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tv   NBC Bay Area News  NBC  August 9, 2015 8:30pm-9:01pm PDT

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nbc bay area news starts now. ♪ >> would you like to go and dance with me? >> too close to home. a movie that's upsetting the family and friends of a shooting spree. now there's a push to stop the release. a police officer injured while guarding outside land. the behavior he was trying to stop. we know that he is looking down on us so jealous. >> a celebration for an officer in the line of duty.
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we're going to get to the stories in just a moment. first fire fights are battling a new fire. it's on highway 29 and so far burned about 2,000 acres. you're looking at video that came in about 30 minutes ago. there's a mandatory evacuation in the area east of the road. right now it's not clear how many people are affected by that order. for the rocky fire to this fire which is only about ten miles south. the fire burned 70,000 acres and damaged dozen of homes. they're trying to have it under control by thursday. we're learning more of the
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death on the frontline of a different wild fire. they say that late last night they lost one of their own. he was struck and killed by a tree. the fire is a small one burning in a remote area near the national forest. nbc spoke to one of the colleagues today. >> this is something that we absolutely hate to see, and unfortunately i have to announce it today and some of the worst news that i have had to deliver in my professional career. >> there were injuries to another firefighter that was hurt and battling the same blaze. he was taken and treated for burns the job is no doubt and why this year's conditions are the worst that they have ever
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seen. tonight a horror film is sparking outrage. it seems to be inspired in part by the kill can ers and last may elliot we want on a shooting spree, and six people were killed and three of the victims were from the bay area. we spoke with the victims mother today and we're joined live with the message and a new movie from having it released. >> she does not want this movie released and she is not alone. the movie is named by the director after a street near uc and it's a horror movie about a college student that's a killer after being rejected by students. >> you think that it's cool to hit on my girlfriends. >> the trailer was released
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online this week. it's sparking outrage to a real life tragedy that happened near san barbara last year. that's when elliot went on a shooting spree. one of those killed was 19-year-old george chen. >> i am very concerned when the movie comes out. it will miss lead people go do copy cats and make themselves famous by being more brutal. >> his mother is not alone in the concern. 23,000 people have already signed a petition to halt the release of the movie. it can be found on in response to the outrage the
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director of the film that happens to be a graduate says, that i would like to apologize everyone that's been offended in my way by the making of the film. there's the connection, but this film is not about elliot roger. >> reporter: now there's a proposal being floated around and asking them to change the name of the movie. also asking them to contribute to memorial fund for the victims. no word on when that will happen or when it's scheduled to be released. reporting live with nbc bay area news. >> kym, thank you so much. a special tribute to the oakland a's game to honor the life of the police sergeant and he was shot and killed during a traffic stop last month. today friends and family shared their families and among them was the love of baseball. he was a coach for the softball
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team and nbc bay area is live where the father and daughters played a special role in today's memorial. christy? >> yeah, good evening to you. based on the comments of the father and daughters they really appreciated this. this meant a lot to them and spending the day with the a's, community and law enforcement all to honor scott. >> in a moment of silence to honor the late sergeant scott lunger. >> they paid special tribute to sergeant lunger. the family there to see it all. >> it means to world to me. >> his fathers and daughters through out the first pitch with ricky catching. >> we came to a lot of games here, and the kids grew up with it. my son just cherished the thought of ricky playing. favorite player. he got so excited when he got up to bat.
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>> it's the an unreal experience and means more to my sister and i. >> he was kill in the line of duty last month. law enforcement day had a motorcade. his favorite team on hand too they have been so supportive and for the whole community the support is crazy. >> reporter: reporting live with
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nbc bay area news. >> what a tribute to the sergeant christy. thank you so much. the music is blasting in the park tonight. it's the third and final night of the music festival. an officer has been hurt near this event. the officer was there to help fence jump ers trying to get in to the festival for trefree. one of them did run into the police officer knocking him over. everything seems to be going smoothly. about 60,000 people have shoeped up each day for the concerts. there's the man of the hour. love elton john there. singing at the moment. sir elton john and sam played just a few hours ago. a missing police dog is safe at home tonight. the german shepherd started to work with the fremont police department when he took off from the kennel last night. >> he probably like anybody else
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wanted to go exploring. he found or something happened where he got confused or disoriented or lost. >> officers found him in san jose hiding in a creek bed. he seemed happy to see the officers. he is assigned to desk duty until he gets it together. he is going back to the academy in the next few days. tomorrow democratic president bernie sanders is coming to the bay area. more than 20,000 people showed up to hear him speak in portland. he will speak at the nurses union. polls do show that sanders is trailing behind front runner hillary clinton, but gaining ground. coming up next a peaceful day on this the one year anniversary of michael brown's death. why that may not be the case for gathering happening tomorrow.
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and also target making a big change in all of the stoers. we will tell you what it is, and why it's happening. and we saw warmer temperatures to round out the weekend and some increasing clouds out to the west as the systems come in the bay area tonight. would this system or the one on the coast here bring any changes of showers in the forecast. we will look at that when we come right back. the worst may finally be ovefor4
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the worst maybe over for china and tie waaiwataiwan. clean up crews are removing debris and uprooted trees. you're looking at part of a pal that was ripped off during 50 mile per hour wind. the storms were moving further into china and downgraded to a tropical storm. it's been one year since
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michael brown was shot and killed by a police officer in ferguson, missouri. the city was rocked by the teens death and by the violence in the months that followed and after the grand injujury cleared offi wilson. >> we have to be in this together or it won't be any better. if i stand by and do nothing, then i am part of the problem. >> tomorrow activists are calling for a day of civil disobedience. a remail er wants to put an end to retail ers and putting on signs that are for girls or boys. on the way out are pink, blue, yellow or green paper on toy shelves and the changes will
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begin on the north few months. clothing will be divided among boys and girls. >> how about that. >> yeah. it's a dangerous job and thousands are doing it every single day. >> coming up a few of the firefighters tell us what it's like to fight on the frontlines and why this year is the worst that they have ever seen.
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right now, thousands of firefit several well late lid it seems that one wild fire after the next. thousands are battling several fires across northern california. the conditions are the worst that they have seen. linda was the sister station and spoke with some of them on the dangers that they're facing on the frontline. >> with heavy timber and dry
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conditions, they know firsthand how dangerous fighting a massive fire can be after spending seven days on the frontline. >> keeping the fire on the green fuel of the unburned fuel to make sure that we're not getting them out of the line or something is coming in behind it. >> the fire that started is now 95 percent contained and it burned more than 2,300 acres and was not only damaging go equipment but to men. >> we had four firefighters were burned and all air lifted and fortunately three have been released from the hospital, and one suffered serious burns. >> and two more firefighters suffered broken legs and bringing the count of injuries to six on that fire alone. >> it's a dangerous job and they're dangerous every single year. we work hard and train to reduce the threats, but with drought
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conditions like this, it's challenging. >> trees are particularly worry some and in the case of the fire where one firefighter was killed and another injured after being struck down by a tree on saturday night. >> their safety is the up most to us. the lives are a number one priority. >> that was linda reporting. in the bay a small earthquake shock san francisco this afternoon. it hit offshore about eight miles west of the city. here is a look at where it was. you can see it's from san francisco and showing on the map and people in san francisco and the city reported seeing a jochlt no damage to report. now you can track all of the earthquakes that hit in real time. go to nbc area and hit the map and that will take you to the
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map that we saw on the screen a moment ago. today the little league ending the run. the group was the number one from the northern california area. they were the team to beat this weekend. they did play for a chance at the world series. this morning family zprends watched the every sing at the grilling restaurant. they lost zero to one. so close. this was to a team from arizona. we do want to tell the players congratulations. that's hard . >> yeah. >> well, rob is standing by with the micro forecast as we wrap it up. yeah, we saw the temperatures near liver moore on the left side of the screen. san fran briefly in the low 70s this afternoon. you can see pleasant and still and 70 degrees right now.
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we have the high clouds moving ahead and over to oakland we see the low clouds and in san francisco now the fog starting to roll in at the 63 with some misty skies setting up and winds on shore and in fact they're going to turn strongly on shore as we get to tomorrow and tuesday. that going to bring the temperatures down. that's a one day warm up today. you might notice to the evening we have the high clouds coming in. this might toss a sprinkle or two as it passes up. what we're watching is a system that's coming down the coast and setting up just after shore of tuesday and that may bring the showers closer by. this will bring the clouds on top of the low clouds that are coming in for tomorrow morning. very likely that we will see the drizzle or a sky. we see the high clouds for the morning and then more high clouds during tomorrow and that all day sea breeze and stronger
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than it was today and you're going to see them running a few degrees cooler than we did inlanld. so around lunchtime it's mid-70s than the 80s like we had today. highs and closer to 80s and a couple of locations today that were close to 90 degrees and low 70s and into the knot bay you will see the upper 70s to low 80s and low to mid-80 and that trend is going follow as we go through the first half of the week as the system is dropping down the coast and right now it's offshore to bring us any showers and close by on tuesday and we will see the winds increasing which means the first five days of the week as you can see there for the start of the work week are running through on tuesday and then the trend is holding up and look at the trend approaching next weekend and
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upper 60s 1kand 70s. perhaps for parts of the south bay and by the time it gets to sunday you notice the north bay and valley. >> thanks very much. sporpts is coming up next. also we're going to tell you about a biking record shattered in the area. are incredibly good for you. because they're heart healthy because they're good for kids. and granddads and everyone else in the family. everything we do is because of what really matters most. the goodness of oats and the people we love.
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fallon oncam otbl is back!!! hello. >> hey guys, how you doing. football is back. >> yeah. >> hall of fame weekend means two things. legends into the hall and we get the first fix of football. yeah, i know that it's only preseason, put football is football.
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facing off in the annual hall of fame game and pittsburgh on the play action and he lost 34 yard for the score. third quarter and going from the end zone and finding it and shaking and baking. 62 yards to the one yard line. ghoe on to win. over to the 49 ers and the thing goes next man up. the next guy in line is rookie eli. we will get the opportunity to start right away. now back in may harold worked for the 49 ers and so far in camp they're impressive. the raiders have had nine practices and they were happy with the teams progress. now they get the day off tomorrow and it's back to work as they prepare for the
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preseason opener tomorrow night. to baseball now and the giants and cubs looking to avoid the games open struggle and on the feet and then he heads to the clubhou clubhouse. bases loaded and giants down and can he be the hero? nope. strike three. they complete the four game streak. now before the game they were with the officer that was killed in the line of duty. off st. glove and then he scored and up to three. then installing at the plate and he was the hero today.
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that's the walk offal folks. the a's go on to win 5-4. coming into the park on tuesday and they're coming off a tough road trip in chicago. the orange and black are hoping to return home and get back into the column. back to you guys. >> thank you so much. the bay area breaking records on the heel of a woman's historic swim, and a biker broke another record. >> 95,622 feet. i broke a record. >> he got his own party. >> he broke the record and as he heard that was 95,000 and he did it in 48 hours. >> i finished the ride in about 13 or 14 hours and i felt good.
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i was like maybe i can do something longer. >> he did. get this. he ran the distance of a half marathon before the attempt. maybe he should try the iron man. if he keeps up, he will be close to his own. and some skies to start and temperatures tomorrow are a bit cooler and high in the mid-70s. >> thanks for joining us. we will see you at 11:00. only at a sleep number store. right now, save up to $1000 on select mattress and adjustable base sets. know better sleep with sleep number. and we just couldn't say thno to that face.ns
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then we wanted more of that local flavor so betty says... oh yeah, that's betty. you're going to want to do this alligator thing. and betty didn't lead us wrong. a little later we passed some dancing. and who doesn't like dancing? especially when it's followed by fireworks everyone's nola is different. follow yours.
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[music] [music] peter coyote: in 1960, there were 3 and a half million people in the bay area. the south bay was farms and budding suburbs. the east bay was shipping and manufacturing. san francisco was a financial center with a fishing fleet, a


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