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tv   Today  NBC  August 5, 2015 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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>> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. oh, my! oh, yeah! >> how do you do that? >> somebody came to start some trouble this morning. hello! it's winesday wednesday, august 5, exactly one year -- >> look at that move, what is that move?
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>> that's not right. >> but how do you do us? show us. >> it's one year to rio, do you know that? in brazil. and we have these lovely ladies here with us. one of you is tabitha, right? and fabiania and they're from the dance troupe samba, new york. so let's get this straight, for the next solid year we talk about the olympics? >> yes, jim said we are so that's what we're doing. we're celebrating with a drink call e capriania? how do you say that? as that a, sugar came hard liquor. >> what are those crunchy things? >> oh, dear.
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i don't know. >> passion fruit and a variety of things. we'll have fun today because wherever this guy is here things go highway. billy eichner is here. he has a new show we talked about called "difficult people." kathie lee is one of the guest stars. >> of course. on difficult people. and then "like mother like daughter" mamie gummer shows off her incredible acting skills co-starring alongside her mom, the amazie meryl streep in a fim that we really enjoyed. >> and her hair is so matted. so good. >> there's a reason for that. she's going to be with us. and in honor of the olympic games, two brazilian chefs who battled it out earlier and won are competing in the dessert round of our culinary competition. >> and we have great judges and it's winesday wednesday so that means lilliana is here with luxe
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for lex. >> hi! what are you doing? >> what are you doing? >> you brought your a game again. >> i try every wednesday. today's luxe for less is one of the biggest trends in jewelry. it's called ear jackets. every celebrity has been spotted with them on the red carpet. we'll show you these great styles you can do. we'll show you how to create your own custom ear jacket. >> so the jacket is that thing underneath. >> the jacket is the thing that wraps behind the ear lobe. very, very cool. i'll show it to you later in the sho show. >> the opening ceremony will take place on august 5, 2006. it will be the first ever olympic games in 2016. that's a huge deal. around 10,500 athletes. and if you like hot men, rug sbi returning to the olympics. you love watching rugby. >> i don't know what it was, frank and i were in europe and
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it came on and i said "where are their helmets? where are there --" and he said "that's rugby." i started watching it. it's so -- yo. >> you can't stop watching it. >> you don't know what's going on -- >> you don't care. and another sport coming back to the olympics, but we'll tell you later what it is in who knew. >> and did you know today the national underwear today? all right, so here to help us celebrate, two olympians. >> oh, that's the back. >> olympic bronze medalist david oliver from track and field hurdles and silver medalist eric kennard of track and field. look at you guys, good morning. >> you're modeling the underwear. it's like a la ellen. ellen has her own underwear. >> we brought gifts for you. >> hoda prefers a thong. [ laughter ] but thank you. >> so we want everyone to start showing their support for the team. you can buy a pair, $19.50. >>
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>> how do you feel about the olympics? >> crazy. >> when do trials begin? >> july 1 through 10, track and field. >> so you're been working out like crazy? >> it looks like you've been letting yourself go. [ laughter ] >> a little bit. >> it's a little embarrassing. >> i want to feel. those are real. how about yours, come here. oh, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. thank you, guys. you guys are adorable, thank you. all the best. >> every portion of the proceeds will go to support the athletes directly. i'm going to hold these for the words of wisdom. [ laughter ] >> ready? here you are. stretch them out, those are from me. >> oh, yeah. >> don't compare your bad day to someone else's good day. you know how you look at someone's life and you go "they have such a great life and you're are voog the worst day
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ever." don't compare your bad day to somebody else's good day. >> and don't spoil somebody else's good day because you're having a bad one. >> oh, that was excellent. [ laughter ] that happens a lot. >> if you guys are thinking about traveling for christmas or new year's, we have news for you. the time to buy your ticket is right now. >> and the best time is next week. exactly next week. >> they say according to sky scanner, this is a booking flight app or something, you should book flights the week of august 10 because that's when you get the best deals. so if you've planned your christmas or your new year's vacation -- >> even thanksgiving because they said november through january. >> they say prices are expected to be as much as 19% cheaper. i mean, that's amazing. >> but then you can't change at all. >> who cares? book it and lock it in. >> life happens, hoda, so there's some risk involved. >> i need to eat some caiprinha.
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[ laughter ] >> are you willing to play for amenities? there's this thing called the app fly view -- >> flight view. >> thank god you're here. they say you'll be charged extra. will you pay for these? better wi-fi? >> i don't use it. >> realtime tracking of your luggage. >> nope. >> i would hate that. if i knew my bag didn't make the flight -- if i could see it was going somewhere else and it was on my flight. >> what about in-seat charging stations. >> i would pay for that: on board texting capability. >> no. >> deplaning privileges to get off the plane first. >> what? to go and wait at the same place for your luggage which is someplace else? >> sometimes you carry it on and all you want to go do is get off that plane and everybody is going slow. i would pay. >> it's hard to talk to you right now because there's someone in our kitchen.
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>> it's very distracting. >> do you mind? we have a whole television program going on, billy. >> i'm sorry, i'm excited to be here. >> you are? >> yes! >> that's billy eichner. >> we had your co-star on yesterday. >> julie. what a thrill that she got to be on first. but i was the lead. okay. [ laughter ] >> she is adorable by the way. >> she is my best friend. >> it shows. >> we pretend in real life. you know knew is. >> we do, yes, we know that it's a hit, though, we can tell that. but you'll never know on hulu if it's a hit. >> well, thanks, kathie lee. >> they say they measure everything differently. >> my whole career has led up to this. >> it happened again! >> by the way, it's such a funny show. >> thank you. >> we'll talk to you in a little bit, unless you have something really funny to say. >> all right, if you want to see him on the street you may want to walk the other way because we're talking about the hilarious billy eichner. and find out where he's popping
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up next. >> on hulu! we already did the interview! we'll be right back, but first these messages. . brandon thinks best foods is heaven in a jar. that's because our ingredients come from... farmers committed to responsibly sourced oils... blended with ingredients like cage-free eggs. mmm. heaven. real ingredients. that's how we're working to bring out the best.
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he's known for being unfiltered and unapologetic and that's why we love billy eichner. >> he's probably best known for his fast-talking emmy nominated show billy on the street where he sometimes terrorizes
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unsuspected pedestrians. >> now he's stars in the hilaire use new hulu comedy "difficult people" playing a pop culture fanatic. a real stretch for him. take a look. >> you're back early. >> i was banned from bravo. >> congratulations. >> it's chelsea handler's fault. >> it's my fault. i need to stop being mean to celebrities. every talk [ bleep ] about a famous person i lose a big. >> it's the only thing that come mrs. naturally than being air. >> maybe it's time to pull a perez hilton. >> pose in a baby with a bathtub? >> no, i mean stop being mean to celebrities. >> that's not going to happen. rl. >> hi, guys! >> so you're streaming on hulu. >> kathie lee, i've been streamed. every actor dreams of being streamed at juilliard. >> there you go. >> right? i used to scream and now i'm streamed. >> for those in dinosaur land, what does that mean?
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>> well, that means that there is a web site called hulu which you can go to if you have a computer or a phone. >> yeah? >> and a lot of people have phones. >> and watch it every time you want. >> hulu used to show reruns of other shows, now they have original shows including mine called "difficult people." >> was it hard to sell your show? >> no, everybody loves me, hoda. >> and it doesn't hurt amy polar is involved? >> amy poehler is the producer. >> how did you get her involved? >> how did i get her involved? sex. what more do you need to know. you know why the show sold, kathie lee is on the show. one of our best episodes. she's so good. >> i can't get any of my own stuff made but i can do it for other people. >> you've been riding my coattails for years, kathie lee. >> tell us about the scene. >> what can i reveal about the scene? >> you don't remember it? >> kathie lee as a -- well, she calls out some of the lead characters on the show in a very funny way. >> as she can only do. >> yes. >> so how did you and your
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friend get -- whose concept was this? >> julie klausner created the show and wrote the show. >> so she's going to make more money than you? >> no, i'm still a bigger name. [ laughter ] she deserves to make more money. i was blessed to be asked to be a part of the show. julie was a writer and producer on "billy on the street," that's how we got to know each other. >> because it's a real friendship. >> we have a real friendship that she uses inspiration for the show. we're meaner on the show than we are in real life but in real life we are completely terrible. >> you're exaggerations of your real sell vs. >> an alternate universe version of ourselves. >> do you feel bad on the billy on the street when you scare people have to death. do you ever feel badly? >> no, i think they should feel lucky to be inially presence even for 10 seconds to get schemed by me is on honor. you have to join me on the street. >> we tried. >> to next season we we're doing. >> it you're going to do that as well? >> in october.
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we play a whole game about hoda kotb and i want to play it on this show with kathie lee while you watch in pain. >> what is it? >> i can't tell you. but it's a game about you and quotes that you have said? the past. >> she steals quotes from other people. >> i think you'll love it. >> she never has an original thought of her own. >> it's punishment because kathie lee follows me on twitter and you don't. it's a sweet game. >> can i tell you what i just did yesterday? >> what's that? >> i followed you on twitter. >> no way! that's amazing. i'm still going to play a mean game about you but i appreciate it. >> the first two episodes are available on hulu. >> any time you want. >> when our show is over. >> what it's like to work with meryl streay recaleryl streep w who know hearse best, her daughter. >> and a battle of chefs as we count down to rio. we don't need that many bags.
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♪ ♪ eat some more pasta. certainly. low prices. every day. on everything. for whatever you put your heart into. ooh, i thinki saw dessert!... hey! steven stay strong! what's that? you want me to eat you?... honey, he didn't say that!... don't fight your instincts. with each for 150 calories or less, try our lemon bars, brownies and new cheesecakes. fiber one. are you into extreme sports? oh-h-h-h-h yeah-h-h-h-h! oh-h-h-h-h yeah-h-h-h-h! stir up some fun, with 50% less sugar than leading regular sodas. kool-aid singles and liquid. oh yeah! at hillshire farm, spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen season every sausage perfectly.
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so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. at hillshire farm, there's a reason our slow roasted turkey taste so fresh seconds after carving, we not only seal every slice, we double seal it. the results are something to savor. hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. ♪ don't let bad odors escape. continuously neutralize them with glad with febreze. new glad bags... now with the irresistible scent of gain. you think your car smells fine, but your passengers smell this... eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to for up to 30 days with the febreze car vent clip break out the febreze, and [inhale/exhale mnemonic] breathe happy. so why treat your half mouth any differently? complete the job with listerine®.
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kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. sfx: ahhh listerine®. power to your mouth™! i thought activia was for big digestive issues. until i realized our body handles a lot. 1,100 meals a year... 730 rushed snacks... add 300 stressful decisions... no wonder our digestive system sometimes acts up. so try the activia challenge! enjoying activia twice a day for 4 weeks may help reduce the frequency of bloating, gas, discomfort or rumbling. it works or it's free! your skin could be losing volume.. revitalift volume filler from l'oreal with hyaluronic acid. cheeks are fuller. wrinkles, smoother. i can see the difference here and here. revitalift volume filler from l'oreal.
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we're marking one year to rio with the today food olympic competition. >> two brazilian chefs teamed up with savannah and carson to make a couple classic main courses that we'll get you to try when we head to rio de janeiro for 2016 game. >> then two different brazilian chefs partnered to face off in appetizer and the snack round but now the winners are teaming up with us for the dessert competition. it's big. >> cynthia presser is the first round champ and will team up with me. paula dasilva won the snack round and she will be hoda's partner.
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let as meet our judge four time gold medallist in olympic women swimming. >> christie rampon is from the olympic soccer team, con grat, and mr. john orosco is from the olympic men's gymnastic team. good to see you. are we ready? cynthia, you're going first? >> okay. >> what are you going to make, sweetie. >> we are going to make a flan which is a traditional brazilian dessert but it's so simple, you cannot get more simple than this. so i put three cans of condensed milk in here, then we put egg, then i just my milk. >> milk is not there trend. then you measure, put the milk in then you pulse that. >> she's glad the milk is not here. >> that's right. >> you already had condensed
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milk. >> after you blend for a little bit it's very, very fast, you remove this and then with this sugar you would make a caramel that put on the bottom here. or you can always use a big mold as well. and then very important for the success of your flan. before you new there you remove the foam off. >>? why. >> what have you got against foam? >> particularly at first when it's very smooth and then we bake. >> garnish. >> garnish. >> the judges will taste that. but don't judge it yet. don't score it because we're about to go to our next delicious. >> i've got her milk here. so we're making pave which is similar to a trifle layer. so condensed milk in the blender. >> that's a big can of condensed milk. >> sugar sweet. >> it's crack, right?
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a little lemon juice or cocoa or chocolate. dump in the there and then blending, so we blend. and boom, boom. the magic of tv, right? >> what happens? >> it's done. it's supposed to be thicker but we'll pretend. so while that's blending, these are maria cookies. you can substitute lady fingers or something like that. another milk mixture we have a little bit of booz becaue becau ladies care about that. >> just wine, not booze. >> flavor it however you want. then dunk in the there. >> oh! you're making the bottom! >> you make that bottom. >> then if that was done what would you do. [ laughter ] >> once we layer it all in there, you pour. >> then chill and chill? >> right. >> very pretty. >> all right, judges. now first we'll score the flan. so we'd like to see your scores,
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please, for the flan, olympic judges. we have -- oh a-10, a 9.5 and a 9.5. wow! >> there's a lot of pressure going in. but this one has chocolate so please -- i'm scared, i'm nervous, it's like a medal round. what are we doing? >> oh, 9, 9.5 -- 9. oh, cynthia is the winner! >> oh, we get medals? [ laughter ] >> if this came off, what would you with this? [ laughter ] you guys congratulations. >> thank you. >> the star of the new movie rick rikki and the flash" mamie gummer. >> and we play who knew after your local news, everybody.
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so sad we can't give you your medals. you know i tried one of those bargain paper towels. but i had to use so many sheets per spill, the roll just disappeared. i knew i should've bought bounty. bounty is 2x more absorbent and strong when wet. just look how much longer bounty lasts versus one of those bargain brand towels. and that's a good deal. bounty. the long lasting quicker picker-upper. and now try bounty with new minions prints. minions summer 2015. this isn't just the start of school, this is the new year. find the styles and brands for every big moment. where? famous footwear. [ male announcer ] only true match has l'oreal's technology to match your skin's unique tone and undertone. 100% guaranteed. my skin. my story. my true match.
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[ male announcer ] from l'oreal. my skin. my story. my true match. i'm feeling lucky. today is the day. i knew it! (robot voice) activate probe. no way! three rye chips and a breadstick! . . . . . . . . . . . . i'm ... ==anim== some breaking news rig now in theast bay... good morning, everyone. 10:26. i'm scott mcgrew. some breaking news right now in the east bay. our chopper over an apartment fire just a short time ago in antioch.
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contra costra firefighters calling it a three-alarm fire on the 2,300 block of sycamore drive, west of contra costra county fairgrounds. we have heard reports that police have evacuated about 40 residents. a short time ago, we saw flames coming from one rooftop, jumping to another building. we're not sure if there are injuries. we do have a reporter headed to the scene right now. we'll have a look at weather and traffic, coming up after the break. ♪ at grocery outlet, they sell the brands you love. ♪
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♪ the brands you love. ♪ the brands you know and love. ♪ ♪ even name-brand natural foods and organics. ♪ ♪ at prices up to 60% less than you'd spend ... ♪ ♪ at those "big-name grocery stores." ♪ and did you know right now at grocery outlet, a 10-pound bag of potatoes is just 99 cents! ♪ things that i know ... ♪ and love. ♪ grocery outlet. bargain market ♪ good wednesday morning. time meteorologist kari hall.
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a lot of sunshine across the bay, and we're in the mid-60s to upper 60s right now, with a high of 75 degrees expected in san francisco. north bay, 85 degrees. a little bit warmer today than it was yesterday. east bay, 78 degrees, while the tri-valley tops out at 87. in the peninsula and south bay, expect highs in the lower 80s with warmer air tomorrow. let's get a look at traffic with hya mike. >> a tough day in a few spots. earlier on, it was san jose for 101. that cleared out and eased up. now coming into san jose, a tough drive. actually, southbound 880 at mission boulevard, this is into fremont and into milpitas. that crash with a number of vehicles, one of them a big rig going on there around mission. cut over the to 880. 880 itself moving much better over the last few for the southbound side. towards the san mateo bridge, a late crash there causing this backup, but still recovering heading west over to the peninsula. an easy drive over towards the bay bridge, still slow west 24
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towards fish ranch road where we had an earlier car fire. clear now. >> thanks. be sure to join us at 11:00 for our next newscast. see you then. [ cheers and applause ] we're back on this winesday wednesday, marking one year to the opening ceremony of the olympic games in rio with a round of "who knew" all about the games and the host city. kathie lee is across the street at the nbc experience store ready to handout a hundred bucks to anybody who gets the questions right and those who don't are lucky, too. they get one of her awesome autographed cds. [ applause ] here to help me out in studio from nbc sports is carolyn minnow. hello. are you excited? >> i'm excited. it's rio in here. >> look at all these tattoos from washington state. which sport will be included in the rio olympics for the first time since 1904, golf, cricket,
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or tug-of-war. >> golf. >> yeah, she knows her stuff. [ cheers and applause ] >> so we said rugby earlier and now golf. >> i know you're excited rugby is back. golf is back as well, interestingly enough, cricket and tug-of-war have made olympic appearances. tug-of-war was featured in the olympics from 1900 to 1920 so who knew? >> who knew is right? >> i'm blowing your mind right now. >> kat, to you. s. >> this my friend cleveland from louisiana. new york is known as the big apple, what is rio's name, the celestial city, the wonderful city, the marvelous city? >> the wonderful city? [ buzzer sounding ] no, he's very happy, he so wanted this cd. >> i did! [ cheers and applause ] >> actually the marvelous city. >> the poit's a beautiful seasi town. population 6.5 million.
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just two fewer than here in manhattan. it's a vibrant culture. it's a beautiful place. we're so excited to be headed there. >> look at this pretty lady from georgia. what united states city was the finalist to host the 2016 olympic games? was it new york, chicago, or miami. >> can i do my plus one? >> yeah. >> i don't know. [ laughter ] >> i would have said b. >> yeah, you'd be right. you'd be right. [ applause ] >> wow, so chicago was in the running? >> yes, back in 2008 they narrowed it down to four cities, tokyo, madrid, rio and chicago and people were surprised a year later when chicago didn't make it there the first round of voting because the president and the first lady of the united states barack and michelle obama, hillary clinton was very involved, oprah winfrey was involved but ultimately at the end of the day there have been a lot of olympics in north america and that maybe was one of the reasons why we headed to south america for the first time. >> weather will be good for sure. >> lovely lady from richmond,
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virginia. the united states has never won a medal in which summer olympic snort table tennis? archery or tai kwan do? >> c, tai kwan do? [ buzzer sounding ] no, but an excellent choice. but it's [ cheers and applause ] >> the correct answer is table tennis? >> yes. table tennis, one of three summer olympic sports that the u.s. has yet to medal in. archery and tai kwan do we won medals in 2012 at the london olympics but we're holding out for that table tennis medal. >> by the way, watching table tennis at the olympic level is unbelievable. >> fascinating. they're athletes. >> we have time for one more? we don't. so sad. this has been fun. are you ready for rio? >> i'm so ready for rio. >> great, kathie lee is going to come back across the street. coming up, it's a new comedy with strangely familiar dynamics. we'll speak to jerrod carmichael and mamie gummer on working with her famous mom meryl streep.
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coming up that have. oh, i don't know. the apocalypse? we're fine. i bundled renter's with my car insurance through progressive for just six bucks more a month. word. there's looters running wild out there. covered for theft. okay. that's a tidal wave of fire. covered for fire. what, what? all right. fine. i'm gonna get something to eat. the boy's kind of a drama queen. just wait. where's my burrito? [ chuckles ] worst apocalypse ever. protecting you till the end. now, that's progressive. almonds. cashews. seeds. honey. and a touch of sea salt. delicious made simple. the new simple nut bar from nature valley.
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actress mamie gummer, the daughter of the one and only most celebrated actress of our time meryl streep. but mamie shows off her own serious acting chops on streep's on screen daughter in the new movie "ricki and the flash" "ricki and the flash." >> the two have a strained relationship which "ricki and the flash"i, played by streep, is trying to repair. take a look. >> i don't have any money. do you have a credit card? >> it's still linked to max's account. >> that's not a problem. hop in! >> hilarity ensues. so nice to meet you. >> very nice to meet you, too. >> i loved reading that you've come to grips with the fact that you will forever be meryl streep's daughter and embrace the elephant. you call her the elephant. >> she likes that. >> i don't know that she loves being called the elephant. >> she looks very sexy and sleek in the movie, though. >> she sure does. >> she's very buff. you, on the other hand, did not take this on as a vanity role, did you. >> no, far from, far from.
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although it takes a long time to look that bad. >> not for us! >> when i saw your kind of opening 15 or 20 minutes, you obviously haven't showered or anything like that. >> you're going through a thing in your life. >> your hair looks like my free care t keratin and i know that look very well. >> if i don't -- i just go -- i look like the girl from "the ring" with that stringy -- >> but it's such a fascinating story. it really is. the family. i'm not going to give away too much but left you quite young to follow her dream. she said you can't be both, basically. >> and tell us about your relationship with her in this movie. >> well, i would say it's strained would be putting it lightly. but, you know what i think is interesting and kind of lovely is that, you know, she comes to realize that she has more in
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common with this woman than she maybe liked or thought and by kind of recognizing the similarities and things that they share she kind of comes into her own even more. >> because there is love in the family. >> sure. >> there is, there is a very deep and abiding love. >> but also consequences of choices that we make. >> right. >> does your mom give you -- when you're in the middle of a scene and you're doing something and it's cut, does she say "honey, look, you were great there but you know what might help you is if you do x, y, z" or she hands off? >> no, she backed off and that was also part of the -- we respected jonathan demme, our director, was determined to keep us geographically and physically separated. >> and let him be the boss? >> let him be the boss. >> no talking in between takes, i heard. >> no, no. i kind of -- i was a bit sequestered. you know, we shot everything in this house in westchester and they had dressed one of the bedrooms as julie's room and so
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in between scene setups i would just go up there and get into her bed. >> was it hard to like curse your mom out? you had to say some really hurtful things to her. >> but maybe they're true and it wasn't hard at all. [ laughter ] >> well, i will say that getting in touch with that kind of rage was maybe a little bit too easy. [ laughter ] but it was also kind of like it was a blind rage. it could have been anyone, you know? and there certainly is no overlap. >> and wounded animals, which is what you are in this. they lash out. >> yeah, they're like feral. it was -- it was fun! >> this is not the first time you've acted with your mom. we dug through the archives. 21 months old you were, you were in "heartburn" with your mom. i think we have a little -- look at you! >> and apparently you got better reviews than your mother which never happens. this is from the "times" "an inordinately cute baby is
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already accomplished enough to steal scenes from miss meryl." >> and not much has changed. she still feeds me. [ laughter ] >> well, you are so superb in this film. just excellent meryl's all right but you are so good. and the big surprise is also how fantastic "ricki and the flash" springfield is. . >> oh he's so great! this movie is called "ricki and the flash." so much so nice to meet you. lilliana has flash without cash. she has accessories in our luxe for less and funny manager r je carmichael -- don't call him jared -- is in the house after this. ♪ and you and me. ♪ no matter how they tossed the dice. ♪ ♪ it had to be. ♪ the only one for me is you. ♪ and you for me. ♪ so happy together! now there's a rewards program that lets you earn points at one place and use them at another.
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introducing plenti. ♪ ♪ when it comes to rewards, there's plenti together. ♪ ♪ wow, she's sure making a splash in that designer dress! and with a thicker, more fabulous formula, she's not splashing. you can wear anything and pour bleach. and that whitening...flawless. clorox splash-less bleach. there's a story behind my skin. my only makeup? true match. only true match has l'oreal's technology to match your skin's unique tone and undertone. 100% guaranteed. my skin. my story. my true match. from l'oreal.
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don't be old fashioned. xfinity customers, add xfinity home for $29.95 a month for 12 months. plus get a free security camera. call 1-800 xfinity or go online today. ♪ he is most famous for his stand-up comedy, but jerrod carmichael is quickly proving to be one of hollywood's go-to comedians.
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>> yeah, he's made us laugh in last summer's popular films "neighbors" with seth rogen and zac efron. now jerrod is writer and producer and star of "the carmichael show." >> why didn't you call it jerrod? >> because i would have to put the phonetic spelling on there -- >> you're right. we want you to watch, because here's what happens when he and his girlfriend try to share some big news on their relationship with his parents. >> ooh, yeah. >> there's something jerrod and i need to tell you. >> all right, but you know it is bad luck to interrupt midprayer. >> is that in the bible or are you just winging it right now? look, ma, maxine and i are thinking about moving in together. >> oh? >> and by thinking about, i mean maxine moved in three weeks ago. >> well, congratulations. >> yeah -- >> crazy. >> but mama doesn't feel the same way. >> so nice to see you! congratulations on this. >> thanks for having me. thank you very much.
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>> so, you're doing it all. you're writing, you're starring -- >> yes. i'm drinking rose. >> doesn't get better than this, baby. >> this is great! this is great. >> and your mom and sister are here. we're going to say hello to them. >> there they are. hey. >> first time you came to new york, you were -- >> we were out on the plaza just waving, me and my mother. now we're inside drinking rose. >> now you're a star. congratulations, mama. you did well. >> you did so well. >> you did well. >> thank you so much. thank you. >> tell us about this. this is interesting. was it difficult to sell this pilot based on your life? >> not really. >> yeah? >> you know, you just come with, hopefully, an interesting idea. i wanted it to be like a conversation. the show was like, we touch on a lot of topics. >> you do. >> we touch on everything from transgender to, you know, religion -- >> religion, which is rarely discussed. >> yeah, religion and health and all these things. so, you know, we wanted it to have like conversations, these weekly conversations. so, it wasn't that hard, you know? we just try and form the best argument. >> and you got to cast
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everybody, including your cute girlfriend. >> darling. >> hello. >> duh. >> amber's beautiful, yeah. >> something going on there or are you a little too busy? don't give us that -- >> what are you talking about? well, she is very happily married. >> that doesn't mean anything anymore! >> really? while holding wine, we're just like, eh, who cares? no, they're very happily married and she's great on the show. she's a lot of fun. >> do you have a lot of pinch-me moments when you think about where your life's gone since the days you were standing out on the plaza kind of waving and peeking in? >> the best thing is to not think about it too much. >> yeah? >> and then you're just working. usually my head's buried in the sand and i'm just working, and yeah. but every now and then, yeah, right now it's a pretty cool pinch-me moment. >> this is probably the pinnacle of your life. it's all downhill from here. >> cheers, jerrod. >> cheers. >> good luck to you, jerrod. >> thank you very much. >> "the carmichael show." do you know when it premieres? august 26th at 9:00/8:00 central right here on nbc. >> we do wish you such success. >> thank you very much.
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i appreciate it. next, lilliana has some stylish trends up her sleeve. >> plus, a surprise or two. "luxe for less" is next. first, this is "today" on information. ♪ xe for less. this is "today" on nbc.
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before we get to the lovely lilliana we want to give a shoutout to great people. deb, who's my dog trainer, there's a whole group of auction winners on the other side. >> thank you, everybody. >> let's get the other shot, jimmy. there they are. all righty, let's get to lillianna and her luxe for less trend. >> i have to admit something. i lied all morning to you guys. today's luxe for less is not about ear jackets. >> it's not? >> no, it's birthday gifts under $50 because you both have birthdays coming up. >> oh, how sweet! >> i wanted to see those ear
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things. >> this is for me. >> so these are beautiful journals and they are custom printed in over 100 different designs from may gorgeous. and you kind of got a sneak peek of it, these are from social print studio and we printed up your words of wisdom for you so you can frame them, put them on the black of your closet, 20 bucks for two of these jumbo photo spreads. >> i'm into it. >> kathie lee, this is for you. i know you love your wine and you have some amazing win. >> yes, i do. >> so these are wine canteens. >> love the wine you're with. and a little flour. >> hoda, i know you love to work out.
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this is from trainer brand, a workout printed on a yoga matt in case you can't get to the gym. you can do it at your your hotel room. how cute is that? >> do you do yoga? >> no. >> maybe you'll start now. >> these are for both of you together. >> this is so fun, i love presents. >> so that -- >> oh! >> those are for your pooches. that is collar for bambino. >> it has his name on it! >> and this is from oliveandatlas hand crafted in the pacific northwest. and last but not least, we have sweet treats to celebrate your birthday early. peanut butter and chocolate caramel cake from the purple cupcake for you guys. they're mini, they're beautiful. so happy early birthday. >> thank you, lilliana, for lying. >> do you forgive me? >> so much fun. since lilliana surprised us, she'll come back on september 2
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to show you the ear jackets. >> all righty. tomorrow, valerie bertinelli, rick springfield. >> and on friday relationship expert mike dow will take your dating questions. go to >> we want to wish you guys a great winesday wednesday. tomorrow is thirsty thursday. >> make it a good one. everybody. breaking news: fierce flames
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rip apart a bay area apartment comple-- forcing dozens out of their homes. and with breaking news, fierce flames ripping apart a bay area apartment complex, forcing dozens out of their homes. good morning, everyone. thank you for joining us. i'm scott mcgrew. >> the flames started about two hours ago on second quarter amore drive just north of highway 4 near the otto center drive exit. >> stephanie chuang is live in antioch. everybody made it out okay, but obviously some lost everything. >> reporter: absolutely, scott and kris. that's the great things, thankfully nobody got hurt. that's what


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