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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  October 29, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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>> announcer: from nbc bay area, this is "today in the bay." >> good wednesday morning to you, 4:30, i'm sam brock. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. lots to get to, first check that forecast, good wednesday morning. >> is it wednesdaying morning. >> good morning. >> you know what? yeah, optimism high for the giants. we'll tell you more about that coming up. talk about what we know is going to be nice today, that is your forecast. temperatures in the 80s. the last day of the 80s for quite some time. a major pattern shift starting tomorrow, kicking in for halloween and a lot of rainfall
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in the bay area. looking for sunshine and the warmth, maybe head out to the beach, great day. 78 east shore, 82 in the south bay, san francisco at 76. i'll talk about that rain coming your way in a few moments. now check your drive. it's wednesday morning. we've got mike inouye. >> you do, if that's know consolation. talking about 80s. looking at i of 80 towards san francisco. we come out san francisco, on that lower deck of the bridge, they are split, no problem as far as speed sensors but watch around the 4th street on ramp, may be a disabled vehicle. no major slowing. but in last couple of seconds, 680 northbound out of fremont, in towards sunol, slowing on the sensors. i'll check that and see what's going on. back to you. down to one final game to
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determine who will be world champions. the world series tonight, giants and royals ready to square off in a winner take all. >> think about last night's game. second inning did them in. hit after hit, led to seven runs and royals rolled on to victory 10-0. >> there's no reason to say another hit. giants fans in kansas city optimistic, confident their team will do something that has not happened in 35 years, win a game seven of the world series on the road. giants fans scrambling to get tickets for the game. >> game seveni baby, we got it. >> one more chance to enjoy the world siris and tomorrow we'll take it. >> we flew it out here, me and my best buddy. a phenomenal day. k.c. are great people. >> we love you. >> giants are the champions,
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baby! >> you don't see that camaraderie between teams. >> we love you, man. >> check stub hub, tickets for game seven are pricey, $590 for standing room only. >> taking the hill, hudson, spent 16 seasons waiting for a chance to play in the world series. tonight a chance to win it all. bruce bochy gave hudson the nod over bumgardner but says he'll be an option out of the bull pen. giants fans not in kansas city will be gathering together too see how their team pitch the world series. >> mad bum is the ace. we have ours, bob redell, live at civic center plaza. thousands of people will show up to watch the game for the second day in a row. good morning. >> good morning. yes, on the big screen set up in front of the orange lit city hall behind me here in the civic center in san francisco, it's
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just that tonight fans are hoping they have something to celebrate afterwards. clearly not the case last night. unfortunately by the second inning the royals took that enormous lead over the giants. they routed them 10-0. a hard game to watch. thousands of these fans who showed up here yesterday, some waiting for hours to get a good viewing spot, many left early by the seventh inning. except for 73-year-old howard lowe. >> giants fan, win, lose, draw, i wanted to see how to would end up i was hugging my mom, i was scared, they took buster posey out and make me depressed already. >> reporter: though last night was busy for them, the fans are cooperative mostly, mostly had to deal with people who brought alcohol to the plaza, had them pour it out since not allowed.
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something to keep in mind planning to come out tonight. game seven is the deciding game. first pitch at 5:07. we'll tell you how sfpd preparing to keep the town safe after a possible world series win or loss, one or otter tonight. as you mentioned, it's been 35 years since a team has won game seven of the world series. a lot of people hope history is not a guide to this. bob redell, "today in the bay." >> thanks, bob. >> you know what? that's precedent. history's made to be broken. coverage of the giants' push for a third world series title all morning long at 5:00, live to k.c., janelle wang talking to dps fa giants fans out there ahead of game seven. for the second team this week, police in the the east bay investigating a possible deadly case of road rage. the latest incident happened yesterday in berkeley.
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they found a man shot to death outside the sea breeze market and deli on university avenue. witnesses reportedly told police they saw two people running from the scene and the car speeding away. no word why officers think it may be a case of road rage. investigators are looking for whoever shot and killed a mother of four in oakland sunday. investigators say perla avina and her husband were driving from the grocery store when someone shot at their car in an apparent case of road rage. police are offering $30,000 for help tracking down the gunman. 4:36. suspected serial arsonist accused of terrorizing san jose last winter could be entering a plea in court. william patrick brennan charged with ten counts of arson. he admitted he started fires in january, gave the locations and times of each. because of brennan's record as arsonist and sex offender, he
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faces several life terms in prison. also in court, the doctor who investigators say ran a pill mill out of a practice in los gatos. accused of prescribing large quantities of powerful preparation drugs to undercover officers without performing exams or reviewing medical records. also charged with knowingly prescribing drugs to addicts. she was arrested in 2012, a year-long investigation. that investigation also revealed a number of her patients were reselling the drugs on the street. brothels in the bay. ten people face federal charges today, accused of running a network of 40 brothels for 12 years. brothels based in san francisco on the peninsula and the south bay. several suspects were released on bail and are scheduled to be in court. also accused of trafficking women primarily from asian countries. a man just released from jail ended up dead in a landfill. the body of the 49-year-old
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donald mills was found in the landfill last week. investigators think he was homeless and may have been in a dumpster when it was emptied into a dump truck and taken to the landfill. they know mills was in jail three days earlier but they have not said why. south bay water officials are concerned about the amount of water people are using right now. santa clara valley water district officials say over the past seven months people cut water use by 12%. the goal is 20%. last night officials considered a long-term solution for water shortage. >> lawns require no longer certain situations. we'll look at multiple strategies. plumbing rewired or hot water circulation systems required for new homes. >> another drought year could mean costly water for customers. >> christina talking about rain in the forecast. when and where, later this week?
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>> yeah. a lot of rain in the forecast. good morning to you, sam, laura, everybody at home. that is really good news because here's the deal. i'm looking 15 days out and right now it looks like after we get through this storm, coming in on friday into saturday, we're going to get another one by next wednesday. following week, looking at rain every day. you want to seize the day, looking toward warm weather, one of the final days with temperatures above average for a while. 82 south bay. 78 degrees. east shore, 83 degrees for the north bay for today. a lot of people excited about that holiday but i have to tell you, we've got rain on the way as we get into your friday. before we hit that, though, warming continues for today. temperatures start to tumble tomorrow, clouds increasing. halloween storm moves. looks like in time for trick or treating plans. i want to give you a preliminary look at what the models are
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thinking in terms of rainfall totals. 24.24 almost a quarter of an inch in san jose is a very generous total from one storm system. also looking towards over a half of inch for yukiah and .3 in san francisco. more rain on the way, big pattern change. enjoy today if you can. let's check your drive. good morning to mike inouye. >> good morning. start over here on the peninsula where i want to show you light drive for highway 101, the biggest deal that big sign lit up by ikea and home depot. there you go. maps talking about the south bay and overnight crews going on for 280 and at 880 and into downtown a couple of lanes blocked. circled on the right 680 southbound, allen rock, crash cleared. on ramp, that wasn't a problem for the freeway. this was an issue north pound to 68 from from michigan toward washington boulevard, a lot of slowing cleared up.
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i was checking out if there's anything going on, which is there is not. sunol, southbound, a few cars. messing with averages, one slower vehicle has an affect on average speeds and not many cars on the roadway. bay bridge toll plaza, traffic flowing nicely out of oakland into san francisco. out of the city the crash blocking one lane, 4th street off ramp for eastbound 880. no metering lights. you have something speaking of bay bridge and lights. >> yes. >> rings a bell, light bulb went off, i think. 11 years in the making but the last of the architectural lights are on. >> 1600 light pictures placed on 270 poles along the bridge from oakland to treasure island. we got the opportunity to see what the bridge looks like when it's dark. lights were turned off and switched on in a matter of
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seconds. >> three main advantages, one, the first one efficiency. next one is longevity and control. >> each lamp has 30 small l.e.d.s inside as well as special lens to make sure the lights are beaming in the right direction. new l.e.d. light pictures and poles cost $20 million. officials say they'll save money in the long run. >> part of the strategy, i'm sure. 4:42 on wednesday. google's entering the health arena. the little pill the company's hoping will yield key results. taco bell helps you order before you get to the store. >> lava moving through a town in hawaii. how people are dealing with their losses.
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you're watching "today in the bay." >> kauffman stadium, live in kansas city. the brawl for it all going to happen tonight as giants take on the royals. we'll see what happens. we'll be watching. 4:45 right now. google working on a pill to detect cancer.
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the pill is packed with tiny magnetic particles. the idea is that the particles travel through the bloodstream looking for malignant cells, then patients report findings to a sensor on a wearable device. the pill is still in the experimental stage. youtube considering going ad-free, but there's a catch it will cost you. use of exploring ad-free subscription services. netflix and amount ma done offer streaming for a flat monthly free. courtney reagan live from cnbc world headquarters. a signal to raise interest rates could put the clamps on a recent market comeback. good morning. >> yeah, that's right. that's true. futures have lost steam and pointing to a negative open on wall street after we saw a
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rally. markets were able to shrug off weaker durable goods orders and focus on better earnings in the sharp jump of consumer confidence, we'll see if we continue that. investigators awaiting the latest announcement from the federal reserve on bond-buying program. anything the fed says often moves the markets. earnings reports from sodastream, visa, kraft. marvel making new stars, dr. strange, black panther, captain marvel in the next few years. new installments of author, captain america, guardians will premiere in between. marvel made the announcement as it outlined its movie plans for the next five years. taco bell has a new app. allows customers to customize their order and pay before arriving to the restaurant. all of the taco bell social media platforms went dark to
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reveal the only way to taco bell isn't on the internet, it's #onlyintheapp. >> a lot of run getting that late night. >> waiting in life for fast food is waiting too long. happening now, unstoppable 20000-degree lava flow rolling towards the hawaiian town of ha poe a. it's already destroyed a shed. 50 towns and businesses in the way of the river. the lava flow has been oozing down the mountain for months since the volcanic eruption on the big island in june. authorities say they will not protect homes but allow people to watch their homes be destroyed to give them a sense of closure. >> 4:48 right now here on wednesday morning. lawmakers trying to figure out how to deal with the water crisis. meantime, christina loren says we might be seeing a ton of
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rain, a good amount. >> it's looking promising for the drought situation. good morning, everybody at home. i've got to tell you what i know and that is, as we get into the next 15 days, we are talking about really heavy rainfall. this week we'll get our first storm as we head throughout thursday into friday. next week another one wednesday. it's the week after that when the pattern is to entirely change. could be talking about a weeks' worth of rain. five to six, seven consecutive days. that's the good news. san francisco, lit up in orange, the hope, the dream, still alive, don't stop believing. 56 for the east shore. 53 peninsula. 51 in south bay. you know what? the cool thing is we have one more game to watch. i love baseball. i don't want to see it go. hopefully the giants will bring it back tonight. if you're going to be watching that viewing party headed out to civic center, temperatures are
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going to be comfortable just like yesterday. it's going to be nicer, temperatures will be above average by five to ten degrees. and as we get into this evening, sun will set at 6:15. this changes as we get into the coming weekend and hit that time change. speaking of timing, the storm system right in the heart of trick-or-treaters' delight. the storm at 5:00. here's the deal. it's photog start to thin out between hours of 5:00 and 7:00. but i think you'll be able to get out without the heavy rainfall coming down. it will be damp. and it will be breezy. keep that in mind. saturday morning, we keep showers coming in. sunday, clearing you out of a beautiful day to get outdoors, good air quality following rain. we'll talk about what's going on indoors, if you want to make different plans, we've got you covered. back to you. >> all of the angles. president obama does not want american health care workers to be discourages from helping ebola patients in west
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africa. he'll be talking with members of his public health and national security teams discussing government's response to ebola. later the president will speak to health care workers fighting that disease. >> hiring a law firm to find out what led to her mother's death, the new york city based firm confirmed it was hired to "us weekly." filing a lawsuit against the clinic where her mother was undergoing a throat procedure. she went into the clinic to find out why her voice had become raspy. riversed die from a lack of oxygen to her brain. jose canseco back in the news after recovering from shooting himself in the hand. police say canseco was cleaning his gun in the kitchen of his home when the gun accidentally fired. a bullet hit a finger on his left hand. his fiancee spoke offcamera about the injury. >> the gun did blow a part of
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the point and we found out it also destroyed one of the two main arteries in his finger. >> ouch. canseco helped alleviate the world series tight until 1989. 4:52. new video of an unmanned rocket exploding on take-off. the ship had launched from virginia when it exploded. no one was hurt. on board, the supplies for astronauts including 5,000 pounds of equipment and experiments. one of the experiments was from sixth graders in oakland. this is the first dent since nasa began private companies using private cargo to the space station. >> we have every confident in their able to get to the root cause, resolve earns and get back to flying iss. >> spacex has a contract with nasa to resupply the space
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station. set to launch a supply rocket in december. 4:52 on wednesday. the shop that one tennessee college student 10,000, we'll show you next. >> clutch from a money shot. here 880 moving nicely toward the bay bridge toll plaza. we'll talk about farther east and we have sensors to sort out.
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>> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." >> it is officially b-ball
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season. warriors ready to start a new push for an nba title, we hope. golden state kicking off the regular season. up the road in sacramento tonight. tip-off 7:00. ws are off until saturday when the team plays the first home game against the lakers. a kid who never played basketball in his life is $10,000 richer thanks to his newfound abilities on the court. >> collect this out. selected for a contest this week. he had to make a layup, free throw, three-pointer and half court shot in 30 seconds to win. you know what? he did it at the buzzer. he grew up in london and played soccer for the college team. he won $10,000 to go towards his tuition. on top of all of that, he has a broken finger too. >> a warrior, just like the professional team. like that bank shot particularly. 4:56. awesome.
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like a steph curry. >> can you hear me? >> that is my microphone. >> what is that? >> it wasn't on the roadway either. no sweeping going on. check out dublin, 580 moves smoothly, clear drive. clear view. we don't have anything going on as far as speed sensors for 580. look at traffic flow northbound 680 slow, speed sensors adjusting. light flow of traffic. golden gate bridge clear view from the north bay into the city without drama. >> thought you were shuffling across the floor. 4:57. a major sale that could change a south bay shopping center. a violent home invasion robbery in the south bay.
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major changes coming to a south bay mall after three anchor stores were sold. details in a live report. plus, it will be tim hudson getting the nod in the winner
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take all, giants looking to make history, do something no other giants team has ever accomplished. we'll explain coming up, next. we all win when it comes to forecast today. spectacular fall afternoon. warming continues. temps upab s tumble through thu. a halloween storm brewing, including a trick and treat, i'll explain in a minute. watching for tricks right now, a treat at bay bridge toll plaza. orange and black for the giants and halloween coming up. also the commute. where the slowdown is in east bay. a live look outside. beautiful view of san francisco. trans-america pyramid october 29th. this is "today in the bay." >> this is "today in the bay." >> and a very good morning to you. thank for joining us, i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> i'm sam brock. here we


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