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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 6  NBC  August 31, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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>> acting on her instincts, she took a big risk and intervened when no one else would. a young woman broke up a brawl on the streets of oakland last night and may have saved two lives. nbc bay area's jody hernandez joins us with video of this good samaritan in action. >> reporter: that good samari n samaritan, a 22-year-old college student did whatnot everyone would, she put her life on the line to break up a violent confrontation here in downtown oakland and two people may be alive tonight because of it. >> i feel like the only reason why violence is so prevalent here is because violence is allowed and no one is going to step in. >> reporter: but she could not sit back and do nothing when she saw a man and his girlfriend in trouble on the streets of oakland. within minutes, the argumentses
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turned physical as the mob attacked the couple. >> they knocked the guy to the ground and started stomping his forehead in and the girl got backhanded with the cds and got a big gash in her forecast. >> reporter: but what she did next is truly remarkable. as others simply watched, she ran across the street to the couple's aid, breaking up the mob and stopping the attack. >> i pushed them away, i said don't hurt me, i'm just here to help, you got what you wanted, i was like don't hurt me, and i kept on repeating that. >> reporter: and it worked, the crowd took off running as she helped the bleeding man, using her hand and her sock to stop the blood flow where the man's skull had been kicked in. >> i couldn't remove my hand, because the blood was going to keep coming out. so i took off my sock and
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wrapped it in paper powellings. >> reporter: the surveillance video shows the good samaritan in action when the police arrived. it clearly shows she put herself at risk in a heart beat. >> i couldn't go home and know that guy was getting his head stomped. and i knew if i surrounded myself with goodness and went in with good intentions, i knew it was going to be okay. >> reporter: that man received serious but not life-threatening injury s. we understand that both have now been released from the hospital. police say they so far they have yet to make any arrests, they are asking witnesses to come forward. reporting live in oakland, i'm jody hernandez. happening now, the coast guard working to retrieve what's
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left of the 14-foot boat that capsized on the san mateo bridge. a 16-year-old girl, a 51-year-old man were left stranded in that coiled water. ultimately the crew of a rescue boat from the alameda county fire department pulled them to safety. they were taken to the redwood city -- the dumbarton bridge will be shut down starting at 10:00 tonight. crews are working on an eastern expansion joint to make it earthquake ready so the work is expected to last all weekend with the bridge reopening by 5:00 on tuesday. the closure comes as aaa announced that as many as 23 million californians will hit the road this weekend, that's a boost from last year. people are not letting those gas prices or those airline tickets keep them at home. >> that's right, jessica and
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with all the numbers on the roads this year, chp has started its maximum enforcement period, all available officers out on patrol beginning just a couple of minutes ago. we have been seeing plenty of officers on the street. the usual friday night rush hour traffic plus that holiday weekend travel. some people are trying to avoid too much driving and trying to find ways to stay closer to home. >> the air is are fresh, you really feel alive. >> every vacation vera has taken before today has been in the wild. the campgrounds in the presidio, is the only overnight campground in san francisco. you're away from the cars and you're not in the middle of all the rush and the madness. it's a beautiful opportunity to get away and feel like you have gotten away. >> staying closer to home is an overall growing trend. people are balancing their
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vacation or staycation budgets to account for higher gas prices. >> up to 30% to 40% higher than last year. >> people have found ways to travel to cut back on expenditures. >> and during the year they have already prepped for their major traveling throughout the year. and they're prioritizing and spending less when they do travel. >> for shirley, a trip up from the central valley was far enough, traveling by am track. >> it's six hours and i'm tired of driving. so i would rather jump on the train and come here and let them drive for me. >> reporter: no matter how you get there the best vacation in the world is outdoors. and back here live, this chp enforcement period will last through monday night with dui
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check points set up throughout the weekend throughout the bay area. live in san francisco, stephanie trong, nbc bay area news. lets turn things over to meteorologist jeff ranieri, and i think the best staycation might be a blanket on the couch because it's cold outside. >> it's a good way to spend at least the early evening hours. we're tracking some major delays at the area airports because of the fog. we have still very thick here, especially across the peninsula. that's where we are finding the worst delays right now at san francisco international airport. an estimated three hours, we can only guess that it's likely a nightmare if you're trying to travel out for tonight. oakland about 45 minutes, san jose, general departure delays at this point. what's to come of the fog this weekend? we'll find the fog and the drizzle at the coast line also
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well inland. and tomorrow morning, if you have some sort of trip planned, a hopper flight, you may be foggeded in. we have fog across the east bay, the south bay, the peninsula and also the north bay. however if you have a flight on saturday afternoon, we'll have a lot more sunshine than we had for today and that's going to lead us to some much larger changes. this cooldown will be brief, we're talking about a much hotter labor day, a 23% jump in our temperatures. today the grind came to a halt for some employees in san mateo, when a construction crew ruptured a gas line. pg&e stopped the leak and several buildings had to be evacuated, though. right now the gas line has been capped, but repairs are still underway. new at 6:00, instead of caring for his patients, an east bay nurse is now accused of taking advantage of them.
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two women claim he sexual assaulted them at fremont hospital. they say 31-year-old nurse -- accused him of attacking her in 2009. the suspect's attorney says the hospital launched its own investigation into that complaint and cleared his client of any wrong doing. he has pleaded nokt to multiple counts of sexual battery. he no longer works at washington hospital. new details tonight, six confirmed cases but as many as 10,000 people may be at risk for the haunta virus. the centers for disease control says that more than 10,000 campers who said at the village over the summer may be at risk for the virus. the entire vus is carried in the droppings and european of deer mice. so far two people have died,
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four more are recovering. so this week, rangers closed the 91 signature tent cabins where five of the infected visitors stayed. investigators are now looking into a sixth case. the signature cabins are considered the common links since they are double lined with plywood where the mice were nesting. a man is charged with attempted murder in the case of road rage. he chased a cyclist on to the oakmont golf course and hit him with his car. smith was driving on a suspended license because of a previous road rage incident on 101. class is back in session and in grand fashion today rebuilt after a massive fire. trace elementary held a reopening ceremony for it's campus this morning. the original building was destroyed by arson back in 2010.
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two teenagers were convicted or starting that fire, which caused more than $10 million in damage. >> it's a day that we have been looking forward for the last two years. >> from tragedy, you have the opportunity to rise up. it builds character and so the character of this community really did come through. >> teachers and students who had been using portable classrooms while the new building was under construction are thrilled with their new digs. a san jose firefighter explains what it took to keep a fellow firefighter alive. the one thing he says that may have made the difference. also -- i'm kimberly terry live in san jose with more on how bay area kids are faring when it comes to education, more on the new report coming up. a mystery no more. meet california's newest millionaires and why they say it took them so long to come forward. >> i'm jeff ranieri, this cool westerly winds are dropping
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temperatures to where they should be with overnight lows in livermore 63. grab a jacket for tonight. as for tomorrow, temperatures creep up and we'll even get more sunshine and we'll talk about how we could get to 100 or close to it in just a few minutes. [ female announcer ] they can be enlightening. hey, bro. or engaging. conversations help us learn and grow. at wells fargo, we believe you can never underestimate the power of a conversation. it's this exchange of ideas that helps you move ahead with confidence. so when the conversation turns to your financial goals... turn to us. if you need anything else, let me know. wells fargo. together we'll go far.
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well, it's certainly no secret that california schools are having to do more with less asary budgets continue to get slashed. that's why it's so stunning and perplexing that california's standardized test scores have actually gone up, at least slightly. kimberly terry is live in san jose with more for us. kimberly? >> reporter: some good news and some bad news. the achievement gap is causing some major concern. when it comes to the state's standardized test scores,
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california students inched upwards for the ninth straight year. of the 4.7 million students tested this year. 57% scored proficient in english, and 51% scored proficient in math, the highest scores since 2003. >> the bay area is about 10 points higher in most cases. so the state is doing better than average except in the achievement gap area. >> the test scores of african-americans and latinos still trail far behind those of cau caucasians and hispanics. >> if we don't pay attention and make sure that number grows, our overall number can't grow. >> all students need to be given the tools to succeed. >> so we're really focusing and trying to wrap services around those kids and really provide a
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scaffold to accelerate their achievement. >> educators say their students need more support along with an understanding of why education is important. they also say technology needs to become a bigger priority in schools. >> if everyone gets involved in children's education, not only supporting it financially but voluntarily inside the cl classroom, that will be a game changer in increasing scores. we have done great, but we need to do better. >> reporter: on another note in the silicon valley, more students are taking college prep courses, including algebra. budget cuts have forced court leaders to enact changes that will affect everyone from the public to law enforcement. the state trims $7 million from the court's operating budget this year alone and took another
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$8 million in reserves. all 20g9, the state court system saw it's budget cut by 27%. among the changes in the coming months. six courtrooms across the county will close and others will only operate four days a week. some courts will be consolidated or eliminate #. police in san jose need help in tracking down a woman who was taking a walk on sunday afternoon. i want to show you a sketch. it's the suspect. a woman says she was walking on south baskum and south moore when the suspect attacked her. he was between 25 and 35 and he
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was wearing a white shirt with paint splatters. police from local police -- at least six men armed with handguns and hammers robbed the jewelry store in vacaville yesterday morning. the police caught three of the suspects, but say the others managed to get away. the three arrested suspects are said to be from san francisco. >> 100 new jobs are opening up at the state board of equalization. california is hiring auditors to collect sales tax from online sellers, including it's part of a new law to level the playing field for so-called brick and mortar stores. those stores have to collect sales tax between 9.75%.
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now online stores have to collect the same taxes. the new auditors will be charged with identifying those retailers and collect the state's money. california's newest millionaires have finally stepped forward to cash in their lotto ticket worth 52 million bucks. vladimir knew she had a winning ticket, but didn't know how much he had won. vladimir went to the lottery's website where he saw a picture of himself. just this week, the california lottery started posting pictures of lottery tickets who have failed to pick up their winnings. his wife told him the news. >> i started yelling and my daughter thought we were
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fighting. >> a good reason to scream. vladimir had been laid off from his job. and they planned on buying a home because they had been renting an apartment. let's turn things over to jeff ranieri, this is friday and it's hotter than expected. >> it's going to get a lot hotter here as we head throughout the next few days, that's the good news. let's take a look at these winds, it hasn't budged the past 24 hours, and that's why temperatures were so cold this morning. overall temperatures in the upper 50s to low 60s from san francisco back into livermore currently at 63 and also 64 in san jose. let's take you out to that live sky camera network and you can see a lot of cloud cover here in san francisco. we did have a few rays of sunshine, but that's now gone. plenty of mid level moisture right now, but down in the south bay, we did get in on some mid and upper 70s today, some
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microclimates in full effect today, depending on where you were. we did have some drastically different conditions. wh i do know there's going to be enough mid level moisture and temperatures should get cold enough that we will have more fog develop as we head throughout tomorrow morning. overall travel delays right now, three hours in san francisco, 45 minutes in oakland, only 15-hour general departure delays in san jose. but this fog returning for tomorrow, we will see those delays stack up. the fog is not going to last too long. high pressure is going to build offshore and by sunday and monday, temperatures will be approaching the mid and upper 90s. your day planner for saturday will have -- and a low to mid 80s expected for the interior valleys and also the sunshine. here's a neek sneak peek, by monday, mid 90s on labor day,
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how's that, jessica? well, marine experts are breathing a sigh of relief tonight because it appears that two wayward dolphins have 230u7d their way out of the south san francisco canal. the bottle nosed dolphins in the first part of wednesday night in -- experts were worried because at least one of them appeared to be sick or maybe injured. today they say no sign of them and they believe they're headed back out to the ocean and that they did it all on their own. >> still here at 6:00, honoring a hero, a tribute happening right here in the south bay for pat tilmon. >> detailings of the new pension reform bill and what it could mean for the future of state workers.
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a victory for governor brown today, as state lawmakers approve state pension reform affecting tens of thousands of
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californians. brown said he needed support for his tax hike proposal in november. it's expected to save the state $30 billion over the next six years. it also ends so called pension spiking where workers get large, last-minute raises artificially inflating their pensions. >> the package that we voted on today that will go to the governor deals with all of that and a whole lot more. it actually changes the pension system going forward by requiring people to work longer before they get the maximum pension. >> unions from government workers strongly oppose the bill, saying it tramples the -- the bill, sponsored by berkeley assembly woman nancy
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skinner would give licenses to immigrants 30 years or younger that were brought to the united states illegally as children and are approved for two-year work permits and protection from deportation. still ahead, here to the surprise guest overshadow the main event? >> i'm not getting shut out, it's my turn. >> it's the speech that may have stolen the show at the republican convention. clint eastwood talking to an imaginary president obama. what viewers missed instead. coming up, one-on-one with a firefighter that helped save his buddy's life. and one little art project is catching a lot of people's eye on the golden gate bridge. have you heard of the new dialing procedure
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for the 408 and 669 area codes? no, what is it? starting october 20, 2012, if you have a 408 or 669 number, you'll need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. o.k., but what if i have an 408 number and i'm calling a 408 number?
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you'll still need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out! a san jose firefighter remains in a medically induced coma tonight. firefighter frank ryan suffered a heart attack while battling a fire at san jose's st. patrick's
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cathedral. and his fellow firefighters are credited with saving his life. damon spent some time today with the fire captain who was the first to jump in to save frank's life. >> to see him go down right in front of you like that. >> reporter: it's an image he will not forget. his academy partner, frank ryan suffered a heart attack. >> i was frozen for a second. it was unbelievable to witness him go down. >> reporter: it's what brian did moments after the heart attack that helped save his buddy's life. >> as fast as thing moved, it almost was moving in slow motion a little bit. >> frank didn't have a pulse, frank wasn't breathing, he was in full cardiac arrest. >> the artery of this particular patient was blocked and it actually stopped the rhythm.
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that is what we call sudden death and if it's not re-stored within moments, we could lose the patient forever. >> but his fellow firefighters started his heart again saving his life. >> his brothers and sisters were in the right place at to the right time. >> that happened at st. patrick's cathedral. >> the fact that he was at work today was actually the angel on his shoulder. >> we in our hearts know that maybe it was because it happened in church, near a church, that had something to do with that. we really feel like god was with us yesterday. >> he did his part by fighting and hanging in there and he's still fighting this morning. >> that fight won't be easy for frank ryan. his recovery will be long, his heart is weak, but the fact that it's beating at all is thanks to his brothers and sisters in blue. >> doctors tell me a medically induced coma is when they put someone in deep sedation to keep
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them from feeling pain. the cause and origin of this fire is still under investigation. >> thank you, damian. it's not just any football game, it's the first ever pat tilmon legacy game at leland high school. it's a way for the school to honor pat tilmon who played football at leland before making it big in the nfl. he traded in his football uniform for a u.s. army uniform. tilmon was killed during a tragic accident of friendly fire back in 2004. eight years later, his alma mater is naming the first game of every season after him. incoming freshman who were just 6 or 7 years old when tilmon died. >> everything we're doing here
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is an uplifting storytelling celebration of his life. we're trying to key in on the fact that pat's a hero to us because of the way he lived, not because of the way he died. >> before the game, during the pre-game ceremonies, they will show a brief video about pat tilmon and they will honor and recognize tilmon's mother mary on the field. new information tonight about a bizarre story from lake tahoe we first told you about last winter. authorities there have closed the investigation into the suspicious deaths of elderly twin who is had lived together for 40 years. the 73-year-olds were found dead in their lake tahoe home in february and there was no sign of struggle. the autopsies say one sister died of artery disease and her sister died of hypothermia. while republicans are still
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trying to rein in the spin after clinton's performance at the rnc, democrats are getting ready for their own show. >> reporter: before splitting up to campaign, mitt romney and paul ryan put a positive spin on their republican convention. >> coming out of tampa, we have given our fellow countrymen a very clear choice. >> you listened to the last guy running for president, he laid out what he would do, he was unable to do it. it's time to give someone new a chance. >> reporter: in his soaring speech last night, romney did not lay out specifics. >> i have a plan to create 12 million new jobs. >> reporter: a lot of buzz today is not about the romney speech, it's about clint eastward's odd chat with imaginary barack obama. >> people are wondering, you don't -- >> viewers saw that instead of
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moving tributes to romney. >> he's a man of faith and extraordinary character. >> what happened with east wood will not turn the --- >> today romney changed his schedule to visit louisiana for a presidential style tour of the hurricane isaac flood zone. >> our hearts are obviously with all the folks who are down in louisiana and the gulf coast. >> reporter: president obama tours isaac damage monday. today he was at ft. bliss texas, reminding voters he kept a promise made august 21st, 2010. >> that night i told american people that all of our troops would be out of iraq by the end of the following year. >> reporter: the time-warner arena in charlotte is almost ready. this state, north carolina and florida are battlegrounds in the race for the white house, in
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these two and all the other swing states. both campaigns will be carefully watching the polls, to try to see what kind of a convention bounce if any romney got from the rnc, at the site of the dnc in charlotte, i'm steve handelsman. let's take you down to new orleans where the cleanup continues all across the gulf coast, in the wake of what was hurricane isaac. the storm is being blamed for at least two deaths, hundreds of thousands are without power after two straight days of driving rain. power crews still working feverishly to get the 1 million people who lost power back online. and despite all that work, residents say they are staying positive. >> it will be back to normal, we know, it may take a week or two, but it is what it is at this point. >> the dusk to dawn curfew that had been in place in new orleans has been lifted and businesses are reopening. scary moments in the
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philippines as a 7.6 magnitude earthquake rattled off the coast today. towns in the central and southern philippines reported power outages. initial reports of a possible tsunami prompted coastal residents to move to higher ground, but the tsunami alert has been lifted for countries in that region, including both indonesia and japan. the usgs in menlo park says this is a rare event. it's a -- >> these tape types of faults are capable of generating the large magnitude 8 to 9 events, in california, we're dominated by the strike slip faults because of the type of bourntd we have along the coast of california and these, generally we have up to about an 8 is the largest events.
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and that's the 1906 type of events. >> the usgs says there's about a 63% chance that the bay area will experience a magnitude 6 to 7 quake in the 30 years. samsung did not infringe on an apple patent. in the ongoing global legal battle between those two titans. a week a lot, san jose ruled that certain samsung smart phones violated apple patents. the man who signed his name to the guilty verdict tells nbc bay area, he was a reluctant tomorrow. bill hogan says he was surprised he was even picked for the trial given his tech background. he fixtuc figure afternoon son >> i initially hadn't wanted to be foreman. i was unanimously voted in. the only dissending vote was
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mine. and so i knew who i had voted for. so when i leaned over, he was sitting beside me, i said you and i are going to facilitate this together. and it worked very well that way. >> hogan sittings down with our scott mcgrew sunday morning right after "meet the press" on nbc's bay area. still ahead here at 6:00, the rare event happening in the sky tonight. plus in a world of smart phones and gps devices, are paper maps becoming another relic of the path. bob burdell takes us on a road trip. i'm jeff ranieri, cool westerly winds providing fog over to the east bay. temperatures dropping into the low 60s, however much larger changes for your labor day weekend. here's a look at our inland forecast, and note by labor day, mid 90s. we'll have your full forecast in
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just minutes.
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vrj vrj. usually we see a blue moon. we see a blue moon every 2.7 years. fittingly, neil armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon was laid to rest in smith today, his family asks that every time you see the moon, you smile and you give wink for armstrong.
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>> the solar beacons atop the golden gate bridge will shine on for another month. the idea of a uc berkeley space scientist. they were part of the 76th if of the golden gate, they have been so positive t lights will stay on an extra month. since they're remote controlled, their fans have witnessed flashes at the beaches. you can shine it wherever you want. tomorrow they'll be pointed at cal's newly renovated memorial stadium for the first football game there and thrown the new stadium at noon kick off against nevada. so that little light will be questioned.
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coming up in sports, a rough afternoon for the giants in chitown, why we aren't exaggerating when we say they were sleep walking against the cubs. the petaluma national little leaguers are back on the diamond tonight, details on a trip to their field of dreams, next in sports. the giants brought the actual cup and their world series together. >> the day with the giants was great. they're obviously an iconic team
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here in the bay area, and we just got to meet some of the people and be in that stadium. >> and jim any spit grew up playing cricket in australia. he was dead set on not bouncing the ceremonial pitch. >> ours is a team sport like the giants and you're nothing without your teammates, so its obviously felt good to have him behind him. i'm just very, very honored to be in the giants house. >> for the giants in the nbc bay area, i'm lawrence scott. [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy.
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i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers. blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible.
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paper or plastic. more and more drivers are choosinga plastic gps on the dashboard leafing paper maps in the dust. >> tell me how to get from here to the airport. >> reporter: the more travelers ditch the paper map in favor of gps, the more reading a map -- becomes a lost art. >> i can't read maps. >> hey, i think we're lost. >> reporter: none of which has lost on ron metzger. >> so this is the lincoln
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highway. >> when those paper maps were easy to find. >> and much more interesting to look at. >> they really put some effort. here's some cover. >> i've been to every state. >> and on ebay lon has collected more maps unanimous you can shove into a glove bock. >> there's about 5,000 maps. >> most of those were described by hadn't by jeff holder of northern california. >> you look at a map like this going back to the 20s. >> where he is still employed, but not as a map maker. aaa nor cal shut down it's -- since -- whoa, whoa, it's down by as much as 60%. jeff and lon don't resent gps technology, it gets you from
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point a to point b. >> the computer doesn't know my wishes as well as i do i guess. and the map lets me comprehend the big picture. >> they can see this big picture and say here's this road that goes off to a small town and they say i wonder what reece in that area. >> i still have maps in my glove box. >> jeff, paper or plastic? jeff's really high-tech. >> i look at maps every single day. like this one back behind me. >> he's the map expert. >> vintage, yes, sometimes, let's take a look at the marine layer and fog here. creating a lot of airport delays. what you're going to be able to find is over the next three to four hours in san francisco, we are still going to be running about three hours behind, that
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is for arriving flights, but if you have one taking off, or you're going to pick someone up. general departure delays in san jose. if you have anyone arriving this weekend, it looks as if those delays will be getting better for us. right now it's all about the cold, this westerly wind dropping everybody e's -- blue y in san jose and that's where we did find the warmest temperature, maybe even a few isolated upper 70s we did have. back on the weather boards, what produces the weather boards, that was this trough of low pressure. the cool, foggy breeze today, a little slice of that for tomorrow, then if you want the heat for labor day, here it comes. high pressure is going to nudge in here out from the pacific. temperatures could be jumping not only 20 degrees. but maybe even 30 degrees from
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what we experienced for today. as we head into sunday, that's when that hot trend's going to fire on up. we'll have some 90s. 6:00 a.m. for tomorrow. marin, napa, sewn noam ma, the coastline. also in the east bay, we'll have the low clouds, fog, maybe a few light areas of drizzle. by 2 and 3:00 p.m. tomorrow, we should have some widespread sunshine as that fog starts to push out. we start off cold with upper 40s in san what rosa. how about our daytime highs on saturday? it's going to be that transitional day. before we get to the hot, it will be more comfortable for the first part of your weekend, 79 in san jose, 82 in morgan hill.
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80 in walnut creek, 78 in dan ville, back by the bay, hayward and for san francisco, a hot day for us. also expecting 79 in santa rosa. three-day forecast, up into the mid 90s. we do have small craft advisory, also some dangerous rip currents that could be out there, and then as we head throughout a lot of next week, temperatures will just continue to be pretty stable. it may get pretty humid for us tuesday and wednesday of next week as some remnants of what's hurricane eileena may actually shower in. >> it was like a november day today. >> i know, i went to grab for the jacket but it wasn't in the closet, so i just said forget it. >> it was cold. >> let's get to sports.
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>> the team has announced it has cut quarterback and oakland native josh johnson. another of the team's quarterbacks has made the 53-man roster, we'll have more on this story and the team's other roster moves coming up at 11:00. another sleep deprived group in chicago as the as got in at 23k a.m. and had to turn around and take the field at 11:00 a.m. this morning. giants and cubs, one on, two out for alfonso soriano, he's been hitting the ball long this season and go ahead and rack up number 24. two batters later, wellington castillo hilts a shot to the
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left. grego blanco trying to get it. he can't handle it. there was a throw home by arrest yas, it's on time, but buster posey drops it. the ball gets away from him. starling castor scores, 5-0 kucks, bum gartner, cups win it 6-4 is your final. meanwhile the as are rolling and they have no desire to hit the brakes. the green and gold return to the bay after going 6-1 after the road trip. tonight kate long worth has the latest on the guys who have won 12 of their last 14 games. >> the as are a season high 16 games over .500, and they have won their last five against the red socks. so on paper, things are look good for the athletics. but in talking with the players, they told us the key to success is never underestimate your opponent. >> still a dangerous team, they
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didn't have elsworth, podsednic is doing very well for them. they probably have a lot of runs in them. when we last saw them when they were here, they probably looked at our roster when they first saw us and said there was a significant difference too. >> they're going to play their game, and knight is going to have a plan that he's going to try to execute and you have to stick with your plan and try to execute as well. no matter who the starting pitcher is, you have to go out and try to play your game. >> they have gotten rid of some big names and a big bat in the middle of their lineup, big poppy right now, we just got to go out there, we can't go out there and play these guys like we're going to roll over. we got to go out there and play the game every day. just got to stick with our game. >> and he's making news evening before taking the field as our as insider first reported a.j.
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griffin will get to make the start on sunday. let's stay in oakland for a minute. there's still young guys, but petaluma's little leaguers got a chance to hang out with the pros. they're being honored in a pre-game ceremony. each player will receive a ball signed by the entire oakland as squad. >> it was a great experience for them to be out here with the team and experience what the big leaguers get to go through, because that's the dreams they all have. but nothing replaces actually playing. the fact that they never gave up and they got themselves back in the game. i'm tremendously proud of their effort. nobody wanted to lose, none of the kids wanted to lose that game. so the seventh inning hurt us a little bit, but, you know, i don't want to take nick away from what they did to get us to
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the seventh inning. that was pretty incredible. >> con greats to the pride of petalu petaluma. we'll have reaction from the clubhouse coming up a little later. by the way, can you believe it? those little leaguers are going to be watching the game from the suite. yes, the suite. i can't even get a seat in the suite. can you believe that? >> and they're warming up with the team. how cool is that? >> thank you very much henry, for a full half hour of bay area sports coverage, you can watch comcast sports net tonight at 10:30.
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that's going to do it for us.
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