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tv   NBC Bay Area News  NBC  November 27, 2014 8:30pm-9:31pm PST

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per play, period. seahawks, given everything they want underneath. 49ers have no time-outs. john madden, picking the thanksgiving playering of the game. turkey legs, game balls to be awarded. and we'll look at denver and kansas city, coming your way on "sunday night football." and down to the 22 yard line. and not that seattle needs to put an exclamation point on this thing. but it's been that kind of night. that kind of night for 49er defense. ten days off. san fran goes to oakland a week from sunday. and seattle goes to philadelphia. >> cris: what's going to be interesting, is they're going to set up a table out there for michele tafoya. and they're going to eat turkey in the middle of the field. and that's one of the things
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that terrell owens -- something about territory. and the symbol. that's where they're going to set up that table, right about there. john madden decides who is going to be out there sitting at that table. and i think it won't sit comfortably. >> al: not since terrell owens did on the dallas star. and two seconds left, as hyde makes the catch. you think they will clean up after here? >> cris: we'll find out. i cannot do this game without thinking about john madden and all of the games he called on thanksgiving. he was l.o.l. before there was such a thing. you would find yourself on thanksgiving watching television. couldn't wait for the game to get over, so you could hear what john was going to do with the turkey legs. >> referee: five-yard penalty.
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automatic first down. >> al: another penalty for seattle. chance to talk to the great coach madden earlier today. happy thanksgiving. happy holidays. >> cris: dan fouts came by. >> al: foutsy. a lot of exs. wait a minute. only lynn michaels. holiday and everybody, a very happy thanksgiving. and. happy holidays to everybody. more to come. see who -- where that turkey gets eaten, in the middle of the field. 19-3 is the final score.
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seattle wins back-to-back games by the same score, 19-3 against arizona. 19-3, against san francisco. and should be a pretty interesting postgame show coming up. the postgame report on the other side of this break.
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- ( helicopter whirring ) - ( roars ) ( siren wails ) ( pop music playing ) ♪ when you're ready ♪ ready, ready, ready ♪ come and get it ♪ get it, get it ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na na na na ♪ ♪ when you're ready, come and get it ♪ ♪ na na na na... female announcer: it's a great big world and it can all be yours. here and only here. ♪ come and get it.
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welcome to the volkswagen postgame report. >> back we are at levi's stadium. 19-3, seattle. dominating, 8-4. san francisco goes to 7-5. we go to michele tafoya. >> well, al, the 2014 madden thanksgiving players of the game are russell wilson and richard sherman. guys, each take a ball. >> yeah. >> and grab a leg. grab a leg. dig in. yeah. well, there you go. tell me how it is. >> how is it? >> madden make this himself? >> madden did not make this himself. i know you're a big mac and cheese guy. but we didn't get that for you. you are a gracious guy. but right now, we're sitting on the 49ers logo. and you're eating turkey as a madden player of the game?
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how does that feel? >> it's a blessing to be out here. our team is together. it's a huge game to win on their turf. it's tough to do. >> it hadn't happened since harbaugh's been the coach. you come in and win. you had the two interceptions. how did you do it? >> teamwork. we were playing for each other. guys we had earlier in the season. we're finally healthy. that's not big thing. bobby wagner played another big game. daryl simon played a fantastic game. it was a team effort. i was able to get interceptions. total effort. our "d" line got a loft pressure on them. >> russell didn't bite. i hope you might here. we're sitting on the 49ers logo having turkey. does that mean anything? >> it means a little bit. their fans were saying vulgar things to us earlier. we ask our fans to be classy and be a first class organization.
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sometimes you let sleeping dogs lie or you're going to get there. >> you got there. it looked like you were having fun out there. you meet them again in 17 days up at your place. what's it going to be like to meet them twice in such a short period of time? >> we have to get there first. i'm not exactly. i think they're on the road next. one game at a time. the nfc is not easy to win against. we're excited about that opportunity. one game at a time. championship mindset. we'll see what happens. >> i've been told when you guys are at your best, you're having fun and it looks great. how much fun was it out there tonight? >> we're playing like 8-year-old, 9-year-old kids out there. we were playing for one another. everybody was playing for one another. there was no selfishness. everybody was excited for one another's success. we're having a blast. you're playing for one another, you see the chemistry. we're difficult to beat. >> there may be enough for the legion of boom. >> i think the "o" line is going to beat them to it. >> i don't think we're going to
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get any, al and cris. >> leave it to michele to get the best table at the place. she knows the maitre d'. they kill the giants. they lost to kansas city. that was the one thing where jamaal charles ran over them. but this is a really formidable team. >> pete carroll said there was a difference between right and not quite. and this team has come together now. there were a lot of things that happened. and it happens after you win a super bowl. people want more money. people want out. they want to do this. marshawn lynch holdout. percy harvin. there's a lot of -- there's a lot of stuff. and now, all of a sudden, it seems not only have they gotten healthy, but they got harmonious. and it's working. >> they haven't given up a
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touchdown in two games. 8-4. "sunday night football" coming up from kansas city. we'll take a peek at that game when we come back to santa clara. the volkswagen golf was just named motor trend's 2015 car of the year. so was the 100% electric e-golf, and the 45 highway mpg tdi clean diesel. and last but not least, the high performance gti. looks like we're gonna need a bigger podium. the volkswagen golf family. motor trend's 2015 "cars" of the year.
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♪ ah, ♪h it. ♪ push it. ♪ p...push it real good! ♪ ♪ ow! ♪ oooh baby baby. if you're salt-n-pepa, you tell people to push it. ♪ push it real good. it's what you do. ♪ ah. push it. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. ♪ ah. push it. i'm pushing. i'm pushing it real good!
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welcome back to "the volkswagen postgame report." here, now, al michaels and cris collinsworth. >> back in silicon valley. to the victors go the spoils. that's the way richard walked off with tonight's lombardi proty. or facsimile there of. kansas city, big game. our best wishes to eric berry. discovered that mass in his chest last week. hope everything, obviously, turns out okay. k.c., right back in it against
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denver. >> that's a tough place to go and try to get a win. that crowd is going to be hyped up. and probably for kansas city, that's going to be one that they just about have to win to get back in this race. jamaal charles, tamba hali. there's really good players on that team. see how they match up with old peyton. >> going there. melissa horton, kenny, our whole gang. many of them on camera tonight. off we go to kansas city. tomorrow, the nhl thanksgiving showdown. the rangers take on the flyers. 1:00 eastern, 10:00 pacific. coming up next, "tonight show" with jimmy fallon. for our entire crew, saying good night, from santa clara, california.
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>> thanks giving with a twist. now the rush to get back home a live look at levi's stadium. about 70,000 people leaving right now disappointed.
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>> we hope you're enjoying your thanksgiving. plenty of family and friends gathering to watch the 49ers tonight but not quite what the niners or the fans wanted. they were literally stuffed by the seahawks. richard sherman picking off kaepernick twice. this is actually the first time the 49ers have ever hosted a game on thanksgiving. >> we begin with peggy live at levi's stadium. niner fans not thankful for this game. >> we're seeing a lot of folks leaving as we mentioned, disappointed. for all of those people crashed out on the couch after preparing a thanksgiving feast, imagine trying to do that in a parking lot. that's what thousands of niner
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fans did today. they were willing to cook and serve their holiday dinner right here. we have seen it all here tonight. a lot of people spirited, dancing, celebrating, and hanging out with arch rival sea hawk fans. on thanksgiving we really can get away. we saw turkeys some dee fried and some bbqed. here in order to tailgate thanksgiving style you have got to be on your game. >> our stuffing, of course, and our mixed vejys and our ham. you have got to be prepared. you have got to start a day early and get up early to do certain thingthings. >> how did the crowd like it? >> it's a hit. >> of course my photographer and i we walked through the parking lot. i think we have had about ten meals tonight outside of the
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stadium. fans disappointed. soming up at 11:00, we will talk to some people who live in the neighborhood. we wanted to find out with all of the people coming to the stadium on thanksgiving day actually impact traffic and prevent some people from getting to their holiday meal. we will have that coming up for you tonight at 11:00. nbc bay area news. >> did she say ten meals? >> i know. we had one good one here. people are very generous. >> thank you. pretty interesting here. 49ers owner clearly disappointed about tonight's performance. thank you 49ers faithful for coming out strong. this performance was not acceptable. i apologizer for that. the safe way store near the stadium, jam packed.
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there you go, 49ers and sea hawks fans. last minute tailgating necessities. >> we got some turkey legs. >> you can find a slide show of the memorable moments of this season. >> and in other headlines we will go ferguson, missouri, where protests have calmed down. also peaceful outside the ferguson police department which has been the scene of tense demonstrations this week since monday's grand jury
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announcement. more than 120 protesters have been arrested in ferguson. >> in oakland, several spent the day cleaning up this is a look at some of the aftermath. windows smashed at the oakland tribune building. now a live look at oakland which appears to be peaceful. many hope that the peace is here to stay. jodi hernandez has more. >> on thanksgiving we should not wake up to this. we should wake up to something cleaner! something not trashed. >> this 8-year-old theresa scott said she is sad to see oakland such a mess. three nights of protests have left much of the city boarded up and trampled with graffiti. >> i want to live in a clean
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city but every time i come out here, i see on the news every day, i don't want to come to this. >> police appeared to take more aggressive tactics last night they could not stop things from spinning out of control. more businesses in downtown including the oakland tribune got hit as well as store fronts in west oakland. a separate side shore event at the port took place. more than 100 cars showed up to spin circles until the chp and sheriff's department shut it down. >> to the vandalizers and crimin criminals, i hope you get what you get. >> many are fed up with all the destruction. they want it to stop. >> i think if people had any sense in the city, they would not join the rioters.
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>> we should wake up to something that's not like this. we should wake up to the clean class, nothing broken. you should go jail because that is not right. >> in oakland, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> a second grader putting things in perspective. we have more details on that side show. police were able to surround the entire crowd because many officers were already in that area due to protests downtown. nearly every person involved in that side show was caught. at least 200 people were processed and most will face charges ranging from aiding and abetting to participating in a side show. the chp plans to release more information at a news conference tomorrow morning. >> new video. you could say this is the season's first grinch. look how this man backs up his car with the trunk already open. he takes off with the lawn decorations from a san jose
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family. kimberly terry is in the neighborhood. definitely not the holiday spirit stealing christmas decorations. >> take a look behind me. decorating for the holidays is a big deal for this family. on tuesday they started putting up lights and setting up outdoor ornaments which included a blow up santa and snow man. by wednesday, both of them gone. they caught the thief in the act on video. the video shows him driving up about 3:30, backing up and taking the snow man. five minutes later he comes back this time taking santa. >> it upsets me. i just kind of want to hope that person brings my stuff back. or that we can find them. >> they have filed a police
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report but know this is a low priority. the decorations are worth a couple hundred dollars but it's the sentimental value that really matters here. nbc bay area news. >> kimberly, thank you. turkey is over. next up left overturkey, christmas tree and other type of shopping. but plan ahead. rain is on the way. things are going the be changing. >> happy thanks giving to you as well. we will be thankful to catch up on the rainfall deficits. not short term as we have got the clear and dry conditions. a pretty nice day around ocean beach. you saw the hazy skies. that is part of the weather stories tonight.
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not just one opportunity for rain but several some of the. >> about 5,000 people enjoyed a hot thanksgiving meal thanks to this church. breakfast at 7:30 in the morning. while volunteering has become a tradition for some, help is needed all year round. >> we always need volunteers.
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coming down on the other days of the week is huge. >> the mayor was there today to help carve the turkey. >> still ahead on this thanksgiving night b on the look out. a warning from police after an armed robbery and kidnapping in the bay area. >> i can imagine him fighting for his life. >> a medical emergency at a bay area post office. we investigate the rule preventing some employees from calling 911. >> we're live at a hot spot for black friday deals.
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>> we thank you for spending part of your thanksgiving with us. >> we're going to go to an exclusive investigation regarding 911. >> if you're a postal employee, there's another number and it's causing some problems. >> 550,000 people work for the postal service nationwide. we raised questions after a postal worker was found badly hurt at a facility in oakland. time. we seem to pay attention to it only when it matters. like the moment when a father becomes a grandfather. or the passage of a milestone, 25 years of marriage.
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>> they call tus perfect family. >> time was the only thing that mattered the night her husband, sam, lay critically injured, waiting for help. >> it's so sad. i can imagine him fighting for his life. >> this was sam's second home, the postal processing and distribution senter in west oakland where he operated a letter sorting machine on the overnight shift. >> he worked there for 20 years. very dedicated, very honest. >> no one saw what happened but co-workers found sam lying on his back with blood coming from his mouth and ears, down from an apparent head injury. as we have lerped from an internal post office investigation, employees reported finding sam between 3 and 3:30 in the morning but dispatch records show the first 911 call didn't come in until
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3:53. >> 1675 7th street. it's the main post office. we have an employee bleeding from the mouth. >> according to the report when the first employee found sam he called out to another worker who contacted his supervisor. at the same time an employee found her soupervisor who told her to find a manager. the postal police were contacted and asked to call 911. that call was made up to 53 minutes after an employee says he first saw sam barely conscious. >> they started telling me they don't call 911. they have to call the supervisor first. >> we're not supposed to call 911. >> two current postal workers agreed to talk to us only if they hid their faces. employees are routinely
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instukted not to call 911. >> if we see an accident we're just going to step aside. >> here the policy is clear. only the postal police are to initiate the 911 procedure. >> they are to expedite matters. >> this man says the policy exists so paramedics can respond right away. as you will hear when the postal officer called 911, she has trouble relaying important information. >> tell me exactly what happened. >> i don't know. >> did she fall? >> i don't know. >> there are radio delays. >> is he completely alert? >> is he completely alert? >> because the officer is nowhere near sam. she's on the first floor. sam is on the second. >> what part of the body was injured. >> do you have a description of
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what part of his body was injured. >> if that had been you or your loved one, is this how you would want a response? >> we're talking a human life here and seconds matter. >> as the chief of neurosurgery, this doctor has treated thousands of patients suffering from head trauma. >> the sooner that person can get to medical attention, the better likelihood that they will have the best outcome. >> if we have a situation that is life threatening and in this situation it was, of course we have to look at our own policies
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and see if there is a break down in the policy. >> knowing what you know, was there a break down? >> it probably looks like it took a little longer than necessary. >> what ruiz calls a little bit longer is something the doctor considers much more severe. >> this is a matter of life and death. >> this is a matter the postal service considered closed. everyone followed the policy exactly and the response was exlebt lent but after we started asking questions, ruiz said he would recommend changes. >> how long will it take to find out whether this policy will change? >> any changes will come too late for sam. paramedics responded seven minutes within the first call
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but an hour after he was first found. j joo. >> time, we pay attention to it mostly when it's gone. district leaders say they are now revising the procedure as a result of our investigation. we will certainly follow up. employees say this policy is outdated and dangerous. >> thank you. if you have a tip, we urge you
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to give us a call or send us an e-mail directly to the unit. >> happening right now, black friday starting early. we want to bring you a live look this is the best buy that opened at 5:00 this evening. black friday shopping appears to be happening earlier and earlier. >> shoppers lining up early to get the deep discounts but is it really worth it? giving up part of your thanksgiving to battle the crowds? plenty of people say yes. >> black friday deals on thursday. dozens of bargain shoppers willing to wait it out. >> home sweet home. >> brian has been sleeping in a tent since tuesday. he's got his eye on a 50 inch flat screen tv. >> shopping, saving, getting
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ready for the holidays. >> a little further in line, this man is not there for the deals. >> time to meet some new people, right? >> k-mart shoppers didn't have to wait. the doors opened there at 6:00 a.m. some k-mart employees and shoppers are urging the company to cut back the holiday hours. >> i think it's harsh because they have families, too. that's why i come in the morning. >> lisa stocked up on toys and games for her two kids. >> okay. >> just in time for another round of door buster deals. >> happy thanksgiving. >> reporting in redwood city, bay area news.
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>> new york police arrested seven people demonstrated against the ferguson decision. the second group of demonstrators gathered on the steps of the library but did not jump any barricades. the police commissioner warned that he would not tolerate any disruption of the parade. >> thanksgiving began in the dark. electricity was knocked out to more than half a million homes and businesses from west virginia up to maine. snow, sleet, and wind. hundreds of flights were cancelled. thankfully that storm is now moving on. >> still ahead, a bay area family travels to southern california to deliver something to disney. what they're dreaming of seeing on the big screen. >> look carefully. looks like your average backpack. someone accidentally left it behind at a local burger king.
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what the owner found inside. a lot of green. >> right now still a pleasant evening. get ready for some rain. not just setting up for the next 24 hours but likely to carry through the rest of the holiday weekend. we'll talk more about the rain here and snow potential when we come right back. every day is a new opportunity to help make life better right here in san francisco. whether it's helping local businesses like the fruitguys grow and prosper, supporting nonprofits like juma ventures as they fulfill their mission or helping neighborhoods like the tenderloin become vibrant communities. if there's a way to help the people of san francisco thrive and succeed, we'll find it. that's the power of local connections. that's bank of america.
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>> held at gunpoint at a popular bay area lookout. armed robbers targeted a couple parked checking out the view. the couple didn't have any cash. one forced them to drive to an atm.
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>> the last place i would expect to be robbed. >> the victim was a 44-year-old man from menlow park. he rear ened someone and then his car was hit by two other cars.
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>> many homeowners and businesses are still rebuilding three month ace s ago. >> the group announced over local radio networks that they are blocking all mobile phone networks to prevent residents from revealing their location. >> new details about bill cosby. the university of massachusetts has cut ties with cosby. he has been asked to step down as an honorary co-chair.
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cosby has agreed. the massachusetts attorney general urged the school to cut ties with them. while cosby hasn't been criminally charged but his association sends the wrong message. >> and ginsburg has been released from the hospital. the 81-year-old was rushed to the hospital on tuesday after experiencing discomfort while exercising with her personal trainer. he is expected to be back at work monday. >> yesterday a san francisco family delivered a petition with more than 75,000 signatures. they are demanding new disney characters with disabilities. the little girl who inspired the petition was dressed up as a
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disney princess. the 5-year-old was born with down's syndrome. >> i want her to feel a part of society and know she is loved and appreciated. >> disney has responded. the company says its studio is committed to creating characters easily accessible and relatable to all. >> an assistant manager found a backpack in a booth. >> i was just shocked because of hundreds of thousands of dollars in there. hundred dollar bills wrapped up in rubber bands.
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>> if you have been spending the evening outside, 41 degrees out there. dry air. 55 in san francisco, 52 around san jose. we did have more high clouds today. look off to the distance. that's not fog. that is smoke pollution with the warmer air aloft and relatively cool air below, that is inversion that acts like an invisible lid.
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er. >> now you are starting to see some of that rain drop on in. not a lot of rain out there. we will see more opportunities for rain as we get into saturday and sunday. partly cloudy to start. 68 degrees. mid 60s closer to san francisco. notice santa rosa. you will see a chance of a little bit of rain coming in towards sunset. here you go. the weekend. sunday morning another rain of wave comes in. and we should begin to catch a bit of a break. notice the weekend rain totals
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starting off close to a week of rain? south bay through saturday evening not really seeing a whole lot just yet. sunday we should begin to see a little more there. but for the sierra, we do think travel plans heading home you would l have to see a -- a foot of snow. wait there's more. we have got monday tuesday and wednesday. we will have a system here that may begin to tap into tropical moisture. that is going to aim up towards california for the span of about 72 hours. it's going to give us the opportunity for the system to tap into more moisture and throw a lot more rain into the coastal hill top. by the time this pattern wraps up through abwednesday, hill top will get three to four inches of rain and one to two inches of
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rain possible for the south bay. this will be a nice way to catch up in the rainfall department. plan on the umbrella at times. monday may give us a built of a brief break. rain for the south bay increasing into sunday. monday a little break. more rain into tuesday and wednesday. things will dry out but this is good news. more than a foot or two of snow.
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] follow your joy to a celebration like no other.
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start your new orleans holiday at
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>> we were wondering here, an apology for the team's performance? >> it wasn't pretty. a lot of people spent a lot of money and spent their entire day out there. seattle today, oakland next week and up in seattle the following week. it was the 49ers who were devoured on national tv. eyes on the country watching jim harbaugh getting collin kaepernick fired up.
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he is intercepted by richard sherman of all people. second and goal, russel wilson finding turbine. he knows what to do from there. 13 yards to the house. 7-0 sea hawks. wilson escapes. he's crafty like that. sea hawks have the ball. knocking on the door for more. that would lead to a field goal. 10-0, seattle. niners down 16. rolling out and there's that man again, richard sherman. former stanford star. you can't beat them doing that.
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>> we didn't get it done. s seahawks played much better football. better defense, better offense. you know in all areas. >> eagles and cowboys battle for nfc east, 27 yards for the touchdown. third quarter now in the eagles play a relentless football. he finished with 157 yards in the round. tone you romo picked up. fly eagles fly. they win 33-10 and lead the nfc east. detroit a little slow to the party this morning.
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lions down 11 early. calvin johnson transforming into megatron. lions down 4. rolls all the way to the one. 30 seconds to play. down at. hooking up. and that's a 23 yard touchdown. the two point conversion was good. lincoln goes on to win in overtime, 29-28. that was their 17th straight big bone game victory
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congratulations to them. a lot of victory for them. ends on a sad night. that's a rough one. and the raiders are coming off that victory so they have got a little juice heading into next week. that game is at the coliseum toorks. >> we want to talk about thanksgiving. i feel guilty. thousands of others don't feel government because they went out and went running. >> yeah. they started the day burning calories at the san jose turkey trot. about what? 30,000 runners and walkers of all ages for many people it was a family affair. >> they wanted to be together and it's really great. >> working off the turkey before they got the turkey. $4 million for local charities.
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>> also hosted its own turkey trot. runners showed a lot of spirit as they made their way to the finish line. participants brought non-peri non-perishable food items to be donated. >> now we have got to work it off tomorrow. >> maybe we don't. >> thanks for joining us on this thanks giving and a special thanks to our entire crew tonight working on this holiday. >> a lot more 49ers coverage coming up next.
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>> 49ers seahawks on thanksgiving night. >> kaepernick throws an interception to sherman. >> sea ttle. >> and the niners hopes for the play offs taking a huge hit. a special thanksgiving edition of xfinity sports sunday coming straight at you now.


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