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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  August 3, 2015 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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understand bay area news starts now. move. a deputy pulls a man off the >> >> right now at 11:00, that incredible video of a life saving move a. deputy drags a man off the tracks just movement before that train speeds through. good evening thanks for being with news timing is everything. tonight woos life saving.
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the dramatic rescue unfolded at the intersection of mary and west evelyn in sunnyvale. >> nbc bay area cheryl heard is at the scene. incredible work by the deputy. hows with that man stuck on the tracks? >> >> reporter: it is believed that the driver of the car tried to pass through, but arm came down and he hit that arm. and that's the reason why they believe that his car stalled. but that is still under investigation. it all happened right here on mary's avenue in sunnyvale. they are still doing the repairs right now, as you can see. but there is one thing for sure that a man in his 20s is lucky to be alive tonight. the call train versus car collision tats mary avenue crossing was caught on tape and quickly posted to you tube. >> a driver was on the tracks stopped illegally. when the northbound 385 came through the intersection and struck the vehicle. >> reporter: luckily the car was unoccupied.
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but if these two san mateo county transit deputies were not at the right place at the right time, the driver this car may not be alive tonight. >> they were conducting enforcement in the area. while doing so, they heard what sounded like a traffic collision. they saw a man inside thor chasm he was alert at the time. >> he appeared to be under the influence. that has yet to be confirmed. >> reporter: the deputies knew a train was coming. that's when they training kicked in. one of the deputies ran down the tracks and tried to stop the train. the other pulled the driver out of the car to safety. >> the deputies gave train certain signals that we have. the deputies that worked for the police bureau receive specialized training. had they not acted who knows what would have happened. i believe because of their actions this person is alive today. >> one of the deputies put his hands up trying to wave the train down. but he had to get out of the way.
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so the train just plowed into the car. the goi was on the ground for a while and then they did have him handcuffs. so. >> reporter: these deputies are considered hero tonight. but one of them says he's just glad they were in the area. >> it was close. glad we are here. otherwise it would have been a different result. >> reporter: again, the officials believe the driver was impaired possibly under the influence. that is under investigation. san mateo transit say they have saved 40 people from harm last year. >> one lucky man for sure. now to a developing story. the rocky fire continues to rage with no end in sight. more than 62,000 acres charred w just 12% containment so far. here's a look at where the fire is burning. more than 6300 structures threatened. evacuations underway. this is all happening near clear
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lake. firefighters are describing the quick spread of the rocky fire as hick forically unpress dechbtsded. at one point it grew by 20,000 acres in just five hours. late this afternoon, it jumped highway 20 a line firefighters had been hoping to hold. ee an coles spent the day on the firelines. >> reporter: troubling new video tonight that shows the fire making another leap firefighters hope it wouldn't make. you can see it here burning a huge tree then suddenly the flames jumped the road. firefighters rush to knock them down. crews work to make highway 20 serve as a fire break. tonight it looks like that will not be the case. in the meantime winds are pushing a fire north. and thousands of people are out of their homes. >> finally smoking us out and we have got to get out of here. >> reporter: more than 31 houn firefighters from around the state cutting fire containment lines. some setting backfires to burn the fuel the droughts that
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provided above the fire reaches it. >> the fire has a mind of its own. >> reporter: firefighters call it a plume driven fire meaning the plumes of smoke are often fuelling the burn. >> once it gets heavy enough it falls down and spreads the fire in all kinds of directions. and that creates all kinds of challenges. >> reporter: there was a bit of good news today. firefighters say cooler temperatures and calmer winds slowed the spread of the fire. but at this point that's little consolation. >> you know with the conditions that it meets, those things only help but just a little bit. >> reporter: joining the efforts today, the air force reserve. this morning deploying two c-130s to our region, joining more than a dozen other air tankers and helicopters. all to bolster thousands of firefighters on the ground who spent the last six days working towards some progress but tonight have new challenges. in lake port,ee an cole nbc bay area news. >> as expectsed it's active and ding rouse across the state.
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firefighters are being pushed to the brink. 21 fires in all burning across california. you see the map here. several of them have been sparked by lightning. 9,000 firefighters are on the front lines. the one near clear lake remains the largest. we posted a slide show of the fire fight on our website. you can see the challenges that these crews are facing. it's right there on the front page at nbc bay a buy czar crash involving a car wash and a jeep swerving across 101. the question is who is to blame, the car or the driver? the jeep grand cherokee suddenly accelerated out of a car wash across several lanes of traffic before coming to a stop in the middle of 1 to 1 in marin county. terry mcsweeney is in green bay with the story. what's the backgrounds with the jeep. >> reporter: there are some questions, chp wondering if maybe car washes and jeep grand cheer keys don't mix.
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you have an idea from above. let me give you a look from ground level. it crossed three lanes of redwood highway, through that bus stop area across five lanes of northbound 101 through the metal barricade finally coming to rest in the southbound lanes. at this car wash on redwood highway this evening it's business as usual. but as you move across the street towards highway 101 it's unusual. glass on the ground part of a bus stop shelter is missing. 150 feet of new barrier separating northbound from southbound 101 all because of a 1999 jeep grand cherokee that record out of the car wash saturday with an employee inside. >> the vehicle was place. >> announcer: neutral as required to go through the car wash. at some point the accelerator on the vehicle became stuck despite the vehicle being in neutral and
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the vehicle accelerated out of the car wash. >> reporter: chp tells us other employees at this car wash report problems about jeep grand cherokees. it's possible water getting into the tailgate area is causing a short. >> we did take the vehicle to be inspected by chp investigators. >> reporter: it is amazing the vehicle could go across seven lanes of highway 10 is and not hit any other vehicles. he also considered it for fortunate that a man waiting a the bus stop was not harmed when the jeep plowed through. he walked away moments before to throw something away. norma knows how he feels. >> frightens, very scary. i could have been sitting there. oh, my. >> reporter: we were unsuccessful in getting ahoed of jeep tonight for their side of the issue. i can tell you this a source
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tells me the car wash on lucky drive is considering not washing any more jeep grand cherokees. nbc bay area news. two athletes who vanished from the special olympics in los angeles in recent days are safe tonight. the albanian athlete who disappeared from the games turned up safe this morning here in bay area at the hayward pleptd. the 44-year-old apparently hopped on a bus and travelled 300 miles to hayward where he walked into the police station and told dispatchers what happened. >> his mother actually called him this morning, and through a translator we were able to let her know that we found him. and obviously she is very pleased and excited to be reunited with him. >> he was a bowling competitor. he disappeared on saturday night. he will travel back home to albania following the or deal. there was another special athlete with autism who
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disappeared from lax earlier today. he was missing for several hours but found sleeping on a lawn five miles away in inglewood. the 'not was tired and healthy but said to be in good spirits. a bogus pizza delivery turn sbod a home invasion in palo alto. tonight three men are wanted for this kim. it happened just before 10:00 last night on suzanne drive. police say a man posing as a pizza delivery man forced his way into the home. two other men also rushed into this house, one armed with a gun. the family eventually scared the robbers away. this is a sketch of the fake delivery driver. palo alto police tell us they believe the family was targeted but the victims did not know their attackers. an oakland police officers is in critical condition. his shooting comes less than two weeks after an officer was shot in hayward. late this morning, two officers approached a suspect who
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allegedly opened fire with an assault rival, seriously wounding one of the officers. that suspect killed. recent attacks on police officers could leave them cautious and gun shy. but a bay area lawyer who specializes in the air of police misconduct thinks officers would have the opposite reaction. >> they can be more concerns and thereof act more precipitously when they should not. >> he adds that citizens need to be aware of their responsibility and not to escalate a confrontation with police. multiple fires at the same apartment complex in hayward. tonight an arson investigation has been prompted. fire fighters rushed to the courtyard apartments early this morning. the building is located on silva off of 92. the fires burning in the laundry room and separate stairwells. more than 100 were evacuated and two people suffered smoke intale
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halation. still ahead,t is the thermostat at your office sexist. one theory as to why so many women are cold at work. a buy czar and overpriced item goes viral. a wild display highlights a serious crisis involving an malgs. we'll hear from the local high-tech company behind it. we are tracking winds as high as 18 miles per hour at the rocky fire. we'll have the forecast for tomorrow and a new update to our weather and the possibility of thunderstorms for tuesday.
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falling)" trt=:07 ==raj/contvo== amazingeo from the netherlands, as two construction cranes on a that is real. amazing video from the netherlands as two construction cranes on a barge toppled onto those nearby homes and shops. rescue crews say at least one person was taken to the hospital. but there are varying reports of how many others were injured. witnesses say up to 20 people might have been inside those nearby hoemts and shops. new at 11:00 creative minds
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in the bay area are behind a one of a kind event that lit up social media over the weekend. >> a high-tech company used the empire state building seen here to highlight the crisis involving endangered animals. the company is hoping years of hard work makes a difference. >> reporter: obscurea digitals is here in san francisco. you would never know it. there is no sign at the front door. but the company is making its passion for endangered species known in a big day. >> we have captured data of the building and we are matching and mapping exactly to all the architecture. >> reporter: obscura video in san francisco is a creative technology company change issing the way we experience video. >> the building has an insenate the idle. >> reporter: chris says a film that's critical of dolphin hunting in japan changed a his
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world view. four years ago he met the director of the code. >> the idea really was to get a worldwide movement gelled around supporting issues around climate change and animal authentication. >> thinking big, obscura imagined projecting aim js on the empire state building. the project was already in the works when an american dentist killed zimbabwe's beloved lion named cecil creating a firestorm around the world. unfortunate but timely. our event was already planned this. issue came up before we were able to take images of cecil and put him on the empire state building with the other endangered species. >> reporter: 40 projectors shining a light on a global issue like never before. >> literally hundreds of thousands of e-mails asking us
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to get involved with other causes. >> reporter: it's just the building. >> we are projecting on multiple buildings. >> projecting change will be part of an upcoming movie called racing extinction. >> we are trying to reach the world and ito get people to understand the critical timing of what we have going on with both climate change and endangered species. >> reporter: obscura would like you to check out racing extinction. that film will be released globally in december. film makers are hoping to reach 1 billion viewers, viewers they are hoping will demand change. >> thank you very much. an endangered a gray wolf spotted in northern california has state biologists excited. the trail camera snapped this photo in july in renote sis cue yew county. the gray wolf does not have a tracking collar. fish and wildlife say the wolf
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is not or-7 that wolf became famous in 2011 when he briefly wandered into california. they assume this wolf went rogue, the one we showed you earlier, and broke off from another pack, also in oregon. >> he went rogue. jeff rent erie joins us our chief meteorologist with a mild week at least at the start. >> very comfortable. but we have unusual weather headed our way this week. it has everything to do with tropical storm guillermo out in the pacific a. branch this moisture is breaking off more than predicted. we actually have now added the possibility of thunderstorms to some of our forecast for tomorrow. let's look at the morning forecast. temperatures in the upper 50s and also low sixty. typical areas of patchy low clouds coming back into san francisco, east bay and peninsula. and clouds in the south bay and 61. i want to drive the forecast right now to the rocky fire weather. you are going to be able to see here tomorrow the good news for firefighters, wind gusts do not
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look to go over 20 to 25 miles per hour throughout day. now, within that fire will will be some erratic winds. but that is at least some good news for the firefighters. we will have to watch out for isolated loitd thing throughout this week and warming temperatures upper 80s and low 90s. now back to the forecast here at home. we are tracking tropical storm guillermo. ity it looks like a small branch will break off for tomorrow, get caught up in the upper level flow and for tuesday bring us isolated thunderstorms primarily at the immediate coastline. i think the best chance of thunderstorm activity this week will be on friday's forecast will also increased humidity. let's tyke you to the micro climate forecast. throughout tuesday, san jose, great weather. 80 degrees. morgan hill expecting 83. pacifica added the possibility of lightning and thunderstorms with 66 for the high. san francisco, 66 by the marina and the mission also expecting 70. for the north bay, east bay and
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also for the trivalley also you will notice we have added the possibility of thunderstorms around napa. walnut creek expecting 82. trivalley stays out of the '90. another comfortable day coming your way. 82 in danville. 81 expected in livermore. let's go ahead and take you into the upcoming weekend forecast. there is not many drastic changes coming your way friday, saturday and sunday. grad ally a warmer trend throughout those temperatures with the south bay expecting 81 on saturday 83 on sunday. san francisco, upper 60s and low 70s of the for the trivalley we will get back up into the mid 80s. thankfully no 100s as we head through the next seven days. the biggest thing we will have to watch out for this week is the possibility of stray lightning strikes. hopefully that does not start more wildfires. still ahead, do you think your office is too cold? the thermostat may be playing favorites and leaving women
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slivering. and we have jimmy. >> thanks guys. meryl streep is my guest tonight. it is a great show. do not change the channel.
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san francisco... apple is believed to be expanding not just cooper tino and san francisco. a.m. apple is believed to be expanding into san jose. the silicone valley business journal reporting tonight that apple bought a 43 acre piece of
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land on forth first street. it is an empty lot and it happens to be right across the street from our nbc bay area studios. the company bought the property for $138 million. it's approved for 3 million square feet of office space. tired of listening to voice mails? apple is testing a system that would use siree to answer your calls, transcribe your voice mail and tends send it to you as a text message. women in the workplace often feel like they are working in a refrigerator. researchers in the netherlands, which is often very cold unconferred that the temperatures in many office is based on the needs of the male employee. apparently men have a faster mat bollic rate so they are more comfortable whenner cooler. in the summer, women wear lighter clothing and men still
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wear suits and ties so they stay warmer. touching up the thermostat can make women more comfortable and it has the added bonus of helping combat global warming. >> you are blaming me on the set. >> i had a suspicion, and now it's confirmed. >> next the heart breaking ending for the giants. stay with us.
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hey there fellow californians i know you're staying golden by managing your energy use... which means managing water too sfx: rawr especially during a drought. learn to save water, energy and money at every summer, the best tennis players in the world collide in new york. but that's just the final chapter of a great story. one that's unfolding all summer long right in your backyard. and this week, the emirates airline us open series turns to stanford for the bank of the west classic. come experience the action and feel the drama as the best in the sport duke it out in stanford. now through august 9th. don't just watch the action. feel, hear and taste it. for ticket and player information visit
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of a 162-game season.... there are gat wins.... a badlosses. but if the giants good evening. girard here in the comcast snet studios. over the course of a 162-game season there are great wins and bad looses. if the giants end up missing out by a half a game or a game this is going to be the one they look back on shaking their heads. giants and braves orange and black pulling a 6-0 lead in this one. bottom of the ninth. g men in front. 7-5. former giant, per sinski takes casilla out of theiar. knots the score at 7-7. posey clutch rbi sing toal right center. giants take the 8-6 lead. bottom of the 12th. vogelsong. garcia with ideas. two run walk off homer to center field. both teams crushed four home
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runs but the giants come up short, 9-8. o dot co. troubling night for jesty chavez. he found it early and often. chris davis leaving the building. 3-# o's. top fourth. 4-0 game. joseph's turn. chavez gave up six earned runs his worst start of the year. the possum showed up but he was way late and the a's louis 9-2. pigskin. here's a look at the pac-12 preseason media poll. stanford projected to finish second in the norgd. calvary picked to finish third. players and coaches from both teams at levi's stadium today addressing expectations for 2015. >> you know it is a fun time of year. like ron said everybody is optimistic. you are not going to have any coaches standing up here and saying we are going to sink this
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year. pac-12 this year is absolutely insane. everybody is good zchl everybody is better. and we wouldn't want to have it any other way. >> if you are in the thompson family the expectations are high to say the least. clay's youngest brother, trace thompson today getting that call all baseball players want. the 24-year-old moved up to the chicago white sox big league club from aaa charlotte and his brothers, well they are loving it. >> they are so proud. i couldn't be here without them. they played with me growing up. and whenever -- i mean even last fall during the world series fwhg san francisco and everything we wanted to play whistle ball. they still know the game. so it's been a lot of fun. >> clay an nba all-star. michael jr. playing hoops in italy. little brother now in the show. what a family. that's it for sports. more news after the break.
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is there an elk in your bed? with sleep number, now there's an adjustment for that. only at a sleep number store. right now, save up to $1000 on select mattress and adjustable base sets. know better sleep with sleep number.
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ever heard of "asparagus water?" neither have we. ==take vo== but here'a lk at aspagus water for sale at a whol have you ever heard of asparagus water? don't worry if you haven't. we haven't either. here is a look at as pair gus water for sale down at the whole foods in the l.a. area. $6, $5.99 to be exact. a couple of stalks of the vegetable in a bottle of water. it's said nutrients from the
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asparagus transferred to the water. later a smokesman said the water was not made correctly. this is all true. meanwhile, the picture has gone viral sparking good natured and below the belt comments. >> i can sell it for $2.99. i won't put the two asparagus into a bottle of water and sell us. i'm bringing it tomorrow. e-mail me and i'll have it ready for you. >> bitter. >> thank you for joining us. >> bye-bye. ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- meryl streep jerrod carmichael,


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