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tv   Today  NBC  July 15, 2014 7:00am-11:01am PDT

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>> join us at 11:00. and christina's forecasting people too. good morning. breaking news overnight. a crowded subway train derails in moscow. at least 18 people are dead. more than 100 others injured. this morning, the first chilling images just in from the scene. polar invasion. temperatures plunging. their record lows across the midwest up to 20 degrees below normal for this time of year. while violent storms trigger dangerous flooding farther east, and there is more severe weather on the way. breaking his silence. the strange new posts from oscar pistorius on twitter. after he's involved in a heated altercation at a nightclub. could this impact his murder trial? and the king of all road trips. we're celebrating our new home on sirius xm with a live visit
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to howard stern's studio today, tuesday, july 15th, 2014. from nbc news, this is "today." with matt lauer and savannah guthrie. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> good morning, everyone. nice to see you on a tuesday morning on "today." look, tv is great, but let's admit, we love radio. we are so excited to be on sirius xm radio right now. we're going to celebrate that today. >> go over and see howard stern. and before we visit him, we're going to lay down a challenge all for a good cause. we'll tell but that later on. we do want to start this morning with our top story and it's a tragic train derailment in moscow. >> the death toll expected to rise as that investigation gets under way. let's go right to nbc's keir simmons following the developments. good morning to you. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. this just happened this morning, so you can imagine the numbers of killed and injured are still emerging. it's possible even yet there are still people trapped down there.
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but we have just heard, savannah, the number dead has reached 20. 127 hospitalized. a race to rescue the injured. the seriously wounded carried on stretchers from below ground. russian tv showing passengers fleeing and then a buckled and broken car. rescue workers helping those trapped from a rush hour derailment that has left many people dead, according to early reports. i was in a car. suddenly, there was a shot and i fell down, this passenger says. others bloodied emerging in shock from one of the worst subway accidents in moscow's history. officials believe the train came off the track off a power surge. the lights went off, another man says. smoke, and they were blocked in. more than 100 injured. emergency cases airlifted to the hospital, while 200 passengers were evacuated from the stricken
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train and many treated on the scene, grateful to have escaped from a frightening accident underground. now i've traveled on that moscow subway, many of those tunnels are a long way down, which must make the rescue effort more difficult. and the numbers seem to climb every hour. officials are saying, matt and savannah, they do not believe this was terrorism. it does appear to be an accident. >> keir simmons, breaking news out of moscow this morning, thank you. here at home, they call it the polar invasion, millions in the midwest with some much cooler temperatures. across the east, heavy rains and flooding have led to rescues and a lot of traffic problems. nbc's ron mott is in minneapolis. ron, good morning to you. >> reporter: hey, matt, good morning. they call these guys the boys of summer, but tonight when they hit the field, it's going to feel like the fall classic, october, the world series. that's how chilly it is, relatively speaking in minneapolis. take a look at last night, the home run derby, and people in
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the stands were absolutely bundled up. they were surprised by how cool it got here last night. they set a record here last night, the high temperature, 66 degrees yesterday. that's the lowest high temperature in minneapolis on july 14th since 1884. that's 130 years. now today we're expecting temperatures to warm up to about 70. the game time temperature is going to be about 66 degrees or so. we're still 15 to 20 degrees below normal here. and of course, we are expecting this cooldown to last for a few more days and then warm right back up into the upper 80s or low 90s next week. that's the latest. back to you. >> ron mott in minneapolis, thank you very much. >> is that hot flashes or does that sound good right now? >> tmi. >> hormones, my dear. >> cold air caused massive thunderstorms last night. take a look at this picture right now. this was last night, that lightning bolt hitting the freedom tower. wow. i mean, lighting up the sky. and this cold polar air plunge
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is going to be part of the problem. why we're going to be looking at more severe weather. 60 million americans going to be affected by this, as this warm, moist air mass meets this cooler, drier air mass. you're going to see severe storms, and so we've got a risk of severe weather. the rockies also here in the east from new england down into the carolinas, isolated tornadoes, dangerous wind, damaging hail and heavy rain. in fact, as this system pushes to the east, look for the rain to start firing up the heavy thunderstorms later this afternoon on into tonight and lasting possibly on into tomorrow morning. there's a lot of wet weather with this. of in fact, some areas 3 to 6 inches up through new england, generally, though, 1 to 2 inches along the eastern seaboard. and this polar invasion coming in. so right now, as ron mott told you, 55 in minneapolis. des moines, 55. chicago, 55 degrees. indianapolis, 56. high temperatures today are going to be anywhere from 10 to 20 degrees below normal. chicago will only get to 68.
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detroit, 71. columbus, 75 degrees. the good news, guys, this will start to moderate tomorrow. cooler, drier air starts to filter in. >> that's good, al. thank you. meanwhile, we have breaking news tied to the raging violence in the middle east. the israeli cabinet has now accepted a proposed cease fire, but the plan is being rejected this morning by senior hamas officials. nbc's martin fletcher is in tel aviv. good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning. it was almost looking good. 7:00 local time this morning, israel security cabinet met and decided to accept the egyptian truce proposal, but immediately hamas rejected it. its military wing said it would intensify its fighting, saying nobody had spoken to them directly. israel's army poised on the edge of gaza woke up to the news that a ground invasion was off for the time being. the government had accepted a ceasefire. but it won't be one-sided. >> if hamas rejects the egyptian
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proposal, and the rocketfire from gaza does not cease, and that appears to be the case now, we are prepared to continue and intensify our operation to protect our people. >> reporter: and hamas did reject it. they released a statement, calling it unacceptable. hamas' military wing warned its attacks will increase in verify rossty and intensity. overnight, two rockets hit israel's red sea resort, wounding four people. while troops pounded targets in gaza, killing two, bringing the total of palestinian dead to 194, most of them civilians. this morning in gaza, residents picked their way through the ruins. israel has destroyed more than 1,000 buildings, targeting, it says, hamas locations like rocket launching sites, secret tunnels and the homes of militant leaders. but they have been in hiding, below ground and unhurt.
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and according to their spokesman this morning, ready to fight. hamas fired 58 rockets at israel after the cease fire should have started at 9:00 a.m. local time. israel took up to six hours before hitting back with what the army calls full force. now it does appear that the cease fire is over before it began. matt? savannah? >> martin fletcher, thank you very much. >> meantime, army sergeant bowe bergdahl now back on active duty, just over a month after his return to the united states. and for the first time, army investigators will be able to question him about his disappearance five years ago, and his years as a taliban captive. nbc's gabe gutierrez is at ft. sam houston this morning. good morning to you. >> reporter: savannah, good morning. like any other soldier, sergeant bergdahl will be allowed to carry a weapon, although he won't likely need it in his new job. he'll be living in army barracks, among other soldiers. the army now calling him a regular soldier. but in the eyes of the public, he's anything but.
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this morning, sergeant bowe bergdahl is back on active duty here in texas, about to settle into a new desk job. >> he's going to be immersed in a military population. it remains to be seen how receptive they will be to him and vice versa. >> military officials won't say exactly what bergdahl will be doing day to day, but they tell jim miklaszewski that for the first time investigators will question bergdahl directly over claims he deserted his outpost in afghanistan in 2009. >> we don't know what subsequently happened to him or what his intention was when he abandoned his combat unit. >> reporter: sandra andrews believes her son, second lieutenant darren andrews, was killed while searching for bergdahl. though military officials have said they have no evidence that anyone died specifically looking for him. >> he should not be free. he should not be resuming a normal military life after what he has done. >> reporter: after spending
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nearly five years in captivity, bergdahl's release in exchange for five taliban militants from guantanamo bay triggered a wave of controversy. now for the first time since then, bergdahl will be free to leave the base when off duty, without a military or medical escort. >> now he's going to be able to walk out into the hot texas san antonio sun and do what he wants to do. and that is both incredibly liberating and incredibly scary. >> reporter: sergeant bergdahl would be eligible for back pay and leave, but since the army investigation is still under way, those benefits are on hold. matt and savannah, a pentagon source says that as far as military officials can tell, bergdahl still has not met with his parents. >> gabe gutierrez with an update this morning. thank you very much. >> natalie here with new developments tied to the heated immigration crisis. >> that's right. good morning to you guys. a group of honduran children is back home this morning after
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being deported from thrted from. it was the first flight since president obama pledged to speed up the process of sending back illegal immigrant children from central america. 12 girls and 9 boys were deported, along with 17 women. record numbers of children from honduras, el salvador and guatemala have crossed into the u.s. over the past year, sparking intense debate about how to solve the problem. another day of deadly violence in afghanistan amid disputes over the country's recent presidential election. at least 50 people were killed, 70 others hurt, after an explosion near a busy market in eastern afghanistan. and in kabul this morning, a roadside bombing killed two employees for the afghan presidential palace. police said the blast hit a minivan carrying eight staff members. no group has claimed responsibility for the attack. president obama is envisioning a time when cars will be able to talk with other cars, or with america's roads. and today the president will visit a federal highway research center in northern virginia,
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where engineers are testing vehicle-to-vehicle technology. he says such technology could prevent crashes, cut down on traffic and save gasoline. the trip is part of obama's push for congress to shore up funding for highways and transportation. the president says that is the key to keeping the u.s. competitive. we now know what was behind that gas smell that forced evacuation acheses of 150 homes near philadelphia monday. authorities say it was gasoline-tainted ground water -- gentlemen. of some homes. it did cause a nauseous odor there and officials say they still don't know how the gas got into the water. snail mail delive past customs in the airport.
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take a look what was inside the case. literally 67 giant african snails from nigeria. it stated they were for human consumption but it is prohibited because it poses a serious threat to agriculture. they eat at least 500 types of plants. it also carries a parasite that can lead to meningitis in humans. they were disposed of through incineration. >> look at that escargot. >> anything else you'd like to add to the newscast this morning? also a south dakota teenager can already cross one of his lofty goals off the list. matt miller landed his plane in el cajon, california, monday night completing an around-the-world trip. the trip took him to 14 different countries in five
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continents including places like rome and abu dhabi. he raised money for bringing computers to more schools. great job for him. >> and well done for you. >> you -- >> no pointing fingers. >> turn 13 any time. >> wait a minute. wait a minute. oh, come on. >> not guilty. >> you ate the beans. all right. mr. roker, is it windy in the forecast? >> let's show you what we have for today. we are looking at the risk of strong storms in the northeast. plenty of sunshine throughout texas. temperatures into the 100s. temperatures in the upper 80s in the pacific northwest. temperatures in the upper 80s in the pacific northwest. we're going to get our new flatbread sandwiches may be flat... the flavors, are anything but. so whether it's taste inspired by the freshness of the mediterranean...
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or the smoky spice of the southwest... or bold, adventurous thai flavors... always get flavor that's anything but flat. and always with chicken raised without antibiotics. new flatbread sandwiches from panera... ... each 360 calories or less. try one today. good morning to you, i'm meteorologist christina loren. hard to believe we're in mid-july with showers on the radar, but that is in fact the case. and as i stop that radar for you, you can see over the past three hours, we're really starting to clear out but have active cells rolling through the south bay. also up towards loren county. 60 degrees in concord right now, 63 in mountain view. the good news is your temperatures are going to fall by five to ten degrees from yesterday and keep cooling off all the way through thursday. >> and that's your latest weather. >> all right, al. thanks very much.
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now some very good news from a long-time member of our nbc family. tracy morgan. the star is now on the mend a month after a deadly car crash left him in critical condition. betty nguyen has more on this. >> reporter: after weeks in physical therapy, tracy morgan is finally out of rehab. the comedian was all smiles when cameras caught him outside his home greeting reporters and making his first public comments since that horrific crash. signs of progress from comedian tracy morgan. on monday morning the 45-year-old was up and moving with a walker just days after being released from the hospital and photographed in a wheelchair. in this video from entertainment tonight, he was in good spirits flashing a peace sign and smiling for cameras outside his home. >> you look great. >> thank you. >> you look great, man. >> i feel strong. thank you very much.
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>> reporter: the "30 rock" star suffered a broken leg and ribs when his limo was struck by a walmart tractor-trailer. fellow comedians james mcnair was killed in the crash. two others were also injured. the accident victims have now filed suit against walmart whose driver 35-year-old kevin roper has pled not guilty of charges of vehicular homicide and assault. the lawsuit alleges the retail giant should have known its driver had been awake for more than 24 consecutive hours at the time of the crash and accused walmart of, quote, reckless indifference to the safety of its drivers and of other drivers and passengers on the road. walmart issued a statement saying in part, we are deeply sorry that one of our trucks was involved. we're cooperating fully in the ongoing investigation. we know it will take some time to resolve all of the remaining
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issues but we are looking to do the right thing for all involved. the actor will continue to rehab from home and pass along serious gratitude for everyone who helped him get to this point. no trial date has been set and the investigation is still ongoing. of course we wish tracy a speedy recovery. matt and savannah? >> thank you very much. meantime, baseball's all-star game is tonight. before we go to the orange room, get your tissues out. there's a tribute that's going around that is so touching. derek jeter, yes. >> nike put out a commercial that's going to run in its entirety tonight just before he captain takes his at bat. let's go to the o.r. you've got jeter in his 14th and final all-star appearance. take a look at this ad. >> derek jeter. number 2. >> so it's an ad you'll see as i mentioned running tonight. billy crystal there.
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23 celebrities. tiger woods, jay z, you name it. even a few mascots get in on the action there. all tipping their cap showing a sign of respect to derek jeter who after 20 seasons has his farewell tour ongoing. there's the captain media day. it's a little chilly in minneapolis, but heated up with this guy there. justin timberlake tweeting, tip of the cap to a true legend. also got this one from kobe bryant. tipping my hat. paying my respect. you want to do the same, there's the hash tag. 90,000 people have used it. have a tip of your cap. we're in new york, he's our captain. the only thing that would be appropriate is for us to have a tip of our cap to the captain tonight. everybody all right? >> absolutely. >> there you go. >> ready? little tip of the cap. >> jeter, we love you. >> that looks great.
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>> all right. coming up, oscar pistorius involved in an altercation at a south african nightclub now speaking out on twitter. could it have an impact on his murder trial? plus would you take a swim with a shark? we're going to take a plunge today with the world's biggest fish. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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but hurry, offers end july 31st. share your summer moments in your mercedes-benz with us. you're watching "today in the bay." a very good morning to you, it's 7:26 i'm laura garcia-cannon. the state is on the verge of forcing water users to do something about the drought. in just a few hours, the state water resources control board will consider tough restrictions for water use. overwatering your lawn or washing your car without a nozzle on the hose would be among the violations that will get you a ticket. ticket as high as $500. so far, mandatory and voluntary restrictions have only resulted in a reduction of 5% through may. that's well short of the 20% governor brown was shooting for. today the santa clara county council will likely approve a traffic system designed to limit traffic jams before big games at levi stadium.
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the plan is reportedly the culmination of three years of research, studies, and meetings. it involves getting fans personalized directions so there are several clusters of cars arriving to the stadium before a game, not 20,000 stuck in a standstill on the freeway. all trying to take that same exit. 49ers and vice president operation call it unprecedented. let's check the forecast. >> good morning to you at home, we have showers on the radar this morning, although a lot of activity is starting to wind down at this the hour. you can see one healthy batch of rain though surrounding san jose. we have a pretty good little cell i'm tracking for you right over moren county. let's show you the skies across the bay area, that's at&t park. beautiful start on the peninsula and la honda, here in the south bay, widespread midlevel clouds to kick off the day. temperatures for today, about ten degrees cooler than yesterday.
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we'll keep cooling you off through thursday. here's mike and your drive. things are sorting themselves out through san jose. we see more traffic than the last shot. i told you there was a crash further than we could see with the kaerps. we'll show you on the map, it was approaching tully road. and that caused traffic to be backed up from highway 85, continuing over the next half hour. there's a lighter volume around the rest of the bay for tuesday this is really good. slowing drive develops across the bridge. back to you. >> all right thank you very much. another local news update in half hour, we'll see you then.
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7:30 now on a tuesday morning, july 15th, 2014. with a look at some of the sharks on display at the georgia aquarium. coming up, shark watch. we'll take you on a dive inside with some of the biggest inhabitants of that tank. and they are huge. >> they are indeed. but tiny teeth, right? no, not really? they eat plankton. that's comforting. meantime, let's take a look at what's making headlines this morning. a crowded subway train derails in moscow. more than 20 people dead, more than 100 others injured. >> officials believe a power surge triggered an alarm, causing the train to come to a sudden stop. a proposed cease fire to end heavy fighting between israel
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and hamas is at a standstill this morning. of the israeli cabinet voted to accept that deal overnight. hamas now rejecting the truce. and lightning strikes have sparked dozens of wildfires across the west. one destroyed 20 buildings in southern oregon and 60 homes to evacuate. coming up, did claims of a bar room brawl with the deadliest sniper ruin the career of minnesota governor, jesse ventura? the courtroom battle with millions at stake. and we told you about the ice bucket challenge for charity as greg norman threw down the bucket to matt. matt has accepted. we have the ice, the water and the bucket. all three. are ready to go. >> and matt. >> savannah has volunteered to dump the water on me and then i will lay out the challenge for three other people. >> yes. >> and ask them to either do it or donate to charity. and a little later on, we're going to sit down with howard dean, live from our new home on
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sirius xm radio. >> looking forward to that. we're going to begin this half hour with a new problem facing olympic sprinter oscar pistorius. while his murder trial is in recess, he was involved in an altercation at a nightclub and made a controversial return to social media. national investigative correspondent jeff rossen has the latest. >> reporter: it all went down right here inside the vip nightclub in johannsa asburg. team pistorius says he was approached by a man who started to aggressively interrogate him on matters relating to the trial. from there, an argument ensued. but the other man involved told south african media that it got physical. pistorius denies that. >> oscar pistorius is out on bail, and he can do anything he wants, as long as it's legal and he doesn't leave the country.
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>> reporter: remember, this is the same oscar pistorius who openly wept in court. >> my fingers touched her head. i remember. i don't have to look at a picture, i was there. >> reporter: he is charged with murder after shooting and killing his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. pistorius' public relations team is working hard to keep his reputation intact. now an incident at a nightclub. his spokesperson telling nbc news, pistorius regrets the decision to go to a public space, and there it inviting welcome attention. he is breaking his silence on twitter this week, quoting from the bible, the lord is close to the broken hearted. and posted photos including a collage with him and amputee children. another tweet from a holocaust survivor's book. >> this could definitely have an
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effect on the judge, and the assessors. because one of the things they want to see is remorse from oscar pistorius. going out to a nightclub and tweeting seems to be inconsistent with what he said in the courtroom. >> reporter: closing arguments in his murder trial set for next month. for "today," jeff rossen, nbc news. now a check of the weather from mr. roker. >> more severe weather out west in the rockies. look at the video from colorado, 50 miles north of denver. look at this hail storm. i mean, it's coming down in inches. and we've got another repeat of that possible again today as we go to the maps. you'll see we do have the risk of severe weather, not only here in the east, but also out west. they're looking at from wyoming to pueblo, colorado, large hail possible again. we're talking strong storms. not looking at tornadoes, but we are looking at more severe weather. and the heat is on out west. we continue to see the warm weather.
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in fact, unseasonably hot. the high pressure and the jet stream way up to the north. seattle, 86 today. 10 degrees above normal. portland, 91. medford, 101. boise, will be 97. so the wildfire danger out there is going to be rough. we do have showers around the central great lakes. that risk of strong storms here in the east. and more wet weather through the gulf coast. airport delays going to be a big problem here along the i-95 corridor 7:35 now, still tracking some showers, pretty decent batch here on the way to san jose. showers are moving from the south to the north. and as we head throughout the next couple of hours, all this activity will continue to wind down. then as we head through the afternoon, lingering subtropical clouds, humid, but temperatures much more comfortable this afternoon. dropping the numbers by about five to ten degrees from yesterday. 85 for the south bay, 81 on the east shore, 82 out in the north bay, and the warm spot out in the tri-valley today, 91 degrees. >> and that's3 c3 >> antes que te dejemos ir, uno
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picture of you. we want to say congratulations on saint hood. >> last night on "nbc nightly news" with brian williams. >> what were the miracles you performed? >> uh, well -- never mind. >> we always said you have a saintly glow about you. >> interesting. >> i'm so bright, my mama calls me son. let's turn now to a courtroom fight over claims that former minnesota governor, jesse ventura was involved in a bar room brawl nearly eight years ago. here is nbc's john yang to explain. chris kyle, known as the deadliest sniper in american history, once claimed he punched out ventura in 2006.
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>> jesse is just like jesse, he talks loudly, lives loudly. >> reporter: kyle was tragically murdered in 2013, shot to death, authorities said, by a troubled u.s. combat vet he was trying to help. but before his death, kyle wrote a best-selling autobiography that will soon hit the big screen with bradley cooper in the starring role. >> kyle said it had happened at a bar in california during a wake for a s.e.a.l. killed in iraq. he claimed he heard someone who he identified only as "mr. scruff face." bad-mouthing the war in iraq and the u.s. military. in a 2012 radio interview, kyle revealed mr. scruff face was ventura. >> then he said that we deserved to lose a few guys. >> reporter: ventura later denied it. >> the event and everything written about it did not happen. >> reporter: ventura said his career came to a screeching halt after the book's publication. his complaint as for the proceeds from the book and the movie. in court monday a woman testified she was confident she
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saw ventura get punched. >> i think that testimony by her was extremely important. >> reporter: and attorneys for kyle the state blame the former governor's own outrageous behavior and countless it tv appearances for any damage to his reputation. >> i think religion in its own way is the root of all evil. you notice every war is fought over religion. >> reporter: it will now be up to a jury to believe the word of the sniper or the wrestler. for "today," john yang, nbc news, chicago. >> all right. we'll follow that case. coming up on trending, are you always late? do you know someone who is always late? why the way that your brain is wired could be to blame. and up next, up close and personal with the biggest fish in the ocean. we'll go for a swim with a giant whale shark. right after this. about b-r-e-o.
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shark watch. more than 370 different types patrol our ocean. >> peter alexander is down at the atlanta aquarium this morning. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. matt was here when the georgia aquarium opened. we're back to show you something we've never seen on tv before. this is an enrichment feeding. that diver is feeding this shark some plankton. literally right behind us right now. this is a behavioral training technique they use to help move these giant animals for examination. we are going underwater to help debunk some of the myths about sharks. they're widely considered man's most feared predator. our enemy in the sea. sharks most noticeably great whites blamed for 20 attacks in
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the u.s. already this year. but only three species of sharks out of more than 400 are responsible for the deadly attacks. here at the georgia aquarium, workers are trying to dispel shark fears. senior dive master chris duncan. >> take away all the hollywood movies, actually get close and you'll see that they're truly majestic as opposed to fearsome. >> reporter: you're 30 times more likely to be killed by lightning than a shark attack. so what is a shark thinking when it seals you? >> is that food? is it not food? is it a threat or not? >> reporter: simple as that. >> it will make a judgment off that. usually they'll move off in a different direction. >> reporter: the average shark is roughly three feet long. but not the whale shark found off the coast of mexico. they can grow up to 39 feet long. as large as a school bus, making them the world's biggest fish. its prey, small fish and
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plankton. not people. >> that's a yard wide mouth. >> yes. four feet wide there. >> reporter: with thousands of teat that look like velcro. good thing because we're going in. underwater it's a kaleidoscope of colors. by far the most impressive sight, the four whale sharks. their polka dotted skin is rough like sandpaper and can be five inches thick. they swim right at you missing you by inches clearly unfazed. several times i felt i was dodging the shark's fin. even though the exhibit is the size of a football field, underwater i felt calm. here these sharks are ambassadors for a population that is as awesome as misunderstood. another live picture right now, recognize this is remarkable. we've never seen this on live tv
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before. this is one of those behavioral training techniques as they feed this giant shark. i'm going to duck out of the way. got out of the way quickly. when you're in there staring at its mouth, you're afraid you might accidentally get swallowed. that can't happen. as big as the mouth is, they tell us their throat is only the size of a quarter. >> just a finger. >> there's a little wooden puppet boy in there. >> great whites are next for peter. >> thanks so much. by the way, carson is on shark watch now. >> you have the image of swimming around the mouth and never get swallowed. you have to be careful handling the sharks on the beach. this shark was swimmed with them in the water. this here is the bay of fundy off the coast of maine. the shark ended up getting tagged. then this little shark on the beach. that's in bald island, north carolina. you can keep your pictures
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coming in. shark watch week continues all week long here on the "today" show. they can bite you, so be careful handling them. >> thank you. by the way, tomorrow we're going to talk to shark attack survivors if you're interested in this subject. you can get a lot more on sharks on and all week across the platforms of nbc news. rolls right off the tongue. coming up on "trending," the man behind the grossest tribute to baseball you'll ever see. but first these messages. speed dating -- the quickest way to find out about someone... and their bum. what number are you? i'm number 2. ♪ what's that? how do you wipe your bum? uh, very carefully. what...uhh... with my hand? and toilet paper! [ laughs ] ahhh, you bring those with you. did you really bring that? yeah. great t.p. and these are amazing wipes. this is my dream team. do you know what that adds up to? a clean bum. [ cherry ] feel a clean so fresh it can only be cottonelle.
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♪he cadillac summer collection is here. ♪ during the cadillac summer's best event, lease this all new 2014 cts for around $459 a month or purchase with 0% apr and make this the summer of style.
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he has been called energizing, electrifying and unaware of personal boundaries. and now he's here to explain one product that does two things. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! fla-pow... mental sharpness support... fla-pow... physical energy support... ...together and only brock spedwell can explain it. beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa! beroccaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
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of swedish experience in insidperfecting the rich,ars never bitter taste of gevalia. we do it all for this very experience. [woman] that's good. i know right? gevalia.
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♪ yesterday on the show savannah agreed never to use the word selfie again. so now we're back, carson, with a picture that one took of one's self. >> 16-year-old young man in omaha, nebraska, sees an opportunity to grab a selfie and does just that. check it out. sir paul mccartney in the background. billionaire warren buffett. got to go there to see him, apparently. and tom gets this cool shot here. then he tries to return the favor and get one of his buddy. not so good. but that's all right. we asked you to send in other epic ones. you see reba in the background here. thank you. here's one here with oprah winfrey. we cannot confirm or deny that.
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and here, jennifer's star in the background is her horse. keep those coming at facebook. back to you. >> not to split hairs, but the original photo savannah pointed out is not a selfie. because the friend took it of him. >> it's a rule. >> the first one. >> his shot3 c3 selfie, la tomó un amigo. out. test test test test . coming up, matt are you ready? wearing your water proof jacket? >> for a good cause. >> he's taking the ice bucket challenge after being called out by golfer greg norman. plus we've got a date with
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howard stern from his studio as we celebrate how much whiter can your smile be? introducing new colgate® optic white® whiten & protect toothpaste. this shell is made of calcium that can absorb stains like teeth. brush one side with a regular whitening toothpaste and the other side with optic white®. it whitens deeper... and it can stay white! even after dipping it again, colgate®'s white seal technology helps prevent stains from coming back. for a whiter smile that stays white, new colgate® optic white whiten & protect. the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it.
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and dogs, well, they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite. use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus. my f...i like dancing.g... so when we packed up our rav4, i brought this. ♪ turns out my family likes dancing too. the rav4 toyota. let's go places.
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now, drench lips with glossy wet color. new revlon colorstay moisture stain™ weightless, creamy lipstain saturates lips... ...with brilliant shine and vivid color hydrates lips with vitamin e & aloe. new revlon colorstay moisture stain™ this is love for your lips. revlon i know the tastiest fruit is the freshest fruit. i know that what goes into this soil will effect these trees. and i know how to spot that perfect moment of ripeness. i also know, in farming, nothing is more important than your reputation. that's why my peaches go to walmart. their produce experts work with me... to help make sure you only get the freshest peaches backed by their 100% money back guarantee. picked by farmers. guaranteed by us. ♪
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you're watching "today in the bay." good morning everyone, 7:56 i'm scott mok grew. police looking for a man robbing people with a gun. look at this the sketch. people say someone looking like this man committed two holdups. less than seven hours apart. the latest happened just after k yesterday morning on hamilton avenue near city hall. the victim turned over his wallet and cell phone after the gay reportedly threatened him with a gun. hours earlier a similar robbery happen good hours away in menlo park. today the two men accused of getting into a fight outside at&t park are expected in court. investigatorings say the two got -- investigators say the two got into an argument outside the stadium thursday. reportedly punched the man and hit the woman when she tried to stop the fight. both the victims are going to be okay. your weather, will it be okay? let's check in with christina, good morning. >> we're all going to be all right. good morning to you, but i do
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want to let you know about some unusual phenomenons happening right now. we have shower activity still rolling through the bay area. i'm really watching this batch on the way to san jose as we head through the next 20 minutes or so. should be in san jose downtown by about 8:21. as we process throughout the day today, temperatures are going to be warm, but a couple degrees cooler than yesterday. you can see from the various sides across the bay area, low and midlevel clouds to go around, temperatures for today, 70s and 80s, that's it. looking towards oakland, full shot so you can kind of make out the traffic there. jamming up around high street north of the coliseum. look at the map. typical pattern for that section. not so bad through 880. the bay bridge does have your metering lights on. slower across the san mateo bridge, southbound 101 continues after the earlier crash approaching 680. cleared about a half hour ago, still slow sl there. local news update for you
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coming up in a half an hour.
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♪ ♪3 c3 today, a continuación, ¿usted it's 8:00 on "today." coming up, are you always late? the science behind why you aren't rude just wired differently. then, it's matt's turn. he's accepted the ice bucket 3 3 desafiado por la legenda del we're here to make sure he goes through with it. plus, the king of all media. he's already gotten up close and personal with matt. >> come on, baby. look at this guy. >> right here on nbc. >> now, we get ready to invade howard stern's space as we head over to his studio live to
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celebrate his partnership with s sirius radio. on july 15th, 2014. ♪ >> hey, i'm your future co-host. watch out! >> happy birthday to me. 36 is fabulous. >> hello san diego, california. >> we're here from florida. >> two best friends from memphis, tennessee. >> checking off our bucket list. >> hi, matt, we're over here. come say hi! >> hey, a lovely tuesday morning. it is the 16th of july. all right. who's ready for matt to get wet and icy? >> i am. i am ready. >> are you going to do it like this? >> i will take the jacket off, get savannah to dump the bucket of ice walter over my head, all part of the ice bucket challenge on the internet, people
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challenging others for a good cause. >> you will challenge other people afterwards? >> i will challenge three people the moment i get soaking wet. >> we will speak to your challenger, greg norman. >> that's right. he's the one that put me on the spot. now to natalie. >> good morning. the death toll is rising this morning after a rush hour subway de railment in moscow. nbc is in london with new details. good morning. >> good morning. the damage from this de railment is stunning. pictures show a buckled and broken subway car and rescue workers trying to free people still and rescue numbers keep rising. the number dead reached 20, 120 hospitalized. carried away on stretchers, a race to rescue people. passengers reporting a sudden shock, the lights went off, people thrown to the floor. a power surge is thought to have caused the de railment.
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many bloody commuters in shock. some treated at the scene. the train was headed to moscow center and many people en route to work, now, they will be simply grateful to escape what sounds like a terrifying rush hour accident, natalie. >> absolutely. thank you, keir. this morning, much of the u.s. is bracing for another round of severe unusual weather. storm clouds brought heavy downpours in phoenix monday night. ha hailstones pounded cars in southern colorado and stormsin' leashed lightning bolts in new york city. meantime, lower than usual temperatures had fans buying jackets at pregame festivities. israel and hamas cease-fire agreement has failed. israel had accepted it however hamas rejected that deal and fired more rockets at israel this morning.
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former p.o.w. sergeant barack oba bo bergdahl is back on active duty in texas. the army said bergdahl had completed his reintigration process following five years as a taliban captive. he is allowed to carry a weapon and will live in an army barracks but he is free to leave the base unescorted when he is off-duty. for the first time, investigators will get to question him directly about whether he deserted his post in afghanistan back in 2009. a dramatic and violent incident captured on a cell phone camera has landed a san diego man in jail on carjacking charges. police say he tried to steal a car with a woman and young girl inside but drove into a utility pole. bystanders came to the rescue and pulled the man out of the car and wrestled him to the ground until police arrived. a reason to celebrate this morning for one of the survivors of the boston marathon bombing seen here when he was carried off the course, a picture on
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jeff bowman's facebook page now shows him and his fiance, erin hurley welcoming their new baby girl on sunday. jeff bowman has two prosthetic legs posted a message saying everyone is healthy and happy. we're so happy for them. she's absolutely a beautiful baby. 8:05 right now. let's send it back outside to everyone, guys. >> congratulations to them. >> absolutely. natalie. thank you very much. mr. roker, a check of the weather. >> a little toasty. cooler air, pick city of the day. midland, texas. news plus 9. in this 90s through thursday and strong storms into thursday as well. in the east, we've got that heavy shower and thunderstorm risk. d.c. by the afternoon. heavy thunderstorms, temperatures in the mid 80s and a bit of a cooldown later. we are looking at a risk of storms in the rockies and in the east from the carolinas all the way to new england, isolated tornadoes, wind gusts and
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damaging hail. heavy rain, too, talking a flood threat from new england all the way down to delmarva and flashflood watches about 1 to 2 inches of rain. lots and lots of -- we're talking 1-3 inches, sometimes 4 inches of rain today through wednesday. cooler conditions make their way into the midwest later today as well. in fact, you think it's hot right now, you'd like to be at the beach? how about this? siberia. they went to the beach and all of a sudden a thunderstorm and they got hail. hail was coming down in golf ball-sized hail, causing big problems. everybody ran for cover except for vladimir putin. he stood outside, no shirt on and said, bring it on! yes, i lov 8:06. looking really good out there right now. taking a live look at showers rolling through the bay area on a mid-july day.
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and you can see right now, it's the south bay seeing the bulk of the activity. although i can tell you, over the past three hours, these showers are winding down. all this moisture will come through the south bay, the san jose area, as we head throughout the next 15 to 20 minutes. and after that, we're going to clear you out. san francisco, mostly cloudy. same overcast sky over san jose. plenty of mid-level clouds as well. and low clouds in tiburon. highs in the 80s today. al, thank you so muc and that's your latest weather. >> al, thank you so much. just ahead, matt takes the ice bucket challenge and then a follow-up to our love your selfie series. a major retailer now displaying man cans made in all body types. what will happen, savannah and i will head across the street to howard sterns radio studio for a live talk. she will help you turn five simple ingredients into three delicious meals coming up. first, these messages. [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans
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that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ don't wait for awesome... my mom works at ge. totino's pizza rolls... ...gets you there in just 60 seconds. factdoctors recommendtake advil most for joint pain.dicine more than the medicine in aleve or tylenol, the medicine in advil is the number one doctor recommendation for joint pain. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil.
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guess the mcmuffin doesn'tthe think hashbrowns matter. it's ok, hashbrowns... ...we still love you. the new am crunchwrap from taco bell. eggs, bacon, cheese, plus a very meaningful hash brown inside. wrapped and grilled to go. [bong] wrapped and grilled to go. are you about to spend that on paper towels? mom: well, i use bounty... kerri: ooo! use sparkle®... it's just right for cleaning up everyday little messes without cleaning out your piggy bank. sparkle®. the bright way to clean. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ start a team. join a team. walk to end alzheimer's. visit today. carmax is the best with a quick written offer, right on the spot. perfect for jeannine, who prefers not to have her time wasted. ...and time!
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thank you. your usual. she believes life's too short for inefficiencies. i now pronounce you husband and wife. no second should be squandered. which is why we make our appraisal process quick and easy, and why jeannine chooses to start here. carmax. start here. that, my friends, is everything. and with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase. not just "everything at the hardware store." not "everything, until you hit your cash back limit." quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. say it with me -- everything. one more time, everything! and with that in mind... what's in your wallet? ♪ all right. it is 8:11. time for "what's trending" today. >> are you or someone you know always late?
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we talked about this a lot on the show here. we know how frustrating it can be. usually we chock it up to rudeness. but in "elle" magazine, researchers say blame it on yourself, specifically blame it on your brain. it turns out that some people may have a defect in the part of the brain that controls time management. >> i love this. >> great, an excuse. >> and experts have a word for people who are always late. they're called savannahs. >> no! >> oh! wow! >> they're called producers. these are people who get kind of an ego boost from speeding through a long to-do list even when they don't complete tasks on time. >> you're always so guthrie. why are you always so guthrie? >> first of all, i am exceedingly punctual. within five minutes or so. >> we all are. >> we all know somebody who's hours late. >> yes, we do. >> yes, we do. anyway, matt, al, and carson -- we aren't going to name names
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today. you are all very stylish. some of the most stylish guys i know. you might even have some fashion duds in your closet. the folks at business insider came up with a list with the thinkings every man should toss from his wardrobe. see if you have any of these. on this list. square toed shoes, anything that is tie-dyed, cargo shorts or pants. >> tons. >> i have a few of those. >> why? what's with cargo pants? apparently it's not adult-like. >> let me show you the most controversial item on the list, and i know several offenders on this table. >> i only have board shorts. >> with the elastic top? >> what are you supposed to wear? a speedo? >> women don't like this? >> they said these are a no no because they're too long and your ideal shorts should go above the knee. >> let me tell you something. if you're a dad, the cargo short is really a necessary tool. i've got pockets with binkis, candy, you name it.
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>> absolutely. >> it's like the diaper bag of the pants. >> exactly right. >> okay. >> isn't it funny business insider came up with the style list and "elle" magazine came up with the brain thing? >> exactly. >> there you go. >> all right. well, now to the viral video whose slogan should be don't try this at home. this is their latest installment of what they did this summer. this video called the best pool dunk. now they're back with their ring of fire. i think it's the hottest one yet. take a look. >> wow! >> oh! >> nicely done. now, take a look. with the gopro cameras helping the guys giving them their incredible shots. >> same video with the parents not there.
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>> kids, do not try that one. >> can i tell you what i did not see in that video? board shorts. >> they're kids. >> all right. bring the speedo back for savannah. all right. hope you're done with breakfast when it comes to this next story. there are two kinds of sports fans. those willing to shave a player's jersey into their back hair and those who aren't. >> what? >> check this guy out. for brian dozier here. a legend in the twin cities for unusual fanaticism. >> he's done this before, that gentleman there. a few years back he did the same thing for joe mauer. >> i thought it said lauer. >> have to grow it out a little more and change the "m" to an "l." >> i don't have nearly that. not even close. >> you do have some. >> i have a couple of strays, yeah. thanks for that. >> oh my gosh! >> may find out after this
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bucket challenge. >> that's "what's trending" today. >> let's grab the board shorts. >> are you ready for the challenge? >> i am. this is something on the internet going around. people challenging their friends and others to get a bucket of ice cold water dumped over their head. if they don't accept the challenge, then they have to make a donation to charity. >> that's right. so you've accepted the challenge. you are going to challenge others. greg norman is the one who challenged you. >> exactly. >> we're going to talk to him in 30 seconds. and you're going to get icy.
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welcome back. it's time for matt to take the ice bucket challenge. as we just said, when someone challenges you to pour a bucket of ice cold water which we have right here. you either accept or donate money to charity. >> if you accept and get wet, then you challenge three others to do the same thing. somehow i ended up on hall of fame golfer greg norman's list. take a look. >> getting called out by the stupid ice bucket game by larry o'neil. so here we go. from the high country of colorado, the ice bucket challenge. oh. >> after he did that, he tweeted that he challenged me, bill clinton, and somebody else to do the same thing. greg is with us now by facetime
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from colorado. greg, good morning to you. i'm not really sure i want to speak to you, but how did you get involved in this whole thing? >> good morning, matt, and good morning, everybody. i tell you what. you are a champion to get involved with this. gary and larry called me out so i'm just trying to keep this going and get it away from the world of golf. here we are. i've got you and president clinton, i'd love to see him do it. and joe buck from fox. let's see if we can get this. i can't wait to see you do this. >> have you heard anything from former president clinton? any idea he has or hasn't accepted the challenge? >> no, not at all. but i figure now this morning on the "today" show, the message is going to get out there loud and clear. i think he's going to -- i'm actually confident he'll pick it up and run with it. >> all right, cool. >> greg, you've been through this. i'm going to dump the ice water onto matt. how painful is it?
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i mean, a scale from 0 to 10. >> well, i can tell you up here in colorado at 8,800 feet, it was very cold that day. so the ice that i had in the ice water made it that much colder. i think it was, like, 45 degrees when i did the challenge. >> i love hearing that. thank you for naming matt and giving me this opportunity. >> thanks for nothing, pal. >> are you ready? now, carson, i might need your help. i'm not supposed to lift heavy objects. ready? is this water supposed to be yellow? okay. here we go. >> that was nice. >> impressive. >> is my hair messed up? all right.
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so now i am calling out brian williams, martha stewart, and howard stern. >> yeah! >> and if they don't accept the challenge, i want them to donate to hospice of palm beach county and i'm going to make a donation to them as well even though i got wet. >> love it. everybody wants a big hug right now. matt, go dry off. howard stern's waiting for us. >> see you in a second. >> let's head inside to natalie. >> thanks, guys. good stuff, matt. we have an update on our love your selfie series. back in april, we took a close look at body image and with the help of body fusion mannequin, we made a few to represent all walks of life. good news, they're now on display. there's a brand new look at jc penney and it comes in all
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shapes and sizes. >> we felt this is a great opportunity to help showcase the important subject of body image. >> reporter: this story on "today" back in april is what inspired them. >> there you go. >> good. nice. >> just kind of have fun with it. >> reporter: when we brought together five people with different body shapes. >> dawna callahan is a very active female woman in a wheelchair. i've done the boston marathon three times. >> i am a father. i am a husband. i am 3'9." i am taller than my wife. because she's shorter than i am, she calls me tall boy. >> i was a paratrooper in the army in afghanistan in 2005. and the vehicle i was in hit an improvised explosive device. i have prosthetics. you can still have physical achievements. >> desiree hunter is a funny, outgoing, gentle giant. athletic. likes to have fun.
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and i'm like 6'1 1/2". >> i've always been plus size. it's how i've always viewed myself. i am a mother, a wife, an entrepreneur. hopefully i want to be an inspiration to my daughters. >> reporter: five people who represent millions. we revealed their mannequins live on the show. >> you want to do the honors? >> reporter: and we asked retailers to help showcase the mannequins. we by the way are looking for a clothing or department store that wants to display these mannequins. if you know of one, please let us know. and jcpenney answered the call displaying the mannequins in their manhattan store. and public reaction so far has been overwhelmingly positive. after less than 24 hours on display. >> i think this is incredible and such an important thing to be doing. >> i just think it's time that stores embrace the fact that
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we're all different. we come in different sizes, height, weight. why not? >> it's really great because it shows quality in ways that other companies haven't really been able to touch yet. beautiful doesn't come in one package. it doesn't come in one size. >> by the way, the mannequin models are all thrilled these mannequins are now being displayed here at jc penney in manhattan through the end of august and getting great reaction already. >> i love that. >> the fact of the matter is you want to look in a window and see somebody or something that looks like you. it's just human nature. >> what's there now does not represent most people. >> all right. well, now to the next stop on our "today" takes off adventure. last week our pal natalie explored the beauty of alaska's glaciers, grizzlies and all. >> and this week i'm off on to colorado for another high flying and as you guessed it heart stopping adventure once again including this wild ride. it is called the terror-dactyl. take a look at this video.
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it shows you how much fear i'm going to be feeling. jenna bush hager is going to join me. >> are you insane? >> we're launched off the canyon's edge. that thing goes 100 miles an hour. >> that looked like whylie coyote. >> didn't end well, did it? >> always bounced back. >> bring a sign that says yikes. >> and carson, people are weighing in on their vacation spots, as well, in the orange room, right? >> they are. here's a couple. anita paragliding. got a visit from a vulture. that's a cool photo there. what else did we get? here's renee who says i'll go anywhere the fish are biting. and this one is the best we've gotten. it's from amber who's not thrilled with her parent's display of public affection there. >> all right. terror-dactyl, really?
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>> let's rephrase this. let's kill natalie. >> i think there's a theme here. >> wow. >> can't you get on the world's most terrifying carousel ride or something? >> there at the salt flats launching you off. >> we'll look forward to that. safe travels. and coming up, matt and i are going to drop in on howard stern during his radio show. and later on, giada shows the five basic ingredients you really have to have on hand in your kitchen and can make preparing dinner a breeze. but first, your local news -- >> and? >> weather. >> yes! "today" takes off is brought to you by capital one. what's in your wallet?
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a very good morning to you. it is 8:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. the silicon valley venture capitalist who wants to turn california into six states says he's gathered enough signatures to get the measure on the ballot. the measure needed more than 800,000 signatures to qualify for that ballot, and while tim draper reached that number, the deadline for this year's election has already passed. that means the measure could qualify for the november 2016 ballot. now to the measure most of the bay area would be part of the new state of silicon valley. that's according to his plans. well, right now it is the bay area, and it's a traffic tuesday. let's check in with mike. >> we have the set staged for traffic flow as well. over here, we're looking at the republic of san jose's traffic. a nice easy drive northbound,
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now that the two crashes have cleared. but we had a big slowdown for 101. the arrow shows you north 187, which is just starting to lighten up, so a little heavier than you might expect. 17 recovering from an earlier crash as well. that's the rest of your bay. typical slowing, san mateo and palo alto for the bayshore freeway. 880, typical pattern away from haywardn both directions. we will look at palo alto, in fact. i wanted to show you southbound, heading away from us is jammed up right around the embarcadero. >> that's from the mayor. another local news update in half an hour. i guess i should say governor.
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♪ 737. 737. right there? you guessed it. how do we save on operational costs? with the world's largest fleet of boeing 737's. one of the many ways we bring you $69 airfares. limited time sale fares starting as low as $69 one-way. if it matters to you, it matters to us. book now at ♪
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♪ so many memories to relive. matt's ice bucket challenge. he did it. he's a man of his word. he challenged three others. who was it? howard stern, martha stewart, and brian williams. >> we'll see if they have what it takes. meanwhile, there was more ice than water in that bucket. >> i'm glad they did exactly what i instructed them to do.
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just kidding. >> i'm surprised you didn't scream like a little girl. >> thank you for that. >> you should bring a bucket of ice water to howard and maybe this will happen in the studio. >> that would be good. >> and by the way, ready to go? we are going over to howard's studio right now. >> tell howard we said hi. also ahead, giada is here to show you how to turn five basic ingredients into three fabulous meals. >> that'll be good. also don't forget we've got another great concert friday. jason mraz is going to be here. he's got a new album out called "yes." he wants fans to bring the most creative things to the plaza. not sure what that means. things you're saying yes to this summer. so looking forward to having him here. >> maybe it's more time on the beach, a trip, anything you've put off. just be creative. you could get the chance to meet jason after the concert.
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go to for full contest rules. we'll see you posters in hand on friday. like this man made a lovely poster from duluth, minnesota. >> where it is chilly this morning. >> very chilly. >> speaking of, you've got a check of the weather today. >> risk of strong storms in the northeast, mid-atlantic states also out through the central plains. rain around the central great lakes. showers and thunderstorms around the gulf coast. for tomorrow we're looking at the risk of strong storms texas into western oklahoma. wet weather in the rockies. more heat and sunshine. florida looking on the damp side with showers in northern new england. that's what's going on around good morning to you. 8:32 now. that was the remix, in case you were wondering. we have some light shower activity out there, especially down in the south bay, but it is winding down, as we head
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throughout the day. all of these clouds will start to clear. we'll see plenty of mid-level clouds lingering, though, as we head throughout the afternoon, showers subside, clouds linger, humidity stays, but overall, your temperatures dropping by about 10 degrees from yesterday. that's 85 degrees for today in the south bay. >> and that's your latest weather. >> thank you, mr. roker. coming up, howard stern hosts matt and savannah live in his studio. get ready for that one, guys. but first this is "today" on nbc.
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back at 8:35. he's known as one of the great spy novelists of our time. now best selling author daniel silva is heating up the summer with "the heist." it takes readers into the under
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world of trafficking and espionage. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> i don't know how you turn these books -- how do you keep it fresh every time? >> i think that gabriel's very unique personality and skillset that he's an intelligence officer but he's also an art restorer. it allows me to take on very different types of material. so in this book, the last book he was trying to find the kidnapped mistress of the british prime minister. and in the next book, i'm able to do a plot where he's searching for one of the most iconic missing paintings in the world. the nativity. >> which this is actually true crime. it disappeared back in 1969. nobody knows whatever happened to it. >> a small chapel in palermo in sicily. no one but the thieves have seen it since. if you look at the fbi's list of most wanted missing paintings,
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there's the nativity right at the top. i've always wanted to write about it. >> interesting. >> this book gives me the chance to do that. >> do you have any theories of where it may be? >> i believe it was probably stolen by a sicilian mafia. that it is probably still in sicily somewhere, but it's also possible that it leaked out and is in the hands of a collector some place. >> it is fascinating. what i love about your books and this book captures it as well, even though it is work of your imagination, there are some, you know, elements in it that are in the news today. so you really keep it current. >> gabriel follows the clues that lead him to a collector in the middle east and eventually into the heart of one of the most dangerous conflicts in the world. and that is the civil war in syria. and the link between the two is money. and i think that money has a great deal of sense to do with
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what's going on in syria right now. >> given how popular the series is, i am surprised they're not movies yet. is that by your doing? >> probably. >> you're not ready to make it that movie? >> i've had many offers. i've actually sold a couple of the books a couple of times. but i'm really picky. this is something that i've been working on for 14 years. i have some great offers on the table. i wish i could speak more about them, but i can't. and i am confident that at some point soon there's going to be a very good gabriel movie. but he's my baby. >> it's hard to let go. >> it is. >> all right. well, i know that you love to give back and you like to share the spotlight a little bit as well. >> i love to. >> so you're going to help select great summer reads as well. you have three authors you picked. tell us about them. >> one is a nonfiction book. it is ben mcintyre's "a spy among friends."
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then "terminal city" by linda fursteen. and then one by steven carter. going to be a great book. >> are you going to write all summer? >> i'm going to tour all summer. and then about mid-august i'll get to work on the next book. >> you keep churning them out. i don't know how you do it. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. the book is called "the heist." coming up next, buckle up because howard and savannah are sitting down with howard stern from his sirius xm studio. first this is "today" on nbc.
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♪ we're at the headquarters of sirius xm radio and we're in howard stern's studio live. we've got the whole gang here. >> you know, matt, you have been brave enough to come on the show many times and we've had many good times. but savannah, to see you here -- >> i know. i've been afraid. i'll be honest. >> why the fear? i'm so lovable. i'm adorable on "america's got talent." >> you are adorable and i've always been attracted to you. >> shocking. >> here's the thing. matt says it's very crass. and i don't know if he's told you, but i'm kind of -- >> it's the opposite of what i've said. >> what do you imagine would be
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your worst nightmare being here? >> you could be talking about all kinds of things that -- >> sexual things? >> definitely. frankly, anything related to the bathroom. bathroom humor. >> matt loves that. >> i know. what other kind of humor is there? >> if i say how many times you go to a bathroom a day, that would send you into a tizzy. >> yes. >> i'm interested in savannah because of your brain. i was just telling robin that you -- i didn't know this. she graduated number one from what college did you go to? where'd you get your law degree? >> my law degree, georgetown university law center. but i was not number one. >> weren't you the number one person to pass the bar. you got the highest grade on the bar in arizona? >> i did. >> you know one of the first days we worked together was the day of that historic supreme court decision on obamacare and remember how confusing it was? savannah sitting next to me? she looked at me and said i think really what's happening here is and then went out and
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laid it out. i thought this is going to go well. >> truth me told, i know matt from the old days. he was the voiceover guy on hbo. he pretends to be smart, but you're actually smart. am i correct? >> i don't know. i don't know what to say. maybe we should talk about bathroom humor. it would be less uncomfortable. >> were you always the most brilliant in your school? >> no. i was quite the high school slacker. >> do you believe that, matt? >> she's the smartest one in the makeup room every morning. >> she's intimidatingly intelligent. >> i agree. >> with your pregnancy, when are you due? >> in mid-august. >> we all know pregnancy and morning television equals ratings. i think joan london was pregnant for six years. she just wanted to win. >> that was with one child. >> but do you worry? because we know and matt knows that everyone in television knows this, when you take a long vacation, anything can go wrong. you can lose your job. >> thank you. >> no seriously. do you worry about leaving the
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"today" show? how long do you plan for maternity leave? would you take an hour, half a day? >> you know what? i've got plans. i'll be gone a couple months. >> months? oh! >> i think the show is going to be in great hands. >> you better warm up that law degree. who is taking over for you? >> i'm hoping to bond with our viewers before we go. i think the way to do that is to do a live birth on the "today" show. matt and i have been going to a lamaz classes. >> so everybody's going to coach you through this? >> yeah. we think set up the delivery room with gopros. >> i can't imagine a bigger nightmare than having matt and al in the delivery roonl. >> al would be inappropriate cracking jokes. >> she wants to bond with the viewers. i think the idea is to bond with the baby. >> yeah. you know what? i admire her. seriously. who is going to come in and replace you for a couple of
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months do we have katie couric perhaps coming? she said there's no discussion about her replacing you for a couple months. you never know at nbc because they're tricky. they could bring her in. >> i think we may have a few surprises, but honestly natalie, hoda, tamron will primarily. >> who was the last one? tan mom? >> she's not going to fill in. >> i thought you said tan mom. that was something i'd watch. but there is paranoia in television. i would never go on vacation when i was on radio because i knew they could replace me at any minute. you don't worry about it? >> i don't. and i'm wishing we could have more awkward conversation about the bathroom and other things. i honestly don't. i feel the show is going to be in great hands. but the most important thing is i'm going to hold a new baby. >> will you be watching the
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show? >> i don't know. i might be. >> of course she will. she's going to ruin the whole baby experience. sitting there pulling her hair out of her head. >> saying wow that girl's good. >> it would be great if you had the baby and then postpartum depression. a lot of women would relate to that. you could talk to all the experts. it would help you. >> this is the part i warned you about. >> savannah has the gorgeous, healthy baby. >> i'm there. >> you're all there. >> he's crashing the birth like crashing katie couric's wedding. >> savannah then has postpartum depression, comes back to the "today" show, kills matt on camera. >> with you so far. >> wouldn't that be amazing? >> it would be. you should program the "today" show. >> first of all, i want to welcome you to sirius xm radio. >> that's why you're here, yes. >> the best we could find is this is a twisted peppermint
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body lotion. we have a half a bottle. that's for you. this is an autographed copy from gary delabote. you don't want that. and i'm going to autograph a picture of myself. >> meanwhile, i heard all kinds of whining and complaining about this challenge for charity. right? you know about this. either just pour the bucket of water -- first of all, i'm looking at the hair. i'm not sure i want to see that wet. i may actually challenge you, robin. >> i want to ask a serious question. what happened to morning television? i mean, matt loves -- i am friends with matt. we love to discuss politics. we love to talk about what's going on in the world. and now for crass ratings, matt's going to be doused in cold water. >> it already happened. >> oh, it did happen? >> yeah. >> it sounds horrible. >> it's part of the 8:00 hour. in the 7:00 hour we still do cover the news of the day, international, national, we do whatever we can. but there was the scene a few minutes ago. >> matt, does it bother you when you go home at night and you say
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to your wife, you know what they did to me? they made me get doused in cold water. you know, i got to tell you something. it is such a shock to the nervous system to be doused in cold water. if that happened to me, i would behead them on live television. i would do that. that would be the end. >> are you saying you're turning down the challenge which means you have to make a donation to hospice of palm beach county. >> listen. i give to charity, but i am not getting sucked into your nightmare shore. >> it's going around. i got sucked into this, too, by greg norman, the famous golfer. >> i don't have to do anything. >> i'm going to force you to do this. >> so let's recap so we know where we're at. >> savannah's pregnant. >> about to get fired. >> do we know what we're having? >> no. we're keeping it a surprise. we do not know. >> you do know. >> i know. >> what are you having? >> i'm keeping it from savannah.
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>> how would you know? >> her nurse called me. >> is your husband excited? >> yes. >> your first baby? >> and a natural childbirth? >> you know, i'd like to. if you're saying without pain medicine, no way. >> she won't even do the show without pain medicine. >> come on. >> i hope to god you already found a nanny so you are not really that involved. have you? >> i found someone to help out in the first couple months and i had a good friend give me a good recommendation. >> will you -- will the woman you hire be an illegal immigrant or -- >> absolutely not. by the book, howard. >> you will do it by the book? >> i got an "a" in tax. i can't mess with that. >> you will now be a mother that writes a book to say how difficult it is to have a baby and work. >> no. she's going to make it look easy and make everyone upset. >> one last question. do you secretly hope that when you are maternity leave the
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ratings go down without you? >> we got to go. >> spoken like a lawyer. >> next time you're out to dinner, douse him in the water. >> then have a waiter do it. >> thank you for coming to sirius xm. excited to have you here. andy the way, savannah's water just broke. >> i'll deliver the baby. >> matt, let's deliver. get the cold water.
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back now at almost 8:53 to do some cooking with giada. the five key items you should stock up on that could be lifesavers making meals. always good to see you. >> hi. did i trip you up, al? >> no. i'm always so nervous around you. the five items we should always have. >> to be a successful cook, you have to stock your pantry and your fridge. parmesan cheese, a must for me. lemons which you said you always have lemons and limes. chicken broth. it brings everything together and adds flavor. beans. i use cantalini beans. it doesn't matter. pick the beans your family likes. and olive oil. >> does it matter if it's extra virgin or all that stuff? >> well, i like extra virgin. does it really matter? to me it does for my taste buds. it's up to you and what you
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like. all these five ingredients are in every one of these dishes. starting with the lemon pesto shrimp. i've got some extra large shrimp. what i like to do with them is make a poaching broth. chicken broth, there you go, white wine which i'm sure you have or at least you can borrow it from kathie lee, olive oil, t tarrag tarragon, and salt. poaching i think actually keep this fish very moist and flavorful. what i want you to do is take the shrimp and put it in there. bring all the ingredients up to a boil. add the shrimp right in there. make sure they're covered completely. this is how it's going to cook. then you turn off the heat. there we go. put the lid on. and you can take this off the burner if you want and let it sit eight to ten minutes. it seals in the flavor and keeps them moist. while that cools, you make the pesto. the basil, parsley, everything in here. you can add it all in there. parmesan cheese, lemon zest and
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juice, and one garlic clove. and we are going to blend this all together just like that. and pulse it and then add the olive oil. a third of a cup of olive oil. i add it later just to bind everything together. using these ingredients. then you have a nice pesto that looks just like that. >> lovely. >> this is a great dish because you can make all the components ahead of time. what you can do, i'm going to put you to work. >> i love it. >> add it to the shrimp that were cooked and cooled. beans, celery, celery leaves, and a bit of parsley. there we go. these are great for the summer, i think. and you don't have to turn on your grill. then i take a ciabatta. you can use olive oil or butter.
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take that and the shrimp and add it in there. hi guys. then have the parmesan cheese and lemon on the crust here. we have the bean topped with a little salad. and here salmon with the same mash. bean gives a great mash. >> thank you so mu good morning, everyone. 8:56. i'm scott mcgrew. a new chapter for the super hero, bat kid. a documentary called bat kid begins. filmmakers have launched a kickstarter fund to make a movie about it. "batkid begins" gives you a behind the scenes look at how san francisco made the little boy's wish come true. let's check your weather this morning with christina. >> we've got showers on the radar.
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scott, take a look at this! steadily streaming in from the southeast, pushing to the northwest. and as we head throughout the day, we will lose this opportunity by around lunchtime. but you can see, just some light cells at this point, mostly in the south bay. as we get into your afternoon, temperatures are going to be more comfortable than yesterday, dropping those numbers by about 5 to 10 degrees from yesterday ice high of 85 in the south bay.
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from nbc news this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist, and tamron hall. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. welcome to "today" on a tuesday morning, july 15th, 2014. good looking crowd on our plaza. i'm willie along with al, natalie, and tamron. it's soupy here today -- >> not in our studio. she has goose bumps right there. >> yes. freezing. >> we had a temperature sweet spot where we were all happy. and that doesn't happen often. men are usually wanting it more cold, women a little warmer
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generalizing. and we hit this family sweet spot. then something happened. >> who are we to complain? because they're really complaining. >> that's right. because we've got all kinds of crazy weather. >> lightning and everything. >> the polar invasion, which to me, you envision a group of polar bears with ski masks and guns coming in like a james bond movie. >> we should make that graphic. >> temperatures dropped anywhere from 10 to 25 degrees below normal. you got the all-star game going on in minneapolis and folks were like, they're bundled up. they're wearing hoodies and sweatshirts. look at this. >> they refuse to buy the $180 hoodie that mlb is selling. these are it having people. they're like, what? >> it's crazy. so you got all that. and there was a rain delay during the home run derby. so check this out. this rainbow over target field.
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>> that's fantastic. >> then you go out to colorado, about 50 miles north of denver, a massive hailstorm. >> isn't that crazy? >> i'm telling you, this is nuts. >> amazing that car gets through that without broken windshields. >> it's smaller hail. just so much of it. last night on the east coast, tremendous thunderstorms. check out this picture at 1 world trade center. >> wow. >> gorgeous to look at. don't want to be near it. >> as long as you're not up top changing the bulb. >> the taste of chicago was canceled for one day. they had flash flooding there. this is something we're going to be dealing with for a few more days. >> at least one more day. there was a music festival up in new york where woodstock '94 was. hundreds of cars literally got stuck in the mud.
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they can't get out because of the cars. >> that's when the party starts. >> all right. >> i know what you meant. i know what you meant. >> thank you. >> i'm not sure. >> help me out here. i love this photograph. did you see this? showing al in new light last night. >> yes, we need the sound effect. >> this is a screen grab from one frame when they took you on "nightly news" with brian williams. a halo over your head. >> i think we should have that permanent effect around your head. >> i got a call from pope francis. >> the energy. >> and you performed a miracle. >> yes, i have. i've been right. >> a couple times. >> speaking of great photographs, this one's going viral. 16-year-old kid tom white in nebraska showing him, look at the background there. warren buffett and sir paul
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mccartney just chilling on a bench in the dundee neighborhood of omaha. >> he's the coolest kid with this picture. >> mccartney in the area for a concert called up his friend for some dinner. we asked how that photo op came to be. >> so i posed, put my thumb up and he took the picture. it's been really crazy. had to keep scrolling. just notifications on twitter, instagram, facebook. i knew he was going to be in town. i knew the tickets were a lot of money so i put it out of my head. i'd rather have this photo than be at the show. >> he and his buddies dressed up as the beatles for halloween one year. he went out and followed the trail of social media. >> he's a social media detective. >> yeah. >> it's a completely different generation, still connected to the beatles and that music.
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that's pretty cool. >> i love his advice. he's 15 and learned from this, just go for it. okay, 15-year-old taking risks and it paid off. >> i want to know what they had, what they were eating. i guess vanilla bean for sir paul and root beer float for warren buffett. >> classic. love it. >> it fits them. >> i haven't had a root beer float in years. >> now you're going to want one. >> we need a root beer float. >> we do. even though i've given up sweets for jill martin. >> that starts the first. >> let's get this planned. >> or we can make it with vinegar. i'm sorry. >> no. let's just do it before the first. okay. some great news for our buddy tracy morgan. new pictures of tracy now that he's out of rehab finally a month after that horrific car crash left him critically injured. his leg was broken, other severe injuries. but this is our first glimpse of our buddy.
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this video was obtained exclusively by entertainment tonight. tracy was in good spirits outside of his home in new jersey. >> how you feeling? >> you look great. >> i feel strong. i love you. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> he's such a great guy. he's been on the show before. he's always sweet, always lovable. new dad. i mean, so much going on in his life when this accident happened. but it's great to see him flashing that smile and the peace sign. >> when the accident happened, he was in critical condition and then we kind of went dark on news about him for awhile. made you worry what was going on there. and he looks relatively good. >> his friend lost his life. when you hear the calls and all that, it's absolutely horrible. but when you see him there, we can't wait to see him back at the building and maybe sharing the story. >> other good news to report,
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some uplifting news. remember boston bombing survivor and hero jeff baumann? he lost both of his legs in disaster. he has welcomed a baby girl. nora gayle baumann was born on sunday. he wrote everyone is happy and healthy. she looks just like the picture of perfection. >> so cute. >> and you know she's going to be so loved. what a miracle. >> congratulations to them. all right, al. let's get a look of the weather. what's going on? >> we're going to take a little more of an in-depth look. show you what's happening as far as this severe weather is concerned. first of all, we've got that cold plunge of polar air coming out from canada. but we've also got this warm moist flow. that's why it's so humid in the northeast and mid-atlantic states and all along that line we're going to see severe storms developing during the late morning, early afternoon hours. we've got severe storms out around denver.
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also from boston all the way down into the carolinas, risk of damaging winds, hail, heavy rain. as this system pushes in. this cold front, this is the reinforcing cool air that's already invaded the midwest. it comes east late today on into tonight. more heavy thunderstorms by tomorrow. so with all this rain, we've got flash flood watching up and down the eastern see board. two to six inches of rain depending where you are. plus this cooler air. this is that polar invasion coming in. right now it's 60 in minneapolis, 59 in des moines. 52 marquette. indianapolis, 60 degrees. highs today are still only going to be anywhere from 10 to 25 degrees below normal. chicago struggling good morning to you. the time now, 9:08. showers continue to stream up from the south, pushing to the north. at this point, though, a lot of that activity is winding down. you can see just a few flashes
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of green here. overall, cloudy sky for most of the bay area, but temperatures, because of those clouds, are going to end up about 10 degrees cooler for today. the showers will subside, but those clouds are going to linger for the most part all day long. 81 in the north bay, 85 for the south bay, 83 on the peninsula. the hot spot, out in the tri-valley for today, 91 degrees. >> and that's your latest weather. >> thanks a lot. coming up next, a couple of fashion gurus who know how to make it work. heidi klum and tim gunn from "project runway." i hear we have a challenge from them. >> make it work? >> who's got a hot glue gun! (birds chirping softly in background.) (loud engine sounds!) what! how's it going? heard you need a ride to school. oh, that's pretty cool! big day at school? i know just the thing to help you get going.
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power up with new cheerios protein. moisture without it hair falling flat? introducing dove oxygen moisture. it provides oxygen fused moisture. the moisture your hair needs with 95% more volume. dove oxygen moisture. carmax is the best with a quick written offer, right on the spot.
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perfect for jeannine, who prefers not to have her time wasted. ...and time! thank you. your usual. she believes life's too short for inefficiencies. i now pronounce you husband and wife. no second should be squandered. which is why we make our appraisal process quick and easy, and why jeannine chooses to start here. carmax. start here. olive garden wants to know what unsuspecting foodies think of our new lasagna fresca. mmmm. so delicious. i guess fresca is the right word for it. this might be the best lasagna i've ever had. that is amazing. wow! surprise. our new lasagna fresca is sure to surprise. at olive garden. that new guy is like yeah but you'll regret it. what about him? healthy like this super smoothie. yeeeeuk! the perfect man and the perfect snack, don't exist. you sure? try dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. perfect cause it's healthy with 0% fat and 12 gr. of protein
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and so creamy. mmm... could be the perfect... oh! ladies. snack, john! the perfect snack! dannon oikos. possibly the perfect snack. ♪ dannon! if it doesn't work fast... you're on to the next thing. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? this one's a keeper. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®.
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all right, everybody. it's back for its 13th season. "project runway" once again puts designers to the test trying to create new fashions and without a lot of time to do it. >> and just last week the hit show received five emmy nominations including outstanding reality competition. and a nod for the host heidi klum and tim gunn who are with us today. good morning. good to see you. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> germany wins the world cup,
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you get emmy nominations. you got the mojo going on. >> pretty happy. >> we hope this all continues its trajectory. >> it will for sure. >> we have great designers this season. it's going to be so much fun for our audience to watch. it's good. >> you guys keep this fresh. >> we try to. >> 13 seasons. what's new this time? >> tim has a tim gunn save. if the judges kick someone out, he can bring a person back. >> i can, indeed. i taught for 29 years. every semester there was a new crop of students always energized me. new dna and points of view. that's what it's like here. we have a whole new energizing group of designers. >> they keep it fresh. when you see their faces all excited to be there and they want to break into the industry, that makes me excited. >> even the designers that don't win, they go on to launch major careers working with designers. and tim, i know that's got to make you really proud to know
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that you had a hand in helping them get there. >> well, for me to be perfectly honest, i'm barely witness to this great talent. and that's what my sense of pride happens to be. i don't today any credit for any of their success. just as i don't take credit for any of their failures. they really are a talented group. >> 13 seasons is a long time for any tv show, but for a reality group, this gets better. >> and we still have our fans of the show. we try to make it exciting for everyone. coming up with great challenges, great twists. tim said already this morning when we're done here he has to go back to the work room and give them a twist. and they're not going to like it. >> oh. >> they're not going to like it. >> what's it going to involve? >> more work for them. no more time and no more budget. i tell them every day. >> where's that come from? we love your catch phrase.
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>> it's what i used to say to my students when they felt they were stuck. i would say make it work. you have to. take the existing conditions and turn them around. >> so that's kind of what's going to happen to us today? we have to make it work in a challenge. is that what it is? >> make it work. >> do we get all the details of it? >> we're pairing off. you and al against me and natalie. we're going to walk over here and tim's going to give us instruction. >> you don't have a lot of time. >> what are we creating? >> it's a secret. >> let's see what you can do. >> so we have craft store goodies. >> we don't even know where we're going. >> what are we doing? we have to make this look like an outfit? >> it should be whatever you want to make. your point of view as to designers. it's a collaboration effort. >> here we go. are we good?
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>> go. >> we need a hot glue gun. >> we want to create a structure. >> give me a belt. >> structure. maybe off the shoulder. >> then remember the idea here. >> you want those on the front? >> got back. >> oh, that's nice. >> we need a glue gun that works. >> are you sure? >> yes. >> don't make it look like a bra. >> how do you do that? >> there you go. make your belt. >> maybe we mix our metals. >> maybe. >> these scissors are bum. >> this is not good. >> this one. >> okay. >> three, two, one.
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>> this is your golden globe outfit, heidi. >> i have to say it's better than what i expected. for one minute, you guys are pretty good. i don't know if i can pick a winner here. >> oh, wow. >> because they're both so bad. >> yeah. there are no oners. >> the bow on the back. >> it's lovely. >> you we want for metallics as a theme. >> uh-huh. that's it? >> yeah. >> that's all you got? >> i'm impressed with the draping. i really am. >> i think for a minute you guys did a pretty good job. >> she gave us the stock suburban answer. we're all winners. thank you heidi and tim. thank you. by the way, new season of "project runway" is on -- >> did we win? >> we won. >> tim likes the draping. >> what? >> it's a combination of
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materials opposed a single material. the proportions are excellent. >> if it's so great, heidi wears it. go ahead, heidi. we love the show. and up next, all the news you need to know before you leave the house as they savor the victory. and later, theiss the voice behind olaf, the snowman who melted hearts around the world. we check in with josh after this. wondering what that is? that, my friends, is everything. and with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase. not just "everything at the hardware store." not "everything, until you hit your cash back limit." quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. say it with me -- everything. one more time, everything! and with that in mind...
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what's in your wallet? [cheering]ight. and with that in mind... last week we hosted. this week the kids invited us to their place. we got this delicious kfc meal and 2 extra sides for free. for free! sorry i was late. i had a little trouble with the rope ladder. he fell twice. ♪ thlook what i got.p. oh my froot loops! [sniffs] let's do this? get up! get up! get up! get up! loop me! bring back the awesome... yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! much thought to the acidity in any foods. never thought about the coffee i was drinking having acids. it never dawned on me that it could hurt your teeth. my dentist has told me your enamel is wearing away, and that sounded really scary to me,
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and i was like well can you fix it, can you paint it back on, and he explained that it was not something that grows back, it's kind of a one-time shot and you have to care for it. he told me to use pronamel. it's gonna help protect the enamel in your teeth. it allows me to continue to drink my coffee and to eat healthier, and it was a real easy switch to make. our diet ocean spray cranberry juice drink is made with real cranberries and has just five little calories. these diet soda farmers are here to see where cranberries grow. hey, where does diet soda grow? uh... it's olive garden's first ever alfredo three course. it starts with our famous alfredo made from scratch. and features four new recipes. like shrimp caprese and chicken with broccoli. the three course italian dinner served with unlimited salad and breadsticks plus dessert. starting at $11.99. at olive garden. ♪
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♪ save on the things you love, for the people you love. get 5% off every single day with your debit or credit redcard. (together) it's got grains, which i like. i like the little bunches of oats. what i like is actually the flakes. it's got crunch, which i love. mmm. it's really good. honey bunches of oats. yay! and other car insurance companies? yes. but you're progressive and they're them. -yes. -but they're here. -yes. -are you... -there? -yes. -no. -are you them? i'm me. but the lowest rate is from them. -yes. -so them's best rate is... here. so where are them? -aren't them here? -i already asked you that. -when? -feels like a while ago. want to take it from the top? rates for us and them. now that's progressive.
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call or click today. taking a look at the headlines, facebook is about to start tracking the tv shows its users watch on phones and tablets. users watch on phones and tablets starting this fall. the social network will send the information along with the news and sender. this will help advertisers learn more about the people watching shows online. users will have a chance to opt out when they download mobile tv apps. the alzheimer's disease and other porforms of dementia is falling. according to another study in finland, two years of exercising, eating healthier and doing brain training helped
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boost people's memory function. staples and the u.s. postal service have pulled the plug on putting mini postal services in staples stores. protestors have been out for months. staples had been accepting mail that later would be picked up by a postal worker. microsoft set to release job cut this is week for as many as 12,000 people. reports say the cuts likely come from the nokia phone business and parts of microsoft that overlap. microsoft has 127,000 workers. the sky was no limit for a south dakota teenager. he landed his plane in california monday night completing a 29,000 around the world solo flight. the trip took him to 14 countries and five continents
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including rome and cairo. if verified, it will be the record for the youngest person to fly solo around the world. new edge, from osteo bi-flex® with joint shield™ helps strengthen your joints.° it works as hard for your joints, as they do for you. get the added benefits... of joint & muscle and joint & energy. new edge from osteo bi-flex®, so you're always ready for action. find it in your vitamin aisle.
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a very good morning to you. it's 9:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. police are looking for a man going around palo alto with a gun, robbing people. take a look at this sketch. police say someone looking like this man committed two holdups less than seven hours apart. the latest happened just after 1:00 yesterday morning on hamilton avenue near city hall. the victim turned over his wallet and cell phone after the suspect reportedly threatened him with a gun. hours earlier, a similar robbery happened two miles away in menlo park. today, the two men accused of getting into a fight outside of at that tiof at&t park are expected in court. the two nen got into a fight with a man and women on sunday. they punched the man and hit the woman when she tried to stop the fight. both victims are okay.
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transportation leaders in san francisco could decide today whether to raise fees for corporate shuttles like the google bus. mta staff is recommending its board raise the fees shuttles have to pay to stop at each muni bus stop from 1:00 to a little more than $3.50. they say the buss are making fewer stops than they thought. we'll have a look at weather and traffic right after this break.
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9:28. welcome back. now, still have plenty of clouds to show you, but those showers are really thinning out at this point. we will see a little bit of this activity lingering for the next couple of hours, but by around 12:30, even 1:00 p.m. today, all of this will be gone. the clouds, however, will remain and that humidity will stick around for today as well. beautiful, beautiful sunset, though, coming your way tonight at about 8:30. 85 degrees in the south bay. the peninsula is at 83 for today. you'll hit 70 degrees, a comfortable day shaping up for you in san francisco. east shore is at 81. hot spot, the tri-valley, 91. here's mike and your drive.
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we'll take you out toward 880, but we'll look at the fremont area. look at the southbound side, really jammed up. the earlier crash that was causing all these problems has just cleared a few minutes ago from mallory, and we now see speeds going from red to orange. the flow is better there and we'll continue to improve over the next half hour south of the dumbarton bridge. the rest of your bay shapes up as a pretty typical tuesday. in fact, maybe a little bit lighter. we have the south bay, tough slowing for 101, but now it's condensed around mountain view, sunnyvale, and in towards palo alto. and an easy drive north past the coliseum. although you do slow down around high, laura. back to you. >> thank you very much! another local news update in half an hour. hope to see you then. it's never been easier to find a dentist. watch. dentist. at 1-800-dentist, we've helped over 8 million people
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find that right dentist. we can do the same for you. so don't put it off. call 1-800-dentist. ♪ welcome back welcome back to "today." it's tuesday july 15th, 2014. i'm willie. i'm going to educate you. what is the best way to resolve a fight, you ask yourself? there's a piece in the wall street journal saying the wrong way to move forward is apologize quickly and move on. >> i'm sorry. it's okay. >> we say we're sorry and we're done. >> we haven't moved on. we want to talk it out. >> you have it right. the right way to move forward is actually address the underlying issue and have a nice, big long conversation about it. >> nice, big, long conversation
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which you glaze over and another fight starts because you're not listening to me. >> can you move your head? now go ahead. >> i missed everything. here's the one thing you should never say in the apology. i'm sorry but -- >> our case manager said the other other thing to do is i'm sorry you feel that way. he's use had the a cup of times. admit it. >> he's blushing. i have and i failed at it. thank you. >> i think you should throw in flowers. >> there are also other ways to make up after you fight. >> there is? >> yeah. it brings people together. >> you have to. exactly. >> you want to go for it again? >> getting along every second. >> it worked. >> al please do the weather. >> save us. >> moving along here. >> just real talk man.
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>> you can't avoid it no matter how hard you try. we're looking at a risk of strong storms from new england to the carolinas. also out through the rockies. along the west coast, we've got a gorgeous day in la. 75. up in the pacific northwest, going to be toasty. temperatures 90s in places like boise, idaho 100. northern texas to oklahoma, heat continues in the pacific northwest. heavier showers and thunderstorms limited to flori a florida. 9:32. good tuesday morning to you. we've activated the doppler here at nbc bay area, just some spotty, very light activity. it's all winding down at this point. as we head throughout the day, though, those clouds are going to remain with us. a live shot of oakland hills shows you that. same thing over sunol. and here in the south bay,
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mostly cloudy skies for now. as we head throughout the day today, those clouds will break apart just a touch. we'll see a high of 85 degrees in the south bay, 81 for the east shore, 70 in san francisco. and the hot spots, out in the extreme east bay, 91 degrees in the tri-valley. and that's your latest weather. >> all right al. if you've got little kids, actor josh gadis is probably a huge star in your house. he's the voice behind olaf, the kn snowman from the highest grossing film of all time. i wish i was here playing the guy noah bloom who spends too much time alone. it's probably had effect on his social skills. >> why don't we go to din senator. >> who's going to baby sit? >> worth three hours of baby sitting if and only if it's in mint condition. >> it's brand new. >> can i keep them taped up like
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that? >> no. no. >> good morning. it's a little different than olaf isn't it? >> yeah. light and darker. we were going to go in that direction with frozen originally. not our demographic. >> the angry, aggressive snowman who ties up children. it was a different way to go. >> looks like it's a bit of a stretch for you. were you playing something little darker, little more bruting? >> no, that's me. i am that guy. i know that i seem vivacious. behind closed door, i'm a monster. no. it actually is one of those cases where he's a glass is half empty kind of guy. i'm a very much half is half full. he's cynical. he's a brilliant guy. he shelters himself and doesn't use his brilliance in any manner. it takes this family to wake him
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up out of this slumber. >> it's a good movie and important film. it's a kick starter film. the money for the movie were raised by people at home like them. how does that change the dynamic of the movie besides you have people on set that gave $25. >> it's easy to embezzle. most the money that came in, i actually kept. what was left over, we used to make the film. that's why the film looks cheap at times. no. no. i look great. we used it all on makeup. what's unbelievable about -- i think it's kind of the future of the industry in many ways. it gives you -- the artist -- to do the vision as they choose to do it. zack doesn't have to answer to studio head and say you know what, let's get rid of this because it doesn't fulfill these
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needs right? also having those people on set, you're reminded of the magic film making. you're seeing it through their eyes. they're unbelievably excited to be a part of it. that's contagious. sometimes you're sitting around doing another movie. you can lose sight of how magical what we do is. to be reminded of it is amazing. >> great cast. kate hudson, zack as you mentioned, jim parsons. the kids were most impressive right? >> unbelievable. i would go back to the trailer after doing a scene and just cry. i realize at 33 i'll never be as good as these 12-year-olds. it's one of those things they're just so honest. they don't get -- guys, please let me finish. they don't get in their own way. they really don't. to be present.
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now you can do your effect aw. >> you've got two young girls? >> i do. >> you're in a movie "frozen." the voice of olaf, your legacy that your kids will point to. got to be amazing. >> it's the coolest thing ever. conversation setter for my daughter around the play tea set community -- >> there's a whole community? >> there's a whole community of them with weird british accents. so what have you seen? findi findi finding nemo, is that any good? it's one of those things that she really gets it. she knows her dad is olaf but doesn't care. she only uses me to get to the princesses. she's like i know you're the warm hugs guy. how do i get in touch with ana
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and elsa. >> you're the middleman. >> yeah. she's like -- i was kind of hoping he melted in act three. she's as dark as i am. so yeah we've been showing her -- >> are you asked to sing that song all the time? >> what song? ♪ it's summer >> yeah. >> nobody asks me. it's funny. when kids really start coming up to me and they're like please, just sing it. please just sing it. i'm always like okay. all right. all right. ♪ let it go. let it go ♪ ♪ don't hold it back anymore they're like, that's not what i meant. i'm like oh sorry, i misunderstood the question. >> will you stay with us.
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>> this was my audition to cohost the "today" show. i'm ready to give it up and join you guys. we've got to get started at 3:00 p.m. i don't do mornings. >> we will negotiate. >> thank you. >> wish i was here from our sister company focus feature friday. opens july 25th. we are back after this. we're trying our best to be role models.dels. we don't jump at the sound of the opening bell, because we're trying to make the school bell. corner booth beats corner office any day. we make the most of our time... and our money. the 2014 malibu. highest ranked midsize car in initial quality the car for the richest guys on earth.
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introducing new colgate® optic white® whiten & protect toothpaste. this shell is made of calcium that can absorb stains like teeth. brush one side with a regular whitening toothpaste and the other side with optic white®. it whitens deeper... and it can stay white! even after dipping it again, colgate®'s white seal technology helps prevent stains from coming back. for a whiter smile that stays white, new colgate® optic white whiten & protect. lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100% real milk. no discomfort. each year 17 billion toilet paper tubes are thrown awaythis? in the us alone. that's enough to fill the empire state building...twice.
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now there's scott naturals tube-free bath tissue. get the premium softness you need without the wasteful tube. toss the tube for good with scott naturals tube-free. donuts? ♪ you're cute. [ door closes ] [ female announcer ] special k protein cereal helps keep you fuller longer. willpower. what will you gain when you lose? willpower. looki prefer today.eeks? clairol age defy color collection. with our best breakthrough gray coverage. lustruous, radiant color that looks 10 years younger. today. age defy color from clairol.
9:42 am
tthe pleasure you crave bjust got real.leasure? light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. irresistible flavors, like toasted coconut vanilla, with a thick creamy texture. never have 80 calories tasted so satisfying. light & fit greek. taste satisfaction without sacrifice. ♪ dannon this morning our series host to it, a program helping young girls feel empowered through fitness. >> it was started by a woman named his farrow that wanted to help girls. >> she helps them at times when times get tough. >> these girls aren't just playing a game of football.
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these are girls with soul. this is lacing them up for a lifetime of achievement. liz came up with the concept five years ago. >> it's like meals on wheels but it's fitness and wellness on wheels. >> six days a week, she drives from one side of cleveland to the other. >> write all things you love ant yourself. >> confident, strong, kind. >> oh yeah, it's for girls only. >> it's so much easier for them to feel down on themselves and put down by others because of the social media and just trying to grow up in today's era. liz can relate to their pain and struggle. >> i was in four foster homes before i was adopted. there was definitely trauma and abuse that occurred in the homes. i had issues coming into my adopted family. they were great people, and i was lucky in that regard.
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then as an 8 and 9-year-old i was sexually abused. i didn't get the support i needed. >> she then discovered sports. >> sports and fitness was the thing that made me find empowerment to be able to handle it and resilience to move on and keep moving forward in my darkest times. it literally saved my life. >> and still turns to running today. >> it washes away cobwebs not just out of my brain but my heart. the populations i work with are generally unhealthy ones. if you introduce running, biking, walking, cross fit, they embrace it. >> they embrace liz too. >> to see her smile and her r energy. >> jada agrees. >> liz makes me feel i'm i'm important and i can achieve
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something in my life. >> coming here brings the happiness out of me instead of sadness. >> she's even run a 5k. >> when i crossed that finish line and found out, i was ecstat ecstatic, super happy. >> i'm proud they try so hard and have come so far. liz is raising money for girls of sole by running marathons. the finish line is looking bright for these girls. >> incredible program. by the way, as part of the girls with sole program, the young ladies get sneakers and work out gear at the beginning of every school year. impressive. gives girls such confidence. >> you heard the young lady say it brings out happiness where there was sadness. >> if you have inspiring stories, we want to hear about
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them. maybe we'll tweet it on our show. the health benefits of pro biotics. what are they exactly and are they right for you? we'll have that next. body. it hugs you. [jeffery] i don't have to think about how to get comfortable anymore. [evie] this zips off so i can wash it-yes, please. [robert]dude,tempur-pedic is killing it. [kevin] no more tossin' and turnin', trying to find a comfortable spot in bed. [christi] it's really cool to the touch. [chelsea] my tempur-pedic... cuddles better than my husband does. but,that's just between you and me. [announcer] visit your local retailer and feel the tempur-pedic difference for yourself. ♪ well-a, well-a, well-a, uh! tell me more, tell me more... ♪♪ twizzlerize your summer fun with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. there's a new reason to love activia. when you feel good inside. you live life with a smile. but when you feel bloated,
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lustruous, radiant color that looks 10 years younger. today. age defy color from clairol. he paid for ya. ♪ it's a german luxury sedan. but it's still an audi. ♪ the audi a4. performance with the right attitude. get exceptional offers on the audi a4 during the summer of audi event. visit today (sfx) rings sound design. and when your chocolatey it'scravings begin, there's new special k chocolate almond cereal.
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treat yourself with our chocolatey collection. an unguilty pleasure. what will you gain? at uwe know you can't afford wrong turns on the road to your future. that's why we build tools like our career guidance system. it's kind of like gps, you know, for your career. it walks you through different degree possibilities and even lets you explore local job market conditions, helping you map a clear course from the job you want, back to you. go to and get started today. it's one of the buzz words you hear all the time when it comes to eating healthy. probiotics. but what are they and do you really need them? >> ladies, good morning to you both.
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>> good morning. >> thank you, good morning. >> let's start with the basic question for people like me. what is a probiotic? >> it is a live microorganism that promotes the good bacteria in our digestive system. >> you see the ads why you need to take this. do you really need to take it? do you need to boost the bacteria already in our system? >> we do. if we think of our digestive system as a battle ground, we have good and bad. we have the good to outnumber the bad bacteria. and that helps to promote some of these health benefits that we're seeing. so absolutely. we should be taking them because of these benefits. >> what are some of the health benefits we're talking about here? >> there are some scientists are on board with. we know probiotics are able to help with diarrhea and constipationi inthat comes with certain ailments. then our enthusiasm for
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probiotics has far outshown the legs we have to put things on. you'll see claims for helping you lose weight or helping you fight cancer. we don't have enough information for that kind of thing yet. but the number one thing to remember when it comes to probiotics is there are many strains of them. you want to take the strain that helps what you're trying to target. >> and it's in foods as well. we've got samples here. there are wades to add the foods in not necessarily taking a supplement. are you getting enough? >> exactly. so the easiest -- one of the easiest and quickest ways is always taking a supplement or pill for something. but there are foods that you can take. there are dairy products that you can take like yogurt is something. it's the number one thing that comes to people's minds. scientists found that dairy and probiotics work together well in your system. >> greek yogurt, right? >> you can have the greek yogurt, that's fantastic. that's great for people that are
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lactose intolerant. but you can also look for pickled foods, fermented foods. we have an example there. sauerkraut, kimchi, miso. one thing you want to keep in mind is you're not adding heat to these things. we don't want to kill them. we need them live in our bodies. you want to be mindful of that when eating these foods. >> what am i looking for on the label? what do i want? >> even if yogurt has probiotic, if it's not alive, it's not going to give you that benefit. so you are looking for that word live and active cultures. you want to make sure it's added after pasturization. because that's the only way for it to survive. >> are there any concerns?
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>> we're look at individuals with a compromised immune system, premature babies. talk with your physician before you actually are going to start taking a probiotic supplement. other than that, we should all be including these in our diet. they happen to be in healthy foods. >> thank you, ladies, so much. good information. we're back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc.
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the hopper. >> we have donald faison with us. a lot of fun. >> tom ellis is in a new series. >> and people, the hot wives of orlando. so funny.
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well, good morning, everyone. 9:56. i'm scott mcgrew. the state is on the verge of forcing water users to do something about the drought. this morning, the state water resources control board will consider tough restrictions for water use. so overwatering your lawn or
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washing your car without a nozzle would be among the violations that could get you a ticket, a ticket as high as $500. they're voting on that this morning. today, the santa clara city council will likely approve a multi-million dollar traffic system designed to limit traffic jams before the big games at levi stadium. it will involve giving fans personalized directions, so there are several clusters of cars arriving to the stadium before a game in different paths, not 20,000 stuck in a standstill on the freeway. all trying to take the same exit. 49ers vice president of operations calls the traffic plan unprecedented. let's check our weather with christina. good morning. >> hey, thank you, scott. we've got a pretty interesting forecast for today. temperatures overall, dropping by about 5 to 10 degrees from yesterday's highs. the low 80s on the way to the south bay. we'll see 70 in san francisco, and low 80s on the way to the peninsula as well, with
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lingering subtropical clouds. nonetheless, 5 to 10 degrees cooler than yesterday. we'll keep that cooldown coming in as we head throughout the midsection of the week. and then by this weekend, really comfortable weather on the way. we'll detail that for you at 11:00. first, let's check your drive. here's mike. >> we're getting to be a little bit easier drive from oakland over to san francisco. look at the bay bridge toll plaza, starting to loosen up for most of the lanes. however, still a little slowdown off the berkeley curve. the vicinity south of through oakland, moving nicely, but slowly through downtown, continuing to lighten again as the minutes continue. south of the dumbarton bridge, slow right now for west 237 to north 101, bayshore slow, 237 slow getting there. and the south bay itself, though, scott, looks much better now. >> more news in half an hour.
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the answer to treating your dog's fleas and ticks is staring you right in the face. nexgard, from the makers of frontline® plus. it's the only soft, beef-flavored chew that kills both fleas and ticks. vets recommend it. and dogs, well, they're begging for it. nexgard is for dogs only. and hasn't been evaluated for use in pregnant, breeding or lactating dogs. reported side effects include vomiting, dry flaky skin, diarrhea, lethargy and lack of appetite.
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use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. recommended by vets. loved by dogs. from the makers of frontline plus. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee give ford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody. welcome, welcome. it's booze day tuesday, july 15th. half way through july already, hoda. you better wake up and smell the roses. >> and it's 55 degrees in minneapolis. what's happening this summer is our big question. >> you just had the opportunity to ask al roker, and he left. >> he's on his bike somewhere. >> very busy. >> yes. donald is here. never met him before. unless he tells me that i did, which sometimes happens now.
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looking forward. over the years you just -- >> we've got these fake real housewives. if you like the "real housewives" show, you'll love this. >> they're hot. >> they're actresses playing the roles of housewives called the hot wives of orlando. >> oh, my god. >> and it is genius. >> it's your favorite new show. >> let's talk about the biggest story of the day. we have a lead story we would like to discuss. it has something to do with this little book called the glory game. the glory game is a book that many, many, many people read, obviously. "new york times" best sellers list. now this is being made into a movie about frank give ford. >> on hbo. it's very exciting. >> it tells the story of the giants/colts game back in 1958. it was the championship game. it was the very first nfl game to go into sudden death. >> were you born then?
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>> no. but anyway, it was one of those things that bled into the newscasts. for people waiting to watch news, suddenly they were mesmerized by this ball game. >> it's the game that changed the game forever. it made football exciting, sexy, and led to -- >> speaking of sexy, this is so crazy. just paging through the book, please look right here. please. >> come to me. >> you don't have to go so tight. you can come in a little. >> no? >> all right. there's frank sitting there with kyle, who he named his son after. our son cody is going to be an associate producer on the film. he's been working on this for over a year. so we're exciting. >> so exciting. we have a question for our viewers. who do you think should play frank give ford? tell me age age during this time. >> frank was born in 1930. so the game was played in '58.
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it goes up to that age. >> so let us know. go to our facebook page. >> it's got to be a great actor, obviously, to play a real person. got to be someone who knows how to do that. got to be a guy that really knows how to play football. there's nothing worse than watching a sports movie, any sport movie, and the guy is obviously a fish out of water. >> the producers are big on this. it's produced by gene kirkwood from "rocky," the movie. ross elliott. and again, croody gifford. other big news, we have photo proof that two people are hanging out. >> they're breathing the same air. >> sofia vergara and joe manganella. >> look where their hands are and you tell me if they're just hanging out. >> sofia's 42nd birthday.
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she's a cougar. >> i love seeing them together. >> she can still have children. they need to breed quickly. they need to. gene pool,ene pool. >> "modern family" co-star julie bow ensaid the pair are like, quote, a genetic explosion, and there might be not enough in the gene pool because they're too good looking. >> last time i felt that way was when i was watching "mr. and mrs. smith" with brad pitt and angelina jolie . >> it's like looking at the sun. you're like, oh, my god. you can't believe what's there in front of you. >> i know. so this other big casting news. lisa rinna is joining "the real housewives of beverly hills." i'm surprised. she said all along she was never, ever, ever going to do it. >> e! news is reporting she's joining the cast. >> do we have verification and confirmation on that? >> no. >> so alleged sources say.
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>> but it's interesting. lisa was on "dancing with the stars." she's on the soap opera, obviously, "days of our lives." >> she used to be on "melrose place." >> she was on "sing your face off." >> i like that title. never saw the show, but i like the title. >> she did that. i find this interesting. >> i like lisa. i did a podcast with her a couple weeks ago. she was very forthcoming, very candid, very open about things. she was just saying -- she was saying how hard it is now at her age in this business. she's over 40. but she has the body of an 18-year-old. she works out. she takes it very seriously. still very, very sexy, beautiful woman. she said they didn't even want her on the "sing your face off" because she might be too old for it. >> to sing your face off? >> yes. what am i doing here? >> what are we both doing here? >> whoa, you're almost 50. how many more days? >> we have a lot more days.
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a lot. a lot more days. >> okay. >> all right. so again, we told you the hot wives of orlando are going to be here. let's watch a clip. >> what did you say to me? >> i think you heard me. you need to calm down. >> do not tell me to calm down. why don't you calm down. >> you know what? you both need to calm down. >> don't tell me to calm down. >> excuse me. >> you calm down. >> so you got to watch this. they are -- >> that's a good show. >> a lot of it's great. so you know you're a real fan when you shave your back for somebody. that's what happened. this die-hard minnesota twins fan shaved in his favorite player's name into his back
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hair. >> i wonder how the player feels about that. is he complimented by that? >> dozier. is that what it says? yeah, dozier. anyway, that is totally disturbing. >> dozier says people have been telling him this is a sign he's officially made it. i think he's got a stalker. you know? >> right? >> it's a little scathing. all right. hats off to the guy. >> so here's something. justin bieber's mother sometimes gets tweets from justin bieber's fans. >> all the time she does. >> justin tweets like a sexy picture, and all the girls start tweeting justin bieber's mother patty. they're tweeting things like, he's so hot, he's so sexy. >> they use the word horny a lot, which is a very descriptive word. >> this is what justin bieber's mom responded with. dear sweet bielebers, please
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stop telling me my son makes you horny. it's not something a mom wants to hear. women today are not like when i was growing up. i don't know about you. certainly not in egypt. >> i didn't grow up in egypt. i grew up in oklahoma. >> raised by egyptian -- i know. but i went to college in oklahoma. they weren't that way then either. >> exactly. >> there was a modesty about women. there was a sort of you wait for the guy to ask you out. you certainly aren't the one -- you're not forward. you were called sluts if you did that. >> now everybody does it. >> yes. >> all right. so we're asking -- we're shouting out today in honor of the last baby boomers. >> does jerry clean these every day after we use them? >> i don't think so. for all the people who are turning 50 this year, and i
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don't know who you are, "huff post 50" and us are teaming up to find people who reinvent themselves. a lot of people are going back to school or running a marathon. we want to hear your story, because we may bring it up here. for more information, go to tell us an inspiring story that someone turning 50 has for you. >> so hoda can steal it for her next book. make it good. >> just want to give a shout out to the folks in d.c. i'm heading to the washington journalism media conference. >> why? >> i don't know. they've asked me to speak. >> they've asked you to speak every year. when you used to be a journalist, you went. >> i don't know why they still want me. anyway, the speech is taking place today at the national press club. i'm looking forward to getting to d.c. and saying hey to everybody there. all right. we're going to show you how to get lots of products online absolutely free. >> jill is going to show us. and what you might not have known about former "scrubs" star and his best bud. we're going to find out after
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this. hey! i found my true love, livin' in a sweet dream. singin' my favorite song and it all starts with you. whoa-oh-oh-oh, all this goodness... what matters most should always come first. which is why whole grain is the first ingredient in every general mills big g cereal. and why we never use high fructose corn syrup. general mills. look for the big g. it means goodness first. is building up layer, upon layer, upon layer of bacteria. and to destroy those layers? you need listerine®. its unique formula penetrates these layers deeper than other mouthwashes, killing bacteria all the way down to the bottom layer. so for a cleaner, healthier mouth, go with #1 dentist recommended listerine®. power to your mouth. also try listerine® pocket paks to kill bad breath germs on the go.
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ten hut! you up for the challenge suds-maker? i'm gonna need more than that to get through the rest of these dishes! i want more suds! dawn? you won't last. [ female announcer ] a drop of dawn has active suds that stay stronger longer, so you can clean 2x more greasy dishes. to get the job done. you're full of suds after all. now drop and give me twenty spaghetti bowls! [ female announcer ] dawn does more. [ sponge ] so it's not a chore. experience the luxury of new oleo therapy from l'oreal's #1 sulfate-free haircare. deep nutrition. oil from a unique blend of 6 botanicals. the end of dryness. l'oreal's new oleo therapy.
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when i know the babysitter's treating herself to a late night helping of my kraft mac & cheese. hey, sam. did you have a nightmare or something? she will not be asked back. [ male announcer ] kraft macaroni & cheese. you know you love it. she will not that's notthat's dirt r carpet, creeping in. send it running with resolve high traffic foam. its foam power removes three times more dirt than vacuuming alone. all while neutralizing pet odors. don't just vacuum clean . resolve clean. that new guy is like yeah but you'll regret it. what about him? healthy like this super smoothie. yeeeeuk! the perfect man and the perfect snack, don't exist. you sure? try dannon oikos greek nonfat yogurt. perfect cause it's healthy with 0% fat and 12 gr. of protein and so creamy. mmm... could be the perfect... oh! ladies. snack, john! the perfect snack! dannon oikos. possibly the perfect snack.
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♪ dannon! for nine years, donald faison gave us a weekly dose of laughter sharing an on-screen bromance with zack braff. you know it. it's called "scrubs." now they're reunited in a new film called "wish i was here."
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take a look. >> in a city like l.a., it's really about what it sounds like when you floor it from a full stop. >> yes, but kids, we're on robertson boulevard, so there will be no flooring it from a full stop, will there? >> no, sir. >> thank you. >> he does it anyway. donald is here. >> hi, guys. >> we're kind of ticked. >> tell him now he can never come back. it's over. that's a wrap. >> we only want you. >> you know what? i only want you two. so we're all good. >> you steal this movie, basically. >> i do steal this movie. actually, you just saw my whole performance in the movie. and you're right. i did steal the movie. it's a movie about an aston martin deeper named anthony who gets in the car with, what's that guy's name?
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>> life is good for you, isn't it? >> life is good right now. i'm having a good time. >> was it fun working with your buddy? must be kind of cool. >> your boss too. >> he's not my boss, no. no, it was a lot of fun working with him. it's always fun working with him. he's a really good director. i think he's a better director than he is an actor, and he's a really good actor. >> glad you added that. >> he did great with his first independent film. >> he should get great reviews for this one. "garden state" was about being in your 20s. this is about being in your 30s. life's challenges get a little difficult when you're in your 30s. >> how old are you? >> i'm 40 now. >> you're 40? >> it just gets worse too. i'm warning you. >> i'm at the age now, and i don't want this to happen, but this is when you start losing loved ones. that's what this movie is about. >> that's the other reason you can't play frank gifford in the film. >> why not? i think i would be perfect. >> tell us why.
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>> you're too old. >> i'm too hold? look at the baby face. >> you actually might be able to do it. >> i could pull it off. hold on, hold on. let me stand next to it. >> i see it. >> we look alike! >> i see it. >> i see it. >> i think it could work. >> i know it's going to work. >> how was jessica simpson's wedding? you were there. >> it was a good time. yay, jessica did it! you and eric did it. >> a couple times. >> it was not only on "people." now it's on kathie lee and hoda. you know you made it. >> did you have your doubts? >> no, it was a lot of fun. i danced my butt off. i, you know -- it was great. >> that's good. as frank, you'll have to dance a lot in the movie. >> listen, do we need to put some music on and get it started?
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>> crank it. >> crank the music. >> let's go. ♪ >> it's got to be music from the '50s. >> you know what? i'm all right. never mind. let's just move on. i'm all right. >> the guys on audio don't understand dance music. >> obviously. >> do we have time to show his little commercial? let's show a tv clip. we have to show you back in the day. this man has earned his stripes. >> that's not me. >> that's you? >> that's me with the hair, yeah. >> i remember that commercial. >> when did you learn to make coff coffee? >> you have been gone for a while. >> awwww. >> he looked like frank gifford too. >> you're adorable.
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have we met before? >> frank gifford. >> that's right. we have children together. movie hits select theaters. take ussou out. july 25th. >> i'm going to be cool now. >> coming up next, everyone likes free stuff. jill will show you how to get it. and we're going to get to know todd ellis. >> nice. >> thank you for playing. my name is karen and i have diabetic nerve pain. it's progressive pain. first that feeling of numbness. then hot pins. almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. so my doctor prescribed lyrica. the pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these,
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new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. [ karen ] having less pain, that means everything to me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain.
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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. i was a negative nancy. a real downer. but thanks to now we can shop with low monthly payments. brands like sony, keurig, fisher-price. two words: ninja blender. ♪ ♪ well-a, well-a, well-a, uh! tell me more, tell me more... ♪♪ twizzlerize your summer fun with twizzlers. the twist you can't resist. behind the fridge... ...quietly rotting into black goo, is the banana you thought he wolfed down last week. pine sol.
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cleaning what stinks since 1929. you help me pour. the simple grains of rice krispies®. oooo! good. help me. they're made with rice. they're popping! where'd the sound go? is it in your tummy? a gentle grain that's easy for little tummies to digest and fun to eat. kellogg's rice krispies®. ♪ all right. he hails from wales, but he's one of -- >> hails from wales. it rhymes. >> he's h-o-t hot. he stars in a new series called "rush." >> he plays a doctor. that's the good news. he's also a bad boy, catering to the demands of his very elite clients.
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take a look. >> you know the policy. we don't discriminate. we don't judge. i'm not a shrink, not a lawyer, not a priest, not a cop. i treat people who pay. and ted cummings pays. >> what? >> what is happening there? >> i was getting dressed. >> i noticed. but you were getting dressed to go help -- to go fix one of his feel who'd had an unfortunate accident with his -- >> with his girlfriend. >> well -- >> we can't give all the details away. >> every time you think you've got a handle on this character, you surprise us. >> we weren't sure whether to love you or hate you. you're helping, healing. tell us about your character a little. >> it's an interesting fine line. he obviously does some pretty despicable things, and his philosophy about how he's going to run his practice is not in keeping with the usual medical ethics. >> you do surgeries in places you shouldn't. you're helping people o.d. on drugs. >> plus, he's self-medicating
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quite heavily iy lily himself. >> in the beginning, you're out on a date. this girl is doing a lot of cocaine. you're doing a little with her. >> i do a little with her. yeah, and it all goes a bit crazy. that's the kind of introduction into the world of "rush." >> it was a perfect thing. it just shows you right away. >> now, you lose your accent completely. was it difficult to pick up an american accent? what part was the toughest? >> it's really weird, actually. i've been coming back and forth to the states for the last couple years. then i had a lightbulb moment last year when i did a play in london. it was an american play written by a guy from new york, actually. the director was american. he came over and he kind of said it's not about doing an accent, it's about being american. i was like, okay, all right. you've got to lose your british sensibilities and the way in which you communicate. it's not vocally. it's about how you articulate, gesticulate. >> body language. >> you guys are really direct. well, you two are. >> americans in general.
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>> i showed him my spanx. >> that's what she does. >> you didn't know what that was. >> so we had to tell you. >> i actually did. >> you wanted to see. >> we know a little about you. let's learn more. people are learning about you for the very first time. we're going to play a game called spin the bottle. >> is that the same as what it is in the u.k.? >> no. >> okay. here's your question. just so we can get to know you. here we go. married or single, kids or no kids? >> single but with kids. >> how many kids? >> three. >> okay. i'm just going to pick one. who had time to wait? since you've been called one of the hottest men on tv lately, what is the one thing a woman could do to turn you off? >> and what can she do to turn you on? >> turn me off? >> yeah. >> not be funny. to turn me on, be funny. is that -- >> that's right to the point. we like it. >> we like you. you're cute. and the show is really, really compelling. all the best with it. >> thank you very much. >> premieres this thursday at
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9:00/8:00 central on usa. yeah, i would never book a hotel if i didn't know the name first. now what if i told you you can save up to 60%, but you couldn't know the name until after you book? did i say never? i didn't mean it. ♪ would you consider a 4-star hotel that's up to 60% off, you just can't know the name? just no name? until you book. um... yeah, i'd do that! ♪ curing a yeast infection relieving the itch.... can happen instantly. vagisil max strength anti-itch wipes relieve itch and odor instantly as they cleanse. so why wait to feel comfortable? trust vagisil. the number one wipe for itch.
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on your busiest day, you see the gray. try root touch up by nice 'n easy. just brush our permanent color matching creme right where you need it. then rinse. in 10 minutes, zap those grays and get on with your day. nice 'n easy root touch up. in 10 minutes, zap those grays and get on with your day. and discover an exciting combination of tastes. rich, dark chocolate covering soft centers flavored with exotic fruit juices. it's chocolate and fruit flavors like you've never experienced before. discover brookside. good morning, everyone. 10:26. i'm scott mcgrew. police looking for a man going around palo alto with a gun, robbing people. take a look at the sketch. police say someone lacking like this man committed two holdups
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less than seven hours apart. the latest happened just after 1:00 yesterday morning on hamilton avenue near city hall. the victim turned over his wallet and cell phone after the suspect reportedly threatened him with a gun. hours earlier, a similar robbery happened two miles away in menlo park. we're going to take a look at weather and traffic coming up after the break.
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happy tuesday to you. temperatures this morning are pretty comfortable. we're in the 60s and 70s. we're on our way to the mid-80s in the south bay.
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we'll hit the low 80s on the peninsula, the same for the east shore. 70 in san francisco and 82 degrees in the north bay. although, most of the shower activity is done for now, we're going to see these subtropical clouds lingering for most of the day as we head throughout the next couple of days, though, the good news is heat relief on the way. today, 5 to 10 degrees cooler, still humid. tomorrow, we lose that humidity. the breeze will build from the ocean and cooler days on the way. we'll show you that forecast coming up at 11:00. first, though, let's check your drive and say good morning to mike inouye. >> a little humid, a little cooler over here at bay bridge toll plaza, still have the backup as well. you can see the approach, no problems. oakland starting to look really good towards the speed limit. the rest o of your bay moves very nicely, but the slowdown, still towards 101 through mountain view and sunny view, you can see the span across. that's good news. back to you. >> all right, mike, thanks. there are new trends about what we eat, when we eat it. companies trying to keep up with the new healthy snack craze. we'll tell you all about it
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coming up in half an hour on the big newscast at 11:00. we'll see you then. we're back with more of "today" on this booze day tuesday with a new group of self-absorbed, super rich housewives. or at least that's how they appear. >> we're so excited about this segment. we're talking about the hot wives of orlando. this heroulu original series wh parodies the housewives series debuts today with a cast of comic actresses. >> take a look at what happens when the ladies get together for a canine charity event. >> do not tell me to calm down. why don't you calm down? >> you know what? you both need to calm down. >> you don't tell me to calm down. >> excuse me. >> you calm down.
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>> damn! >> i it would you to calm down. >> you need to calm down. >> i really didn't want there to be any drama tonight. >> oh, my god. i love this show. angela kinsey. >> andrea savage plays veronica, aka the cougar. >> oh, my god! >> how fun is this? >> we love you guys because we know the real ones. you guys parody them very, very well. >> how much fun is this whole thing for you guys? >> we had so much fun. we were cracking up. i was laughing so hard i was crying in the scene. it was just such a great group of gals, and we got to be so silly. >> there's a funny scene when you're with your housekeepers. what do you do? >> i'm just like, oh, let's give thanks for orlando because i love orlando so much. i'm like, dear lord, don't let my praying stop you from
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cleaning. >> you missed a little. >> do you watch the real housewives and say, oh, i'm going to do what this character does? >> oh, yeah. >> oh, you do? >> i went for nene and phaedra. i also did a splash of wendy williams, because she's an honorary housewife. >> i was not a housewife watcher. i did a little research. my character is based on lisa vanderpump and sonja. >> because you're always making out with your dog. >> i have an accent. >> why orlando? >> why not? >> it's lush. i know danielle is from florida, the creator. one of the creators. >> it was a little bit of an homage. >> we love florida. >> is this scripted, or are you guys just like that? >> it's a collaboration.
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>> i know as a writer, somebody comes up with something funny, i was so good when i wrote that line. >> and another writer owns it. >> well, they wrote a script, but they were like, listen, do whatever you want. >> you're getting a vaginal lift? >> yeah. >> i have a deviated septum. >> i don't want to do it. it's not because my vagina is unattractive. i want to be able to breathe. >> we want to see you guys do a limb improv. this is a scene where you're breaking up with a friend? >> we're going to have a friendship breakup with you. >> with us? okay. >> have some wine. >> from the box. >> so i'm very happy that you were able to meet us today because i just wanted to let you though that this friendship is done. >> yeah. >> good.
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because i'm not invested in it at all. >> i'm just so embarrassed for you guys. i feel so awkward for you. this must be horrible. >> what you need to do is get together, have a drink, and talk about how we're not going to be friends anymore. >> yeah, we're not going to be friends anymore. >> you need to stop using your hands every time -- can you actually say something without using your hands? >> you have something right here. >> i put it there on purpose. >> i don't want to cause any drama, obviously, but you need to calm down. >> oh, my god. >> you need to calm down. >> oh, my god. >> you -- >> you back off. >> don't put your finger in my face. [ overlapping yelling ]
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>> oh, look. the thief. >> you guys are awesome. the show is hot. you guys, watch it. >> wait, wait. >> don't forget to watch it on hulu. >> we'll be back. >> let's have another fight. that was fun. >> do it on tv. we should do it on tv. i'm always talking with my hands so they have to look their best... new revlon colorstay gel envy™
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a revolution in modern nail enamel. now, in just two steps, i get what i want. first, our base coat and vivid color in one. second, our revolutionary diamond top coat forms a protective coating... for glass-like shine superior strength and gorgeous, life-resistant wear don't be envious. be envied! new revlon colorstay gel envy™ 30 vibrant, easy-to-remove shades revlon it means trying something new. [ woman ] that uncertainty of what's to come. ♪ ♪
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♪ i know the tastiest fruit is the freshest fruit. i know that what goes into this soil will effect these trees. and i know how to spot that perfect moment of ripeness. i also know, in farming, nothing is more important than your reputation. that's why my peaches go to walmart. their produce experts work with me... to help make sure you only get the freshest peaches backed by their 100% money back guarantee. picked by farmers. guaranteed by us. new smart seek bleach from clorox is specially formulated to let you wash your whites and whites with a little color, together in the same load. clorox smart seek bleach. whitening just got smarter.
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the bhershey's s'mores, together is hothe unmistakable taste that reminds us that life is delicious. birdhouse plans. nacho pans. glass on floors. daily chores. for the little mishaps you feel use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster. neosporin. use with band-aid brand bandages. cow: (tearing up) go get em' gracie! girl: bye! cow: they grow up so fast baby: (giggles) cow: my bad. girl: would you like some tea? cow: yes please. girl: o.k. cow: (sniffling) i miss her so much already. get on skype at recess! mom: we're fine. we're fine. cow: ahhhhh vo: make us part of your family. look for nutritious dairy brands with the real california seals. mom: she's going to be done at noon. cow: (yells) noon! ahhhhhh
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time now to find out what is in jill's shopping bag. today it's a bunch of free stuff. >> we said free stuff! these days there's so much competition between companies that they're willing to send you name-brand items at no cost in return for your feedback. >> what? >> nobody told me that. >> here to help you get in on the action is "today" contributor and author jill martin. >> hello. donald would have liked that song we bumped in with. it had a cool beat. anyway, everything on this table is free. what i'm about to show you. now, the only thing i want to say before we start is when you go on to these sites, check the privacy settings. they do not give your information to third parties, but they do share them with the brand. go on, make sure you're okay with the whole situation, and just make sure. so i'm saying that. but now let's talk free. the first one is this is predominantly stay-at-home moms. there's 750,000 members. you sign up. you see the full screen right
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here. it's free to become a member. then manufacturers will target your personalized experience. so you see all different things here. they give you each week a whole slew of products. >> to see what you think of them? that's it. >> right. then you choose. you choose each week. you're encouraged to share on social media. you get feedback on surveys. instead of buying that full piece, you try the sample. then you can decide if you want it. then you could buy the full-size product on sale. so it's a full experience. >> lavender deodorant. >> and if you like it, you buy it. if you don't, it's a smample. >> i love it. >> these are good for re-gi re-gifting. smiley 360. >> there's a story about that in the press. >> inquire today. >> okay. smiley 360. again, free to register. they call this a mission. you see it right here. each set is matched to your
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lifestyle once again provided by the information that you give. so you see all the different things here. there's major things here with major brands. >> wow. that's pyrex. everybody uses that. >> i know, major. and what i love is they want you to be honest with your feedback. they want you to go on social media and be honest. you trust your peers. >> my dad used to say you got to spend money to make money. >> look at this. >> i love that picture of cass. that's when she graduated from high school. >> i know. i stole it from your office. >> look at her. >> so smiley 360. love that. now, you get samples. you also get party sets. they did an interesting study. 92% of consumers trust a recommendation from a peer rather than the brand, which of course makes sense. now, the feedback. they want you to be super creative, even host an event around the product. if you have razors and want to do a hair removal event, that's
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always exciting. >> sounds like fun. >> then look at this marc jacobs. it retails for $92. you could get this and have sort of a fun girly party. put flowers in your hair. this all comes in the set. and then they want you to be creative with your photos. the most creative will get a gift card, major gift card, or you can donate them to charity. this is a whole situation. >> it's a win/win for everybody. >> one of their parties is what do you do with your hershey's spread? you could get racy or put them on the graham cracker. >> we got to go, girl. thank you, jill. if you've never heard of facetime and have no clue tow to use skype, you're probably over 50. >> stop knocking people over 50. >> we're going to make sense of all that tech nonsense. how did i get in the boomer category? and you voted for it, so we're going to make it. kathie lee's favorite. >> cheeseballs. grab your ingredients. >> cheeseballs. grabtrying to stay fit but miss real pleasure?
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the pleasure you crave just got real. light & fit greek nonfat yogurt. irresistible flavors, like toasted coconut vanilla, with a thick creamy texture. never have 80 calories tasted so satisfying. light & fit greek. taste satisfaction without sacrifice. ♪ dannon oral-b toothbrushes aree engineered al, with end rounded bristles so brushing doesn't scratch gums and angled perfectly, to remove 90% of plaque for a healthier smile. trust the brand more dentists and hygienists use. oral-b. new preference mousse absolue. reusable haircolor.
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one push automatically mixes pure color dyes. easy to apply, to retouch roots, or use again. for luminous color. brilliant shine. new preference mousse absolue by l'oréal. but what about here? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® visibly even daily moisturizer. in 4 weeks, you'll see more even skin tone. even from here. [ female announcer ] neutrogena®. that's notthat's dirt r carpet, creeping in. send it running with resolve high traffic foam. its foam power removes three times more dirt than vacuuming alone. all while neutralizing pet odors. don't just vacuum clean . resolve clean. ♪
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we're back with boomtastic, the series dedicated to boomers, as the last of the generation turns 50 this year, including hoda. in 25 days, if you're counting. if your idea of a cloud is that fluffy thing in the sky, then this is for you. >> the changing technology can be frustrating for a lot of people, just like it is for judy dench's character if this great mov movie. take a look. >> stay on the phone for a moment and talk to me. just talk to me. i don't actually understand what it is i'm trying to order. is wireless the same as wi-fi? and what do either of them have to do with broadband? >> i love her. i could have played that role. i don't understand it either. here with help is our digital lifestyle expert. hey, carly. >> hey, you guys. >> good to see you. >> this is going to be so fun. >> well, a lot of people don't know what's going on in the technical world. >> or care.
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>> and there are some people who are out of the loop. you found this out when you hit the streets. let's take a look. >> skype? oh, skype. no, that sounds like something in the sky. no, not skype. >> all right. so skype. >> not something in the sky. >> it is not something in the sky, although it was named for sky and peer because it's peer-to-peer video chatting through the internet. >> oh, okay. >> so you need a computer or a mobile device of any kind, all platforms, and you can video chat with somebody anywhere. over an internet connection, not through a phone line or cellular line. >> you could do it on your phone, on your iphone. >> yeah, great way to keep in touch with grand kids, especially if they're not local to you because there's no international long distance fees. and it's video. >> and you're going to show us. you have somebody in the skype box. who is that? >> i just yesterday taught my mother-in-law how to skype. >> hi, rachelle.
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>> hi. how are you guys? >> good. thank you. how do we look? >> you look great. just great. how do i look? >> you look really great. a little fuzzy, but good. >> so this is super easy for anyone to do. everyone's got to have an account. you have to sign up for an account. you register your user name, password, and free skype-to-skype calls. if you want to call a land line, there's very competitive international fees. you can use it for regular phone calling as well. >> you look great. thank you. all right. so one thing i love because it's so easy on the iphone is facetime. you hit one button. >> that i can do. >> the person pops up. >> but they're not always available. >> yeah, sometimes. >> sometimes i'm not available either. >> like you choose not to be available. >> so your daughter is on facetime? >> yes. >> let's see her. hey! >> hi. >> how old are you? >> i'm 9.
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>> oh, my gosh. >> is she in los angeles? >> no, she's in canada, up north with my parents. so this is, again, a free call only available for apple-to-apple devices. you have to have a current device with a camera. show them your cast. she just broke her arm. >> oh, no. are you all right, sweetheart? >> she's okay. >> what's great is i wanted to show a girlfriend a dress. you can go, my god, does this work, i don't know? >> you do that? >> yeah, because it helps. they go, no, that's the wrong color. you look terrible in that. >> you can show someone your screen so you can say, i'm having trouble with this on my computer. they can help you. >> we have to run, but gif. what is it? >> there's a raging debate about whether it's gif or jif. apparently the owner who invented it, it used to be the standard image for the internet. he says it's gif, graphics interchange format. what's cool about it, real
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quick, we made a little video. >> we were dancing. >> there you are. what happens is you can animate it. it's an image -- >> why am i the only one? i can see your hands. >> it's five seconds. when you speed it up and make it loop back and forth, it does that. >> kyle does that on our show a lot, and we look really stupid. >> thanks a lot, kyle. >> all right. it's the appetizer everybody's going to want. >> we're making cheeseballs. you voted for them. first, this is today ted on nbc.
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talk about cheesy. we're back in "today's" kitchen. we're making cheeseballs that will steal the show at your next party. >> don't worry if you don't eat dairy. we have recipes for you too. michelle is the author of "great balls of cheese." what did everyone vote on? >> everyone voted for the owl
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and the cat. i think they were a close tie. we're going to start with the owl. we have some cream cheese in a bowl. it's softened so it makes it easier to stir. that's cheddar, shallots and salt. dump it all in there. stir it up. you can use white cheddar or orange. whatever you have. then that's some wore chester sauce and dijon mustard. you mix it all up. >> look what it comes out like. >> it goes quickly. once it's mixed up, you wrap it in plastic and shape it while it's in the plastic so you won't get too messy. for the owl, you want it to be a little bit of an egg shape. refrigerate it for about two hours or overnight. then we're going to decorate the owl. >> with the almonds? >> yes, with almonds. stick the almonds in for the feathers. some of them are added. it takes a few minutes to all them all. you want to add them all around. these are the eyes. to make the eyes, it's just an olive.
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reserve a little bit of cream cheese mixture to use as a glue to stick the olive on a round cracker. they go right on there. >> very, very cute. >> the beak is just from carrots. so are the feet. those are the little ears. they stick right on top. just corn chips. >> i'm so into this right now. >> that owl is adorable. very cute. >> don't you want to bring that to a party? >> that's darling. >> so this is our cat. it looks like a cat, but it tastes -- it's nacho flavors. if you like taco dip or nachos, you'll love this. the cheese mixture has cumin and salt and cheese. the carrots are these carrots for the stripes. the eyes are already on there, but you make the mouth out of oliv olives. stick it on there. just make a little mouth. >> hoda! >> so how about whiskers? whiskers will be easier.
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just stick them out the side. >> i apologize to the little whatever it was. >> i actually made this one. this is the one i made. >> here are the whiskers. the tail is the carrot. >> that's so cute. >> what's happening down here at the end? >> so i made some dairy-free cheeseballs just for you. >> wow. dairy free? okay. >> this one is made from cashews. you soak them for a couple hours or overnight. >> in water? >> just in water. drain them. it softens them up. you stick them in a blender. >> then what do you do with them after? >> add a little bit of wine. >> oh, good. >> of course. >> then we're going to have to run. just buput that in the blender, wrap it up. >> thank you for your cheeseballs. >> all the recipes
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well, good morning, everyone. thank you for joining us. i'm scott mcgrew. >> and i'm kris sanchez. for the first time ever, california could impose mandatory statewide restrictions centered on your outdoor water use. if you waste water, expect to get a fine of 500 bucks a day. a hearing on this very issue is underway right now in sacramento. >> nbc's stephanie chuang is live in san francisco with the very latest. good thing we're talking about things that outside the home. >> good morning, scott and chris. it is estimated that 50% or more of daily water usage is dedicated to maintaining lawn and landscaping. so that is the target here. as you mene


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