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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  August 11, 2015 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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drivers on san francisco's busiest street. a good tuesday morning. i'm sam brock. >> and i'm laura garcia-cannon. new details on an apparent drive-by shooting in san francisco. two men are in the hospital with life-threatening injuries this morning. police say the shooting happened last night at 24th and bartlett in the mission district. the suspects drove up in a car, shot two victims, both am their 20s. police say the victims ran from the scene and were later taken to the hospital. police are still looking for the gunman this this morning. also happening right now, alameda police are looking for this this young man. they say that he cut through a screen, crawled through a window and then sexual assaulted a girl early sunday morning. that same suspect also linked to at least five break-ins and now police are warning people to be on alert. "today in the bay" kris sanchez joins us now. kris, alameda police are stepping up their patrols. >> reporter: yes. they are looking for this man,
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but they are also advising people to keep their doors and windows locked. a tall order during our warm summer nights. now, this is the person of interest who was captured by a surveillance camera, not exactly inn con speck use in this sweater with mickey mouse hands doing rock, paper and scissors. alameda police have photos from one incident at the roadway inn on webster street, but police say the girl he's expected of sexual assaulting last weekend describes him as the same way, that is an 18-year-old man, perhaps a bit older with dark skin and hair that is curly on top and short on the sides. alameda police took nbc bay area on a ride along to show us all of the open windows they see around town. this is the way the suspect is getting in. they are called hot prowl burglaries because people are at home at the time that the suspect is breaking. in. he broke in five times before last weekend sexual assault and in one instance the suspect stole a car, in the rest he
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robbed people of their sense of security. >> this neighborhood is really safe and so something like that, that's happening in our neighborhood, is really scary. we definitely have to look out for each other. reporter: the suspect's description is the same in all five burglaries and sexual assault. they happened between june 16th and august 9th. that's when the teenage girl was assaulted in her home. all of this happening on alameda's west end. police are urging people to keep a lookout for that man. as with last weekend assault the suspect appears to be getting more bold. a developing story, another tense emotional night in ferguson, missouri. violent protests spilled on to the streets for a fourth straight night leading to nearly two dozen arrests. the crowds are marking one year since a police officer shot and killed 18-year-old michael brown. there were no shots fired last night. we continue to follow the very latest am missouri in our next
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half hour we will go live to jay gray in ferguson where a state of emergency is now in effect. at 6:02, happening today, taking their fight against crime to the skies. at a time when there aren't enough officers on the ground san jose police want to help protect the city by launching drones into the air. "today in the bay's" chuck coppola joins us live from the san jose police department this morning. chuck, if approved the drones will only fly in certain situations? >> reporter: that's right. there is some guidelines, i will tell you about those in just a moment. san jose police took an awful lot of heat from members of the community for buying a drone in the first place without any public input. the can concern has been would it spy on people. well, today after numerous public meetings after that fact city council is expected to decide if the police can begin a one-year trial run using the drone. >> police should be able to use it as a tool in case they are chasing somebody, that's a lot safer than following them at high speeds. so there's probably a lot of
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legitimate uses for it. >> i think there needs to be a balance between what is being done, what i can request and what the public should know. >> reporter: san jose's police issued a list of guidelines for the drone's intended use, guidelines include that it would not be used for surveillance, it would not carry weapons, it would not be used at night and only be used in dangerous police situations such as someone shooting at police. the council takes up the matter at its 1:30 p.m. meeting today. reporting live at san jose police headquarters, i'm chuck coppola, "today in the bay." a would be robber chose the wrong pharmacy employee to mess with in concord. this happened yesterday afternoon at the oak grove pharmacy on oak grove road. police say the suspect flashed a gun and a demanded drugs, an employee grabbed the gun and fought the suspect off. the suspect grabbed medications, ran to his car, but the partial si employee chased him and got
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the medications back. the suspect gotmi("hway empty handed and he is still on the run. a follow-up to a story we told you about yesterday, all signs pointing to arson. investigators say a huge fire that burned down two businesses yesterday morning in san leandro were intentionally set. they say they found a gas can this a dumpster next to the building and krorch marks let's to that dumpster to one of the buildings. they also noticed the strong smell of gas after the fire was out. a supermarket and medical supply store were destroyed, luckily no one was hurt. a strong rush of water, a major south bay road shut down right now so crews can mix a broken water pipe. that break happened last night on hillsdale avenue right near highway 87 in san jose. this is new video of the area where crews are working quickly to try to repair that damage. water flowed into the street for a few hours because the public
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works crews could not find the shut off valve. this is right across the street from the career technical he had center and part of the school was without water porsche. night. things should be back to normal this afternoon. no rain in the works for today but we have a pretty nice day ahead as we take a live look outside overlooking san jose, sun coming up over the bay area making way for a really nice tuesday morning. >> yesterday and again today, cary. >> yeah, great weather today. you will want to make plans to get outside, especially when it's this nice. this is what you need to know as we start out with morning clouds and bay fog, but the inland areas start out with a clear sky. it does become mostly sunny and slightly cooler than yesterday and breezy, the low clouds rolling back in tonight, sunset at san jose will be at 8:04. it's now 62 degrees am livermore, 61 concord, hayward and san jose, and 54 degrees in morning in map pa. highs reaching 83 degrees today
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in saratoga, redwood city 77 degrees, embarcadero will be at 68 degrees and also some 80s for the north bay, 82 in gap pa, walnut create 83 degrees, and dublin tops out at 86 degrees, one of the warmer spots. it does continue to heat up into the weekend. i will have details on that as you make those weekend plans coming up had in a few minutes as you make the plans to get to work anthony gets you there on time. i have a warning for fremont drivers this morning, they have just issued a sig alert for 880 southbound at fremont boulevard where three lanes are blocked. that means just about one or two lanes if you can get on the shoulder are getting through. there was an earlier accident. traffic not being affected all that much because this is actually after the accident. cars are actually still moving without a problem but i want to show you the maps. you can see the accident right before the dumbarton bridge and it goes all the way back, the backup ex be tend all the way to
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the san mateo bridge. another accident on the tail of that right before the san mateo bridge, so, yeah, this is really going to be one of those spots you want to avoid. of course, a very popular thoroughfare. coming had in towards the bay bridge toll plaza we had another accident just pop up before the san mateo, part of that richmond ran rafael bridge and getting on to the bay bridge toll plaza the metering lights have been on for 20 minutes. the big issue it this morning is that sig alert for 880 southbound north of fremont boulevard. some things you can't control, others you can. right now speaking of traffic, something that might cause a little confusion and anger on san francisco streets, no right turns on to market starting today. "today in the bay" stephanie chuang joins us live along market street. this is for a particular portion of market all in the name of safety. >> reporter: that's right, sam. we're talking about market here between 3rd and 8th streets. parking control officers will
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actually be at all the impacted intersections starting 7:00 this morning to help guide traffic it's quite a change. the city has market street has four of the top 20 worst intersections for people on foot getting injured am collisions and top two intersections for cyclist injury collisions. this is part of the safer market street project which is part of a bigger plan to eliminate all traffic deaths in san francisco by 2024. this step is to cut down on that heavy market street traffic, that includes drivers for companies like uber which we understand objected to being lumped into the private car category. >> they may have thousands and thousands of vehicles in the city that we would really be undercutting the effort and wouldn't get the safety benefit which is what's driving this in the first place. >> reporter: advocates for pedestrians and cyclists add that private cars make up to 10 to 30% of the traffic on market but are responsible for 80% of injury accidents. now, the penalty for making these illegal turns on to
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market, again, between 3rd and 8th streets, it's $238, so beware of that. back here live, look at the signs that are already up reminding you do not turn on to market. the only exception cans are commercial vehicles, buses, taxis and bicyclists. again, no right vehicles. the parking control officers will be here from 7:00 in the morning until 7:00 at night for two more weeks to help with this major adjustment. stephanie chuang, "today in the bay." cyclists staging another protest on san francisco streets tonight, by following the law to a t. >> the so-called stop in is what you are talking about which comes in response to a police crack down on cyclists that don't follow posted street signs. bikers are planning to meet at dee bows park at 5:00 and ride single file with each person stopping one at a time at team stop sign. they did a similar thing last
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month. they say they should be focusing or more deadly traffic behaviors. still ahead, secrets revealed, new information shows air traffic controllers are directing planes on too little sleep. what the faa say it's doing to try to put this matter to bed. all kinds of people in silicon valley is driving to work at a company that a couple days ago didn't exist. we will take a look coming up. scott mcgrew, let me tell you what most certainly exists this morning, the san francisco giants playoff hopes, another beautiful day on the way. we will have much more after this break.
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>> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." it is 6:13. hospital infections are
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responsible for about 75,000 deaths every year. while cleaning methods have improved, it is still unclear which method works best for killing bacteria and viruses. studies show bleach based disinfectants work well in reducing a bakt that causes die gist us tract infections. hydrogen peroxide also effective. hospitals with copper coated surfaces have lower infection rates. a liability in the air, lives at stake. the faa just released a study that it's kept secret for years showing air traffic controllers' schedules often lead to chronic fatigue. officials posted the study online where he had, though that report was completed nearly three years ago. the study found almost two in ten controllers made significant errors in the previous year and most of them blamed hose errors on fatigue. overall controllers in the study averaged less than six is hours of sleep per day. the faa says it's taking steps
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to reduce controller fatigue and also requiring at least two controllers on midnight shifts. nissan and enterprise cars have struck a deal to put rental cars on nearly 90 college campus campuses. the goal is to provide an alternative to ride sharing officers. enterprise says it's offering the nissan cars on campus at rates of $5 per hour. google does a lot of things, it's a search sent jen, makes the android operating system. >> that's just a few. add in google glass, the cars, scott mcgrew, google has gotten very bill. >> which is why they announced yesterday it would stick all of those brands and efforts under a new name, alphabet. google founder larry page made that announcement in a blog post on monday. alphabet is the new arnt company can of all of hose things, includes google ventures, cal a
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co. all kinds of things. this is going to be a big company. you will still use google to google but the change in structure will help google straight out some of the pie in the sky efforts like self-driving cars so people better understand where google makes money and where it's spending money. where alphabet is making money and where alphabet is spending money am. one other slightly confusing hinge, the new company alphabet will trade under google's old stock symbols, technically there are two, ggog. so ggog is still your symbol, al pa bet is your company. all of this is mott that unusual. general electric they might jet engines, locomotives, nuclear power plants and dishwashers. yum brants is kfc. geico is fruit of the loom underwear. now, the website for this new
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alphabet company is going to be a lot of people don't even realize that is an xyz domain to be had had. all the xyz's, the entire domain is owned by daniel negari, a guy who sank his savings into buying every kpflt yz there are. he then resells hem to the various websites to people like google. now this new alphabet company is absolutely changing everything for him. he says he's getting about 250 orders an hour because as you might imagine, you know, all everyone else is looking at this google xyz thing and saying we need an xyz site. >> it's the new cool thing. >> once google does it, everyone else falls if had line. >> and daniel profits. in colorado torrential rain
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and heavy hail trapping cars. look at that. one driver even got stranded in a whirlpool as it swept debris past his car. meantime, crews are repairing a massive sinkhole. a lot of activity going on on that street. it's 8 to 10 feet deal and still growing. there was so much hail in some parts that colorado springs city leaders called in front-end loaders to clear those streets. >> quite frightening there. not in our neck of the woods. it's time to check that microclimate forecast. golden gate bridge, you can kind of make out the span will, foggy, but not too foggy. meteorologist kari hall joins us with a look at that forecast. >> just right. >> yes, clouds in the morning, sunshine in the afternoon. and cool temperatures to go along with that. isn't that what we like for the beginning of august? this cooler than average weather continues for a few more days and get ready for a hot weekend. maybe you want some warmer
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weather. you will get it as we read into saturday and sunday. as we take a live look at san jose you see a beautiful clear sunrise and also getting a look at what's happening at the sunol hills, we see the sunrise highlighting those high clouds and then the low clouds settling into the valley. beautiful start to the day and makes it a little easier to get out of bed. we start out with the clouds and temperatures will be nice and mild this afternoon, here is your lunchtime thoour, for the peninsula it will be 72 degrees, north bay 74 degrees, highs will be in the lower 80s for the peninsula and the tri-valley. san francisco topping out at 68 degrees, in the north bay 82, while the south bay makes it up to 79 degrees. the wind forecast, though, brings in a nice comfortable ocean breeze and once again that's one of the things holding down our temperatures today. in the next few days no major changes in this pattern. winds by 7:00 picking up to about 10 to 15 miles per hour. if you are heading out to the
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giants game at at&t park it will be school cool, 64 degrees at first pitch and brezy, too. so you want to bring an extra layer or two. it will be 63 degrees by the end of the day. hurricane hilda still happening out there, moving closer to hawaii. here is hawaii right there, the big island. this hurricane will be weakening, but look at how close it is, and it will continue to move over the islands for the next couple of days. if you have travel plans, well, maybe affected by that tropical system moving lieu. here at home it's nice and quiet, we have an area of low pressure sitting offshore it brings that strong on-shore flow but this weekend it will be replaced by high pressure and that brings a huge change in our weather. i'm talking about some heat building across the bay area and it creeps in from the did desert southwest and this is what the temperatures will look like. i know, kind of hurts to say this, but 100 degrees in the tri-valley by sunday. in had san francisco even up to
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80 degrees, mostly 90s all across the bay. do can something that will keep you cool this had weekend. look at this, backup, you can see coming in through fremont, 880 southbound still very slow but i want to show you the paps just in the chp has updated that all lanes are now reopened but that doesn't mean it is all good. you will notice the slowing continues all the way past the san mateo bridge and another accident on the tail of that and another one as you get through san leandro. 880 littered with accidents. pack the patience this morning. coming in past the bay bridge toll plaza we are starting to see a couple accident, one headed over from 880 up towards the maze and also coming in from the san rafael richmond bridge there is an stent there. you can see the bay bridge metering lights have been on for half an hour and it is stop and
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go getting through there. >> thank you very much. 6:21. up next, get your rally caps ready, a bay area little league team is hoping to make it to the big show.
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a new season brings a new look. a chance to try something different. this summer, challenge your preconceptions
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and experience a cadillac for yourself. take advantage of our summer offers. get this low mileage lease on select ats models, in stock the longest, for around 269 per month. >> announcer: you're watching
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"today in the bay." welcome back. 6:24. within four years santa clara county may have a brand-new jail. supervisors will discuss today preliminary plans to replace the outdated main jail south. the wing dates back to the 1950s. the more modern main jail north mention door opened in the late 1980s. county leaders are putting together a proposal to get the state to pay for a third of the estimated $240 million price ago. in other jail news this morning, people in richmond are making a last ditch effort to stop a jail expansion. the contra costa board of supervisors is expected to vote next week on a plan to new a new high security wing at the west county dee techs facility in richmond. city leaders and the community oppose that plan. they are holding a vigil today to protest next week's vote and ask supervisors to come up with another plan. the homeless in santa rosa
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to soon get a helping hand from the city. the is it city will explore options to provide portable toilets and showers to people it in behind. they are looking to rent toilets and hand washing stations or shaler trailer. they say it would reduce the amount of waste in local rivers. get out your rally caps for cam bree's little league team. >> we think the rally caps are like sideways and turned inside out for those keeping track. the team lost 1-0 in its opening game in san bernadeau. now they head to the losers bracket. in it they run the table they could still make it to the little league world series in williamsport. 6:26. still ahead, a look at weather and traffic plus a serious prank goes too far. what two men did that had
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moviegoers running for their lives. a new might, new unrest in ferguson. dozens of protesters arrested as clashes break out once again with police.
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♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. good tuesday morning. more mild weather today, but we are getting ready for a heat up this weekend. more on that coming up in the microclimate forecast. and traffic really starting to building across the east bay coming through fremont and the san mateo bridge. we will get you out the door and let you know what's happening
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along those area roads. we will be watching stock in alphabet today. we will get to that irrelevant la. meanwhile, here is the nyse, let's take you over to the nasdaq, some folks from palo alto ringing the bell there. it's tuesday, the 11th of august a. a very good morning to you. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm sam brock. we move to a developing story, new morning brings new unrest on the streets of ferguson, missouri. police in riot gear once again try to that i am angry protesters while dodging frozen water models and rocks thrown by the crowd. "today in the bay" jay gray joins us live in ferguson where a state of emergency is now in effect. jay, just hours ago police took away dozens of protesters in handcuffs. >> reporter: yeah, absolutely, sam, though they say it was a better night than the night before. there is still concern and a lot
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of frustration on both sides of the protest line after what was mother difficult 24 hours. protesters and police in full riot gear squared off again overnight in ferguson. officers stepping up their presence and a intensity when they say things turned dangerous with many in the crowd throwing rocks, bottles and other objects at the police line. a handful of protesters were arrested on a day when activist groups called for civil is d disobedience in ferguson and across the country. demonstrators shut down i-70 west of st. louis for a short time during rush hour, 60 or more were arrested. dozens more were taken into custody during a protest downtown at the federal courthouse. and supporters gathered in other cities throughout the day. >> i'm troubled by the continued police violence and overreaching against people who are protesting, against people who are out here exercising their --
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their rights. >> reporter: though protests were for the most part peaceful tuesday. after a gun battle sunday night that ended when police critically wounded 18-year-old tyrone harris, jr. after had they say he opened fire on undercover officers. in the wake of that violence county leaders declared a state of emergency. >> last night, you know, around last year, we saw a city burn. and we are not going to see that again. i'm aching every measure possible to avoid that scenario. >> reporter: in a community still on edge right now. you know, that state of emergency provided more officers along the front lines of the protests and officials in the county say that stepped up presence will continue for as long as they believe it's necessary here. live in nerg son, i'm jay grey. back to you. here is a look at today's other top stories.
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two men in the hospital with life-threatening injuries after a shooting last night in san francisco's mission district. police say both were victims of an apparent drive-by shooting near bart letter and 24th street. police are now looking for the gunman. san jose city council members are going to vote on a plan to allow a police drone. it would take at least a year-and-a-half to get that pilot going. big changes on san francisco's busiest market streets. cars on market can no longer turn anywhere between 3rd and 8th street, also no turns on to market street. the goal is to improve pedestrian safety. now to decision 2016. this morning presidential hopeful bernie sanders waking up in southern california fresh off a packed rally where he vowed to fight harder than any other candidate to fight constitutional racism. he earned the endorsement of the national nurse ifs union.
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brian moore joins us live from washington, d.c. this morning. brian, sanders isn't the only one on the campaign trail today. reporter: at this point in the game bernie sanders is the one who is doing everything sort of by the book and surprising everybody. at this early stage in the game it's about lifting those poll numbers but also about raising money and excitement. he's supposed to be the underdog, an after thought, but democrat bernie sanders packed an arena had this los angeles the day after drawing the biggest crowd of any 2016 presidential candidate. >> with the overflow crowd we have more than 27,000 people. >> reporter: front runner hillary clinton is taking aim at republicans. >> the other side is pretty entertaining from time to time. you know, when they are not insulting and offending people -- snf but front didn't reserve that criticism for donald trump whose fellow reese
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are struggling to get out from under his shadow. >> i can't win this race, but together we can win had this race. >> reporter: carly fiorina is riding a post debate wave. >> the one candidate to really come out of the undercard republican debate stronger. reporter: unlike texas governor rick perry who is struggling had morning to keep his presidential hopes alive. and already reports that perry's fundraising has dried up and he can no longer afford to pay safrs in some of hose critical early voting states. >> we will see who will go to the top. the cream rising to the top. thanks a lot. all these political wins aside we check out what's going on on the wind front at home. a live look outside. i think somewhere underneath there you would find the bay bridge. >> maybe if a stiff wind blew out. let's check in with had kari hall. >> we will see that this morning all across the bay and some patchy fog, too.
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allow extra time to get to where you are going, you may encounter some patches of dense fog. today's forecast will see highs reaching 70 degrees in the east bay, san francisco 68 degrees, peninsula 80 degrees and the south bay in the mid 80s. tri-valley will be at 86 degrees. so today temperatures will be slightly cooler than average in a lot of spots, a strong on-shore flow and some clearing this afternoon except for along the coast. i will talk more about that, what to expect for the next several days and the whole microclimate forecast is coming up in less than ten minutes. let's see how traffic is moving. it's a little better from earlier. in fact, we have a sig alert issued for 880 southbound at treatment boulevard that has been canceled. you can imagine the congestion, trying to get p past that accident as crews were on the scene for about 20 minute. it's still very slow. not only was there an stent there, but as we show you what's happening smear the san mateo bridge there was an accident there on the tail end of that. getting on to the san mateo
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bridge and the dumbarton bridge were the east bay very slow. you can see from that shot it's at a very slow sfal's pace this morning. let's switch over to the maps. all the red coming down 880 that's where we are seeing the slowing. another accident just before the san mateo bridge in san leandro so that's a really slow commute for 880 drivers. over towards the bay bridge toll plaza not too bad, the typical slowing, the metering lights are on there. the slow down is 880 southbound near fremont. >> got to be patient out there. >> traffic tuesday. >> thighs smoothing music is and just let it all fall off of you. still ahead, a prank that goes too far. what happened inside had movie theater that had people running for the exits. the numbers are running up right now, but that does not appear to be the case as we take a quick look at the new york
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stock change. right now the dow has dropped 150 points to start the day. we will have scott mcgrew's business and tech report right after this. it looks calm - b inside thisou
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eater - iwas pure s 6:40. it looks calm but inside it this southern california movie theater it was pure kays os. this morning police are looking for men who p pulled off a prank that sent people running or the exits. in newport beach saturday might at least two men went into this movie theater through an emergency door and revved a gas powered loeaf blower. many said they thought the men were about to start shooting. >> one just started screaming, it was chaos within five
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seconds, i heard loud sounds, i heard, oh, my god, this is happening get out right now. you don't think this could ever happen to you. >> the prank comes in the wake of several shootings at movie theaters including two within the past few weeks. police and ransity workers this san francisco taking extra steps to keep cable car operators safe. two separate crashes sent operators to the hospital. drivers are required by law to stop a safe distance behind cable cars while passengers board and exit. police plan to step up enforcement of that law today. staff at a wildlife hospital in marin county are going to relieve a turkey vul cher back into the wild today. that was poisoned with a drug.iy the department of fish and wildlife say the bird was nursed back to health but there could be more animals at risk. six turkey vul chers were poisoned by the same drug.
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uup, the jerusalem fire doubled in size overnight. new numbers just into our newsroom. >> lock your doors, shut your windows, a predator on the loose in one bay area city and police want you to see his picture. even more gridlock, the changes that could cause some confusion and anger on san francisco's busiest street. a live look outside from san jose is, a cloudy start will yield a beautiful day. we are back after the break.
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>> announcer: now 15 minutes of continuous news, weather and traffic on "today in the bay." this morning alameda police looking for a young man they say cut through a screen, crawled
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through a window sexual assaulted a girl early sunday morning. that same suspect linked to five break-ins and now police are warning people to be on i lert. kris sanchez joins us now. alameda police stepping up patrols. >> reporter: they are looking for this man, a pretty clear surveillance picture and also warning everybody to keep their windows and doors locked. it is a all order, though, during our warm summer nights. this is the person of interest who was captured by a surveillance camera in one of those incidents. not exactly inconspicuous in a sweater with pick me mouse hands. alameda police have picture were that one break in, but police say the girl he is expected of sexual assaulting last weekend describes him much the same bay way, that is 18 yeerld old with dark skin and hair that is curly
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on top and short on the sides. alameda police showed us how many windows are open and that is that way that the suspect is getting into those homes, it's called hot prowl burglaries because the people are at home at the time the suspect enters. now, this particular suspect broke in five times before last weekend's assault. in one instance he stole a car, had in the rest he just stole people's peace of mind. >> that's happening in our neighborhood is scary and we have to look out for each other. >> reporter: police also urging folk to keep their eyes out for this suspect, again, he is the same in hose five hot prowl burglaries and the sexual assault between june 16th and august 19th. this was all in the west part of alameda. police urging people to keep an eye out upon that man but also saying keep your windows and doors located, if you can.
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we know it is very warm when you don't have air conditioning. new details on an apparent drive-by shooting in san francisco. two men are in the hospital had morning with life-threatening injuries. police say that shooting happened last night at 24th and bartlett in the inner mission district where the suspect kroef up in a car a krorgd to police, shot the two victims who were both in their 20s. police say the victims ran from the scene and were later found on the street and taken to the hospital. they are still looking for the gunman this morning. 12,000 acres and growing, that's the latest number from crews ballotling the jerusalem fire in lake county. it is twice the size they told us last night. right now mandatory evacuations are in if he can. this fire burning just a few miles south of the massive rocky fire. that fire has been burning for the past two weeks and crews hope to have it fully controlled by the end of the week. we're keeping a close eye on conditions in lake county, also
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getting a peek at your microclimate forecast closer to home. the at&t park and soma district of san francisco. >> kari joins us now. >> it will clear out at times today. there is the giants game today, i think they will see mostly cloudy skies, a little bit of some sun, comfortable temperatures right now as we get a look at san jose, you see the clouds moving in, some clearing in some spots and now that seven-day forecast is coming up. come on over and take a look. check out this weekend. look at those temperatures. it will be in the 90s, even hitting some triple digits in part of the bay area. we've also been keeping you up to date on what's happening with the wildfires and the jerusalem fire that's happening just south of the rocky fire. weather conditions today will be favorable during the morning, but as the winds pick up this afternoon it will be coming in had from the west at 15 to 250 miles per hour, the temperature now 58 kegs, the high today will be 84 and humidity dropping as
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we go through the day. right now we start out with a lot of humidity. you see the low clouds even to start out the day. you will get peeks of sun heading into this afternoon and mild temperatures, kind of like yesterday bau maybe even a couple of can degrees cooler. in the south bay 73 degrees, so nice and comfortable, a even in the tri-valley it's at 76 degrees, highs in the tri-valley reaches 86 degrees, san francisco will be at 68 degrees, peps la at 80 degrees and the north bay topping out today at 82 degrees. a nice little breeze, too. the arrows show the direction of the wind and the numbers show the wind speeds and miles per hour. it picks up to about 15, maybe 20 miles an hour as you head home during the even commute. nice and breezy. here is the reason why. we have an area of low pressure that brings in a nice strong on-shore flow and keeps it nice and cool for today and tomorrow, but this weekend that will get replaced by insulting and offending people and that desert
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heat will be building, bringing this some hot weather with highs reaching into the 90s, even triple digits especially in the tri-valley with a high of 100 degrees on sunday. south bay will be the upper 90s and san francisco going from the mid 70s, hitting 80 degrees by sunday. get ready for that. let's get a look at how the roads are flowing. earlier we were talking about the top and go traffic coming through san jose on 101. it's still the same scenario, not moving a whole lot. we don't have any stents coming through this thorough pair. had this is always one of those spots that starts to around this time. you can see the slowing denoted from the yellow and orange tick marks headed up through santa clara. we are another accident before the san mateo bridge. it is stop and go getting on to the westbound side, eastbound looking good coming if from foster city. the bay bridge toll plaza the metering lights have been on for about an hour. stop and go, no big surprise
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there. while we are talking about traffic, something that might cause a little confusion on the roads and some anger in san francisco. no turns on market street between 3rd and 8th streets starting today. "today in the bay" stephanie chuang joining us live along market street. this is all in the name of safety. >> reporter: it is, sam. a lot of patience required starting tonight. here along market and 3rd drivers used to be able to turn left and right, not anymore starting today. parking control officers are supposed here starting in less than ten minutes at 7:00 this morning to help guide drivers. this is part of the safer market street project which is part of a bigger plan to eliminate all traffic deaths in the city by 2024. the numbers explain why the need of change along this stretch of market. 70% of severe or fatal pedestrian accidents are happening on 12% of the city streets and market is one of the worst. one project leader points to the
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heavy tourist traffic area as a key reason behind the numbers. >> probably a lot of folks who are driving on market street are people who are from out of town who might be looking down at a map or gpts device not paying attention. >> reporter: and the penalty for making that illegal turn on to market between 3rd and 8th streets is $238 and that does include drivers or companies like uber and lyft. you can see the signs are up. the only exceptions for those that can drive on to market from 3rd through 8th are the commercial treeks, public transit buses, bikes, emergency vehicles. those traffic control office should be out here for the next two weeks. live in san francisco, stephanie chuang. more drama for san francisco sheriff ross mirkarimi. this time a suspended license for months. the dmv says it suspended his license back in february after he failed to submit paperwork related to an october crash.
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through a spokesperson the sheriff said he did not know he was only allowed to drive to and from work until now. the controversy comes as the sheriff runs for reelection. supporters say political opponents are trying to make him look bad. >> everyone is embarrassed by it but in reality the sheriff should know better. he is the head law enforcement person in the city. >> the sheriff says he's working to if i can the problem and has contacted his insurance representative to see why the proper report was never submitted. happening today, taking their fight against crime to the skies at a time when there aren't enough police officers on the ground. san jose police want to help protect the city by launching drones into the air. "today in the bay" chuck coppola joining us live from the san jose police department. chuck, if this is approved the drones would only be able to fly in certain situations. >> reporter: and we are only talking about one drone for -- to begin with. good morning, sam. san jose police bought a drone last year but did so in such a
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quiet way without any public discussion with a homeland second he writ grant that it raised concerns about spying. now, the drone we are talking about is about two feet wide, it is equipped with cameras and it is capable of hovering in one spot and training those cameras on a fixed location or person. well, you can imagine numerous public meetings followed. today the city council will decide if police can use that drone in a one-year pilot program. >> in a way we don't know what they are going to see and how that can actually affect our lives. >> we are really containing the use of drones to very specific circumstances where you have an ex low sieve device or we have an active shooter. >> reporter: if the council grants approval san jose police will still have to wait for federal aviation officials to finalize f achl a policy on public agencies using drones and that could ground the police drone until next year, had you ever, for its part san jose's
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police department says it will not spy on people but will use the drone as a tool for its bomb squad or if someone is shooting at police, but the drone itself would not carry weapons. council meets at 1:30 today at city hall. reporting live at san jose police headquarters, i'm chuck coppola, "today in the bay." also today san jose could take the unprecedented step to suspend the closures of mobile home parks. today the city council will consider a is six month moratorium on mobile home conversions. most of which provide much needed low income housing. today's vote comes two weeks after the winchester ranch mobile home community announced it it was closing, that will force more than 100 mostly elderly husband tents to find aboardable housing. if that is approved it would put that process on hold. a major south bay road shut down so crews can fix a broken
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water pipe. that break happened last night on hillsdale avenue right near highway 87 in san jose. this is new video of the area where crews are working quickly to try to repair the tanl. water flowed into the street for a few hours because public works crews couldn't find the shut-off valve. it's right across the street from the career technical educational center and part of the school was without water for much of the night. things should be back to normal this afternoon. dead fish and dry rocks, our drought certainly taking a toll on several bay area bodies of water includes san jose's guadalupe river. on the right look how dries it is now. water officials say the river has now recorded its lowest water levels in history. as one small positive note the drought has avowed volunteers to get rid of years of trash on the river bed.
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>> take care of the some of the structural things that need to be done so we will be more ready when the rains come. >> the dry up has had a big affect on the area wildlife. to sees of fish were stranded when the water stopped flowing. 6:57. the city of berkeley has a new open data website this morning. you can find a whole bunch of stats on that website including water usage, employee salaries and crime maps. all the data can be embedded on line and filtered in different ways. berkeley side reports that the city is excited to find out how the public is going to use all this new information. thousands of people in the bay area right now headed out to door to go to work for a company that did mott exist 24 hours ago. >> it's one you know well. they are headed to work for alphabet. >> alphabet. that is the new umbrella name for all that google does, from google to youtube to an tried to gmail. the current ceo of google, larry page will be the ceo of
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alphabet, it will be publicly traded with all kinds of brands underneath it like midwest and android and youtube and of course good old google. the search sent in, that's still going to be called google, you will still google people on google. the company sends a new ceo sund sundar pichai. he was put in charge of android, google maps and search. now it's official he is the google ceo. larry moves up one level to become the ceo of the umbrella company which is raiding this morning up about 6%. >> still under the google symbol. >> so alphabet trades as goog on the nasdaq. nothing changing right now
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in your forecast. pretty much a repeat of yesterday. >> yes, and i'm loving it. i'm glad that we don't have any changes just yet because had this weekend you may mott like the changes that are headed this way. right now enjoy. today a high of 83 degrees in saratoga, redwood city 77 degrees, north bay in the lower 80s, oakland 70 and dublin reaching 86 degrees. >> nice day on tap. what about that morning commute? it's getting better. you can see the cars are moving without a problem here. we had another accident just past this and it's up near the san mateo bridge. you can see on the maps it is keeping things slow all the way through san leandro because of another accident. so 880 very closlow this mornin. antioch over toward 48 48 0 toward the maze looking good as well. also remember that giants game in evening a little extra company on the roadways for you
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in sf. >> thanks for joining us. that's what's happening "today in the bay." >> maybe extra wins for the giants. we will be back in 25 minutes with a live local news update. good morning. breaking news. protesters and riot police square off in ferguson for a fourth straight night. more than 22 people arrested. a state of emergency in effect. standing her ground. >> i certainlyill not apologize for doing good journalism. >> fox news anchor megyn kelly speaks out for the first time on her dust-up with donald trump as hillary clinton jumps into the fray. >> i think the guy went way overboard, offensive, outrageous. >> this morning, trump's former top adviser weighs in live over the controversy and did he quit


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