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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  July 15, 2014 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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nbc bay area news starts now. >> and good evening, everyone. i'm jessica aguirre. >> and i'm raj mathai. tonight state officials voted for dramatic water cuts. if you don't comply, you'll be slapped with a hefty fine. the new restrictions might put some businesses out of business. but there are people who don't have to follow the rules. nbc bay area's jean elle is in san francisco this evening with details and loopholes of tonight's big decision. jean?
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>> reporter: raj, state water officials say we are wasting the most water here, outside, doing things just like this. washing down the sidewalk and washing down our driveways. starting in august, that could cost you a $500 fine. but there are exceptions. power-washing may seem like a waste of water. but the manager at the cadillac hotel in san francisco's tenderloin says it's a must. >> the urine. >> reporter: the department of public works gets nearly one thousand requests a month to clean up human waste. more than half are in the tenderloin. cleaning crews use as much as 600 gallons of water a day. people who live here say it's not a waste. >> people are health area risks, with feces, garbage, needles. >> reporter: even in the drought, the soaking will continue. the state water conservation board says the sidewalks can be cleaned here because there is a
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health and safety concern. but dpw is providing portable cleanups to try to reduce the number of cleanup jobs. and it will stop spraying in other cases. >> we have used power-washing for graffiti removal, to get gum off sidewalks. we'll look for alternatives to that. >> reporter: the agency is cutting back to follow new mandatory water conservation regulations approved by the state water board. new rules include no hosing down sidewalks or drive waist. no excess runoff. no fountains that don't recirculate. and only washing a car with a hose fitted with a shutoff nozzle. violators may be fined $500. in august, citizens and city agencies can be fined for violating the new rules. the sfpuc will be looking for violators. >> most likely it will involve us putting together an enforcement team that will respond to complaints of water waste in the city. >> reporter: this is exactly what the water agency does not
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want to see, water wasting, going down the drains. now it's up to every bay area water agency, every statewide water agency to enforce the new rules in san francisco there is talk of setting up a complaint hotline. enforcement here will be complaint driven. jean elle, nbc bay area news. >> a lot of changes for a lot of us. thanks, jean. experts from uc davis says the drought will cost california more than $2 billion this year alone. they also estimate more than 17,000 agricultural workers will lose their jobs. however, food prices should remain largely unaffected. new tonight at 11:00, was she or wasn't she? oakland police revealing tonight that the car crash involving mayor jean quan is still under investigation, and that cell phone use has not been ruled out. on friday, police put out a statement saying cell phone use did play a role -- did not play a role in the accident. tonight the department is backtracking. officials say the traffic unit
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is not able to determine whether or not cell phones were being used at the time of the crash by either driver. quan denies being on her cell phone. but the other driver involved maintains quan was not only on her cell phone, but that she also ran a red light. also new at 11:00, a man rushed to the hospital after a house fire in mountainview. the fire broke out before 7:30 on elmwood street near central expressway and shoreline boulevard. the victim is being treated for smoke inhalation. still no word on what caused that fire. are you ready to be wowed? the 49ers new home is state-of-the-art. big money seats and gourmet food. but parking is the wild card here there is less than three weeks until the opening of levi stadium. and soon about 70,000 fans will be converging on this neighborhood in santa clara. nbc bay area's cheryl hurd is at the stadium tonight. and cheryl, park cog be a headache, even if you're not going to the games. >> reporter: that's right. parking control will be in the
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hands of the police. the city's parking plan was approved today. but there will be problems. everyone knows that some 70,000 fans will descend on levi stadium on game day. and they know that people won't be able to park in a parking lot like this. so people who live near here are concerned. >> even if there is parking, people don't want to get caught up in all the traffic and n the parking lots. >> reporter: real estate agent fay is hoping people don't descend on this neighborhood. but she knows they. >> i'm looking at it with sales in that i've got somebody who really wants to be close to the stadium, or somebody who just doesn't want to be affected by it at all. >> reporter: there will be major changes for people who live near levi stadium. if you live in a certain neighborhood, you may have to get a parking pass from the city that will allow you to park in front of your own home. and then there is the new no parking signs that spell out the dates when parking is not allowed. >> we're going to have close to 70,000 people coming into the
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city of santa clara. and they're going to be leaving ah at one time. and we are going to have some congestion. we are. >> reporter: santa clara police chief michael sellers admits that things won't be perfect, but the city is trying. >> there will be bicycle access. there will be the vta. there will be buses, limousines, there will be pedestrians that will walk in. and there is going to be a lot of ways people can access the stadium. >> reporter: season ticketholders like fred will have a customized route and assigned parking lot to help him avoid traffic on game days. >> really should help minimize some of the traffic congestion. we're going to experience the -- in the first year, i suspect it's still going to be very difficult. >> reporter: 49er officials are confident their plan will help manage the flow of some 20,000 cars. the police chief tells me tonight that he knows that some adjustments will have to be made. he says that people will just have to be patient. reporting live in santa clara, i'm cheryl hurd, nbc bay area
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news. >> all right, cheryl, thank you. the colors are in the house. the big day as the american flag was raised above the stadium. it happened earlier today. things are looking more official as workers get ready for the first event, which is a football game of a different kind. it's not the 49ers. it's the earthquakes. they'll take on seattle on august 2nd at levi stadium. and the countdown son to the 49ers home opener which will air on sunday night football right here on nbc bay area. 60 days emotional the first regular season game at levi stadium. and that's against the chicago bears. new video tonight shows a well-known bay area journalist turned immigration activist being arrested by border agents in texas. pulitzer prize winning journalist jose antonio vargas wa detained as he was going through security at a texas airport. vargas is an undocumented immigrant and has lived in the u.s. without papers since he was 12. he released a statement after his arrest saying, quote, our daily lives are filled with fear
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in simple acts such as getting on an airplane to go home to our family we spoke to his aunt to spoke on the phone with vargas himself. >> we spoke. because he would be worried that we are worrying about him. so he would call me and he called me and told me, i'm really out, so don't worry. >> now vargas is visiting the border city of mcallen, texas to reply to thousands of undocumented immigrant children from central america. more details on him. the journalist worked for "the san francisco chronicle" and earned a pulitzer prize for his articles in the "washington post" on the virginia tech shootings. he also grew up here in the bay area. in 2012, vargas is on the cover of "time" magazine, writing the cover story about the uncertainty of his life after publicly revealing himself as an undocumented immigrant. he grew up in mountain view. our coverage of this story continues online at you can also find a compelling interview that i did with jose
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when he talked about his fear of being discovered while working as a journalist, and his time growing up here in the bay area. we posted that entire interview. all you have to do is search immigration on an attack on a popular trail that runs through downtown san jose. and the suspect is still on the loose tonight. the attack happened on the guadalupe river park trail near almaden boulevard and woz way. security officers for nearby business called police after finding the victim. this was late sunday night, just after midnight. the victim had several cuts considered life threatening injuries. the suspect or suspects have not been identified. another attack, this time in mountain view. a woman tells police she fought off man that groped her while walking near a downtown park. this was sunday night near pioneer park. after a brief struggle, that suspect ran off. he is described as a hispanic male around 25 years old with an average build. tonight, a very emotional thank you from a south bay teenager to the first responders
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who saved her life after she fell off a cliff in san jose. many of the heros from that tragic day in march were there tonight for a very special ceremony. that's where nbc bay area's terry mcsweeney is at. he is at reed hill airport. and terry, she has to be so thankful for everything that she has accomplished. >> reporter: she is. and i'll tell you something. the first responders i talked about here tonight who were there that day in march say they did not think she was going to make it. but make it she did. and tonight she wanted to say thank you in person to these people. she wanted to dedicate her promotion in the civil air patrol cadet program to these people who saved her life. 14-year-old katherine santacito tonight promoted to airman first class. >> i want to fly. i want to be a pilot. >> reporter: maybe a fighter pilot the way she has fought back from near death to where she is tonight. flash back to march 18th,
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katherine took a 60-footfall down a rock cliff in san jose's allen rock park. tonight she wanted the same folks who were there that day to be here again so she could thank each of them and dedicate her promotion to them for their life-saving work. >> amazing. you rarely as a firefighter able to see the whole event, see someone from an incident as seriouses that accident fully recover. and it's greats to see that. >> reporter: and the chp officer flying that helicopter right there, he was there tonight. and if anybody was more amazed than katherine at tonight's event, it was pilot mark mitchell. >> i was hopeful she was going to make it, but i wasn't thinking that she would survive. >> reporter: wow. >> yeah. >> reporter: and now you see her here today? >> yeah, it's pretty crazy. >> reporter: also honored here tonight the woman who was first to call for the cavalry that day in march. >> i heard when she fell, i got so scared. so the first reaction was call 911. >> reporter: an amazing night for the family. >> proud. very happy.
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>> and a very special night for a very grateful girl. >> i'm very willing to help others. >> reporter: well, she has undergone more than a dozen surgeries, and she has at least one more to go. but she is beginning to get around on a walker. and it might not be a smart move to bet against this brand-new airman first class. terry mcsweeney, nbc bay area news. it's the largest scam of this type that i'm aware of in my 23 years of law enforcement experience. >> tens of thousands of residents scammed out of millions of dollars. all by a simple phone call. i'm investigative reporter stephen stock. tonight we investigate the phone scam sweeping the country and targeting residents here in california in particular. also, google getting hacked. why the company is paying for hackers, and why it might save the internet. plus, an unlikely alliance. apple and ibm teaming up.
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how could it help businesses around the bay area? that's next. and good evening. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri. we had a quick passing shower across walnut creek. we'll talk more about our shower chances tomorrow, coming up in just a few minutes.
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it's a call no one wants to get, a call from the irs. but what if you're being scammed? >> investigative reporter stephen stock has the latest twist on a very old trick, a trick that has worked on thousands of unsuspecting taxpayers. steven? >> reporter: jessica, this is a stamm supercam that investigators tell us has already convinced tens of
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thousands of taxpayers into paying out millions of dollars. the feds say it's the biggest scam of its type that they've ever seen. the main targets? folks right here in california. all from a simple phone call which preys on an age-old fear, that you owe the government money. [ ringing ] >> my name is john -- >> reporter: the calls sound eerily similar. >> they said they were calling from the irs. i'm officer heather gray from the department of internal revenue service. >> reporter: tens of thousands of them. >> i'm calling you from irs. they identified themselves from the department of treasury. >> reporter: in the last eight months alone, federal criminal investigators have already counted more than 60,000 of these calls made across the united states. all of the calls in some way threaten the person receiving them with arrest or irs legal action if the phone call is not
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returned. >> before you get arrested, can you call us back. >> oh, yeah, it make me -- it scared me a little bit. >> reporter: a native of the philippines, greg got the call at his castro valley home right before tax day. >> new message. >> we have received a legal notice against your name concerning a tax fraud, a tax evasion. so before we take this matter to the federal courthouse, or before you get arrested, can you call us back on our call-back number. >> i was shocked. because it was totally unexpected. i never visit that payment so why is he calling me? >> is this possible? >> reporter: bob got four different calls. he works in sales at nbc bay area in a division separate from our newsroom. when he found out we were investigating -- >> hi, my name is -- >> reporter: he came forward to share what his callers told him.
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>> i need to call them right away because i was at risk of having my wages garnished, my house repossessed, and possible arrest. >> it's the largest scam of this type that i'm aware of in my 23 years of law enforcement experience of. >> reporter: tim should know. he started his career as a irs investigator for the irs in 1985. he is now deputy inspector general at the treasury inspector general's office in washington which oversees the irs. >> part of the scheme would involve the person pretend tock internal revenue service actually having some digits of your social security number. and they tell you those digits. and when that matches, a lot of times people are then inclined to believe that it actually is the irs. >> reporter: investigator says the callers tend to target immigrants and the elderly, and could likely be the work of organized crime both here and overseas. >> we protect the integrity of the internal revenue service. so naturally, an impersonation of the irs impugns the integrity of the internal revenue service. >> reporter: so many people
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believed the callers and send in checks that criminal investigators have tracked more than four million sent to the scammers nationwide. just since last october. and that's just those who have reported being scammed. the actual loss could be two to four times higher. >> generally, before the irs would ever contact you on the telephone, you would receive multiple notices on the. >> reporter: out of $4 million last, a fourth of it, more than a million dollars has come from california. new york state finishes a distant second with a half million lost so far. so if you get a phone call like this -- >> i need you to return the call. >> reporter: don't return the call, no matter how official sounding and urgent the voice may be. >> it really makes me mad there are people like that trying to target senior people like me. >> reporter: now, none of the people we talked with actually ever paid the scammers any
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money. we talked to more than a dozen victims, although a few of them did admit they came close to writing that check. if you do get this phone call, the irs wants you to call them, not the number left on the machine. the irs is clearly worried about this, and not just because of the millions of dollars that have already been lost, but even more critically, because of the lost confidence in the tax agency and the system, all because of this scam. raj, jessica? >> okay, steven, thank you. it can be intimidating. if you have a tip for stephen stock or anyone else in our investigative unit, give us a call 888-996-tips or send it directly to the let's turn things over to meteorologist jeff ranieri. he has the microclimate forecast, an explanation. what is that behind you? >> i know. many people are going why are you showing us wood panels? well, even a few raindrops that accumulate on someone's backyard deck is big news. this happening in orinda tonight. this coming into us mitali.
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it was almost like a miracle, and there is that tiny puddle on her deck. you can send us your phot photos @isee. orinda around 9:30 to 10:00. and isolated in nature. as we zoom out in the radar, just a few lone spotty showers in the north bay. otherwise it is dry. the risk remains low tonight for any heavy rainfall. but it will keep a slight risk in the forecast at least through the next 24 hours. you can see the sky camera network the biggest thing is the camera overhead that has actually helped to cap off some of the warm air from today. still holding on with 73 in the south bay. the peninsula 71. the east bay at 71 as well. as we get a look at tomorrow morning's forecast we will start with some thick cloud cover across the peninsula. san francisco, off to the north bay. temperature on the chilly side in marin, napa and sonoma
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counties with jacket weather and 54 degrees. mix of some sun and clouds in the south bay and 58. let's take you into the cloud forecast. tomorrow is going to start off cloudy from the north bay all the way down to san jose. don't expect too much sunshine to start. as we head throughout the afternoon, looks like the cloud cover is going to begin to clear down here across the south bay first, then the tri-valley. and eventually the san francisco peninsula. even by the afternoon hours, some sunshine expected in santa rosa and also napa. but with the cooling winds staying in place, temperatures will again go down just a little bit here for that wednesday forecast. 81 expected in san jose. 80 in palo alto. and sunny. san francisco in the 60s. you go to the embarcadero, looks like some of that sun around 2:00 and 3:00 could push temperatures up near 70 degrees. we'll take you to the north bay, east bay and tri-valley. pleasanton looking at 85. the trend does keep with dry weather throughout the forecast in san jose the next couple
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days. and temperatures that will be in the 70s by thursday and friday. raj and jesse, i never thought i would be showing a picture of a wood deck with a couple of rain drops, but it has come back to that, the drought so bad. >> welcome back to our drought. the surprising partnership between apple and ibm. >> and of course you have jimmy. >> hey, raj and jessica and everyone in the bay area, cameron diaz is here for a kayak race. plus music from bleachers. it's a great show. you got to watch. we're on next.
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the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face.
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nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well, they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus. 737. 737. right there? you guessed it. how do we save on operational costs? with the world's largest fleet of boeing 737's. one of the many ways we bring you $69 airfares. limited time sale fares starting as low as $69 one-way. if it matters to you, it matters to us. book now at ♪
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30 years ago they were rivals, but now ibm and apple are working together exclusively. the two giants announced their partnership today, partnering up on more than 100 apps for iphones and ipads. the apps will be used by airlines, bankers and will turn ipads and smartphones into money saving tools. apple will also use apple tablet and smartphones for its business clients. the apps are expecd to be
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released this fall. hackers at google. and that's a good thing. google is using hackers to find security flaws across the internet, not just in their own code. it's called project zero. its mission to alert the developers about security bugs. when a bug is discovered, the team will report to it the developer and file it in a public database. google decided to create the team of top security researchers after the heartbleed bug which put the tech industry on high alert. well, up next, if all goes according to plan, the world series will begin in oakland.
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red white and blue pancakes for under five bucks? that's about as american as it gets. woman: what do you mean? blueberry pancakes, strawberries and cream cheese icing, starting at just $4.99. apple pie, watch out. [bell rings] waitress: welcome to denny's!
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good evening. i'm dave feldman from the comcast sportsnet studios. the all-star game a showcase for many bay area stars and a farewell to one of the game's all-time greats. we're in minneapolis, where they went with the fly-by. those are always great to see in a sold out target field to honor this guy, derek jeter, who got a standing ovation in his 14th and final all-star game. and then proceeds to hit a double to right field. he would score on a mike trout triple. he later got another hit too. fifth inning, game tied at 3.
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ramirez can't handle it. derrick norris scores the go-ahead run. the american league wins 5-3 on derek jeter night. here is norris on playing with jeter. >> you know what? it's a privilege to be out here and be able to witness one of the greatest players to ever play the game in his last all-star game. it was very special, and i'll definitely remember this for a very long time. it was glenn burke who once famously said it is harder to be gay in sports than anywhere else except maybe president. end quote. burke would know. his promising career cut short by the pressures of playing a professional ball with a secret. on tuesday he was honored at the all-star game in an effort by the game to make sure what happened to burke never happens again. >> baseball has a history of being a in front of civil rights
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awareness, education, and making -- being a leader, you know, in our community. and our fan base looks up to these players. and what they do and say is important. >> there must have been times when my brother was pretty lonely, without no one to really speak to about the situation. and i can only imagine what he could have done if he had been allowed to continue, you know, to live out his dream. >> i'm dave feldman. more news right after the break. [ heart beating ] [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ]
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we ready for jeff? >> we're ready for jeff. >> we saw a few raindrops earlier tonight. >> on another deck. >> yes. and tomorrow mainly sunny skies in the south bay. 81 in san jose. morgan hill, 84. the warm spot in the south bay saratoga at 87. the clouds over the coast and pacifica 66. you can see in san francisco it will stay cool with 60s. and a quick preview of the upcoming weekend will eventually show no 1/100th in the tri-valley. >> tuesday, we're already thinking about the weekend. >> have a good day. see you tomorrow. >> bye-bye. >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- cameron diaz josh gad musical guest, bleachers and featuring the legendary


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