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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  October 31, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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and a good friday morning. it's 4:30. i'm sam brock. >> and i'm laura garcia-cannon. are you ready for a parade? >> i've been ready my whole life. >> a live look at at&t park this morning. people are starting to line up, waiting for the giants and their families to hop on board. >> but one thing weir keeping an eye on, will there be rain? we have a microclimate alert.
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christina, what are we tracking? >> happy halloween, both of you. we have a storm moving in. the next couple of hours, the activity really ramps up near the golden gate bridge. and near the victory parade, we are talking about showers. we have a lot to forecast. first i want to welcome in mike inouye. i know there's a lot more cars coming down there this morning. >> yeah, it did is he like there were more cars. typically we see overall to the right approach i did see an earlier crash. i'm going to move our emeryville cameras coming up for the next report. there's no slowing, no major instance blocking any other from the bay bridge all the way down
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to the south bay. that entire area, let me show you how to get into san francisco. bay area transit is doing what they can to gets a many to the citys a possible. the larkspur ferry, as soon as it will full, it's going to take off. caltran adding extra trains. there are no express trains. and you'll have an option to take bart anywhere north of fremont. that's on rush hour service all morning long. that will get you into san francisco and run until 2:00 a.m., considering it's halloween as well. the ferry is a great choice as
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well. bart and muni go underground. the problem is market is closed, anywhere north and south will be cut off for much of that parade route. at times there will be a will the of congestion. >> it's a very helpful look at it, thank you very much, mike. >> nanette miranda is joining us, it will be packed, including with my come padre here. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, guys. there's really only one company in town that makes parade floats, they're called the parade guys. they were called on once again to put something together for yet another giants world series victory parade. the same floats are actually used over and over again in the city's parade. it's just that each time they're decorated differently. here's within right behind me. of course the theme of the day
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is orange and black. sfo notes that they started putting the flets together even before anyone knew the giants would win. you have to because if they waited until wednesday night's win, it's impossible to decorate seven or so floats, carpenters, painters, sculptors, all working 12 to 15 hours day to get this all done. s a workers told us yesterday, believe it or not, that's not the hardest part. >> our biggest challenge is the giants colors are just not made in huge communities and we kind of run the nation out on the fancy papers that go on the side of the float. today we had to switch off paper and go to paint. >> i hope that the paper holds up in the rains a it could get wet during this procession. so far, though, only a few
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handful of floats have made it out here back at at&t park. we're hoping that more floats come ins a the morning progresses and they hope to have them all here at the giants parking lot, parking lot a, by 7:00 a.m. >> these a lot of glitter. verizon is bringing its temporary cell to boost power. the company said it also increased its cell sites along the route. >> mission street will be closed for most of the day. >> such an important question here. where do you position yourself on the parade route for some
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insight? bob redell has already picked out his spot along the route. he's at market and prime. prime viewing. good morning, bob. >> reporter: good morning to you, sam. we are a little early. it's 4:30 in the morning. not suggesting you get out here this early but you do want to get out here a few hours in advantage. in 2012 there were an extra million people who were here. 2010 you did the civic center, 2012 you did the parade route. so obviously you're thumbs up for the parade route. why this location? >> this is the location that we just happened to -- we got here a little built later than we thought. we had a front seat.
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this was one of the first openings we found. >> reporter: what's it like to be here in the front row? tell us what the experience is like. >> it's pretty cool. this is why the parade route is better because you go to city hall and you're 400 feet back from the actual thing. plus if you go to city hall, the front is already filled up by now. >> reporter: what was your name? >> joe. >> thanks for talking to us. >> reporter: at city hall, they'll have a program from 1:30 to three. they will have hunter pence, bumgarner speaking, buster posey. what's you guy's opinion, 2010, 2012, 2014, what do you think is the better team? >> i would have to say the 2010 team. >> reporter: really? >> yeah. >> reporter: you think they would beat the current team? >> i think so, yeah.
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>> reporter: all right. thanks for talking to us. here you've got the early birds. you've got about three of them. we've seen a couple of other fans. if memory serves correctly, it will be about 7:00 when you start to see the flow of people coming in. if you're coming in, take bart, muni. and it's supposed to rain at noon unfortunately so bring an umbrella or weather gear, which i don't think you guys brought, did you? oh, you did. that hoodie is going to do real good. oh, you have a ball cap. >> thank you very much. you know it's tempting but san francisco school officials are doing what they can to keep kids from ditching.
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>> yesterday the district's superintendent reminded family with a taped phone call that school is still in session today. >> some lucky giants fans will get their hand on limited edition mad bum underwear. no word on how you can get your hands on a pair. >> keep an eye out. our coverage begins at 11:00. >> we do have breaking news to tell but this morning.
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police have blocked off downtown of santa clara and second street, a couple blocks away from san jose state. they found a man who had been shot at least one. two men got into a fight, pulled out guns and they shot at each other. the injured man was taken to the hospital where he eventually died. police to not think the shooting is gang related. >> and police investigating two deadly crashes involving pedestrians. one happening near monterey road near center road. a man was hit and the driver did not stop. a second car ran over the man but that driver did not hit. and a woman was hit who was walking in the street. san jose has now seen 36 traffic
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fatalities this year. >> we could find out today in domestic violence charges will be filed against ray mcdonald. prosecutors have postponed two court hearings already for mcdonough. >> and good morning, christina. >> i'm sorry about that. i'm having an issue with the device we put into our ear to hear our producers. good morning. happy halloween. we've got a lot of rain coming
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in already this morning. wait till i tell you what's on the heels of the rain coming into the north bay. you can see all the way down to marin county, we have showers coming in steadily. we're all going to see the same active weather. it's going to be chilly, cold, kind of tough out there for parade time. we stop the clock for yous a we get into noon and that's when the heaviest stuff arrives. more on this coming up in moments. first let's check your drive. welcome in, mike. >> i moved our cam from for emeryville. the flashing lights that were there did clear just before this report. all lanes open at the toll plaza and a smooth drive out of the maze. no disruption in the flow because traffic is so light right now. all day long barbara reports from over there. there's the route which will cut off anywhere north of market to
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south of market, is soma district court as well as the bridge. the rest of the bay the freeways of looking pretty smooth. downtown there is's a look. >> not. >> is happy with the walmart of san jose. >> and the city is getting ready for another parade. we have team coverage all morning.
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it is time to get to know giants rookie joe panik. the rookie just turned 24 yesterday, happy birthday. he was drafted from the giants
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in 2011. he was called up in may of this year when the giants were struggling to find an every day second baseman. parts of the city people are already up working hard to get ready for the parade. the only question is what the weather will be like. we'll check in with christina, find out when that rain will fall. >> a new development in fremont. the area of warren avenue just near 880 has been revamped. there will be a ribbon cutting at 7:30. but to residents, that bart station has been causing nothing but frustration. there have been plans to build a
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bart extension on 28th street. >> people in this room have been working on this for 12 years. i've been involved for 8 years. >> the federal money might help them in their battle. a portion of money used to build systems must -- good morning, kate. i'll take a latte. >> me, too. but we can't have them just yet, laura.
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better than expected economic data and strong earnings results from visa helped lift the dow jones industrial index. also we get earnings reports from chevron, exxon, mobile, clorox and madison square garden. walmart kicking off the holiday season this saturday, offering more than 20,000 item on rollback. and it is bringing back its popular 4 hours holiday cyber savings event with deals typically reserved for black friday and cyber monday. >> and starbucks plans to launch a food and beverage delivery service in select markets during the second half of next year. it will be available to starbucks loyalty mobile members. >> oh, i am all about a carmel
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lochiato right now. >> the race is in may. it gives us time to train. >> and you wear costumes. today you wear costumes. >> well, this is actually a tori birch dress. thank you for asking, sam. yeah, you can get two years out of your costume for the price of one. temperatures are looking really, really comfortable for now. it is really going to stay pretty consistent all day long. we're not going to climb by
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much. look at what we've included in the forecast. let me give you an eye what you can expect over the next few days. the heaviest stuff is going to come through like we've been saying between about 12:00 and 5:00. showers will start to dissipates a we head through tonight between about 5 and 7:00. as a result, you can probably get out with your trick or treaters. >> i can't show you this enough for today. if you're going to be headed out to that parade, and i know thousands of you will be, we've got a lot of ran headed your way, right at parade time. laura and i get to eat candy and
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we get to be on a float today so it's almost like halloween. it's like we get to be kids again. if you see us, please, shout our names, we'll say hello. you're part of our family after all. we start to look really dry and mild but then more rain comes in. wednesday and thursday next week, we really need it. timing not so great unfortunately. right now back to you. >> that will be fun, christine. i'm excited. you know what, the triplets will be most excited. they are the biggest fans of christina loren. >> a couple of indoor ways to celebrate just in case it rains. >> and we're celebrating a smooth commute. okay, that's just me. but still 101 looks very nice over here on the peninsula. a little bit of an incident over on the east bay.
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we'll talk about that coming up.
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time to get to know your giants little better. first up, tim hudson. he was born in columbus, georgia, southerner. s a 39 years old, he's the oldest pitcher to ever start game seven.
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a live look now at at&t park. this is the parade float. that appears to be a panda, call me crazy, as everything gets ready to start, gather up. everybody will be out there, rain or shine. >> if that's not his signature float, i don't know what is. >> if you want to get the trick or treating started a little bit earlier today -- >> why not. >> laura has a solution. >> getting into the spirit of the solution, offering free halloween pan takes today. it's limited to kids 12 and under. but maybe your kids will share with you. >> that candy corn grin could scare them. it could be crooked. for spookier fun, the winchester mystery house is offering a
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special flashlight tour tonight. it's known for its bizarre construction and very superstitious owner, sarah manchester. >> are you going to go in? >> i'll take my kids in at some point but i'd like them to sleep for a while. friday the 13th, that was a good luck number for my grandma. a smooth drive second, southbound away from us. there's no slowing that shows up toward san rafael. the bay bridge will get crowded continuing through the day because of, oh, that parade. we'll talk about it and come back after this break. >> i believe it is critical to our democracy to do what we do here at the investigators. >> we have the platform to should light and ultimately bring about change. >> it's all about holding the
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powerful accountable.
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ready or not, it's victory
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parade time. >> and who and what you can expect to see today. >> you can definitely expect to see some rain. we have a lot of it on the way right at the start of that parade unfortunately. showers, though, are going to break apart, lingering for tonight. i can still get you outdoors for trick or treating plans and then we have a beautiful fall-like weekend to talk about. your full forecast is moments away. >> and tricky getting on to the freeway at san leandro. we'll talk about another crash in the north bay coming up. >> and a live look outside. yeah, that's our city by the bay. they're expecting over a million people for the parade. it's going to be great. halloween as well. friday, october 31st, this is "today in the bay." and a good morning to you. as lau


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