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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  August 26, 2015 11:34pm-12:38am PDT

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pee. rgekinis nni a fu pa turns out mcdonald's will not be cooking the ultimate burger in the name of world peace. the combination big mac and whopper would be sold for one day. tonight, the ceos said they hoped the two companies could do something better to make a difference. >> we'll let you know, world peace. >> have a great day. good-bye. >> steve: from stage one at universal studios hollywood in los angeles, california, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- vin diesel
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carl reiner kobe bryant musical guests, iggy azalea and jennifer hudson, and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: the o.c.! >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i feel the love. i feel the energy. you're spoiling me. you're spoiling me! too much! [ cheers and applause ]
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you're going to make me want to stay. i can't stay. i can't stay. i have to go back. please, please. thank you. welcome, welcome to "the tonight show," everybody. [ cheers and applause ] what a great time we're having here in los angeles. oh, my gosh. you've been great crowds. but everybody's talking about this measles outbreak. everybody's afraid of getting measles. it just keeps getting worse. every time i read the paper. today, the cdc just announced that there are currently 102 measles cases in the u.s. yeah. some say it's because people aren't vaccinating their children. you can tell things are getting bad, though. today, disneyland opened a new ride called "it's a smallpox world." [ laughter ] >> steve: that's just awful. >> jimmy: i'll try it, i guess. >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: i don't know. >> steve: stay topical, i guess. >> jimmy: even hillary clinton is weighing in on the measles outbreak. check out what she tweeted out earlier this week. "the earth is round, the sky is blue, and vaccines work."
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[ laughter ] she actually didn't stop there. look at what else she tweeted. "fire is hot, ice is cold, and the seahawks should have handed it off to marshawn lynch." [ laughter ] >> steve: wow. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: they should have. beast mode. they should have -- forget it. monday morning quarterback. and finally, she said, "alaska is big, rhode island is small, and i'm right shark at work, left shark at the club." [ laughter ] >> steve: really? [ cheers and applause ] that's a hashtag now. >> jimmy: yeah, a couple of his moves were just -- forget it. [ laughter ] you guys remember that dancing shark from the katy perry halftime show? well, get this. i saw a guy in colorado actually got a tattoo of the left shark. take a look at this. [ laughter ] that story, again, you guys, weed is still legal in colorado. just so you know. this will never go out of style. [ laughter and applause ]
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we've been having such a good time in l.a., really enjoying the sunny weather, but the rest of the country just got hit with another big snowstorm. i mean, really. i know. yeah. [ laughter ] we picked a good week to get out. but there's a lot of snow in the midwest and the northeast right now. people are trying to make the best of it. take a look at this guy. >> be very careful at the edge of the road when you go from the residential area to the main mile road. there's a chance you could slide there. >> jimmy: there you go. [ laughter ] >> so, it's still treacherous and dangerous. but we're working 'round the clock. [ applause ] >> jimmy: still safer than uber. [ laughter ] still safer -- i just read that the world's oldest living land creature is believed to be a 183-year-old tortoise named jonathan. he'll be 183 years old. but i've got to be honest, he's pretty racist. [ laughter ] you can't talk like that anymore, jonathan. he's from a different time. [ laughter ] guys, this is not good. i heard that a pack of cub
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scouts in san diego accidentally hiked a trail -- accidentally hiked a trail alongside the coastline that led them to a nude beach. [ laughter ] they actually had to set up camp there, because they had already pitched their tents. >> steve: whoa-oh! [ laughter and applause ] hey-oh! give me two sticks! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: a lot of people are excited about this. "sports illustrated" is releasing its annual swimsuit issue next week. that's when it's coming out. i saw that it's viewed by more 18 to 24-year-olds than the super bowl. yeah. biggest difference is that nobody double-checks to make sure the door is locked before watching the super bowl. [ laughter ] you know, they always keep the cover of the swimsuit edition a a big secret and it's almost impossible to get an advance copy of the magazine. but this is "the tonight show." and we're in los angeles. [ cheers and applause ] we like to make the impossible possible. let's bring it out!
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] guys, behind this curtain is the official never-before-seen top secret cover of the 2015 "sports illustrated" swimsuit edition. and tonight, for the first time, we're going to unveil it. quest, can i get a drum roll, please? [ drum roll ] one, two, three. oh, there she is. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ whoo! >> steve: oh! >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. >> steve: big. >> jimmy: there it is. this year's "sports illustrated" swimsuit edition cover. >> steve: wow. [ applause ] >> jimmy: the only way this could get any better is if the cover model herself were here right now. but i don't know if that's possible or -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: oh, my gosh. >> jimmy: hannah davis, everybody! hannah davis. [ cheers and applause ]
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congratulations. >> thank you. >> jimmy: you look gorgeous. what an incredible honor this must be for you not only to be in the "sports illustrated" -- >> hold on a second. do you want to get out of here? >> steve: with pleasure, m'lady. later! ha ha! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: hannah davis, everybody, right there. the "sports illustrated" swimsuit edition is out next monday on newsstands and online. we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots right there! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: there you go, guys. my thanks to hannah davis. she'll be back on our show as a a guest monday night and we'll talk about that.
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did you do anything fun last night? >> steve: oh, i did. so much fun. oh, my gosh. it was like nuts. >> jimmy: well, you sound like you're lying. >> steve: why would i lie about that? >> jimmy: last night, i had one of the best nights of my life i would say. it was so exciting and fun. i went to my friend's house for dinner, an old friend. tom rowan and marla. we were over at the house and i'm sitting there. this is real. true story. i go to the house. tim conway is there, bob newhart, and don rickles. >> steve: oh, man. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: so i had dinner with these guys. legends. i mean, masters at comedy. i was crying. i'm sore today. i was crying and laughing. don rickles insulted me probably 30 times. [ laughter ] he's the funniest guy. he was on fire last night. he goes, "yeah, i'd love to do your show except i don't play ping-pong." [ laughter ] he was great. bob newhart, just so dry and funny and just hitting homers. and tim conway is just -- i mean, just a legend. we're sitting there just talking about old stories and doing stand-up.
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it was just so great to talk to these comedians. don rickles was giving me a a toast. he was there next to his wife and he was giving me a toast. he goes, "this is for the kid." he goes, "but this is also for my friend who's the master at what he did." you know, he's talking about johnny carson. and he goes, "so, this is for our friend --" and he goes, "i get emotional just even thinking about the guy, because he was a good friend of mine. and he's meant a lot to me in my career and tim's career and bob's career." and tim conway interrupts and he goes, "muhammad ali?" [ laughter ] "no, you putz! don't interrupt my toast!" then, rickles wife grabs him. she goes, "will you stop yelling at people?" he goes, "you touch me one more time, you're going to have to get a lawyer." [ laughter ] it was a great time. i'm so happy to be in l.a. it's so fun. we've had a great week so far. [ cheers and applause ] we're having a great time. we have a fantastic show. this movie is going to be gigantic. from "furious 7," the one and only vin diesel is here.
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[ cheers and applause ] he's a fun guy. plus, he is a comedy legend. we are honored to have carl reiner on the show tonight. [ cheers and applause ] love carl reiner. also joining us, a two-time olympic gold medalist and a a five-time nba champion. from your los angeles lakers, kobe bryant is stopping by! [ cheers and applause ] they say he's the best player in the world. i met him years ago. i met him. i wonder if he remembers this story. i'm going to ask him. but i met him years ago. i was just a stand-up. i wasn't on "snl" or anything yet. >> steve: is this when you had the beef? kobe beef? [ laughter ] or not? is it not that? >> jimmy: no, no, it's before. >> steve: is this a different story? sorry to interrupt you. go ahead. >> jimmy: yeah, no problem. and we've got great music, you guys. oh, my gosh. iggy azalea and jennifer hudson
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tonight. [ cheers and applause ] i like being here in california. this is fun. [ cheers and applause ] not many people know this, but i actually went to high school out here. in fact, i remember it like it was yesterday. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> bayside high.
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[ cheers ] the home of babes, books, and belding. and right over there is our newest friend, jimmy fallon. [ cheers and applause ] hey, jimmy. >> jimmy: oh, hey, zack. how's it going? >> oh, you know, typical day. i woke up in the morning. the alarm gave out a warning. i didn't think i'd ever make it on time. [ laughter ] by the time i grabbed my books and i gave myself a look, i was at the corner just in time to see the bus fly by. >> jimmy: it's all right. [ cheers and applause ] >> what's up, preppies?
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[ laughter ] >> well, slater, for your information, i was just about to ask jimmy here about the big valentine's day dance. >> aw, you guys are going together? that's so cute. [ laughter ] >> ha, ha, very funny. >> jimmy: who are you taking to the dance, slater? >> well, as a matter of fact, she's right up there. [ cheers and applause ] >> hi, jimmy. hi, zack. hey, bubba. you getting ready for the big dance? >> ready? are you kidding me, mama? i was born ready. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> wow, slater. with those moves you could be a a contestant on "dancing with the dweebs." [ laughter ] >> yeah, laugh all you want, preppie, but i don't see your date anywhere. [ phone ringing ] [ laughter ] >> hello? >> hello? uh-huh. you've been throwing up all morning? okay. well, meet me at jimmy's locker. as a matter of fact, slater, that was my date just now. she was in the nurse's office, but she should be here any minute. >> well, that leaves you, jimmy. who are you taking to the dance? >> jimmy: guys, i actually have to tell you something. i -- i -- i'm not going to the dance. [ audience aws ]
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>> why not? >> jimmy: i'm moving. to new york to be a comedian. [ laughter ] >> you're leaving bayside? >> jimmy: yeah. i mean, i love it here. but i want to be on "saturday night live." [ cheers and applause ] host my own talk show. [ cheers and applause ] and who knows, maybe one day, date nicole kidman. [ cheers and applause ] [ laughter ] >> date nicole kidman? you are a comedian. >> tell me about it, slater. i mean, jimmy going on a date with nicole kidman is like jessie becoming a stripper. [ laughter ] >> when are you leaving, jimmy? >> jimmy: tomorrow. >> well, jimmy, i for one am very excited for you. >> wait. wait, mama, did you just say
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you were excited? >> yeah, i'm excited. >> exactly how excited would you say you are? [ laughter ] ♪ i'm so excited i'm so excited i'm so -- scared ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! what is going on here? [ cheers and applause ] >> well, mr. b, we just found out that jimmy is going to be leaving bayside. >> aw. i'm sorry to hear that, son. wait. i know something that will cheer you guys up. just stay here. >> speaking of things that'll cheer me up -- [ cheers and applause ]
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>> hi, zack. >> hey, kel. i can't wait. i'm so excited for the big dance. >> listen, you and i have to talk. i'm pregnant. [ laughter and applause ] >> ooh. >> time out. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] well, on the down side, i'll probably be grounded for life. but on the plus side, i got kelly kapowski pregnant. [ cheers and applause ] time in. kelly, that's great. >> really? >> of course. i love you. and i'll always love you. you know what we should do?
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we should run off to las vegas and get married and then we should move to a new zip code in beverly hills. [ laughter ] ♪ kkty bayside ♪ >> attention students. this is your principal and dj, richie "the big bopper" belding. ha, ha, ha, ha. this next song goes out to jimmy fallon and his friends at bayside. ♪ >> jimmy: nice! zack attack. i love them! ♪ ♪ we met some time ago when we were all so young we've been through thick and thin ♪ ♪ we lost, we tied, we won friends forever ♪ >> jimmy: hey, guys. friends forever? >> friends forever! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: my thanks to the cast of "saved by the bell." [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with more of "the tonight show"! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ mother nature can turn in an instant; don't turn back. introducing the new 2016 ford explorer. be unstoppable. ♪ this is my fight song... a good host, is a good host
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♪ no matter where he's hosting. ♪ stella artois host beautifully the 5 truth or dare challenge is back. are you game? davy crockett? thank you. katie, do you think i needed a fancy protein shake to wrestle all those bears? no? all i ever had to eat was meat, cheese and nuts. okay? try that. p3 from oscar mayer. it's 13 grams of protein from the original source. started using gain flings,fe their laundry smells more amazing than ever. (sniff) honey, isn't that the dog's towel? (dog noise) hey, mi towel, su towel. more scent plus oxi boost and febreze. it's our best gain ever!
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mcdonalds is getting together a mix of fun new flavors this summer. with the new oreo frappe and the new real lemonades from mccafe.
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[female announcer] dsave up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic.n,
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get interest-free financing until 2018 on tempur-pedic. plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. don't miss mattress price wars at sleep train. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest tonight is a talented actor who stars in one of the biggest movie franchises in history. the latest installment is called "furious 7," and it opens in imax and theaters everywhere on april 3rd. ladies and gentlemen, give it up for vin diesel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about, buddy.
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>> oh, wow. >> jimmy: thank you for coming on the show. i appreciate it, my man. >> thank you for having me again. >> jimmy: please. please. last time, we made you break dance. i won't -- >> you killed me last time. i was going home like -- >> jimmy: what did i do? >> what did i do? >> jimmy: no, it was great. well, we were talking because you grew up in new york city. >> yeah. >> jimmy: but you lived in l.a. -- >> new york! new york! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you lived here for a a long time, right? >> so i lived here -- i lived in new york. so i grew up in new york, and when i was about 23 years old i'd been acting for almost -- over 15 years. and i came out to california. and i thought, all the doors are open. i really believed i was just going to be a movie star. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and i was like, these guys haven't seen anything since robert de niro like me. and i'm going to come over there -- >> jimmy: and you came out and? >> a year and a half later i didn't even have an agent. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: nothing. nothing at all. >> i did everything but act. >> jimmy: what other jobs did you have? >> well, when i was here, i -- i started bouncing when i was 17. so when i came here, the first thing i did was tried to get a
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a bouncing job. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and they paid me $60 a night, and i did two nights a a week so, i needed something else. so, i taught this abs class. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wait, abs class? >> abs class. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so i'm at the gym because i'm thinking, okay, if i'm at the gym something could happen. maybe i'll meet an agent there. and i met this guy, a good friend of mine, john salley, who was telemarketing and said, you know, you could make money telemarketing. >> jimmy: oh, that's a tough job. >> it is a tough job. >> jimmy: because no one wants a phone call from a a telemarketer. >> nobody wants that phone call from a telemarketer. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no one. yeah. but what you were selling? >> but i was a new yorker and i was an actor so i could change my voice if i had to. >> jimmy: you did differ characters as a telemarketer? >> well, i would come in as one character, and then i would play my boss. [ laughter ] to offer a discount. >> jimmy: oh, really? so, you were a really good seller. what were you selling? >> i was selling rough service light bulbs. >> jimmy: rough service light bulbs? >> rough service light bulbs. >> jimmy: over the phone?
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>> yes, over the phone. >> jimmy: unbelievable. >> i had two phones. and i would work 18 hours a a day. and i would just -- while i was talking to one person i would be dialing the other cold call. >> jimmy: see, good. and you worked on these characters and now look at you. you're a big movie star. absolutely. [ cheers and applause ] the franchise "fast and the furious" has made over $2.3 billion worldwide. $2.3 billion. it's unbelievable. did you think it was going to be this big? when you first made the first one. >> actually, first of all, i -- there's something special about being in this room because the first time i ever met paul walker was in this room. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: is that right? >> yeah. yeah. and i was -- we were doing a read-through for the first "fast and furious." and there was all these tables set up. it was our introduction to universal. >> jimmy: what a great guy he
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was. yeah. >> unbelievable, yeah. >> jimmy: unbelievable, yeah. but now here you are. this is the seventh one. >> this is the seventh chapter. yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. and you let your fans choose the villain. which is cool. >> i listened to facebook feedback. >> jimmy: yeah you have a giant facebook -- >> it's always been important to me. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i feel like every -- i feel like if marlon brando had a a facebook there would have been an "on the waterfront 2." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really? because people want -- >> when you're alone and you're reading the feedback, it hits you. so, if i go and i say who would you like to see me work with and i see the feedback, the comments, jason statham, jason statham, that's a good idea. it's a good idea to listen to that. >> jimmy: and now it is him. >> and now it is him. [ jason statham impression ] >> jimmy: and he's the one and only. he's a really tough guy. >> i think he's more than the other. >> jimmy: i think he's the toughest guy in the whole world. >> the toughest guy in the
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whole world. he'll break your back by looking at you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i want to show everyone an exclusive trailer for -- this is "furious 7." you've taken it to a new level on this one. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it is bonkers. take a look at this. >> most important thing in life will always be family. that's what's real. [ phone rings ] >> dominic toretto. you don't know me. you're about to. >> looks like the sins of london have followed us home. >> we're being hunted. >> what's the plan, dog? >> this time it ain't just about being fast. >> daddy's got to go to work. >> this takes crazy to a whole 'nother level. woo! ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about! [ cheers and applause ]
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i want to see that in imax and do it up! vin diesel, everybody. "furious 7" opens in imax and theaters everywhere on april 3rd. we'll be talking to carl reiner after the break. stick around, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ kellogg's® frosted ...8 layers of wheat... ...and one that's sweet. to satisfy the adult.... ...and kid - in all of us. ♪ nutritious wheat for the adult you've grown into. and delicious sweet for the kid you'll never outgrow... feed your inner kidult... ...with frosted mini-wheats® and now you could win up to a hundred dollars when you buy any specially marked kellogg's cereal. ♪ turn up the summer with bacardi limón.
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try the all new bacardi tangerine. ♪ scotor even a double of a good dare. we have three more dares for you. mild chipotle, hot habanero, and fiery ghost pepper. taco bell's new $1 dare devil loaded grillers. [bong] hey! so i'm looking at my bill and my fico credit score's on here. yeah! we give you your fico credit score. for free! awesomesauce! the only person i know that says that is... lisa? julie? we've already given more than 175 million free fico credit scores to our cardmembers. apply today at takeand . . . exhale. . . . . aflac! and a gentle wavelike motion... ahhh- ahhhhhh. liberate your spine... ahhh-ahhhhhh......aflac! and reach, toes blossoming... not that great at yoga. yeah, but when i slipped a disk he paid my claim in just one day. ahh!
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so he had your back? yep. in just one day, we approve and pay. one day pay, only from aflac. [duck snoring] so, what did you guys they think of the test drive? i love the jetta. but what about a deal? terry, stop! it's quite alright... you know what? we want to make a deal with you. we're twins, so could you give us two for the price of one? come on, give us a deal. look at how old i am. do you come here often? he works here, terry! you work here, right? yes... ok let's get to the point. we're going to take the deal.
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get a $1000 volkswagen reward card on select 2015 jetta models. or lease a 2015 jetta s for $139 a month after a $1000 volkswagen bonus. who says families have to share data now get four lines. each with up to 10 gigs of 4g lte data. just $30 bucks a line it's 10 gigs for all only from t-mobile listerine® total care strengthens teeth, after brushing, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits. power to your mouth™. gotta get that bacon! yummy, crunchy, bacon bacon bacon there in that bag! who wants a beggin' strip? me! i'd get it myself, but i don't have thumbs! mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm it's beggin'! mmm, i love you. (announcer) beggin' strips...there's no time like beggin' time.
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♪bend the rules of what'st ♪ possible with the epic hp x360.
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it was just an ordinary night. until he showed up-with a hungry look in his eyes. and then, he made the shot. and when jaws dropped ... he had something for that, too. the new spicy nacho chicken sandwich. with two tacos, halfsies, and a drink for 6 bucks. all in a munchie meal. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a a true comedy icon. he created "the dick van dyke show." he directed one of my favorite movies of all time, "the jerk." and alongside mel brooks -- i know, right? helped define sketch comedy with their work on "your show of shows" and
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"the 2,000-year-old man." he also has the distinction of being the only person to be a a guest on every incarnation of "the tonight show." [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the one and only carl reiner! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> before we say one thing, i've got to say this. and because i mean it. you are -- i've seen every emcee, host of every show going back to jerry lester,
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steve allen. every -- there are 15 of them. you are the most versatile. [ cheers and applause ] he sings, he dances, and he takes chances. god, this is -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. that means so much. thank you so much. >> and i've got to get one thing out of the way. >> jimmy: yeah. when i look at the things, when i heard vin diesel, the things he's doing and i remembered, i really remember because this may be my last -- i'm going to be 93 next month. this may be -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: don't scare him. he is going to be ninety -- [ laughter ] >> this may be my -- this might be my -- you know this might be the last time i am on. and i did remember the very first time i was ever on television. and what i did. >> jimmy: what did you do? >> there was a thing called a a maggie mcnallus crystal room.
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a fake nightclub, and i was a a performer. and this is the first thing i ever did on television. i said, "there are stars in radio that are so good, beautiful voices but they will never, ever make it in television." and when i -- i'm going to sing the way he's singing and i'm going to show you why he will never make it. is this it? >> jimmy: yeah, that's the cameraman. ♪ those faraway places with strange sounding names ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ faraway faraway home those faraway places ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ i've been reading about calling calling me ♪ [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my gosh.
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who can do something like that? you're just so good. i've got to say you're always writing. you have two new books coming out. this one is great right here. "what i forgot to remember" is a great -- [ laughter ] that's a great title. and then here's a kids' book here. "the secret treasure of tahka p" >> which i'm very, very, very proud of. >> jimmy: yeah, look at this, "secret treasure of tahka paka." but check this out. if you get the ipad, you get this app -- you're going to freak out guys. >> you know something? i freak out. [ laughter ] when they showed me, this i couldn't believe it. >> jimmy: i freaked out. ready? you show everyone what to do. >> jimmy: there you go. >> now watch this. watch this. she starts to fall down the hole. in a second -- and following her is a stupid man. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: carl, stop moving the ipad.
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[ laughter ] >> and there he is. he followed her down the hole. and he fell down. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: sorry i'm moving the -- >> draw a pencil. draw another pencil. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how do you do that? i love you'd do that for me. thank you. it's amazing. it's so fun. >> and because you did that, you're going to be in the hole for a long time, i'm going to give you a space pencil. i gave one of these to johnny carson. johnny carson, bless his soul, i am wearing his tie in honor of coming on your "the tonight show." and if you'll notice, at the very -- can we get a close-up of this? >> jimmy: yeah. sure yeah right there. >> this close up? do we see? j.c. >> jimmy: oh, my goodness. >> now, we know jesus christ did not wear a tie. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we don't know for a a fact. >> we don't know for a fact. >> jimmy: we don't know for a a fact, he could have. >> but we have to assume this wasn't jesus' colors. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he's more a robe type of -- yeah. >> the night i stole this tie from him i felt badly. [ laughter ] so, i gave him a fisher's space pen, which is the original space pen that writes in space.
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>> jimmy: upside down. >> upside down. if in case you're ever caught in space. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] by the way, johnny carson -- who i adored, johnny carson. and he looked at that and said, "hmm, a silver suppository." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that was just his, yeah. you guys, carl reiner right here. [ cheers and applause ] it's a pleasure and an honor. thank you so much. >> we sneaked it all in. >> jimmy: we'll be right back with kobe bryant, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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(♪ "more smiles" by the jump ups ♪) "i want more yes, more please, i want more fun, more style, i want more love, more smiles, i want more." j-e-l-l-o wow. sweet new subaru, huh myep.? you're selling the mitchmobile!? man, we had a lot of good times in this baby. what's your dad want for it? a hundred and fifty grand, two hundred if they want that tape deck. you're not going to tell your dad about the time my hamster had babies in the backseat, are you?! that's just normal wear and tear, dude. (vo) subaru has the highest resale value of any brand... ...according to kelley blue book ...and mitch. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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with revolutionary hanex-temp technologyocks are designed to respond to your body temperature to help keep you cool. let's put it to the test. hey dad! emily? ready? wait! no! wait! slow down a little! oow! watch out for the speed bumps! it speeds evaporation to help keep you cool and dry. hanes x-temp technology for men and women. because when you're cool, you're comfortable. so good.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we are joined right now by a local hero whom magic johnson describes as the greatest laker in franchise history. a new documentary about him called "kobe bryant's muse" airs saturday, february 28th at 9:00 p.m. on showtime. let's look at a clip.
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>> there was a kid named victor. approached me during lunch, said "i hear you can play basketball and i'm the man here. so, it's on." i was upset that i had moved from italy, left all my friends. i had all this resentment and anger inside of me that i hadn't really let out. so, i demolished this poor kid. that feeling of playing with that rage was new to me. but i loved it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: please welcome, one of the greatest basketball players of all time, kobe bryant! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: they love you!
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[ cheers and applause ] that's what i'm talking about. oh, my gosh. thank you so much for visiting our show. thank you for being here. i appreciate it. >> it's a pleasure -- it's a a pleasure to be here. >> jimmy: i've been asking everybody who comes on who is from l.a. where should i eat? >> well, i don't think they know the story about when we first came out here ourselves. the first place we went. we have some history together. the first place we went was pink dot. >> jimmy: do you remember that? >> do you remember that? >> jimmy: i'd been wanting to talk to you about this because i haven't seen you since 1996. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's what -- i was a comedian. it was your second season on the lakers. >> yeah. i was on the bench. and he was trying -- he was doing stand-up comedy, and we were just kind of nobodies. they said why don't you guys go out and get some beers or something. >> jimmy: we were at this party. you were there with your sister -- she's doing good? >> she's doing good. yeah, great. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. here's a picture of what we looked like in 1996 by the way. [ laughter ] >> i mean -- >> jimmy: pretty styling man. >> now, i can't grow hair no more. [ laughter ]
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it just won't happen. >> jimmy: we're at this party together, and we started talking to each other. i didn't know anybody really at the party. i don't know why i was even there. i snuck in or something. they ran out of beer. so they go, "yo somebody has to make a beer run." so they go, "kobe, you want to make a beer run." you go, "i'll go." you go, "jimmy, you want to come with?" so we got -- we got into your car. i don't remember what you were driving. do you remember? >> i think it was a land cruiser at the time. >> jimmy: yeah. so we get in your car and go down to pink dot. which it's a place out in l.a. out here where they only deliver food to you. it's not a store you can go in and buy stuff. [ laughter ] but we don't know. >> we don't know. >> jimmy: we were brand new. you're brand new to l.a. i don't know anything about l.a. >> we didn't have a navi system. so we just kind of -- just kind of cruising along. >> jimmy: exactly, yeah. so, it was on sunset boulevard -- so we knocked on the glass. and the guy goes like, "what do you want?" we go, "we want beer." [ laughter ] and he goes, "i can't sell you beer. we don't sell anything here. we have to deliver it to you." and we go, "but we've got to bring it to a party." he goes, "i can't."
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and you pull your wallet and i.d. out and you put it against the glass and you go, "i'm a a laker." [ laughter and applause ] >> oh, okay, come in. come in. >> jimmy: we left with five cases of beer. we're like, hey. came back to the party -- that was awesome, man. i'll never forget that. i was so proud of you. i'm watching you like i'm your mom or something. i'm so proud of you like -- i knew him when. i knew kobe. >> no, man, you've blown up, man. >> jimmy: thank you, buddy. i appreciate it. i grew up a little bit. i can't wait for this film. "kobe's muse." this is on showtime. this is your first thing. you have a whole new thing now, kobe inc. >> yeah. >> jimmy: is your whole -- it's like a whole side business now. >> well, i love telling stories. true stories, right? for me, it was just really about the process of that. the art that goes into that. i'd been working with nike for so many years. i enjoyed the process of creating stories for the product, creating captivating campaigns right. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so for the documentary it was really something that was
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easy for me. i can't write books. i just don't have the patience to sit there and like literally write it. >> jimmy: you were into poetry. >> i was. but then i realized i can't spell for [ bleep ], so. [ laughter ] i didn't go to college. so, you know -- >> jimmy: you can't say that. yeah. >> spelling is not really one of my strong suits. >> jimmy: i've got to talk about this. here's your new sneaker with nike. [ applause ] and you got the "kobe x's" and you got them for the roots right there. the roots are rocking them right now. >> yes, sir. yes, sir. [ applause ] >> jimmy: but i follow you and i hope you feel the vibe and the love from me because i root for you all the time. and i remember when the sneakers came out, they're low-tops, and they were like don't play basketball in low tops. >> right. >> jimmy: and i was like don't tell kobe what to do. [ laughter ] and you go, "really?" so, you put on these low top and you scored 60 points. >> yeah. oh, you can play in low tops. >> jimmy: yeah, now you can do it. i'm so happy for you. i'm proud of you.
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i miss you. you're awesome. >> thank you, man. >> jimmy: and congrats on everything, dude. you're one of the greatest ever. >> appreciate it man. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's awesome, buddy. kobe bryant. the new kobe x launches on friday. jennifer hudson and iggy azalea perform after the break. stick around, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ found it. appliances. now we just need a guy. ♪ i got one! i got one! i'm from fertilizer... you guys want to talk about fertilizer? no. ♪ don't go it alone. sears appliance experts are here to help you find the top brands, including kenmore. sears. house experts for home owners. ♪ turn up the summer with bacardi limón.
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it's like a luxury car. i was shocked. i mean, this is chevy? who says families have to share data now get four lines. each with up to 10 gigs of 4g lte data. just $30 bucks a line it's 10 gigs for all only from t-mobile a good host, is a good host ♪ no matter where he's hosting. ♪ stella artois host beautifully kids, juicy fyeah.gum with starburst flavors? (mmm...) (mmm...) (zipper noise) (zipper noise) (baby rattle shaking) juicy fruit so sweet you can't help but chew.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guests are
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here tonight to perform their new single "trouble" together on tv for the first time. you can find it on the album "reclassified." please welcome, iggy azalea and jennifer hudson! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ clapping ] ♪ ♪ i shoulda known you were bad news from the bad boy demeanor and the tattoos ♪ ♪ cause most guys only want one thing but i'm undecided tryna figure out if that's you ♪ ♪ either way though i think you're worth a test drive cause ooh you're so much better than the next guy ♪ ♪ and a little trouble only makes for a good time so all the normal red flags be a good sign ♪ ♪ don't you come here thinking you're ballin' ain't down for it ♪ ♪ you seem like trouble to me i can tell by the way that you lean ♪ ♪ and the way that
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you kiss your teeth and you turn up so fresh and clean ♪ ♪ smells like trouble to me ♪ ♪ opposites attract i guess this it that good girl bad guy what a perfect match ♪ ♪ and if we you're gon' want to pay back tithes ♪ ♪ 'cause when you finish you gon' feel like you was baptized ♪ ♪ see baby now you fiendin' for a test drive 'cause you don't wanna lose your ride to the next guy ♪ ♪ and baby trouble only makes for a good time so all the normal red flags be a good sign ♪ ♪ don't you come here thinking you're ballin' ain't down for it ♪ ♪ you seem like trouble to me ♪ ♪ i can tell by the way that you lean and the way that you kiss your teeth ♪ ♪ and you turn up so fresh and clean smells like trouble to me ♪ ♪ i got it bad for him in the worst way dear lord how'd i get in this position ♪ ♪ and i shoulda never got involved in the first place but second place never get the recognition ♪ ♪ see what he doin' to me make have to shout it out i got it bad for him that's without a doubt ♪ ♪ so clear now that he's a trouble starter but i ain't a saint
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neither ♪ ♪ and these ain't no still waters ♪ ♪ just cause all the girls are falling at your feet don't mean no thing to me ♪ ♪ till you show me where it's at smells like trouble to me ♪ ♪ just cause all the girls are falling at your feet don't mean no thing to me ♪ ♪ until you show me where it's at smells like trouble to me ♪ ♪ i shoulda known you were bad news knew you were bad news ♪ ♪ from the bad boy demeanor and the tattoos all of the tattoos ♪ ♪ i shoulda known you were bad news but i'm undecided tryna figure out if that's you ♪ ♪ don't you come here thinking you're ballin' ain't down for it ♪ ♪ you seem like trouble to me i can tell by the way that you lean ♪ ♪ and the way that you kiss your teeth and you turn up so fresh and clean ♪ ♪ smells like trouble to me ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: iggy azalea and
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jennifer hudson. "reclassified" is in stores now! we'll be right back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [female announcer] if the most challenging part of your day
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is the staying awake part, sleep train has your ticket to a better night's sleep. because when brands compete, you save during mattress price wars. save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. get interest-free financing until 2018 on tempur-pedic. plus, helpful advice from the sleep experts. don't miss mattress price wars at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to vin diesel, carl reiner, kobe bryant, iggy azalea and jennifer hudson, hannah davis, the cast from "saved by the bell" and the roots. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great night. i hope to see you tomorrow. bye, everybody. [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- christine baranski "snl" weekend update anchor colin jost comedian michael kosta featuring the 8g band with brad wilk. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] and now, here he is, seth meyers! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: good evening, i'm seth meyers. this


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