. first responders are at this very hour looking for young children trapped in the rubble. massive 7.1 quake rattled the region. search and rescue teams go around the clock. coming up on the "today" show, take you to the front lines of
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where search teams are looking for the youngest victims. back to you guys. >> our own is also in mexico this morning. gathering the very latest for us both on air and online. you can watch his reports throughout this morning and our evening newscast at 11:00 p.m. we're also keeping a close eyes on hurricane maria this morning. powerful storm system slachls dominican republic. ms dominican republic. >> president trump has declared jordy sas terre in puerto rimaj no deaths have been reported yet. closer to home. bidding for amazon. cities across the country battling and trying to land the new headquarters. the bay area pushing to become one of the main contenders.
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there's a twist. today in the bay has been working the story now for several days. joins us live at amazon's office in sunniville with new information. good morning. nbc has learned that a local organization is trying to put a bid together for the amazon headquarters. this is a bid that would involve a number of cities here in the bay area. this is outside the bid that's been put together by the city of san jose. they mentioned this is new information. developing details that we hope to present to you within the next couple of days. here orthopedic surgeon t you move east, denver, chicago, boston, toronto up north in canada. amazon said the winning city will get about 50,000 jobs that
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pay on average over 1$100,000 a year. plus the investment in the infrastructure that is expected to amount to $5 billion. san jose as i mentioned is already announced it is putting together proposal to get the retail giant. so is the city of concord. the company has given few hints about where it might land, but did say it's looking for metropolitan areas with mass transit and international airport and populations of around 1 million people. a lot of people they can draw on for technical talent. reporting live, today in the bay. >> thank you bob. 6:05. happening now. hepatitis a outbreak in california is spreading. there are concerns about a normally high cases of the virus in san diego, los angeles. >> today in the bay, new this morning with new information. our team has been talking to local health departments that are now on alert. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the officials in santa cruz
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county are on alert. they say they've already confirmed 69 cases just since april. give you some perspective. usually they only have one or two cases each year. another big concern, many people who are affected don't know because they don't have any symptoms. now, what is hepatitis a. hepatitis a is a liver infection caused by the hepatitis a virus. highly contagious. cause liver disease and other illnesses and extreme cases can last up to six months. not just santa cruz county. santa clara also reported two cases earlier this month. one at the main jail, a second at the elmwood correctional facility. nbc reached out to the department. they say the investigation is ongoing. the big challenge, the long incubation period. anywhere from two weeks to almost two months.
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precautions. keep tabs of what is going on. concerns of the county cases that broke out at the county jail. hopefully have those under control. 6:07 right now. take a live look at the traffic on the thursday morning. highway 101 near pal lo alto. it actually looked like the effort to reduce traffic in downtown is getting a shot. nearly $500,000 for the nonprofit working reduce downtown congestion.
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good thursday morning. coming up on 6:08. mostly clear start. getting ready to head out the door. pretty chilly in a few spots. right now 53 degrees. and it's 55 in san francisco. check out the north bay. it has dropped down to 47 degrees. as you get ready to head out for school this morning in oakland, we will have temperatures in the upper 50s and then rising by the time the kids head out for recess. it will still be jacket weather. walking home it will feel a lot more comfortable. we'll talk about what's ahead for the day planner in san jose coming up in four minutes. next tracking if there's any issues out for your commute. i do have an update on that. seen along 580. some trouble spots. the traffic hazard. may be lanes blocked. looks like there may be a large piece of plywood in the area. causing heavy delay. definitely a nightmare with
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speed sensors picking up a lot of red. bumper bumper to bumper stop and go. see a lot of red in the drive times. showing that. westbound from the road. they should have that cleared out hopefully in no time, back to you. walking on freeway. we investigate the growing trend across the state and what officers are doing to stop people from getting hurt or even killed. >> later a college student is attacked by a group of teenage girls. this morning, she's speaking out. coming up, what led up to violent confrontation. get 40% off on coit residential cleaning services
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including carpet and hardwood, tile, stone, even air ducts and window treatments. and your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed or your money back. that's 40% off everything coit cleans. call or click today.
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6:12 now. we take a live look outside in san jose. go to santa theresa to check out what to expect today. few clouds in the mix. nothing, but sunshine today as we make it up to 70 degrees. that is much cooler than where we should be for this time of year, but if you like the warmer weather, it's in the forecast
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too. talk about all that coming up in five minutes. we're seeing about a 22 minute drive time from 238 to highway 84. southbound 680 from 580 seems to be picking up at about 19 minutes. westbound 238 about three minutes. talking about the highways this morning. california highway patrol says more and more people are actually walking on freeways. our sister station in los angeles evaluated the records and los angeles alone the number of calls about pedestrians on freeways more than doubled from 2015 to 2016. despite the trend, says it is deployed a pedestrian enforcement detail. it's a specialized united that patrols areas where homeless people gather to offer them help and keep them from wondering the roadway. when it comes to buying a starter home in the bay area, new study suggests now may be the time.
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we should advise you, good luck. we poured over the numbers. in the bay area, the offpeak season is fall. san jose ranked higher than anywhere else. at the time the number of starter homes to begin with this time about 400 in the san jose metro area. san francisco was fourth overall. less starter homes available. the study also doesn't take into account the prices for a starter home, which is beyond affordable for many. washington's investigation into how bay area companies might have affected the 2016 presidential election continues this morning. >> the focus now turns to twitter. >> it does. good morning. twitter executives are going to talk to the senate intelligence committee about any role their company may have had in spreading falls information or
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allowing russian fluns ininflue the election. comes after facebook discovered russians and russian companies had purchased thousands of dollars of targeted ads on the social network during the campaign. the dow and s&p 500 will once again start at new records this morning. nasdaq lost a few points. get the weekly job claims today. shares in apple fell 2% on news the new watch may have trouble connecting to cell phone networks at times. that watch comes out on friday. google bought htc on wednesday. made the paxil phone. you can choose your food before you get there. order in the minute you show up. out in minutes. no bill. you just leave and your account
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is charged. all start this this morning. i want to show you something i stumbled upon. this is a chef who is on facebook this morning. he is asking mish lynn to get rid of his stars. it's too much pressure for his french restaurant in france and rather concentrate on serving food and people enjoying it. the problem is not only is he under pressure, but then the customers.
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the storm made happened fall early yesterday morning. gabe gutierrez is in san juan with a look at damage in the daylight. >> reporter: it's extremely difficult to get around san juan. pourer is out to the entire island. many roads are impassable as well. streets flooded. starting to get first look at damage as the sun comes up. building torn apart. siding crushing the car. puerto rico's governor imposed an overnight curfew. authorities begin to assess the damage. powerful category four hurricane that slammed into puerto rico. first such category four to hit the island since 1932. maria is continue iing lashing
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dominican republic. here in puerto rico, the extent of the damage is still being assessed. water rescue teams from the u.s. mainland will be here today to try and help those in need. authorities fear this could be a catastrophic event and that power could be out for some areas for four to six months. back to you. that's tough right there for the people. just trying to survive. >> can you imagine people here just trying to reach out to family knowing they may not have power for four to six months. it's unreel. shows you how powerful the hurricanes are. when it first made landfall on the island of dominica. it was a category five hurricane. that was the first time that tiny island ever had a direct hit from a hurricane that strong on record. right now, it has strengthened
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to category three. now back over warm waters. it weakened for a little while. right now continues to get a little bit stronger. very large eye here. it's moving towards the turks and caicos. just north of the dominican republic right now. a lot of heavy rain there. once again out there still trying to recover from hurricane irma. over the next few days, going to start to curve to the north and this is expected to stay out over the atlantic over the next few days. one of the reasons why we are not expecting this to make a land fall because tropical storm jose is sitting just further to the north of there. it is not moving. right now stationary. still bringing in gusty winds and rain for the northeast. from bogs down to p new yobosto york city. a lot of heavy cloud cover. expected to stay there through saturday and help maria up towards the northeast.
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it starts here at home with breezy winds and mostly clear skies. temperatures today reaching to low 70s in san jose. 72 degrees for this afternoon. upper 60s for the peninsula. mid 60s for san francisco. and low 70s for the north bay heading out to school this morning. we are going to see the temperatures in san francisco in the mid 60s. no low clouds and fog. high temperatures today until the lower 60s. take a look at seven-day forecast coming up in a few minutes. get us out there with a look at morning commute. time to go ahead and get the breakfast to go or take a little extra time because the roads are starting to build up. overall map is starting to show a lot more red on it. which means, yes, a lot more folks heading towards work. i'm going to look more into that
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area. i have seen it get worse. now it's backed up all the way near the interchange as well. tri-valley drive times showing a lot of slowing because of that plywood that was along 580 westbound. about 26 minute drive time. taking a live look in oakland along 880. also seeing heavy delays out of the east. back to you. >> thank you very much. 6:21. coming up next. making self-driving cars mainstream. step tesla is taking to perfect autonomous driving technology. but first, say there's a blackout and the food in your refrigerator goes bad. now what? >> you need to take pictures on your way to the trash. >> if the power goes out and the food in your privilege spoils, you can file a claim with the power company for reimbursement. requires a list of the food, the prices you paid and receipts and other documentation. that is where those photos of
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your spoiled grub will come in handy. >> if you have a question or complaint for chris, call him. 888-996-tips or head to nbc bay ♪ ah the moon belongs to everyone ♪
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♪ the best things in life they're free ♪ ♪ stars belong to everyone ♪ ♪ they cling there for you and for me ♪ ♪ flowers in spring ♪ the robins that sing ♪ the sunbeams that shine ♪ they're yours and their mine ♪ love can come to everyone ♪ the best things in life they're free ♪ ♪ the woman says she was
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standing up to a group of girls as they bullied a younger kid. police say this happened tuesday afternoon on a subway in philadelphia. the victim says the girls punched her and stole her phone as others stood by and watched. >> there was two girls had hit me in the face and then there was at least three girls at the exit that were hitting me in the back of the head. it's not okay to standby and let somebody be hassled and attacked and bullied. we're supposed to be the city of brotherly love. we need to come together and stand up for people more. >> police are trying to identify the teen girls involved. tesla is getting closer to developing own artificial intelligence chip for handling autonomous driving cars. tesla has partnered with advanced micro devices. move to decrease reliance on other companies. earlier this year, tesla ceo said it will be available to
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customers in 2019. quick programming note. megyn kelly's new show begins monday morning. meeting with viewers across the country. later today i'm going to talk with megan about her upcoming show. bring you extras of that interview in the coming days. be sure to tune in at 9:00 a.m. on monday morning for the premier of megyn kelly today. wish her luck. 6:26. coming up next, searching for survivors. the sign of hope after the devastating earthquake that slammed mexico. the 49ers takes on so cal rivals around 5:30. what you need to know so you can enjoy the action on the gridiron instead of sitting in the gridlock. you're watching today any bay.
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right now, it's 6:30. it's starting to feel like fall. waking up to colder temperatures across the bay area this morning. taking a beautiful live look outside overlooking downtown san jose. very nice start to our now thursday morning. thanks for joining us. just yesterday i was telling you how much i love the fall weather. of course football meaning fall right. we are going to have a great evening out there at levi stadium. 49ers at home.
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temperatures in santa clara at 68 degrees. time for kickoff. cool off nicely with gusty winds. make sure you bring a jacket heading out to the game. seven-day forecast looks windy. cool tomorrow. warming up after that. if you want warmer weather you've got that too. got a little bit of something for everybody. we have a lot of events for everybody this weekend. we'll talk about the weekend forecast coming up in about 7 minutes. still seeing troubled spot in the east. quick check of drive times. typically start to see bumper-to-bumper traffic. been about 12 minutes. westbound 80 towards the bridge about 15 minutes. metering lights have been up since 5:20. seen the traffic building up. abo
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about. thank you very much. 6:31. want to take you back to top story this morning. rescuers are working feverishly to find survivors after the massive earthquake that slammed mexico earlier this week. in fact live pictures. a look from mexico city. this is a building that collapsed. one of many in fact, but in this will particular one, there was a school. there is a sign of hope this morning. a young girl who was trapped in the rubble after her school collapsed is actually still alive. rescuers say that she's been wiggling her fingers through some of the debris there. >> that damage is widespread this morning. the death toll continues to grow. last update, 230 people are confirmed dead. 21 of the victims were children in that school that collapsed.
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volunteers asking folks if they have batteries, flashlights, anything that can help the rescue operation. everywhere you look in mexico city, there were volunteers. thousands of them just like after hurricane harvey and houston, volunteers are equaling the drive to save lives. seen no tears in the few hours since we arrived. all we see is fiery mexicans eager to save lives relentlessly doing all they can to make a difference. strangers, mothers, children, pop out of the crowd and offer
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crews, military and even the media a sand, a bottle of water. it's their way of helping out in the calamity that shook the ethnic nation. this rescue coordinator says he is shocked. >> they've been here throughout the night. they'll be here all day until they make sure that every single person who needs to be rescued is in fact brought to safety. we're in mexico city. today in the bay. the moment that damian arrived in mexico, he started tweeting pictures and videos like the one you see right here. responding to ongoing rescue missions. follow him on twitter for updates.
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live look at satellite images of hurricane maria. getting video from the island. >> national hurricane center saying maria may strengthen. turks and caicos next in the path. president trump declaring major disaster and has approved federal assistance. the entire island is without power. in total could wind up seeing 20-30 inches of rain. hundreds of homes are destroyed. and people in shelters are worried about what's coming next. what's going to happen when we get out of here? what will we end up seeing? it's very hard. >> experts say it's still too soon to say for sure that the storm will miss the mainland u.s.
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>> we're going to stay on top of the storm's path. follow us. it is 635 tooic:35. more than four years than the deadly crash. only unresolved passenger claim against the airline is heading to trial. sued claiming she could no longer work. according to the lawsuit. she cannot grasp the tools needed to perform as a dental surgeon. the airline is challenging the severity of injuries. the trial which begins on friday is only to determine damages. a warning to the neighborhood as police work overtime to try to catch a peeping tom. we have surveillance video catching the suspect lurking in alameda. several reports of a man fitting
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this description looking in windows. police say the suspect was seen between 11:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. live look now at levi stadium this morning. all calm right now. that won't be the case tonight. it could end up looking a lot more like this right here. yes, you have a headache of traffic. 49ers host the la rams for thursday night football. >> going and coming. today in the bay. live outside the stadium this morning to explain what transit officials are doing to ftry to prevent the major congestion we see out there. good morning. you just showed us this is not the first week not game here at levi stadium. we can expect about 6500 people will use mass transit to get here. a lot of folks will also be driving. and this is happening way earlier than the last week night game. the niners are taking on the la rams at 5:25.
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the santa clara police say expect the traffic action around the stadium to start as early as two this afternoon. if you are a 49ers faithful and planning on getting here public transit, go to nbc bay we'll link you to the details and information you need on the go. also if you're planning on watching the game on nbc bay area, like i am tonight, you may still feel the traffic impact as you make your way home or to local sports bar. here's my version of the play-by-play. plan for earlier 5:25 kickoff. rerouted and you can expect line delays on some of those local routes as well. plan for heavy traffic from 2 to #: 9:00. it will impact all these roads. as we reported earlier this week, the metropolitan transportation commission,
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already considers this one of the worst commutes in the bay area. this is new, santa clara police worked hard with waze to make sure the app recognizes road closures and other event traffic management plans. get step by step directions to individual lots. cut down on your wondering around time. one more reminder for you. something the neighbors would echo. don't park in those residential areas. when you head back to your car, you the might have to call an uber instead. >> good advice. thanks. so if you don't want to deal with traffic at all, watch the game here on nbc bay area. coverage starts at 5:00 p.m. right after the game, we'll have a special prime time edition of nbc bay area news. i have been guilty of wardeniwarden i wandering aimlessly looking for my car in the parking lot. definitely down load that waze app.
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you can see the slowing has picked up. starting to see building traffic. on the bay bridge since the metering lights came on early today, we've seen increase of traffic. also along the peninsula. about 12 minutes if you're heading to the airport. looks like you'll be okay. for now. southbound 101 from highway 92. about 19 minutes. those bridge drive times have also picked up as well. a quick check of mass transit. bart right now reporting 49 trains up and running. no delays at this hour for mass transit. great you still have extra time to make an omelet this morning. take a live look now. see busy roadways. not just there, but definitely busy bay bridge. no surprise there. nice sunrise though. sitting at my computer got really excited once i saw this picture. now that the sun is rising, i
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have something that may have you packing the car for the weekend. >> okay. >> we are talking about that weekend forecast in the bay area. if you're not going anywhere, you're going to stay at home. for the inland areas, it's going to be up to 81 degrees. 74 by the bay. the coast 69 degrees. on sunday, also very nice. just a little bit warmer for the interior valleys. reaching up to 85 degrees. heading out this weekend to fog fest. going to make the fog happen, start out with lower 60s throughout the morning. mostly cloudy and foggy. starts to clear in time for the afternoon. high temperature of 68 degrees. wrap up the weekend with blues and that's happening in martina on sunday from 10-6:00. it will be in the low 70s by noontime and lower 80s nor the afternoon so really comfortable. just bring sunblock. this is what i was so excited about. this is a live look outside in kirkwood this morning. now we can see how much snow has
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fallen overnight. yes, there is a fresh coating of snow in parts of the sierra. as we go into the weekend, still more snow possibly for tomorrow. a high of 37 degrees. and yes, it's still summertime. we will see those temperatures warming up into the low 50s. if you're planning to head to the lake, it's going to be also very comfortable there. mostly sunny skies. highs reaching the upper 70s by the end of the weekend. if it's a beach weekend, it's going to be in the mid 70s for saturday. and sunday just a touch warmer and much more comfortable. low 80s there. let me know what you're doing this weekend. just had a friend reach out and said she's going to the garden. i'll give you the forecast for the place your heading or the event you're planning to check out. let me know at meteorologist carry hall on facebook. >> i will. in the commercial break. how about that. 6:41. coming up, hindering sexual assault at school. newly released report that finds
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one bay school didn't do enough after being assaulted by classmates. president made a very big promise this morning. can he live up to it? take a look when today in the bay continues.
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it's 6:44. clear sunrise as you get ready to head out the door. taking a live look outside in san jose. grab a jacket before you head out. it's pretty chilly. a few clouds in the mix as we go through the rest of the morning
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temperatures in the low 60s. making it into the upper 60s today. this is much cooler than where we should be for this time of year. no worries. summer will come back this weekend. we'll talk about that coming up in five minutes. especially for the bridges. bridge drive times right now along westbound 580. just changed. westbound 80 towards bay bridge about 18 minutes. westbound 92 towards the san matteo bridge. 6:45. new this morning, video posted by the marin sheriff's department showing a grass fire. happened around 7:00 p.m. south of lucas valley road. looks very serious there. the deputy first noticed the fire, he was driving to a separate unrelated call. arriving firefighters quickly got control of the fire. limiting the burn area to about one acre. we have continuing coverage of the rescue efforts that are underway in mexico right now. this is footage from mexico
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city. these are rescuers that are trying to reach a little birl that is actually trapped inside the rubble. you may have heard about a building collapse. it was a school that collapsed. 29 people have died there. 21 of them children. they heard sounds. it was a little girl. she said her name was frita. she was wiggling her fingers. freida. eida. she was wiggling her fingers. freida. more than 200 people have lost their lives since the 7.1 earthquake occurred there. san francisco mayor issued a statement. saying in participant, i'm sending my deepe esest sympathy condolen condolences. including the many thousands living in california that are --
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nbc bay area spoke to several experts. in many ways, we are more prepared. more work must be done. you'll recall 1989 if you were here, the marina district was hit especially hard. due to so much of the area being built on landfill. many of those buildings have since been retro fitted and fitted. many are not in compliance with the new standards. we should note seismologist said it does not increase the hazard we already have here. we all know in the bay area, if you were here, i remember very well, we must all be prepared. 647 troo:47. new report on the handling of alleged sexual assault. controversy exploded last year when it was learned that a freshman girl at palo alto high school may have been assaulted by a classmate.
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obtained a copy of the just released report. investigators say the school and district failed to properly respond. and did so repeatedly. the meeting starts at 4:00 p.m. >> at 6:48. president trump is doubling down on his support of the newest health care bill. >> another attempt to repeal obamacare. >> good morning. the bill is called graham cassidy. may go before a vote in the senate as early as next week. we've been telling you, republicans are on the shot clock on this one. the rules changed later this month. right now, they can take advantage of something called reconciliation to keep the democrats out of the vote. president trump tweeted i would not sign graham cassidy if it did not include coverage of preexisting conditions. it does. a great bill. repeal and replace. does it. does it protect preexisting conditions. the insurance industry doesn't think so.
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there would be access for people with preexisting conditions in paper. even the author says we're going to give insurers the flexibility to cover sick people. so the president said preexisting conditions are covered. just as they always have been. they leaves us with only a couple of possibilities as to what tis the right answer. cabinet secretaries expected to fly commercial or take the train. one of the trips from washington to philadelphia cost $25,000. cities are 90 minutes apart by
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train and tickets are $50. vice president biden would often take the train. secretary tom sitting across from him there on the train. in fact, vice president biden took the train home when he left washington on the day of trump inauguration. we take a look at what's going on in washington every day. you can respond and tell us what you think of our coverage. you can reemp reach me on twitter. started off with cool temperatures. thanks to the front that rolled through yesterday evening. now feeling some temperatures now in the lower 50s. try valley and in the peninsula. it's 47 degrees now in the north bay and i want to show you how much cooler that is compared to just 24 hours ago. now it is 14 degrees cooler. the rest of the bay area just a
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degree or two cooler. we're feeling the biggest difference now in the north bay and our high temperatures this afternoon heading to the mid 70s. we'll be at 75 degrees. liver moth livermore. expect a high of 71 degrees. you start out this morning looking out the window. see that sunshine and know it is a cool start. grab a jacket and also you'll be comfortable wearing pants all day long. temperatures will only reach into the low 70s for much of the bay area. heading out for that walk to school this morning. in san jose, it will be in the upper 50s. we'll see a few clouds in the mix. going to be a really pleasant day. kids are out there at recess. will still need the long sleeves. walking home it will feel a little more comfortable. then maybe after school take them to levi stadium. home game for the 49ers. upper 60sed and dropping into the upper 50s by the end of the
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game. wear something nice and warm. going to be breezy too. san francisco after this cool start. warmer temperatures over the next few days. now an update on what's happening with if morning commute. >> traffic building we're trying to spot a couple of road hazard out there. also a couple of fender benders. especially for the south bay. along the peninsula. i want to zoom in on this area right here. reporting northbound 101. looks to be like road debris seems to be an earlier crash and someone's bumper came off. now blocking a couple of lanes in the area. causing delays. see the speed sensors showing slowing. also seen slowing along 280. this just popped up along the peninsula. looks like it could be another accident just up ahead. time to head out now because our south bay drive times are slowing down and only getting longer.
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northbound 101 about 35 minutes and northbound 280 from highway 101 p about 15 minutes. northbound about 30 minutes. take a life look outside right now. palo alto, out here it's not too bad. i think all those folks are ready for the weekend. i know i am. what about you guys. >> we're ready. coming up, take a quick look at the top stories on today in the bay. including growing concerns about hepatitis a here in california. the steps you can take to make sure you don't get sick. first, happening now, large and widespread protest in the philippi philippines. left wing activists and political opponents of philippine president duterte held rallies to warn against possible dictatorship. plus a new reported outlining the health disaster in flint, michigan. saw fewer pregnancies and fetal deaths after april 2014. that's when people were exposed to high levels of lead in
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drinking water. we'll be back with more news in just a bit. stick around.
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welcome back. before you head out the door, here are top stories. live look at sunniville. amazon's office. brother information about an effort underway to get the tech giant to have a much larger presence in the bay area. launched an open bidding process
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to decide where to build the company's second headquarters. cities across the country trying to land the new facility. today in the bay learned a local organization is working to put together a bid. the details of the bid are still developing. stay on the story in the days, weeks, and, of course, months ahead. this morning, concerns over a hepatitis a outbreak are growing. reported two cases. one at the main jail. the other at a correctional facility. checked with the state health department. to avoid contracting, wash your hands frequently. don't share food or drink. make sure your partners get checked for the virus. > . supplying equipment for
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areas devastated by natural disasters. rescue team from la is headed to mexico with enough supplies to last three weeks. also gabe is on the ground working the story. he's constantly tweeting updates. coming up next, hurricane maria leaves all of puerto rico without power. after slamming into the u.s. territory. president trump declared it a disaster area. look at devastation and where the powerful storm is heading to next. locally take a live look at levi stadium. quiet now, but tonight the 49ers host the la rams in special thursday night football game. lively there. authorities trying to get the word out now. expect a lot of game related traffic. bottle necks will likely start early as fans arrive for aal gating ahead of 5:30 kickoff time. don't forget it airs right here. nbc bay area. network coverage begins at 5:00
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p.m. after special newscast at 4:30. start off with cool temperatures. windy today. san francisco highs reaching mid 60s. fall tomorrow. last day of summer. feels like summer early next week. going to have low 90s for the inland areas today. up to 73 degrees. >> wow, summer is out of here. hanging on the steering wheel out there. >> now we're seeing a bunch of accidents popping up. going into the 7:00 a.m. hour. actually we got reports of that road debris. mass delay s in the south bay. we'll be back with a local
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news update in about half an hour. thanks for joining us this morning. enjoy this beautiful weather. have a great day. good morning. breaking overnight. good morning, breaking overnight, hurricane maria gaining strength after cutting a path of destruction in puerto rico. destroying homes, flooding neighborhoods, knocking out power across the entire island. >> the puerto rico and the san juan we knew yesterday is no longer there. >> this morning, a live look at the devastation and the potential threat to the u.s. mainland. glimmers of hope, more earthquake survivors pulled from the rubble in mexico. as crews raced against time to reach young students buried alive beneath a collapsed school. we


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