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tv   Action News 630a  NBC  June 24, 2013 6:30am-7:01am PDT

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live to the golden gate bridge. how long will this june gloom last? christina loren has your forecast in moments. there it is, right on time. ringing in the day on the new york stock exchange. a lot of people i imagine keeping their fingers crossed, holding their breath that the numbers start to rebound on this monday, june 24th. this is "today in the bay." good morning. welcome to monday. it's 6:30. i'm marla tellez in for laura bo garcia-cannon. >> i'm jon kelly. glad to see everybody. an update on breaking news in sunnyvale. a fire ripped through a mobile home park overnight on el camino real, that's near the lawrence expressway. this one was a tough one for firefighters out there. one large trailer camper in that park was simply gutted by the flames. we're happy to report nobody was inside during the time of that
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fire. here is a live look outside the trailer park this morning. bob redell is there gathering information, first on scene this morning. he'll have a live update coming for us in about 15 minutes. on the run once again. this morning, whereabouts are still unknown for the man accused of leaking u.s. surveillance secrets. "today in the bay's" tracie potts joins us live from washington, d.c. tracie, edward snowden was booked on a flight to cuba, but that plane is already in the arnd there was no sign of him on board. >> reporter: pro producer who was on the flight said she didn't see him before the doors closed and it took off. we believe best guess he's still in russia, partly due to the fact that ecuador's foreign minister came forward saying they're considering whether to grant him asylum. so to map this whole thing, he left hong kong. he's believed to still be in russia, did not, we believe, get on that flight to cuba or venezuela to try to get to ecuador.
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this has been quite a challenge to keep up with where he is. the bottom line, he's trying to get out of russia, trying to get to an area he thinks will be a lot more friendly. the ecuadorian foreign minister said this morning in considering his application he's been persecuted. he questions whether or not treason is appropriate here. the u.s. miffed about the fact that hong kong let him go. sources with reuters this morning reported it was china that had influence there, told hong kong don't stop him. they apparently were concerned about reports from snowden that the u.s. had been snooping on their computers. there was talk about paperwork that foo trying to get him expedited. the u.s. says there was no problem with the paperwork. hong kong says there was, and in trying to get it worked out, he got away, got to russia. we believe he may still be there. marla. >> okay. a situation we'll keep our eye on. thanks, tracie. we want to tell you about developing weather as we give you a live lookof outside of oakland and san jose on your
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screen. overnight rain continuing to have an impact on your morning commute. a busy morning in that nbc bay area weather department. that means christina loren has it all loaded up ready to tell us about what's happening out there. good morning. >> good morning to you. we told you, probably see the flight delays. we now have about 1 hour and 35 minute delays. those will continue for the next few hours. we'll continue to update you every 15 to 20 minutes right here on
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one on its heels into tonight. south bay maybe .15 inch, maybe .25 inch. higher elevations will see the most. east bay maybe c;ññ.25, .15 hea your way. on the peninsula to maybe above .25 inch. we need the rain. it's been a really dry year. what i can tell you is this is also good when it comes to fire weather for the next few days. when we lose this area of low pressure, the high pressure comes in quick. let's check on the drive. good morning, mike. >> good morning. because of all the rain, whatever came through your area, damp roadways could be an issue. looking over here to our live look, san mateo bridge. the pavement is darker and you see a machisheen there. that's oil and grease that settled on the roadway in the past couple months.
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we see green painted across the whole area, the road weather index picking up the fact that it may be damp or slick. over on the east bay side, again, the green painted over, slick conditions possible here. 880 slows from 238 which is very slow out of castro valley into union city, a crash on the northbound side actually at alvarado boulevard, might affect the off-ramp. the southbound side is where the compute is kicking in. fremont farther south with a lighter volume of traffic, (á(áñ past tesla and truck scales. the bay bridge toll plaza, the metering lights were turned on. we had a crash on the upper deck. it should be clearing toward treasure island over the next few minutes. back to you. 6:35. the central coast went dark for several hours overnight after a widespread power outage affecting more than 145,000 customers. this outage happened about 9:30 last night stretching from the
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beach town of cambria to solvang. officers were called to the streets to respond to reports of vandalism. pg&e says equipment failure at a power stage caused the outage. the city council set to absorb the ph san carlos fire department and could include hiring several firefighters. redwood city has been sharing fire services with san carlos since 2011. it is 6:36. still ahead, an icon comes home. new details about the overnight flight to bring james gandolfini's body back to the states. and more information about the actor's upcoming memorial service. we'll tell you about opening arguments, a look at what lawyers will say in court today during the very first day of the george zimmerman murder trial.
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we take you live to washington, d.c. as we give you a live look at the u.s. supreme court where they have several big decisions on their hands. will they make a decision regarding california's ban on same-sex marriage. we are watching prop 8 with cheryl hurd right there in d.c. for us. it's 6:37. stay with us.
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we are keeping an eye on south africa where former president nelson mandela's
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health is getting worse. this is new video this morning of the hospital in pretoria where mandela is being cared for. south african officials say the 94-year-old's condition became critical in the past 24 hours. doctors are doing everything possible for him. mandela has been in the hospital for more than two weeks for a reoccurring lung infection. funeral services are set for james gandolfini this thursday in new york city. his body was flown back to the united states late last night and is being kept at a funeral home in new jersey. the 51-year-old star of "the sopranos" died of a heart attack last week in rome. he was scheduled to appear at a film festival in sicily which paid tribute to him last saturday. opening statements are under way in florida in the murder trial of george zimmerman. this is a live look at the sanford, florida, courthouse where a jury of six women will
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decide zimmerman's fate. that's the prosecutor talking to the jury. the former neighborhood watch volunteer has pleaded not guilty in the shooting death of 17-year-old trayvon martin. trayvon martin's more they are asked for prayer for everyone involved. a judge ruled that prosecution experts won't be allowed to testify regarding a key 911 call, but the judge will allow the 911 call to be played in court. 6:41 right now. coming up, awaiting a ruling on prop 8. we're live in the supreme court with a look at the supreme court's big decision. raging flames caught on camera overnight in the south bay. the new video you'll only see on "today in the bay" next. at the new york stock exchange where the dow industrials have fallen 16 points again. another rough day. we'll take a look coming up. we're starting the week with
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rain and fog which will make way for a major warmup and those dry north winds. we'll give you the timeline for the significant changes headed our way in the weather department. the four-wheel rain gauges, the wipers are moving now and that's affecting your drive, believe it or not. we'll show you where the big slowing happens coming up.3h-÷ good morning! wow.
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want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. we don't have a ten step filtering process for our water. we don't need it. because crystal geyser is made by nature, not by man. crystal geyser is always bottled at the mountain source.
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we begin with this live look at san francisco city hall, a city that has been the center of california's fight over same-sex marriage astñ it has wound its y from the ballot box to the highest court in the country. this morning the nation is watching and waiting for the supreme court to issue rulings
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not just on prop 8, but also on the defense of marriage act. "today in the bay's" cheryl hurd is live at the supreme court in washington, d.c. this morning. cheryl, the rulings could come down as early as 7:00. that is just 15 minutes away. >> reporter: that's right, marla. there has been some movement. two of the plaintiffs just arrived here about ten minutes ago. christian perry and her partner paul. they just arrived vouchbded by media. they walked up these steps and virtually said nothing. at about 7:00 your time, the justices will start clicking through the issues. there are about 11 more rulings expected to come down, and i'm told that the justices will approach the bench, one person will talk for, the other will talk against, and then they will decide. it will be fairly quickly before we know if they will decide on proposition 8 or doma. a lot of interest on prop 8, the california ban on same-sex
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marriage and doma. the federal law banning benefits for gay couples. it's been a waiting game, especially in the bay area where gay marriage has been on a roller coaster ride. hundreds of couples got married in san francisco when voters approved the ban on same-sex marriage. kate kindle is the director of the national center for lesbian rights. she's been watching the gay marriage issue closely. >> i don't think it will be everything we want from the rulings. i think they'll both be relatively narrow rulings, but for us in california couples will be marrying again. >> reporter: in 2008 california voters voted in favor of the ban on gay marriage by 52%. some believe that the issue -- changes in the american minds -- some people believe it's changing. others believe that people who disagree are just keeping quiet. but back here live at the supreme court, the plaintiffs just arrived.
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it will probably be about a half hour before we know if the supreme court will take up the  reporting live in washington, d.c., i'm cheryl hurd, nbc bay area news. we can feel the anticipation building. all right, cheryl, thank you so much. as soon as the prop 8 ruling comes down, nbc news will break in with a special report. we'll bring you live coverage in the bay area and in washington, d.c. throughout the morning and during our 11:00 broadcast. for continuing coverage just visit our website, and just search prop 8. we also have some developing weather to tell you about as our traditional june gloom brings some rain all over the bay area. give you a double shot there, doubling your pleasure with a look at the golden gate bridge and the bay bridge side by side. we see fog on the left-hand side. we were talking about it, a little humid today. >> tropical. >> didn't affect your hair. you both look great. everything smooth, very well done.
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>> you either. >> i just smack this on every morning, no problem. >> we appreciate whatever it is you're doing. 6:47. as you're getting yourself ready for work, maybe, just maybe you're taking the kids out with you today. make sure they have their rain gear ready to go or they'll be tracking the mud right back into the house. the showers we have are rather light. a lot of this is verga which is moisture -- precipitation that's vap rates before it hits the ground. a lot of this is not even actually making it to the surface. what i can tell you is you'll find slick conditions. the bulk of the moisture is south of the north bay. it's going to continue to press south as we head through the next few hours. this is it for this morning. we'll get our first heavy wave this morning and we'll start to see a nice dry break, light activity throughout this afternoon. you see mostly cloudy conditioni over the greater bay area. we'll get our next wave of rain between 5:00 and 10:00 tonight. we stop the clock at about 4:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.
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mostly slick conditions. when we meet back tomorrow morning, it's going to be more of an impact on your drive when it comes to the showers coming in. they'll continue for your tuesday. tuesday looks like more of a washout than today. when you head outdoors, you might get caught under drizzle. soupy conditions out there just about all day long. we stop the clock at 7:00 p.m. tuesday. that's when showers will start to lighten up. then by wednesday morning when we meet back here, lingering activity through 9:00 a.m. after that we'll clear you out in time for wednesday afternoon. then we have this big ridge of high pressure that has a lot of energy with it. it's going to bring our temperatures way up really quickly. 76 in concord, 77 in livermore, 73 for fremont and 73 degrees, comfortable temperatures because we're starting out so mild, plenty of 60s to start the day. we'll easily hit 77 inland, 72 bay side and 62 at the coast. on and off showers tomorrow. we'll still get close to 90 degrees out in the extreme east bay thursday into friday. that's when we really heat you up, mike.
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that's when that suit might get a little uncomfortable for you. >> it's often uncomfortable. cargo shorts and a t-shirt. that's what i wear. cold weather, a sweatshirt. we do it for you because my legs are not pretty. a lot of slowing shows. on the pickup truck and over here, a couple of the passenger cars you see the windshield wipers going from time to time, intermittently. look at the maps. i've stolen or borrowed christina's radar. over here you see the greens, the darker green coming through the same area where we just showed you the live camera and where i've just seen a big slowdown. the darker green coming through these areas north 101. as we fade off, we still see the green painted across the roadway because your road weather index talks about slicker conditions. it could be an issue as the
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commute starts to build. the off-ramps with the oil and grease could cause slick conditions. northbound 880 throughal v rado, an earlier crash cleared from the off-ramp and so has the slowing that started to develop. the southbound side and west 580, we're starting to pack in the traffic right now. that will continue to be the issue for the morning as we have more cars coming in on the tri-valley. we'll end with a quick look at the bay bridge toll plaza where you do have the backup in all lanes, but the upper deck is clear of the earlier crash. back to you. 6:51.֖ an update to breaking news. sunnyvale firefighters and investigators are looking for the cause of a mobile home fire. you can see the flames flaring out of the home in this cell phone video. the fire happened a few hours ago on east cam mina real not far from the sunken gardens golf course. "today in the bay's" bob redell was live on the scene and has an update. >> reporter: good morning, marla. as you can see behind me, the
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fire is out. one thing you'll notice in this video is not only how large the fire was, but the stance that the fire department had to take once they arrived. they arrived around 3:00 this morning to find this trailer camper in the back of this trailer park, half of it was fully engulfed in flames. you'll notice the three firefighters pulling that fire line had to keep their distance because there was concern about a downed power line, for fear they might get electrocuted. they were able to get the fire out within about 20 minutes. a short time later pg&e came out, shut down the power to the power line. one reason the fire department wanted to get closer was to take a look inside to make sure there was no one there. turns out there wasn't. the person who lives there was elsewhere last night. fortunately they were safe and sound, accounted for, just weren't staying here at that time. this fire again was one alarm. they still don't know what caused it. reporting live in sunnyvale, bob redell, today in the bay. 6:52 right now.
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this morning san jose police looking for a group of suspected gang members who attacked and robbed a couple, this all happening during the very first weekend of a major police crackdown aimed specifically at gang violence. "today in the bay's" christie smith is live at police headquarters with all the latest details. good morning, christie. >> reporter: good morning, jon and marla. it was just this type of gang activity that san jose police were trying to get ahold of when they made their announcement on friday. a couple was attacked over the weekend and now san jose police are looking for the people responsible.dc6 this comes as police rolled out a new anti gang program. the couple was on lido street in broad daylight yesterday afternoon. there was some sort of argument. those suspected gang members took the woman's purse. when the man tried to help, they attacked him. police don't know the extent of their injuries. i do have calls in to them this morning. this comes on the first weekend after police rolled out a three-phase plan with extra officers saturating known hot spots. >> when you increase or improve
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visibility, you're going to always see some deterrence to crime. i think how that's realized is still yet to be seen. >> reporter: 40 extra officers out on the street per week in june. that number bumps up to 64 in july. then a gang suppression unit starts out in august. another group of officers will be working on confiscating firearms from people who can't have them for issues like having past criminal convictions. of the 25 homicides so far this year, eight have been tied to gangs. live in san jose, christie smith, "today in the bay." san jose police are also on the lookout for a jewelry thief who hit a woman with his car as he escaped. police say the man had been looking at rings at don roberto jewel leers at east ridge mall sunday evening. when an employee asked to see his i.d., he grabbed one of the rings awu took off. the employee chased i'm into the parking lot.
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police say the suspect actually hit her with the car as he sped off. she was hit in the leg but not seriously hurt. we know the name of the woman who died when her van plunged into the san francisco bay, she is 65-year-old debra crenshaw. one of several people in the vehicle when it went into the river on friday afternoon. everyone else luckily was able to escape. stillé"ñ unclear why the van dr over the embankment into the bay in the first place. san francisco's top environmental held official is under investigation for conflict of interest. dr. rajiv bhatia has been placed on administrative leave. city hall sources tell "the chronicle," bhatia serves on the board of a couple of non-profits including one that apparently has worked with higgs division of the public health department. bhatia says he wasn't aware he was doing anything wrong. at 6:55, another rough day
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on the markets. >> scott mcgrew, it's been nearly a week since the fed said it would ease that easy money and the markets are still reacting. >> still reacting. you think someone might jump in and buy, jon. it's called catching a falling knife. whether you're talking about stocks or knives, not a good idea. we continue to see the market sink. the dow industrials are down 200 points this morning. the nasdaq down 51. one consolation, we knew this would happen. we knew as early as last monday this would happen. marla and jon, over the weekend i hosted the ernst and young entrepreneur of the year awards, these are the oscars of silicon valley. the ak%ájz i bring this up is i was looking at all the nominations. no surprise but many of the new successful businesses from internet to medicine started by immigrants. here we have iran and italy and south africa and india and pakistan, but which country came
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up the most often? whether it was people going to college there or they were from there or settled there, one person even commuted from there, just guess what country was most influential, obviously other than the united states? you'll never guess. >> a tough one, man. >> germany. >> that's a good guess. france. france is incredibly influential in our high tech. it was neat to see. >> merci. >> beaucoup. >> that's all i got. >> i wish we had some french fries though. >> always a fan for some fries. let's get some after work. >> meteorologist christina loren, i'm sure you can speak late french. you're a lady of worldly travels. >> are you ready for it? huh, huh, huh. as you can see showers streaming onshore. some of the rainfall is actually in the moderate range. we've got light to moderate
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rainfall in the north bay all starting to press south of santa rosa. we'll see the showers continue ho. i'll be tracking them on nbc bay area every 15 minutes. bring that umbrella with you. a dry break for the second half of the day and more rain tonight and into tomorrow. let's check on the drive with mike. >> always know we're culturally sensitive here at nbc bay area. looking toward the tri-valley, a smooth drive, sensitive to the traffic flow as well. slow. lookj2m at that. livermore, pleasanton, sunol, all slow over the last few minutes. there may be rain or at least a system people are worried about. more slowing for castro valley. then across the bay, palo alto you see the effects of the low clouds, kind of misty air in the area, fog closer to the coast. 101, still close to the limit here and in the south bay 101 really jamming northbound past the 680/280 interchange. you see windshield wipers on some of the cars.
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so there may be sprinkles. also slow coming into downtown. back to you. a live look outside. this is up in san francisco -- actually going back to san francisco city hall there. waiting in washington, d.c., the ruling on proposition 8 and the defense of marriage act out there. that could come down at any minute right now. as soon as the prop 8 ruling does come down, nbc news will break into programming with a special report. we'll also bring you live coverage both right here in the bay area and, of course, out in washington, d.c. throughout the morning and during our 11:00 a.m. broadcast. cheryl hurd is on scene for us covering all that information. you can also check things out on our website, simply search prop 8. changes in our eveningq simply search prop 8. changes in our eveningq lineup, nbc bay local news at 4:00 today followed by nightly news with brian williams. 5:00 game six of the stanley cup finals. and then our broadcast after
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that. >> go black hawks. i'm a huge fan. >> used to be from chicago. >> love that town. >> that is our show today. thanks for being with us. we'll see you again at 7:25. have a great day everybody. good morning. bring breaking news. where is he? edward snowden, his flight took off without him. what the u.s. is saying about his quest for asylum. keeping vigil. concern gross over the health of nelson mandela. he is in critical condition in a south african hospital. we're live with the very latest. and man on a wire. millions watched nik wallenda's death defying stunt 1500 feet in the air. >> the winds are way worse than i expected. >> he tells us what he was thinking and what his next stunt might be today, monday, june


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