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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  December 12, 2016 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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new development. and this is shocking to many parents. >> reporter: it certainly is. we spoke to a lot of them who wish they had been informed of this investigation. mountain view police tell us they're very close to wrapping up this investigation and forwarding the case to the district attorney's office who will then decide whether to press charges against the students involved. mountain view police say they began their investigation after the principal here alerted them. >> in august, wearyceived a call about a drop box that contained images, some sexually explicit in nature. >> reporter: an investigation police say that led them to other area schools. students say today in mountain view high school, some teachers reminded them about the risk of
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using social media. >> she said a lot of people are posting inappropriate things and being rude to each other over social media and we would try to be more respectful of each other. >> reporter: the principal declined to comment because photos are of minors, the teens could face charges. >> even though the students are under 18, these images would be classified as child pornography if it they involve minors. >> reporter: he says it's more likely this issue could be used to educate students. >> the courts don't want to create a generation of registered sex offender which could happen under the child pornography laws. >> reporter: parents were frustrated administrators never told them about the dropbox or the investigation. they say they should have been made aware that inappropriate photos of their kids may have
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been posted on wlien. and we reached out to the superintendent, he did not respond. marianne favro. >> thank you. we're going to turn to our microclimate forecast. hope you enjoyed today because it may be the only dry day this week. our stormrangerer is out and ready for the week ahead of us. and look at it on mt. st. bruno. >> reporter: you're going to be able to see on the radar scan, we're not seeing anything in terms of major rainfall. we've mainly had high clouds increase throughout the afternoon. we had had been tracking a few spotty showers. in terms of the heaviest rainfall, i want to take you that next because it will be possibly one to three inches of rainfall by sunday's forecast.
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the heaviest rainfall lining up in the north bay and eventually to the south bay. some of my top concerns as the storm systemal arrives with the heavier rain on thursday would be king tide, maybe coastal flooding and erosion. rising river levels. maybe isolated street flooding and strong wind gusts again on thursday and maybe even power line issues. we'll run you through the entire storm timeline at 6:19. before the rain arrives, crews are rushing to repair a massive sink hole that opened up on a popular path to the beach. live from the scene in pacifica. the crumbling coastline continues to crumble at this hour. >> reporter: that's right and crews this afternoon have been working to repair that damage. the sink hole is that base. the area behind me is blocked off. crews have been pouring cement
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down the hill trying to fill up the sink hole before the rain arrives. >> you can see the hillside continues to erode and it will. >> reporter: a popular spot in pacifica. many neighbors who are seeing the massive sink hole are relieved no one was hurt when the ground gave way. >> very, very unnerving. >> reporter: today crews fenced off the popular lookout point at the top of splanad avenue. >> i'll be down here offn to watch how they repair that. it will be interesting process. >> reporter: interesting and expensive for the new owner of the oceanaire complex. >> we add pumping and sand and then fix that pipe. >> reporter: spokesperson says if crews can beat the next round of rain he expects the repairs to be finished in about a week.
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while crews quickly work in today's dry weather, a coast guard unit walks the neighborhood looking for potential issues before next week's storm. >> if there is a bigger event, we have an idea what's already there so we know better how to respond to it. >> reporter: the coast guard spokesperson went on to say they didn't find anything unusual or a potential threat and they're hoping the beach access will be open sometime next week. nbc bay area news. >> thanks, michelle. make sure to get our free nbc bay area app. it comes with our live doppler radar and your own personalized microclimate forecast. there were bag pipes followed by a moment of silence. another moving tribute to the 36 people who died in the oakland warehouse fire. this unfolding about 40 minutes ago.
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first responders gath toorg honor those who died. 36 rings of a bell from a fire truck, one for each victim. there has been a constant stream of people there dropping by the so-called ghost ship warehouse and among them the families of those who lost their lives there. the make-shift memorial is growing by the hour. that must have been very emotional to be there, to hear those bells toll. >> reporter: that's right, jessica. it was a very powerful tribute. i stood side by side with the police officers and firefighters i saw wiping away tears. this was definitely their moment to greave and as you take a closer look at the memorial, you will see expressions of condolences frump the community and signs where they are urging the city to create more affordable housing. >> i can't believe it really happened. i'm still shocked about it. >> reporter: maria flores brought her nephews to the
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memorial. they're able to get closer now that federal investigators have finished searching. they look to pinpoint a cause of the fire that killed 36 people during a dance party. more than a dozen artists lived in the warehouse before the deadly fire. the family of sarah hoda, one of those killed in the fire brought fresh flowers. meanwhile, as the community mourns, their victims are crying out for more affordable housing to prevent another tragedy for this one. the east bay asian local development corporation says this tragedy puts a spotlight on the need for more affordable housing. >> the bay area region hads added close to 500,000 jobs and only about 50,000 units of new housing. so that right there tells you why there's an affordable housing crisis. >> reporter: and the tenant's
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union will meet at 7:00 tonight to talk about how to better protect themselves about their tenant rights and they will hold another news conference to give us the possible cause of this fire. >> thank you, sharon. our coverage of the devastating fire continues online. you can find out more about the people who died. just had head to nbc bay second arrest in the shooting death of a richmond musician. they have arrested this man, simon. they say simon along with two other men, beat, robbed and shot sims near the capri club last month. they believe the murder was inspired by hate. he was white, the musician was black. porter kelly was arrested in november. police are still looking for a third suspect. new details on a police shooting at north bay shopping
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mall. the suspect was suicidal and wanted authorities to kill him. it happened yesterday in sonoma county. a woman said her son in law was suicidal and had a handgun, then they got a call that someone in windsor was trying to run someone over with his car. they ahe got out and charged at them. the suspect did not have a handgun. he's expected to be okay and arrested after released from the hospital. six years in prison is the sentence for a man's drunk driving spree. he has been jailed since last december when he drove his suv 50 miles per hour down east capital expressway. he hit six cars and trucks. the seventh collision turned out oo to be deadly, killing the driver of a yellow volkswagen. a husband and father. his wife left the court house today without spiking to
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reporters. >> obviously he has a young daughter. she's only 5 years old. it's been very difficult for her and his widow. >> reporter: prosecutors say velobose could have been sentenced to 10 years in prison but showed him leniency because he's young, 20, and no priorer criminal record. and a anonymous phone caller tipped them off to a woman giving birth in golden gate park this morning. they found the mother stlg baby behind the rose garden area. they took both mom and baby to the hospital. both are listed in fair condition. the woman is believed to be homeless. boulders blocking the way. the problem for a buddhist resort in the santa cruz mountains. will sillicon valley techies be brought in to tackle a russian hack? why local security companies say they're ready to go to work. and i'm meteorologist jeff
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ranieri. we're expecting the return of bay area rain. thursday and friday. sierra no ranging 7 to 13 inches. back at 6:19. this is my park. i'm like the mayor here. i know every bench, every tree, every squirrel --
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-hey, what's up, andy. -andy: hey! same with my banking. with my bank of america mobile banking app, i can see my accounts all in one place. i can easily manage them and if something doesn't look right, i'm going to know. plus, i can set up alerts to help detect unusual activity. so i feel secure. in other words, no surprises. morning. hey, abby. like i said. the mayor.
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hey, abby. washington is asking the question .. and it may be tng was our presidential election hacked by the russians? washington is asking the question and it may be turning to sillicon valley for the
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answer. scott budman is here after talking to techies redsy to accept the challenge. >> reporter: they tell us the key to finding a hack is finding a trial which is likely still hot. >> so that we can work together and unify -- >> reporter: they were two of the rekerring themes of the presidential election. cyber hacking and the russians. >> that the russians are indeed involved in these different hacks. >> reporter: inside palo alto's vera security, they're prepared to investigate because while the most recent hacking scandal is being compared to water gate this involved more than politics. >> they're not just sitting in d.c. or some agency overseas. this is all based on technology, typography and things that have been invented in places like sillicon valley. >> they're also ready to work down the road at tin foil
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security. also believing that in order to find out just what happened with wikileaks and what voters read before they voted, it will take high tech know how. >> it will be sillicon valley types or computer engineers, security experts well versed in forensics. tracking down what happened, how it happened and who did it. >> a possible hack that has washington worried and bay area tech companies ready to mobilize. this is happening as other bay area tech executives get ready to meet with the president elect on wednesday. we'll keep you posted. the search is on for the driver responsible for a gruesome crash in oakland. want to show you surveillance video. you can see sparks flying from the power pole. someone in a gray white sweater with dark pants running away at 5:30 this morning. passenger stuck inside. the driver just abandoned the
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passenger, even though that passenger was hurt. they say it's common for accidents on that street. >> it's a blind curb and they're coming too fast and boom it's cars there. >> reporter: you think that's the case here? >> i know it's the case. i know they had to be speeding. >> reporter: paramedics rushed the poscassenger to the hospita. he's in critical condition. they're still looking for the driver. and after lobbying, the city of san jose is finally adding fluoride to its drinking water. santa teresa will begin receiving florinated water. they say it helps reduce tooth decay but critics have called it toxic and risky. it's endorsed by almost every dental and medical association.
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>> some of the claims they make is astounding. this has been done since the '50s. and san francisco in the '60s. so even in our local community, 50 years of experience and we haven't seen these negative effects that they describe. >> reporter: by 2020 another 520 people will receive florinated water. about a dozen people still waiting to go home after a huge rock slide trapped them in the santa cruz mountains. the rocks are so big the county needs to bring in a contractor to clear them and right now the only way ore in or out of a nearby buddhist is retreat is by foot. the issue is getting visitors out of the retreat. high tide will hit the bay area this week.
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the so-called king tides will bring sea levels higher by about two feet for the next two days. >> we have to get them out before the rain starts moving in. >> that's right it will be moving back the north bay tuesday with heavy rainfall that could cause more problems in that location and the coastline by thursday. we have stormranger out right now. check out the #or twitter on facebook. it's basically our mobile doppler on wheels. there's nothing in terms of major rainfall. we saw the cloud cover increase this afternoon. a few spotty showers near point reyes. we do expect things to pick up as we head to tomorrow's forecast. keep your eye up on the north bay. that's when we expect areas of scattered rainfall to develop tomorrow evening and they'll
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likely see the best chance into wednesday for the north bay as well. by thursday our storm system drops down, heavy rainfall developing by thursday morning in the north bay and eventually that heavy rainfall moves down towards the south bay. it really is all about thursday for the wind and the wettest weather coming our way. friday some scattered showers and drying weather on saturday, sunday and monday. to take things back the to thursday's forecast with the heavy rainfall, what i want to show you next is where all the flood watches have been placed. cheeko, also here for sacramento. bay area not under any flood watches yet but i anticipate if the forecast models stay where they are, we could see flood watches issued for tomorrow's forecast. >> thanks, see you soon.
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a very long line to buy "hamilton" tickets. we'll tell you how one beat the six tickets per customer limed and how he plans to make a killing. on our website
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texas state officials announced a massive study of concussions in high school athletes. happening now on our website. a massive study of concussions in high school athletes. that could lead to a national data base on youth brain injuries. and videos, some of the
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displays you can find at the fantasy of lights in los gatos park. up until december 30th. hundreds of people waited for
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hours on a chilly san francisco sidewalk today for a chance to buy tickets to the hottest muscial of the year - hamilton. people waited for hours on the san francisco sidewalk today to buy tickets to the hottest musical of the year. "hamilton" of course. tickets went on sale to the general public today sfw. >> she knows all the lyrics to all the songs. and mark matthews where the show will run in march. >> reporter: and all the way until august. people stayed overnight, all night for a chance to buy up to six tickets. that was the limit. and one guy even flew in from new york, not because he wanted to see the musical, because he wanted to make a whole lot of money. the line stretched down market
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street past un plaza and around the corner. >> cold. very cold. >> reporter: she's buying "hamilton" tickets for her kids in charlotte. they have no idea mom stood in line for 13 years for christmas presen presents. >> reporter: he was not stapding in line, he was paying people, many homeless, to stand in line for him. >> i'm just thankful that there were a lot of people with no money to food that were thankful i was able to provide them with a few hundred dollars each. >> reporter: we did see money change hands. there's a ticket limit of six per customer. he hoped to get 60 or more and checking prices on stub hub, you can see the prices start around a thousand and 2 or 3,000 for seats in the orchestra.
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>> i did believe there was an opportunity and i did capitalize off it. >> reporter: with 60 tickets he could easily clear $30,000. some standing in line took a very dim view of his business. >> he's just like this opportunist whos taking advantage of the system. we're in line. >> reporter: i understand but at the same time it's a free world. >> reporter: he got back on a plane to new york this evening. when those tickets are mailed, he stands to cash in very big and today i heard from members in washington d.c. reporters there saying that congress had passed a law just last week to try and stop computer programs from scooping up large volumes of tickets for ticket scalpers. it will not stop what we saw here today. mark matthews, nbc bay area
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news. it is an ongoing problem. the fight to keep city college of san francisco free gets a little star power. >> i'm danny glover and i have bad news. we're at risk of losing the free city college of san francisco that we just accomplished not even a month ago. >> making the appeal to keep the school free. the board of supervisors will vote on eliminating tuition because of budget cuts. he's a graduate. taking on trump. here on how california law makers are already putting opfight against the president elect. it was a violent armed robbery of a disabled man caught on tape in san jose. why they're asking for the public's help and how the victim surprised the attacker. right now at 6-30:
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a disabled man, attacked, and robbed in the middle of the day. a crime - caught on this home surveillance video. now san jose police are hoping robbed in the middle of the day. the home surveillance video. san jose police are hoping you can help them find the suspect. this happened in september. they thought they were close to catching someone and then they hit a dead end. >> they hope it will generate new leads. robert handa joins us with more on the investigation. robert. >> reporter: well, as you mentioned, the crime took place on september fifth. so it could have easily have
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become a cold case but police officers say they're sooffended by the crime you're about to see they're not going to drop it. home security video was a big break. this crime show as predator on a mountain bike setting up his victim. a man with a cane by pretending to run into him and rushing to help. >>s there are rr a lot of people who commit crimes but typically they don't target innocent, physically handicapped people. >> reporter: police say the suspect quickly realized the victim could not talk. in fact, the suspect took the phone at gunpoint and kicked the man as he tried to get the phone back. i don't think he was expecting the victim to resist the way he did. he points the gun at the victim and kicks him again. >> reporter: the victim was able to provide a description of the
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suspect. sh people say they're stunned and upset. >> it makes me feel sad for people who have dropped to that level of society. >> a helpless victim that's physically disabled being attacked by someone already armed with a handgun and kicking that person. you wonder what is this person capable of doing to someone else? >> reporter: and of course that's a big reason why pleesz are asking for the public's help. they believe the way this suspect appears to target his victim, there are more out there afraid to come forward. >> thank you. china today expressing serious concern over president elect donald trump's most recent comments about taiwan. he said in an interview he didn't feel quote bound by a one china policy. trump questioning
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four decades of u.s.-china relations. they're extremely concerned that trump talked by phone to taiwan's leader. they officially recognize taiwan as part of china, not an independent country. they called trump quote a child in his ignorance of foreign policy. california law makers are already attempting to inoculate the state from trump's proposed deportation effort. law makers feeling the pressure to put a safety net in place for the undocumented workers. >> california has 2.4 million of the nation's 11 million undocumented residents. that's far more than any other state. the state has empowered undocumented immigrants in a variety of ways including driver's licenses, tuition asestance in sanctuary cities.
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they even petitioned the obama administration to enroll undocumented immigrants in the california medical plan. during the past week alone, legislative leaders submitted several bills. among them, legal assistance during deportation hearings. immigration law to help undocumenteds understand their rights. strict limitations on local law enforcement agencies. it's expected that legislators will easily task all of these measurers and governor brown will in all likelihood sign them. >> the question is, is that legal? can it be over ridden by the presidency? >> that's the big question. constitutionally the federal government controls immigration. it's that simple but it doesn't mean they'll want to tangle with
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california on some or all of these issues. and then there's the matter of precedent. remember that the federal government has declared marijuana illegal. and we'll just have to wait and see what, if any, action the feds take but in the mean time state leaders aren't waiting. they're taking their own action. >> immigration much more controversial. thank you. donald trump 's inauguration a month away and already different as you might expect. they're working on the platform where mr. trump will take the oath of office next month. the parade bring the nation's capital to a halt every year but protesters will be descending in the capital in record numbers, so will trump supporters. they typically get five requests for demonstration permits, this year, 20. the largest mafrp is the women's
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march expected to bring over 200,000 people. beginning coverage leading up to next month's inauguration of mr. donald trump. it is award season in hollywood. the golden globe announced for the top work in movie and tv. >> law law land. >> reporter: the musical "lala land with seven" including best musical or comedy. >> when a movie musical is done well, it has so much that's appealing to awards voters. >> reporter: he sees it as a shoe-in winner over a globe feel that includes the superhero hit "deadpool. "sing street." and "florence foster jenkins." the coming aof age tale
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"moonlight." and manchester by the sea was right behind with five. the others are "lion." "hacksaw ridge" and "hel or high water." >> best drama is the tough to say call. this is close between manchester by the sea and moonlight. >> and he sees a close race between casey afflec and denzel. but has little doubt natalie portman will win best actress for jackie. >> there's so much that feels familiar and like the jackie kennedy like on tv but so much that's new. nbc's new hit, this is us scored a nomination as best drama. >> there are three other first season shows up against it. netflix's the crown and stranger things, as well as
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"westworld" all up against "game of thrones." co stars mandy moore also received best nominations. the golden globes will be handed out sunday. you can watch it right here on nbc bay area and jimmy fallon will host it. >> a loan paid off, or so she thought. nbc bay area responds to an oakland woman still getting collection notices. and the stanford band responds to getting suspended by the university an investigation is underway
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into an early morning deadly crash - in oakland ... on 40th street near adeline.
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police say a man in a wheelchair . an investigation is underway right now on 40 street. a man in a wheelchair was crossing the street when he was hit by a car. he died at the scene. the driver is cooperating with police. the driver hasn't been identified. a disturbing incident at the firehouse. facebook posted someone firing a fwun shot on oak wood avenue. thankfully it didn't hit anyone. it ended up in the box of gloves. the stanford band is fighting back tonight after being disbanded. they're taking a stand against school leaders. they have been under alcohol suspension but after yet anathinger violation, the university announced it will no longer be a recognized campus organization. it will be disbanded until 2018 and it will be lead be a
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professional music director. they say it sends a disturbing message to the student body. the administration's decision to suspend independent student management of the band also threatens the integrity of one of stanford's few remaining independent student organizations and with it the values of free expreshz and irreverence which we believe are vital to a healthy school culture. and sillicon valley entrepreneurs. mark zuckerberg with a networth of $50 billion. and college friend, dustin mosque vits, and garret camp rounds out the top three and three airbnb co founders with a networth of $3.8 billion and sadly, i don't know any of them. >> i don't either. i did buy a lottery ticket
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yesterday. >> and we know you. >> i will share the wealth if i win. fingers crossed. we're sharing the wealth on the rainfall. you'll be able to see a live look in san rufell. current temperature of a cold 36. we'll keep the clouds in the chilly numbers until tomorrow morning. the russian river could rise to 18.5 feet. monitor stage by if i had. we'll have details in a few minutes. she pays off a loan and begins to get collection phone calls. nbc bay area responds. c
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west contra costa unified school district holds our environmental and sustainability goals as one of our top priorities. i definitely rely on pg&e to be an energy advisor. anything from rebates, to how can we be more efficient? pg&e has a number of programs, to help schools save on energy. when i see a program that fits them, then i bring it to them. with the help of pg&e we've been able to save a tremendous amount of energy and a tremendous amount of money. we're able to take those savings and invest it right back into the classroom. together, we're building a better california.
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was overcharged by wells fargo. ==jess/2shot== c and tooday nbc bay area responds to an oakland woman who was over charged by wells fargo. >> yeah, shirley schofield says she paid off a wells fargo line of credit in may after wells fargo told them to pay them off. and a months later the bank sent her a letter saying she still owed $200. no one could give her a good explanation and she started receiving collection phone calls. so she finally paid the bill to protect her credit score but wasn't happy and reached out to us and we called wells fargo. the bank refunded shirley $200 and said because of privacy reasons it can't get into the details and was glad to resolve the issues. how important the documents of
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pay off and origin are. make sure you can make your case in the event of an error. if you have a consumer complaint, call us or log on to nbc bay i don't like those. >> because my odds are terrible? >> i know but if she wins jeff and i both cash in. >> you can't win if you don't play. >> you're negative. >> thanks for looking out for me. >> don't listen to me. >> thanks. good warning. fritz, let's talk about the snow. 30 million americans preparing for a second arctic blast in at least six midwest states there's more than a foot of snow. 10 to 30 degrees below average. the forecast in the midwest to the east. the northeast is bracing for highs only in the teens and the west saw minus 30 wind chills.
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>> just the mood and the setting but after the holidays, i'm done. >> snow and ice to travel a nightmare. thousands of flights were canceled. so we cannot complain about rain coming our way thursday no matter how heavy it is. >> minus 30. no way. >> i would not survive. our forecast does have that heavier rain coming your way specifically heading to thursday. we do have stormranger positioned at san bruno mountains. there's nothing in terms of rainfall we're tracking that current moment. cloud cover ahead of the wetter weather that's currently developing in the pacific. i want to set the table for what you're looking at. there is the possibility, great possibility for thursday to have heavy widespread rainfall for the bay area. let's take you to tomorrow morning's forecast.
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49 for the south bay, 51 in the peninsula. we'll start off with 50 and clouds in the east bay. 51 in san francisco and a cold 47 expected throughout the north bay. on your microclimate forecast throughout tuesday, relatively light winds and over cast to partly sunny skies. probably won't need the sunglasses too much. and 61 for cupertino. throughout the east bay, temperatures that look relatively the same. no big extremes. 62 in concord and a little cooler in walnut creek at 57. 61 in palo alto and 57 for half moon bay. take your jacket as we will have anywhere from 55 to 57 in the outer sunset. and for the north bay we had 56 in mill valley and 59 in napa. and fast forward to the rain chance. it looks like by the evening hours we could see the rainfall
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develop for napa and sonoma counties tomorrow night. still a chance on wednesday morning. maybe a spotty shower towards san francisco. we're holding out for the heavier rain for thursday morning right up into the north bay. red, orange colors, heavy pockets that will push down to the east bay and peninsula by 3:00 in the afternoon and in the evening hours all about san jose thursday picking up the wet weather. i think we're locked in good for one inch across the entire bay area. and we could be one 1/2 to two 1/2 inches for the low elevation. higher elevations could see three plus inches. on the extended forecast, once we get past thursday we'll see a few spotty showers friday, and dry on saturday, sunday and monday. we'll have to watch out for
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isolated street flooding when the heavier rain arrives on thursday. because now we're getting into the time period where this past weekend we had heavier rainfall. we'll be waug watching it and it looks like the river always a spot. >> thanks, jeff. they are polar opposites both on and off the field. so why is raiders' quarterback offering derek carr a helping hand to johnny manziel? hiccup last thurday..
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let's check in with kelli johnsit onchts cay. the raiders regrouping after a hiccup last thursday. kelly.
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yeah, it was a painful hiccup. after the bump in the road in kansas city the raiders have dropped from first to fifth. in a wild card spot. 10-3 they're not in the division race just yet. just not in the driver's seat right now. obviously the chiefs are in and sunday's game in san diego will be crucial. oakland has been able to bounce back. they went on a three game winning streak and six game winning streak after their second loss. derek carr is coming off his worst game in the season. >> oh, he'll bounce back. i'm not worried about derek. i felt like i would have liked to have seen us play more big boy ball in that game. with the weather, the fact that he was having an off night, we've got that big line, i would have liked to see him hand that ball off a few more times behind that line. >> we all remember derek carr was drafted in 2014, same class
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as johnny manziel who's taken the forum in the first round and while carr's career is thriving, johnny is completely out of football. carr told monday morning quarterback you know i spent a lot of time around him. he's such a good dude. i obviously wish him the best. ia know, i hope that, hopefully one day he'll reach out and i'll be able to be a friend to him. manziel tweeted he would take him up on that offer. and 49ers tight end, vance mcdonald is done for the season. placed on ir after injuring his shoulder. he leads the 49ers with four touchdown catches. a big loss on an offense and a team struggling losing a franchise worth 12 straight. >> i think that's the one thing when you look that tape, these guys play with great effort. they give you everything that they have so that is the one
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thing i think they can control and what they bring to it and that's what they did and i thought they did play hard and gave good effort and we got to find a way to make another play. but from an effort standpoint and their approach to it, they've been really good from that standpoint. >> the warriors wrap up a tough road trip in new orleans. their fifth game in seven days. but they have won three of four and last night avoided back to back losses in 111 regular season games. janelle, jessica. thanks so much. let's get a last check of the forecast. >> yes. we've got busy week coming our way as we get a look at the extended forecast. tuesday, mainly over cast, chance of spotty showers in the north bay, though tuesday and wednesday. winds also 15 to 40 miles per hour and as we head throughout
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friday, spotty showers into saturday, sunday, monday much needed drying. some of the things he we're watching out for, rising river levels. maybe isolated street flooding. trees down and power outages. snow thursday and friday. we likely could see a foot at some of the highest levels. will likely see timing and intensity changes but all models show the heavy rain chance on thursday. i think we're locked in for an inch of rain. >> thanks, jeff. >> that's going to do it for us tonight at 6:00. we hope to have you back here tonight at 11:00.
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police called to the scene. inside the shocking split of "flip or flop's" reality real estate couple. will the show go on? what tarek and christina are telling us now on "extra." ♪ extra, extra ♪ extra, extra millions watch them fix houses but they couldn't fix their own marriage. >> you're not going to win. >> new details on the fight that sparked their separation. new pics of their life apart. and the just uncovered video of tarek firing a rifle. then, all the showdowns and surprises from the golden globes nominations. >> congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> from the set of breakout tv hit "this is us" to the dance


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