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tv   Today in the Bay  NBC  January 13, 2014 5:00am-6:01am PST

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their advantage that has 9er fans so upset. >> they have to do a lot. they have to do a lot. taking it live to san francisco, beautiful way to start the day. nice and clear out here. calendar says january. temperatures read more like may. your full forecast reveals record warmth this week. >> traffic is reading like 5:00 a.m. lighter here but we have construction. i'll let you know about the overnight closure. we'll give you the latest coming up. >> a live look outside. city by the bay, glorious this morning. look at the bay bridge. nice way to start out a monday morning together. it's monday, january 13th, this is "today in the bay." a very good monday morning to you. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm terry mcsweeney. a developing story out of the south bay. police in san jose trying to hunt down a serial arsonist who struck at least five times over
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the weekend. peggy bunker live in san jose with the investigation and the unusual steps one nervous community is taking. >> reporter: good morning to you, terry and laura. it's been a tough situation for the san jose fire department as they continue to look for this person, a serial set of fires set. we talked about this on friday when about four fires were started between 3:00 in the morning and 5:00 in the morning, really kept the fire department hop scotching the area as they look for this person setting these fires and just under about with 90 minutes. now to sunday, let's let you know what took place yesterday morning. you can see some of the damage here done on friday, but then yesterday starting at about 2:00 in the morning firefighters say a small fire was set outside a home on south 24th street, next to a house that was targeted back on friday. after that we take you to st. john baptist church a similar arson fire last wednesday, now they think that two fires now attempted at that
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location. so as you can see this really has neighbors on edge. they decided to send out flyers and helping the community to stay alert, look out for their nab ertz' homes as everybody is aware these are set in the middle of the night. and of course the police department for the first time releasing a sketch of who they think this potential person could be. take a look at this sketch. this is what they want the public to be looking at. as you can see here looks to be a male, saying white or hispanic male, we'll get to that description. first we want to let you know what the fire department is saying about this person. take a listen. >> putting a lot of people in danger, causing a lot of property damage, a lot of money, a lot of resources going to this. we want him in custody as soon as possible. >> reporter: now let's take a look at this detailed person of interest. these are the details they want the public to know. white or hispanic, between 25
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and 40 years old. also a tall person, standing about 6 feet 6'2" weighing 160 and 180. the other thing is that this person wears distinctive glasses, large rim glasses. that is the description that they are releasing. the flyer that had been handed out by the neighbors being that this happened in a small radius near downtown san jose they want everyone to be aware, these are happening in the middle of the night when owners are home, sleeping. they are asking neighbors to look out for each other f. you see anything suspicious or anybody meeting that description, call police immediately. peggy bunker in san jose. "today in the bay." >> thanks very much. >> autopsies will be performed on a palo alto couple found dead in their burned out home. investigators spent yesterday at the home trying to figure out what happened. they think the fire started in the kitchen and say it was difficult to find because the home was filled with boxes, newspapers and clutter. their identities have not been
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released. >> a fire in walnut creek prompted evacuation of several at a retirement community. the fire started last night. firefighters say three carports were engulfed in flames. significant smoke damage could force several to find new homes. there were no forced evacuations and no one was hurt. >> a prominent marine biologist will be sentenced in a federal court for feeding killer whales. the prosecutors dropped other charges in the possibility of jail time after nancy black pleaded guilty illegally feeding or kas in the wild. the concern is that it could change their natural behavior. black runs a bhal watching tour on monterey bay. the work appeared on pbs, and animal planet. >> the quest for six for the 49ers continues. they are one step closer to super bowl after another impressive road win in carolina. fans may have a tough time getting tickets to sunday's game
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in seattle. bob redell live at the team's training facility with a story that has many fans waking up angry. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. yes, when the tickets to sunday's nfc championship game go on sale on line at 10:00 this morning the seattle seahawks which will be selling those, will be blocking people who live in california. so, if you tried to go on line and try to purchase directly from the team you'll be denied once you enter your billing zip code which could indicate you're from the golden state. the seahawks only allowing people with addresses in washington, oregon, montana, idaho, alaska, hawaii and parts of canada make those purchases. the seahawks stadium is considered one of the noisiest in the league, apparently wants as much of that cheering to be for seattle as possible. not san francisco which is why they are trying to limit the number of 49ers fans attending by making it hard to buy tickets. >> i think it's wrong. it's wrong. why should we have to pay more
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just because we're going to seattle. >> that's the question. who wants to ride for 14 hours on the bus and not have tickets. that's the issue. how do we get tickets. >> reporter: the answer you have to buy from secondary websites like website. the cheapest $460. a move like this by a team is not unheard of. it is rare, just not unheard of. denver broncos are doing the same thing with the patriots in the championship game. you see all of the fans cheering the team as they arrived home last night. 49ers coach jim harbaugh had no comment on this issue of the tickets being barred from people in california, but he might later today during a news conference scheduled for noon here at the training facility in santa clara. bob redell, "today in the bay." >> thank you very much, bob. when the niners travel to seattle they will have to watch for the 12th man. seattle fans the loudest in the
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league. seismologists say during saturday's game the ground under seattle's field shook, causing a fan general are rated earthquake. they won't know until later this week. we know fans have managed that before. in 2011 fans caused a magnitude 1 to 2 earthquake during a run against the new orleans saints in the playoffs. >> the niners defense will be tasked with containing marshall and lynch. mindy bach and matt say sunday's game proves they are up to the task. >> the 49ers are heading to their third straight nfc championship game but the road to seattle for this one not easy. they had to win back-to-back games on the road, the first time the 49ers have done so in the playoffs, and mats, you can maybe see the physical nature of the first game in green bay having its toll on this 49er team, specifically the offense. they kind of seemed sluggish, until that first seat down in the second quarter. >> that set the tone.
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the offense did not look crisp. they did look a step slow against the panthers defense. the panthers team that had a week to prepare with the bye week. once they got that first touchdown things started to really roll for the 49ers offense and colin kaepernick he had the steady hand as he has in all of these road victories that he's accumulated. three road victories in his career. >> it start to roll as well, the return of michael crabtree and he wasn't in on the game during the regular season where the 49ers lost. it was anquan boldin who made the biggest difference in this passing game. >> i'm not sure that michael crabtree was healthy. after the second play he went without a shoulder injury. it enabled the 49ers to do is feed the ball to anquan boldin. the guy who led the baltimore ravens to the super bowl a year ago t 49ers had a front row seat for that.
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they enjoy this more. >> they knew in the running game frank gore would not be able to stretch the field side to side because of the linebackers. they do that early, not a lot of success but they stayed patient and obviously saw it pay off with the 39-yard run. >> the panthers had a difficult time converting and they got going in the second half with colin kaepernick for a first down on a third and one and frank gore popped open a big one on third down. the 49ers ended up with five first downs on the ground after getting none in the first half. it was a completely different 49ers offense from early in the first half, all the way through the second half. that will bode well now as they head to seattle for the nfc championship game. to face another top defense and seattle defense with a better secondary than the panthers. more on the road to the super bowl coming up later. >> watch those highlights all
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day long. we love for you to share your favorite fan moments if you are a 9ers fan. we have a slide show on our website. you can add yours by using -- >> my gosh. look at that all day long. >> look at that. >> kaepernicking. #nbc bay area. gosh, kaepernick everywhere. on twitter or instagram. we'll share them -- look at that. >> are those triplets? >> i don't think so. i can spot them. >> a lot of cuties. that's the thing about bay area 49ers, it's the family gets involved. >> highlights or fan reaction. yeah, all day. >> you can maybe take the tv outside then because this week the weather's going to be great. >> even in seattle it's not looking too bad on sunday. temperatures this morning are looking great. of course i'm going to give you an in-depth analysis of my forecast for the game. 45 degrees in livermore. 47 to start in san jose.
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47 degrees in san francisco this morning. i want to show you what's happening. this is our warming agent. you can see all of the arrows pointing out to see. it warms up and it negates that marine influence. for us unseasonably warm in record territory. we'll talk about the records coming up. these are the highs today. 68 in the south bay, 69 for the east bay today, upper 60s even in san francisco and out in the north bay. this is only the beginning of that warming trend. we'll have your forecast coming up. a lot of us tired fans out there i bet after yesterday's game. >> yesterday's game and the golden globes keeping us up s that's good stuff but we're tired now. looking at a good easy flow. i did turn the camera over toward the toll plaza looking for flashing lights. reports of a stalled vehicle. we don't see that. headlights to the left. you see there's no backup at the
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toll plaza. the green lights are on. we're looking toward the maps and see traffic across the lower deck to the eastbound side and the toll plaza, the approach out of the east bay moves at speeds. the earlier construction and slowing going on has cleared. back to you. >> it's 5:12. just announced the next bay area city that could see food trucks rolling into town. >> netflix raking in the awards. >> we'll look back at friday's job numbers, wall street still confused this monday morning.
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>> i cannot wait to go to seattle next week and kick their behinds. >> 49ers fans all over waking up with smiles on their faces this
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morning. san francisco headed to its second straight nfc title game. actually third straight. and a showdown with rival seattle seahawks. "today in the bay" is the team headquarters. continuing coverage of the quest tor six all morning long. >> jacqueline bisset speechless after her first golden globe in almost five decade acting career. she has been nominated for five golden globes but never won until last night. she was so excited she ignored that rap music they give to you finish your speech. she won for her role in the bbc production of "dancing on the edge." a netflix series takes home a golden globe. one of the two first year series honors this year house of cards for robin wright. beating out actresses like kerry
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washington. she was shocked saying on stage, i have no speech. the 47-year-old's second nomination and first win. >> she also got engaged this weekend. some of wall street worried they weren't dealt all of the cards on friday. a bizarre jobs report left a lot of people feeling short changed. >> the economy in general may be not getting the credit it deserves. we seem to be motoring along fine, right, we're in a slow recovery, then friday the labor department announced the country gained just 74,000 jobs in the month of december. a total far, far below the 200,000 or more that was expected. many on wall street suggesting we just ignore the number altogether. let's see what seema mody things. good morning. >> good morning to you, scott. futures are lower after the markets had a muted response to that jobs report as you pointed out so that of course will be
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something that the market watchers will continue to watch. another thing that investors will watch is the kickoff to earning season which kicks off tomorrow. we have jpmorgan and others reporting about a 29 to 30 companies reporting that will be reporting this week. financials in focus, jpmorgan as i said yesterday, wells fargo and so that will abcatalyst. >> intel we get thursday. tesla switching out the chargers for the people use at home to recharge cars on fears the original chargers could cause a fire. these are not the big chargers that tesla has installed at highway stops but rather the home use chargers. tesla is going to swap them out for free. and then speaking of bad charges, target ceo defending the decision of delaying the announcement of the big hack that stole bank account data.
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tracie potts is going to have more from washington. friday, we told you as it happened that target said the number doubled what it first announced. and the amount of data was bigger too, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, home addresses in addition to bank account information and even atm pins. all kinds of information coming up. >> we'll look forward to that. >> let's check with christina loren. a nice late spring warm-up. it's going to feel like that. then we have winter coming back. >> then winter comes back around. and i know a lot of people want the rain. if you lived here for any duration you know we can have an active spring. that's what we're looking toward as we get into the next few months. i know we're still in winter. it's been so dry. san jose clear to start. good monday morning to you. temperatures are chilly out there. 47 degrees in the south bay. 52 the peninsula. in the north bay starting out at 37 degrees. temperatures are going to work out like this.
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average for this time of year in san jose is 59 degrees so. well above average at 68 for your high. remember your seven-day forecast shows you the warming trend is going to stick around about all week long. we'll be at 69 in the north bay today, south bay looking warm also along the peninsula, unusual to see temperatures that are uniform. the reason why is because of the offshore flow and we get just as warm on the coast as we do in the inland valleys when that happens. hazy sunshine today, warm-up kicks in as we head into this afternoon. temps climb even more so for tuesday, 10 to 15 degrees above average. you do want to keep that in mind. it's going to be warm tomorrow afternoon. and our days are short. for instance we have to wait until 7:25 for the sun to come up. throughout the rest of the week the caveat is we'll probably be sparing the air. i want to watch for you because a lot of people suffer from asthma and allergy and this is exasperated when we see this. tuesday into wednesday, likely
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sparing the air. likely the case for thursday as well. friday to saturday, no real improvement in terms of wind or precipitation. then as we get through the weekend that's when we're targeting that storm window to open up so. we'll talk more about that. right now let's get you out the front door on a good noxt mike inouye, what are you watching? >> the cars just a few of them on the road. it's monday, we're easing into the commute. 520 in the morning. this is what we see for the south bay. road crews clearing from the major interchanges. that's good news. there has been no major slowing as the crews clear from around the bay. the peninsula drive, no outstanding anything other than green aside from here in the tri-valley. we'll talk about your slowing which is predictable out of the altamont pass to the dublin interchange, the east bound side of 580 a build, dipping below 60 miles per hour. not a big concern as far as the flow. out of the area, past grant line and in toward livermore and the reason for the slowing is all of that company you have.
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up in antioch west on highway 4, mild slowing. it's been there all morning. we'll watch for that heading over to love ridge and pittsburg and bay point. live look outside, we'll show you the north bay. it's smooth and as well as the peninsula, no delays through palo alto. back to you. >> thanks a lot, mike a. popular food truck gathering could be setting up truck in menlo park. today the city's planning commission is set to review a permit request by off the grid food truck management. the company wants to operate in the caltrain parking lot at merrill street and ravens wood avenue f. approved up to 12 rotating food trucks would convene wednesday nights from 5:00 to 9:00. off the grid coordinates 25 weekly markets across five bay area counties. >> 5:21 the time. ford unveiling a new truck this morning, so what's so special about it? it could make it almost as fuel efficient as a car.
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kaepernick. for the touchdown. >> quarterback colin kaepernick running in for the score and the kaepernicking, plus some things that are controversial this morning. 49ers beating the panthers. the quest for a sixth super bowl title stays alive. a trip to seattle. "today in the bay" has continuing coverage throughout the morning. >> ford is unveiling an all new f-150 truck in detroit's annual auto show this morning. the show opens to the public next week. the press getting a preview of several mu models. ford says the new truck boasts 11 exclusive features, a 360 degree camera view, integrated loading ramp and l.e.d. lights. the biggest change to the best selling vehicle for the last 32
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years is something you can't see. >> using high strength military grade aluminum alloys on all of the sheet metal. we were able to take out 700 pounds. >> that's a lot. such a big truck. that's aluminum for you. that means the strongest and most fuel efficient f-150 ever. >> all right. let's check in with the most fuel efficient meteorologist that i know, christina loren. joining us to tell us about this warm-up. >> you would be surprised. i can make a bag of cheese go for four days. temperatures are looking good out there. you want to fuel up, go out for a bike ride, for a jog, we recommend you do so today. our air quality is likely going to suffer. we're getting into a stagnant air pattern. look what it's going to do to our temperatures. bringing the numbers up toward 70 degrees just about everywhere. this is only the beginning, that warm-up continues. i'll show you just how hot it's going to be as we get into the
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final weeks of january where you live coming up. let's check your drive. any abnormalities on the roads? >> none. and that's great news. there are cars but not abnormali abnormalities. the bay bridge toll plaza an easy drive starting to ease into the morning commute. a couple cars at a time at the cash lanes. back to the maps, we'll show you the approach out of san francisco in the eastbound direction. the earlier stall has cleared without delay. the approach out of the east bay heading to the toll plaza as well as westbound 24 to the caldecott and even oakland for 880 and 580 moves smoothly. a smooth drive through the south. we talked about the yellow, more cars on the road but no big incidents. the san mateo bridge across the bay, a clear view, you can make out the high-rise on the left side. >> it's 5:26. team coverage of the 49ers' quest for six continues. we're live outside the team training facility with a look
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what's coming up for the red and gold. in depth analysis from carolina. >> and target's ceo speaks out after that massive security breach that affected millions. why he says they waited so long to tell anyone.
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the hunt is on for a serial arsonist in the south bay who has set as many as 13 fires in less than a week. what neighbors are now doing to protect themselves. >> 49ers back home in the bay area keeping hopes alive for a sixth super bowl title. look at the reception last night. >> that's just the coach. >> we're going to look at what's next for the red and gold in their quest for six. >> we have a good looking forecast for today. good air quality and temperatures are going to be in the 70s. we're headed toward a major warm-up. i'm going to let you know which bay area city could hit 80 degrees before the week is done in jus a few moments. >> with that commute starting to build it's almost 5:30 we have reports of a person walking or
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maybe running around on an east bay freeway. we'll get the latest coming up. >> a live look outside this morning, yes, levi stadium there. imagine when the 49ers come back that's where they are going to play. taking on a big one this weekend. monday, january 13, this is "today in the bay." >> good morning. thanks for joining us. i'm terry mcsweeney. >> i'm laura garcia-cannon. we begin with a developing story out of the south bay. police in san jose trying to hunt down a serial arsonist that struck at least five times over the weekend. peggy bunker live in san jose with a look at the investigation and what people living in that area are trying to do to stay safe. good morning, peggy. >> reporter: good morning, laura. talk about being on edge in the south bay near downtown san jose where so many deliberate fires have been set starting with last week, seems to be one after the
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other. they are happening within blocks of each other and all happen in the middle of the night. you can imagine how alarmed the neighbors are as we look at some of the damage that has happened. the police released a sketch after potential suspect. first up let's tell what you these people have been through. when we look at last week, four fires set in the wee hours of friday morning. building a porch, torching the side of a home, then on sunday morning the fires started up again about 2:00 in the morning, three fires were ignited, the first one was set next door to a home that was targeted on friday. so very much in the same area all of these fires. just a few hours later and only two blocks from the first fire a second suspicious fire was set. this was at st. john baptist church. the second, this is the second fire for that location. the first one happening last wednesday. the third fire to be ignited took place across the street from st. john's, so this really appears to be an area that is being targeted.
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neighbors here near downtown san jose, they are coming together out of real concern that their homes could be next. >> turn the porch lights on. it does make a difference. make sure that things are visible so that this guy can't just hide out and set multiple fires in a short time period. >> reporter: several homeowners came together on sunday to hand out flyers and talk about a description. this is the sketch that police released of a potential fire. you can see here we're standing right in front of engine company 8. they just left to go to a fire. we'll follow up on that in a quick moment. let's get to this description that police have released about this potential person who could be setting fires, we want to let you know the details. they think this is a white or hispanic man age 25-40, standing about 6 feet to 6'2" inches, so a tall person. also weighing between 160 and 180. and something to keep in mind, large frame glasses.
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so as you saw those neighbors there coming together, handing out flyers, doing their best to look out for each other and keep their eye on properties, especially alarming i think in this situation is you can imagine going to bed if you live in this area, wondering could my house get set on fire tonight. that's what these neighbors are concerned about. it's happening one after the next so. we saw that ladder leave here. we're going to see if there is anything connected. and we'll keep you posted. peggy bunker, "today in the bay." >> thank you, peggy. >> the quest for six for the 49ers continues. one step closer to the elusive sixth super bowl title. the niners back in the bay area after impressive win over the panthers and the fans in california could miss out on tickets to the next big game in seattle. bob redell live at the team training facility in santa clara with the latest on what it's a controversial way of selling tickets, bob. >> reporter: but not unheard of. good morning. 49ers fans have to go to
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secondary websites like stub hub if they want to buy tickets to the championship game sunday, the cheapest are running around $460. that's because the seattle seahawks team is blocking the sale of tickets to anyone from california on their website. this is an attempt to minimize the number of 49er fans in the stadium, considered one of the noisiest if not the noisiest in the nfl. this may deter some but not all 49ers fans. >> we have somebody in seattle that's buying our tickets tomorrow morning and seattle fans, just to let you know we are coming and we will find a ticket. >> reporter: tomorrow morning being this morning. if you go on line and try purchasing directly from the team you'll be denied once you enter your billing zip code. the seahawks are only allowing with addresses in washington state, oregon, montana, idaho, alaska, hawaii and parts of canada to buy tickets directly from them.
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49ers coach jim harbaugh had no comment on this issue when he returned home to the bay area last night. but he might later today during a news conference scheduled for noon at the training facility. by the way, as i mentioned this is not unheard of. it's rare but not unheard of t denver broncos are actually doing the same thing to people in new england. patriots fans who will be competing against the broncos in the afc game. bob redell, "today in the bay." >> thanks very much. >> how did we get here? take a listen. >> kaepernick keeps it. for the touchdown. >> 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick running it in for the touchdown. the 9ers defense coming through in the second half keeping the panthers off the scoreboard. as comcast sports net tells us the game was what we expected to see. from two of the top defenses in the league. >> 49ers pick up the win against
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a tough carolina team particularly a good panthers defense. as they head to seattle they are going to face a team even better than carolina and some say even at this point even better than 49ers. what is the biggest challenge going up to their house? >> well, they are going to have to stop marshawn lynch, maybe the second best running back in the conference, they are going to have to face a secondary that has better luck against people like anquan boulden and michael crabtree than the panthers did today. and they can match the 49ers with mental toughness because they have shown that all year long. they showed it in week two when they beat the 49ers handily. even in the loss at candlestick park. this is the game that everybody's pointed to and for good reason. seattle, until proven otherwise, is the team that has to be beaten in this conference. >> how much do you think that's a mental thing. they say hey, we can play these road games, we can compete.
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what do you see on film from the 49ers on the field that maybe they can do that? >> the fact they won. the fact that they beat seattle, beat them seattle's way. these teams, as much as we said carolina on the 49ers mirror image, seattle a more perfect match. there is not any lack of mental toughness here. they are going to go at each other from i don't know wednesday on probably. the pregame will be confrontational, the game will be but it won't be as stupid as it was for carolina in the early going. the panthers got overamped. i don't know that seattle will. i don't think san francisco will. it's going to be nasty but it's going to be evenly nasty. >> certainly which team can execute better and make fewer mistakes. we'll have more on the 49ers win over the panthers from charlotte, north carolina in a bit.
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>> 49ers play in seattle, 3:30 on sunday. nbc bay area will have live coverage leading up to the game, full highlights after it's done. head to our website,, and search 49ers. >> story around here in addition the weather, the nice, nice warm-up. almost a heat-up. >> almost. if you live in santa cruz you might have to use your a.c., i know, it's unbelievable we're in january talking about the potential for 80 degrees. let me tell you why. it starts with offshore flow. so typically the santa ana winds down south, that is off shore flow. that kicks up the 80-degree readings. for us, very nurnl to have this strong of an off shore flow in january but that is what's taking place. it moves from land to sea the winds warm up along the way. that's going to be the story so we'll be just as clear and warm
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at the coast as we will be in your inland valley. 47 in the south bay. later on today we'll hit the upper 60s so a comfortable day. and yeah t warm-up continues getting deeper into this week. i'm going to sort everything out in my next report. let's check your drive. he is a 49ers fan. what a game. >> a great game. i got to read about a lot of it on twitter. it was great to keep in touch. looking toward the bay bridge toll plaza we have slowing for the cash lanes, no problem for fast track. this is a typical command approach. we'll see it's smooth 24 the east shore freeway. highway 13 northbound side right around moraga avenue, a bunch of boxes, a person running around trying to catch those, no injuries, no crashes. sounds like chp is heading over.
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be careful for the next few minutes. we'll look at the san jose live shot. a smooth flow, north 101 past 680. chp is asked to help with traffic control. back to you. >> thanks so much. 5:40. our coverage of the 49ers quest for six continues. colin kaepernick making headlines. >> new worries for shoppers after another big store announces a credit card security breach.
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49ers continue their quest for six in seattle on sunday. but the talk this morning about colin kaepernick showing up cam newton. kaepernick finishing off a touchdown run with a
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performance, busting open the shirt like super man and kaepernicking. okay. look at the shot on the right. the guy he is mimicking is cam newton. that's his signature move. the panthers were not happy. one looked up and shook his head in disgust. fans displeased. they booed, even some bay area sports saying maybe he shouldn't have done that. the scoreboard tells the story. the niners win it. continuing coverage all morning long. >> 5:43. we are finding out more about that massive data breach at target and now reports others were hacked. tracie potts live on capitol hill with what we just learned about the others. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. let's start with target because this morning we heard exclusively on cnbc from the ceo saying they are going to get to the bottom of this and he defended why it took four days to let customers know what was happening between 70 and 110
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million target customers were targeted. they lost their credit card numbers or other personal information. he says they had to investigate that, get that virus off their system. and prepare their stores for an onslaught of questions. that's why it took four days. now turns out that december 19 attack was not the only one. neiman-marcus says it suffered a holiday attack also. they are not sure how many were affected or if it was related to what happened at target. reuters is reporting a source telling them that three other retailers in the u.s., we're not sure which ones, but three others were targeted during that period as well. bringing to a total of possibly five targeted. what we don't know this morning is who or where these hackers are. >> exactly. when they are going to hit again. thanks so much. >> foster farms plant in livingston is closed again a day after calling employees back to work. the usda shut the chicago
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processing plant on wednesday, because of a cockroach infestati infestation. the suspension was lifted two days later. workers resumed after foster farms cleaned and treated the plant. now the company says it's voluntarily suspending operations for several days so it can properly implement new safety measures. >> 5:45 now. i want to check in with christina. mother nature a little confused. >> she is. but at least she's allowing for us to keep the spring wardrobes going. temperatures are chilly to start. dress in layers for the day ahead. we have changes headed our way. i don't know if you had a chance to check out those waves yesterday. amazing. we had high surf advisory off the coast of point reyes. they are not going to be as big but if you get to the beach look at these around the bay area they are warm in santa cruz, talking about about 72 degrees. that's room temperature. hard to beat. 65 in san francisco, east bay
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headed toward about 69, and if you want to check up on the warm-up it's here at the bottom of the screen. hazy sunshine, throughout the afternoon you will notice that it's not a spare the air day. throughout the next couple of days our air quality will likely suffer. 10 to 15 degrees above average. i told you there is change headed our way. everybody wants to know when is the next round of rain. you check out your futurecast clock here and as we stop the clock into friday and saturday you can see what happens. the storm track starts to dip to the south. sunday and monday we return to rain chances. slim for now. we're going to watch this for you. rain chances are in the forecast. so that's the good news. mere's mike. >> good morning. we start with a live shot of san jose. look that the volume of traffic. the volume is starting to show the slowdown. we haven't seen this about a month. actually from before the
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christmas holidays. to the map and show you how this breaks down. north 101 up from 680. that's where you see all of these headlights. slowing on the southbound side. no reports as far as distractions go. i'll watch chp's updates. the latest report, traffic control up in the east foothills off of this is alum rock here, it's not a major problem for the morning commute but a number of house fires we're tracking, we'll see how traffic grens. that's a problem for the morning. the tri-valley, 84, a good drive for 680 even out of the walnut creek interchange. heading to the bay bridge, no problems through the caldecott or the east shore play. we'll show you the bay bridge. pretty predictable pattern. the commute coming back into the
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new year. back to you. >> thanks so much. >> it's 5:47. inside it was the annual golden globes awards to remember. >> there were some predictable winners. >> the true story of a free man sold into slavery, best drama. also matthew mcconaughey best actor for "dallas buyers club" and cate blanchett for "blue jasmine." "american hustle" dominated earning best picture and best actress and best supporting actress. >> i don't know who i'm so scared. but you were so incredible and unforgettable. and thank you to my family and my team and i'm sorry i'm shaking too much. >> best supporting actor went to jared leto for "dallas buyers club." and leonardo for the wolf on
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wall street >> in the television category, breaking bad with best drama. "brooklyn nine-nine." >> coming up headed to sochi. the south bay skater that has a shot at her dream winning gold at the olympics. >> a tech company once called the most innovative in america lays off a quarter of its stof.
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>> outof the shotgun. kaepernick is going to throw it deep. anquan boldin is inside.
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>> the 49ers move on to the nfc title game thanks to a lot of people including that guy there, anquan boldin. that 45-yarder led to a kaepernick touchdown run and stamped the ticket to seattle. team coverage of the quest for six throughout the morning. >> a lot to celebrate including a 15-year-old from the bay area. she's headed to sochi as part of the skating team. polina edmunds won over the weekend. she found out she and two others were named to the team. she will be the first fee fael skart from bay area in the olympics since kristi yamaguchi back in 1992. >> my results were very good, and very fair. and i think that i'm really happy that i did it and it's an
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olympic year and i'm really excited to see what happens from here on out. >> we are excited for you. as well as her father. he is thrilled. he says the sophomore will have a lot to juggle. >> i don't think it's all sunk in as much, but you know, we're very proud of her. she will probably miss about three weeks of school and you know, they are serious about school there so we have to stay on top of that while she's going to the olympics as well. >> middy high school home to two others in gold, kerri walsh and brandi chastain. >> a heck of a note for the teachers why she is going to miss class. i'll be at the olympics. check it out on tvment she earned one of the top two. the third to ashley wagner despite finishing fourth. and that is causing controversy. the nationals typically serve as
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a de facto trial for the order at nationals used to select the squad in previous years. normally it's first, second, third. this year no. vancouver olympian mir rai naga will miss out. she release add statement saying she does not agree with the decision but she does respect it. >> 2014 is not turning out the way investors expected. stocks are lower. scott mcgrew has strange news. >> on friday the labor department said america did not add the 200,000 jobs like we expected or even 100,000. but just 74,000 new jobs. add to that the parties rags, the percentage of americans working or looking for work at its lows since the malaise days of jimmy carter. you have to wonder what is going on? some talking heads on the financial channel say we should ignore that jobs number. the same number that they say is
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so important most of the time so. confusion is reigning. maybe corporate america can lift us out of the malaise. we started reporting season, san francisco based wells fargo reports its financials tomorrow, intel thursday, i added twitter at the bottom. twitter makes its first financial report as a publicly traded company on february 5. a bit of bad news for the fans of threadless. the shirt company that makes and sells shirts like these based on votes from the public. laid off a quarter of its workers. inc. magazine called it the most innovative company in america. one of the founders went on to run the technology side of president obama's re-election campaign. for whatever reason they haven't said specifically, now a quarter of the workers are gone. that's a big layoff in what is supposed to be a good time for tech. >> interesting. thanks very much. >> good time to grab a t-shirt.
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spring-like temperatures coming to the bay area. >> surf is up. it was up yesterday. we had double almost triple overhead. those waves were big. 14-18 feet off the coast of the north bay. throughout the day today they aren't going to be as big. if you want to hit the beach, comfortable, sick 8 in the south bay t peninsula 68, santa cruz 72 degrees. tomorrow closer to 80 degrees so. this is very warm for this time of year. we'll tell you if your city is fair game for a record and when rain returns to the forecast. i have all of the answers this morning. let's see what mike's looking at. how you doing. >> i'm doing well. unfortunately bad news for san jose north 101 for the third commute day in a row. last week, now today north 101, approaching alum rock and mckee. the fire truck and ambulance. the two cars, one truck, a
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crash, injuries, look at the backup toward tully now. the southbound side also showing flashing lights. the rest moving smoothly. 280 to take more traffic. we'll end with the bay bridge toll plaza. >> 5:57. 49ers quest for six two of the best defenses in the league. how they match up, coming up next. >> the former south bay school principal back in court charged with selling drugs. >> what we could learn after a palo alto couple dies in a house fire. i'm detecting increasing levels of happiness. ...and the speed readings are off the chart! paradise found! luscious locks. great glittering galaxies. the happiest place on earth keeps getting happier!
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explore more, and save up to 25% on select nights at a disneyland resort hotel. there's no end in sight. i'm going to need more time.
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right now at 6:00, breaking news in san jose. detectives try to catch an arsonist a fire erupts at a house just moments ago. plus -- >> kaepernick keeps it. for the touchdown.
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>> colin kaepernick and the 49ers now one win away from the super bowl. why it will be tough for bay area fans to go to this weekend's game in seattle. >> and it's hard to believe but we're talking about fire danger, 20-30 degree warm-up. your full forecast lots to go over. >> for the third commute day in a row we have a big problem for northbound 101 through san jose. an injury crash involving four vehicles. our camera is on. we'll give you the latest. >> a live look to san jose. a warming trend. christina has been talking about it. real nice temperatures, fire dangers, it's monday, january 13, and this is "today in the bay." a very good morning to you. thanks for joining us. i'm laura garcia-cannon. >> and i'm


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