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tv   The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon  NBC  February 18, 2014 12:00am-1:02am PST

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jimmy fallon walking from his old set to his new digs. enjoy. >> good luck, jimmy. in rockefeller center, in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- will smith. musical guest, u2. and featuring, the legendary roots crew. and now, here's your host, jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. please, have a seat. welcome, everybody. thank you so much. thank you so much, everyone. [ cheers and applause ] welcome to "the tonight show." this is the first "tonight show" broadcast from new york in over 40 years. [ cheers and applause ] welcome. i'm jimmy fallon, and i'll be your host -- for now. [ laughter ] of course, i wouldn't be here tonight if it weren't for the previous "tonight show" hosts. so i want to say thank you to steve allen, jack parr, johnny carson, jay leno,
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conan o'brien and jay leno. [ laughter and applause ] very, very nice. amazing. honestly, i really don't know how i got here. i grew up in upstate new york. in a town called saugerties, new york. it's a beautiful town. i had a great childhood. [ applause ] there's not even that many people from saugerties. so, that's impossible. i had a great childhood. and if you would have told me as a kid that i was going to graduate high school and go on to be on "saturday night live." and then eventually be the host of "the tonight show" -- i would've said, "i graduated high school?" that's so not me. that is so not like me. but for those of you who are watching me for the first time, which is very possible. i'm 39 years old. i live in new york city with my beautiful wife, nancy. and my daughter, winnie, who's 6 months old. and she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. [ cheers and applause ] i love her so much.
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i'm a proud, proud dad. and speaking of proud dads -- i'm lucky to say my parents are here with us. they're here tonight. they're here to see me. mom and dad. hey, i love you guys. [ applause ] jim and gloria fallon. thank you for being here. i wish i could've gotten you better seats. but you know, it's -- [ laughter ] very hot show, dad. very hot show. trying to do bits up there. but i hope you're proud of me. i know you're proud of me. i know -- i mean, you are. [ applause ] remember how proud you were when i graduated high school? that was a big deal. yeah, that was giant. anyway, i'm happy just to have you here. thanks for being here, guys. i love you. i know, dad. [ laughter ] he did not pay a lot -- it was a public high school.
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he didn't pay a lot of money. [ laughter ] paid a lot of money, yearh. but again, if you're watching, to the left, is the most talented band in all the land. trying to lend a hand -- the roots from philadelphia, ladies and gentlemen. i love you guys. [ cheers and applause ] they are the most talented band. and you're going to fall in love with them if you don't know them already. they're from philadelphia. a lot of the guys still commute and go back and forth from philly. and i couldn't do the show without you guys. they can play with tony bennet. they can play with jay z without blinking an eye. they're the most talented band ever. i love you guys and thank you so much. it's going to be fun. [ cheers and applause ] to my right is our announcer and sidekick, steve higgins, everybody. right there. [ cheers and applause ] steve higgins is from iowa. now he lives in new jersey with his beautiful family and cool kids. i love you guys. and i want to say, steve, i've known you for awhile. you were a producer on
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"saturday night live." that's where i met you the first time. and i couldn't think of anyone else to do this thing with. you are my best friend and i love you and it's going to be fun, buddy. thank you. >> steve: aw. [ applause ] i just want to say to you that i couldn't be prouder -- >> jimmy: this is a moment in tv history. [ laughter ] a moment in tv history right here. and even if i weren't involved, i would be so psyched to watch it. so i'm glad that you're watching at home. i'm glad that you're here. because this is important. this is fun. this is what we're all about. i remember being the kid in saugerties and asking my parents, "can i stay up to watch johnny carson?" and it was a big deal, like, you know, to stay up late, you know? they would let me watch the monologue and then i'd just try to pretend i wasn't there. so they could let me go to the first guest or whatever bit they were going to do before they told me to go to bed. and just to think there's going to be a kid out there asking
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their parents to stay up to watch me -- it just means a a lot. so i hope -- i hope i do well. [ applause ] supposed to enjoy this. i just want to do the best that i can. and take care of this show for awhile. if you guys let me stick around long enough, maybe i'll get the hang of it. [ light laughter ] usually, our show starts with the monologue, the first ten minutes of our show. so after your local news, i'll come out from that beautiful curtain. i'll hit this monologue mark here, which is a four-leaf clover. that's where i stand over that. there it is right there. so i'll stand over that and read jokes off the cue cards. and these are jokes based on what's going on in the news. stuff like that. i'll make fun of everybody. anyone i can make fun of, i will. my goal is just to make you laugh and put a smile on your face. so you go to sleep with a smile on your face and live a longer life. isn't that the whole goal of what we're doing? have fun? [ applause ] let's do it right now. higgins, give me another intro. let's do it again. ♪ >> steve: and now, here's your host, jimmy fallon! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: welcome to "the tonight show!" please, welcome, thank you, everybody. you guys, we all have olympic fever, do we not? [ cheers and applause ] usa! usa! that's right, the u.s. men's hockey team beat russia on saturday in a very dramatic shootout. [ cheers and applause ] that was exciting. that was great. the american team said that they were thrilled with the win while the russian team is missing. [ laughter ] [ russian accent ] "we take them to different type of shootout." [ laughter ] well, even though the americans are doing well, vladimir putin made a surprise visit to the u.s. olympic headquarters and even asked to have a drink with some of the american athletes. of course, the athletes were like, "you first."
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[ laughter ] "what did you do with the hockey team?" you know, i've been loving watching the guys from "the today show" over in sochi. doing a great job over there. just the other day, matt lauer and al roker tried doubles luging together. [ light laughter ] it's kind of hard to watch, but take a look. >> here we go! here we go! >> oh! ah! >> i think that went well. >> jimmy: yeah -- [ laughter and applause ] you can't unsee that. actually, that screaming actually came from their sled. it was like, "oh!" and my man, bob costas. oh, boy. i love that guy. finally, he's returned to
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covering the olympics tonight after he was sidelined for a a week with pink eye in both eyes. you can tell he was having trouble when he spent half an hour interviewing a mop he thought was shaun white. he was like, "now, i've seen you've grown your hair back. you're very skinny. you've lost a lot of weight." [ light laughter ] you know, there's so many amazing athletes from all over the world competing in sochi. and of course, they give out gold, silver and bronze medals at the games. but what a lot of people don't know is that the olympic committee also gives out other awards. sort of like the ones in high school yearbooks. like, most likely to succeed. class clown. stuff like that. so with that in mind, it's time for "the tonight show" superlatives. here we go. ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: our first athlete is chas guldemond. he's a snowboarder from team usa. he was voted "most likely to host an interior design show on hgtv." [ laughter ] "i just want to open this room
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up. you knock the wall down and just open the whole thing right up. [ laughter ] you got a skylight in the living room." next up is danny davis. he's also a snowboarder for the u.s. team. he was voted "most likely to be able to turn water into weed." [ laughter and applause ] that'll earn you a medal. next up is australian speed skater pierre boda. he was voted "world's tallest jonas brother." that is very -- [ laughter ] i don't remember pierre jonas. next we have american ice dancer charlie white. he was voted most likely to say, "fear not. for i bring tidings of great joy! [ laughter ] ah!" next up is american bobsledder steven holcomb. he was voted "most likely to find an old hot wing in his pocket."
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[ laughter ] "what the heck is this? what? teryaki, yeah!" next we have norwegian cross country skier tord yar-daln. he was voted "most likely to say, 'red bull!' when you ask him what he had for breakfast." "gotta get amped, man! so psyched! let's get out there" it's tomorrow, tord. calm down. next from new zealand is skeleton racer ben sandford. he was voted "most likely to play jazz flute." [ laughter ] next we have australian freestyle skier antin grimmis. he was voted "most likely to be justin bieber in disguise." [ laughter ] wondering where he's been. i haven't heard from him. and finally, from great britain, we have figure skater david king. he was voted "lesbian screech." there you guys go. those are your olympic superlatives. we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots, everybody.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, everybody. welcome. we've got a huge, huge show planned tonight. but first i wanted to thank spike lee. because he directed our opening. and we wanted a new yorker to do our opening. we asked spike lee. and he immediately said yes. we were out probably until about midnight going around to all the different places. went to katz's deli, went to red rooster. we went to all these different places filming. but then we realized all i'm doing is eating in these shots. it's not for the food network. this is "the tonight show." so, but we put it together, and so now, i'm happy to say our show opens with a spike lee joint. so thank you, spike lee. appreciate that. [ cheers and applause ] what do you guys think of the studio? do you like the studio?
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do you like the way it looks? [ cheers and applause ] it's just beautiful. it looks good. i want to thank eugene lee for designing this and putting this together. i just think it looks gorgeous. so very, very excited. very happy to be here. i mean, this is exciting. we have great, giant guests. couldn't be more excited about this. he's one of the best guys around. we asked him to be our first guest. and he said yes right away. he's a huge, huge movie star. will smith is here, ladies and gentlemen! [ cheers and applause ] come on, he's the best! also on the show, man -- these are --you know, they're just one of the greatest rock bands in history. they're going to sit down and talk with us as well. and their musical performance is going to blow your pants off. i guarantee this. u2 is here tonight! >> steve: what? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey guys, i can't believe this is happening. i'm really sitting here. i wanna say thanks to all the
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fans for all their support and to my buddy who said that i'd never be the host of "the tonight show" -- and you know who you are. you owe me 100 bucks buddy! you do. [ cheers and applause ] broadway joe namath? [ cheers and applause ] joe namath -- [ cheers and applause ] >> thanks for bringing it back to new york. >> jimmy: thanks, buddy. [ cheers and applause ]
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all these people -- [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] don't know how we're doing this -- [ applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] >> thanks, jimmy. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. >> you did it. you did it, buddy! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, buddy. be careful. be careful in those shoes. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ applause ]
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>> welcome to 11:30, bitch! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks for believing in me guys! anyway, we'll be right back with more of "the tonight show", everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ spokesperson: we decided to settle this. a steel cage death match of midsize sedans. the volkswagen passat against all comers. turbocharged engines against...engines. best in class rear legroom against other-class legroom. but then we realized. consumers already did that. twice. huh. maybe that's why nobody else showed up. how does one get out of a death cage?
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vo: right now, get 0.9% apr on all passat models plus a total of $1000 in bonuses. ♪ i'm more than you know ♪ you don't see me but you will, ♪ ♪ i am not invisible. ♪ there is no them... ♪ there is no them... ♪ there's only us.
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i can download anything i want. [ girl ] seriously? that's a lot of music. seriously. that's insane. and it's 15 bucks a month for the family. seriously? that's a lot of gold rope. seriously, that's a signature look. you don't have a signature look, honey. ♪ that's a signature look. [ male announcer ] only at&t brings you beats music. unlimited downloads for up to 5 accounts and 10 devices all for $14.99 a month. ♪
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okay. let's i think i forgot to it's race dapay a bill. what's up ted?
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yep, paid that one. what about your mortgage? yep, paid that too. alright we're good then. man i feel like i'm forgetting something. eh, it's probably nothing. you worry too much ted. alright, hammer down! bank from almost anywhere with the citi mobile app. citi, with you every step of the way. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: ladies and gentlemen, we now present to you, the evolution of hip-hop dancing. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ooh do me baby do ya know what i'm doin' doin' the humpty hump y'all do what do what you ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: that was fun guys, right? [ cheers ] >> jimmy: hey, everybody. we're here at the world-famous top of the rock at the top of rockefeller center. 70 stories above the city. i couldn't think of a better way to show off our beautiful city. and i can't think of a better band to be up here with. here to perform their new song, "invisible," ladies and gentlemen, u2! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ it's like the room just cleared of smoke i didn't even want the heart you broke ♪ ♪ it's yours to keep you just might need one i finally found my real name i won't be me ♪ ♪ when you see me again no, i won't be my father's son i'm more than you know ♪ ♪ i'm more than you see here i'm more than you let me be i'm more than you know a body in a soul ♪ ♪ you don't see me
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but you will i am not invisible ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i don't dream not as such i don't even think about you that much unless i start ♪ ♪ to think at all all those frozen days and your frozen ways they melt away ♪ ♪ your face like snow i'm more than you know i'm more than you see here ♪ ♪ i'm more than you let me be ♪ ♪ i'm more than you know
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a body in a soul you don't see me but you will ♪ ♪ i am not invisible i am here ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah! new york city! [ cheers and applause ] jimmy! ♪ ♪ there is no them there is no them there's only us there's only us ♪ ♪ there is no them there is no them there's only you there is only me ♪ ♪ there is no them
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there's only us there's only us there is no them ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah! come on! come on! [ cheers and applause ]
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see what's new at [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our very first guest on our very first "tonight show" is one of the biggest movie stars in the world. we couldn't be happier to have him. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome will smith! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: will smith! welcome! >> yes! >> jimmy: welcome to our very first show. >> oh, man. congratulations, man. >> jimmy: thank you very much. >> this is really huge. it's a thrill. >> jimmy: with the pressure. >> i was like, yeah, man, i wouldn't be able to be handle all this pressure you've got. come on. everything is riding on tonight! >> jimmy: no, no. oh, gosh. [ laughter ] >> this is exciting. >> jimmy: you're the first human to sit in our chair as a a guest tonight. what do you think of the set? do you love it? >> it's beautiful, man. i feel very honored. i feel very, very honored. >> jimmy: we are honored, as well. thank you for doing this. [ cheers and applause ] >> you got a lot of philly. you know that? see, you made a really good
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choice. you've got a lot of philly boys. [ cheers and applause ] you know what i mean. >> jimmy: you know, sometimes when we say some of these words that rhyme with philly, they go crazy. we're like, we have billy -- they go, yeah! billy bob thornton is gonna be >> jimmy: they get very excited. i appreciate that. man, we did the -- thank you for doing the hip-hop dance. >> that was fantastic. that was beautiful. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we can show you. we did it a couple times. >> a couple times. a couple times, didn't go as good as the time you showed me. >> jimmy: i was breathing heavily. >> no, i was concerned. i was concerned. >> jimmy: at one point i go, "this is how i die." hip-hop dancing with will smith. and just a coincidence, we wore the same outfit. >> yeah, yeah, we both came in with the same thing. >> jimmy: we should have went to wardrobe, but we didn't. it's very exciting to be here and be doing the show. this is a big stage for me. usually i was on at 12:49 a.m. and kind of hiding there.
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but now this is a big deal and a lot of pressure. and i was just wondering, you've been famous since you were a teenager. do you have any advice for me or anything? how to handle the pressure? >> you know, man, really, i was watching all of the people that came to support you tonight. you know? >> jimmy: yeah. >> and people are coming for you. it's not -- you know, "the tonight show" is big and it's historic, but people are coming because of your heart, you know. so i would just -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks. >> yeah, you know? >> jimmy: makes me feel good. makes me feel good, yeah, to see all those people. but i mean, any of this stuff get scary for you, or not anymore? >> you know, it definitely can get scary, you know. in the last few years with my kids coming into the business, it starts to be scary. but i tell them all of the time, you just keep loving people.
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right? the thing is to make sure with your art, your art is a gift to people to help their lives be better, and to be brighter. and what happens a lot of times when you see people fail in this business, they're in it for their ego, and they start doing it for them. and it's like no, it's like you're trying to help people. just get through each day, you know? and you do it really well. [ cheers and applause ] you do it really well. >> jimmy: i should say, also, we did a sketch once where we sang one of willow's songs. >> yes. >> jimmy: i was neil young and i did a version of ♪ i whip my hair back and forth ♪ [ applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, i did that. and i got the nicest note, hand-written note from willow. she must have within 13, maybe? >> no, she was ten. >> jimmy: ten at the time. better stationery than i have now. [ laughter ] you know, who is this kid? and what a polite young person. i just thought it was so impressive. and i was like -- i remember
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when i saw you next, i go, "i've got to congratulate you on raising the nicest girl ever." >> thank you, man. i bet your daughter backstage. >> jimmy: she is here. winnie's here, yeah. >> she is beautiful. >> jimmy: thank you so much. >> i was trying to hurry up and get jada pregnant backstage before -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i saw that. i'm happy -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: there's no cameras back there. you're allowed to do whatever you want, yeah. >> that was too much? that was too much for the first night. >> jimmy: no, no. [ laughter ] no, at this point, we're past midnight now. you can do whatever you want now. i want to talk about -- i know you were talking backstage, and you said you just went skydiving. >> yes. >> jimmy: and i said there is no way i would ever do this thing. >> listen, man. because, you know what happened? i'm 45 right now, right? and with the state of modern medicine, you know, 90, we're -- we're all probably going to hit 90. 90 is like a real thing now. [ laughter ] so i was like -- >> jimmy: that's such a great way of saying it. >> you know, 90 is real. >> jimmy: exactly. i'll have you be my doctor.
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just so you know, mr. fallon that 90 is real. [ laughter ] so start working out, buddy. >> i was thinking, like, this is halftime, right? so when you come out for the third quarter, in any sporting event, the third quarter is an important quarter, you know? that's not the time when you start relaxing and you start chillin', you know? you've got to go get it in the third quarter. >> jimmy: you've got to start going skydiving. [ cheers and applause ] >> so i went to dubai. i had never done it. and they have a great skydiving facility there. and i was like, you know what, i just want to start this third quarter right. so i went -- i jumped out of an airplane, right? [ laughter ] and let me tell you, that moment when you're in a a perfectly good airplane -- [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> beautiful, fantastic! >> jimmy: best airplane i've ever been on. >> yeah, you know. and the door opens, the green light comes on, and it's that
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moment where you lean at the door and oh -- the airplane is absolutely terrifying, and absolutely the most magnificent thing you'll ever experience. it taught me so much about fear. you got my picture? there's my picture. ahh! yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: look at that. it looks like you're going over like -- something from "dune." i don't know what that is. that's dubai? >> that's dubai. that's the -- islands, yeah. and me coming out of the plane, yeah. >> jimmy: that's having fun right there. you're going, "ahh!" >> yeah. i didn't like the dude being on me, but, you know -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you said hands-off! >> yeah. >> jimmy: and then he was like, "okay, i hear you, i hear you." more from will smith when we get back, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ can i help you?
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hey, is it true we can get four lines,
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unlimited talk and text and 10 gigs of data to share for 160 a month? yep. at&t's new family pricing. that's 100 bucks cheaper than us. i know. are you guys with verizon? what makes you think that? oh. just her nametag. and i see you guys at the food court every day. can we go back now? yeah. [ male announcer ] introducing our best-ever pricing for families. 10 gigs of data to share. unlimited talk and text. and 4 lines for $160 a month. only from at&t.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back! we are hanging out with will smith right here, ladies and gentlemen!
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oh, my goodness! >> yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest ever on "the tonight show." >> the first guest ever! >> jimmy: yeah, on olympic week. >> olympic week. >> jimmy: second week of the olympics. >> yes, that's huge. >> jimmy: it's giant. >> it's the winter olympics. >> jimmy: yes. >> yes, they do cold stuff. >> jimmy: yeah. now, do you enjoy the winter olympics? >> you know, i like -- my family goes skiing. you know, usually over thanksgiving and christmas, we'll go skiing. >> jimmy: that's nice. >> and the whole family made the transition to snowboarding, right? but i stayed with the skis because i saw jada's transition from skiing to snowboarding. it wasn't cute. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it's painful. >> it's really painful. >> jimmy: and it's scary. >> she was -- you know, she was falling a lot those first couple days. but she is really good now. baby -- she is fantastic. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: she is backstage going, i was what? >> no, actually, she's a really good snowboarder. she is like sean black. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: sean black. i couldn't do snowboarding. i couldn't do that. i look at all of the olympic events and i just go -- i don't know what i could do. >> the snow stuff is hard. you know what? i think i could win a gold medal in the thing with the broom? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: curling. >> curling, yes. i look at that, and i'm like -- i don't know what the application is to life, you know? [ laughter ] but when i look at that, i feel like i could really add something to that sport, you know? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you think so? >> yeah, it's like the remix of the outfit, you know? i just really feel like i could bring something -- >> jimmy: that's kind of what they really go with. >> because it's like -- curling is about your attitude, you know? >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah, it's like -- >> jimmy: how do you sweep, yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] you put it on -- it's all about the attitude. i love that. >> get down that ice, you rock! >> jimmy: yeah, you rock, yeah. i got something for you and the family because, here in
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new york city, you see a lot of kids walking around with these shirts. the smiths. and this is -- [ laughter ] this is morrissey. this is a very emo band, but it's a very cool shirt. goes with a lot of stuff. >> i like that. >> jimmy: it's really fun. you can get it at hot topic. you can it at -- a lot of places you can get this shirt. but not a lot of places that you can get this shirt. i thought this was kind of cool. >> aww! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: this is the real shirt. we've got one for you and the whole family. >> oh, thank you! >> jimmy: i don't know if you'll wear them. i love you, and i can't wish for a better first guest because we're just such a fan of you. >> thank you very much, man. i appreciate -- you keep doing it. i'm very honored to be here. thank you. >> jimmy: thank you, buddy. will smith right there. u2 when performs after the break! stick around! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ i can download anything i want. [ girl ] seriously? that's a lot of music. seriously. that's insane. and it's 15 bucks a month for the family.
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seriously? that's a lot of gold rope. seriously, that's a signature look. you don't have a signature look, honey. ♪ that's a signature look. [ male announcer ] only at&t brings you beats music. unlimited downloads for up to 5 accounts and 10 devices all for $14.99 a month. ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: earlier tonight, you saw this band perform their new song, "invisible" for all of new york city. now they're going to join us right here in studio 6b. please welcome larry mullen, jr., adam clayton, bono and the edge. our first musical guest, u2! [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey! that was interesting. please, welcome. thank you so much for that musical performance on the roofs. that was unbelievable. [ cheers and applause ] >> ♪ gonna take you higher >> jimmy: i know, yeah. you were high -- 70 stories. is that the highest you guys have ever played? >> i think that's one adam should -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: nah, nah, nah. >> high and performing? >> jimmy: no. yeah, yeah, yeah. no, that's right. yeah, that's true.
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who am i asking. adam, sorry. >> we did red rock. >> jimmy: what's that? >> that was nice. >> jimmy: you did red rock. yeah. >> how high is denver? we did that in a cloud of rain, freezing cold. it was a long time ago, before the war. >> jimmy: did -- could everyone see you? >> yeah. we -- it was a really important part of the life of our band, actually. because we discovered the fisheye lens. there weren't that many people there, but with that wide angle lens, it looked like a very large crowd. [ laughter ] we were a very big band. and then we -- >> jimmy: there were 15 people there, yeah. very exciting. i've got to say, "ordinary love," your song, you won a a golden globe. going hollywood on us now. [ cheers and applause ] you won a golden globe. congratulations, a beautiful song. and now you're nominated for an academy award for this song, as well. i mean, this is big-time. i mean, that -- here's the thing. i mean, it's a beautiful song. i just want to see you get up and do the speech. because that's where you go -- if bono can get up and talk, i mean, everyone knows it's always a great speech.
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you can make a speech about anything -- >> i'm not sure. i think -- can an animated character give a speech? more likely. >> jimmy: that's a good song, as well. but i think -- let bono go up. i mean, can you do a speech about the -- this coffee mug? [ laughter ] i mean, you could probably do it. >> that's not nice -- i can only -- i can only give speeches about things i believe in. but i -- i believe in this cup. [ laughter ] and really, it's not a cup, really. it's a container. it demands to be filled. it can be filled by love or bad thoughts. and, in fact, this cup was held in the hand of nelson mandela actually on robin island. >> jimmy: is that right? now you're making it up. >> no, no, and this is when he made his famous speech. [ talking over each other ] yes, he did. he said she's a bad girl. >> jimmy: he did not. thank you very much. bono, i appreciate that. [ cheers and applause ] i always thought, if i ever had
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u2, if i had you guys sitting on the couch and here with me tonight, i always wanted to see if you could do a song for me, an acoustic song just to show everybody you've got the goods. and i would love to see if i could -- if i handed you a a microphone and handed you a a guitar, can you do a a little -- >> like one of those spontaneous show business moments where they appear from behind the couch? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yes, exactly. we have things hidden behind the couch. you have seen talk shows in america, yes -- would you be down for that? >> yeah. >> yeah, of course. >> what an idea! [ laughter ] >> this is a song we are so proud of, won an academy award, and -- >> jimmy: sure, you can do what -- yes, you can do -- i have a a guitar for you. >> oh, wow. check it out. >> jimmy: that's my personal one, yeah. >> actually, while they are standing up. hold on a second. >> thank you. >> here's a present for you. this is the company that makes red guitars and this
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contributes to the red campaign. [ cheers and applause ] >> wow. >> jimmy: mine is not plugged in. [ laughter ] very interesting. yeah. larry, of course, i got you a a tambourine. i have this one and i have another -- is that good? that's a nice one. use that if you feel like it. see? you're discovering something. yeah. all right. fun. u2, you know how to do this. please -- this is a song nominated for an academy award. this is the one that everyone is talking about. please. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, no, no, ed. this song -- the one that's nominated. the one you won a golden globe for. yeah.
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♪ ♪ the sea wants to kiss the golden shore the sun light warms your skin all the beauty that's been ♪ ♪ lost before wants to find us again ♪ i can't fight you anymore it's you i'm fighting for the sea throws rock together but time leaves us polished stones ♪ ♪ we can't fall any further if we can't feel ordinary love and we can't reach any higher
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if we can't deal ♪ ♪ with ordinary love ♪ ♪ birds fly high in the summer sky and rest on the breeze the same wind ♪ ♪ will take care of you and i we'll build our house in the trees ♪ ♪ your heart is on my sleeve did you put it there with a magic marker for years i would believe ♪ ♪ that the world couldn't wash it away we can't fall any further if we can't ♪ ♪ feel ordinary love and we can't reach any higher if we can't feel ordinary love we can't fall any further ♪
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♪ if we can't feel ordinary love and we cannot reach any higher ♪ ♪ if we cannot deal with ordinary love ♪ ♪ >> roots. roots. come on. ♪ we can't fall any further if we can't feel ordinary love we cannot reach ♪ ♪ any higher if we can't deal with ordinary love we can't fall ♪ ♪ any further if we can't feel ordinary love and we can't ♪ ♪ reach any higher if we can't deal with ordinary love questlove ♪ ♪ questlove
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>> jimmy: u2, everybody! more of "the tonight show." stick around, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ every day i spend three hours on weights.
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1:00 am
♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my thanks to will smith! [ cheers and applause ] u2! [ cheers and applause ] and everyone who came to our first "tonight show" and, of course, the roots right there, ladies and gentlemen! [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for more olympic coverage on nbc! thank you for watching!
1:01 am
have a good night! i'll see you tomorrow! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ so night one for jimmy fallon's "the tonight show" is in the books. we'll have the gold medal final in team ski jumping later in the show. first, we're joined by two of the stars of the evening, meryl davis and charlie white. gold medalists in ice dancing. now you two are now in your mid-20s. you started doing this 17 years ago. 17 years ago, there were no americans looking at gold medals in ice dancing. what inspired the two of you


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