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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  August 17, 2015 11:34pm-12:38am PDT

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live from new york, it's tracey morgan. the comedian is make his first tv appearance in nearly 18 months. the former saturday night live cast member will return to host the show this fall. that is great us oochl morgan, as you might know, suffered critical injuries in a car wreck last summer on a new jersey turn pike. the emmy nominee, who spent seven seasons at snl tweeted today that he was quote, stoked to be going home. his fans are stoked as well. he will host snl on october 17th. >> an emotional journey. >> have a greatly evening and a great morning tomorrow. >> bye-bye. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- zac efron,
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fran lebowitz, the cast of broadway's "amazing grace," and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 314, st. louis. >> steve: and now, here he is, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my goodness, that's what i'm talking about. hey, welcome! welcome, welcome, welcome, everybody. welcome to "the tonight show." thank you very much for being here. you're here. this is it, you're a part of it! [ cheers and applause ] i like that, that's a nice
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shirt! you're looking good. all right. here's what everyone is talking about, everybody. i saw that donald trump reported for jury duty today in new york city. [ laughter ] yeah. marking the first time somebody didn't have to pretend they were racist or sexist to get out of jury duty. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] of course, they didn't allow cameras in the courtroom while trump was there, but they did release a sketch. [ laughter and applause ] i didn't realize he looks like tom brady. he looks a lot like tom brady. >> steve: he does. "the brady bunch." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: actually, both donald trump and hillary clinton went to the iowa state fair over the weekend. things got awkward when donald trump got on the merry-go-round ahead of hillary and said, "you'll never catch me." [ laughter ] and he goes -- merry-go-round. and did you see this, donald trump actually wound up giving kids at the fair free rides on his helicopter? even the drunk guy riding the tilt-a-whirl was like, "is that safe?"
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[ laughter ] i don't know. but donald trump offered to give some kids a ride in his helicopter. check this out. >> and do you agree with me? does everybody agree with me? >> yes. >> yeah. >> they're smart. let's give them a helicopter ride, okay? right? good. >> yeah! >> i don't know. let's go see. c'mon, kids, let's get goin'. who's going first? who's going? where are your parents? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "where are your parents?" [ applause ] of course, those kids we're like, "uh, you're our dad now because you have a helicopter. [ laughter ] i mean, this is awesome." "where are your parents?" yeah, get them out of here -- make sure it's all right. of course, a lot of other politicians thought trump's arrival on his private helicopter was "too flashy." in fact, chris christie said he would rather arrive on a pony. [ laughter ] well after hearing that, a few
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ponies had some statements of their own. [ laughter ] this pony said, "he's joking, right? we don't actually have to give chris christie a ride, right?" [ laughter ] this pony said, "not it. i call not it." [ laughter ] this pony said, "look, i've carried some big things in my day, pulled some huge carriages. but there's no way that man is riding this pony." >> steve: ow. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and finally -- finally, this pony said, "i looked like a normal pony until chris christie sat on me." [ laughter and applause ] i mean, i didn't even know that was possible. i don't -- [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: i don't think that was a pony. >> jimmy: i didn't know that was possible, yeah. >> steve: yeah. [ laughter ] and now there are reports that if joe biden runs for president, he would promise to serve for only one term. 'cause nothing says confidence like promising your presidency would be over quickly. yeah. [ laughter ] here's some local news. here i read that new york governor andrew cuomo just
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signed a bill that bans powdered alcohol from the state. so, if you live in new york and you're consuming powdered alcohol, your life just somehow got worse. [ laughter and applause ] somehow -- no powdered alcohol legal, no. is that a thing? i didn't even know that was a a thing? >> steve: yeah, it's a thing. crazy. powdered. >> jimmy: do you know -- do you know what it's all about? >> steve: it's about powdered alcohol. [ laughter ] they take alcohol, they turn it into a powder, so you can snort it or put it in anything. >> jimmy: crazy. >> steve: crazy. >> jimmy: people snorting alcohol? >> steve: yeah. [ laughter ] they can't just drink it, they get it -- they get it in their system quicker. powdered alcohol. >> jimmy: i -- i'd snort liquid alcohol. >> steve: do you really? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's the only way i do it. i didn't know how -- >> steve: yeah, that's how they get you. >> jimmy: i don't even know how else to do it. >> steve: you don't -- you mean you don't drink it? you snort it? >> jimmy: you can drink alcohol? [ laughter ] >> steve: oh boy, we gotta to talk. we gotta talk. that's just a phrase, have a a snort. >> jimmy: check this out. guinness world records just declared a cat, named corduroy,
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the oldest living cat at 26 years old. or as his owner put it, "don't remind me." [ laughter ] finally, some sports news, at this weekend's rogers cup semi-final in montreal, tennis star novac djokovic complained that the smell of marijuana near the court was throwing off his game. which is really classic djokovic. great on clay but always struggles on grass. [ laughter ] we have a great show. give it up for the roots, everybody! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: fantastic! hey, guys, welcome. thank you, thank you so much for watching. thank you for being here. it's monday. we're so happy to be back. we have a big week of shows coming up. she was just nominated for an emmy award for her role in the hit show "empire." taraji p. henson will be here. [ cheers and applause ] plus on wednesday, heidi klum is stopping by and we're playing a game of box of lies.
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[ cheers and applause ] later this week, rachel maddow will be here, artie lange, jason schwartzman will be joining us. [ cheers and applause ] and we'll have performances from sam hunt, carly rae jepsen, and then -- [ cheers and applause ] their reuniting it's happening on our show, i'm so excited about this. michael mcdonald and the doobie brothers. >> steve: come on! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: how awesome is that? that's going to be fun. >> steve: come on. >> jimmy: but first we have a a fantastic show tonight. from the new movie "we are your friends," zac efron is here. [ cheers and applause ] i don't know. it's going to be great. he's hot, they love him. later in the show, zac and i are going head-to-head in a a game of egg russian roulette. >> steve: oh. [ applause ] ooh. >> jimmy; it's funny. plus, i love this woman, she's the quintessential new yorker. i'm so happy when she comes to visit. i'm not sure she's so happy. >> steve: no, but you are happy. >> jimmy: but we make her come anyway. yeah. the great humorist fran lebowitz is dropping by. >> steve: yeah.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: she's the funniest, the coolest, and the most sarcastic person you're gonna meet. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: oh, i love her so much. and we have a great performance -- this is one of the reasons you love new york city. from the cast of broadway's "amazing grace," they're here tonight. "amazing grace," ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] broadway comes to you here. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: this is fantastic. they're good. hey guys, do you ever go online or watch tv and you see some weird, random thing on your screen, something that's just like accidentally funny? well, we ask you to keep an eye on stuff like that and actually take a screen grab of it and send it to us. we got a ton of great ones in. now we want to share some of our favorites. it's time for "screen grabs." here we go. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ makes me wanna screen grab ♪ ♪ >> jimmy: our first screen grab was sent into us by lorrie myers in baden, pennsylvania. she was online looking at a a dessert menu and saw this -- oh, we got bush's homemade pies for $3.99. a la mode for only $150.
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[ laughter ] >> steve: oh, pricey. >> jimmy: well, man, you want ice cream on that, it's going to cost you. [ laughter ] our next one was sent in by courtney phelps in iowa city, iowa. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: that's you're iowa. >> steve: yeah, iowa! >> jimmy: higgins is from iowa. she was online looking at pictures of baby animals. >> steve: oh, love 'em. >> jimmy: yeah, this is -- saw this -- this is cute here. look at this. "newborn giraffe gets a a smooch." >> steve: oh! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: pretty sure that's a a hippo, but i'm not a -- >> steve: you're not a doctor of zoology, yeah. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, no. i'm not an animal expert. >> jimmy: this next one was sent in to us by j.p. williamson in chugiak, alaska. he was searching google maps for liquor store. >> steve: oh. [ laughter ] oh, the guy from chugiak. >> jimmy: no, no, not -- >> steve: are you sure it isn't "chug-iak"? >> jimmy: no, that's a a different place. chugiak is different. he was searching google maps for a liquor store. and he found this. there it is right there in the middle of the cemetery. >> steve: oh, my god. [ laughter ] that's in the dead center of town. >> jimmy: i know. [ laughter and applause ]
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♪ >> steve: oh! mm-doy. >> jimmy: he probably makes a a killing. [ laughter ] next one -- surprised he isn't getting stoned while -- >> steve: i know. >> jimmy: this next one here was sent to us by lindsay williams in birmingham, alabama. it's one of those captcha things. >> steve: mm-hmm. you know those things that you gotta -- you got a squiggly words you have to type in when you're ordering online tickets or whatever. just to make sure you're not a a robot or -- i don't know why. >> steve: because robots buy so many tickets. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. it's a big problem. >> steve: it's nuts. >> jimmy: i have to go to taylor swift. >> steve: i'm going to see hamilton. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, here it is. check this one out here. you just type in "big ho" and then you get the tickets. [ laughter ] "honey, i am going to get that taylor swift tickets for you. don't come into daddy's office." [ laughter ] gotta clear my google history here." >> steve: oh, boy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this next one was
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sent in to us by jen craft in wellington, florida. she was searching for some back-to-school supplies -- >> steve: oh, good. >> jimmy: and found this right here. up & up highlighters in -- [ laughter ] >> steve: that's one place to put them. >> jimmy: assorted -- no. assorted -- >> steve: what's that? >> jimmy: assorted colors, i'm assuming. >> steve: oh, assorted colors. wasn't location. >> jimmy: no, no, no. [ laughter ] >> steve: okay. >> jimmy: this next one was sent in by jacob clark in west valley city, utah. he was on sesame street's youtube channel, looking for some videos for his kids to watch. >> steve: well, good. >> jimmy: that's great. let's see we what he found here. this is good. "do de duckie with ernie." [ laughter ] "elmo's song" and "i don't want to live." [ laughter ] >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: that's like a deep -- >> steve: what is that picture of? >> jimmy: took a dive toward the end there, yeah. >> steve: that's bad, yeah. >> jimmy: yeah. it got dark. >> steve: that's depressing. >> jimmy: it got dark -- >> steve: it got real dark on sesame street. >> jimmy: yeah, this next one
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was sent in by fred ariffen in gurnee, illinois. he was on youtube and saw a a video of an indian singer that he says looks like me. i never believe these guys. [ laughter ] oh, not bad. i don't know. i don't think that looks -- >> steve: come on! you don't see it? >> jimmy: do you see it? i don't know -- well, let me try something on. we'll see. [ light laughter ] >> steve: got it? >> jimmy: yeah. i got this. i got this. >> steve: do you need help? >> jimmy: no, no. this is easy for me. [ laughter ] >> steve: need some help with that? >> jimmy: no, no, this is great. >> steve: are you sure. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. this is good. we're almost done with the whole show so this is -- [ laughter ] >> steve: take your time. >> jimmy: this is -- yeah. no. >> steve: take your time. >> jimmy: i'm gonna take my time on this one. yeah, yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: oh, adjust your
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unibrow. that's a unibrow hat. that's fantastic. >> jimmy: what? this is normal. >> steve: hey, man. >> jimmy: is this a good look? >> steve: that's a good look on you. you should cultivate that. >> jimmy: i could do it for the rest of the show like this. >> steve: yeah, why not, man? [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: there you go. >> jimmy: just gotta fix this. yeah, there you go. >> steve: there you go. now you're styling. >> jimmy: yeah, now this is it right here. i can do this for a while. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: this is a good move. no one's -- no one's doing this. >> steve: yeah. [ laughter ] you're way ahead of the curve. you're like light years ahead of the curve. >> jimmy: thank you. our last screen grab was sent in to us by -- [ laughter ] is it distracting you think? >> steve: no, not at all. no! a lot of people do the cone hat. now people do the unibrow with the stache. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: the last screen grab was sent in to us by arlene miller in akron, ohio. >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: she was listening to xm radio in her car and came across a james brown song i'd never heard of. >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: yeah, it's pretty good. "papa's got a bra." [ laughter ] that's all the time we have for "screen grabs." if you have a funny screen grab, e-mail us at and we might put it on the show. stick around. we'll be right back with zac efron! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ranking from top to bottom. car company of the year? luxury cars just seem like they would be top awarded. yeah. there better be some awards behind what you are paying for right? the final answer. chevrolet is the most awarded car company of the year. really?
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i was just surprised. i'm interested to learn more about chevy. let's check out these 2015 chevy's. it's like a luxury car. i was shocked. i mean, this is chevy? ayou can use the phone you already have. and keep your network and number, too. for up to half the cost, only on the bring your own phone plan. now get unlimited talk and text plus 5gb of high-speed data, for $50 a month. net10 wireless. ♪ummer bucket list #15 get some color. ♪ the crisp, refreshing taste of bud light. the perfect beer for checking off your summer bucket list. ♪ me and you, ♪ and you and me. ♪ no matter how they tossed the dice. ♪ ♪ it had to be. ♪ the only one for me is you. ♪ and you for me. ♪ so happy together! now there's a rewards program that lets you earn points at one place and use them at another.
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introducing plenti. ♪ ♪ when it comes to rewards, there's plenti together. ♪ ♪ see that brad? i did that. with minwax stains and protective finishes, you get a real sense of pride when you complete a project. you did this? awesome. hey nithanks. today. juicy fruit? sure i'll try a piec.... juicy fruit. so sweet you can't help but chew.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is a a talented actor, starring in a a new movie called "we are your friends," which is in theaters august 28th. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our pal zac efron! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about! zac efron, ladies and gentlemen! [ cheers and applause ] welcome, welcome, welcome. >> thank you. good to see you, buddy. how are you doing? >> jimmy: fantastic. you look good. you look sharp. you look great. always, every time you come on. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i think i have a way to up your game a little bit. nobody is doing this. [ laughter ] no one is doing this. just look at me for a second. >> okay. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: zac look over here for a second. just turn around for a second. yeah, yeah, yeah. this is, no one is doing this. [ laughter ] oh, yeah. this is already working. [ laughter ] i tell you, you go to a a premiere with this on -- >> you can't lose? >> jimmy: no, you can't lose. check it out. this is great. there he is. >> should i do like a blue stel? >> jimmy: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] [ laughter ] >> i have no idea what's going on right now. >> jimmy: no, no it's alright. no, it's fine. >> it feels good. >> jimmy: it feels good. this is what all of our guests
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have to wear. different things like that. >> i look like a fool. >> jimmy: zac, good to see you, buddy. >> thanks man. good to be here. >> jimmy: how's it going? how's your summer been? [ laughter ] >> it's been good, man. >> jimmy: it's been alright. yeah, you look good. a little different, but -- [ laughter ] still the same. you've still got that same -- that spark in your eye, you know? >> thank you. thank you. when can i take this off? >> jimmy: now. [ laughter ] here, i can do it right now. i can do it for you now. >> really? i'd be honored. thank you for de-crowning me. >> jimmy: oh, please, please, please. you don't want to leave that on? >> yeah, actually that is kind of cool. >> jimmy: yeah, that's not bad. you can take that with you. >> that's not bad. >> jimmy: dude, welcome. thank you so much for coming back. we love having you here. i always love talking to you because you do things that i would never dream of doing. and this happens every time we talk. you have time off. great. you go to hawaii. great. you set up a swimming trip or snorkeling trip. that's a little bit daring for me. but you do that, but not only do you do that, tell me what happens. what happened? >> i was in hawaii. i was filming a movie called "mike and dave need wedding dates."
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and -- >> jimmy: "mike and dave need wedding dates?" >> yeah. that's the name of the film we were doing in hawaii. >> jimmy: fantastic. >> and -- >> jimmy: what's it about? no, i'm just kidding. [ laughter ] >> i was with the guy playing my brother, adam devine. and we went on a shark dive with a professional shark conservationalist? is that a word? conservationist? >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. either way, just stop at shark diving. and that's where i go, no, i don't want to go shark diving. >> yeah, well, we wanted to go shark diving. but this was my second dive, so i had met these guys before. >> jimmy: okay. what's the name of person? who do i call if i go to hawaii? >> her name is ocean ramsay. shout out to ocean. >> jimmy: ocean. her name is ocean? >> her name is ocean. >> jimmy: all right, that sounds like -- >> she's legit. >> jimmy: yeah, okay. >> she's legit. [ laughter ] >> and so we get there, and we're under water and there's a a ton of sharks this day. we went at like 4:30 in the morning. there was -- this was more sharks, way more sharks than last time. and i was out there for about maybe 45 minutes and all of a a sudden, out of nowhere, all of the galapagos sharks, which are like the seven to ten foot sharks, just dive. they just disappear.
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and -- >> jimmy: what does that mean? >> that means an apex predator is above them so they're clearing the waters for a a bigger shark. so i kind of like go, what -- [ laughter ] --what's going on right now? >> jimmy: but are you the apex? >> not i'm not the -- no. not at all. [ laughter ] i turn left, and i see about a a 14-foot tiger shark, just literally turning -- [ light laughter ] --about maybe as far away as the roots are right now swimming directly towards me. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. you get your money's worth. [ laughter ] that's where -- no, a tiger shark can eat you and kill you. >> it's like -- it's up there. it's pretty -- it's a dangerous shark. >> jimmy: yeah. do you know your sharks? >> i do -- now i do. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: again, i would freak out. i'd be like, "is this a a galapagos shark?" or tiger shark or "jaws" shark? i don't know any sharks. [ laughter ] >> i had two choices. the boat was behind me, and technically safety was behind me and so were several people yelling, "come this way, come back!"
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>> jimmy: you can only hear it through your snorkel. >> i wasn't hearing it. it was all just visual at this point. >> jimmy: what do you do if a a big shark comes at you? >> well, he did. he came straight at me. or she came straight at me. and what you're supposed to do is slow down your heart rate and sort of just stay calm. and you -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: ocean. what do i really do? >> this is actually -- >> jimmy: slow down my heart rate. yeah, yeah, yeah. >> this is actually serious science. >> jimmy: how do you do that even? already my heart -- i can't do that. you can do that? >> i held my breath. i kind of crossed my arms. i let the shark know that i wasn't prey. i just sort of stared into his eyes -- [ laughter ] and -- i'm dead -- i'm not joking. >> jimmy: you can do that. you're zac efron. i mean that's what you do. [ laughter ] he calms the shark. he's a shark whisperer. he calms down a shark. [ laughter ] you go, "hey, come on, i'm zac efron." "oh, yeah yeah, i'm not gonna eat you." >> yeah, i'm just with the shark. >> jimmy: oh, you're so dreamy! oh, my gosh. [ laughter ] >> but i mean -- all i could picture was him just turning
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sideways and eight rows of teeth just going fraw! >> jimmy: but then here's where, again, we differ. tell everyone what happened, what you do with the shark. >> so the shark, he came at me. or she came at me and then turned a little bit. >> jimmy: don't worry. they're not watching. >> not going to offend the shark. >> jimmy: the shark is not watching. yeah, yeah, that's all right. >> when it swam by me, it was swimming towards the boat which is where i needed to get back to. so i don't know what happened, but i guess i just really like to charge life so i just grabbed onto its fin and rode it all the way back to the boat. >> jimmy: oh, my god! [ cheers and applause ] no! don't clap at that! that's horribly dangerous! this is unbelievable. >> let me also just say i don't recommend doing that at all. to anyone. >> jimmy: kids, do not do that at all. >> do not that. >> jimmy: also, no one would ever recommend doing this with a tiger shark. >> yeah, don't do that with a a tiger shark. >> jimmy: even though you're zac efron, you're allowed to do that. but don't do that anymore. we want you back on the show.
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>> yeah, i know. but imagine how production felt. we were filming a movie. >> jimmy: gosh, i can't believe you even told that story. but anyway, it's never gonna happen again you guys. >> it was pretty cool. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. no, it was not cool. it was a terrible experience. remember what we discussed? >> oh yeah, oh yeah. >> jimmy: no, we would never do that ever again. >> awful. >> jimmy: let's talk about your movie here. "we are your friends." >> yes. >> jimmy: this is about a a deejay trying to make it and trying to become a successful deejay. >> it's definitely a classic coming-of-age story. it's a young guy hustling in the valley. he's got this group of friends he's sort of following. but he has a passion of being a a deejay. >> jimmy: there's a trick to it. it's not easy. deejaying at my house is different than going to a club and hearing a deejay. >> like iphone deejay? >> jimmy: oh yeah, i'm good at that. you guys want to hear -- >> yeah, i'm aces with that. >> jimmy: --james taylor? yeah, i'm good with that. >> jimmy: i want to show everyone a clip. here's zac efron in "we are your friends." take a look at this. >> rocking a party, step one. ♪ it's the deejay's job to get
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the crowd out of their heads and into their bodies. in order to do that, you need to, at the very least, have caveman sense of rhythm, a a cursory knowledge of mathematics, and the broad strokes of 9th grade biology. for example, the baseline controls this region of the body right here. ♪ the most important region. ♪ there's always going to be resistance. so you got to be patient. look for that one person who's not afraid to just go for it. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: august 28th, "we are your friends." zac efron and i are playing egg russian roulette when we come back. come on back, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
12:01 am
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12:02 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back to "the tonight show," everybody. i'm here with zac efron! [ cheers and applause ] "we are your friends" august 28th. we're about to go head-to-head
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in a game of "egg russian roulette." higgins, would you like to explain how this works? >> steve: yes, james! [ laughter ] here in my hand i have one dozen eggs. eight of them have been hard-boiled. >> jimmy: eight of them? >> steve: four of them are still raw. you and zac will take turns smashing one egg at a time upon the top of your head. you won't know which eggs are raw and which -- [ laughter ] once you choose an egg, you must smash that egg upon the top of your head. no put-backs. first one to smash two raw eggs on their head loses. zac, as the guest of our show, you will choose the first egg. >> ooh, i'm going to go -- i feel like i'm in the last scene of "deer hunter" right now. [ laughter ] okay. >> steve: choose wisely! >> let's see. what happens to them when they're --
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>> jimmy: i know. don't go by lighting either. i'm gonna try to move my shadow. [ laughter ] >> steve: good luck! >> i feel -- you can kind of tell. i'm pretty positive this one -- >> jimmy: you can't. you can't tell. [ laughter ] >> really? >> jimmy: i have played the game before. yeah, yeah, yeah. >> you can't tell? >> jimmy: this is what makes it fun. yeah, yeah, you can't tell. >> and you've just got to go for it. >> jimmy: yeah, good to see you, buddy. >> i have no fear of eggs. >> jimmy: no! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: oh, no! >> you did that no looking. >> jimmy: i know. it kind feels like there's something -- goopy in here. [ laughter ] [ breathing heavily ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> all right, you did the last one, no looking. so i'm just going for this guy right here. >> jimmy: yeah. >> oh, no.
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this one's wet. [ laughter ] i already know it's wet. >> jimmy: you know it. >> i can already tell. >> jimmy: go for it. give it a good one, man. >> all right. >> jimmy: there you go. >> i loved this suit before. >> jimmy: do it. oh! [ laughter ] [ applause ] how can you tell? you felt it? >> i felt it. i can't get it out of there. i knew it. >> jimmy: oh, no. the suit is trashed. >> is the suit trashed? >> jimmy: all right well -- you can send us the dry cleaning bill. no, it's fantastic. he's dripping all over the place. please get a shot of it oozing down everything -- it's just great. okay, good. >> good, good. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: don't woo him. it's just an egg on him. all right, here we go. thank you, higgins. >> steve: you're welcome! [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> doing good. >> jimmy: this is fantastic. it's really great to see you, man. >> i feel like i'm about to come back. i don't know how you come back from that. >> jimmy: this is so fun. >> it feels like easter. i should be painting these, but instead i'm cracking them on my head. >> jimmy: yeah, it's great.
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>> all right, i feel good about this one. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i need that confidence. i'm going to be like you, just confident. >> do it. >> jimmy: feel great about this one. this one is cool. [ laughter ] >> it's a good egg. >> jimmy: now this feels like something's going on. >> something's shaking? [ yelling ] oh! [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> that was really cool in slow motion. that was really cool in slow motion. >> jimmy: all right, here we go. >> steve: a 1 in 3 chance. two left that are raw. >> jimmy: what's wrong with you? why are you sounding weird? >> what's the accent you're doing? i'm going to go for it. >> steve: good luck.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> you have so much egg on your face. [ laughter ] literally. >> jimmy: and figuratively. >> and figuratively. [ breathing heavily ] [ laughter ] [ screaming ] [ cheers and applause ] you got to be kidding me. >> steve: zac is the champion! >> how am i the champion? >> jimmy: that's the winner, right there. the winner zac efron, everybody. "we are your friends" opens august 28th. fran lebowitz joins us next. we'll be right back, everybody! thank you, pal. i appreciate it. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ all right, first day of school hunter.
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i look like our lawyer. exactly. why can't i just dress like them? them? they look cool. excuse me! young people! where did you get these looks? old navy. the navy, it's the navy. old navy mom... and how much for the denims? eight dollars. eight? mom please! mom! hunter! hunter! mommy's speaking. kids stuff is up to 60% off. you're going to be late today hunter, we're going to old navy. fantastic four-cheese omelette is packed with crispy bacon and fresh veggies. (explosion) check please! introducing the fantastic four-cheese omelette. denny's. welcome to amercia's diner. fantastic 4, only in theaters. lily lily, may i call you lily?
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a a best-selling author. one of the funniest women we
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know, please welcome our good friend fran lebowitz, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: fran, welcome back. welcome back. >> your mother must be so proud of you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i can already tell you you're disappointed in me. yeah. well, it's show business. it's so nice so see you. i saw you over the weekend. it was very fun to run into you over the weekend. because -- i have fun running into you all the time because you have this reaction -- exact reaction when you see me all the time, yeah. you -- yeah. because you think i stole your apartment. because i outbid you in new york city. i outbid you, but i did not know it was you. >> in which case, you wouldn't have done it, right? [ laughter ]
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if you'd known it was me -- that would have made a a difference? >> jimmy: of course. oh, yeah, absolutely. i would have let you have the apartment. anyway, i go to this event, where it's this nice big -- ron pearlman had this nice, big event, "the roots" were there benefitting the "apollo theater." i go up and i saw you there. i was with my wife. we were both wearing seersucker blazers. >> kind of. [ laughter ] yours was kind of seersucker. >> jimmy: no, mine was totally -- mine was totally seersucker. >> no. yours was seersucker-esque. [ laughter ] when i got dressed today to come here, i thought, "no, he's not this snappy." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, no, not at all. i would wear something close to that. >> jimmy: but you always come and you give me a good lesson about adults and children all the time. >> hasn't worked so far. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that is something a a child wouldn't know to do. crack an egg on their head. >> they wouldn't know that it wasn't a form of entertainment.
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[ laughter ] your producer said -- i said, "what is he doing?" she said, "russian roulette." then i was interested. but then she -- i missed the egg part. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hey! you don't want to be playing real "russian roulette." that's entertainment. we were talking about uh -- skateboarding. you go, "yeah." we were saying, if you're an adult, you don't skateboard. >> well, when i was young, like, really a child, they didn't have skateboarding. you know, i don't know when they invented it, but after i was a child. which i'm glad because it would be something i would have been really bad at as a child. >> jimmy: you weren't a big sports, activity -- >> no. >> jimmy: no. >> no. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: what were you like as a child? did you enjoy summer? >> i was shorter. >> jimmy: yes. [ laughter ] >> otherwise, pretty similar to what i am now. but i didn't like to do those kind of dangerous things, you know. like, we climbed trees and played -- i didn't like to do those things. not like this guy you had on before who was swimming with the sharks. >> jimmy: yeah.
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he loves swimming with sharks. no, i'm not like that either, no. >> no. i mean, if that was, in fact, a a real photograph, i don't know. [ laughter ] that was my first thought, was "really?" >> jimmy: oh, yeah. who took that? i forgot to ask the obvious question. who else was down there? yeah. [ laughter ] >> i said that you see in new york all, the time adults skateboarding. not just adults, middle-aged men. come on. 40-year-old men skateboarding. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i see someone fall and i really had to stifle my laughter. "why you fell? because you're too old to be skateboarding." [ laughter ] you have never seen a a 40-year-old woman skateboarding. >> jimmy: i probably haven't. no. why? >> because women grow up. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> no husband ever had to say to his 40-year-old wife, "honey, please don't skateboard. [ laughter ] what if something happens to you? who will take care of us?"
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>> jimmy: is there anything that you like? is there anything you loathe? >> many, many things. >> jimmy: yeah. what do you enjoy? >> i like to read. >> jimmy: yes! any good books i could maybe check out? >> you could check them out. i don't know if you can read them. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: which one has the most pictures? [ laughter ] >> but i did meet your delightful wife at this party. >> jimmy: yes. thank you. >> and i knew who she was because she said to me, "hi, i'm the person who stole your apartment and your name." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm glad that you did. she loved talking to you. >> then she described what you're doing to my apartment. she said, "you have to come see it." and i thought, "these people seem to have the idea i'm happy for them." [ laughter ] "you're going to love it," she said. i said, "i'm not." >> jimmy: we've done great things. we're about to move in. the baby is ready to go in.
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it's great. turns out we have the same -- we have similar movers. >> no. we have the same mover. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yes. how did i discover this? because last time i was on, we talked about this apartment. and then i moved. i have to keep moving because you took my apartment. [ laughter ] and my mover who, has been my mover so long that my original mover was his father, said, "oh, i saw you on 'jimmy fallon.' it was really funny. you know what? you're right. that apartment would be great for you. your furniture is perfect for there." i said, "how do you know?" he said, "i'm his mover." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we have similar tastes. >> we have the same mover, yeah. >> jimmy: we've also been to -- we see each other at events. we've hung out. we've been to broadway shows together. do you go to a lot of musicals? >> i loathe musicals. >> jimmy: we have one on tonight. we have a great one on tonight. >> i didn't book the show. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: you have to -- >> but i saw "hamilton," which is fantastic. >> jimmy: well, that's a
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a musical. >> yes. but it's really good, okay? [ laughter ] it is really good. it didn't ever occur to me that it would be good because everyone said how great it was. >> jimmy: yeah. >> there's no surer sign that something is no good than everyone loves it. donald trump is leading in the polls. but "hamilton" is fantastic. it was great. it is great. >> jimmy: it is. >> one of the reasons it's great is people don't burst into song, which is what i don't like about musicals. they just sing the whole time. >> jimmy: yeah. >> there's no bursting. >> jimmy: there's no bursting in the -- >> no. they sing the entire time. >> jimmy: so it's -- yeah, so you -- >> it's more like an opera, except it's good. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you don't enjoy the opera either, no. would you give a quote if they wanted a quote for "hamilton?" oh, my god, fran lebowitz says that -- "go see 'hamilton' because?" >> "it's not annoying." [ laughter ] ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: we love her! fran lebowitz, everybody. we'll be right back. this is good! the cast of broadway's "amazing grace." stick around, everybody! [ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. welcome back. "amazing grace" is the new original broadway musical which tells the story behind one of the world's most beloved songs. now here to perform the title
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song is the cast of broadway's "amazing grace." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> there's a song the world knows but a story it doesn't. two centuries ago, england ruled an empire built on slavery. sadly, today slavery exists on an even greater scale. the time for our story is now. ♪ ♪ amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch
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like me ♪ ♪ i once was lost but now i am found was blind but now i see ♪ >> john newton's journey from slave trader to abolitionist inspired him to write the words to this song. ♪ t'was grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved ♪ ♪ how precious did
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that grace appear the hour i first believed when we've been there ♪ ♪ ten thousand years bright shining as the sun we've no less days ♪ ♪ to sing god's praise than when we'd first begun
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amazing grace ♪ ♪ how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me i once was lost ♪ ♪ but now i am found was blind but now i see was blind but now i see now i see ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: fantastic. thank you, thank you. thank you so much. fantastic. thank you so much. "amazing grace" is now playing on broadway at the nederlander theater. for tickets go to we'll be right back ladies and gentleman. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to zac efron, fran lebowitz, the cast of broadway's "amazing grace" and the roots right there, ladies and gentlemen. stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great night. i hope to see you tomorrow. bye-bye everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- bill hader, from fox news channel, shepard smith music from blue jean committee, featuring the 8g band with jimmy chamberlin. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers! [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: good evening, everybody. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how's everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] glad to hear it. in that case, let's get to the news. the teen choice awards were last night and before you accuse teens of having terrible taste, remember who's still leading the adult's choi


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