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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  December 10, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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let the gas burn its out. >> we wanted to make sure natural gas wasn't getting into people's homes. we want it burnt off into the atmosphere. >> reporter: several residents worried this could be another deadly fire disaster like san bruno. pgne says this was much different. the san bruno pipeline -- after the san bruno explosion, the ntsb made recommendations that pgne install automatic shutoff
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valves. so far they've stayed away from implementing the same technology on small distribution pipelines like this one. that's information that he just has to live with. >> i'm grateful that no houses blew up and nobody got hurt. >> reporter: even though pgne is saying this could not turn into a san bruno disaster, they're taking it seriously. investigators are on scene and they are investigating. nbc bay area news. new at 5:00, a bay area golf pro is under arrest tonight accused of molesting his golf student. investigators are alerting police in other states. >> reporter: well, livermore police say this was a predator in the truest since ense of the.
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three boys between the ages of 12 and 17 decided they just couldn't keep silent any longer. >> he really used the coach/athlete to his advantage. >> reporter: andrew nesbitt was arrested saturday in livermore. one day before he was to be honored as the 2013 nor cal pga junior golf leader. he had access to hundreds of children and used that position to sexually assault three children. >> he had parties at his house and providing alcohol, getting these kids drunk, and finding out which kid he can get close
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to. >> reporter: he is charged with 65 counts of molestation and lewd andcts. he developed a successful junior golf program and traveled the country, which is why police here are alerting law enforcement in other states. >> he potentially victimized children in michigan, alabama, mississippi, and north carolina. some of the kids were victimized at these golf events. he victimized them in his car, his house, and the parking lot of the golf course. >> reporter: he did admit to the some of the crimes he's accused of. they occurred between 2009 and 2012. as they appeared in court,
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livermore police say they will go to the district attorney with additional charges for the third victim later this week. a developing weather storm. the san jose skyline. we learned late tomorrow will be another spare the air day. our chief meteorologist has been tracking it. we head into another cold night. >> that's right. napa coming in with 19 degrees. frigid temperatures continue along with that freeze warning for the north bay, east bay, south bay. we have a frost advisory that's been issued right around the bay. we're looking anywhere from 31 to 39 degrees. we'll see the temperatures drop. morgan hill at 40. redwood city at 40. we'll have the details on who
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will be the coldest tomorrow morning and when warmer temperatures arrive. a suspect is in critical condition and two deputies are recovering from injuries tonight after a confrontation that ended in gunfire. scott budman is live on scene with what the man did that forced deputies to shoot. >> reporter: it is still a developing scene as officers try to figure out what set a worker off this afternoon and why things suddenly got violent. the call came in at noon today. a man in distress, possibly suicidal, possibly a damage to those around him. >> obviously whatever they told, i don't know what they told dispatchers, but they dispatched
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our deputies to a suicidal person. >> reporter: the two deputies were unable to talk the suspect down. he was hit with something that's being called a medieval object. >> the suspect is in critical condition at a local hospital. two deputies were transferred to the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. >> reporter: among the tenants in this office, a contact of the company said they were aware of the incident that happened this afternoon, but had no further comment. nbc bay area news. police in palo alto are looking for witnesses of a
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driver who hit a pedestrian this morning. her child was not hurt. it happened on la donna avenue. the driver is a juvenile who is cooperating with a investigation. a suspicious box that caused a radiation scare today was stolen. a shop found the green box just before 9:00 in the morning. it had radio active written on it. streets were closed and evacu e evacuated the local businesses. it wasn't dangerous. >> it was shielded properly. it's safe to be around when its in its case. the reading is very low. .5 milligrams per hour. it's not a threat. >> officials say there's not
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much they can do with the device except with what's it is designed to do, which is measuring soil density. the hearings are being held in d.c. which is caught in the latest round of stormy weather. tomorrow's hearing is expected to focus on pilot awareness, emergency response, and pilot safety. we are live in washington. he'll be joining us with a preview of the hearings coming up at 6:00. tens of thousands of people gathered in johannesburg to honor nelson mandela today. the stadium roared when president obama first started. he stirred up controversy by shaking hands with the cuban president raul castro.
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>> he was a man of flesh and blood, a son, and a husband, a father and a friend. i will always fall short of my example. he makes me want to be a better man. >> our coverage of the memorial continues during nightly news in about 20 minutes from now. a nevada family missing since sunday night in frigid temperatures has been found safe. rescue crews spent the past two nights searching for the family. they went to see a mining area on sunday to play in the snow, but never came home. the region has been mired in a deep freeze with temperatures falling well below zero during the search. >> the community came together and helped us come to a
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successful conclusion. >> authorities say they did the right thing by staying in the car until they were all found. they were in pretty good shape. coming up next, a bay area city sued over its new gun law. the section of the law the group is most upset about. he's a real-life elf that keeps christmas in the park running. plus -- >> i'm jody hernandez. protesters take to the streets after the sheriff's deputy that shot and killed andy lopez returned to work. i'll have a live report coming up.
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middle-earth is back at denny's with the build your own hobbit slam. twenty delicious options, like sweet potato pecan pancakes, hearty breakfast sausage and honey cake french toast. a meal to satisfy the hungriest of hobbits. see "the hobbit: the desolation of smaug."
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continuing coverage now. the case involving the sheriff's deputy that shot and killed a 13-year-old weeks ago that was carrying a replica gun is back
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on the job. protesters are back on the street. jody hernandez joins us live at city hall where demonstrators are staged right now. >> reporter: protesters have marched to the santa rosa police department after getting into a brief confrontation with police just a short time ago. protesters and police got into it as the protesters tried to get into city council chambers. they eventually made their way in. one person was arrested. now this is all over the return to work of the deputy who killed andy lopez. >> while the community is in mourning for the death of a young child, you killed him again. >> reporter: calling themselves
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mothers in mourning, weeping women dressed in white joined others to protest the return to work of the sheriff's deputy who shot and killed 13-year-old andy lopez after mistaking the replica gun he was carrying for a real one. >> you kill a mexican kid and you get two months paid vacation and your job back. >> he's glad to be getting back to work. >> reporter: the deputy has been assigned a desk job in the armory, but is hoping he'll eventually return to patrol. she believes he'll be cleared of any wrong doing. >> it's very difficult for him emotionally to see his family
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and to know andy lopez was 13 years old. it doesn'tlessen the fact that at the moment at this time he was facing what he believed to be an ak-47. >> reporter: the community doesn't buy the deputy's story. >> i don't care how long it takes. >> reporter: again, things are getting confrontational. protesters are now at the santa rosa police department protesting the arrest of one of the demonstrators there. the plan is to eventually end up at the sheriff's department. nbc bay area news. this just in. a 15-year-old is behind bars
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after he was spotted carrying this. it is an oozy. the boy took off running pulling the sub machine gun from his waistba waistband. they have no idea how the teen got his hands on it, but they did determine he had on outstanding warrant. tonight the city of sunnyvale is facing a lawsuit challenging its newest gun law. the law was passed during november's election and went into efblfect a few days ago. it requires gun owners to report a lost or stolen firearm. it requires gun shops to register and track all gun sales. that's the part that's being
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challenged. if christmas in the park is brighter this year, there's a reason for it. >> it was named one of the ten best christmas displays in the world by a british travel magazi magazine. >> reporter: when denver bradford retired, his son had only one question. not if, but when his father would started working again. it was a surprise just what he ended up doing. a fitting surprise as it turned out. of the 170,000 words oxford crams into its english dictionary, it is hard to find the one that describes how denver bradford spent his retirement.
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he used to make his living selling wood toys he hand crafted in his san jose workshop. that's why denver's present part-time gig is just so darn perfect. >> some things happen for a reason. >> reporter: denver is the man these days who keeps christmas in the park running. christmas in the park is a 30-year-old san jose tradition. 40 exhibits spreading over two acres hosting a half a million people a year. but for all this to succeed, the lights need to light, the man kens need to move, and the train needs to be on time, which is where denver comes in. hired two years ago, denver is the jack of all trades.
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the man folks turn to when things aren't working. >> i come home just exhausted. >> reporter: still with a background not just in toy making, but in maintenance, it's a job denver figured he'd have no problem doing. he just didn't figure how much it would mean to him. >> i had no idea it would warm the cockles of my heart so much. the magic is there of christmas. >> reporter: if you're too old to see it for yourself, you can catch his reflection in the faces of the young people around. >> they believe and they see the magic of the place. >> i can't understand the importance of the job he has. they're not making replacement parks for them. christmas in the park doesn't have a lot of money.
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he has to be a jack of all trades to fix these things. he's the kind of guy who can figure out how to get it done and get it done cheaply. >> cheap elf. our weather is fitting for christmas in the park. it's cold outside. is it ever going to end? >> it is. there's not a better place to be than in christmas in the park. we had 19 degrees this morning in napa. here's a bit of warming in the forecast. tomorrow expecting 24. that's five degrees than what we had again this morning. we still have our freeze warning in effect in the north bay. this does still include the east bay and portions of the south bay where temperatures range from 21 to 30 degrees. right now, the current temperature not as cold as it was the past few nights. averaging low 40s in the north bay. 49 in san francisco.
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temperatures right now in the upper 40s. at 7:00 a.m. we're expecting numbers at the freezing mark here for a lot of the trivalley. we will have a few other spots that will be slightly warmer than other places. livermore at 30. san jose at 30. now let's advance the story again. if you're just now getting into us here this week, you want to know when this cold air is finally going to exit. just one more day of this frigid air in the forecast. it's going to move a few hundred miles off to the northeast. that's going to make way for high pressure to warm up our temperatures. let's get a look at that temperature trend as we head throughout the next couple of days. saturday expecting 36. it gets even better as we get a look here at san jose. next week mid to upper 60s in
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the forecast. could even be close to some record-setting highs there. let's get the rest of your forecast in here. wednesday, 53 in san jose. sunny skies. palo alto could be close to one of our warmest locations 54 there. north bay and east bay and trivalley temperatures ranging from 50 to 53. it will be hazy at times here in the north bay as we have another spare the air in effect. same area. unhealthy levels of ozone into the north bay, east bay, and the south bay. if you suffer frbreathing problems, be aware of that. we had 16 degrees last week on december 5th. on december 8th of 2009 we had
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19 degrees. five years since it's been this cold for parts of the bay area. still ahead, san jose makes it official. the problems the new police chief is already facing.
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after nearly a year, the city of san jose finally has a police chief. a role he's already familiar with. he's been serving as acting chief since january of 2013. he's been dealing with the shortage of police officers due to a wave of retirements and
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resignations. the san jose city council will consider cutting the number of medical marijuana clinics. it could block pot shops within 1,000 feet of schools, parks, and churches. they want to ban them 500 feet from rehab centers and 100 feet from homes. some say the rules are too tough. coming up, a bay area school district gets an early christmas present. how it will help students get high-tech jobs. back in a moment.
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some oakland students getting an early christmas present. safeway donating mini kmucomput. >> when i do go to college, i want to major in computer engineering. having access to a laptop at my school, it makes me feel more confident knowing i'm going to achieve my goal. >> they are the first to receive the new computers. >> those will come in handy. >> everybody is on their gadgets and computers now. >> the nbc bay area app, you can download that. we're going to have warmer nights coming our way through the next two or three days. there's a freeze warning in the
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north bay, east bay, and south bay. >> see you at 6:00. as presidents, prime ministers, kings and queens, friends, both famous and not, all gather here in south africa as the world says good-bye. also the handshake seen around the world today. the moment that has a lot of people talking. found alive after a massive search in the mountains, a family missing for days in freezing temperatures has now been rescued, and tonight, their harrowing story is out. and shutdown. a big storm closes schools and businesses, even the federal government. tonight major flight delays, still a mess on the roads, and there's another one on the way. "nightly news" from south africa begins now.


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