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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  October 2, 2014 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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. as the ebola virus spreads in the u.s., you details about a patient this morning. >> and what drivers need to know this morning. >> and we'll talk about effects in the surrounding area. i'm looking at the build as you're approaching the bay bridge. >> and that heat will build today, coming on rather strong. a sizzling october afternoon, even hotter for tomorrow into saturday. good news, we'll cool you off just in time for the weekend and we're still tracking a chance for rain. >> and no heat just yet this morning as we take a live look outside a darkened san jose getting ready for this thursday morning. it is october the 2nd and you are watching "today in the bay." and a very good morning to you. thanks so much for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm sam brock.
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we have breaking nuews this morning. police in santa clara are at the home of a home invasion that ended up in a stabbing. lucetto, we understand it's still an active scene out there. >> that's right. it was definitely a scary situation for a homeowner here in the 3100 block of cabro area in santa clara while he was stabbed while confronting a burglary suspect at 3:00 this morning police say it's an unusual crime because the victim was injured. they believe the burglar made his way in the home through an open window and was then confronted by the homeowner's wife downstairs. that's when her husband woke up.
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when police arrived, they found the suspect hiding around the corner and arrested him. at this time they have two area blocked off while they continue their investigation. they're not shuch how much longer they'll be out here. the police tell me that he is in stable season. >> scary scene for that homeowner. thank you very much, lucetto. >> also, construction crews are up making sure all the work is done on one of america's busiest freeways, right by valley fair. today bob redell is live near stevens creek boulevard. >> reporter: good morning, laura. life should be a lot easier
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thanks to new ramps that just opened within the past hour or so here. you're looking at one of the ramps right there. that is stevens creek to southbound 880, 280. you can see it's got signals, another ramp that opened up this morning. and tomorrow they'll have northbound 280-880 to stevens creek with new signals. if you haven't been through this area before, you know during a commute and especially during a shopping season when people are trying to get to valley fair and santana row how hellacious traffic can be here. the valley transportation authority says that drivers should see much improvement. >> well, it's more about removing the weeding and competitive movements people were having here. now we're going to have widened roadways, better, realigned
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ramps. it's more about easing the weaving and congestion that was here there lab new off ramp dedicated to feeding drivers directly on to monroe, which would get you to valley fair much quicker, instead of having to use stevens creek. by early next year, the plan is to have a new flyover to northbound 880. that's being the whole crux of this project. >> it's in san jose there. hopefully we're not going to have trouble getting around it. do you think it's as laura said,
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most folks will come up on the on-ramp and realize, whoa, it's a little bit of a change. folks pass big will notice a change to the construction crews being out there the next couple of nights. that lab little bit of a slowdown and distraction. right now in the short term, we're watching for folks trying to adjust and diverting their attention, i should say, from the roadway, watch the folks stay steady through the area. the boulevard will be the concern, getting on to the freeway wouldn't improve latin fews both santana 6/.
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>> just know we'll show you how big traffic is coming up in the area. i'm mike inouye. sam, back to you. >> a dallas hospital under fire for apparently allowing a man showing symptoms of the ebola virus to leave. and now word of another possible case that has a patient in isolation. some unnerving developments this morning. what do we know about the ebola virus and its potential for spreading into new patients? >> i think unnerving is a good word here. plenty of iris mcdonald, threwing -- five children may be at risk for eblah. thomas duncan, a liberian
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native, went to the hospital with symptoms and he was sent home with a prescription in hand. ebola is contagious when symptoms appear so that is another big concern. last night texas health officials hand delivered orders to four of duncan's close family members to stay home, not have any visitors effective for two and a half weeks, the incubation period after which the family is not as risk of having the disease. >> the whole nation wants to see him succeed and get well so i think our prayers, they are
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stressing this is out of extreme cautious. any further ebola testing would have to be sent here to the mainland for analysis. >> now, symptoms of ebola include sudden fever, fatigue and headache. those are very similar to the flu flue. there's concern about can people confuse the two? they they ebola gets. >> and precautionary measure so key at this point right now, stephanie. thank you for that report. >> and take a little caution if you're sensitive to the sun. break out the sunscreen. awaiting the sun's arrival but when it does, things are certainly going to heat up. >> we might be breaking
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temperatures we isn't seen in maybe a year or two, christina? >> yeah. it is going to get hot around here. even if you're to the somebody who is sensitive, you still want on the spf 30 plus. yup, everybody has the chance to burn after 15, 20 minutes. you do want to keep that in mind. if you have a loved one who works outdoors, maybe you grab an extra water bottle and say, hey, maybe you want to take this today. but temperatures are kind of all over the place. you might be wondering why is it 52 degrees, 47 in santa rosa. meanwhile down the road in san francisco you're starting out at 62 degrees. yesterday i told you all the pavement and concrete in san francisco absorbs the sunlight
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as we go throughout the day and it radiates back out that heat. that's the hot spot in san francisco, the biggest city in the bay area when it comes to all that concrete being compact in such a little, tiny area. for today temperatures are going to be hot as high pressure is firmly in control of our pattern. there's some really cool satellite imagery. i don't get this very often where it's so clear that you can see what's going on just via the clouds and what they're doing so you see these clouds up and around that big, strong ridge of high pressure. this is going to keep all of the storms out of the bay area. it and and we have increased fire danger as well. everybody on the best of their
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behavior. no cigarette butts out the window, no bus about it. >> a warning for folks, shaking a finger at them. on the bay bridge, folks are moving along nicely, behaving themselves and we're looking at the metering lights on. to the regulars, they know that's a bonus if you do have that transponder. we're talking about traffic flow around the bay and nothing really unusual. we are talking about a smooth flow traffic, the history -- on the san mateo bridge, no problem. an no brake, no fog for us.
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we could use some of that cooling but christina said we don't get that. 280 a very beautiful drive once that sun comes up. voted one of the most beautiful highways in california. i think it was an independent group, 2-1 for tourism. >> one-on-one, i'm not sure. that's purely functional. >> it's 6:12 right now. an update on breaking news. a man stabbed in his own overnight. details in a violent break-in in a normally quiet neighborhood. >> and now the family of jahi want her death certificate reversed.
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you're watching "today in the bay." welcome back now. we are talking about the hottest air in the bay area.
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since 2012. now, with that said, we're still keeping in a chance for rain in your forecast. hold on tight, we've got a roller coaster weather ride to go on. i'll take you through the details in your microclimate in just moments. >> and that commute can sometimes be a roller coaster. right now we're kind of coasting and i mean that by nothing unexpected. we have your slow drives. and there is one adjustment i have to warn you about in the south bay. it's for the good but it might cause a problem this morning. >> mike, one of our top stories, major changes coming to one of the south bay's busiest freeways that could impact the upcoming holiday season. they have reopened ramps on and off near valley fair shopping
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centers. >> and a stabbing that sent one man to the hospital overnight. the burglar broke in and was confronted by the homeowner. the suspect stabbed the homeowner and ran away. >> a public memorial service will be held today for the late san jose police chief joseph m m mcnamara. >> police are investigating dozens of messages posted online that call for the parents to be tortured and killed. >> and ten months after an
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oakland teen-ager was declared brain dead, the parents of jahi are trying to get her death certificate reversed. she went into cardiac arrest and declared brain dead after undergoing a routine procedure for sleep apnea. >> and spillman, who currently plays for the dallas cowboys, has not been arrested or charged with sexual assault. authorities saying they are
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investigating. spillman was signed with the cowboys on august 31st, 11 days after the alleged attack. >> the nfl respond. meantime 6:18 almost on your thursday morning as we give you a live look outside at san jose, another one of the breathtaking views in the morning as the sun rises. got to love that. >> it's beautiful. >> and are you ready for the heat? is that the question? >> i didn't want to run the air. >> you're probably going to have to if you want to stay comfortable. >> thanks for waking up with us. before i get your temperatures, i want to -- thanks, guys. i'm going to save it for the next one. you're going to have to stick around if you want to see what i was really going to do there. 53 in oakland. temperatures climb big 9:00 a.m. in the south bay to about 69 degrees. here we go.
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i want to show you your hour-by-hour forecast via the south bay. at lunchtime, it is going to be warm out there. we're talking about temperatures at noon at 83 up to 95 degrees by 3 p.m. that is the heat of the day. that's when you really want to seek shade or stay indoors. as we head throughout the overnight hours, at 6:00 tonight, we'll still be in the mid 80s. by 9 p.m., holding on to the mid 70s. maybe sure you have your a.c. ready to go or a fan, something that can keep you cool today. the best player to go will be the beach. 85 is not that cool. 95 for the south bay, 93 on the peninsula for here's the deal. we're not going to see a great deal of impact from this because it's not going to be a prolonged
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heat event. in fact, we're going right back down as we meet back here next week. let he show you the trend for san francisco, way above average. your average is 70 degrees. but then look at this, we see temperatures rise back to where we should be. we're still tracking that chance for rain. first let's check your drive definitely. more motor cycles, mike. >> more motor cycles, that's correct, christina. looking over here towards the north bay where we have more cars as well. what christina is talking about is during nicer weather, we see folks on the motor cycles because you want to ride. a number of crashes yesterday. so far this morning, only one incident with no crashes. just look over your shoulder on that blind spot and make sure it is clear before changing lanes.
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i wasn't really looking for traffic incidents, i was looking for fog and relief from the sun christina said is coming. we have to trust her. she is the meteorologist. trust me. there's backup at the bay bridge tolls, the fast track, look at that still moving very nicely. this being a thursday, we see a lot of volume on our maps, a we come into the area. no delays and just a little slowing through berkeley, no problems out of the maze itself. it's just at the toll plaza and a smooth drive towards san francisco. the build is on for oakland as you are heading up toward that bay bridge and tri-valley also moving in here. 680 through pleasanton, also 880 south toward the dunnbarton bridge. the south bay, no problems. 101 shows the traditional build
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toward 680. 880 as you get off at stevens creek boulevard, you're using the new offramp that just opened. folks will have to adjust. and also folks just passing through the area, "whoa, is that open?" yes, it is. >> speculation is swirling this morning as tesla prepares to make a major announcement. we'll show you the hints from ceo elon musk next. >> and a live picture from downtown san francisco. we're going to be checking in with christina and mike right after the break. stay with us.
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at 6:25, new this morning, one of the world's biggest tv stars teaming up with netflix to make four films that will only be available to netflix subscribers. in a press release, netflix said sandler's movies consistently rank among the top view on the site and that everyone has a favorite adam sandler movie. they haven't said when the first film will be released. >> i'm going with "happy gilmore" on that one. tesla planning to unveil a major announcement today. ceo elon musk is not helping
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curb the curiosity. look at this picture he tweeted yesterday. "about time to unveil the d" and something else with today's dayia. -- data. plenty of speculation. does "d" stand for diesel or a motorcycle? the next car, it's supposed to be a sedan. >> some owners of toyotas are finding that they're running out
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of the odometers on their cars. drivers have to fit the bill once those have topped out. one man contacted toyota directly and they agreed to pay half the cost. >> the time now, a man stabbed when he confront as burglar in his house in santa clara this morning. how he said the suspect got it in the first place.
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break beiing news, a man std in his own house in a normally quiet bay neighborhood. >> and sizzling standards today. really feeling that heat could peak tomorrow. we are still tracking a chance for rain. we'll tell you when in moments.
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>> and we know right now we have the build on the commute around the bay. we'll bring you the latest as you cross around the bay coming up. >> and mike did that on purpose, finished just as the new york stock exchange opens up this morning with wayfair out there to ring the bell. a quick look at nasdaq as well ass -- as the markets took a plunge. you are watching "today in the bay." >> announcer: from nbc bay area, this is "today in the bay." >> i'm sam brock. >> and i'm laura garcia-cannon. police are investigating a stabbing at a home in santa clara. police say a man was in his home early this morning when someone broke in and stabbed him. the man was taken to the
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hospital, the suspect now in custody. it happened on cabrio avenue. a reporter will bring awful report in just minutes. >> there is a new person in charge of the secret service this morning. julia pierson out amidst controversy and the new man in charge headed the president's security detail three years ago. this is the latest in the wake of a security breach at the white house when reports that a convicted felon with a gun was able to get into the president's elevator. tracie potts, the fallout here very real. >> it really is. it seems like the elevator thing really brought it to a head here. now there's a new person on the he actually went tocom cast,
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bringing him back now out of retirement to try to deal with and restore trust in this embattled agency, the secret service. julia pierson stepped down after he spent three hours -- she did spend a lot of time talking about what's been the white house she says she pained having to leave the agency where she was for 30 years in the midst of a controversy like this where they have a significant security breach. homeland security will check this out, as well as an independent panel once they're down investigating how some of these incidents happened. >> you knew something had to happen in light of these controversies. >> i'll get you up dated as we
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looked aour african-american is going to be a hot one. >> the last time we spoke to we've stuck around. what do you have in. >> i can't do it until i'm on the desk. all for nada. i'll scholl you what i was going to do in my next report. first, your temperatures are nice and chilly to start the day. 53 in oakland, 53 in san francisco. it's pretty mild in san francisco because that's where you're getting the heat island effect. i know how smart everyone in the bay area is and i actually have a chance to show you something that's really cool. this is an exceptional satellite imagery. i didn't even have to draw. let me show you what's going on.
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>> clouts -- that is our now, where traditionally we get our wind off the ocean. another day where it going to be very difficult to find any clouds in the sky. if you find one, i challenge you, put it on my facebook page. and i want a real cloud. that doesn't work. 85 for san francisco, 88 on the east short and 95 degrees in the south bay. tomorrow even hotter temperatures coming your way. take a look at these numbers. 105 degrees for gilroy. peninsula, hot spot los altos at 98 and clover dale, 100 degrees, just three days later drizzle and temperatures in the 70s.
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big changes after this heat. right now we now, whatever was going on, looked like it might have moved over opinion now, i did not see any flashing lights but that is the pot earn that i'm and the bay bridge toll plaza, you have to slow on this approach because the metering
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lights are on but nothing dramatic coming off of the east shore. we'll take a nondramatic commute i think any time of day. >> still don't need a lot of drama. >> 6:35. a quick peek at what's going on at the markets. they are marginally up after dropping more than 230 points yesterday. hoping there's some kind of a recovery today. >> kind of flat so far. >> krachlt d.c. pound gets pumped up. orange and g coming up right after this break.
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you're watching "today in the bay." >> job at home well done. another playoff series coming up. will we be at home again? >> yes, yes, yes! >> hunter pence rallies the troops as they're one game closer to the world series. all quiet now but that wasn't the case hours ago.
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thousands packed the park to watch the orange and black demolish the pirates 8-0. a grand slam in the fourth inning gave the giants the 4-0 the lead. it was the first ever grand slam but a shortstop in baseball history. >> madison bumgarner dominated last night. >> reporter: good morning, everyone. you can tell by my champagne-soaked hair that the giants won the wild card game due in no small part to their starter, madison bumgarner. he knew for days he was going to be the wild card game starter.
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his past postseries experience helped settle him in. >> he's gone. >> reporter: the giants headed to washington, d.c. after the game. they will work out at 2:00 eastern time. for his starting pitcher, it's likely bochy will go with jake peavy. as for madison bumgarner, his post season kicked.
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>> and the ebola virus spreading within the u.s. is that going on right now? the details of a new patient now in isolation this morning. >> plus an update on breaking news. a robbery and stabbing inside a normally quiet santa clara home. >> and live look outside at san jose. we're back right after this break. ♪(themstan! ! !om cheers) hey guys! stan the man! hey, how's it goin stan? can i get $55 on pump three? you got it, stan!
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>> announcer: you're watching 15 minutes of continuous news, weather and traffic on "today in the bay." >> welcome back. we continue to follow breaking
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news this morning. police investigating a stabbing at a home in santa clara. police say a man and his wife were in their home early this morning when someone broke in. the suspect is currently in custody. we have a reporter on the scene gathering new details right now from police. a live report in just about ten minutes. >> a developing story now. another possible case of ebola being investigated this morning, this one in hawaii. a dallas hospital treating a confirmed case there, under fire for allowing the im. >> and parents have kids home from school because of possible exposure to the deadly virus. >> reporter: laura, there's a lot of fear here. the school system is telling
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them everything is safe but the fear is prompted because five areas who went to area schools here did come in contact with this man, this patient. we know 80 people are thought to have come into his contact with his family or the man in the past five days. those are the people they're not such that they're not sim. behind has hard words for the hospital and he asked everyone for their prayers. >> i know the whole nation is rooting for eric at this time because we all want to see him succeed and get well and so i think that our prayers all together with help. >> the nephew believes that the hospital could have done more to recognize that this could be ebola. he's very disappointed that his
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uncle was turned away on friday. and then he says when he came back on sunday, he still wasn't treated that seriously. he said he had to call the cdc himself tho. >> now let's bring in "today in the bay" stephanie chuang. she's here with more about a patient being kept in isolation in hawaii. >> reporter: health officials are exercising such an extreme amount of caution, but it is unknown whether the patient has ebola. in fact, it's more on the unlikely side. he may be diagnosed with other conditions. however, the hospital is not taking any chances with the safety of everyone, from other
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patients to doctors, staff and visitors. >> we took all the dupris cautions necessary to make sure that if this was, that nobody else was going to get sick. >> symptoms include sudden fever, fatigue and headache and after exposure to blood or other bodily fluids like needles, you can still go it's going to be at least another few days before we learn whether there's been a second case diagnosed here in the united states. again, officials advising they're just being very cautious. >> it is 6:38 on your thursday morning as we check your microclimate forecast and take a
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peek downtown as beautiful san francisco. absolutely gorgeous on a day where it's starting to heat up and the the jig is up, my friend, as you like to say, i'm going to show you the current temperatures right now and i just want to get your mind going this morning. thank you, our wonderful director. think about this for a moment. what do i have to do outdoors today? grocery shopping, maybe a trip to the post office, yard work? it's going to be a lot more comfortable now than where we're headed. it's not going to feel like fall. we're going to bypass averages that we see in the summertime for today. we could be talking about the hottest air in the bay area as we get into tomorrow.
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that's the best way i can preface today for you. we really got into the hot stuff. a heat advisory has been issued f fom. we have a dry air mass overhead. it's really, really dry out there. so he's not going to be sweating as much as if we had the humidity. drink a lot of water for today. don't forget the sunscreen either. here's the reason for the warmup. high pressure firmly in control. you can see the winds downsloping. also, this what's drying us out. because it's going to be so dry, we're talking about higher fire danger for the next couple days. but just as quickly as we warm you up, your temperatures are going to drop right back off. so this might be your last hurrah to get out to the beach and talk about some cool waves, all courtesy of offshore flow. you have the wind blowing out toward the wave, the offshore wind hollows out the barrel and
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they will the nice and clean. even santa cruz tomorrow, close to 90 degree, 88 degrees. you're still in the 60s in the water. as we head to the weekend, temperatures start to ease and that heat breaks and next week as quickly as those numbers crept up, they start to fall, 96 saturday, 92 for sunday, the cooling trend continues into tuesday and could be talking about drizzle and shower activity by the end of next week. so hold on tight, it's going to be kind of a wild drive. >> it's not wild christina, but there are some issues there. look at how widely spaced these cars are. that's an easy drive. a smooth flow when you get over to treasure island.
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it krs the san mateo bridge, a look at the foster cityside. let's show you the hayward side. we had results of that stalled vehicles across that flat section. now, that might be the ripple, as things cleared over there closest to the high rise, they may have just rippled back to the hayward side. no more incident reported on 92. that's better maps. and the dunn barton bridge to the soet -- south 680 on pleasanton. no problems on the peninsula. nkd 87 and 101 are your worst
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commutes right now but 85 and 280 now kicking in. there's a concert over here. sir elton john is playing tonight. you'll have a lot of traffic for dinner and the concert. over here, we have construction with changes. this long-term project we know about but the latest changes, my own tiny dancer bob redell is out there. tell us exactly what the changes are this morning. >> reporter: good morning. anybody who commutes through the 280 stevens creek interchange knows how bad the traffic can be, especially during thanksgiving, christmas shopping but this morning the valley transportation authority opened up two new ramps designed to make life easier for drivers, stevens creek boulevard, second 280, tomorrow a third ramp, all
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have signals to regulate the flow of traffic. >> it's more about removing the weaving and competitive movements happening here. a lot of people are trying to compete for a very small part of the roadway. now we'll have better roadways and realigned ramps. people are just going to have a safer, better flow of traffic. >> this is part of a 6 -- $62 million project that started at thanksgiving. they plan to open an offramp to get you to the back side of valley fair and the big crux of the project will be completed next year, a new flyover northbound 280 to northbound 880. that's supposed to be completed
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early 2015. but for now, two new ramps connecting inner creek to 280. it's hard to see if we've seen a tremendous increase heading in the westbound direction there. >> they're trying to improve the situation this bu they can't clear the roadways. tomorrow a bigger concern north 280 getting off there at stevens creek. that is an off ramp that changes so far the area will just see the disrupted flow and a plan for folks to change lanes and be distracted as they're approaching 280 to 880. >> police in santa clara on the scene of a home invasion that ended with a stabbing. lucetto benitez is live at the scene. what have police told you about
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what happened with this incident? >> reporter: good morning. police say there were several people inside the home when the incident happened, so definitely a scary situation for the homeowner who was stabbed after confronting a burglary suspect at as at 3:00 in the morning. investigators are still on scene with the crime scene unit, they're working to collect evidence. it was an unusual crime because the victim was injured. they believe the burglar made his way through an open window and was then confronted by a woman downstairs. that's when the woman confronted the suspect. the suspect then fled the home and when police arrived on scene, they found the suspect hiding around the corner and arrested him.
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so they do have two areas blocked off while they continue their investigation. they're not sure how much longer they remain on scene. police tell us the victim is in his 50s and is in stable condition in the hospital. >> we hope that victim will be okay. thank you very much, lucetto. >> it's 6:57. a public memorial service will be held for the late former san jose police chief joseph mcnamara. he served at the hoover institute most recently and died at his home last month. >> four teens have been arrested for killing nearly 1,000 chickens. abe guttiero and two others are accused of beating 900 chickens to death with a golf club.
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the farm said the chickens were worth about $5,000. >> and a person is being kept in honolulu in isolation while they monitor the person for ebola. they say the symptoms are not consistent with ebola but they're taking extra precautionary measures. >> we get a look at the san mateo bridge. a better flow of traffic. we're talking about 92 where the arrow is. we're also talking about the earlier stall related to highway 84. the dunnbar bridge has cleared of that as well. and a slow drive toward fremont. meanwhile, the rest of your bay nothing really unexpected except for the south bay, we do have a good slowdown northbound 280 by
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880. >> some confusion there. none on what's going on on the weather front. >> no, it's going to be hot, t h-o h-o-t. as we get into next week, it will not be as hot. >> we showed you this video last month. the mighty mites couldn't manage to break through their banner. jimmy fallon gave them another shot last night. >> ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the mighty mites! >> as can you see, jimmy invited the team's cheerleaders along as
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well. in return, they gave jimmy his own jersey. >> thank you for joining us this morning. we'll be back without confetti in 25 minutes. > buenos días. around that dallas hospital that released a man who was eventually diagnosed with ebola, how did they ignore the warning signs? we have exclusive interview with the patient's nephew as 80 people came in contact with his uncle. secret disservice? is the agency charged with pr protecting the president in need of a massive overhaul? the day the embattled leader steps down, a former special agent steps in. in court, the suspect in the


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