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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  July 16, 2014 4:30am-5:01am PDT

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good morning, everyone. 4:30 in the morning. i'm scott mcgrew. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. let's first check the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. good morning. >> good morning. 4:30, early, we are still tracking a little bit of shower activity this morning. although today's going to be really nice. temperatures mostly topping out in the 70s, even in your inland valleys. cooler than average. right now the bulk of the moisture is heading back offshore. we'll be tracking these cells all morning long. firster a sneak peek at your drive. mike's always tracking something. >> we're not just going to give
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a sneak peek, i'm going to give an actual look at traffic from here. 101, look at the bottom of the screen, flashing sign there talking about road work ahead from university down to embarcadero. it's clear and then embarcadero to shoreline we have road work. we'll talk about the sensors in the area. slowing at the end by shoreline itself, that may be where the crew's starting to clear. should clear over the next half hour. not much farther south, reports of wood debris 101 at ellis. no traffic work scheduled but i'll track that until it's clear from the reports. rest of the bay smooth drive. no crashes reported on freeways but we'll look at 580, slowing already as is predictable. back to you guys. developing right now, in the middle east, israel is intensifying air attacks in the gaza strip, following yesterday's failed egyptian cease-fire proposal. after nine days of fighting, the number of dead in the region is up to 200 with more than 1400
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wounded. leaders in gaza say warplanes have been targeting homes of hamas officials, turning neighborhoods into rubble. after rejecting the plea deal yesterday, hamas ramped up rocket launches, some got past israel's missile defense system, killing at least one man. new this morning, pricey car caused a mess in san jose. pictures here. witnesses say a driver in a jaguar slammed into a fire hydrant near brannam high school, took crews 20 minutes to shut off the fountain. this morning, the high-end prostitute accused in the death of a tech exec will answer to several charges including manslaught manslaughter. held on $1.5 billion. video from the yacht shows tickleman injecting hayes with heroin and she gathered her things before casually stepping over hayes.
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his body was found the next day by the captain of his yacht. this case has led people to re-examine the overdose of tickleman's former boyfriend. she's not been charged in that case so far. a judge will hear final arguments in the battle over public access to martins beach. the billionaire bought the property along the beach in 2008. he locked the gate on the private road to keep beachgoers away. the surf rider foundation says he needed a permit from the county or coastal commission to block the road but says he never got one. the ruling is not expected for several weeks. 4:33. police in fremont looking for whoever broke into a tech business, stealing tens of thousands worth of computer equipment. ha happened over the weekend on fremont boulevard. the thieves got inside by cutting a hole in the metal rollup door, and they got away with $100,000 worth of computer
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components. the company cat who -- the company cat that lived inside the building is also missing. 4:33. mountain view investigators are trying to figure out what caused a house fire that sent a man to the hospital. the fire broke out on elm wood street last night burning the basement and the first floor. the man suffered smoke inhalation and minor injuries but he'll be okay. san jose police trying to track down a person who stabbed a man on a popular trail it happened midnight monday morning, that's downtown san jose near children's discovery museum. security officers called police after finding the victim. in mountain view, police looking for the man who groped a woman near pioneer park 10:45 sunday night. the woman was walking home, a man grabbed her there have been
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several reports of women being groped along the peninsula but police don't think is it's the same attacker. last night the santa clara city council approved a parking plan to ease traffic in and oust levi's stadium. the plan includes synchronizing more than 20 traffic lights around the stadium, creates customer outs for 20,000 season ticket holders from homes to their assigned parking spots. the ribbon cutting ceremony for levi's stadium is tomorrow but the parking plan will be put to the test august 2nd, when the san jose earthquakes have a major game. the state resources control board yesterday voted to make outdoor water conservation mandatory, and water wasting punishable. new word -- new rules which take effect next month include no hosing down driveways or sidewalks, no access run-off when watering landscape new york
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fountains that don't recirculat. there are exceptions for health and safety, for instance, san francisco's problem with human waste on the streets. >> if it's just aesthetic reasons we will cut back. we have power washing for graffiti removal to get gum off the sidewalks. we'll look for alternatives to that. >> the fines go into effect august 1st. details about our historic drought. scientists say so far the drought has cost california farmers and workers more than $2 billion a new study says 5% of the farmland is fallow and that's put more than 17,000 seasonal and part-time workers out of a job. this is the third worst drought ever. bay area's fighting back against the west nile virus today. contra costa county, crews will begin fogging for mosquitoes along the martinez water front. weather permitting, the work
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will start at 8:30. this is the third time this year the county's fogged for mosquitoes. one person has been infected by the virus. let's take a live look outside. nice start to our day overlooking san jose christina joins us with a look at forecast. good morning. >> good morning, everybody at home. it's wednesday. want to help you get over that hump so you can enjoy the beautiful weekend we have in store for you. temperatures this morning, i wanted to start with those because it's very mild. that is not the weather story of the day. let's get right over to that. i wanted to give you an idea, though, how tropical it still feels here in the bay area. we have showers lingering. for the most part, active cells pushing into marin county, and we're going to see a little bit of this but not a lot. you may have to use your windshield wipers for five minutes. 80 degrees, comfortable conditions. 78 for the peninsula.
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66 degrees today in san francisco. the north bay will hit 82. we'll see 70 degrees on the east shore. looking at 84 in the tri-valley. we'll get to the weekend forecast in a moment. a couple of things to point out, trying to get outdoors, stick around. if you cannot, at least mike can help you get where you're going on time. good morning. >> good morning. we're looking at that steamy outlook now. talking about still a lot of moisture in the air but not a problem as for as our view of the bay bridge toll plaza. traffic driving through the area and in the parking lot on the right, between the east and westbound directions, i saw one crew with a sign truck traveling through, may be an indication crews there, as we look at the map for west 580 on interstate 80 have clearing from the area that will be heading toward the east shore freeway. overnights sending folks to the parking lot because of the turn around of the closure. it will be wrapped up in the next five minutes. altamont pass, smooth drive, a tiny bit of slowing, below 60
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miles per hour coming into the eastern edge of livermore. no surprises or the south bay. smooth flow of traffic. only surprises light on the construction crews. most cleared for the san jose area as well. rest of the bay smooth wry now. we'll check the golden gate bridge, smooth drive. you can see lights across the span when yesterday we couldn't. things will change over the morning so we'll track that. no problems for the north bay on this segment of 101. treat in san francisco shut down near fisherman's wharf between taylor and powell streets. >> shooting scenes for the latest movie by the rock, the actor, not alcatraz. stephan stephan stephan stephanie tongue joins us. >> reporter: merchants here will be the only ones upset because it does close off one of the access roads here unless people
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are rubber necking if the filming is visible from the street. jefferson street, the main street here, is not the one that is closed. it's embarcadero, was the inside street used by mostly trucks making deliveries and people dropping others off here at the wharf. crews did start to pull up in trucks after 4:00 this morning. so half an hour ago a couple of hours after the original time that was set for the street closure at 2:00 in the morning. most of the filming for the film "san andreas" is being done in australia but there's fimilmingn the city by the bay set around fisherman's wharf and one or two days at russian hill at the end of the month. the movie about an earthquake hitting california, the rock playing a pilot who leaves tleeng find his estranged daughter here in san francisco. that's why you've got scenes here. i do want to note a lot of the parking on jefferson street, the main street here, has been take an way. signs are out there, no parking
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today from 2:00 in the morning until 2:00 in the afternoon, and that is today. so again, it's dark out, just some of the trucks have pulled up. not sure when film willing begin. no sign, we don't know if the rock himself will be here. we know he's on a press tour for another film about hercules but we'll let you know if we see him. the movie's set for next june, when the release comes out. live in san francisco, stephanie chuang "today in the bay." >> you playing the reporter in the movie. >> great idea. >> i'm right here. if they want me, i'm available. >> remember the little people, though, remember. >> thanks so much. still ahead "today in the bay," unlikely pairing. how apple's teaming up with a longtime rival to boost business. bad news for chocolate lovers. why getting your hands on your favorite hershey's treat is going to cost you a little more.
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a very good -- what is it --
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wednesday. >> it is. >> halfway through the work week. beautiful live look outside at the bay bridge. wow, crisp, clear, nice start. 4:44. house republicans calling for a surge of national guard troops to be sent to the border, hoping that will help deal with wave of immigrant children crossing into the united states illegally. both republicans and democrats are trying to find a bipartisan compromise on plan that could tighten up border security but also care for immigrants on our side of the border. time is running out. lawmakers will leave for summer break at the end of the month. meantime, president obama will meet with members of congressional hispanic caucus to make sure kids who come in have their day in court. also this morning, the acting v.a. secretary will testify before the veterans affairs committee. sloan gibson will be questioned on what the agency's done to address the problems plaguing the system. the system has come under fire for making patients wait too
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long to see doctors. the controversy forced eric shinseki to redesign as v.a. secretary two months ago. a house oversight and investigation subcommittee will hold a hearing on the anthrax scare at centers for disease control. last month a breakdown in protocol led to dozens of employees being potentially exposed to live anthrax, though no one was infected. new walmart opening in the south bay. it's taking over the former circuit city in san jose next to stevens creek boulevard off saratoga. a walmart neighborhood market store, that makes it a quarter of the size of a walmart super center. walmart does say the store will bring in nearly 100 jobs to the area. apple timing up with a longtime rival in hopes of selling more ipads. mary thompson, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. we are looking now at a higher open on wall street, what
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futures are indicating. and in corporate news, as you mentioned, apple is teaming up with ibm in a partnership that could make the iphone maker a major player in the business market. companies developing more than 100 mobile apps for the iphone and ipad which ibm will sell to other industries. in return, apple will provide tech support for those apps. a mixed session tuesday, investors weighing upbeat earnings from jpmorgan and goldman sachs with comments from the federal reserve that said valuations in tech and other high flying stocks may be stretched. the dow finished with a five-point gain. the nasdaq fell 24 points, to close at 4416. this morning we get data on inflation, manufacturing and housing and earnings out this morning, including those from bank of america, excludeing items that the company beat estimates. janet yellen testifies about the economy, this on capitol hill.
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lastly, hershey raising candy prices for the first time in three years trying to offset higher cost. koko prices hit three-year highs earlier on worries demand will outpace supply from top producers. herb,y's move could trigger similar price hikes. get ready to pay more for sweet treats. >> good thing i have a stockpile at my desk. >> it's dwindling. >> because you put the word out to me and mike. got that, mike? mike and ike, that's what we like. good morning. we have a little bit of shower activity here this morning, not a lot. but enough to bet the roadways nice and slick and right now watching this cell concentrated over the richmond/san rafael bridge. it's really mild out there. i know you want to grab a jacket or sweater, that's the usual urge here in the bay area at this hour. but today you don't need one.
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we'll see gorgeous conditions. 80 degrees in the south bay. 78 peninsula. east shore at 70. 82 in the north bay. weather headlines tell the story that cool breeze builds today. we're going to see onshore flow return than will lead to a pleasant finish to the work week. as we get into your weekend, subtle changes to show you. talk about that, show you the difference between san jose and san francisco for your saturday and sunday. temperatures are going to be comfortable. heading to the city, you want to make sure to bring the jacket with you. with a cool breeze on the way it's going to be blustery, wind will pick up in the city. comfortable in the south bay. 80 saturday. 80 on sunday. lots going on across the bay area this weekend. we'll talk about those events and the corresponding weather. back to you, scott and laura. 4:49. happening now, strong typhoon wreaking havoc in the philippines. at least ten people are dead,
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many killed by falling trees or power lines or just crushed by collapsing walls. right now the eye of the storm bringing heavy rains and winds topping 100 miles an hour to the capital of manila, which is virtually shut down. nearly 400,000 people are evacuated from homes. parts of the philippines struggling to recover from the typhoon last november. that storm killed more than 6,100 people. bay area teenager giving special thanks to those who rescued her. she fell off a cliff. >> the 14-year-old kathrin santancito took a 60-foot fall down a rock cliff back in march. that same day set to be promoted to a cadet senior airman. she broke bones, suffered serious brain injury. after four months of recovery she got her promotion. last night she horned the firemen and officers who saved her life. >> as a firefighter, rarely you see the whole event, see someone from an incident serious as that
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that accident recover, fully recover, and it's great to see that. >> kathrin has undergone more than a dozen surgeries. she cannot move entirely on her own. she has a lot of rehabilitation to do. it's nice to see because we covered that. i remember the story. >> nice to see the follow-up. >> and she's doing okay. 4:51. emotional send-off to one of the greatest baseball players of all time. >> looking here, great commute, not of all time, but for the morning at least. 101, san jose, from the south bay. we'll check the north bay, something going on there.
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welcome back. 4:54. look at a's have a few days off before they get back to work friday against the orioles. players are relaxing, city council members will be trying to keep the team at coliseum for the tech nen years. the coliseum authority approved a new lease, they did that earlier this month, but the city council and the alameda county board of supervisors have to sign on. if the deal's shot down, major league baseball says the a's can move out of town immediately. city council meets today. board of supervisors scheduled to vote on all of this at the end of the month. bringing back the love, the warriors reportedly reopening
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trade talks with minnesota timberwolves for all star forward kevin love. most of the nba's in las vegas for summer league games and a source tells the associated press two sides met face to face to talk about the deal. trade talks were called off because the warriors did not want to clgive up klay thompson for a trade for love. it's unclear which side might have changed its mind. batting for the american league, for the new york yankees, shortstop, number 2, derek jeter. number 2. >> this was the scene at target field in minneapolis last night as the great derek jeter stepped up to the plate in his final all-star game ever. fans, players, coaches gave the shortstop a standing ovation. it lasted, as you can see, more than a minute. he hit a double, would score the american league's first run.
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he left the game after three innings to one more round of cheers. jeter stole the show, the mvp was mike trout. trout had a triple, double, and two rbis to lead the american league to 5-3 win over the national league. for his efforts trout got to choose between a new chevy silverado or corvette. >> what do you think? >> the corvette. >> heck yeah. >> 22-year-old second youngest player to win the all star mvp award behind ken griffey jr. nice way to do it. >> as a dad of someone the age, trying to think of insurance of 22-year-old and corvette. he can probably afford it. let's check in -- speaking of car crashes -- check in with mike. >> none involving silver corvettes. could have driven that around the bases. here an earlier crash on the side of the road. a look at the flashing lights northbound side. you can barely make them out.
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there in the scales area for the trucks, off of 101. happened early overnight. crews there. no slowing. easy drive toward the richmond/san rafael bridge. yellow in both directions. sensors adjusting it looks like. no incident reported. embarcadero closure, section between the parking lot and fisherman's wharf as stephanie strong has been telling us. no transit delays reported this hour either. back to you. still ahead this morning -- growing controversy as a popular peninsula ymca prepares to shut down. what the community's doing to stop its doors from closing. plus, back in court, we could hear from the woman accused of shooting heroin into the veins of a google exec leaving him to die.
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back in court, we could hear from the woman accused of
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injecting a bay area tech executive with heroin and leaving him to die. details in a live report. eyes on the road and off those phones. law enforcement out in force in one bay area county this morning. but you should do it all over the bay. across the bay, things look smooth. the update on slowing we see farther east, coming up. your options this weekend unlimited for outdoor plans. great weather coming your way. get rid of the monsoonal moisture first whenle cool ocean air comes back. microclimate forekooft is moments away. wednesday, july 16th. this is "today in the bay." from nbc bay area, this is "today in the bay." >> good morning, everyone. thank you for joining us. i'm scott mcgrew. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. the woman accused of shooting heroin into the veins of a bay area tech


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