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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  July 11, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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and garcia torres had more than just a casual encounter. this is part of a 2,000-page document we have just obtained. we are at the courthouse with the latest details. robert? >> reporter: we have been poring over this transcript, and even though it is incredibly technical and detailed, we have gotten some very interesting new information. as we have been reporting, torres was charged in the disappearance of sierra lamar even though her body has never been found. but investigators tell nbc bay area, there was evidence linking the two. some of the inferences in the transcript are graphic. but much of the testimony revolved around the testimony of bodily fluids, including some found on her clothing. now the idea that garcia torres
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and sierra lamar had not met may be contradicted a little bit. because in the testimony, it was revealed that the bodily fluids indicate that the encounter between the two had to be more than just casual. now the dna evidence and the nature of it is crucial, but coming up, you will also hear why this evidence contradicts a crucial statement made by torres earlier to investigators. and we will show you why it could become a crucial part of the prosecution case. live in san jose, robert honda, nbc bay area news. >> we'll see you later on in this newscast. a witness is speaking out about a violent attack a block from at&t park. two men hit a woman so hard she didn't wake up until she was at the hospital. tonight one man is on the run as police try to figure out why this happened in the first place. christie, there were concerns this was related to yesterday's
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game between the giants and a's, but police say that's not the case. >> reporter: police are saying this was no fan rivalry, and the witnesses say they agree. this was a fight, in the middle of it a woman got punched in the face. police have taken one man into custody and are still looking for a second. >> i think it's horrible. i think it's cowardly. >> reporter: he placed a call to 911 last night after he saw a woman punched and knocked unconscious just outside of at&t park. the 27 year old woman may have been trying to stop a fight when her male companion may have been hit by two other men. >> she was right there, and it was just a really solid hit. >> reporter: the woman had to be hospitalized but today is recovering at home. her companion was treated at the scene, victims in an assault two hours after the giants game
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against the a's had ended. >> i can tell you that this was not related to any team paraphernalia, any team rivalry, that, i can tell you for a fact. >> reporter: police later arrested san frisco lopez. they say the groups didn't know each other but aren't sure exactly what sparked the fight. >> these people had a's clothing on. i don't know what they were thinking. >> reporter: they are still checking the surveillance tape of that fight. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith, nbc bay area news. let's take you to a live look at our exclusive camera pointed toward mccovey cove. it is orange friday, hosting the arizona diamondbacks. maybe we'll see some tim lincecum magic tonight.
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the giants need some sort of magic tonight. ? they certainly do. we're all excited tonight. tim lincecum does take the hill against the diamondbacks. but all the buzz surrounding har coe scutaro. the veteran has been rehabbing down in the minor league, battling a back injury. he has been activated from the disabled list, but he is not in the starting lineup. bruce bochy says he will start on saturday. brandon hicks was branded for assignment. here's the skipper earlier tonight. >> he's one of the core players, you know, that we envision playing with breaking spring training, but his experience, you know, the veteran leadership that he provides, that's invaluable. so it's god to have helm back. he's very popular in the clubhouse. so hopefully he's going to be a shot in the arm for us. you know, how much i can pay
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him, i can't answer that until he gets out there and lets me know how he feels. >> there could be some great news for the giants and we have the game here onnens abo. and coming up, lebron decides to return to cleveland. we'll have details ahead. that's it for sports. new at 6:00, anger is growing in palo alto where the surprise closure of a ymca has members scrambling. the y says the facility is to expensive to rehabilitate. some people don't believe money is the real reason behind this closure. >> reporter: they say it is their second home. it's tough to see. it's in an office building on the basement level. the 2300 people who come here to work out will have to find a new gym, and many are up in arms
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about it. it's got the basics, cardio and weights. the members say it's more tan just a gym at the page mill y in palo alto. >> it's a very close knit group of people, and you can come as you are. >> reporter: today shannon is teaching a fitness class for people who suffer from parkinson's disease. starting in october, all members will have to use the ymcas across town on ross road or the east palo alto location. >> i would never go to east palo alto. i'm not going to drive there. and ross road is already very grounded. >> reporter: members were notified that the page mi mill location will close in november. this woman has been working out here since 1980. her friends are here, and she's frustrated with the decision. >> we want to stay here. this is our place.
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>> reporter: the ymca says the place needs renovation, expensive ones, and membership is down. >> if there's a money problem, it should have been brought to us, and we could figure out a way to do that. >> reporter: members are hoping their call to action is enough to reverse the decision and keep the doors open. >> they mentioned they're trying to serve the community better, well, this is a community. >> reporter: all the members will receive three free months memberships at other facilities. some are looking for private investors willing to keep the doors open here. hundreds of thousands of dollars stuffed into paper bags and a shoe box. former calipers chief admitted that's how he was paid breebry money. in his plea deal he admit he collected the money while leading calpers.
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that is an acronym for the public employees retirement system. he admits he took bribes in exchange for using influence to direct certain investments and decisions. he faces up to five years in prison and a fine of $25,000. a man killed in a crash has now been identified. 25 year old dan mcguire of santa cruz was killed when a big rig driver lost control and caused this chain reaction crash with ten other vehicles on highway 17 near los gatos yesterday. the crash was so intense part of the road needed to be repaefed. traffic was backed up all day. the police department scare. the threat in the air that sent cops scrambling today. also. he's accused of pretending
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to be teen girls' dads to get them to text him. and i'm meteorologist jeff ranie ranieri. the fog continues to roll in across the bay area. you can see the fog pretty thick. we will let you know what at that means for your weekend forecast coming up in a few minutes.
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a bizarre case in oakland, a 60 year old man is accused of setting a large pile of cardboard on fire around 3:30 this morning inside the bag and claim area of terminal one. a tsa agent saw it happened and called authorities. airport officials say to one was injured and all flights went on as scheduled. he was arrested as he was boarding a bus heading out of the airport. our helicopter flew over an emergency response at oakland police headquarters, the reason?
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a strange odor. it was enough to force occupants out of the building. a hazmat team arrived on scene. tonight the emergency response has been cleared. but questions remain. jodi hernandez is live outside oakland headquarters with more for us. >> reporter: police say that mystery odor appears to have come from the building's ventilation system. as you can see, there is a sign on the front door of police headquarters tonight informing the public that the building will remain closed until further notice while technicians try to fix the problem. >> the alarms went off, and the lights started blinking. they told whus that happens we evacuate. >> reporter: cathy gibbens wasted no time grabbing her purse and leaving the building this morning when alarms sounded. she says she caught a whiff of the foul-smelling order at that prompted the evacuation of more
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than 200 employees. >> smelled, i guess sort of like sulfur. >> we want to make sure that all our employees are safe and that this odor is not something dangerous. >> reporter: pg&e and hazmat determined it was not a gas leak but a problem with the air conditioning system. while workers were allowed to go back inside to retrieve their belonging, the building will remain closed until further notice. it's not the first time the aging building's had problems. last year a malfunctioning toilet caused severe flooding, shutting down the building for two days. the 50-year plus structure has frequent rodent and cockroach issues. >> it is very old, and it has had some structural problems with regards to water leaks. >> reporter: today's closure brought much of the work at police headquarters to a stand still and led to limited access to the courthouse across the
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street. that's where steve weatherford planned to pay a violation. >> maybe some of this money i'm fixing to pay on the fine will help. >> reporter: we're back here live, and you can see the oakland police headquarters remains closed tonight. the public is being told to visit the don't's east mart station in east oakland. as for the idea of replacing the building, we are told that the idea has been discussed before, but hasn't gone anywhere because it would be incredibly expensive. i'm jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. now to a nbc bay area follow up. we have new information on the suspect who got away after a botched robbery inside of a jewelry store. this happened yesterday. police describe him as tall, african-american with a heavy build. he's believed to have been shot in the leg or stomach during
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this robbery. police say he and another suspect identified as jimmy terry exchanged fire with an employee during this robbery. that suspect, terry, and the employee were also wounded. police say a sunnyvale man pretended to be someone else in order to lure teenage girls to send him provocative photos of himself. tonight that suspect is back home, out on bond as detectives try to figure out if there are any other potential victims, derek shore is live where we are learning more about this man's prior criminal history. >> reporter: according to court documents we obtained here in palo alto, that suspect faced sex charges before. now he faces new charges. we tried to get his side of the story. hi, there. i'm derek with nbc bay area. did you just get out of jail? >> no. i don't want to talk. >> reporter: he didn't want to answer our questions today when we found him at his sunnyvale
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home. >> obviously that's gross. it's not something that you would think would happen in this area. >> reporter: neighbors who have soon him around are shocked. he's accused of being involved in an elaborate ruse to get girls to sext him photos. nbc bay area obtained this one photo trying to trick the girls into thinking it was their dad. one of them says one of my co-workers' daughters has her own swimwear line. then deputies say he would give another number where he would solicit provocative photos from the hopeful models. how he got their numbers in the first place still isn't clear. >> it's definitely surprising. as a matter of fact i just walked ot here yesterday to get lunch and he was out here.
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>> reporter: seven potential victims have been located in three states. these are not the first charges against angelo. in 2006 he was arrested and sentenced in santa clara county to six months in prison for unlawful sex with a minor and oral sex with a minor. now deputies fear there could be more victims. >> i think this is a lesson for parents but also juveniles. you have to be careful about who you're contacting and who's contacting you. >> reporter: and according to deputies, they have already recovered at least 50 images, sexually provocative images from minors from his home. as for why or why not he has registered as a sex offender, we could not get that information. let's turn things over to weather. >> i have never been so happy to
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see friday on that forecast. let's get a look here. the giants on nbc bay area tonight. it's going to be a cool one at the ballpark but very typical for this time of the year. 63 degrees and fog back by the golden gate bridge. we'll have the fog hold off for the first couple innings. take your jack e wiejacket, win miles per hour. with the fifth day, again of this fog in place, temperatures are running, the coolest they have been for a lot of this week right now. 70 for your average in the north bay. the clouds again, beginning to roll over into the east bay. 72 degrees of the and some of the best and clearest weather right now in the south bay where we have 70 degrees. it's going to be an awesome night across the santa clara valley. with that said, kind of a clearer day for summer. i think you're going to hike
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wh -- like what we have. it's going to be the start of a tre three-day heating trend. for the east bay we'll go up to 87 degrees. san francisco staying at 68. right around menlo park it should be around 80 degrees. so all in all a nice saturday. but take a look at this three-day trend. by sun and monday, hotter. close to 90 for monday. and for the peninsula we'll be pushing the mid and upper 80s by monday. and for san francisco, we'll likely see 70 on sunday but back down into the 60s as we head into monday's forecast. it looks like it's going to be the hottest here as we head into monday's forecast. 97 degrees throughout the tri valley and low to mid-90s up into wine country for the north
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bay. still ahead, pay up for tech companies. the plans to triple the cost of those google and other type of tech buses. and a reunion for the ages. the candlestick legends are getting together for one night only where you can see jerry rice and joe montana. that's coming up. no rush, andy.
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come on. with the chase mobile app you can get a lot done in a little amount of time from transferring funds wait a minute. you've got to be kidding. did you guys see that? that ball was out. to paying your coach for adding five miles per hour to your serve. that ball wasn't in. get your eyes checked. help me out here. download the best mobile app today. so you can always have the advantage. chase. so you can
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tripling the fees for google and other companies, san francisco's mta may decide to triple the stops for those buses. these are the corporate buses that transport their workers to
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several silicon valley companies, including google and facebook. these buses are making fewer stops than expected, and that forces the agency, the mta, to pick up much of the tab, which includes the cost of parking officers. a board will discuss the fees next week. bay area churches are filled with stained glass, much of it a century old. we take you along with the saviors of sacred windows. [ bell tolling ] >> reporter: inside the st. vincent depaul church, prisms of glass watch over the congregation. >> 69 panels. >> reporter: but decades of time have left a hole where a window should be. >> it was about ready to crack.
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>> reporter: while churchgoers see these windows, ariana studies them. each shard of glass, each piece of lead. >> you can see every line work on the hands and fingers and toenails. >> reporter: she has been the savior of the bay area's sacred windows, healing the broken, neglected and aged. >> this panel was damaged by an errant kick ball game. >> reporter: they toil over the windows with not a computer in sight. >> we're doing the sail thing that people have been doing for hundreds of years. >> reporter: the team is part artist, part repairman and part detective. >> you have to put your head in the mind of who did it. >> reporter: she has cataloged and repaired hundreds of bay
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area windows. the bad repair jobs. >> it was a window that had six fingers instead of five. >> reporter: and the non-religious. >> these are from the tiffany windows. >> reporter: her work bench includes rare tiffany windows from a victorian. >> all the houses tend to have some type of decorative leaded glass. anytime you can incorporate art into your daily life, it's an improvement. they're constantly changing. they're not static. >> reporter: the funny thing about the work, few can tell when it's done. >> we do a good job. nobody can notice we were there. >> reporter: but maybe they will. >> sometimes you see something and you have to fill it. >> reporter: back at st. vincent depaul, they are finishing what
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project. >> a lot of times they are e ignored. >> reporter: but not here. they have hired them to restore all their windows, a job that will take several years more. >> it's like a home. >> reporter: that hole in the wall is the home of st. paul who was in purgatory. >> we try to treat all of the panels before any major cracking happened. >> reporter: but thanks to ariana and her crew, st. john is back safe, ready for another hundred years. joe risotto junior, nbc bay area news. we continue to follow developing news. we're learning more about the sierra lamar case. robert honda has been poring through newly released documents within the last 90 minutes. what they may reveal about this
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high-profile case. knocked me over and broke my left leg. >> from speeding to accident, we investigate the driving records of bay area cabdrivers. ahead, the one thing the agency admits it doesn't do. heat shields are compromised. we have multiple failures.
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what's that alarm? fuel cell two is down. i'm going to have to guide her in manually. this is very exciting. but i'm at my stop. come again? i'm watching this on the train. it's so hard to leave. good luck with everything.
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watch tv virtually anywhere with the u-verse tv app. with at&t, the u-verse revolves around you. now to the latest on a developing story. a grand jury report is shedding new light on the sierra lamar case. tonight we are learning more about key evidence against suspect garcia torres.
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that 2,000-page report just released in the 90 minutes outlines how prosecutors are building their case. robert honda is live with more on what it reveals. >> reporter: we are seeing more and more details on the case against garcia torres, and it is compelling evidence on many different levels. as we've been reporting, the dna evidence is considered crucial since he was arrested and charged with the murder of sierra lamar even though her body has never been found. as we reported at the top of the show and at 5:00, dna evidence possibly of torres was found in her clothing and in the transcript there was testimony that shows sierra's hair was found on a rope inside his trunk when his car was seized. the hair and bodily fluids were not where you might reasonably expect to find it. >> dna is relevant for many reasons. it shows that their paths crossed. but it also shows that he maybe was a liar when he said i have
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never met sierra lamar. certainly this appears to be more than just a casual dna transfer based on what was located on her abandoned jeans. >> reporter: there is much more evidence we are finding out about as we go over this 2,000-page documents. we will have updates on and twitter and facebook and a report on our 11:00 newscast. thanks, robert, and we continue our coverage on our website. our web team will be updating the sierra lamar story as soon as we learn more from the grand jury indictment. thanks, robert. a brand new portion of the bay bridge already needs some tlc, $1 million summer clean up. a live look at the eastern span where it turns out there's a rust problem. workers are now removing teeny steel particles that became embedded when the towers were installed. it is now rusting.
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they accuse caltrans of not waiting until it was complete before starting the painting. they say the contractors should have used tarps. the job should last through the summer. taxi companies have been pointing the finger at services like uber. >> we found a system in which consumer complaints are often ignored. >> we found that drivers often face few consequences. we went undercover and caught taxi drivers with traffic records. and one failing to track the records of their drivers. san francisco taxicab drivers. >> was it hard to get a license? >> that we found often have lengthy traffic records, one is
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on california's sex offender registry, and others that sometimes cross the line. >> did you see who hit you? ? no. it was a taxi driver. >> reporter: adam ludwig hailed down a yellow cab but says the driver ran over his leg after refusing to drive him home. >> he took off, took a sharp turn, knocked me over and broke my left leg. >> reporter: leaving the long-time runner with this titanium rod running from his knee to ankle. the company told us there were to yellow cabs at the team and location and that there are still several pirate yellow cabs. still a jury awarded him $415,000. but the driver who ran ludwig over was never found or held responsible. >> he got away with this hit-and-run. >> reporter: we discovered others with other questionable driving records. we rode in more than a dozen cabs and pulled the driving
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records of each cabby. only two had clean records. we found 46 violations, ranging from no regge vags or valid license or running red lights. one driver had nine citations in the last year and a half. three of those were for speeding. >> if i got nine violations in the last year and a half, my license would be suspended. how can a driver still have a license? >> you know, i would have to look into the specks of tifics case. it's hard for me to know. >> reporter: she says the agency request suspend or revoke a driver's permit, but the investigative unit also discovered they only require driving records from the dmv from new applicants or when a driver is applying for a medicalion. -- medallion. >> the agency also relies on
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public complaints and takes action accordingly. but we dug through hundreds of public complaints and found out they're often slow to follow up, despite reports of unsafe driving and rude behavior, the majority of the time, the city just advises the driver of a complaint. 2% of the time a citation is issued. and few are than 1% have their taxi permit suspended. >> what would a driver have to do to have their permit suspended or revoked? >> again, there's a system in place. i'll not prepared to answer immediately. >> reporter: she does say that drivers have to pass a driving test and have no prior convinces of a crime that would in the judgment of the sfmta present a risk to public safety, meaning it's up to the agency to decide whether the driver is daeg russ. >> are you aware that you have a registered sex offender as a
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medallion holder? any specific instances.ent on i just want to be broad in my response. >> reporter: i think the public would be surprised to know that. >> i'm aware there may be an individual, and this is something that, everybody has due process. >> reporter: this taxi driver was convicted of a felony after he arranged to meet a minor for sex. we asked him how he got through the process. >> i was honest with him. >> reporter: sfmt decided he wasn't a risk and allowed him. but ludwig says it appears the system allows some san francisco taxi drivers to avoid accountability. >> sounds like it's a result of lax enforcement. >> reporter: doesn't seem like there's too much consequence. >> i'll certainly look into this and see if we have taken appropriate action and if we're going forward, that's what we
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can focus on. >> in the meantime, if you have a problem with a taxi or driver, sfmta is urging you to file a complaint. keep in mind, cabs do have cameras inside but the video is only kept for 42 hours of the make sure to keep that video as long as possible. you'll find an interactive map showing deadly taxi-related crashes in san francisco and you'll see how we compare to los angeles. if you have a tip for anyone in our investigative unit we urge you to give us a call at 1-888-996-tips or e-mail us. still ahead, a serious admission. the cdc admits miss handling some of the most dangerous viruses. >> for us not to have the
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oysters is a big loss. >> what's next for the employees and the last-ditch effort to save drake's bay. and good evening. i'm meteorologist jeff ranieri. an incredible day today and the weekend looks even better. can you see in san jose, current currently 70 degrees.
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and good evening.
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it's another by-product of our historic drought, bears in the sierra nevada. this bear wandered onto lake
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tahoe and into this backpack looking for food. they tranquilized it. they have captured seven bears in the last weeks, an eighth was hit by a car. the drought has forced bears to search for food in urban neighborhoods. the cdc is cracking down on its labs after bird flu scares. considered world class in their safety precautions, this comes after an anthrax scare. cdc officials have issued a moratorium on shipping all samples of biological materials until a safety review is conducted. jeff ranieri is with us. so we'll need a little baseball
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forecast and the weekend. >> i got you covered. no sweat. let's take a live look at our at&t park camera. look at that giant coca-cola bottle. that will fill you up. we will have your forecast for the game and when near 100 degrees could return. >> i'm going to have to be ready for sun block on that one. the giants back in action tonight against arizona. we have a preview from the ballpark and the latest on scutaro. how will lebron's return to cleveland faked kevin love?
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we're following some developing news.
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investigators are on the scene of a fatality in santa clara. about 19 people were on the capital corridor train when the accident happened around 4:30 this afternoon. there were no injuries to the passengers or crew. the only information about the victim is that he or she is being described as a trespasser. the coroner is on the scene. two trains are delayed because of this accident. the long legal battle over drake's bay oyster farm is coming to an end. it will shut down at the end of the month. nbc bay area's mark matthews reports on the impact of this closing. >> reporter: drakes bay oysters isn't just another operation, they have been the biggest producer in decades. providing to restaurants. but he knew when he bought the business that the federal lease was coming to an end. and when the supreme court closed the door on his legal appeals at the end of last month
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that finished it. >> it wasn't our choice. we didn't make the choice to close the oyster shack or the cannery. >> reporter: the federal government has won the right to turn this part of the bay into a wilderness area. he is still hopeful that ongoing settlement talks will allow him to harvest the 2 million oysters that remain in the bay. and he'd also like to save the oyster shack as a retail outlet for farmers and ranchers. and until the first of august he's still open for business. >> we'll still be in full swing, harvesting and processing and meeting with the public until the end of this month. >> reporter: to the company's 25 employees, it is going to be a difficult 20 days. this man has worked here for 30 years. >> right now it feels very hard to find a job. i have my daughter for 11-year-old, and my daughter no want to miss friends and family.
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>> reporter: at the restaurant, drakes bay oysters have been a staple. the chef has cooked for the prince of wales and food royalty. i asked him what the closure means for his business. >> this is the heart of oyster country. so for us not to have the oysters i think is a big loss. >> reporter: the lawyer for drakes bay would not divulge how the negotiations are going -- but it won't be long before we know whether they were able to save the oyster shack and cannery or not. >> a lot of people have spent their lives there. >> it's a beautiful spot, i know it. it's beautiful outside. let's check in with jeff ranieri. >> it's hard to be inside right now at 6:47. the sky camera network view you get, at least in the studio, it looks incredible. in san francisco, mainly clear
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skies. we see back towards at&t park, that game at the giants stadium is going to be 63 degrees if you're headed out that way. winds out of the west 5 to 10. so you need those jackets. right now with the onshore wind, it is very comfortable out here. in the north bay, currently 72 degrees. humidity has increased to 61%. that is helping our fire danger at least intermediately. and lots of blue sky, currently 70. the hottest spot in the bay area, we're also reading a very cool and comfortable 72, a great night coming our way, no matter where you are in the bay area. i would say if you're heading to the immediate coastline you will need a couple layers, because it's going to be chilly there. as we head throughout tomorrow morning the biggest question you probably have is, is that fog going to be back. you can see right now in this fog forecast, yes, it is. right at the immediate coastline and also for the north bay and east bay. then as we head throughout the
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day we're going to be graced by some of the same incredible weather. the fog clears back and pushes back to the coastline. at the coast we're going to see a lot more of that fog erode. a sign of larger changes coming our way. high pressure building across the pacific, transporting extra hot air to the bay area and here's how hot, and here's how it's going to be the worst. by sunday, 89 degrees. that's do-able. but then by monday and tuesday, mid to upper 90s coming our way and possibly record-setting heat. at least for the weekend, we're still going to have comfortable weather. san jose expecting 83 degrees and sunny skies. for morgan hill, 85. for the peninsula, 62. areas of drizzle. but you head over to palo alto, 81 degrees. in san francisco, we're expecting 60s. north bay, east bay and tri
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valley, warming up in napa to 84 degrees. we're going to turn it on baek but not broil. we're looking for 89 degrees as we head throughout sunday's forecast. and we're going to leave you with this event across the peninsula, it's the loss altos arts festival. and now before the wine festival, giants baseball here on nbc bay area. tim lincecum warming up, and we're going to check in next with john miller and mike krukow.
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we're counting down towards first pitch, giants and diamondbacks. and we need to be sitting, all three of us, in that nbc box along first base. >> we have a box? >> raj, sh. i'll meet you there on the third inning. >> they are struggling after losing three of four. in need of a major spark, help is on the way. marco scutaro has been activated from the disabled list. scutaro will start on saturday. in a corresponding move, brandon hicks was designated for
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assignment. john miller and mike krukow -- >> the giants open the three-game series with the diamondbac diamondbacks. li . >> we talked about own and. and the own and on lincecum is hot. he's won his last three, his last five starts. they are hitting 115 against him. and for the first time, he's got a good confidence on all four pitches. i think it all shapes up to be a very interesting matchup between those two. >> the other slugger for the
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d-backs, mike trumble. scutaro is available as a pinch hitter in this one. let's go back to you. guys thanks very much. to the nba, lebron james in his own words announced three was returning to his hometown team, the cleveland cavaliers. he said that it really came down to two teams, his two previous club, the cavs and the heat. but how will lebron's decision affect the warriors? our expert is monte pool in las vegas with details. >> the warriors have been interested in kevin love of the timber wolves for a long time. he can really shoot the ball, rebound. he's really a complete player on the offensive hand. but kevin love could end up in cleveland. cleveland's going to make a play for him. so for the warriors, it means they have more competition.
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they were in pretty good position a couple weeks ago. but now cleveland's in the mix, boston's going to be in the mix. i don't know if they will be able to pull it off to get him. >> lebron to cleveland put the nba in motion. houston traded jeremy lynn and a first-round draft pick to the lakers. lynn has one year remaining on his contract, sending him to l.a. clears up space. bosch re-signs with miami. joe montana, he will say farewell to candlestick in legendary fashion saturday night, playing in the final football game ever at the stadium. he will lead the legend's team. they had one final tuneup earlier today. >> it's fun. hopefully it doesn't get too
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physical. because sometimes you tend to forget you're 50 years old now. you can't make those moves anymore. so be careful. and one final baseball note, buster posey will not be an all-star after all. mike matheny, he chose miguel montero. so madison bumgarner and hunter pence will be the giants' representatives in minneapolis. >> was that joe montana? >> that's so awesome. >> i'm looking forward to it. it's going to be a lot of fun out there. our coverage of tonight's baseball game begins at 7 clchbl. >> tim lincecum taking the hill. giants baseball right here on nbc bay area.
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7:00 pm
>> duane: as the giants near the all-star break, they're looking to end with a flourish. they may have the right guy on the mound. tim lincecum takes his turn against the dbacks. two time cy young award winner has been san francisco's most consistent pitcher of late. tonight he has to deal with long time nemesis paul goldschmidt. he owned lincecum through his career. game one of the series next. ♪ in the city by the bay on a fabulous evening where the san francisco giant


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