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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  September 27, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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while many of the san jose graduates are now wearing the san jose badge, some of them are already interviewing at other bay area police departments. 0 men and women celebrated a milestone today. they completed san jose police department's four-month academy. today they received their badges and will begin 16 weeks of intense field training to prepare them for solo patrols on the streets of san jose. the question now is how many of them will end up patrolling the streets of other bay area cities. the president of the police officers association says he knows of several graduates who have already applied for jobs in other cities. >> there are some in backgrounds with other cities. i know that for a fact. >> reporter: jim also says he knows why. >> they're actually going to receive the worst police pension in the state. >> reporter: he predicts by this time next year, fewer than 10 of these 40 new officers will still be with the san jose police
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department. sergeant heather randall admits other departments have a competitive advantage because they can offer higher salaries and more benefits. she says the department is not aware of any academy graduates who are planning to leave. >> we do what we can. we try to make it a positive work environment. we encourage people to stay. we're looking at career developments. mentoring opportunities for people. and just doing what we can to keep people here and retain those officers. >> reporter: the city spent $170,000 to get 1 officer from backgrounds to training. so he or she can patrol on the streets. so even if one of these graduates leaves san jose, that's money down the drain for the city and a major impact on the dwindling force. the city of san jose pays for recruits to go through the police academy and get the training in the field, they don't require them to sign a contract saying they're going to stay here in the department. so after their training, all of these cadets and graduates are
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available to leave to go to another city and we're hearing, we're learning today that some of them are looking at oakland and san mateo. reporting live in san jose, marianne favro, nbc bay area news. mu details. keeping qualified officers on the streets continues to be an issue in san jose. new numbers from the police officers association. this year alone there have been 55 resignations. 25 people have retired. if you average the past few years you're looking at 70 r resignations a year. compare that to 2010 when there were only six. new details now on a horrific early morning accident. san francisco police are ftryin to figure out why a speeding driver plowed into a minivan killing a teenager and injuring six others. a short time ago we learned the a out the teen who died, kevin san. he was just 16 years old. police say the driver of an suv slammed into the minivan kevin was inside at pine and gough.
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his mom and sister are in critical condition. a delivery van was also hit. the people inside weren't seriously hurt. witnesses, though, say the crash sounded just like an explosion. >> i also had seen a nurse. she was helping someone. i think they were either on their way to work, i mean, thank god, you know, they were on hand to be able -- and the police started directing traffic helping the situation. >> we've learned just a short time ago that the driver of the suv is a 58-year-old woman who walked away from the crash with barely an injury. she did go to the hospital, though, complaining of chest pain. investigators say when she is released, she will be booked on charges of involuntary manslaughter. it's a story making national headlines and tonight two families are trying to cope with the devastating tragedy. a dodgers fan was stabbed to death after wednesday's game against the giants here in san francisco. police are now turning to the public for help. nbc bay area's jodi hernandez joins us in san francisco with the latest. jodi? >> reporter: raj, the suspect, 21-year-old michael montgomery,
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is in an observation unit tonight here at the san francisco county jail being closely monitored by health care professionals. it's unclear exactly why they're doing that, but we know that he faces some very serious charges, possible murder charges. tonight, the families of both the suspect and the victim are trying to make senses of what's happened. >> we're still asking for the public to come forward, any witnesses that may have been in the area. >> reporter: san francisco police say they're still trying to piece their case together against the lodi man they say fatally stabbed a dodgers fan. before they turn it over to the district attorney. >> it's tragic. it's senseless. this kind of violence should never happen. for a rivalry, team rivalry. any senseless act of violence should not be occurring. >> reporter: tonight, the families of both men involved are speaking out. suspect michael montgomery's mother tells nbc bay area her
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son acted in self-defense. "my son says he was hit with a chair. he was just trying to defend himself. he is in shock." said victoria montgomery in a phone interview. the victim's family is speaking out, too. jonathan denver's grand parents released a statement today saying "the dodgers fan was a kindhearted soul who loved his family." "we feel this incident underlines a symptom of society whose values seem to have deteriorated over time. there is a loss of respect for human life, of family values, honesty, and of the benefit of differing opinions." >> sport rivalry, it apt that serious. we don't need to be killing and beating each other for none of that stuff. >> reporter: sports fans are shaking their heads over the deadly fight. like the suspect, giants fans stephanie is from lodi. she says the tragedy really hits home. >> it's devastating. my heart is here in san francisco, and i'm also a huge
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giants fan, but i was born and raised in the central valley. so to hear, you know, the two worlds kind of collide is devastating. >> reporter: we're told police have until monday afternoon to present their case to the district attorney. montgomery could be arraigned in court as late as tuesday. reporting live in san francisco, i'm jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, jodi. new at 6:00, supporters of an online petition are urging police to re-open the case of a missing girl who disappeared 25 years ago. 7-year-old amber schwartz was last seen in front of her home. in 2009, the police chief closed the case citing the signed confession of convicted kidnapper and killer curtis anderson who died in prison a month later. at the time, amber's mother kim schwartz expressed disappointment no evidence had been produced tieing anderson to neighbor. a petition now has 1,100 signatures. the police chief tells the contra costa times he'll be glad
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to investigate any new evidence. s a this hour, it's burning about 100 miles away but we can see it and breathe it in the east bay and south bay. poor air quality in the tri valley and santa clara county because of a massive hay fire. here's the map in the tiny town of vicinitiey e winters which i vacaville. we begin. chase cane in san jose where families and schools, chase, have been impacted. >> reporter: absolutely. they were all aware of the smoke and some of them told us, how could you not be aware of the smoke? because it was rather sithick ts morning. it's cleared out a bit. we have a decent breeze blowing south of san jose. depending on the direction, the breeze can keep moving the smoke out or bring it right back in. the fire rages more than 100 miles away from the south bay, but it's sending smoke as far away as los gatos, even monterey. >> it's a huge fire.
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you can't have this much hay in one area. >> reporter: hay burning in a storage farm north of vacaville quickly got the attention of lisa when she woke up this morning in almidon. >> it was so bad it burned your throat. my voice still hoarse. i talked to several people. they thought is there some -- same thing. some fire is very close by. >> reporter: not close at all, but smoky enough that bret harte middle school decided to limit time outside for students. >> their safety is always my first priority and i wouldn't be having our students participate in anything that wasn't safe. >> reporter: always a good idea when smoke blows in, like today in the east and south bay where official recordings had air quality dropping slightly from good to moderate. >> if you could avoid being outside, do. it's certainly not the day to pick to, you know, if you're training for a marathon to do your long runs. >> reporter: so if you're just getting home, think twice about what your outdoor plans are for this evening. again, that fire could keep
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burning for another couple days. you want to be aware of what's going on. the health department says if you're also out driving and happen to drive through a really smoky area, really simple, they say push that button on your air-conditioning to keep the air circulating inside your car, to not bring any of the smoke inside. reporting in san jose, chase cane, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, chase. better to err on the side of caution. so the big question is where is that smoke headed next? meteorologist rob is here for a look at that. are we going to see improvement by the weekend? >> we're hoping to see a change in the wind bat eapattern. you woke up and were surprised to hear the fire was burning nor northwest of sacramento. the smoke settling into the tri valley this morning, into the south bay. it was the morning hours that really set us up for some poor air quality. hilltop locations higher up, temperatures in the 50s. at ground level, you're waking up to numbers in the 40s.
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we call that a temperature inversion in meteorology. it traps all the smoke at ground level and it's around sunrise until 9:00 until that inversion breaks that you get the worst air quality and right as you're taking your kids off to school this morning, you probably ran into that around san jose or the tri valley. things are about to change. we're going to see a wind pattern shift after tomorrow morning, still perhaps poor air quality in the inland east bay valleys. by the afternoon and this time tomorrow, a strong sea breeze will begin to push the smoke off to the east. that's one change we'll see for tomorrow and then for sunday, we're tracking a chance of rain showers in the forecast. we'll talk more about that coming up in a few minutes. >> okay, rob, thank you. explosions rocked redwood city today forcing a major street to be shut down for hours. it happened at the u-haul rental site on el camino at woodside roads. major intersection. police closed both streets for most of the day. a small propane tank exploded and caused a fire. it happened this morning. crews quickly extinguished the
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fire. however, gas from the main protan tank didn't completely burn off until just a couple hours ago. thankfully no one was hurt. the cause of the explosion is still under investigation. the effort to get the warriors san francisco arena took a big step forward today. governor brown signed a law approving the proposal to privatety finance restoration of piers 30 to 32. that's a proposal for the new waterfront area. environmental and regulatory approvement has to be received before the construction can begin. the warriors want to leave oakland and want to go back to san francisco. still ahead at 6:00, the cruise ship crisis. a daring rescue on the bay. plus -- >> i'm no more crazy now than i ever have been if i ever was. >> he's back in bay area. controversial software typhoon john mcafee sits down for an exclusive interview on the eve of his new company. i'm scott budman. as google turns 15, we take a look at its legacy. coming up, how it changed silicon valley and what some of
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its original employees are doing now. and right now, our temperatures are still pretty warm around the bay area. 60s to mid 70s outside for now, but we're going to see changes this weekend that may include needing an umbrella for parts of the bay area. we'll show you where in the full forecast when we come right back.
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a cold and calculating murder, how george gasgon describes the killing of a san francisco state student. today prosecutors charged a 30-year-old with the murder of justin valdez. topegeson is accused of killing and shooting valdez monday night on a muni train in the engelside neighborhood of the city. they have video of the suspect pulling out a gun several times while he was still on the train. this was part of that video. he says other passengers didn't notice because they were looking at their phones or simply weren't paying attention. gasgon putting it simply said
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the man was out hunting that night. >> it appears that he was certainly out there looking to kill someone. it almost seems like, and the first instance he didn't quite get the courage to pull the trigger, and then in lts secoth instance, he obviously did. >> he is also charged with assault. that's because he's accused of pointing a gun at another person on that same night that he's accused of killing valdez. police are asking the public for help in finding a hi and run driver who killed a pet de pedestrian today. police received an anonymous call reporting a man's body on the side of glenwood avenue. the victim is 60 years old from a neighboring city. it shut down busy middlefield road for the rest of the commute. investigators found evidence the body had actually been dragged to where they found it. >> we searched the area around
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the body and were able to locate some things that made us believe that, if, in fact, this person was struck by a vehicle, it didn't occur at the location where the body was found. >> this is what police are thinking. they think the victim was killed on middlefield. police say he was not jogging nor dressed for exercising and that the body was then dragged off that roadway. well, if you search for 15th birthday, you wouldn't have to look too far. the world's biggest search engine based here in the bay area is well into its teenage years. what about the people who started google? business and tech reporter scott budman spent the day with one of the original googlers. i'm guessing his bank account is pretty healthy. >> yes, raj, you're right. google, itself, made a huge name for itself in a short period of time. growing faster than microsoft, dell and amazon when it comes to hiring. stock price and revenue. tonight we look back with help from a very early google employee. >> hey, john. >> reporter: he is, like so many
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other silicon valley techies, working at a startup. >> how is the testing? >> reporter: his is called imo. >> what's for lunch today? >> reporter: unlike most other techies, george has the distinction of being employee number seven at google. >> that night i got a call from a friend of mine. she said a friend of mine's boyfriend is starting a company. do you want to work there? i said, that's the worst i've ever gotten. >> reporter: but he went to work there anyway. >> i thought that was not a great name. >> reporter: this is all back when the home page looked sting like this. today, to celebrate its 15th birthday, google's home page features an interactive pinata doodle and a company has a long line of success stories, marissa my wrer, of course, er is the c. and another later opened palo alto's calafia restaurant.
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stanford professor and microsystems co-founder andy wrote a check to google for $100,000 to help. an investment now worth more than $2 billion. >> blind is one of them. >> reporter: and you probably know about the founders. >> i don't think i really set out to be successful. i looked for sort of the most interesting thing that i could do at the time and that would be the strangest thing that i could do. and that's how i ended up at google. >> reporter: because george ended up at google, the world can advertise through search, use g-mail and touch an android phone. all things george worked on while at the company. >> nobody really gets a chance in history to work on products that 5 billion people use, right? so i don't really -- i don't really meet people who don't use a product that i had a hand in. >> reporter: it's an impressive legacy, from the very beginnings of a former startup that helped define silicon valley. >> it's a very lucky moment for everybody involved in that company to be able to do that. >> i'll say very lucky.
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in a bit of birthday synchronicity, george ordered lunch in for his startup from the restaurant owned by google's original chef. back to you guys. >> that was a great story. thank you, scott. more google information for you. its hefty stock price sits at 880 bucks per share. you can see from this chart, though, that it's grown steadily since its ipo since 2004. google's market value is now $291 billion. >> and on that note we turn things over to rob mayeda. >> a lot of anymores there. high numbers begin on the stock market. today we had numbers for this time of year around the bay area. mid to upper 80s in a few spots in north bay we had gusty north winds. we cooled things off a bit now into the upper 70s around livermore and fairfield. 68 in san francisco. 70s in san jose. the humidity is try. we lost the red flag warnings in the hilltops because the wind speeds backed off.
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the same winds causing issues for smoke and the east bay valleys and perhaps down into the santa clara valley again overnight tonight. the arrows should be pointing toward sacramento which should start to clear out our skies and set the stage for a cool down. at the ballpark, the warmer, just after 7:00 start times out at a trkat&t park. fog should not be an issue for the giants versus padres. nothing but clear skies. during the day tomorrow we'll start to see clouds approaching the coast. patches of low clouds. as we head throughout the afternoon. looks like another mosty sunny day if you want to head to sant ra crui santa cruz or pacifica tomorrow. tomorrow, mid 70s by around noon and 1:00 and low 80s for saturday. sunday is a bit of a different story. the clouds here which are holding off are now are going to drop down the coast probably into the north bay as early as saturday night and future cast now giving you a hint of the things to come for sunday. brings in more clouds and into the north bay now, notice sunday
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morning, you will see the best bet of seeing rain. especially north of the golden gate. coming up in the complete weather forecast, how much rain we're expecting and how long that's going to be part of the seven-day forecast. have that for you coming up in our next half hour. back to you. >> thank you, robby. construction started on another new stadium in the south bay today not far from the 49ers stadium, it's the earthquakes stadium. after several setbacks, crews poured the first batch of cement for the stadium near san jose international airport. earthquakes fans and season ticketholders were on hand. one lucky fan got to push the button that officially kicked off the project. >> it's exciting to be here and exciting to be part of the new stadium. that's the exciting part. you know, that was just icing on the cake that i got to toggle the switch. that was fun. >> all decked out in their hard hats. the 18,000-seat stadium is expect to be finished for the start of the 2015 season. still ahead, the fight over same-sex marriage may be moving
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south. ground breaking fight for san francisco woman now unfolding in mississippi. and earning school credit on wikipedia. a local university endorses this website.
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a father and daughter who died at a san francisco house have been identified. they are 1-year-old chloe and her 33-year-old father, raymond say. there was a fire the department says it appears the fire started in the garage where the father was sleeping because he had a cold and allegedly didn't want to get his daughter sick. crews say they had a very hard time getting inside the house because of an iron gate that surrounded the front door. grandfather is the only survivor. mom was not home at the time. a rescue caught on camera. this is coast guard video. it shows the air lift of a passenger from the cruise ship about 40 miles west of the golden gate bridge. the man was showing symptoms of
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kidney failure. the call went out to the coast gua guard. the man was taken to stanford hospital. he's in stable condition tonight. school credit for editing wikipedia pages. it's happening. uc san francisco will be the first med school where students can get academic credit for editing medical content on wikipedia. it's actually a new class on campus. med students will edit articles, add citations and peer review new edits. professors can track all the changes and watch how the content gets better. professors say wikipedia is one of the most frequently used sources for health information even physicians use it quite often. well still ahead at 6:00, software pioneer and one-time fugitive john mcafee is back in the bay area tonight. in fact, in our newsroom. we have the exclusive details art his new company in the silicon valley. also -- >> he was actually completely unconscious. >> unconscious in the cockpit. tense moments in the sky when a pilot has a medical emergency mid flight. and i'm janelle wang. developing news out of united nations about syria's chemical
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weapons. and a first in decades, we'll tell you about the interaction between president obama and iran's new president. it's all next in "world tonight." unbelievable. shhhhh! in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet. yeah, our babysitter didn't have a million ways
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to serve mom up on a silver platter. we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. too much? a little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. with u-verse high speed internet. i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. to speak my language. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. quiero que me hagas sentir segura. i want you to be awesome. that's the doctor i want. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive.
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drugs, will and the silicon valley. it's the twisted tale of software pioneer john mcafee and it continues. tonight, we have the exclusive story of his new company. after leaving the silicon valley more than 20 years ago, the
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68-year-old mcafee is back. still on the run from the government in belize stemming from a murder investigation. mcafee was in our newsroom this evening. he told us why he's back in the tech game. >> it's one of my strange, craziness, okay? i really want to retire and to fish, but the first morning i get up and i fish, while i'm fishing i'm thinking of new projects. when i went to belize, and i was in fact fishing one morning and i realized it's very difficult to get to town. i created a ferry service and it became a company. i just can't keep idle and i can't keep out of technology. >> you announced this product to the world tomorrow in the bay area. what can you tell me tonight? >> i can tell you it's fairly unique. it is i think the first local network, a solution to our problems of privacy and hackability that is completely influx. >> do you have an office here?
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will you have an office? >> of course. i don't have one now. >> what's the next stage or step? >> okay. i have a core team. >> how many people? >> seven people. one of them in -- i won't announce them yet. a very famous actor. probably the most -- >> hacker? >> hacker. probably the most famous hacker. >> among the seven? >> he's one of the seven. yeah. you know, and people will rag me an that. let's face it. if you're building a lock, and you can't pick every lock on the planet, you need to get out of business. right? you have to know your enemy. if you're building a system that's based on privacy and security, you need people to know how to crack privacy and security. >> the new company is called future tense. he says it's a local network that allows you to securely share information without the fear of being hacked by the nsa. we'll have more with john mcafee tonight at 11:00. a partial government
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shutdown is set for tuesday. despite a vote by the senate to end that crisis. the ball now in the house and it appears tea party is calling the shots. nbc bay area's janelle wang is here with our world tonight. >> president obama delivered strong words for the tea party tonight saying knock it off, pass a budget and move on because you can't get everything you want. what they want is to defund obama care. the senate stripped out that stipulation and voted to keep the government going. but it's a different story in the house where conservatives vow they won't cave like senate republicans and fund obama's health care reform law. president obama is urging compromise. >> there will be areas where we can work together. there will be areas where we disagree. but do not threaten to burn the house down simply because you haven't gotten 100% of your way. that's not how our democracy is supposed to work. >> our answer is now. why in the world would we want to do that? >> the deadline is midnight
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monday. meanwhile, president obama spoke on the phone with iran's new president today. it's the first such contact since jimmy carter was president. and here's a first. president ha ssan rowhani tweetg to president obama, working toward an agreement on the controversial nuclear program. developing story regarding syria. just an hour ago, the u.n. security council unanimously approved a resolution to secure and destroy syria's chemical weapons. the deal takes u.s. military air strikes off the table, something president obama was pushing for after a deadly attack with sarin gas outside damascus last month. experts plan to go into syria next week to look and inspect the chemical weapons stockpile and then eventually destroy them. new details in the kenyan mall massacre. authorities say the militants rented a shop there in the weeks, possibly months leading up to the attack. that gave them access to the service elevators where they could bring in and stockpile
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weapons and ammunition. 67 people were killed in the 4-day siege. about 60 are still missing tonight. five militants were also killed and ten are in custody. they are part of a somali terror group with links to al qaeda and threatened more attacks. a mid-sea collision. six people believed to be dead after two cargo ships collided off the coast of japan today. divers as you can see were in the water searching for survivors on the japanese vessel which capsized. the other ship is still floating. the cause of this collision is under investigation. and that is your "world tonight qup ". >> thank you, janelle. a united airlines pilot who had a heart attack mid-flight is dead. the flight left for houston, excuse me, left from houston for seattle yesterday but made an emergency landing in boise, idaho. two army doctors onboard performed cpr on the 63-year-old pilot. he was still alive when they landed in boise but later died at the hospital. >> the announcement over the intercom was that we were having
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a minor emergency and was there a doctor onboard? and being upfront and i was in the second row, first class, they were trying to get the captain, actually the pilot, out of the cabin and out where they could help work on him because he was -- he was actually completely unconscious. >> all 161 passengers eventually made it to seattle. after another pilot was flown in from san francisco to finish that last leg of the flight. same sex couples in new jersey must be allowed to marry. that's what new jersey judge ruled just today. she says because the federal government reck nice ognizes ga marriages new jersey would violate the state constitution if they don't do the same. new jersey governor chris christie opposes gay marriage but his administration has yet to say whether they'll appeal. the judge delayed the effective date of today's ruling until october 21st to give the state time to consider its options. new challenge tonight for
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same-sex couples who want to end their marriages. lauren and her partner got married in california where same-sex marriages are legal but now wants to end it in mississippi where they're not even recognized. a mississippi attorney says he believes their case will be the first time a gay couple has asked the state of mississippi to recognize a union for the purpose of divorce. she says she isn't tries to change mississippi law regarding gay rights. she simply wants to end her marriage and protect her assets after the divorce. first hearing in this case is set for next tuesday. up next, not just for medical use. the new push to make marijuana legal here in california. it caught everyone's attention. brian wilson's angry confrontation with giants team president. what larry bear is saying about that incident coming up. things are much calmer looking in the weather. 70s and 60s still at this hour. mostly sunny skies. we're talking about weekend showers. as we see the clouds on the increase on the coast.
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what this means for your weekend plans and how long those raindrops will be part of your seven-day forecast when we come right back.
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another effort to legalize marijuana in california. california cannabis health hemp initiative has been cleared by the state to start gathering signatures. the initiative to legalize the possession, use and growth and sale of marijuana. supporters would have until february 24th to collect the 504,000 signatures needed to put the initiative on next year's ballot. voters rejected a similar
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initiative in 2010. in health matters tonight, mcdonald's is going mclight making changes to its menu. it will give you the option of getting something besides fries with its value meals. the choices are a side salad, piece of fruit or veggies. change won't come for at least three years in big cities, though. the change comes as mcdonald's tries to compete with restaurants like chipotle and panera bread which is popular for serving healthier food. global warming is rule, humans are responsible. a new report on climate change and environmentalists want action. these are demonstrators in stockholm screaming their frustration over the lack of action on climate change. that was outside the meeting. inside, an international team of scientists was discussing their new report on climate change and their evidence that it's tied to the excessive greenhouse gases released by humans since 1950. >> let's turn to rob mayeda.
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we'll see changes in our forecast. >> going from a roller coaster of fall weather. we have offshore winds over the last couple days keeping skies clear in san jose. the skies will fill with clouds and we'll see a chance of showers in the bay area this weekend. we'll talk more about that coming up. rob, i don't want showers. i want sports, though. larry baer explains his bizarre confrontation with brian wilson. the raiders get good news on their young quarterback. but first, fresh off the heels of their big win at the gateway city, jim harbaugh commended his team's ability to get the "w" despite a tumultuous week. we have the latest in santa clara. that's next from the xfinity sports desk. there are so many things that we do on a daily basis.
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we run errands. we run to the grocery store. in fact, the average american drives fewer than 29 miles a day. the 100% electric nissan leaf goes two-and-a-half times that on a single charge. it's a car. it just doesn't take gas. [ farrar ] so think about where you go in a day. do you really need gas to get there? [ male announcer ] the 100% electric nissan leaf. nissan. innovation that excites.
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now get a 2013 nissan leaf for $199 a month. ♪ a lot of san francisco's most scenic areas is getting a multimillion dollar makeover and huge donation is making it possible. the rebuilding of doyle drive
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allows landscape designers to build a huge bluff over the doyle drive with the catchy name of tunnel top parkland. the goal is to create an unbroken vista without several lanes of heavy traffic cutting through it. $25 million gift to the golden gate national parks conservancy makes the redesign possible. the gift comes from the sd junior foundation. it is the largest cash gift in national parks history. well, thousands of bicyclists ride bay area streets on a daily basis, but none of them quite like this. he rode across the bay. not on the bay bridge but near it. here's nbc bay area's joe rosato jr. to explain. ♪ i was strolling on the moon one day ♪ >> reporter: the pages of history are dotted with the names of inventors and explorers who paved roads where roads weren't met to go. this mill valley inventor didn't want to walk on the moon or circle the globe in a balloon.
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he wanted to ride his bike cross the bay. >> seeing a person on a bike on the water for the first time is instant video, jaw drop. >> reporter: the smartphone cameras got a workout, as he pedalled from oakland to san francisco on the bay. >> i didn't have any buses, any crazy taxi drivers. no cars. no pedestrians jumping in my way. it was just me out there on the water biking underneath the bay bridge. >> reporter: his contraption is essentially a regular bicycle strapped to a couple of pontoons with a pedal-powered propeller. he thought of the bay cycle project four months ago when he learned the bike lane on the east span of the bay bridge won't actually connect to treasure island for another year. >> amazingly, it's the world's longest bike lane to nowhere. >> reporter: he is hoping his bay cycle will go somewhere. he plans to eventually sell them for things like sporting events, recreational rides, even commuting. >> this time next year, there
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will be hundreds of people biking on the bay. and it's something that the bay area boating community is going to have to get used to. >> reporter: on first inspection, lewis was a little skeptical. >> maybe if you get something more efficient and something a little safer i guess. >> reporter: then he learned of the successful bay crossing which took just about 45 minutes. >> he rode from oakland? all right. if that's the case, i would totally try it. >> reporter: chris was also intrigued by a bay commute with some limits. >> i don't see a fog horn on that. if it was really foggy, i wouldn't be out there riding around. >> reporter: for now, he's a little foggy on when he'll begin selling the bay cycles but he envisions the day soon when a sight of a guy riding his bicycle across the water won't be a big deal. joe rosato jr., nbc bay area news. >> i want to know how many calories you burn by doing that. >> 45 minutes, sometimes is better than the commute in a car across the bay. >> uh-huh.
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can i bring any passengers? is there a child seat on that? >> rob, you need one of those. you could do that. you're very fit. >> when there's no wind, though. you saw how flat that water was. pretty nice across the bay if you will there on that given day. it was the days where we get offshore breezes that warm things up. even around san francisco today, 75 degrees. 78 in san jose. we get out of summer when we have five or six microclimates around the bay area today with dry mostly offshore winds. everyone's almost got the same weather. upper 70s to low 80s around the bay area. winds are an issue, though. they're still out of the north and northeast at times. the east bay valleys. for that reason, the fire still burning in yolo county still dropping in smoke around the 680 corridor into the tri valley and parts of the south bay into tomorrow morning before the winds turn strongly an onshore. still dry in the hilltops. 19% humidity now in fairfield. the sea breeze strengthens tomorrow, we'll also change the wind direction and temperatures cool off a little bit for the
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second half of the weekend. outside right now, still mid 70s in san jose. 68 in san francisco. by this time tomorrow, we'll likely see lower 60s thanks to a stronger sea breeze. between now and tomorrow, still looks mostly sunny. should be fine for your saturday plans. the bigger changes are coming up as we get into sunday. the system drops out of the gulf of alaska. little ahead of schedule for this time of year. normally we see this into early october. there you go. you've got rain chances. highest in the north bay. especially north of the golden gate during the day sunday. if you have plans this weekend including the raiders game, home game hosting washington in town, you'll be seeing numbers close to 70 at 2:00. increasing clouds as that game goes on through the fourth quarter. speaking f increasing clouds, heading into sunday morning, you're starting to see showers up in the north bay but staying mainly north of san francisco. until we get into monday morning. some lighter showers possible. south of san francisco. early in the day monday. before the rain line moves back off to the forth by monday afternoon and tuesday. rain accumulation unlike last weekend where we set records for
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rainfall. many places seeing more than a half inch of rain in the north bay. this time around looks like less than a tenth of an inch. see the numbers not moving at all in the south bay. may be enough to briefly wet the pavement and that's it. if you're traveling up north of the bay area this weekend, watch out for some very heavy rain. this is a pretty strong pattern that is setting up tossing a lot of rain and snow into the cascades and at times into mendocino and lake counties heading into monday morning. overnight tonight, areas of low crowds, perhaps around the inner bay. a patch or two. dry out there. 40s and 50s for the morning. areas of smoke possible inland for the tri valley early in the day before the sea breeze picks up and starts to move the smoke into the sacramento valley. 82 for san jose tomorrow. very likely the warmest day of the next seven days coming up for you tomorrow. mid 80s around livermore and pleasanton. low 80s in concord. now the sea breeze dropping that 75 of today down to 72 tomorrow in san francisco. still 80s across the north bay.
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we'll see increasing clouds. decreasing temperatures on sunday. looks like those showers should hold off mainly for the north bay sunday evening, early monday probably our best bet for seeing showers south of san francisco early in the day. the numbers start to climb up again. looks like we'll see offshore winds picking up again wednesday and thursday which means warming again as we head toward the weekend. overall, a very fall looking forecast ahead. >> good with you. >> good with me. >> thank, rob. >> sure. >> let's get to sports. piqued jessica's attention because this is a story of a diamond ring that needs to be in his possession. >> nicely done. well done. i like that. let's get to it. there never seems to be a dull moment when it comes to -- >> jim, can we interrupt? that's perfect. >> you needs your microphone. >> you read our lips. >> my producer didn't give me my microphone. >> those producers. >> my producer being me, by the way. >> all right. a do-over. >> exactly. it's a do-over. yes it is. let's get this rolling today. never seems to be a dull moment
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on this sports cast nor when it comes to the giants and dodgers. last night it provided another weird moment in the series history, but this is a rare moment when something, it's cute when a guy wears your uniform, stupid when he doesn't. last night brian wilson going over confronting ceo larry baer of the giants saying he wanted his world series championship ring. he pointed. he caused a bit of a problem. today larry baer, he addressed that situation on the murph and max show on knbr radio. >> he came over and said, you know, when do i get my ring, basically? it's not -- it was demonstrative and all that. it's heat of the moment. i think he'd been heckled by the fans when he was warming up. so i get it. it's as much as a big deal as it seemed, it's not that big a deal. more giants. bruce bochy announcing outfielder hunter pence will be named the 2013 award winner voted on by players and coaches.
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the award given annually to the player who best kpemplexemplifi mccovey. >> we didn't have enough depth. last year we seemly were able to overcome injury and lack of performance. we didn't do that this year. we didn't get any kind of life raft help outside from the minor leagues, whether that was the fifth starter or what we went through in center field and left field. so lack of depth became an issue. >> the grind that these guys have been through the last three years, it might have caught up with them. you know, they've really been going after it hard and, you know, maybe mentally and physically it caught up with them at times here. so, but we'll see. you know, they never stop. all right. to football we go.
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49ers rookie wide receiver patton sustained a fracture to his foot in thursday night's game, expected to miss four to six weeks recovering. he was the 49ers number two receiver. despite another tough loss to a player, head coach jim harbaugh proud of his team's effort. >> the team stares adversity in the face with grit and determination. a good team win. >> i thought the guys played with great, great energy and toughness. you want that response. and there was -- really, i mean, a food team win, you look at the defense. very good team defense. to the raiders. their quarterback terrelle pryor officially cleared for full contact at practice and is medically cleared to play sunday when the raiders host the washington redskinss. pryor passed every nfl mandated test after suffering a concussion in monday night's loss to the broncos. despite the doctor's blessing, his head coach not quite ready
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to name pryor the official starter. >> i like the progress that i've seen out of him over the last few days. we're going to still continue to monitor him, but he's made some significant progress. >> i feel 100% definitely. main thing is preparing. i don't know, he definitely had a lot more reps than me this week. i know i'm going to study for the next couple days real hard as i will be starting. >> the key is both him and matt flynn both prepared this week to start, and, you know, i'm going to make the right decision based on his -- based on his health and make sure we do the right thing for him. and in the xfinity sports desk sports department, we finished playing raiders/redskins on xbox and determine the raiders win on sunday 21-20. that's what we do in the sports department. play videogames. i don't know what you do it in news all day.
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that does it from the xfinity sports desk. >> that explains why you didn't have your microphone on. >> exactly. that explains it. >> thank you, jim . for a full half hour of sports coverage, watch sportsnet central on comcast sportsnet bay area
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tonight at 11:00, more from our exclusive interview with silicon valley pioneer john mcafmc mcafee. details of his new company, new wife and ongoing murder investigation in belize. mcafee is in town and with us pat 11:00. blohalloween is around the corner. toys "r" us is out with a list of top costumes.
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iron man, superman, batman. they wan to battle the guys. popular, jake and the netherland pirates. mime mooike and sully from monsters inc. little girls want costumes of sophia i or doc mcstuffin or monsters university still top choices. i can't believe there's no rob mayeda costume. >> that would scare the kids away. ironman, superman, weatherman. >> and weatherman. >> a w. on the chest. >> that would be classic. >> seven-day forecast. going to have a change in the winds tomorrow. should improve our air quality in east bay valleys and late sunday, more clouds, chance of showers. especially in the north bay heading into monday and a bit warmer toward the middle part of next week. >> that would be much more believable if you were in tights and a cape. >> we can work on that for 11:00. >> we'll see that at 11:00. thanks for joining us. we made it to friday. have a great evening. >> bye-bye.
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jimmy kimmel under attack. kanye west unleashes a vicious new rant against him, now on "extra." kimmel versus kanye, an all-out late-night war explodes. >> right now, we are at dif kanye 5. so -- >> twitter bombs, threats and angry phone calls. >> i'm not a jimmy kimmel fan. now trending, cable news king, bill o'reilly's, controversial new interview about jesus and religion. >> you believe the holy spirit directed you to write "killing people"? the "breaking bad" finale secrets and spoilers revealed. >> you really want to know what happens?


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