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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  September 29, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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right now at 5:00, overnight fire burned the law office of the mayor. while the fbi is now getting involved. we'll have a live report on that. also, the heat warning in the bay area. how the hottest temperatures of the year could be harmful to your health. and we'll introduce you to a fifth grader from the tenderloin who made it to one of the nation's biggest stages through poetry and sports. >> good evening. federal agents are being called to investigate a fire that gutted the offices of the major of vallejo. it could be a case of domestic terrorism. we just spoke to police. he had the latest from vallejo for us. monte? >> good evening. vallejo police say the mayor is
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a high-profile figure and that's why they called in the fbi. and police are reviewing surveillance footage taken by a camera on a building across the street from the offices to figure out who might have set this fire. these offices are owned and they just showed up at the scene early this morning to see the damage that had been done and he shed a few tears upon seeing what had happened. there was significant dodge to this building. we don't have a dollar figure just yet, but officials say the building was gutted. investigators are looking at all the possibilities, including if mayor david would have any political enemies who would want to target him and police are looking into the possibility that the attorney who shares this office, michael thompson, was targeted for some reason. >> suspicious fire at this time. it's under investigation. and we hopefully will have more information in the coming days of the cause of this fire. >> reporter: now, mayor davis
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told the vallejo times herald to say he is upset is an understatement. but he said that he would carry on. fire officials say the building appears to be a total loss. some of the contents including some important items and files were salvaged. we're expected to get an update from police here in just a few minutes. hope to have some new information for you tonight at 11:00. live in vallejo, nbc bay area news. temperatures are heating up around the bay area with some records perhaps in the next couple of days. a warning from health officials. let's check in with meteorologist. rob? >> today's temperatures not too bad. running a bit warmer than what we saw yesterday. we do have some low 90s starting to show up on the map in the east bay valleys. primarily out towards livermore and pleasanton. san francisco and the coast, we still have the fog. the marine layer started at 1500 feet thick. it's been an all day event up and down the coast. the low clouds are going to get squished right down to the ocean here in the next 24 hours. as that happens and that warning
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air aloft, get the sinking warming air, valleys tomorrow, lots of 90s showing up. as that inversion sets up on the bay area, air quality really taking a hit for north bay, east bay, and santa clara valley locations tomorrow. spare the air alert for the bay area. here's a sneak preview. right around lunch time tomorrow. already starting to see low 90s by 1:00 on our way to near 100 degrees in spots tomorrow. and that, by the way, not the hottest day. we will see in the next seven days. we'll have a full look at the mini fall heat wave coming up in a few minutes. >> thank you, rob. we have more information tonight on that mother accuse of abandoning her 10-year-old daughter in the south bay in a failed shoplifting attempt. police arrested 38-year-old marcy keyland in ne nef and expected to be extradited to the bay area monday. she and her 10-year-old daughter were trying to steal groceries in morgan hill a week and a half ago when the girl was caught and the mother drove off. authorities had been looking for
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the mother ever since. they found her in a motel in friendly, nevada. owners of a south bay car room are not happen i with san jose officials. they filed, this is video of the card roll's opening in august. the city permit process pushed back the opening by four months. and they are seeking over $10,000 in damages for that. the san jose city attorney calls the claim, quote, unfortunate. downtown san francisco is brace for a tech conference that's expected to cause some traffic headaches along the way. oracle open world will be here starting tomorrow through wednesday. today there was a stay city stream of participants registering for the events. parts of howard and taylor streets are due to the closed for the event and several mun any lines rerouted as well. worst traffic problems are expected to happen between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. and 40,000 people are expected to attend that conference. the flu season is around the corner. today hunts of people are in the
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south bay to get preventive medicine. cars were lining up for today's flu shot drive-thru clinic and union city. kaiser was the sponsor, according to kaiser as well as the center for disease control, a flu shot is recommended for all children from 6 months to 18 years old as well as every adult. people who got the shot like the convenience of not even having to get out of their car but not the pain right there. ouch. >> i think it's -- i think it's a great idea. we don't have to get out. we just sit in the car. they come to us. we don't have to park. we don't have to get out, go walk into a building. >> that's true, huh? >> all right. the flu shots were free. the drive-through clinics will continue in fremont, union city and hayward through november. the results of walk-in clinic as well in case you wanted to get out of your car. coming up next at 5:00, with the first presidential debate just days away, the two vice presidential candidates had a verbal exchange over the economy. also, hollywood's love sequel -- love asieh quell that
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is. we'll let you know how day one of c went in los angeles. one of the season's most fantastic finishes at the coliseum. the latest on the as quest for the postseason. you're not going to believe this one. this is a lot of food for 4 bucks. yeah... think they made a mistake? i don't know - maybe. the fried cheese melt is back for just 4 bucks. 1 of 4 big 4-dollar meals on the 2-4-6-8 value menu.
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only at denny's. open all night. in the race for the white house, the vice presidential candidates had a bit of a debate
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of their own today on the economy. nbc bay area's brian mooar has the latest. >> days before the first vice presidential debate mitt romney is hammering the president on foreign policy. >> when president obama was asked about the recent disruption and chaos and violence in the middle east, he said that these were merely bumps in the road. >> thanks. >> bumps in the road also describes what the romney campaign has been unable to avoid in recent weeks. costly distractions, and discouraging poll numbers are upstaging the republican message. >> look at what president obama did on the budget. nothing except borrow and spend. >> when they talk about the culture dependency, about american decline, i can honestly say to you, i don't recognize the country they're talking about. >> reporter: when vice president biden was fighting for votes in florida the president was calling on congress to help homeowners. even as he defended his campaign's weak spot. >> so we're moving in the right
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direction but we're not there yet. >> reporter: a point up for debate as the presidential candidates get ready for their first showdown on wednesday. brian mooar, nbc news, washington. the first day of the trial of pope benedict's former butler has come to a close. the man confessed to stealing confidential documents from the pope's apartment and leaking them to the press. nbc's claudia has the latest for us from rome. >> the most sensational trial to be held in the vatican for decades or centuries will be over in a week. today marks the start of the so-called trial, the one that sues the pope's former butler accused of stealing and leaking private documents from the pope's apartment through the italian media to expose what he said was the evil and corruption he saw all around catholic church. he was in court this morning looking tense. but he didn't show my ni emotion. >> he was occasion untilly a little bit nervous but for the most part he was smiling.
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he looked rather calm. he obviously had some inside tension. he looked a little bit pale. and he had bags undh-nder his e >> he be take the stand on tuesday and he could be sentenced by the end of next week. he's already confessed to the crime to it looks like a mess of the butler did it but the question remains, the butler did it but did he do it alone or was he part of a wider conspiracy aimed at shaking up the church's hierarchy? sentenced could end up in prison for four years unless, of course, he's pardoned by the pope. nbc news, rome. still to come at 5:00, how one bay area girl made it from the tenderloin to the apollo and what guinness world record she was attempting to break today. there's a hint right there.
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one of the busiest stretches of freeway in the united states is shut down and so far so good. traffic around the 405 has been light today. drivers are using surface streets or most of them, i think, are just staying home. it shut down so road crews can demolish what's left of the bridge. the bridge and pillars will be replace sod that the freeway can be widened a bit. the freeway will be closed until monday morning and traffic seems to be getting an it just fine. obviously you can see the construction work right there. caltrans is warning drivers
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for its plans to shut down the san mateo bridge for to two weekends next month. the shutdown will allow crews to repair a cracked support beam discovered in 2010. the bridge will be closed if all goes as planned from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. october 19th through the 22nd and again those same times the following weekend, october 26th-29th. the dumbarton bridge will be the best alternative for most drivers looking to get across the bay to the peninsula. when we come back we will check in with john miller and mike from san diego or a preview of tonight's giants game, a game you will see here on nbc bay area in just a couple of minutes. around the bay area right now we have temperatures getting close to 90 in a few spots. we'll see plenty more of that, though, by this time tomorrow as we're watching a bit of a heat wave setting up for the bay area. the sea breeze right now is about to go away. you're going to be surprised by how hot the temperature is going to get in the seven-day forecast, coming up.
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this was one of the classic bay area days, foggy, near the coast and very, very warm inland. let's check in with meteorologist and what's going on. hi, rob. >> hi. we did have the nice spread of temperatures. we did see the low clouds inland, mid morning clearing for a valleys. but the change we're going to see tomorrow is really the boundary going from cool near the ocean to just down right hot for most of our inland valleys. right now still pretty comfortable out there. 70s and 80s away from the water. we have a seabreeze pushing through san francisco and reaching into the north bay. you can see that with the wind direction. south wind at six into napa and santa rosa.
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a west wind in livermore, but as that ocean air conditioning, as we like to say, really starts to back off during the day tomorrow. that will lead to at least five to ten degrees of warming for tomorrow. so for the valleys, we're talking the excessive heat watch. probably transition into a warning as we get into sunday and monday. valley temperatures mostly 90s, i think, for tomorrow. then as you get into monday, we'll probably see a range near the tri valley getting close to 100 or 105 by livermore by monday after. the coast and bay will warm up. unfortunately as that sea breeze backs off, air quality also an issue. spare the air alert. it's all the valley locations. north bay, east bay, and santa clara valley south. morgan hill, unhealthy for ground of ozone during the day tomorrow. satellite, the fog is still really kind of hung out here on the coast. right around san francisco. even into santa cruise. a cool start to the weekend. as high pressure builds in you're going to notice that fog squished down to the coast which does mean some patchy dense fog.
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possibly tomorrow morning around the peninsula and the seashore. but then marine layer which started off this morning at a 1500 dpeet thick is going to get squished down closer to 500 feet or maybe even lower a few spots by monday afternoon. so what you will start to see tomorrow is five to ten degrees of warming for inland valleys which means mostly 90s around the bay, starting off the morning monday in mid 60s for lows. kind of like the running start to the temperatures for monday afternoon. so we'll see those numbers climbing another five degrees inland in the monday afternoon forecast. tonight, 50s and low 60s. thick fog possibly on the seashore. during the day tomorrow, instead of the 80s i think low 90s around san jose for your sunday afternoon, upper 80s likely south down towards morgan hill. pleasanton and livermore, 100 degrees tomorrow. mostly 90s around the east bay valleys. 80s and 90s in the north bay. even san francisco and oakland, that's going to feel a little warm, especially if you don't have air conditioning around the
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peninsula. those numbers in the 70s and 80s for your sunday. so three days of hot temperatures. i think the hottest day will be monday where a few spots if they manage to get to 103 or 105 like we might see near livermore, might break some records. it would maik break some records in the bay area. cool wednesday, thursday, friday. much cooler than the way this weekend will wrap up. >> wow. i'm sort of excited for the warm temperatures though. all right. thank you, rob. let's bring in henry, comcast sportsnet for a look at sports and what a game for the as, henry. absolutely. how about fireworks during the daytime. a real disappointing first eight inning for the oakland a fans at the coliseum but it all changed in the bottom of the ninth. highlights of a crucial game for the green and gold as they try to keep their wild card lead alive. next. [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy.
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5:21 pm
welcome back to nbc bay area. the american league wild card is definitely living up to the hype. the race to the postseason a as wild as it gets. oils and as are in the driver's seetsz but angels, ray, and white sox are within reach and capable of bringing them down. let's go out to the oakland colise coliseum. hosting the mariners. 4-1, mariners. a was the chance for brandon moss. doubles to cocoa. but all of a sudden we have a plate at the plate. steven drew, wide, too late. he's out. at the plate. 4-2, seattle. bottom of the ninth. as threatening again. josh don nelson, bing binlg co.
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two-run shot to tie the game up at 4-4. they were not done. extra innings. brandon moss. moss is boss right now. three runs shot. over the right field wall. his second car rooer walkoff home run. as 14 walkoffs all season. the most in the majors. as win, 7-3. >> we never say die until we report that, we're not going to quit. we showed that in texas. we fell a little bit short. today we get the last step out here and i think that's important. you know, we came through when we needed to. brandon moss, big-time homer, that was awesome. >> he's been so good for us. i mean, what a great job our front office to get him playing first base and getting him in a timely fashion when he was playing well. he's been off to the races ever since. >> reporter: meanwhile, onge and black are in san diego set to face the padres. we'll have all the action here on nbc bay area beginning at 5:30.
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john miller and mike gives us a preview of what to expect. >> okay, henry, and the giants with a win last night. very strong pitching. the bullpen was excellent at the end. another strong one from ryan vogelsong but they scored three runs early and never scored again last night. >> i think that's a concern, too. i think as a manager and as a hitting coach you want to see an offense start to pile on. every inning in a playoff situation is like the ninth inning of a normal game. you have to intensity in your lineup every inning and you have to have ability to add on. opportunity is very good in san diego because they have an excellent bullpen. if you could add on late here in this game against this bullpen, it would definitely give you confidence for the playoffs. >> the giants with bum gardner tonight against eric stoltz. let's go back to henry at the studio. >> thank you. college football, california hos arizona state, fourth quarter. zach maynard is looking for
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keenan allen. ten-yard td catch. my goodness. take another look at it. beautiful catch. he had four catches, 79 yards. bears kept the lead. sun devils, next possession. taylor kelley finds kevin oze,r. he takes it in for the 22-yard score. asu back up ten. cal falls, 27-17, the final. jeff and the bears now 1-4 on the season. what about san jose taking on navy and annapolis, maryland, will begin in the first quarter. travis johnson sacks tray miller. his 26th career sack. that tops the most active players, 3-0, spartans at the half. kyle makes the nice dive and grab in the navy territory. austin lopez, 43-yard field goal, freshman went 4 for 4 on the day. they shut out navy and win,
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12-0. moving to 4-1 on the season. day two of the 39th ryder cup from usa dominating all day long in the morning. the americans collected three of four points, thanks to the team of keegan bradley and phil mickelson. they won 7-6. usa led 8-4 after the morning possession. then in the afternoon, the team split four points thanks to right here, ann outer. he birdied the final five holes. only european team member unbeaten. usa leads 10-6 heading into sunday's single matches. but as we mentioned, plenty of baseball coming up. giants and padres. don't forget, highlights tonight at 11:00. plus one ore other note, the raiders ruled darius hayward bay out for sunday. >> did you have to show the cal highlights, really, henry? count we just pretend that it didn't happen? >> it's been a tough start.
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>> i try to be objective. >> i don't. all right. thank you, henry. popularity of poe t itry slam continues to grow. and today we actually met up with a fifth grader from the city's tenderloin whose per for mans took her to a national competition at harlem apollo theater. it's thanks to a non-profit called america scores. it provides a program that combines poetry with soccer. that's kind of interesting. today that group set out to break the guinness world record for most soccer ballses at one time. they achieved that. what they really achieved is integrating sports with learning. we will have more on the story and hear from that fifth grader to won that trip to new york tonight at 11:00. it's quite a story. first, we want to check. it is really cool. we want to check on the weather because we do have issues coming up. >> air quality and the heat, two things will make it tough. respiratory issues, outdoor plans may be effected some tomorrow as we start to see 90s on the board tomorrow.
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we do have that excessive heat watch tomorrow. especially come monday as it gets hotter. as that fog gets squished down to the ocean. tomorrow we will start to see more 90s pop up at the inland. tomorrow morning not so bad. watch what happens here as we head towards 1:00. already 88 degrees in livermore. that will be the hot spot. there you see it, right there, 5:00, 100 degrees out by livermore. 90s near san jose. things are heating up. monday, should be the peak of the heat, especially in the tri valley and then cool down mid week. all right. pretty excited about it. but we'll be careful. all right. we do have a programming note due to tonight's giants game that's coming up next, revolution can be seen on channel 36 at 8:00 p.m. and then we've got "law and order" that will air immediately following the game right here on nbc bay area at 9:00. join us for our local news on the bay area tonight at 11:00.
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all right. we'll see you then. good night. enjoy the giants.
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