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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  July 14, 2014 11:00pm-11:35pm PDT

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triple digit temperatures and rain. a wacky weather day. what's next for the bay area? good evening. >> some rare rain today. our severe drought continues. tomorrow will be pivotal for the several ways we use water. their the big drought decision tomorrow and our changing forecast this evening. we begin with chief meet meat
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jeff ranieri has been these unusual conditions. >> all of that wacky weather we had today would not have been set off if we did not have this monsoonal moisture. the humid air coming all the way in from arizona, new mexico and also mexico. the largest batch of wet weather closest to us remain offshore and to the south. while there is nothing heavy across the bay area in terms of rainfall, we did have a few rain drops. mainly across the east bay. you can see that did ham in fraemt, livermore and danville. on top of that, hot weather that got through the cloud cover. it was still able to surge up to 101 in livermore today with that dangerous heat. that hot weather doing nothing more than exacerbating our drought. the worst level is the exceptional level. that is now, the worst level of
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drought happening in those locations. the cloud cover and a few drops of rain. nothing more than a tease for the bay area. >> thank you. new at 11:00, ticketing our way to conservation. that could happen if the state puts manner to statewide water restrictions in place. big fines for doing thing like overwatering or washing your deck. but sending in the water police may be a bit severe even during a severe drought. now live in red wad city of what may ham tomorrow. >> reporter: redwood city is doing its part to conserve. for example, all the landscaping you see hear doesn't require a lot of water and they give out information to folks who live here, teaching them how to conserve. tomorrow californians may be forced to conserve. >> reporter: he's been
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conserving water for a whale. >> there are things everybody should do. i no longer shave in the shower. >> reporter: he said statewide water restrictions aren't the answer to california's drought problems. >> i would be concerned about neighbors turning on neighbors. if you happen to be on the street where there is somebody who is proactive at calling the police, the police have to come out for something like that. >> the state water resources control board is set to consider tate restrictions for water use in the golden state. rinse drenching your lawn would be among violations that would prompt a ticket. the ticket could reach as much as $500. he remembers the california drought in the late '70s. that's why he sets his timer to water his lawn every other day. he is not convinced the hefty fine would get people to stop wasting water. >> what will the money be used for? it won't produce more rain.
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>> rain is what california needs. so far, mandatory and voluntary restrictions at a local level have so far resulted in a statewide water use reduction of 5% through may. that is short of the 20% governor brown was shooting for. with local reservoirs so low, something had to be done. >> the way the drought is in california, i think we do need to conserve the water. all over the place. what are we going to do? it will go dry and then everybody will be, wow! what happened? i really think, it is okay. >> the big question is, if the state waterboard approves mandatory restrictions, had a is going to enforce it? water officials or police. that's the question we can't answer tonight. nbc bay area news. >> we'll to have wait and seem
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hear are more details. here's a look at the other signs. a second violation during a spare the air day will cost you $500. while a car pool violation comes with ruvaxq 490 violation and a distracted driving ticket, that will run you about $159. nbc bay area's jody hernandez will attend the hearing in sacramento. we'll have continuing coverage and let you know exactly what happens. to a developing story as we proex the midnight hour. a key artery in marin county remains closed. sir francis drake boulevard is shut down and it is causing a domino effect in several bay area cities. an early morning objection sir francis drake in san rafael. the concern now, will it reopen by the morning commute? terry mcsweeney is nearby. what a mess this continues to be. >> it is. the workers out here are telling me they think they will have this stretch of road by 2:00 or
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3:00. this is a critical stretch of road. it ties highway 101 in marin county with the bridge, 580 and the east bay. it has been closed since 7:00 this morning when a gas truck overturned fueling a day long night turn for drivers. tonight the pressure is on for these paving crews. they can't get the strex of road repaved by the morning commute, the nightmare has been going on for 16 hours will continue. >> grind out all the saturated asphalt and grind it all out and then repave the roadway. >> this all began about 7:00 this morning when the driver of this truck hauling two 4,000 gas tankers lost control. the chp says all told, the clean-up and repairs could cost the trucking company a million dollars. that will not include any compensation for the many thousands of drivers. >> we were in berkeley.
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we got detoured. went to san rafael and came back and here we are. >> how long did it take? >> a good hour and 15 minutes. >> how long does it usually take? >> 20 minutes. >> she works at the he said central of the disaster. her company had big plans today. >> i'm unhim a. i have to cancel appointments. may company signed a huge deal and i was not there. >> he was supposed to be picking up his 14-year-old daughter in san rafael. >> we left 45 minutes ago and we need to get her in ten minutes. it is impacting the day. >> how far do you have to go? >> it usually takes five minutes to get there. >> there was one sweet moment in this otherwise sour day which when this crew from the melting pot restaurant brought strawberries out for the customers. >> for customers coming in, we were told to offer these to them as a little gesture of hang in there.
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>> reporter: so crews feel they'll have this road open by 2:00, 3:00 in the morning in mental of time for the commute. then 48 hours after that, they have to come back out and start taking up the soil that has been saturated by the gasoline. they don't think it will result in a full road closure. live right next on san quentin. >> thank you. new video to show you of a huge fire. flames and smoke building from an apartment building in the east bay. firefighters say three units badly damaged. witnesses told investigators, they saw squatters running from one of those units just after the fire started. luckily, no one was hurt. the search continues for an armed robber. police are investigating two hold-ups less than seven hours apart. the latest on what happened after 1:00 in the morning. blocks away from the cal train station in palo alto. the victim turned over his wallet and cell phone after
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suspects threatened him with a handgun. i want to show you a skex. police say the robbery is very similar to one that happened sunday evening. if you recognize the man in the sketch, give them a call. city council says yes to pg & e, it will allow the utility company to increase pressure for a gas transmission line. they want to test line 147 which runs through parts of san carlos. the city is concerned because of the deadly explosion in san bran over in 2010. it is much smaller has not the one that exploded in san bruno. pg & e is in the process of upgrading the line so they can conduct an inspection sometime later this year. handing out free marijuana might not be enough to save the pot club. this friday the citywide crackdown ginls. lines of people waited to sign referendum today.
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the marijuana coalition offered vouxers for one free gram of pot to any san jose resident them offered free coupons to become patients. the zoning laws take effect this friday and some fear dozens of pot clubs will close. organizers admit it wreaks of desperation. >> definitely desperation. we have a short period of time to make something virtually impossible happen. >> so far the city of san jose is not budging. next, for anyone who thinks it is friends and family, eye opening research about what you really share with your friends. and the system designed to save lives in one of the bay area cities but it is be keeping up with demand. a kid comes across a meeting of two legendary minds. i'm jeff randalieri.
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survive the degrees right now. we'll let you know if the cloud cover will hold.
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not so fast in san francisco. critics say 911 is too slow to respond and lives could be at risk. help is on the way but it might not be fast enough. what's the problem? not just for the people who live in the city but also everyone who works or visits the city. >> reporter: that's right. a recent audit of the emergency medical response says the
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current system cannot keep up with demand. it said the firemen needs more paramedics and more ambulances. in san francisco, patients are waiting longer for an ambulance to arrive. firefighters say it is a dangerous delay. >> nothing much we can do in the field. that person needs an ambulance to transport. that's what we're worried about. >> firefighters say the goal is to have a patient on the road in ten minutes. but this boy waited longer. firefighters say it took an ambulance 13 minutes to arrive. the union says delays are becoming frequent. they blame aging ambulances in for repairs and staffing challenges for the shortage. a crisis the department says it is working to address. the 911 system in materials of blanls response has periods that are more of a stressed
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system. >> reporter: the population increase in the last seven years is driving up the number of calls for service. >> the increase in population, and an increase in call volume of about 20%. so that's gone up. our staffing has gone down. we're ramping that back up. it is a it's process. >> reporter: they said it will take time to staff up and meet demands. 16 academy graduates are expected to ease the crunch in august. 19 new ambulances are rolling out next summer. >> the 16 people will maybe put a band-aid on the situation. as the volume increases, it won't do anything to change the situation. >> reporter: a situation that can mean the difference between life and death. the firemen says it would hire more firefighters than paramedics if it had the money. this issue is familiar to city leaders. a working group is being formed.
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members will be charged with solutions. reporting live, bay area news. stiff penalties for taking advantage of disabled parking. the california dmv is down on people faking injuries while using false doctor notes. three people have been arrested in the most recent crackdown. accused of falsifying medical conditions to reply for the parking permit. they're now facing felony charge of forge rirk burglary and filing false information. if convicted, those suspects could be sentenced to four years in prison. tackling the immigration crisis in person, a groom of lawmaker is headed to central america to find out more about the flood of undocumented children pouring into the u.s. six legislators including east bay state senator ellen corbett will be visiting in guatemala, el salvador and pan max experts believe more than 50,000 children have made their way
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across the border in the last eight mofl most coming from central america. lawmakers plan on working with local leaders on how to slow down the influx. many are just looking for a safer, less violent place to live. >> we need to make sure that we recognize their plight and help them and understand why they are classesing to make this often layoff threatening journey. it is because they want a better life. >> the trip is expected to last nine days and is being paid for by teeth host countries or the lawmaker themselves. >> the bay area will soon lead the world in helping families during the hardest times of their life. the ronald mcdonald house is expanding. when finished it will be the largest house of its kind in the world. it currently houses 47 families whose children are fighting
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cancer. the new one will house 120 families. i spoke with one woman who lived there a area caring for her sick child. >> the fact that not so many families will be turned away. >> the house has 40 to 50 families each night on the wait list. the expansion should be completed by 2015. >> wow! chief meat meet jeff ranieri joins us now. it was hot and muggy. >> let's say we'll get a little break from mother nature. check out the dark afternoon sky. i can't remember in the last 5 years when hot temperatures have coincided across the bay area. let's go take a look at the temperatures. it was the hottest in livermore at 101. lafayette, 100 degrees. alamo at 100.
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it is now beginning to populate at the bottom of the screen. the temperatures are getting a little bit cooler. then substantially cooler by wednesday and thursday. we had that monsoonal moisture. a few drops as well. most of the rainfall remains out to sea. we may get a little shower. i think the biggest thing we'll deal with. that is the cloud cover. sure, it is relatively be9. we've got some cloud cover. it is able to cool off quate a bit. in the east bay, still overcast. capping off those hot temperatures. in the south bay, currently 65. for tomorrow morning, the all important morning forecast. you will see it starts off very comfortable. 65 for the east bay and 57 degrees, cloud cover to start and some cloud lingering.
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it was a wild, wacky bizarre day, however you want to put it. it wouldn't have been sparked off unless we had this area of high pressure exactly where it is located. it brought in the heat to california. the clockwise motion around this helped to pump up that sub tropical moisture. then on top of that, a third layer with the fog moving in at the coastline. we had it coming out in all different directions. the most important thing you should know for tomorrow's forecast, we will start off cloudy. it will be more than the typical fog we get this time of year. check out these white areas. we head throughout the day, we normally see that clear out. you can still see cloud cover will remain as we head through afternoon hours. more of a partly cloudy to partly sunny sky expected as we head throughout our tuesday. let's look at the micro climate forecast. the other thing you'll notice, the temperatures will be going down. more comfortable in san jose. 85 in palo alto, san francisco,
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cooler winds. onshore flow. also fog near the golden gate bridge. we'll keep you caller. napa down to 85 degrees and check it out in the tri-valley. the hottest weather today, a few rain drops. you're going to 93. a lot more doable. the overall trend as we wind things up over the next 5 days, does have san jose with some 70s by thursday. hard to believe after the triple digits today. and san francisco staying nice and cal in the 60s. this will go down in the weather books as a wild one. >> an unsettling condition may link kids and ipads. we're playing catch phrase!
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if it matters to you, it matters to us. book now at ♪ that's about as american as it gets. woman: what do you mean? blueberry pancakes, strawberries and cream cheese icing, starting at just $4.99. apple pie, watch out. [bell rings] waitress: welcome to denny's!
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ever feel closer to your friends than your own family? >> you maybe closer than you ever imagined. more with he have lags rather than recreation. >> they became friends 25 years ago. four years later they were married. but from the beginning they always thought they had a special connection. they finish each other's sentences and have similar thoughts at the same time. >> far more than just pure coincidence. just this cosmic pull the two of us have. very strange. >> researchers at uc san diego say that connection could be genetic. they surveyed nearly 2,000 people. some strangers, some close friends. and they found that best friends have the most genetic similarities. you may be as genetically similar to your best friend as your fourth cousin.
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>> a lot of reason we mate ten to associate with someone. this adds a deeper layer than one we have anticipated before. >> the stanford professor of economics said one of the most interesting parts of the story is that friends often have a similar sense of smell. >> somehow evolutionary pressures must sense to us push these things and to be able to recognize them even though we don't necessarily see that. >> they're not sure if it was genetics that brought them together or fate. >> i don't know if there's some unspoken thing that drew us together because of that but i'm glad it did. >> in palo alto. nbc bay area news. lerchic to technology? ipads may be causing rashes. an 11-year-old boy was tread at san diego hospital for an itchy rash that didn't go away. doctors figured out because it was because the boy's ipad use. he was allergic to nickel which
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can be found the in the outside coating. it can be found in laptops and cell phones. a simple solution. they said the boy got better after putting a protective case on his ipad. what do you do when you see a beetle and the oracle of omaha? check out this snap shot. it was posted to instaam last night. the boy is tom white. the local newspaper said there were several sightings of sir paul mccartney and warren buffett. apparently they enjoyed some ice cream on a bench. did he really recognize him or did his parents recognize him? >> henry wofford joins us next.
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great flavors and great value come together at subway, in our six-inch select, the spicy italian, loaded with genoa salami and spicy pepperoni. try it fresh toasted on italian herb & cheese bread for that perfect flavor blend. the $3 six-inch select of july. subway. eat fresh.
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home run derby was tonight in minnesota. cespedes cespedes trying to become the first player to repeat his champion since ken griffey jr. in 1998 and '99. 2014 home run champ said he was ready to go. yoenis had that look on his face
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like he was focused. josh donaldson, his team mate, competed in the first home run derby. they tied after the first round. each man gets three swings. donaldson got three homers. he didn't need the rest of the swings. he went into cruise control. defeating todd frazier in the final 9-1. cespedes is the man. he is the back to back home run derby champion. >> i'm very happy and proud to be the only other person. i wish there was another word that would describe it even better than that, to win this competition in consecutive years. >> he is a proud young man and a proud player and a give we'll be hearing about for a long, long
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time. >> congratulations. we'll have all-star hey lights tomorrow. [ heart beating ] [ female announcer ] the internet gets more exciting the faster it goes. that's why, coming soon, xfinity will double the internet speed on two of our most popular plans. xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet, period. [ heart beating ] xfinity internet from comcast. double the speed. [ heart beats ]
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pack your bathing suit? wearing it. niiice bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. i want to pass along some breaking news in the conflict in the middle east. it is now tuesday morning and there is a major breakthrough. israel has agreed to a plan brokered by the egyptian government to end this week-long conflict between israel and hamas. it starts with an immediate
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de-escalation. however, a spokesman for hamas says it will likely reject this proposal but nothing is official. now more than 170 palestinians, mostly civilians, have died in this most recent round of fighting. we will continue to monitor the story overnight. we'll have the very latest on our morning show. beginning at 4:30 just a few hours from now. >> and of course we'll continue to cover it tomorrow. that will do it for us. we hope you have a nice evening. ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- michael strahan diane kruger musical guest, phish


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