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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  October 23, 2014 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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nbc bay area news starts now. and all of a sudden we hear a big boom, and then i just saw two little girls and her family was there -- >> right now at 11:00, a developing story as a car crashes into an east bay restaurant leaving several people seriously hurt. i'm jessica aguirre. and in a popular restaurant, a busy part of town the car came
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crashing through the front window during the dinner rush. >> now, lucky ones were able to run away, but others were hurt. cheryl? >> reporter: well, jessica, as you can see the cleanup has begun. but nerves are still on edge tonight. seven people had to be rushed to the hospital when a car slammed into this restaurant tonight. >> and the little girl came out screaming. and i took them to the side, everything was going to be okay. >> reporter: she hoped everything would be okay when this mustang slammed into the restaurant around 6:30. there were a lot of people inside. >> well, we are inside and try to get some dinner. we are in the front of the line. and like five minutes later, the lady got inside. >> reporter: the driver, a woman drove into the restaurant, one witness believes he knows what happened. >> she was parked right here and wanted to back up. she thought she was on the -- reverse gear. but she was on the drive gear.
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she wanted to stop it and push the brake but since she was nervous she pushed the accelerator even harder. >> several ambulances rushed to the scene taking several people to the hospital including the driver. two of them were sent to a trauma unit. the car pushed a table into erica gallegos and her children. luckily nobody was hurt. >> somebody screamed, i started backing out. >> reporter: gallegos drove herself to the hospital. >> we just lucked out it was not as bad as it could have been. we could tell people sitting at the window could have been severely injured. >> reporter: even though police believe they know what happened this accident is still under investigation. reporting live in dublin, i'm cheryl heard, nbc bay area news. and following another developing story an er doctor who had been working in west
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africa has tested positive for the ebola virus. now, these photos show him being carefully taken from his apartment to the hospital. the doctor returned from guinea and had been self-monitoring before he came down with a fever and went into isolation. although he had been on the subway and even been bowling, that sparks concern he may have been contagious in the public. more on the story. >> reporter: new york health officials say an initial test confirms an emergency room doctor has contracted the ebola virus, that doctor is 33-year-old craig spencer who has been back in the united states for six days after working with doctors in guinea, treating patients with ebola. he has been checking his temperature as advised but this morning he called the health department complaining of fever, nausea and fatigue. within moments he was rushed
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from his home to bellevue hospital. >> weeks and weeks of preparation have paid off and a very seamless operation was undertaken today. >> reporter: health officials say since he returned to the u.s. he took three different subway train, an uber ride, he even went for a three-mile jog and was feeling well. they say he didn't restrict his movements until he started feeling sick this morning. >> he was familiar with the possibility and the symptoms, et cetera, and he handled himself accordingly. >> reporter: doctors emphasize patients are not contagious until symptomatic, still, his girlfriend and friends are quarantined. and others are put on alert. the new york officials are tracing all of dr. spencer's contacts since he has been back. still, they say there is no reason for new yorkers to panic. >> i think it is important to reiterate that the management has come together nicely with
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the patient. and we look forward to a quick recovery. >> reporter: ian cole, nbc bay area news. now, for the latest updates on this new ebola case, just go to nbc bay area. and the problem with the water, people in san jose have gone almost a week without drinking healthy water. last friday the san jose water company issued a boil water notice for homes. the water tested positive for e. coli, but several people were exposed to it before they were told not to drink it. now several people got sick. the company believes an animal got into and contaminated the pipes. some say it just doesn't matter. >> i will never drink city water as long as i live. diarrhea, headaches, nausea, dizziness, that is what i went into the hospital for because it kept getting worse. >> now the water company says it
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is okay to shower and wash your hands, officials say the earliest the water will be clean is sunday. meanwhile, everybody is receiving bottled water. and a scandal involving nude photos, the question now, did he abuse his power with a young woman he arrested. the officer pulled the woman over in san ramon. while she was in custody, officer harrington accessed photos from her cell phone and sent it to his own phone. court documents say six photos were found in a search of the officer's home. officer harrington is now on desk duty while the investigation continues. an update to a story we first brought you last night, palo alto police have released surveillance video of two armed robbers that ripped off a high end jewelry shop in stanford
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shopping center. detectives say a woman entered the store yesterday and asked to see some watches. then a man walked in with a handgun and ordered the employees to the ground. the couple made off with 25 expensive watches, luckily no employees were hurt. and no calls, e-mails, contact with other board members, a south bay member is being punished tonight for bad behavior at school. just moments ago the board trustee was alleged to have harassed the child school recall. nanette, lots of angry parents tonight. >> reporter: well, they were certainly very vocal this evening. his job will be very difficult to do. frustrated parents and teachers wanted that approval of a resolution for christian polis. >> stop the nonsense. >> i am here to ask you to
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resign, and for the board to take action tonight. >> reporter: anger was clear in the public testimony. parents and teachers do not want santa clara unified schools trustee chris stampolis to be in office anymore, calling for his resignation, this after years of accusations that he harassed and threatened district staff, including the principal of his son's middle school where a security camera caught images of him simulating shooting a gun on campus. >> the idea that this would happen in a school district and that threats of violence would be used by school board members so inappropriate that at this point we're going to call for him to resign. >> but the powers of the board are limited and cannot force someone to resign, so the only action it could legally take is to censure stampolis, authorizing others not to meet with him, making him powerless.
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>> i just feel it is almost too little, too late. it is very symbolic. i don't think it is going to change his behavior. >> reporter: stampolis says he should not be censured, because the move is based on inaccuracies. >> there are a number of false allegations, some of the language that is in there. >> reporter: he is the only vote that voted against the censure, he still, though, does get to vote on matters before the board. but he still must abide by the restraining order to stay away from his son's school and his son's principal. live in santa clara, nanette miranda. thank you, next, a controversial rant caught on video here, the racist comments that led to a backlash in one community. and painting in parks, the so-called art that led to a
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manhunt. and could michelle obama be leading california? the new reports about her post-white house plans. and good evening, we have been tracking rainfall off to the north all day long. now there is a new storm system that has our attention. we're tracking the rain timeline for the weekend in just a few moments.
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did you see the fireworks tonight, when the world series is in town this is what we get. a lot of glitzy stuff and glamour. tonight, a beautiful night along the bay. the giants and major league baseball rolling out the orange carpet. there will be a lot of parties this weekend. but tonight's gala, the biggest and brightest. nbc bay area is there working the orange carpet, good evening. >> reporter: good evening, raj, i have to tell you i have never seen so many orange dresses in one place, take a look, the party is wrapping up. but everything from the orange carpets to orange lights, they have their world series orange pride on full display. the world series gets an explosive welcome in san francisco. the giants rolled out the orange carpet for a gala before the first home game. >> this does not get old.
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>> reporter: team president and ceo larry bear says the chemistry keeps the wins and celebrations coming. >> i think the fans and teams empower each other. i'm not sure we would be there if we didn't have a sold-out season. >> reporter: san francisco mayor ed lee says the team's success is a home run for the city. >> does anybody have it better? i mean, i have to really kind of pinch myself three times in five years. >> reporter: former mayor willie brown has another perspective. >> they should have done it when i was the mayor. >> reporter: players were not at tonight's bash. they rolled into at&t park around 4:30 for practice. the co-owner said even after last night's loss their spirits are high. >> if you win one of the two, that is good. >> you like underpants -- >> hunter pence? >> oh.
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>> reporter: he is not predicting a championship at home, but he would like to see one. >> nobody likes to go back to kansas city, and hopefully they can get it done. they have to play great baseball. >> reporter: we're all ready for great baseball, lots of energy here at the party tonight but there will be even more energy just down the road tomorrow at the ballpark. reporting live. jean got the assignment of the night, working the orange carpet. the royals are staying at a union square hotel. the giants are in their own homes tonight. as jean mention, they got a police escort to the ballpark. all business, saying hello to madison bumgarner, buster posey arriving for duty, going right to practice. the fans were on hand to catch a look at the favorite players. >> i just want to share this with my kids. the golden era. the supernatural era, i referred to it as. >> he signed my ball.
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>> this is the golden era for this team. game three tomorrow night, a little after 5:00. there is tim lincecum, the best of the series tied 1-1. our coverage of game three continues tomorrow morning, bright and early 4:30 a.m., on morning in bay. and today, passengers were in disbelief of what they were seeing and hearing. >> when you come to america you have to assimilate a little bit. and here in america we don't eat turtles and frogs. >> you're watching a cell phone video of a tour guide going on a racist rant against the people of china town, the person who posted the video said it was the guide's last day. city leaders say they are angry and shocked at what happened. >> if you saw that, it was pretty disgusting to hear this ranting from that individual.
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and i joined in the effort to make sure the company did all they can to correct it. >> the ceo of city sightseeing released a statement apologizing to the residents of chinatown and the citizens as a whole for the actions of who they say is a former employee. and a serial graffiti artist could face jail time. these images were found at yosemite and death valley. the artist involves women painted in a hiking spot. it looks like a new york state woman has been bragging about her artwork. the artwork is a misdemeanor punishable by up to a $5,000 fine and year in prison. and a rare tornado touched down in washington state today. take a look, this funnel cloud was caught on tape. the national weather service says the ef-1 tornado traveled more than a mile through the
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city of longview. the twister knocked down trees and power lines, strong winds ripped the roofs off buildings. now the storm left several vehicles damaged including a white van you see there crushed under debris. thankfully no injuries were reported. another rare sight, this one in the sky. the bay area treated to a partial solar eclipse today when a new moon passes in front of the sun casting a shadow on the earth. at its peak, the moon blocked 70% of the sun, the last solar eclipse happened earlier this year, the next one will be august 21st 2017. >> we'll be ready, jeff well keep us on track so we know exactly when it is coming. >> i was already thinking of marking the calendar today. got that three five-year calendar back there. rainfall close to the bay area, and napa and sonoma counties.
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off to the north that means the chances of rainfall tonight are down to zero at this point. setting us up for a fantastic friday. and then again we have some stark contrast as we head into the saturday forecast. you will see that on the scrolling seven-day forecast as that continues to populate, in the north bay chilly, with 57, and we have had some slight humidity today, still sticking around up into the north bay, tomorrow, i don't think we'll start off clear. we'll have a few clouds down in the south bay with 57 degrees, in fact, 50s all across the bay area with some of the typical fog expected in san francisco for start. as you see in the forecast as we head throughout the friday forecast no sign at least of any kind of storm system coming our way when you get a look at the weather icons, 79 in san ñrjose likely surging up to 32 degrees
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in morgan hill. nice day in palo alto, 79, san francisco, in the 60s all the way back to the financial district, out to at&t park, as well. don't worry, giants fans we have your world series forecast in just a moment. but we also want to get you to the north bay, east bay and tri-valley area. and 76 tomorrow for wine country, and 76 and 75 for santa rosa. and walnut creek into the tri-valley also clear weather and temperatures in the 80s. so let's advance the story into the rain. earlier this week it looked like we would have rain, right now the storm system is offshore with the heavier rain on friday at 7:00 p.m., now, as we continue through the time line of this you can see we'll begin to see areas of rain develop by 5:00 a.m. and there is spotty yellow getting picked up. that is the forecast model showing the intensity that we
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could get a storm system. the system continuing through 11 a.m. as well. a chance of showers extended not only to 3:00 p.m., but possibly into 8:00 at night on saturday's totals. forecast inches possibly 3500. not only the wet weather on saturday morning but the wind coming out of the south, 15 to 30 miles an hour. as we continue throughout saturday, it will stay throughout saturday. areas of rain, windy, and much colder. as far as the world series forecast goes, we'll get fog rolling in tomorrow for game three. patchy drizzle, saturday, 60% chance of showers, looks like a home run, you guys as we head throughout sunday. >> partial baseball swing -- oh, wait, i can do -- >> he is going to break an ankle. >> have him play tennis.
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>> oh, thanks a lot. well, still ahead, is the first lady of california bound for california -- why some think she could soon run for office. hey, guys, all-time yankees great, derek jeter is my guest. and music from five secondins o summer, you got to watch, we're on next. biohaz
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hemorrhag . more calls tonight for tighter security at the white house after another fence jumper. this video by fox news shows him kicking and punching secret service dogs before they hit him. now, adesanya was charged with making threats, turns out he has a history of clashes with white house security. he told an officer it was easy to jump the fence. today, high praise for the k-9 officers and their human partners. both dogs were treated for
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bruises and are cleared to return to duty. interesting buzz in washington, d.c., would michelle obama be interested in replacing senator dianne feinstein, who is 81 and says she will retire at the end of her term. there are reports the first family is looking at buying properties in l.a. the first lady is quiet on the subject. but some politicos are having fun. >> it is very, very expensive to become known, we have almost 40 million californians right now. it costs 40 or $50 million to run a competitive statewide race. and she would enter that race known by virtually everybody. so she would certainly have a head start. >> true, but we'll see if she has the desire to do it. mrs. obama is a harvard graduate. some strategists think the first lady may just want to avoid the public spotlight after her intense glare of being with the white house. >> i would go with that plan. speaking of the glare, the
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world series glare is here. next, we'll hear from tim lincecum among others. stay with us. io
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good evening, geraud
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moncure, the classic series best of five, both teams convincing victories in kansas city as tim hudson and jeremy guthrie step into the pressure cooker. today they prepared for game three. starting pitching has played a huge role as you would expect. the g-men hope huddy can supply a quality start as the bull pen was exposed in the game two loss. >> we wanted to try to do the first two, in this situation, you have two great teams going at it. you don't expect to sweep through the world series, they beat us the second game, we beat them the first, we'll see if we can do it again tomorrow. >> i haven't been doing my job to the best of my ability this post season, but they continue to show confidence in me, i'm honored for that and ready to get back out there. >> all right, a positive sight for the orange and black relief
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core. tim lincecum throwing earlier this week. he left game two with lower back tightness, after throwing he commented that everything felt normal despite the long plane ride back from kc. >> yeah, a little iffy, doing my best to try to stay stretched out and keep it loose, treat it and see how it feels. >> the road weary sharks back home on ice. the columbus blue jackets visiting the center. pick it up in the first, 1-0 sharks, skating for more on the power play, logan couture winds up and fires, joe pavelski lines up, 2-0, 22 seconds left, in front of the net, redirects past antii niemi, also the winner,
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the blue jackets, 5-4 victory, sharks have now lost four of their last five games. more news coming up after the break.
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. ashton kutcher got warm
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reviews, now, christian bale will play jobs, the well-known co-founder of apple. the news was confirmed saying that bale was best suited to play the role. he was so sure, bale didn't even have to audition for this. matt damon was also considered, but christian bale went out for another role. >> we'll look forward to seeing it. thank you for joining us, we hope to see you tomorrow. >> yes. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his


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