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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  July 29, 2014 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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nbc bay area news starts now. >> right now at 11, ucla under water. a water main break floods the campus. this story still developing this evening. good evening. i'm jessica aguirre. >> and i'm raj mathai. it's an incredible sight, and it's still unfolding at this late hour. we're going to show you some live pictures from our nbc chopper. you can see down below sunset boulevard, the world famous artery through l.a. is closed right now. and it has been closed for several hours.
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the water still leaking there just a bit. but here is why. an estimated 10 million gallons of water down the drain. and we watched it happen. to put that in perspective, the entire city of los angeles uses $55 million gallons of water each day. at its peak, that geyser was shooting water 30 feet into the air. it took more than three hours to turn off a series of valves and ultimately stop that massive leak. but the damage was done. the 93-year-old water main broke just above the ucla campus. water and mud blanketed parts of the school. you can see students down below literally wading through that water. underground parking garages were also flooded. and at one point up to 8 inches of water covered the floor of the historic pauley pavilion which is home to the ucla basketball team. this is creating a huge response on social media. thousands of photos and videos were posted showing the damage and the flooding. this photo tweeted by an nbc reporter shows the workers
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trying to dry out inside pauley pavilion. no word tonight how much it's going to cost to repair this venue. >> refurbished pauley a few years ago and it's a beautiful structure. it's a symbolic structure for this entire campus. we're of course concerned. well have to dry out and see where we are. >> thankfully no injuries have been reported in all of. in l.a. officials still not sure what caused this 30-inch pipe to burst. let's get back to our live pictures from the chopper. the crews down below, you see the sinkhole, they'll be working through the night to help drain and restore the ucla campus. commuters are already being warned to stay away from the campus area all day tomorrow. we have extensive coverage on our website, include mortgage video and slide shows of the pictures. that's at the looming threat of a $500 fine for wasting water is now a reality. but getting the citations written any time soon at this point, that's unrealistic. we've learned there is a glitch
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on the local level that is preventing the water police from actually policing. nbc bay area's jean elle is live in san jose where water is just going down the drain. >> reporter: jessica, some office parks in san jose are just drenched. take a look across the street. you see the sprinklers here just turned off. the lawn is wet, and so is the sidewalk. now you can call and complain, but city agencies and water companies have some work to do before they can issue citations. there is a drought. but the sprinklers are running at most office parks in san jose. lawns are lush, and the pavement is wet. while some homeowners are watching every drop. >> shorter showers. sometimes i don't flush the toilet. >> we tried to take out the lawn to put in plants that would use less water. >> reporter: sally is cutting back, and so are many of her neighbors. their lawns are brown and dry. well water corporate landscaping
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is a sore spot. >> it's frustrating when you're trying to do your part and you see other people not doing their part. we all need to work together on this. >> reporter: the state water board says agencies can issue $500 fines when water is going down the drain. but it turns out most cities and water providers are racing to catch up with the emergency regulation. the santa clara valley water district says most have to change their administrative codes to legally issue citations. >> each city has to go through a process. and each water company has to go through a process to be able to issue fines. >> reporter: some will need city council approval. some will need approval from the state puc. all while precious water is going down the drain. cooperwriter hopes agencies act fast. >> have some enforcement for people to save water. >> reporter: the water district says while fines are mostly a wash at the moment, complaints about water waste are pouring in. and agencies are doing their
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best to respond to those complaints. in some case, sending staffers out to educate customers and warn that fines will be possible. reporting live in san jose, jean elle, nbc bay area news. well, new tonight at 11:00, she was in the bay area on a liz trip and now is missing. mountain view police are asking for the public's help. blair foley, seen photographed here, was visiting from wisconsin and disappeared in mountain view other the weekend. here are the details. she was last seen leaving the luckies on el camino real at about 2:00 a.m. on sunday. that's near the 85 overpass. police are considering her an at-risk missing person. now miss foley is described as 5'6", 130 pounds, blond hair and blue eyes. she was caring a pink backpack and black purse. she was supposed to return home to wisconsin on friday. a fire this the san jose foothills, and it could have been much worse. this brushfire broke out near alum rock park around 2:30 this afternoon. a driver called 911 after he
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crashed his car on sierra road and it caught fire. fire crews worked quickly to get this under control. 12 acres with burned. pg&e willfully violated the pipeline safety act and lied to investigators. that from the feds in a new criminal indictment in connection with the deadly san bruno blast. a grand jury alleges that utility broke the law before, during, and after that pipeline disaster. nbc bay area's terry mcsweeney joins ulive from san bruno. and terry, this could potentially increase the penalties that the company could face if found guilty. >> reporter: yeah, pg&e facing a fine of up to more than $1 billion if it loses in court. now this superseding indictment released today brings to 28 the number of charges against the utility. and the utility is really going to be facing far more than that if senator jerry hill has his way. according to the indictment, pg&e obstructed the ntsb investigation shortly after the
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2010 san bruno pipeline explosion that killed eight people and destroyed 38 homes. the utility allegedly provided false information about its pipeline safety program. >> it's not just the federal pipeline act. now we're looking at the actions of the company in terms of obstructing the investigation. >> reporter: in addition to the obstruction charge, pg&e allegedly failed to keep accurate records, did not identify problems with pipeline, and did not properly assess dangerous pipelines. pg&e's response to the new indictment reads in part based on all of the evidence we have seen to date we do not believe the charges were warranted. and even where mistakes were made, employees were acting in good faith. the fine could be as high as $1.1 billion. but senator hill says fines are not enough. >> i would like to see criminal charges. i would like to see them stand trial. and if attend of the day, they are found guilty, they should go to prison.
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>> redwood city attorney dean johnson says the obstruction charge is really a safety valve for prosecutors. increasing the chance of a guilty verdict. >> if you can't convict people of doing what you say they did, then you can say, well, even if they didn't do it, they at least obstructed us in our investigation of what they were doing. >> reporter: it is not clear exactly who would be on the hook for the $1 billion if pg&e loses, but there are some things a judge do to make sure it wouldn't be the rate payers. in any event, says johnson, that trial is three to five years away. terry mcsweeney, nbc bay area news. >> terry, thank you. in the south bay now, a green light for levi stadium. opening night is saturday. the earthquakes have the honor of playing the first game at the new billion stadium. but it's the 49ers that will be watching closely. they're already apologizing for gridlock. tonight the niners released these animated tutorials to help
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fans get to the stadium. they don't want a repeat of candlestick park. this is a concern after open house for season ticketholders last friday. you're looking at some of the video here. it left many fans frustrated by the traffic. the 49ers sent an e-mail apologizing to their fans, and are now taking the offense. >> this was not a normal game day experience that our fans will become accustomed to. but that doesn't mean that we don't have things to improve on, that we did learn. >> indeed, it's a work in progress. the 49ers say they'll meet after every game to discuss ways to improve the traffic flow. well, traffic flowing into nearby neighborhoods and businesses has a lot of locals worried about their sanity and their livelihoods. if fans can't fit into the 49er lots, will they force their way into local spaces? ian cull has a lot of the currency. ian? >> reporter: jessica, the prime spot you'll find right here is in front of levi stadium. it's a short walk to your seat. but others might argue that the best spot you can find is a free one on nearby streets and businesses.
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this area south of levi stadium has changed over the last 40 years. he has seen every moment from the stalls of his car wash company. >> there were no sidewalks. the streets were narrow. >> reporter: every day he has cleared pavement of unwanted revenue. soon he may have to spend game days clearing unwanted guests from his lawn. >> i'm out here most every day all day anyway. >> reporter: his business is about one mile way from levi stadium, and the empty space here could be considered a free score for fans. >> i think everyone's big concern is traffic and noise. >> game day it will be chaotic here. >> reporter: on the other side of the stadium, signs steer fans way from the streets away from this business park. employees think that could direct tailgaters into their lot. some landlords and companies are even using chains to keep fans off their property. >> it's brand-new. >> reporter: employees joke about opening the gates and charging $20 a spot on sundays. but instead they've got work to do. >> hope to have a pretty quiet and safe working area.
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having a gameday, people will be coming here early. a lot of activities. >> he hopes the fans parking responsibly save some change for after the game and stop by for a car wash. >> hopefully. >> i spoke with a few other businesses that say they plan to hire security guards to patrol their parking lots and make sure that their spots stay open for their customers. reporting live at levy stadium, ian cull, nbc bay area news. >> all right, thanks, ian. if you want to find the tutorials online, or find little parking tips, or look for different routes to get to the stadium go, to we've put them up for you. next at 11, cutting through confusion. the new push to change prescription drug labels here in california how. it could benefit millions of patients. and then she risked her life to save a shark. the daving move on a local beach all caught on camera. and a train bears down on two people trying to cross the bridge. the amazing video, and how they
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managed to survive. good evening. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri. humid monsoonal moisture moving over california. in fact, right now that's helping to produce a light shower near bodega bay. we'll track the shower and let you know what it means for the morning commute in just a few minutes.
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it's a prescription for danger, not understanding the instructions for your medication because you don't speak english. each year thousands end up in the er over a simple dogs mistake. but now the push is on the make prescription translations mandatory. cheryl hurd is live in walnut creek to bring you both sides.
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really, cheryl, what is the controversy? >> reporter: well, jessica, it's an issue for thousands of people. and many of us don't think about it when you come to your local pharmacy. but there is one state senator bringing up the issue and it's controversial. >> the current system to me is working. >> reporter: jimmy yuan has been the owner of advanced medical pharmacy in walnut creek for ten years. according to him providing labels on medications in different languages isn't a problem because it's a limited service he provides for his spanish speaking customers. but making that service mandatory could become confusing because he would not be able to ensure the translation is correct. >> i think the technology is not there yet to ensure a high level of accuracy. >> reporter: according to a nonprofit organization that sets standards for medicines, a lack of universal standards for labeling on dispensed prescription containers is a root cause for patients
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understanding the drugs they are taking. statistics show that over 700,000 emergency room visits across the country are caused by not taking drugs propler i. >> if people can't read the prescription bottle, then it's a really dangerous situation. >> reporter: dr. david margulies has been outspoken when it comes to pushing for legislation to make it mandatory that pharmacists print in english as well as the patient's native language. >> the label doesn't make sense to people who are taking the medication, they're already at a disadvantage. >> reporter: a state senator authored legislation to conduct a survey on the controversial issue. yuan doesn't think there needs to be more government oversight when it comes to dispensing medication. >> the statistics show a lot of people don't follow the instruction. it's not because of the language or the label. >> there will always be people who say oh, these people should learn english. and that's the answer. but i'm still prescribing medications for people who don't speak english. and i'm asking for help.
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>> reporter: there will be a public hearing on the issue on thursday in sacramento. reporting live in walnut creek, i'm cheryl hurd, nbc bay area news. the surgeon general is making history tonight, warning about skin cancer, an epidemic. this comes after a 200% jump in deadly melanoma cases since the 1970s. officials are calling it a health epidemic that is strikinging young people. they warn just one sunburn as a child significantly increases the chances of getting skin cancer later in life. now melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, killing 9,000 people here in the united states each year. as easy as ordering a pizza. medical marijuana delivered right to your doorstep with the swipe of a smartphone. a san francisco startup called launched today. it will deliver pot to your door in minutes. company drivers are paid 10 bucks by the dispensaries for each delivery. drivers are also required to have a medical marijuana card,
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their own vehicle and carry insurance. a medical marijuana patients love the convenience. >> for me, being very busy, and also wanting to be discreet, having a service like this is really beneficial to someone like myself. but i do see patients that have trouble getting around for them this will be a godsend. >> the service is free for patients who register with the company. well, a bay area woman goes to extreme lengths to save a shark. she found the salmon shark which had beached itself in the shallow waters of san francisco's land's end. watch. first she tried to set the shark free in a nearby cove. but the surf is so rough that the three-foot shark got washed around. what do you next? you wade out into the seas with the shark. she is braving the waters, actually carrying the young shark. finally with a push, there it goes. the shark is able to finally swim away. so a successful day for her at the day at the beach. >> very nice story. let's bring in our chief meteorologist jeff ranieri with
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our microclimate forecast. jeff? >> if i was close to that, i would probably still be wanting to go the other way. great job. let's get a look at the sunset tonight. a beautiful past couple of nights as the sun sets. not only the fog moving in. you can see at the lower levels, but the monsoonal moisture up at the higher levels. and that again has been importing the humidity and also a few rogue showers. in fact, right now on the doppler radar, we are finding that monsoonal moisture overhead and shower activity near bodega bay. this is going to stick around for the next two hours or so. in our current drought, a few rare raindrops across bodega bay. we're going to keep that isolated chance here of possibly scattered showers in the forecast. overall i really do think it's going to be the cloud cover overhead and the humidity that is going to linger on and off throughout tomorrow's forecast that most of luis be experiencing. let's get you outside to the sky camera network. you can see still some of the coolest weather in the bay. clear skies, 59 degrees.
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fog in san francisco. an while we have had some cooling across the east bay, it is mild right now. 74 degrees and clear right now across the south bay and 66. let's go and take you into tomorrow morning. you're going to need the jacket again in the north bay. starting off in the mid-50s around 7:00 and 8:00. but looking great here for the south bay and the peninsula. temperatures in the low to mid-60s. so let's take you to the forecast. the thing that has been ruling the weather the past two days again has been the monsoonal moisture, moving way in here from southern california. and also, this hot air by high pressure. we'll keep the hot air for tomorrow. and remnants from what was once a hurricane will continue to push in some of that humidity. so what i want to show you next is the impact it's going to have on our temperatures. here is a look at the daytime highs we expect. you want to focus back here in orinda, 95. dublin, 99. menlo park, 87. gilroy, 100. when we advance this, what you're going to see is the temperature factored in with the humidity. it's going to feel like 10 ufo
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-- 104. when you get that added humidity, that added moisture to the atmosphere, it's harder for your body to cool off. and that's why the air is apparently hotter to you out there. that's why we call it the feels-like temperature. let's get guo you into the forecast. mix of sun and also clouds. humidity lingering. go with 91 in san jose. for coastline, still cool. if you want the cooldown, heads towards pacifica. 66 there. 82348 palo alto. and in san francisco, upper 60s right along the embarcadero. we'll take you to the north bay, east bay and also for the tri-valley. we're looking at 88 in santa rosa. 75 in sausalito. you eyes trouble draw toward the tri-valley. 99 in pleasanton. so many of you for the interior east bay valleys want to know, is the heat going to be over next week. unfortunately, no bueno. look at this. saturday, sunday, monday, temperatures staying in the mid- to upper 90s, use gyou guys.
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>> did you see jeff throwing out the spanish there? >> he is bilateral. the u.s. military is investigating how a stowaway ended up on a cargo plane. also, could the raiders be headed to texas? >> and jimmy. >> raj and jessica and everyone in the bay area, vin deesle is my guest tonight. plus we have aubrey plaza, music from
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you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save yeah, everybody knows that. well, did you know that playing cards with kenny rogers gets old pretty fast? ♪ you got to know when to hold'em. ♪ ♪ know when to fold 'em. ♪ know when to walk away. ♪ know when to run. ♪ you never count your money, ♪ when you're sitting at the ta...♪ what? you get it? i get the gist, yeah. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. evewith the highest levelde of engineering...
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design... safety... and performance. our latest creation is no different. with one exception... introducing the mercedes-benz b-class. it's electric! it's electric! the first electric vehicle from mercedes-benz. a disturbing discovery and now questions about security. the body of a young stowaway was found in the wheel well of a military plane. u.s. officials in military found the boy dead in the wheel well of a c-130 cargo plane at the ramstein air base on sunday. that plane similar to the one seen here. authorities believe the boy climbed into the plain in mali. the military is now looking into security questions.
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the story very similar to us around here. in april, a 15-year-old santa clara boy stowed away in the wheel well of a plane in san jose. he survived that five-hour flight to maui. officials believe he lost consciousness from the lack of oxygen and below freezing temperatures. caught on camera, an unbelievable close call. watch. a train comes within seconds of hitting those two women. they were on a bridge in indiana. no good options. too far to run, too far to jump. one of them even falls down right there. and then they both duck, with no time to spare. official says the women had just 11 inches at most between the rail ties and disaster. and despite what you see, the women are fine. a stubbed toe the only injury. however, they are now facing criminal charges of trespassing. it was a magical night for the a's and the raiders confirm they've been talking to the folks in san antonio. geraud moncure is next.
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good evening. i'm geraud moncure in the comcast sportsnet studios. the concern over whether or not matt cain will pitch again for the giants this year, along with the future of the right-hander has reached a new level. cain, who is owed $20 million in
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each of the next three seasons will seek a second opinion on his inflamed elbow from noted orthopedist dr. james andrews. andrews will determine if bone chips need to be removed right away and if he will be able to return to pitching down the season stretch run. >> he is virtually at a stand still. so we need a second opinion. we're wondering why he is still cranky. and he has a history with doc andrews. he knows what he is up gefnlts he is trying to do the right thing with the rest and if it isn't working, the only thing you can do is go to people who have more knowledge. giants trying to snap that five-game slide, hosting the bucs. the fan makes a great grab. two-run homer. 3-0 pittsburgh. francisco liriano had his way with the giants bats. dan uggla goes down swingling. liriano season high 11
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strikeouts. giants lose 3-1. but at least these guys still found some entertainment out of their evening. a's and astros. stunning finish at minute maid park. ninth inning, athletics down a run in the ninth. after rallying for a pair, yoenis cespedes lifts the flare to right and ill foughts. john jaso heading to the plate to score. oakland ties, 4-4. and brandon moss finds a hole. despite the 50, lowry scores. a's lead 5-4. they win 7-4 with six runs in the ninth inning. the latest playing chip in raiders owner mark davis' game to build a new football-friendly stadium for his franchise is a city of san antonio, texas. the san antonio express news first reported the meeting between davis and city officials which took place back on july 18th regarding the prospect of the silver and black moving to the alamo city. the team could play at the alamodome before building a new
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stadium. davis basically called the meeting due diligence as the raiders coliseum lease expires after the season. that's it for sports. more news coming up after the break.
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how about this. the world's most famous offroad vehicle has passed a new milestone. nasa's mars rover now has more
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than 25 miles on its odometer. that's a record for the so-called off earth driving. the mars rover which landed on the red planet in 2004 was only supposed to complete a 90-day mission and travel about a half a mile. they're at 25 miles, and it's still going strong. >> wow. >> that's going to do it for us. thank you so much for joining us. we hope to see you tomorrow. >> good night. >> bye-bye. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- vin diesel, aubrey plaza, musical guests, and cody wise,


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