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tv   Today  NBC  July 29, 2014 2:07am-3:01am PDT

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from nbc news, this is today with kathy lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1 a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody. so happy you're with us today. it is fun day monday. we're going to check our attitude. >> yes, we are. >> that means we have a whole nice week to get through until we get through the next weekend. it's july 28th and i've decided attitude is everything. >> how was your weekend. >> everything. >> it was very nice. me and boots cooked on friday night. i made my ponzu fish which by the way i was googling the show
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to figure out -- i didn't remember how long it was supposed to be in there. anyway, i googled our recipe. >> it was sea bass, right. >> how was it. >> that was heaven. >> did you even put pam on the -- >> no, you don't. you just put it in. two ingredients. >> and did boots enjoy it. >> he did. he likes it. >> and boots also enjoyed the other thing you made. >> what. >> hoh iermohito. >> yeah. new york is really great in the summer. >> no. it was pretty good. this is the weekend i couldn't decide what it wanted to be. it was weird weather, right? >> it was really sunny and beautiful for a couple of mornings and then dark at nighttime. at 5:00 gorgeous.
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so i came out for happy hour. that's all i need. >> do you know when it's going to be happy hour around here. >> regis is going to host with me. it's been two years. >> i've seen him a lot but haven't hosted with him. he's excited about it. >> he says where is cota is going? >> she's going on a little vacation with her mom and sister and a couple of friend. we'll have a good time. >> so another woman is celebrating 50. >> you're not the only woman hoda woman. >> sandra bullock turned 50. she looks half her age. she's full of life. >> you want to hate her and you can't. >> you remember speed. that movie was 20 years ago. this is what she looked like in 1994 when she was 30 years old. what we meant was not yet.
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>> later we're going to discuss that. anyway -- >> we can't even afford pictures of ourselves anymore much less anybody else. >> she did celebrate her 50th with her good friend chelsea handler. >> look, whose mooning. we see chelsea, her sister, and there is somebody. >> i love that we blurred it. >> because somebody's bottom was on there. >> here is what's funny. we didn't know that sandra bullock and chelsea handler were such good friends but then we remembered the shower scene. what is your favorite movie of hers? >> i loved the proposal with ryan reynolds and betty white, i
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could watch that 100 times. >> blind side. blind side when she was you. >> yeah. everybody says i want you to watch the blind side on demand. close your eyes and picture it. that's our new theme for our show. >> use your imagination. >> dpou whif you do when you wat movie and you see sandra bullock's character, just think about for a second kathie lee. we promise you it will all make sense. >> all right. she has come on the show to promote her show several times. >> she got married. >> well we're happy for you. she married the producer, director of covert affairs. she's just a doll. this is what their wedding looked like. >> it looked like something out of game of thrones doesn't it. >> she got a gold veil and a
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silver wedding dress. he looks like he's got his own sense of style. a little funky with a new orleans brass band behind them. >> she's such a sweet one. i didn't know she had that wild side. >> the reason you guys don't know boots is because hoda has very wisely learned that sometimes things are best upsharu unshared if you want to keep them special. >> i think i'm having a hot flash by the way. i think i'm starting to get them. >> remember you said what's going on. make up. i think i'm getting hot flashes. you start freaking a little because you have no control. >> the air condition can be on full blast and you are -- >> and then you're freezing. it's weird it's like you're sweating through your clothes. >> you're lucky your happened to
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you two weeks before you were 50. >> do you know what's weird. i wonnder if it was suggested because of a menopause segment. i googled it this morning because i was panicking. it says sometimes they are every hour. i think mine with more than every hour. >> well mine started at 41 and went on for ten years. >> yeah. >> my sister tried me on all kinds of hormonal things which made me like a crazy person. women have gone through menopause since cave man, cave woman times, it's a natural part of life. get over it. stop taking pills. you know what, it's a part of life. man up about menopause. >> there's a new survey more couples want cash as a wedding gift. >> i'm always cold in here and
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now it's burning up. >> how would you feel if somebody said don't get me a toaster. i just want cash. >> 80% of couples preferred money to a wedding present. >> you would think if you register you would know what you need. that means you would be getting thing that's you like. >> people are getting married older so often times they have a toaster or have lived together for years but they are still struggling -- so i don't know. people are on their third and fourth marriages. i'm sorry. i am not giving you anything. i will pray for you but i am not givi giving you a thing. >> cash seems to impersonal. >> although people do it at bar mitzvah s. apparently in certain cultures people like money. >> do you know what i don't
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like. i think amanamanda was saying ae wedding she went to people pin cash on the bride's veil. >> it's a southern tradition. >> it's like hey, good luck. >> it's a lot like exotic dancers with the -- >> yeah. you're right. >> right? >> it kind of does. let's go to some good idea because it's time. >> can we pay for it. >> yes, question. we're going to pay for this one. you know we're about to show you video of a dog who had not seen its owner in two years because rebecca's owner had been overseas for two years. this is the moment that her snouzer casey saw her for the first time in two years. >> he like fainted. first he jumped up on her. he went crazy first. and then the pitch -- look.
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and then ready and -- dog is fine. >> she can't even believe it. >> that's everyday when i come home. >> that's so -- >> nothing makes you feel better in the world when you come home you've been told by all kinds of social media that you're a piece -- you walk in the door and you're everything to your dog. >> can we show real quick -- >> this one is amazing. there's a little baby in one of those chairs. >> look at what happens when the puppy comes up and climbs. >> snuggles right up. >> oh, my god. >> how precious that? >> all of our jaded camera guys are going oh. >> that's sweet.
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>> you go first. >> i just put this in this morning and everyone said you got to show this. i think my friend sunny was usual got this for me. it's one of those jumpsuits again. it's so comfortable guys. it comes off so easily. so does this little jacket. everything starts at about $79 so it's clara sun >> if you have a humongous purse and you can't find your keys and you're digging. here is a solution. problem solved. it here is your key. you take your purse and take it. you see where the light is coming from. it's 19.99 it's so smart for
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people who have humongous purses. you won't believe you ever lived without them. >> the ingenious products that will make your lives a whole lot easi easier. >> if you missed all the hollywood headlines like these engagements we have all of them. all you need to know about today's buzz after this. something happens when you giveair.r hair... you get a natural look without the gray. only just for men has airactiv. the only technology that uses oxygen in the air to get rid of gray while leaving the natural variations in your hair. no ammonia. no peroxide. no overcoloring. just air... just you... and the look you want. just for men. so factors like diet can negatively impact good bacteria? even if you're healthy and active. phillips digestive health support is a duo-probiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract.
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i'm doubly impressed! phillips' digestive health. a daily probiotic. ♪ [music] jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. which is why he's investing ain his heart health by eatingw. kellogg's raisin bran ® good morning dad. hi, sweetie. here's another eye opener, not only is kellogg's raisin bran ® heart healthy, but its a delicious source of potassium. mom make you eat that? i happen to like raisins. now that's what i'm talkin' about.
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invest in your heart health. with kellogg's raisin bran ®. take them on the way you always have. live healthy and take one a day men's 50+. a complete multivitamin with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. age? who cares. >> we keep you in the loop on all of the hottest scoops. >> here and the celebrity gossip that all of your friends will be talking about today here is aol executive editor brian balthazar. >> is it on the ground. >> it's on the ground. >> so charlese theron and shawn
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penn well, it's interesting because she was walking down with the paparazzi and hiding her face and had a ring on her finger. it turns out there are reports she's not. she wearing an anita coo ring about $5,000. >> you're saying he would spend more. >> he would say no if it's a $5,000 ring. >> some people are not that shallow. >> i'm saying that they probably are. but in any case sean penn's 23-year-old daughter was interviewed and said she supported their relationship. doesn't know or think they are engaged -- >> i actually don't think they will be in a rush to get married. they both won an oscar at the same time in 2004. can you believe it was that long ago. she supports the relationship
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and she said even if they have a kid the more of marrier. >> you can call it table tennis or ping-pong. >> they are still going strong. >> no. that's a whole other story. they've never really confirmed that they are a couple. in any case she revealed in this interview that she once dated david bowie. >> why is she coming out about that now. >> she dated actors and a rock star. >> so they filmed a movie called the hunger in 1983 it was released. >> that's not sexy at all. >> just keep it to yourself. >> i don't know what you said but i will keep going. she said the reason that they didn't actually stick together
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is that she didn't want to have sex. she was like the mother to her siblings when she was a child. >> but two years later she had a kid. she now has three. >> what? >> david bowie went onto married imom. >> i'm so glad these things work out sometimes. >> she supports the legalization of marijuana. she said if we all smoked pot it would be a kinder place. >> you can check it out on the daily beast. >> does anyone want to comment. comicon is such a huge gathering of people. >> what do you think of it. >> i'm like the old star trekcies. >> it's fascinating to me. >> all the mainstream hollywood is getting in the act. who has their newest make up line with mac. marge simpson.
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i was worried it would be a yellow foundation to me. that's not the case. they lined up outside the mac story in two hours they sold out of this initial release of marge's make up. they had eight models dressed as marge. you can buy it in september or late august. it's bright green colors. what about the merging of the simpsons and family guy. there's going to be a special p episodes where they merge together. lucy killed at the box office this weekend. $44 million. you want to get to men and women. men aren't disappointed looking at her. we have a new trailer release
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for the hunger games. we're going to give you a little piece of that. you can find that online at what's interesting about this film is it's one of the last films that philip seymour hoffman made. you will see a glimpse of him. >> let's go to commercial break. don't go anywhere because we're about to surprise our fan of the week. it might just be you but probably not. and while you'll never have to reach for the tape again when you're wrapping gifts. >> incredibly clever products to make your life easier after this. is coming up... have agreed to... kid for a night. so we can finally get some sleep. the hotel has to be right. you can get a 4-star hotel for up to 60% off, even at the last minute. in the neighborhood where we wanna go? yes. you just won't the name until after you book. hmm. ooh. definitely. it's all about sleep. it's not all about sleep. yeah, well, for me it is.
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lucky me. ♪ ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. this is mark. work. for those who want to enjoy their days... not just get through them. new one a day vitacraves with energy support. the only complete gummy multivitamin... ...that supports energy and mental alertness. new from one a day.
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we are here to surprise our
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fan of the week. >> drum roll. >> and we spin the globe to find out where it's going to land. >> there it is. >> in south hadley massachusetts. >> i love her. >> she watches on whgh in boston. she's joining us on skype. >> hi, katie, how are you. >> i love katie. >> you know what she's going to be like the puppy. she's going to pass out, don't pass out katie. it's okay. >> we will put you to the test with the trivia question. first we will tell everybody why you were chosen. she has been a huge fan of the show since we are the women she eats lunch with, exercises with and exercises with everyday. >> her work out play list always includes a combination of kathie lee and my hoda collection. >> oh, my gosh i bumped into her on the sidewalk. i remember. oh, my gosh. i remember. oh, my gosh. >> all right katie.
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now it's time to test your fandom with trivia. you will have 15 seconds to answer. you will need to answer correctly to win your prize. who is my favorite country star whom i also -- >> blake shelton. >> gave it away. >> great job you won the trip. are you ready to find out where you're going. >> you and your guest will be heading to sunny miami beach florida to stay at there for four days, three nights. you will stay in a scenic ocean view suite. while you're there you can lounge by the pool or enjoy the beach. a special dinner for too at florida cookery. hotel accommodations are furnished by the james royal palms. thank you so much. you guys are amazing.
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>> did she answer the question. who are you going to take. >> i'm going to take my best friend jane willle. >> from hot flashes to insomnia how to handle all of those changes that come with the changes of life and problem solving products which will be double duty for you after the local news. ♪ ♪ swing low, sweet chariot ♪ coming forth to carry me home ♪ ♪ swing low, sweet chariot
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♪ coming forth to carry me home ♪ ♪ >> children are dying everyday from hunger and sickness. innocent children just like this one. these children are facing death right now but with your support and just .50 cents a day, we can save them. please, go online or call this number and join the u.s. fund for unicef for only $15 a month. it's just .50 cents a day and you will deliver emergency medical care, vaccines, and life saving nutrition to the children who could die without it. it's just .50 cents a day but it will mean the difference between
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life and death for a child waiting for help right now. >> reach out to that child so they never have to look into the face of death again. go online or pick up the phone now. >> oh, my. we are back with more of today on this fun day monday. some of the most ingenuous items on the market you wish you would have thought of first. the folks at bud fezz feed havee up with some designs. thank you so much for having me. >> we can't believe your first item. >> finally. >> what's going on? >> this is what the world has been waiting for. this is basically a nifty little
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device that suctions onto your tower or bath and it will hold your wine. >> you can't take a shower or bath without your wine you got other problems but i want this to go home with mom. >> it's a treat. it's an indulgence. >> explain this. >> so this is an incredibly nifty little thing. it's just a little device that you can shove into any citrus, orange, lemon and it actually -- >> i cannot believe that. >> it has to be hard to put it in there, right. >> you got to dig. >> but it works like a charm. you can use it on your hair if you want to get highlights. >> go hoda, go hoda. >> how much does that cost, it's like $4. >> it's really cool. >> this is the thing i like because whenever i'm wrapping presents i'm always looking for either the scissors for the tape. >> they are both at the bottom of your purse. >> this is incredibly cool because it combines both the scissors and tape so you can cut but then you can also right
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here -- >> so smart. >> right there. >> i can't believe everybody is going -- >> i know it's like why didn't i think of this first. >> well, we all remember highlighters from studying in college and stuff. we got a new take on it. >> this is incredibly useful for college students especially. it's a scanner where if you just go against a piece of paper like that, it will actually scan the text to your computer. it's so cool. >> wow. >> i wish i used the computer. >> i wish i read. >> all right. so for moms you have some new devices. >> this is called the mommy hook. this is ingenuous. >> hi, swoeet heart. >> what's your name. >> jesse joy. >> i love your nails. >> tell us what you got in store. >> so the mommy hook is this really ingenious device where
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it's shape where you have key on but it will support regular bags. once you're removing the bags make sure your weight is still balances. you're due soon. >> a few weeks . congratulations. all right what's over here? >> so this is incredibly useful. this is actually called a smart thermometer and it operates through your phone. it's really awesome because it helps you record different temperatures for different members of the family. so may i? >> okay. >> she's very hot right now. all you do is take temperature. you select how you want to do it and then you put it under your tongue after about 10 seconds or so it should tell you what your temperature is so it will go through all of these little bubbles and keep it under your tongue.
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huh-uh, uh-huh. the very cool thing is that you can put in other symptoms so if you have chills or fatigue or cough, you can apply it to the different -- >> this is great for at the beach and things, right? >> this is super great. it's also actually awesome for recipe books as well. this will hold your book flat on a given page when you're in the kitchen and your hands are covered in salt and you need to know how much to put in -- >> i really love this actually. it's a run of the mill broom and dust pan but it has teeth so you can use it to clean off the broom in between. yeah. they stick together so it's really easy to store as well, i like that. >> tell us what's happening here. >> so this is a thing who every guy who works in an office needs
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to have. this is called a pillow tie. basically it looked like a tie but it's inflatable. you can blow up this it's very quick and you canap on it. >> and your boss can see it. >> that's weird. the nice thing is that it also doesn't leave a mark on your cheek so if you need to sneak into your cubicle you can come back looking fresh. >> thank you alex. >> we will show you how to embrace the change and later why cleaner supplies may actually be making your home dirtier. >> we've got the solution. look who is here, right after this. trouble. his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here's $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to for savings. that's why we pushed ourselves to create new and improved degree motionsense, the only antiperspirant that releases extra protection when you move. it keeps you fresher even as old spice deodorant fades.
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protection improved. so you can do more. so factors like diet can negatively impact good bacteria? even if you're healthy and active. phillips digestive health support is a duo-probiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. i'm doubly impressed! phillips' digestive health. a daily probiotic.
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it's time for boom taftic
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celebrating baby boomers as the last of the generation turns 50 this year like our hoda in 12 days. >> we're talking about menopause. you can dread it or you can approach it with a sense of humor like one woman has. check out this video. tack a look. >> girl you thought you were done learning about your body at anyone 12. >> well your uterus and ovaries didn't agree. the process of menopause, you can start getting symptoms six to ten years before. that's called peri menopause. >> that was the idea of ellen dulgen a women's health advocate. if you're wondering why we have
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this look it's because we have people in our studio helping us out as this whole process begins. >> it's not just psychological that she started doing this before she turned 50. >> how about your video. >> everybody should have a singing uterus, really. >> you don't? >> i had on my uterus costume and i got to the airport and tsa was all over it. i had to take it off but the reason i made this music video is because i was completely blind sided by menopause and i really want women to understand, the younger women especially what it is and how it effects their biological clock and their fertility and what the symptoms are so they can become their own health advocates. >> hot flashes are absolutely the number one symptom.
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talk about being blind sided my patients say to me all the time i'm going to tough it out. i will do a little yoga and then it hits them. we're not talking about a little warm. we're talking about rivers of sweat. all of those women who say we're just going to tough it out. they can't. it's menopause may be different than your menopause but your mother wasn't running a company. she wasn't a talk show host. you've got to function. you've got to work. when you are up all night flashing my message is you don't need to do that. you don't need to suffer. there are solutions. there are safe wonderful things you can do because this should be a good time of life. >> there must be new products on the market because when i was menopausal at the age of 41 it made me a maniac, 41 is not abnormal. >> any time after 40 is considerconsider ed normal. >> i was in the middle of a business meeting and all of a
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sudden i couldn't finish my train of thought and i had looked like i had run a 5 k and i was drenched. >> it's really hard to function like that. so it's good to understand all the different options . there are some things you can do. >> absolutely. >> oh, definitely. >> what are some basics? >> you have to really look at what your symptoms are. hat flashes, the most common symptom while you can do some lifestyle things all the yoga is not going to help if you're that woman with rivers of sweat. >> you say avoid alcohol. avoid spicy foods. >> i notice you drinking red wines before. switch to white. there are some women that just really need to go to their doctor and get a prescription. >> now when we talk about going to your doctor, i wish i could say that every doctor was a menopause expert but they are not. while your doctor may be, you need to get good information. my favorite place to send women is north american menopause
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society. where you can also get good information. once you get to your doctor, he or she will tell you about the estrogen products that are available. there are links with estrogen and issues that come along with it when it comes to breast cancer. >> less than i think. that's why it's so important to get good information. >> a lot of women don't know about the transdermal estrogens that come through the skin which are much safer. we have gel. we have sprays which is another way of getting estrogen. you can put a little patch on your skin where you wear it. we have a couple of seconds left because i want to ask when is the best time to -- because sex san issue. it ain't great after -- >> it can be very painful. >> my vag went to the sahara desert. i was parched and try.
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it was not fun. there are a lot of options. >> you didn't bring any of those with you today? >> ranging from all kinds of things but maybe a lube job. >> well this is actually a new product. there are many options. this is a ring that you put in your vagina. put it there for three months. it stays in there for three months. it will make it like it was when you were 20. >> anyway. >> thank you for being with us today. we appreciate it. >> it's just about time to share your videos for our fans spot light. hope they are nice and clean. >> the dirty truth about those cleaning products that are lying around your house probably making things worse. we'll be right back. >> i'm queen of the world.
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>> weekday mornings, wake up with the weather channel and get two of the biggest names in weather forecast your whole day. it all starts with wake up with al with america's favorite weathe man al roke rerks and stephanie abrams. get ready for your commute, your job or travel plans with everything you need to start your day, sam champion welcome to the weather channel. >> then for over 20 years he's been weather's champion in the morning with his expertise, singular charm, and trade mark smile. now the weather channel welcomes sam champion to his new home, amhq. >> morning television can be, i think the most fun television you can ever do. there are a lot of ingredients to make a morning television show desirable and attractive to the audience. >> it all starts with weather. every morning amhq's team of experts looked ahead to forecast of the way weather is shaping your news, sports, entertainment and more.
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>> the life component of it is, i think, the most amazing. the fact that you are waking people up and they are kind of getting their start with you. they are starting their day. >> make your mornings count with forecasting you can rely on. >> you can see that moisture that's kind of pushing in. >> atlanta you've got a spectacular day. >> this organization is built for weather. there is nothing comparable. there's no number two. this is it. it's the weather channel. everybody whose great at weather is in this building do it right there or in the field doing it for this place. >> and we don't just forecast the storm, we take you inside one. >> the worst part of the storm -- >> everything you do today, it all starts with weather. >> people need to understand that weather isn't just bad weather, it's everyday. it's everything around you. it's amazing. it is amazing out there. >> start your morning with wake up with al and amhq. america's morning herd quarters
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with sam champion week days on the weather channel. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. this is mark. work. for those who want to enjoy their days... not just get through them. new one a day vitacraves with energy support. the only complete gummy multivitamin... ...that supports energy and mental alertness. new from one a day. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews.
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enjoy the relief.
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if you clean the bathroom and kitchen and laundry room that isn't enough. we got a list of cleaning supplies to add to your list, the brushes, the mops, machines you're using to be spreading more germs and definitely some bad scents around the house. here with some sanitary solutions, an expert on all things. >> you can see that the mop can get a little bitt iky if it's sitting around. >> once a week you are going to take one cup of vinegar, one cup of water in warm water, dunk your mop. let it sit in there. >> marinate a little. >> you pick it up and rinse it
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off. >> you can buy it by the bucket full for so cheap. >> yeah. >> and when it comes to your sponges. >> sponges who knew are actually the dirtiest thing in your house. >> you want different sponges for your bathroom, different sponges for your kitchen. >> with your bathroom sponge you will take it and pour one table spoon of vinegar and you will put it in the microwave for two minutes on high and not only does this clean the sponge, it actually cleans the microwave, too. >> oh, you're kidding. >> so your sponge can last -- >> can you throw it in the dishwasher. >> yes, this is what you're going to do with your kitchen sponge that you're going to take -- >> this one is for the bathroom one. >> yeah the bathroom one. >> i don't want to put that in your microwave. >> it actually cleans your microwave. >> whatever you're comfortable with. >> are you comfortable. >> i'm very comfortable. >> your dishwasher, you will
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throw it in every other day. >> along with your dishes it cleans it right out. >> no vinegar, two weeks . when it comes to the dishwasher itself the great thing to do is once a week, take out the bottom rack and wipe everything down on the inside. it's very simple. once a month, you take a couple of vinegar. you will put it in the top rack with nothing else in the dishwasher, sprinkle a little baking soda in the bottom, and let it roll for 30 minutes short cycle. clears everything out. clears out the odors. take everything out. wipe it down. it's so easy. >> for the sponges maybe just throw them away because they are not that expensive. now what are we doing? >> so your broom. you've got a broom. once a week you will take hand vak and get all debris off of it so you make sure you're not leaving the gross debris on the
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broom. then once a month you're going to take just a couple drops of dish soap, pour it in the bucket and let it soak, rinse it out, you are good to go. >> use different brooms in different parts of your house so you don't spread germs around. >> you have one for everything, don't you. >> yeah. >> you are going to take a disinfecting wipe and wipe down the handle once a week. once a month you're going to take two cups of bleach, poor it into the toilet bowl and soak your brush in the toilet bowl and rinse it out. i love this tip. you're basically going to let it die by clamping it like this. it just automatically dries like that. >> what do we have here? >> what we have here is this is part of the washing machine. you might not think you need to clean a wash but it can get some mold in it so once a week you are going to take bleach fill
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the dispenser, one your whites through at the same time. if you get like, you know, bleach -- mold then you can use one part bleach, four parts water. spritz, dry. >> thank you nina. >> we will shine our fan spot light on someone very special. first this is today on nbc. >> corey is proud to serve his country. when his humvee was blown up in iraq, doctors didn't think he would survive his injuries. corey surprised everyone. he came home. to his wife and two children. >> when i see the kids and corey together, it's hard warming because they accept him for who he is. >> my dad is a super hero. >> i read to him.
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when i see my dad smile, i am happy. >> your gift to wun ewounded wa project can help provide critically needed programs and services that build lives. >> i think it's very important for people to support the wounded warrior project. for $19 a month, you give a family hope. >> our heroes have returned home and the war may have slipped from the headlines but the ongoing needs of the wounded and their families will continue for many needs to come. >> sometimes i help my dad walk. he puts his hands on my shoulders. >> call or go op line with a monthly pledge. you will receive this wounded warrior project blanket. >> i want the whole world to be able to meet corey because he's someone that has never given up. >> i'm really proud of my dad. really proud. >> now is the time to show your support. you can honor and empower those who have sacrificed so much for
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us. >> being together with other wounded warriors for corey's sake to be around care givers for my sake it's amazing. just that sense of not being alone because that feeling of being alone was probably the hardest thing. >> for many of our warriors, the greatest casualty is being forgotten. don't let that happen. please make that call or go online right now.
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>> time now to shine our fan spot light on a special person you wanted to us to know about. >> last friday we dedicated our show to giving it back and paying it forward. we asked you to send us videos describing how you were impacted by someone else's act of kindness. >> we received a lot of responses from many of our viewers in new york about one person in particular. his name is keith. you told us about keith's generosity delivering hot meals, collecting gifts and volunteering with the youth bask team. he basketball team. >> he raised over $7,000 for families in needs. >> we want to give a big thank you to keith for brightening up people's days and inspiring others to do the same. >> we want to thank you all of our viewers for sharing that story. >> all right tomorrow priscilla presley. elvis auction and a lot more plus a performance by the cool
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indy pop band >> i'm here to help. you and i will get through this together. ♪


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