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tv   NBC Nightly News  NBC  September 20, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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it's build your own burger. now at denny's. on the broadcast tonight, the fight for crucial votes, president obama pressed hard on immigration, specifically did he break his promise? and who does the president think is the real mitt romney? also this evening, the new polling numbers on the status of this race in three critical states. what really happened in the attack that killed our ambassador in the consulate in libya? was it a protest gone bad, or terrorists? school lunch, when breakfast is normally served. why tonight, schools are serving lunch at hours that makes no sense and allergies, why people who never complained before are suffering right now. also tonight, making a difference report, nightly news begins right now. captions paid for by nbc-universal television
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good evening, it won't bring back the u.s. ambassador or the three other americans who were murdered, including two former navy s.e.a.l.s, but tonight, what happened the night they died, the storming of that u.s. consulate in benghazi, libya, is being labelled the terrorist attacks. that was not the initial story we begin with what it does mean. our chief correspondent, andrea mitchell, good evening. good evening, tonight, the white house confirmed the attack was an act of terror, officials say by al qaeda members. but big whens remain about when it was planned and why initial reports were wrong under heavy guard, secretary of state hillary clinton, arriving in libya today to attend a memorial service for the americans killed there. now that the fbi is on scene,
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the u.s. acknowledged reports of a protest gone wild were wrong. on air force one, the press secretary, jay carney says it was self-evident that what happened in benghazi was a terrorist attack. president obama was asked about that today >> what we do know is that the natural protests that arose because of the outrage over the video were used as an excuse by extremists to see if they can also directly harm u.s. interests. >> reporter: intelligence officials now believe it could have been a planned attack all along, looking like a protest. today, officials briefed top members of congress. >> i think the story now is that there was not a demonstration. this was a pre-planned attack. >> reporter: but after the killings, the administration blamed it on protests sparked by the anti-islamist video. >> what happened in benghazi was a spontaneous reaction to what had happened hours before in cairo.
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>> reporter: frustrated, john mccain lashed out at officials for not pointing to al qaeda members. >> i was shocked they thought it was a spontaneous demonstration. it shows the level of their knowledge about fundamental aspects of terrorist attacks and militant operations. >> reporter: he also said he was worried about ambassador chris steven's safety, especially when he was with him on election night in libya. hillary clinton is announcing she will have a review board to investigate what happened, as she is required to by law. and another funeral in california, a funeral for tyrone woods, another member assigned in benghazi. witnesses say it could have been a long planned attack, taking the opportunity of protests, or no protests at all.
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they're investigating all possibilities andrea mitchell starting us off in washington, d.c., thank you. and now a critical time for both candidates, appearing head to head, hours apart in a forum designed for a spanish-speaking television audience. they have given interesting answers, including defensive remarks from the president, and a dramatic tactical change from mitt romney. our report from chief correspondent chuck todd. good evening. >> reporter: good evening, brian, the closest thing we get to a debate until the two meet, they made back-to-back appearances at a forum that was designed to speak to a crucial voting block, hispanics. it didn't take long for the president to find himself on the defensive, starting with immigration reform. >> a promise a promise, you promised that. and with all due respect, you didn't keep that promise. >> i am happy to take responsibility for the fact we didn't get it done, but i didn't make a promise that i would get everything done, 100 president,
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when i was elected president. >> reporter: later, he first listed immigration as a failure, at the top. and then said this. >> obviously, the fact we haven't been able to change the tone in washington is disappointing. i think that i have learned some lessons over the last four years. and the most important lesson i have learned is you can't washington from the inside, you can only change it from the outside >> reporter: mr. obama did acknowledge his comments, and when he was asked the question who was the real mitt romney? >> when you express an attitude that half the country thinks of itself as victims, they want to depend on government, my thinking is maybe you have not gotten around a lot. >> reporter: for his part, romney had a new response when asked about the 47% last night during his turn with uni vision
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>> first of all, this is a campaign about the 100%. my campaign is about the 100% of americans. i have demonstrated my capacity to help the 100%. >> reporter: most notable about romney's appearance, he struck a more including tone than he usually uses when he is talking about the rank and file republicans i have experience in health care reform. now and then, the president says i'm a grandfather of health care reform >> reporter: at times it was like a circus, but today he seemed focused and fired up. >> today, he threw in the white flag of surrender again, he said he can't change washington from inside, only from the outside, well, we'll give him the chance in november. he is going outside >> reporter: three new battle ground polls, iowa, colorado, wisconsin, it mirrors his national lead, take a look, they
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acknowledge the president is moving the state much closer in that direction than some of the other battleground states. one thing to note, mitt romney's likeability is at risk in these states. and we were in the field in the middle of this situation over that 47% >> all right, chuck todd, with all things political thank you. and now to capitol hill where a fight over the federal budget has put a big piece of legislation on hold. and that, of course, has left farmers across the country in limbo. our report from nbc's kelly o'donnell. >> reporter: for family farmers across america, first, the pain of drought. and now this. today, congress delivered a disappointing blow. >> we will deal with the farm bill after the election. >> reporter: but the current law expires in ten days. >> if we are fortunate enough to
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have lunch or breakfast today, we ought to care about the farm bill. >> reporter: the obstacle is not about farms, it is about a social program that gets its funding through the farm bill, food stamps a messy fight on how much government should spend on food stamps, many demand far deeper cuts to the program than the planned 16 billion reduction. >> the number of able-bodies have doubled. the federal debt is up by five trillion. >> reporter: the family business is at stake for colin johnson, a 36-year-old father of three. >> it's cone, okay. >> reporter: he relies on some government protections in the farm bill like crop insurance. >> as a young farmer that doesn't have a lot of cash reserves and equity, i think really strongly about whether or not i want to put the crop in for next year. >> reporter: dairy, fruit and live stock farmers could
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experience problems because of the disaster aid and the 5 hundred billion dollar package. farmers say they need certainty now to plan and borrow, meaning they must know what the specific subsidies will be. >> what will the farmer bill be? they are saying call john boehner, because we don't know. >> reporter: and the political pressure is falling squarely on the house, because the senate has already passed their version with big support from both parties. now for consumers, no immediate plan is happening, but the prices could go up early next year. >> kelly o'donnell, on the hill for us, thank you. there has been a lot of attention paid to school lunches, especially with first lady michelle obama leading the push for healthier food. but there is something else going on that a growing number of our public schools across this country are seeing. an issue when the students are fed in the school day.
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our report tonight from nbc's kate tur. >> reporter: it's just after 6:00 in the morning, and this 17-year-old is rushing out the door for school. no time for breakfast, class starting at 8:15 his first meal today is pizza, only a couple of bites, though. >> it doesn't sit right with my stomach. >> reporter: that is because it is 9:55 in the morning, joe's regular fourth period lunch. >> i think it is too early. they should have lunch at lunchtime. >> reporter: early, but it is happening across the country. schools in at least six states start lunch before 10:00 in the morning. and in some places they eat as early as 8:30 in the morning. nobody thinks it is ideal, but for many schools like vernon high school here, they simply don't have another choice. >> reporter: a big reason, they say, overcrowded schools and tight budgets. >> we had close to 1900 students
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here and could only fit about 450 in the cafeteria at one time. >> reporter: one principal made headlines by calling her 9:45 in the morning, brunch. >> i think it is ridiculous one spokesperson studied earlier lunches and found that they can lead to unhealthy snacking. >> yes, parents should be concerned, definitely. there is some research that learning can be hampered if young people are hungry. >> reporter: as for joe, the day doesn't stop with the final bell. >> as an athlete when you get to your soccer game, how hungry are you? how hard is it for you? >> sometimes i feel sluggish, and like i can't do it. i'm just really tired. >> reporter: nine hours running on a couple of bites of pizza and fries from his 9:55 in the morning lunch. katy tur.
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and a third program is hosting education nation, a look at what is working and how you can bring it to your community . it includes a summit here in new york, and we'll have continuing coverage on the web, including interviews with both president obama and mitt romney still ahead as we continue this evening. the mean season. allergies, early and fierce. and a whole slew of first-time sufferers. also a new forecast that doesn't help. and later, just when he thought it was time to retire, this man is heading off to war instead to make a difference.
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topping our health news tonight, the millions of americans who have no allergy history, who have never suffered before, but are suffering this season, right now. there is a reason for it. we get more tonight from our chief medical editor, dr. nancy snyderman. >> an air quality alert in effect for tomorrow, i suggest just don't breathe until about friday >> reporter: just two days until fall, with cold and flu seasons around the corner, seasonal allergies are knocking people
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for a loop. this map shows the ragweed and pollen. this 12-year-old is on multiple medications for his allergies, but still suffering severe symptoms. >> itchy nose, watery eyes, itchy eyes. >> reporter: at the allergy clinic in ft. worth, the doctor says this is especially bad for all ages. >> i have newly diagnosed patients, 70 or 80, also children, it can be anyone. >> reporter: some say the weather could be the cause. >> a very mild winter, very hot, dry summer, leading to the pollen that we're seeing. >> reporter: but pollen is not the only thing to blame. wildfires throughout the western united states this summer created a lingering haze this shows fires burning in idaho, montana, elsewhere in the
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west. they're causing air quality alerts in many areas. >> so tell me a little bit about how you're feeling. >> with the season, my allergies they're pretty bad. >> they tell me they're wanting to breathe again, can't wait until winter. >> reporter: the shots can help, but doctors say they're not always the best options, but those who don't want to take medication, there are other ways. shower and wash your hair before bedtime, clean your eyeglasses frequently windows closed in the house and in the car and keep pets clean. groom or bathe them frequently so they don't track pollen inside the house. doctors say relief from the allergies and all the symptoms will come when the first frost hits, when the weeds settle down, and dampen the pollen, as a matter of fact the smoke that is in the air. but the real concern is if the cold snap doesn't come soon and we have a warm winter, or that could be delayed.
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and just this afternoon, our chief environmental affair s correspondent, ann thompson, told me that is just the case in fact, brian, we may be in for a few warm months, not boding well for people. >> they're talking about people in their 80s, 90s, no symptoms before, and suffering now. >> reporter: and i think it is a couple of things, our immune systems are turning on like they never have before. our environment is so much more complex. and whether or not you believe in global warming, there has been a shift. and our bodies are part of the environment, and they are responding accordingly. so 70 and 80-year-olds who never had the symptoms before, they're complaining of it now. >> all right, dr. snyderman, thank you, as always. and up next, the video that is getting a lot of attention.
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it was a seemingly inconsequential moment between iran and saudi arabia this player notices something on the field, tosses it aside, and then a moment later it explodes. nobody knows what it was, except it could have done real damage had it gone differently. this passes for bipartisanship, republican speaker, john boehner, and nancy pelosi, a democrat driving the first nails in the platform for next january. speaker john boehner took his hammering really to the next level, something the former speaker found a bit unsettling. and we were duty-bound to pass this on. the leading web video. while we have no way of knowing if it is real, this is apparently shot at a petting zoo, at the baby goat who got out in too-deep water, enter this pig, who sure seems duty-bound to swim out there,
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and if not rescue the goat, at least nudge the other animal to safety. and yesterday in new york, the nypd held a mock-terrorism drill on the set of "boardwalk empire "put together, like atlantic city in 1920, giving the police department a real-life environment while performing exercises, while not scaring the public to death. this set as the backdrop of tonight's profile, of the actor, steve buscemi, who has not always been the leading man he is today, that includes the time he spent as a new york city firefighter. that airs tonight, at 10:00 and up next, a surgeon puts himself in harm's way to make a difference for those in uniform.
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time now for our making a difference report tonight, it is about a man who has decided retirement can wait. he is a surgeon whose name is, of all things, dr. bone, and is about to do the work many are not willing to do. his story tonight, from rehema ellis.
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>> reporter: lawrence bone is at a time in his life when he can focus on something other than x-rays, he has been a doctor for 35 years and he has been the chairman of the orthopedic hospital in up state new york but this 64-year-old surgeon pushed back all thoughts of retirement when he heard the army has great need for surgeons. >> i said wow, i would be more than happy to join, but i'm too old. and they looked at me and said, oh, no, you're not. >> reporter: the army says 75% of combat wounds involve broken bones and require the special skills of an orthopedic surgeon, he was the oldest to get a waiver because the military was eager to get him. >> the practicing physician, that is the most challenging mission that we have in the recruiting commands. we are competing with the rest of the market place in these highly skilled physicians and surgeons.
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>> reporter: patriotic pride and a father's gratitude motivated dr. bone to volunteer. military doctors patched up his son who would say was wounded in iraq years ago, his wife urged him to go. >> she said you have to do it, somebody took care of your son, now you go take care of somebody else's >> reporter: his daughter, also a doctor, says she is concerned about her dad's decision to put himself in harm's way for three years, but she is not surprised. >> this is not so much a sacrifice, but a duty he is willing to do. >> i am 35 years into treating civilians, now i am very honored to be able to serve the military and our wounded warriors. >> reporter: one man, extending his commitment to healing, all the way to a war zone. rehema ellis, nbc news, new york. great note to end on this
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thursday evening we hope to see you later tonight for rock center, 10 eastern, 9 central time. and we hope to see you right back here tomorrow night. good evening. good evening. thank you for joining us. he was a friend to all. that how the parents of slain ambassador chris stevens is remembering their son. stevens' mother and stepfather just returned home from washington where their son was honored by president obama. today, they sat down with nbc bay area's jody hernandez for their first on camera interview. a story you'll see only on nbc. joining us from piedmont high school. the parents must be so proud. >> reporter: oh,


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