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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  July 26, 2014 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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i'm peggy bunker. terry mcsweeney is off tonight. investigators are trying to figure out exactly what sparked that huge warehouse fire in the south bay. one man was rushed to the hospital as a result. it started early this morning on 7th street in downtown san jose. this is near spartan stadium in the downtown area. nbc's derek shore is live at the scene with new details. looks like we will get some of that information in from derek in a moment. let's give you the background here. this happened at an industrial complex. we'll get the latest from him in a moment. fire officials say the first call came in early this morning reporting th another fire crew on a medical call saw the smoke. flames could be seen shooting up filling up the dark sky. this was a five-alarm fire. it was a bit before 4:00 this morning. it burned for hours. first responders found a man suffering from critical injuries at the scene. he then went to the hospital. he's thought to be an employee at one of the four businesses in that area. firefighters were called from
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six agencies to get the blaze under control. if you know this area, some of the shops include a housing company that make wooden pallets which gave the fire plenty of fuel. the six agencies helped the fire from spreading and getting worse. there's a number of nearby businesses including a school bus yard. take a listen. >> we did have mutual aid from multiple agencies, six agencies within our county. so you had palo alto, mountain view, sunnyvale, santa clara city, santa clara countiened a milpitas assisted us in putting the fire out. >> still unclear if fire investigators have been able to speak to the victim. they are still investigating those details. also this scene tonight to tell you about, we're closely following this fire in the south bay. these are live pictures from our traffic camera. you can see just a little bit of smoke on the hillside. we did hear from san jose fire and cal fire that they are battling a vegetation fire near
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the almaden quick silver county park. this is south of morgan hill near highway 101. it's not threatening any homes. but there's concern because of the dry conditions that it could get worse. we want to send it over now to rob mayeda who's been watching this closely. we knew we'd be talking a lot about fires this summer. >> you can see the difference in conditions from one side of the bay to the other. it's cooler today but very dry in the hills. the temperature change for about 24 hours ago has dropped off a bit around san francisco and san jose. we're at 69 in san francisco right now. in the 80s or close to it in san jose. you can see about ten degrees cooler at this time. livermore beginning to cool down but still mid-90s inland. it's the areas south of san jose. the hilltops down there near almaden still in the 90s. so pretty hot and dry close to where that fire's been burning and around the east bay hills. seeing the temperatures closer to 100. starting to cool off in walnut
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creek. we'll see cooling changes as we begin to wrap up the weekend. but there's an interesting part of this weather forecast that could play out a little bit later tonight. we're watching an area of low pressure just offshoesh. and some of this has mid level moisture, once it comes together, we could see offshore showers getting close to the peninsula coastline later tonight. we'll talk more about the chances of summer showers coming up in your full forecast. people in the east bay cannot cool off in nearby lakes or beaches. two are going to be closed until monday because of high e. coli levels and toxic algae blooms. testing showed it was too dangerous for people to go in. officials will be testing throughout the day tomorrow. this is the first time the east bay regional park district has ever closed two lakes at the same time. there are also new air
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quality concerns for some people living near a fire that broke out about 50 miles southeast of sacramento. take a look at this video of the sand fire. so far it's burned about 1,300 acres since it started yesterday. the steep terrain is a major obstacle for firefighters. right now, about 700 homes are under evacuation orders. this is near highway 49 and sand ridge road. cal fire says one person was injured and it's only about 20% contained at this time. people are told the fire will bring smoke into the sacramento area into tomorrow morning. and an unusual rescue. take a look at this humongous tortoise. firefighters went back to save this 200-pound tortoise named abe. the 20-year-old tortoise and dozens of resort guests escaped without any injury. from pamplona to pleasonton, today thousands of thrill
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seekers tried to outrun bulls that weighed about 1,500 pounds each. nbc bay area's christie smith is live at the alameda county fairgrounds with today's running of the bulls. you don't see this normally in the east bay. >> reporter: there's only one thing to do with a bunch of bulls running behind you. that is, get out of the way. that's what about 3,000 people tried to do today in a most unexpected location, the alameda county fairgrounds instead of spain. for the great bull run, a first here in california. 28 bulls released in groups. animal rights activists were concerned for the bulls' safety. a lawsuit was filed to try and stop it. but it hadn't been settled. on the track, one runner with a gopro camera shared his perspective. said he really liked the rush of the event. he also took part in a tomato royale afterward with people pelting each other with tomatoes right after the main attraction. >> they're running through and they're like big cars.
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you have to run and hope for the best. good times. >> there's definitely a part of my brain that was like, get out, stop! and the whole time you think, i'm going to run. beyond >> we're not hitting the bulls, not shocking them, not doing anything to the bulls other than herding them forward and letting them run. >> reporter: at least one person was hurt running with the bulls. but organizers didn't know his condition right now. they tell me that their animals are well cared for. that misters were used to keep them cool in the hot heat. they also tell me that about 1,500 spectators came out. i asked them if we could expect to see a repeat next year. the running with the bulls again here in alameda county and they said they certainly hope so. reporting live in pleasonton, christie smith, nbc bay area news. >> christie, thank you. new at 6:00, the car service lyft started using professionally licensed drivers in new york last night. the company was forced into the move because the taxi industry regulations there.
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it's being forced to suspend its ride sharing services in buffalo and rochester. lyft is a car service based here in san francisco. the company's president says he plans to work with government officials to change policies to allow ride sharing in new york city. he made history on the moon. today buzz aldrin visited the east bay as part of the 45th anniversary of the apollo 11 lunar walk. buzz aldrin met space fans at the uss hornet museum in alameda. that aircraft helped to recover apollo 11 after iz returned to earth. aldrin says he wants to help humans on the next big mission, which would be landing on mars. >> right now, we're setting a commitment to begin doing that on another planet in the solar system. and that's the ultimate pioneering adventure for humanity. >> how about this picture? he's awfully hip, mr. aldrin. yesterday he posted this selfie
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from instagram. he says he thinks the mission to mars could actually happen by 2040. coming up next, new hope for a north bay oyster farm. the legal maneuver keeping the bay open for now. plus, the u.s. shuts down its embassy in libya. the violent attacks that prompted an evacuation of workers and marines. and babies caught on turtle cam. more on their moonlit journey to their new home.
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we're following developing news out of libya tonight. the u.s. embassy in tripoli evacuated all of its personnel at daybreak this morning. the move comes after weeks of escalating violence between militia groups. 158 americans, including 80 marines who served as the embassy security, left the compound in a vary can bound for neighboring tunisia. the libyan military has been battling militants from hardline islamist groups since moammar gadhafi was overthrown in 2011. >> we call on all libyans to
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engage in the political process and to come together in order to avoid the violence. >> secretary of state kerry went on to say that the u.s. will remain engaged in diplomacy in libya but will not send americans back until their safety can be assured. the bodies of victims of flight mh-17 continue to arrive in the netherlands today. the family of a woman on board that plane arrived at the crash site. it's been ten days since the malaysia airlines flight was shot down. the australian family is still holding out hope that their daughter survived the crash. nbc's keir simmons has more from the crash site in ukraine. >> just bringing her rainbow flowers. >> reporter: they traveled from australia to a war zone to be here, to look for their 25-year-old daughter. >> we want to say again and again and again my daughter is not dead.
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we want her to say, my mom and dad fulfilled what they promised. >> reporter: in this field, the fuselage burst into flames. >> we want to put it on the wheel. >> reporter: the wings came down miles away. they laid flowers on the side of a cabin wall. then a prayer. >> and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one. >> reporter: from parents clinging to the belief their daughter may still be alive. >> they will find more survivors. >> reporter: she was on her way to visit them. they spoke to her minutes before the plane took off. tell us about your daughter, what kind of person is she? >> she's vibrant, beautiful, international scientist. >> reporter: as her parents spoke, in the netherlands, the bodies continued to arrive and were taken from the plane by procession, each of them
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honored. more terrible stories emerge of the dead disrespected, the western monitors here say they believe possessions have been taken. but incredibly george and angela say they feel no anger. it took such courage to come here. >> thank you. >> reporter: as they left to visit more of this terrible crash site, they hugged the journalists who have covered the events here and vowed to keep searching for their daughter. it seems amazing that this family can find their way here and yet western governments are struggling to get teams here to secure this area, to collect people's possessions and perhaps even the bodies of their own people. back to you. >> keir simmons reporting. coming up next, hundreds of families stranded across the world and it's all because of a computer glitch. what the state department is doing now to get them back home. we're starting to see cooler temperatures around the bay area heading into tomorrow. hot in the tri-valley.
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but cooling around the coast and bay. we're also watching this system here offshore which is producing some showers. how much of this will get closer to the bay area? the forecast is when we come back.
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got a lot of turtles going on in this show tonight. a turtle cam recorded some 100 baby sea turtles hatching last night in the florida keys. they made their way to the ocean guided by moonlight reflected off the water. the turtle cam uses infrared light instead of artificial lighting so turtles aren't led away from the ocean. a loggerhead can live up to 65
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years and weigh up to 400 pounds. rob mayeda is here with your microclimate forecast. i'm not sure we'd hat have moonlight around here. >> probably not. the marine layer is trying to thicken up. you see the low clouds around the golden gate. 80 in downtown san jose. high level clouds coming into the palo alto view. in san francisco, the sea breeze is going. temperatures now dropping into the 60s in those onshore winds being coupled with some low clouds pushing into san francisco leading to temperatures running 5 to 10 degrees cooler than 24 hours ago. we should see patchy low clouds pushing in across the central area as we head towards tomorrow morning. things will cool off heading into tomorrow. most of the cloud cover west and on top of the golden gate bridge. and low clouds down into santa cruz. we'll see that continue to fill in as we head into tonight. we have the hot temperatures
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inland, 100 degrees in livermore today. but a very interesting view offshore, the story of the summer, we have to watch for monsoon or mid level moisture, tropical moisture feeding off a system here which has west of santa barbara today generated some lightning strikes. looks like this system is going to try to lift towards the bay area overnight tonight into early tomorrow morning while most of the best vertical motion of the system will likely stay offshore. we'll see increasing clouds tonight. sunday forecast, looking at mostly cloudy skies and perhaps a stray shower or two early in the day. this is what the mid level clouds will be looking like as they come through during the morning hours. could see a possible shower there or maybe some offshore thunder very briefly early tomorrow morning. then skies clear as we await the next wave of monsoon moisture. this is going to come in during the day on monday. and for locations closer to the sierra, this might have a bigger
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punch in terms of generating some thunderstorms. we'll finish off the weekend with sierra thundershowers. on monday, the next batch comes through. we'll see more clouds, probably an increase in humidity. but the sea breeze at the same time should turn a bit stronger. so our temperatures trending in the seven-day forecast cooler on monday and tuesday. 80s tomorrow in san jose as we see those temperatures around saratoga still in the 90s. mostly cloudy skies to start in san francisco. partly cloudy in the afternoon. livermore and pleasonton still hot. near 98 degrees. but the trend should improve towards monday and tuesday. cooling off for the middle part of the week. watching for a chance perhaps of an isolated shower as the humidity increases and more monsoon moisture sweeps in over the next couple of days. peggy? >> sounds great. thanks. coming up, oyster lovers have a little more time to enjoy the shellfish from drakes bay. we'll explain why after this.
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an nbc follow-up on a north bay oyster farm at the heart of
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a legal fight with the u.s. government. drakes bay oyster company will close its doors to the public this thursday. but a new agreement will allow it to keep harvesting oysters for another month. businesses and restaurants that rely on the marin county company filed an injunction request. the national park service agreed to let drakes bay operate until the next court date set or september 9th. last month, the u.s. supreme court declined to hear an appeal of that order to close the oyster company. hundreds of u.s. families are stranded in countries around the world tonight because of a computer glitch. the glitch knocked out a program that the state department uses to issue visas to adopt its children. this is video from one new family stuck in china. they traveled 9,000 miles to adopt a 4-year-old girl. the state department says it is working to get the problem fixed as soon as it can. but the children may not have visas until next week. right now, we want to check in with kate scott who joins us
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from comcast sportsnet. >> bad news for the 49ers to start off sports tonight. less than a week into training camp, the niners offense has already taken a major hit. hunter, done for the year. plus, the giants make a big trade for an arm they hope to help them get back to the postseason. all that coming up next in sports. [ heart beating ] [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ]
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game two between the giants
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and dodgers just getting under way tonight at at&t park. no score yet in the top of the second. ryan vogelsong on the hill for the giants against l.a.'s ace clayton kershaw. the giants picked up jake peavy from the red sox today. the 33-year-old expected to actually start tomorrow's series finale against the dodgers, a team that he's beaten 14 times and lost to just twice in his career. >> coach was very instrumental in this recommendation of peavy. they obviously have a past. reports were extremely solid. eight different scouts recommended we trade for him. so it was a lot about timing and a lot about the sense of urgency. >> as far as his stuff, like all pitchers, probably doesn't quite throw as hard. but he's still in the 92 area, has a good breaking ball, change-up. and has that fire. that's the most important thing.
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he's as tough a competitor has any pitcher or player i've ever had. >> just from watching him over the years and playing against him, he seems like a really, really tough competitor. nothing better than a dodgers/giants game to kick it off. >> game two between the a's and rangers kicked off at 5:00 tonight. oakland looking for a bounceback win. grace, 5-0 in his last six starts. bottom one, he gets beltre. that helps gray get out of the early jam. bottom of the third, elvis andrus keeps the inning alive. but andrus gets greedy. inching away from first base and gray picks him off to end the inning. currently 1-0 rangers in the top of the sixth inning. a month to the day after it was determined that a change in leadership was needed, sandy barbour landed on her feet at penn state. she spent ten years as the
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athletic director. she's the first female athletic director in penn state history. the 49ers have suffered a setback in training camp. hunter is out for the year. he tore his knee. the offensive coordinator said losing hunter is a big blow. >> based on what kendall had done in the spring and the first couple of days of camp, certainly it's a blow in that sense. he looked so good. really was back to form. kendall, doesn't get any better than him as a person or as a contributor. but next man up is not a cliche. it's a way of life. >> anytime you see someone get hurt like that, you never want to see that. a little down for him.
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all the work in the off-season -- you have to try to play for him. have to go out there and compete. i have to give a little extra for him. >> michael james is expected to get a shot at filling the void left by his good friend's injury. and niners gm says the nfl is expected to make a ruling on aldon smith in about a next ten days. so not the way that the 49ers wanted to start the season. >> and especially in non-contact drills, that's added insult to the injury. >> i know, so tough. >> thanks, kate. we'll check in one more time with rob. we have a toasty day out there right now. >> training camp up in napa and closer to home, seeing some hot temperatures around the bay area. tomorrow, towards the tri-valley, still some upper 90s out by livermore. 87 for san jose tomorrow. but one of the things we have to watch as we go through the next 24 hours will be that chance of perhaps seeing a few of these
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showers which have been offshore during day. could see a few more summer showers. our temperatures trying to cool off. 88 degrees in san jose. humidity will be increasing with the clouds coming in tomorrow and again on monday. >> thanks so much, rob. thanks for choosing nbc bay area news. coming up next, we investigate, a special with tony kovaleski. see you back at 11:00. until then, have a great night. they say your investigation didn't go far enough. >> as far as i'm concerned, the investigation i asked for was done. >> was justice served in the justice studies department? we investigate some questionable university spending and
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decisions and why following our reports the chancellor is just now taking action. how can a driver still have a license? >> i'd have to look into the specifics. >> some city cab drivers racking up traffic violations but still driving you around. we go undercover to expose bad drivers and why the agency in charge hasn't taken action. it's the largest scam of this type that i'm aware of. >> california taxpayers falling for a scam that's cost victims millions. what you need to know and what's being done to stop it. here's chief investigative reporter tony kovaleski. >> thanks for joining us. for the next 30 minutes, we investigate exposing government waste, uncoveri


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