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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  August 12, 2015 11:34pm-12:38am PDT

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a disney movie come to life? take a look at this very cute video outside of a ymca near denver, colorado, workers caught an adorable video of a deer and bunny playing together. the pair became named bambi and thumb per for obvious reasons. they became very good friends. isn't that amazing? >> thank you for joining us. ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests --
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sir ben kingsley, henry cavill, musical guest reba mcentire, and featuring the legendary roots crew. >> questlove: 311, down, down. >> steve: and now, here's your host, jimmy fallon! ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. hey, hot crowd! hot crowd. welcome, welcome, welcome to "the tonight show," everybody. [ cheers and applause ] this is it. this is where we are. this is the place to be. welcome, welcome, welcome.
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let's talk about some news, you guys. some big political news here. bernie sanders is polling at 44% among democrats in new hampshire to officially pass hillary clinton as the democratic front-runner. [ cheers and applause ] wow. and in another new poll, zero percent of hillary's staffers want to be the one who bring her that news. [ laughter and applause ] they go, "you do it. i don't wanna do it. you do it. i don't wanna die. i don't wanna die." [ light laughter ] sanders has previously been trailing her by 36 points, but now he has at a 7 point lead. yeah, i think he might be getting a little cocky because -- i just -- take a a look at the new campaign slogans he's trying out here. first there's -- "yes, we can? more like yes, i did." [ laughter ] next one, there's -- "bern down for what?" [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] next there's -- "enough bs. it's time for b.s." [ laughter and applause ]
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then there's -- "hillary just got weakened at bernie's." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: really? wow. >> jimmy: finally, there's -- "can i live eight more years? let's find out together." [ laughter and applause ] that's just too morbid. a little morbid. and i don't -- that's too much. i think that's a bit morbid. speaking of hillary though, officials investigating her e-mail scandal found that two of the four classified e-mails on her private account had information that was labeled "top secret." [ audience oohs ] it's pretty stupid. i mean, everyone knows if you want to hide stuff in your computer, you put it in a a folder labeled "tax stuff 2008." [ laughter and applause ] bet no one looked there. yeah. that's where you hide everything. at a press conference this week, hillary clinton tried to clarify that she only went to donald trump's wedding in 2005 because she, "thought it
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would be fun." [ light laughter ] but of course that's not the story trump told at the debates. >> with hillary clinton, i said, "be at my wedding," and she came to my wedding. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: "then i said, 'do the electric slide, and she electric slid.'" [ laughter and applause ] wow. actually, it looks like things might be slowing down a bit for trump. in fact, he recently dropped nine points in some of the latest polls. when he heard that, trump was like, "oh, no, was it everything i said?" [ laughter ] check this out. you guys, in a recent interview jeb bush revealed that his brother george gave him the nickname "tortoise" because he's making slow, steady progress. [ laughter ] though i think the bigger story here is that compared to george, jeb is the slow one. [ laughter ] some international news here. i saw that kim jong-un greeted north korea's women's soccer team when they arrived at the airport after they won the east asian cup. yeah.
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though i think the bigger story here is that a bunch of people got to leave north korea and actually came back. [ laughter and applause ] it's like wait, that was your chance. that was your chance to get out. some more celebrity news here, guys. i read that leonardo dicaprio won almost $9,000 in a a defamation lawsuit against the french tabloid "oops!" -- [ laughter ] -- for claiming rihanna was pregnant with his child. [ laughter ] it's a pretty important case to leo. here's what he had to say about it. "i hope this case teaches tabloids that celebrities are human beings that deserve respect rather than made-up gossip to sell magazines." "but also, guess who just got almost $9,000? [ laughter ] knock knock, who's there? me. me and just a shade under 9k. that's who. [ laughter ] i mean, seriously, close to $9,000. i could get a huge tv and a a super comfy couch, still have money left over for a pizza party and maybe a girl will come. [ cheers and applause ]
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he's very excited. doesn't know what to do with all that money. >> steve: it's 9k. >> jimmy: this is a pretty crazy story here. this week in georgia a bear apparently stole all the lunches from a work crew's van, while they were working, and ended up actually hanging out in the van for a bit. [ laughter ] take a look at this photo. look at this. [ laughter ] i don't know what's weirder, that there's a bear in there, or that it looks like he totally belongs there. [ laughter ] look at him, he's just hanging out. looks like he's about to start catcalling lady bears walking by. [ laughter ] "yo, baby, you got my salmon swimming upstream over here!" [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: hey! hey! >> jimmy: hey! >> steve: hey! >> jimmy: yo! finally, i read that "friends" stars david schwimmer, matt leblanc, and matthew perry were not invited to jennifer aniston's recent wedding to actor justin theroux. [ audience oohs ] while both perry and leblanc have said that they're very happy for aniston, no one has heard anything from david schwimmer. well, i wanted to hear his thoughts about all this so we actually have him on the phone
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right now, from los angeles. david, are you there? >> hi. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how are you doing, david? >> hi. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, no. it sounds like you're not doing so well there. >> no, i'm not. i'm heartbroken. how could rachel run off and get married with another guy. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: no. rachel? i think you mean jennifer. jennifer aniston married another guy. >> yeah. how can she do that? i mean, look, i may not own a a porsche and i may not be one of those big strong muscley beach body guys but i love rachel and i always have. you know what i'm saying, right chandler? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm not chandler. i'm jimmy. >> right, joey? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, no, no. jimmy. >> right, pheebs? [ light laughter ] >> david, i think you're confusing the characters on "friends" with real life. >> oh, i know what i'll do. i'll go to the airport and stop
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her before she gets on that flight. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: what flight? what are you talking -- >> oh, this will be great. she'll never see this coming. >> jimmy: no, no, david. she's already married. >> i'm going to win her back, monica! just you wait and see. okay, i'm tired. i'm going to take a quick nap before i go. [ clapping ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: david, are you there? >> hi. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, very good. david schwimmer, everyone. we have a great show. give it up for the roots ladies and gentlemen! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi everybody! oh! hey! welcome, welcome, welcome. thank you. thank you for watching. thank you for being here.
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oh, i love you. i love you. it's been a great week so far. there's more ahead tomorrow night. emmy and golden globe award winner paul giamatti will be here. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: yeah! >> jimmy: "straight outta compton." >> steve: love that dude. >> jimmy: plus, we got great music from robin thicke. oh, yeah, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] and then on friday we have kevin spacey. [ cheers and applause ] we have keegan-michael key and comedian monroe martin. it's gonna be good. but first, we have a fun show tonight. i love this guy. he's just the coolest. what a great actor, what a good person. he's super fun. this gentleman is such a great talent. an academy award winner. plus, he's been knighted by queen elizabeth. he stars in a new film called, "learning to drive." sir ben kingsley is here tonight. >> steve: yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: he's a cool customer. plus, he stars in guy ritchie's new spy movie "the man from u.n.c.l.e." look the this guy here. the ladies are gonna go, "ya-ya-ya-yi." [ whistling ] [ cheers and applause ] yeah. superman himself, henry cavill is stopping by.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: henry cavill. stud. i was almost on the cover of this. [ laughter ] >> steve: how'd that go? how did that work out for you? >> jimmy: i got the cover of "doughy" magazine. [ laughter ] >> steve: did you really? >> jimmy: also, we have great music. oh, our pal, reba mcentire! come on! >> steve: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: talk about a voice. talk about a talent. and she's funny and can act. she's got it all. she's the best. guys, it's wednesday. that means it's time to count down the hottest songs at the top of the charts right now. [ cheers and applause ] there we go. here we go. at number three, we got "drag me down" by one direction. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: oh, come on. >> jimmy: that's a great one. number two, we have "cheerleader" by omi. ♪ ♪ cheerleader ♪ >> steve: cheerleader. >> jimmy: also, holding steady
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at number one it's "can't feel my face" by the weeknd. that's good. >> steve: oh. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i can't feel my face when i'm with you ♪ >> jimmy: yeah, that's a good one. >> steve: those are all great songs. >> jimmy: those are the top three songs. now let's take a look at the songs at the bottom of the charts. [ laughter ] at number 98, it is "my humps" sung by johnny cash. [ laughter ] >> steve: really? >> jimmy: i didn't know he did a version of that. >> steve: i didn't know he did that? >> jimmy: no, i didn't think -- do we have a clip of that one? i'd love to hear the johnny cash doing "my humps." ♪ ♪ what you gonna do with all that junk all that junk inside your trunk ♪ ♪ imma get get get you drunk get you drunk off my hump my hump my hump my lovely little lumps ♪ >> steve: wow. >> jimmy: all right, yeah. that's -- i never heard that. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: is that rick rubin? >> jimmy: i didn't know who did that. >> steve: that was fantastic. >> jimmy: that must have been rick rubin. >> steve: love it.
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>> jimmy: at number 99, here's a song called "pitbull rapping the cheesecake factory menu." [ laughter ] >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: i've heard that one before. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: that was a big hit. >> steve: it's long. very long song. >> jimmy: that was a big -- very long song. it was like 12 minutes long. we have a clip of that one. let's hear it, if you haven't heard it. pitbull. ♪ open your mouth worldwide skinnylicious enchilada barbeque pizza the baja chicken taco and the ♪ ♪ bang bang shrimp a grilled pork fillet with a bowl of spaghetti and meatballs ♪ ♪ [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: that's a good jam. yeah. i'm sad to see that go off the charts. [ laughter ] >> steve: that should go to the top of the charts. >> jimmy: i know, it should. finally, at number 100, all the way at the bottom of the charts, here's "rock-a-bye baby" by arnold schwarzenegger. [ laughter ] ♪ ♪ rock-a-bye baby that flies to the treetops when the bough breaks you have to catch the baby ♪ ♪ cause the baby fall out of the sleepy tree get out of there the baby is falling out ♪ ♪ of the tree here comes the baby with the cradle and all ♪ [ laughter and applause ]
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>> jimmy: all right. there you have it right there. that's it right there. stick around, we'll be right back with more of "the tonight show," everybody. thank you! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ who says families have to share data now get four lines. each with up to 10 gigs of 4g lte data. just $30 bucks a line
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. oh, a hot crowd! a hot crowd tonight, man. i love it, guys. staying awake, doing it. i love it. >> steve: come on! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that feels good. doesn't it feel good? i love it, man. as you guys know, we're always striving to get better here at "the tonight show." ♪ harder better faster stronger ♪ >> steve: all the kids are doing that. >> jimmy: before every show, we put out a suggestion box for the audience just to get feedback about what you guys think of the show, things you'd like to see us do. that kind of stuff. so, tonight let's look inside
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the audience suggestion box. here we go. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ look into the box to the box suggestion box ♪ >> jimmy: what a theme song. can't get enough of that one. >> steve: yeah! >> jimmy: first one here is from andrew kern. "hey, jimmy, have you heard of these things called 'trump lists'? it's where you do your best donald trump impression and list off four random words. it's really fun. you should do it on your show." sure, it sounds fun. i'll start it off. "rhombus. cooties. eucalyptus. didgeridoo." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] fun. fun. it's so fun. higgins, want to give it a a shot? >> steve: me? >> jimmy: sure. >> steve: i'd love to. >> jimmy: cool man. >> steve: "patio. miso soup. stupendous. juicy fruit." [ applause ] >> jimmy: that's pretty good
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right there. that's good, man. "miso soup." want to give it a shot, quest? >> questlove: sure. "pony. futon. nintendo. tit mouse." [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: from doug northrop. he says, "hey, jimmy, i heard the dvd of 'magic mike xxl' will have an option where you can change the background music. you should give us a sneak peek." yeah, that's true. we got our hands on an early copy of the dvd "magic mike xxl" and tried changing the background music to polka. it's pretty interesting. check it out. ♪
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[ boing ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that looks fun, man. >> steve: that's fun. made it more fun. >> jimmy: fun, man. let's try another suggestion. this one is from sherry stevens. "hey, jimmy, i missed last week's republican debate and don't really know much about the candidates. is there any way you can catch me up to speed on what's going on preferably in the form of a a rap?" sherry, i can't, but i think i know someone who can. you like politics, right, tariq? >> tariq: okay, yes, i do. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: tariq, could you rap about the republican candidates? >> tariq: yes, i do. i'll do it right now. thank you. [ laughter ] ♪ you should've told the gop what's up with me you should've told 'em all i write is cutlery ♪ ♪ shoulda told 'em
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ain't nobody touching me that's even if they all prayed up ♪ ♪ like mike huckabee i hit the feddy campaign ready my i'm sure steady ♪ ♪ i brought a bunch of corn dogs all for rick perry the wisconsin mac and cheese came from scott walker ♪ ♪ i heard carly fiorina was a top talker i did a forum with santorum and ted cruz ♪ ♪ but lindsey graham on the mic so i hit snooze i swore i saw a muppet staring thru ♪ ♪ the lobby window before i realized that was probably bobby jindal i'll hit the studio ♪ ♪ sip some don julio then speak spanish with jeb bush and marco rubio watching donald trump ♪ ♪ fueding with the fox news 2016 election is gonna be huge ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: tariq trotter right there! and "the roots." oh, my gosh. yes, thank you. >> steve: thank you for that. very much so. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. thank you for that, sir, very much, sir. >> steve: who's this one from? >> jimmy: this one is from chris gilford.
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"jimmy, i know a lot of things. but one thing i don't know is if turtles can talk. you should find out." that's a really interesting suggestion. let's see if they can. i don't know. hi. [ laughter ] hello. can you hear me? say something. say something. can you hear me? can you talk? hi, turtle. can you talk to jimmy? can you talk to uncy jimmy? can you say anything? can you talk, turtle? can the turtle talk? there you go. i guess turtles can't talk. >> ass [ bleep ]!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> steve: hey! rude. >> jimmy: let's try another suggestion here. "hey jimmy, can you toss a a football from the desk to tariq?" sure, i think so. let's give it a try. [ drumroll ] hey, man. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] good catch, dude. [ laughter ] >> steve: judas priest. who is this one from? >> jimmy: this is from dan locker. >> steve: dan locker? >> jimmy: uh, yeah. "jimmy, have you heard of close-up serenading? it's where a singer serenades you with the song. but, stands only inches away from your face. can you make that happen for me with reba mcentire?" [ cheers and applause ] are you here?
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are you here, dan? dan, are you here? come on down. come on down, dan. ♪ how you doing man? sit right there. how you doing? nice to see you. and now, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome reba mcentire! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is dan. very nice. now thank you for doing this, reba. now, have you ever done a a close-up serenade before? >> no, i haven't, jimmy. >> jimmy: all right. this is perfect. this will be perfect. there's always a first. now, ladies and gentlemen, reba and i will perform our brand-new song called "just want to spend this moment." ♪ ♪ oh i just wanna spend this moment
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just wanna spend this moment ♪ ♪ just wanna spend this moment with you just wanna spend ♪ ♪ this moment with you [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to reba mcentire. that's all the time we have for "audience suggestion box." stick around. we'll be right back with sir ben kingsley! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ go get help, boy. go get help. go get help!
12:00 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is an academy award winning actor. starring in a wonderful new film called "learning to drive" which is in theaters friday august 21st, please welcome sir ben kingsley, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> what a lovely surprise. >> jimmy: yeah, absolutely. great. sir ben kingsley, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] there he is! >> that's right. >> jimmy: please have a seat. you can sit wherever you'd like. >> thank you. >> jimmy: yeah, absolutely. you can lay on the couch. >> i was thinking of sitting over there. >> jimmy: yeah. you could just lay there if you want to. >> you wouldn't take it personally? >> jimmy: no. i won't. we have a lot of things to discuss. >> we do. we do. >> jimmy: one thing i want to know is -- >> i just want to spend this moment with you. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you know my hit song? i have a very big -- almost like a disneyesque song i sang with reba mcentire. >> no. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and i just came out with that. wow. >> jimmy: yeah. just like that. >> it's serendipity. yeah. >> jimmy: do you ever sing? do you ever sing at times? >> i did when i was in my late teens. >> jimmy: you did? >> i had a band called the vikings, and i was -- [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: great name.
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>> thank you. and i was rhythm guitarist and second vocalist. >> jimmy: wow. and do you remember any of the song titles? >> "a smashing day" was one of them. >> jimmy: i'm assuming -- ♪ be a smashing day love and the sun will shine i will have your love and you will have what's mine ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "smashing day." i love it. [ cheers and applause ] that's a good song. i love it. by the vikings. i love that. >> i've just got to scream. >> jimmy: yeah, you could. i love to scream. [ cheers ] >> it's awesome. >> jimmy: please. do you ever get screams? i know you were part of the very famed royal shakespeare company. >> yes. >> jimmy: yes. >> yes. >> jimmy: what is that like? that is very intense. [ ding ] it's very -- sorry. it's very intense. i'm sorry. i just got distracted. >> it wasn't yours, was it? >> jimmy: no.
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have you ever been distracted by -- [ ding ] >> jimmy: is someone's cell phone on? >> is someone's cell phone on? [ light laughter ] don't worry. it's only me. it's only me. sexy beast. only me. [ cheers and applause ] i've got it. i've got it. i've got this. >> jimmy: i don't know what's going on. >> hello? >> hi. i'm the sexy beast. remember me? [ light laughter ] >> yes. >> jimmy: oh my god. >> what's your name? >> i'm john. what's yours? >> what's your name? >> john. >> john? >> yeah? >> what are you playing, john? >> it's a blackberry. >> what numbers have you got? you've got the five. i've got the five. [ light laughter ] don't worry. i've got the five. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he just takes your phone. [ cheers and applause ] >> i got it. [ ding ] >> jimmy: no, no. oh, my god. all right. >> oh! oh! as i was saying, where were we? >> jimmy: i was saying, do you find cell phone ringing distracting to you at all? >> once upon a time i was in the audience like john. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and patrick stewart was on the stage in the famous "master
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builder." "master builder" by -- [ light laughter ] builder. >> jimmy: yes, builder. >> not master craftsman. >> jimmy: painter. yeah, no. >> my cell phone went off. and he was in mid-flow. >> jimmy: your phone. >> my phone in my pocket. >> jimmy: no. >> i was like, so sorry, so sorry. i switched it off. i went around to see patrick afterwards. he said, someone's cell phone went off during one of my speeches! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's fantastic patrick stewart by the way. >> he does a really bad impersonation. >> jimmy: of you. no, that's great. >> and -- and i said really, patrick? it's frightful. i think i heard it. he said, was it you? i said, yes. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: it was yours. >> i owned up. yes. >> jimmy: and then you never did ever. ever since then. and you never brought your -- i don't bring my cell phone anywhere just in case. >> mine is in the dressing room. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i've got the weirdest dressing room, with respect. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: thank you. i knew you were coming. >> it has a moose's antlers coming through the wall.
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>> jimmy: it's not a real moose. it's a plastic -- >> oh. oh, i see. >> jimmy: it's plastic antlers from a plastic moose. >> we're all into endangered species. >> jimmy: exactly. yeah. i know you're from canada, from your accent. [ light laughter ] so i set you up. >> that's not canadian. >> jimmy: it is. >> that is not canadian. >> jimmy: maple syrup. and like, mounties and stuff. [ laughter ] maple. montreal. >> jimmy: enjoy canada, eh? >> what's that? >> jimmy: you like calgary? >> yeah, calgary. >> jimmy: go to england, eh? see big ben, eh. sorry, sorry i said you were from england, eh. >> i just want to spend this moment with you. >> jimmy: i just want to -- >> that was yours -- sorry. >> jimmy: i know. i turned into one of the beatles. [ light laughter ] i want to spend this moment with you, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] >> that's ringo. >> jimmy: that's ringo. >> i met them, you know. >> jimmy: you met the beatles. yeah. >> i met two of them. >> jimmy: yeah. which ones? >> we know this. john and ringo. >> jimmy: john is more nasally. [ light laughter ]
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>> actually i was playing the guitar on the stage singing "smashing day" which i just rendered for you. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: we all round a a smashing day. >> they said, you did very well with the mouth organ. i said, i didn't play the mouth organ. they said, you did very well anyway. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: play a harmonica but you sounded great anyways. sure. >> yeah. >> jimmy: let's talk about your film "learning to drive." this is a great film. i love it. patricia clarkson is in it as well. and it's basically two strangers -- >> very unlikely meeting between two people who live in their own bubble. and they meet and they both learn a great deal from each other. i think it's a very tender story. >> jimmy: it is. you end up being -- >> it's wonderful to be in it. actually, the first person i saw as they turned the corner coming here was a sikh cabdriver very proudly getting into his yellow cab. it was very strange bit of serendipity to see him. i hope after the film that the wonderful sikh community or the
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next sikh that you see with the great turbans and everything, you maybe give them a second look and think about the past and the exile, where he's come from. you know, the sikh drivers after 9/11 turned off all their meters and were slowing down and asking people, "where is your loved one? i will help you find them." >> jimmy: absolutely. >> all the sikh community in new york. >> jimmy: absolutely. everyone came together. it's a nice film. i want to show a clip. sir ben kingsley in "learning to drive." >> oh, great. >> put your eyes in the middle of the lane. your peripheral vision sees all the rest. >> oh, whoa, whoa. oh, summer! i thought we'd killed you! >> shut up. does that happen to you often? >> every day. people try to push a button. you don't engage with them especially when you drive. >> get out of the way! >> my god. [ car honking ]
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>> god, god, [ bleep ]. >> don't lean on the horn. it's not a -- it's a shortcut. >> i don't understand why men have to do that, wag their balls in your face. >> i think it's time to discuss road rage. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's a very big topic to discuss. he's the greatest, sir ben kingsley, "learning to drive" is in theaters friday august 21st. "learning to drive." we'll be right back with henry cavill. stick around, ladies and gentlemen. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ it's a golden opportunity to discover the exhilaration of efficiency. with six models to choose from, there's a lexus hybrid for every driver. ♪
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come in to the lexus golden opportunity sales event, where you'll find some of the best offers of the year on our entire hybrid lineup. now through september 8th. this is the pursuit of perfection. what kind of beer do you want? get me a... get me a redd's apple ale. yeah me too. redd's apple ale. also in strawberry and green apple. a hamelted cheddarger, with crispy hash browns and an egg your way. now that's a burg... (explosion) (groans) you want that to go again sweetie? the thing burger. welcome to denny's. fantastic 4, only in theaters.
12:14 am
calling aunt ethel... no! no! no! no! no! no! no! john? is that you? hey! ethel! sometimes life can get a little complicated. your sandwich doesn't have to be. oscar mayer deli fresh is made with 100% turkey breast that's sliced and sealed at the peak of freshness. it's deli quality, every time. america! there's a new flavor from snapple. it's straight up tea. it's all natural with that brewed tea taste that will keep ya coming back for more...oh yeah! new yorkers love it and you're gonna love it too! all-natural snapple straight up tea. made from the best stuff on earth.
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♪ shake it, shake it baby, come on now. ♪ ♪ shake it, shake it baby, oohh oohh. ♪ ♪ shake it, shake it, shake it, oohh. ♪ ♪ a-b-c, it's easy as 1-2-3 ♪ as simple as do-re-me, a-b-c, 1-2-3, baby you and me, yeah. ♪ ♪ a-b-c, it's easy, it's like counting up to three. ♪ ♪ sing a simple melody, yeah. make it look easy with jeans that stretch from target.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you know our next guest as superman from the blockbuster movie "man of steel." [ cheers and applause ] he's currently starring in guy ritchie's new spy film "the man from u.n.c.l.e."
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listen to me. i'm covering this men's fitness one, right? build, build bigger sex muscle. [ light laughter ] then yeah, like the beard there. what's up? and just right through the legs. [ light laughter ] he's holding a sign through his legs. he's in the new guy ritchie's new spy film "the man from u.n.c.l.e," opens in imax and theaters on friday. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome henry cavill. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: a gentlemen. that's what i'm talking about. look at this guy. look at this guy. he's a beast. what are you looking at punk? what is this guy craving right here? this guy. >> many unsavory things i'm sure he's craving.
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>> jimmy: you've got six-pack abs. >> six-pack abs. unfortunately, guinness is what i crave. [ light laughter ] sp, its not ideal for the six-pack abs. >> jimmy: you just love a nice beer. a nice cold guinness right there. you're superman. you have to be in awesome shape. >> yeah, for the movie. but generally sort of off movies i tend to be off-season. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: but you gain weight back? >> yeah. i put weight on and then lose it again before we start shooting. >> jimmy: because when you go on a diet as superman, what does superman eat? [ light laughter ] >> he eats a lot of things. >> jimmy: well, name one. >> okay depends. if i'm mass building i'll eat burgers and stuff. >> jimmy: mass building. >> yeah. >> jimmy: we're different people. [ light laughter ] that's fantastic. mass building. that's what they call it. just trying to get your arms bigger and your chest. >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: but then -- you're a a really cool dude. yeah, yeah. i'm like looking up and i'm so nervous.
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yeah. >> you're cool, too, man. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, i would never, ever even come close to having an arm the size of your arm. [ laughter ] your arm is the size of my leg. but it's not like you just do superman and take time off because you're doing the justice league movies as well. >> yes. justice league i think we start preproduction on that in january. i think. >> jimmy: so you don't really have that -- well, it's january. that's plenty of time. >> yeah. plenty of time. >> jimmy: yeah. time to get fat and lose it. [ light laughter ] >> work really hard to get fat. >> jimmy: exactly. can he just ask this for cardio sake, what do you do far cardio? [ light laughter ] no cardio? >> no. i run. [ laughter ] that's the savory answer. >> jimmy: what is the real answer? >> i think they get it. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. okay. that's what you do. well, you burn a lot of calories. good for you. that's fantastic. [ laughter ] >> i mean, i try. >> jimmy: go for it, buddy. let's talk about "the man from u.n.c.l.e," this is your new
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movie that comes out friday. guy ritchie, a spy thriller. come on. everyone's dream to be in a spy movie. and you're doing it. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you did it. >> i'm very lucky. the best thing about this movie is it's guy ritchie, you know. he does a special, special thing here. it's entirely unique. >> jimmy: beautifully shot. >> yeah. it really is. it's got a cool score. the whole thing is just a cool, specs -- sexy. sexy? [ light laughter ] it's a cool sexy spy thriller set in the '60s, which you know, you're in for a fun ride. >> jimmy: yeah. and it's based on a tv show. which you probably don't know about, because an accent. i'm sure it didn't air where you're from. >> we did have tvs, though. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: you did? >> yeah. and electricity. >> jimmy: what? >> i know. >> jimmy: that's amazing. >> it's weird isn't it? >> jimmy: we'll get into that next time. [ light laughter ] i like it doesn't take itself too seriously, this film. it has quirky, funny things and also david beckham makes a a cameo. >> he certainly does. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, it's a fun, fun, fun, ride. i want to show everyone a clip.
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here's henry cavill in "the man from u.n.c.l.e." take a look at this. >> when you hear something that sounds like a gunshot, drive. [ gun shot ] >> did you get that? >> i just hope he doesn't drive as quickly as he moves. >> i've got news for you. he does. >> take a right. then an immediate left. >> jimmy: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] how fun is that? that's so awesome.
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henry cavill, everybody! "the man from u.n.c.l.e." opens in imax. go see it in imax in theaters on friday. reba mcentire performs for us next. stick around, everybody. henry cavill! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] good afternoon hunter, how did picture day go? how do you think it went? i look like dad. well that's dna darling. i just want to look cool and wear jeans, like them. whoa. excuse me, pre-teens. where did you get these outfits? old navy. old navy? yeah. these jeans were 8 bucks. that's extraordinary, isn't it darling? definitely mom. they even have $15 jeans for old people. well if i see any old people, i'll alert them to the good news. oh there's one! we're going to get you a container ship full of old navy jeans. who says families have to share data now get four lines. each with up to 10 gigs of 4g lte data. just $30 bucks a line
12:24 am
it's 10 gigs for all only from t-mobile ♪ it's just a summer thing double it up this summer with a hot deal from mcdonald's. the $2.50 double combo, a mouth-watering double cheeseburger and small fries for just $2.50. (music) we help you make all kinds of connections. connections you almost miss.
12:25 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: our musical guest tonight, we're so lucky to have her. she is called "the queen of country" and holds the record for the most number one albums by any female country artist. [ cheers and applause ] yeah! performing her new single, "until they don't love you" off her most recent album, "love somebody," please give it up for reba mcentire! pcpc ♪ ♪ ♪ ain't one the loneliest number it takes two to make things right ♪ ♪ just three little words i shoulda told ya before you left last night ♪ ♪ sometimes you don't love somebody until they don't love you ♪ ♪ sometimes you don't love somebody until they don't love you ♪
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♪ oh you're lookin so good with your bags packed on the front steps waitin on a yellow cab ♪ ♪ and my heart keeps screaming come back come back come back ♪ ♪ ♪ well i was a-okay taking you for granted shoulda make a b-line for your door ♪ ♪ if you could see all the broken pieces you would redeem my heart for sure ♪ ♪ sometimes you don't love somebody until they don't love you ♪ ♪ sometimes you don't love somebody until they don't love you ♪ ♪ oh you're lookin so good with your bags packed on the front steps waitin on a yellow cab ♪ ♪ and my heart keeps screaming come back come back come back ♪ ♪
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♪ don't pay attention to your heart until it's bleeding ♪ ♪ don't know what you have until you can't keep it ♪ ♪ don't know what you want till you need it don't know that it's love until it's leavin' ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ oh when you left i shoulda come runnin 'cause you were right about everything ♪ ♪ i was up to no good and you knew it and now i'm down here on my knees ♪ ♪ sometimes you don't love somebody until they don't love you ♪
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♪ sometimes you don't love somebody until they don't love you oh no no ♪ ♪ you're lookin so good with your bags packed on the front steps waitin on a yellow cab ♪ ♪ and my heart keeps screaming come back come back come back ♪ ♪ it's a little too late baby i know that i treated your heart like a yoyo ♪ ♪ give me one more chance baby don't go don't go don't go no ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i mean, come on! fantastic! reba mcentire! "love somebody" is out right now. pick it up. we'll be right back. reba mcentire! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: our thanks to sir ben kingsley, henry cavill, reba mcentire! [ cheers and applause ] and the roots right there from philadelphia, pennsylvania! [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for "late night with seth meyers." thank you for watching. have a great night. i hope to see you tomorrow. bye-bye, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- connie britton singer-songwriter rita ora music from unknown mortal orchestra featuring the 8g band with fred armisen. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ladies and gentlem, seth meyers! [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: good evening, everybody. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how's everybody doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] good to hear. let's get to the news. donald trump said in a new interview that he believes his performance in the polls shows that he has not crossed the line of appro


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